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8275. TARIFF, States and.—

States have passed acts for vesting Congress
with the whole regulation of their commerce,
reserving the revenue arising from these regulations
to the disposal of the State in which
it is levied; * * * but the Assembly of
Virginia, apprehensive that this disjointed
method of proceeding may fail in its effect,
or be much retarded, passed a resolution on
the 21st of January, 1786, appointing commissioners
to meet others from the other
States, whom they invite into the same measure,
to digest the form of an act for investing
Congress with such powers over their commerce
as shall be thought expedient, which
act is to be reported to their several Assemblies
for their adoption.—
To M. de Meunier. Washington ed. ix, 257. Ford ed., iv, 162.
(P. 1786)
See Debt, Drawbacks, Duties, Excise Law, Free Trade, General Welfare Clause, Internal
Improvements, Manufactures, Protection,
Surplus, and Taxation.