8235. SUPREME COURT, Republicanism and.—[further continued] .
I consider the substituting,
in the place of Cushing, a firm, unequivocating
republican, whose principles are born
with him, and not an occasional ingraftment,
as necessary to complete that great reformation
in our government to which the nation
gave its fiat ten years ago. They have completed
and maintained it steadily in the two
branches dependent on them, but the third,
unfortunately and unwisely, made independent
not only of the nation, but even of their
own conduct, have hitherto bid defiance to
the public will, and erected themselves into
a political body with the assumed functions
of correcting what they deem the errors of
the nation.—
To Gideon Granger.
Ford ed., ix, 286.
Oct. 1810)