7536. REVOLUTION (French), Notables called.—[continued].
The Assemblée des Notables met yesterday [Feb. 22]. The King, in
a short but affectionate speech, informed them
of his wish to consult with them on the plans
he had digested, and on the general good of
his people, and his desire to imitate the head
of his family, Henry IV., whose memory is so
dear to the nation. The Gardé des Sceaux
then spoke about twenty minutes, chiefly in
compliment to the orders present. The Comptroller
General, in a speech of about an hour
opened the budget, and enlarged on the several
subjects which will be under their deliberation,
* * * and the institution of Provincial Assemblies.
The Assemblée was then divided into
committees, with a prince of the blood at the
head of each.—
To John Jay. Washington ed. ii, 129.