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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia;

a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.;

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6660. PHILOSOPHY, Ancient.—
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6660. PHILOSOPHY, Ancient.—

moral principles inculcated by the most esteemed
of the sects of ancient philosophy, or of
their individuals; particularly, Pythagoras, Socrates,
Epicurus, Cicero, Epictetus, Seneca and
Antoninus, related chiefly to ourselves, and the
government of those passions which, unrestrained,
would disturb our tranquillity of mind.
In this branch of philosophy they were really
great. In developing our duties to others, they
were short and defective. They embraced, indeed,
the circles of kindred and friends, and
inculcated patriotism, or the love of our country
in the aggregate, as a primary obligation;
towards our neighbors and countrymen they
taught justice, but scarcely viewed them as
within the circle of benevolence. Still less
have they inculcated peace, charity, and love to
our fellow men, or embraced with benevolence
the whole family of mankind.—
Syllabus of the Doctrines of Jesus. Washington ed. iv, 480. Ford ed., viii, 224.