6156. OFFICE-HOLDERS, Matrimony and.—
Mr. Remsen having decided definitely
to resign his office of Chief clerk, I have considered
with all the impartiality in my power
the different grounds on which yourself and
Mr. Taylor stand in competition for the
succession. I understand that he was appointed
a month before you, and that you
came into actual service about a month before
he did. These circumstances place you so
equally, that I cannot derive from them any
ground of preference. Yet obliged to decide
one way or the other, I find in a comparison
of your conditions a circumstance of considerable
equity in his favor. He is a married
man, with a family; yourself single. There
can be no doubt but that $500 place a single
man as much at his ease as $800 do a married
one. On this single circumstance, then, I
have thought myself bound to appoint Mr.
Taylor chief clerk.—
To Jacob Blackwell.
Ford ed., v, 490.