6125. OFFICES, Policy respecting.—[continued].
All offices were in the
hands of the federalists. The injustice of
having totally excluded republicans was acknowledged
by every man. To have removed
one half, and to have placed good republicans
in their stead, would have been rigorously
just, when it was known that these composed
a very great majority of the nation. Yet
such was their moderation in most of the
States, that they did not desire it. In these,
therefore, no removals took place but for
malversation. In the middle States, the contention
had been higher, spirits were more
sharpened and less accommodating. It was
necessary in these to practice a different
treatment, and to make a few changes to
tranquilize the injured party.—
To William Short. Washington ed. iv, 414.
Ford ed., viii, 97.