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6092. OFFICES, Federal monarchists and.—[further continued].

I have spoken of the federalists
as if they were a homogeneous body,
but this is not the truth. Under that name
lurks the heretical sect of monarchists.
Afraid to wear their own name, they creep
under the mantle of federalism, and the federalists,
like sheep, permit the fox to take
shelter among them, when pursued by the
dogs. These men have no right to office.
If a monarchist be in office anywhere, and it
be known to the President, the oath he has
taken to support the Constitution imperiously
requires the instantaneous dismission of such
officer; and I should hold the President criminal
if he permitted such to remain. To appoint
a monarchist to conduct the affairs of
a republic, is like appointing an atheist to the
priesthood. As to the real federalists, I take
them to my bosom as brothers. I view them
as honest men, friends to the present Constitution.
From a Newspaper Letter. Ford ed., viii, 237.
(June. 1803)


An article in the New York Evening Post led
Jefferson to write a letter, signed “Fair Play”, with
a view to publication in New England. It was the
second instance of Jefferson's departure from his
rule of not writing for newpapers. The object was
to provoke discussion.—Editor.