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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia;

a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.;
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5572. MOUSTIER (Count), Recall.—
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5572. MOUSTIER (Count), Recall.—

We had before understood * * * that the
conduct of the Count Moustier was politically
and morally offensive. It was delicate for me
to speak on the subject to the Count de Montmorin.
The invaluable mediation of * * * the Marquis de Lafayette was, therefore, resorted
to, and the subject explained, though
not pressed. Later intelligence showing the
necessity of pressing it, it has been represented
through the same medium to the Count de
Montmorin, that recent information proved to
us, that his minister's conduct had rendered
him personally odious in America, and might
even influence the dispositions of the two
nations; that his recall was become a matter
of mutual concern; that we had understood
he was instructed to remind the new government
of their debt to this country, and that
he was in the purpose of doing it in very harsh
terms; that this could not increase their desire
of hastening payment, and might wound their
affections; that, therefore, it was much to
be desired that his discretion should not be
trusted to, as to the form in which the demand
should be made, but that the letter should be
written here, and he instructed to add nothing
but his signature; nor was his private conduct
omitted. The Count de Montmorin was sensibly
impressed. * * * It had been decided,
on the request of the Marquis de la Luzerne,
that Otto should go to London; that they would
send a person [Colonel Ternant] to America
as Chargé des Affaires in place of Otto, and
that if the President (General Washington)
approved of him, he should be afterwards made
minister. * * * Ternant will see that his
predecessor is recalled for unconciliatory deportment,
and that he will owe his own promotion
to the approbation of the President.—
To John Jay. Washington ed. ii, 571.
(P. 1789)