5474. MONROE (James), Diplomatic expenses.—
Although it is not pleasant to fall
short in returning civilities, yet necessity has
rendered this so familiar in Europe as not to
lessen respect for the person whose circumstances
do not permit a return of hospitalities.
I see by your letters the pain which this situation
gives you, and I can estimate its acuteness
from the generosity of your nature. But,
my dear friend, calculate with mathematical
rigor the pain annexed to each branch of the
dilemma, and pursue that which brings the
least. To give up entertainment, and to live
with the most rigorous economy till you have
cleared yourself of every demand is a pain for
a definite time only; but to return here with
accumulated encumbrances on you, will fill your
life with torture. We wish to do everything
for you which law and rule will permit. But
more than this would injure you as much as
us. Believing that the mission to Spain will
enable you to suspend expense greatly in London,
and to apply your salary during your absence
to the clearing off your debt, you will
be instructed to proceed there as soon as you
shall have regulated certain points of neutral
right for us with England, or as soon as you
find nothing in that way can be done.—
To James Monroe.
Ford ed., viii, 288.
Jan. 1804)