5046. MANUFACTURES, Tariff on foreign.—
Where a nation imposes high duties
on our productions, or prohibits them
altogether, it may be proper for us to do
the same by theirs; first burdening or excluding
those productions which they bring here,
in competition with our own of the same
kind; selecting next, such manufactures as
we take from them in greatest quantity, and
which, at the same time, we could the soonest
furnish to ourselves, or obtain from other
countries; imposing on them duties lighter at
first, but heavier and heavier, afterwards, as
other channels of supply open. Such duties,
having the effect of indirect encouragement
to domestic manufactures of the same kind,
may induce the manufacturer to come himself
into these States, where cheaper subsistence,
equal laws, and a vent of his wares,
free of duty, may ensure him the highest
profits from his skill and industry. And
here, it would be in the power of the State
governments to cooperate essentially, by
opening the resources of encouragement
which are under their control, extending them
liberally to artists in those particular branches
of manufacture for which their soil, climate,
population and other circumstances have matured
them, and fostering the precious efforts
and progress of
household manufacture, by
some patronage suited to the nature of its
objects, guided by the local informations they
possess, and guarded against abuse by their
presence and attentions. The oppressions on
our agriculture, in foreign ports, would thus
be made the occasion of relieving it from a
dependence on the councils and conduct of
others, and of promoting arts, manufactures
and population at home.—
Foreign Commerce Report. Washington ed. vii, 648.
Ford ed., vi, 481.
(Dec. 1793)
See Duties, Protection and Tariff.