4475. LATROBE (B. H.), Burr's Treason and.—
I believe we shall send on Latrobe
as a witness. He will prove that Aaron Burr
endeavored to get him to engage several thousand
men, chiefly Irish emigrants, whom he had
been in the habit of employing in the works
he directs, under pretence of a canal opposite
Louisville, or of the Washita, in which, had he
succeeded, he could with that force alone have
carried everything before him, and would not
have been where he now is. He knows, too, of
certain meetings of Burr, Bollman, Yrnjo, and
one other whom we have never named yet, but
have him not the less in our view.—
To George Hay. Washington ed. v, 99.
Ford ed., ix, 58.
June. 1807)