University of Virginia Library

4071. JAY (John), Newspaper attacks.—

I observe by the public papers that Mr.
Littlepage has brought on a very disagreeable
altercation with Mr. Jay. in which he has given
to the character of the latter a coloring which
does not belong to it. * * * In truth it is
afflicting that a man who has passed his life in
serving the public, who has served them in the
highest stations with universal approbation, and
with a purity of conduct which has silenced
even party opprobrium; who, though poor, has
never permitted himself to make a shilling in
the public employ, should yet be liable to have


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his peace of mind so much disturbed by any
individual who shall think proper to arraign
him in a newspaper. It is, however, an evil
for which there is no remedy. Our liberty depends
on the freedom of the press, and that
cannot be limited without being lost. To the
sacrifice of time, labor, fortune, a public servant
must count upon adding that of peace of mind
and even reputation.—
To Dr. James Currie. Ford ed., iv, 131.
(P. 1786)