3426. GENET, Recall of.—[continued].
The renvoi of Genet was
proposed [in cabinet] by the President. I opposed
it on these topics. France, the only nation
on earth sincerely our friend. The measure
so harsh a one, that no precedent is produced
where it has not been followed by war.
Our messenger has now been gone eighty-four
days; consequently, we may hourly expect the
return, and to be relieved by their revocation
of him. Were it now resolved on, it would be
eight or ten days before the matter on which
the order should be founded, could be selected,
arranged, discussed, and forwarded. This
would bring us within four or five days of
the meeting of Congress. Would it not be better
to wait and see how the pulse of that body,
new as it is, would beat? They are with us
now, probably, but such a step as this may carry
many over to Genet's side. Genet will not
obey the order, &c., &c. The President asked
me what I would do if Genet sent the accusation
to us to be communicated to Congress,
as he threatened in a letter to Moultrie? I
said I would not send it to Congress; but either
put it in the newspapers, or send it back to him
to be published if he pleased. [213]
The Anas. Washington ed. ix, 179.
Ford ed., i, 267.
(Nov. 1793)