3017. FISHERIES, Protection of.—
will rest with the wisdom of the Legislature
to decide, whether prohibition should not be
opposed to prohibition, and high duty to high
duty, on the fish of other nations; whether any,
and which, of the naval and other duties May
be remitted, or an equivalent given to the fisherman,
in the form of a drawback, or bounty;
and whether the loss of markets abroad, May
not, in some degree, be compensated, by creating
markets at home; to which might contribute
the constituting fish a part of the
military ration, in stations not too distant
from navigation, a part of the necessary sea
stores of vessels, and the encouraging private
individuals to let the fishermen share with
the cultivator, in furnishing the supplies of the
table. A habit introduced from motives of
patriotism, would soon be followed from
motives of taste; and who will undertake to
fix the limits to this demand, if it can be
once excited, with a nation which doubles,
and will continue to double, at very short
Report on Fisheries. Washington ed. vii, 544.