2692. ENGLAND, Tyrant of ocean.—
Great Britain has certainly * * * declared
to our government by an official
paper, that the conduct of France towards
her during this war has obliged her to take
possession of the ocean, and to determine
that no commerce shall be carried on with the
nations connected with France; that, however,
she is disposed to relax in this determination
so far as to permit the commerce
which may be carried on through the British
ports. I have, for three or four years been
confident that, knowing that he own resources
were not adequate to the maintenance
of her present navy, she meant with it to
claim the conquest of the ocean, and to permit
no nation to navigate it, but on payment
of a tribute for the maintenance of the fleet
necessary to secure that dominion. A thousand
circumstances brought together left me
without a doubt that that policy directed all
her conduct, although not avowed. This is
the first time she has thrown off the mask.—
To Archibald Stuart. Washington ed. v, 606.
Ford ed., ix, 326.
Aug. 1811)