2654. ENGLAND, Jefferson and.—[further continued].
With respect to myself I saw great reason to believe their ministers
were weak enough to credit the newspaper
trash about a supposed personal enmity in
myself towards England. This wretched party
imputation was beneath the notice of wise
men. England never did me a personal injury,
other than in open war; and for numerous
individuals there, I have great esteem
and friendship. And I must have had a mind
far below the duties of my station, to have
felt either national partialities or antipathies
in conducting the affairs confided to me.
My affections were first for my own country,
and then, generally, for all mankind; and
nothing but minds placing themselves above
the passions, in the functionaries of this country,
could have preserved us from the war to
which their provocations have been constantly
urging us.—
To Thomas Law. Washington ed. v, 556.
Ford ed., ix, 292.