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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia;

a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.;

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2645. ENGLAND, Hostility of.—

I think
the King, ministers, and nation are more bitterly
hostile to us at present, than at any
period of the late war. A like disposition
on our part has been rising for some time.
In what events these things will end, we
cannot foresee. Our countrymen are eager in
their passions and enterprises, and not disposed
to calculate their interests against these.
Our enemies (for such they are, in fact),
have for twelve years past followed but one
uniform rule, that of doing exactly the contrary
of what reason points out. Having,
early during our contest, observed this in the
British conduct, I governed myself by it in
all prognostications of their measures; and I
can say, with truth, it never failed me but
in the circumstance of their making peace
with us. [167]
To William Carmichael. Washington ed. i, 552.
(P. May. 1786)

See Treaties.


This was written immediately after Adams and
Jefferson had reported to Congress their failure to negotiate
a commercial treaty with England.—Editor.