2408. EDUCATION, New York vs. Virginia.—[continued].
Six thousand common
schools in New York, fifty pupils in each,
three hundred thousand in all; one hundred
and sixty thousand dollars annually paid to
the masters; forty established academies, with
two thousand two hundred and eighteen pupils;
and five colleges with seven hundred
and eighteen students; to which last classes
or institutions seven hundred and twenty
thousand dollars have been given; and the
whole appropriations for education estimated
at two and a half millions of dollars! What
a pigmy to this is Virginia become, with a
population almost equal to that of New
York! And whence this difference? From
the difference their rulers set on the value of
knowledge, and the prosperity it produces.
But still, if a pigmy, let her do what a pigmy
may do.—
To Joseph C. Cabell. Washington ed. vii, 188.
Ford ed., x, 167.