2282. DUANE (William), Office for.—[continued].
I received a letter from
some friend of yours who chose to be anonymous,
suggesting that your situation might be
bettered, and the government advantaged by
availing itself of your services in some line.
I immediately wrote to a friend whose situation
enabled him to attend to this. I have received
no answer but hope it is kept in view. I am
long since withdrawn from the political world,
think little, read less, and know all but nothing
of what is going on; but I have not forgotten
the past, nor those who were fellow laborers in
the gloomy hours of federal ascendency when
the spirit of republicanism was beaten down, its
votaries arraigned as criminals, and such threats
denounced as posterity would never believe.
My means of service are slender; but such as
they are, if you can make them useful to you
in any solicitation, they shall be sincerely employed.—
To William Duane.
Ford ed., x, 276.