1956. CUBA, Spanish Retention of.—[continued].
[The Cabinet was] unanimously
agreed in the sentiments which should
be unauthoritatively expressed by our agents
to influential persons in Cuba and Mexico, to
wit: “If you remain under the dominion of
the Kingdom and family of Spain, we are contented;
but we should be extremely unwilling
to see you pass under the dominion or ascendency
of France or England. In the latter
cases should you choose to declare independence,
we cannot now commit ourselves
by saying we would make common cause with
you, but must reserve ourselves to act according
to the then existing circumstances;
but in our proceedings we shall be influenced
by friendship to you, by a firm belief that our
interests are intimately connected, and by the
strongest repugnance to see you under subordination
to either France or England, either
politically or commercially.”—
The Anas.
Ford ed., i, 334.
(Oct. 1808)