1510. CONGRESS, Call for Continental.
—We (Patrick Henry, R. H. Lee, Francis
R. Lee, Thomas Jefferson, and three or four
other members of the Virginia House of
Burgesses) * * * agreed to an association,
and instructed the committee of correspondence
to propose to the corresponding committees
of the other Colonies, to appoint deputies
to meet in Congress at such place, annually,
as should be convenient, to direct from time to
time, the measures required by the general interest:
and we declared that an attack on any
one Colony, should be considered as an attack
on the whole. This was in May, 1774. We
further recommended to the several counties
to elect deputies to meet at Williamsburg, the
1st of August ensuing, to consider the state of
the Colony, and particularly to appoint delegates
to a general Congress, should that measure
be acceded to by the committees of correspondence
generally. It was acceded to:
Philadelphia was appointed for the place, and
the 5th of September for the time of meeting.—
Autobiography. Washington ed. i, 7.
Ford ed., i, 11.