983. BURR (Aaron), Presidential Contest.—
It was to be expected that the enemy
would endeavor to sow tares between us, that
they might divide us and our friends. Every
consideration satisfies me you will be on your
guard against this, as I assure you I am strongly.
I hear of one stratagem so imposing and so
base that it is proper I should notice it to you.
Mr. Munford says he saw at New York an
original letter of mine to Judge Breckenridge,
in which are sentiments highly injurious to you.
He knows my handwriting, and did not doubt
that to be genuine. I enclose you a copy
taken irom the press copy of the only letter I
ever wrote to Judge Breckenridge in my life.
* * * Of consequence, the letter seen by
Mr. Munford must be a forgery, and if it contains
a sentiment unfriendly or disrespectful to
you, I affirm it solemnly to be a forgery; as
also if it varies from the copy enclosed. With
the common trash of slander I should not think
of troubling you; but the forgery of one's
handwriting is too imposing to be neglected.—
To Aaron Burr. Washington ed. iv, 349.
Ford ed., vii, 485.
Feb. 1801)
See Elections—Presidential, 1800.