4086. JAY TREATY, The Merchants and.—[continued].
The merchants were certainly (except those of them who are
English) as open mouthed at first against the
treaty, as any. But the general expression of
indignation has alarmed them for the strength
of the Government. They have feared the
stock would be too great, and have chosen
to tack about and support both treaty and
Government, rather than risk the Government.
Thus it is, that Hamilton, Jay, &c.,
in the boldest act they ever ventured on to
undermine the government, have the address
to screen themselves, and direct the hue and
cry against those who wish to drag them into
light. A bolder party-stroke was never
struck. For it certainly is an attempt of
a party, who find they have lost their majority
in one branch of the Legislature, to make a
law by the aid of the other branch and of
the Executive, under color of a treaty,
which shall bind up the hands of the adverse
branch from ever restraining the commerce
of their patron nation. There appears a pause
at present in the public sentiment, which May
be followed by a revulsion. This is the effect
of the desertion of the merchants, of the President's
chiding answer to Boston and Richmond,
of the writings of “Curtius” and
“Camillus”, and of the quietism into which
the people naturally fall after first sensations
are over.—
To James Madison. Washington ed. iv, 122.
Ford ed., vii, 32.
Sep. 1795)