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Notes on Contributors
G. Thomas Tanselle is Vice President of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation and Adjunct Professor of English at Columbia University. A new collectin of his essays, entitled Literature and Artifacts, will be published by the Society this year.
Conor Fahy is Emeritus Professor of Italian in the University of London. He has published widely on Italian Renaissance printing. His edition of the first Italian printers' manual, Z. Campanini, Istruzioni pratiche ad un novello capo-stampa, 1789, has recently appeared.
Joseph A. Dane is the author of Who is Buried in Chaucer's Tomb?--Studies in the Reception of Chaucer's Book (1998) and bibliographical studies in recent and forthcoming issues of Gutenberg Jahrbuch, Huntington Library Quarterly, The Library, PBSA, and Scriptorium.
Anne Middleton teaches in the English Department at the University of California, Berkeley. Piers Plowman is the focus of her work, which currently concerns the intersections of governmental and clerical institutions with literary cultures of later fourteenth-century England.
Laurie E. Maguire is Associate Professor of English at the University of Ottawa. She is the author of Shakespearean Suspect Texts: The 'Bad' Quartos and their Contexts (Cambridge University Press, 1996) and of several articles on textual and feminist issues in early modern drama.
David L. Gants is Assistant Professor of English at the University of Georgia, where he teaches courses in Humanities Computing and the Literature of the English Renaissance. He is the Electronic Editor of the Cambridge University Press Works of Ben Jonson and co-director of the Georgia On-line Teaching Initiative, a project supporting the integration of emerging technologies with traditional pedagogies.
Mark Bland received his doctorate from the University of Oxford in 1995. He works on the printing-house of John Windet and William Stansby, and the textual and bibliographical problems involved in editing Jonson. He has recently been appointed Rare Books Librarian at Stanford University Library.
James McLaverty, Lecturer in English at the University of Keele, held a Fellowship at the Centre for the Book, British Library, in 1997. He is working on a study of Pope, print, and meaning, and preparing the late David Fleeman's bibliography of Samuel Johnson for the press.
B.J. McMullin is a Reader in the Department of Librarianship, Archives and Records, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. He is preparing

Judith Milhous is Distinguished Professor of Theatre in the Ph.D. Program in Theatre, City University of New York, Graduate Center. She is currently at work on Volume II of Italian Opera in Late Eighteenth-Century London (Oxford University Press).
Robert D. Hume is Evan Pugh Professor of English Literature at the Pennsylavania State University. His most recent book, Reconstructing Contexts: The Aims and Principles of Archaeo-Historicism, is forthcoming shortly from Oxford University Press.
Mark L. Reed is Lineberger Professor in the Humanities, emeritus, at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He is Associate Editor of The Cornell Wordsworth, and is working on a "Soho" bibliography of Wordsworth.
Emily Lorraine de Montluzin is Professor of History at Francis Marion University in Florence, South Carolina. She is the author of The Anti-Jacobins, 1798-1800: The Early Contributors to the "Anti-Jacobin Review" (1988) as well as two electronic books, Attributions of Authorship in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1731-1868: A Supplement to Kuist, and Attributions of Authorship in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1731-1768: A Synthesis of Finds Appearing neither in Kuist's Nichols File nor in de Montluzin's Supplement To Kuist (both published by the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, 1997).
Shawn St. Jean is a Teaching Fellow at Kent State University, where he is completing his doctoral dissertation on Theodore Dreiser and paganism. He has published articles on Dreiser, Joyce, Thoreau, and American gangster films. His current research involves theories of electronic critical editions.
John T. Shawcross is Professor Emeritus of English, University of Kentucky. His forthcoming bibliography of John Milton's works and Miltoniana for 1624-1799 revises and extends his former seventeenth-century compilation.

President, G. Thomas Tanselle, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 90 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10016
Vice President, Kendon L. Stubbs, University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
Secretary-Treasurer, Penelope F. Weiss, University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
Editor, David L. Vander Meulen, English Department, 219 Bryan Hall, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
Executive Secretary, Penelope F. Weiss, University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
Hon. Secretary-Treasurer for the British Isles, R. J. Goulden, The British Library, Humanities and Social Sciences, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG, England
Hon. Secretary-Treasurer for Australia and New Zealand, Brian N. Gerrard, 25 Leeds Road, Mount Waverly, Victoria 3149, Australia
Hon. Secretary-Treasurer for Japan, Hiroshi Yamashita, Institute of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba-shi 305, Japan
David Seaman (1998)
Ruthe R. Battestin (2001)
Kendon L. Stubbs (1999)
Kathryn Morgan (2002)
Terry Belanger (2000)
Karin Wittenborg (2003)
G. Thomas Tanselle (2004)
Honorary Councilor: Mrs. Linton R. Massey
Chalmers L. Gemmill, Atcheson L. Hench, Linton R. Massey, Kendon L. Stubbs, I. B. Cauthen, Jr.
Studies in Bibliography is issued annually by the Society in addition to various bibliographical pamphlets and monographs.
Membership in the Society is solicited according to the following categories:
Subscribing Members ($35.00 per year)
Student Members ($17.50 per year)
Contributing Members ($125 or more per year)
Patrons ($250 or more per year)
Benefactors ($500 or more per year)
Contributing Members, Patrons, and Benefactors receive all publications of the Society and by their contributions assist in furthering the Society's work. The names of individual and institutional members in these three categories are listed annually in Studies in Bibliography.
Articles and notes are invited by the Editor. Preferably these should conform to the recommendations of the Modern Language Association of America. All copy, including quotations and notes, should be double-spaced. The Society will consider the publication of bibliographical monographs for separate issue.
All matters pertaining to business affairs, including applications for membership, should be sent to the Executive Secretary, Penelope F. Weiss, University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903.

Terry Belanger, Charlottesville, Virginia
G. Thomas Tanselle, New York, New York
Ruthe R. and Martin C. Battestin, Charlottesville, Virginia
Diana M. Thomas, Encino, California
Mildred Abraham, Charlottesville, Virginia
Bodleian Library, Oxford, England
British Library, London, England
University Library, Cambridge, England
Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
Elizabeth G. Cauthen, Charlottesville, Virginia
Archibald Craige, Keswick, Virginia
Peter J. D. Dedel, Suffern, New York
Dr. Paolo Dessy, Tokyo, Japan
Richard H. W. Dillard, Roanoke, Virginia
Mary Dobbie, Charlottesville, Virginia
Rolf E. Du Rietz, Upsala, Sweden
Gene G. Freeman, Santa Ana, California
Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany
Johan Gerritsen, The Netherlands
Philip Gossett, Chicago, Illinois
Bradley H. and Meredith S. Gunter, Charlottesville, Virginia
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii
Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
Wallace Kirsop, Victoria, Australia
Mark Samuels Lasner, Washington, D.C.
Elizabeth and Carl Lynch, Charlottesville, Virginia
Melvin M. McCosh, Excelsior, Minnesota
Paul Mellon, Upperville, Virginia
Harrison R. Merserole, Bryan, Texas
Horst E. Meyer, Bad Iburg, Germany
Davis W. Moore, Denver, Colorado
Calvin Otto, Charlottesville, Virginia
Anne and Frederick Ribble, Charlottesville, Virginia
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois
University of Sussex Library, Brighton, England
William M. Tucker, Palo Alto, California
Charles Vallely, Newtonville, Massachusetts
Calhoun Winton, College Park, Maryland

Accessible on the World Wide Web
The following publications are available without charge through the
home page of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia,
Studies in Bibliography, vols. 1-49, with Cumulative Table of Contents.
de Montluzin, Emily Lorraine. Attributions of Authorship in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1731-1868: A Supplement to Kuist.
Evans, G. Blakemore, ed., Shakespearean Prompt-Books of the Seventeenth Century, vols. 1-8.
Distributed by the Society
The following publications are available from the office of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, Alderman Library, Charlottesville, VA 22903. Members receive a 40 per cent discount from the list prices. Postage is additional.
New Publications
Faulkner, William, Mosquitoes: A Facsimile and Transcription of the University of Virginia Holograph Manuscript. Thomas L. McHaney and David L. Vander Meulen, eds. $75.00 ($45.00 to members).
Tanselle, G. Thomas, Literature and Artifacts. $60.00 ($36.00 to members).
Vander Meulen, David L., ed., The Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia: The First Fifty Years. $50.00 ($30.00 to members).
Currently in Print
Bristol, Roger P., Supplement to Evans' American Bibliography. $50.00 ($30.00 to members).
Bristol, Roger P., Index to Supplement to Evans' American Bibliography. $20.00.
Cauthen, Irby B., Jr., ed., Two Mementoes from the Poe-Ingram Collection: An Anniversary Keepsake for Members of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia 1946-1971. $10.00 ($6.00 to members).
Eddy, Donald D., and Fleeman, J. D., A Preliminary Handlist of Books to which Dr. Samuel Johnson Subscribed. Occasional Publication 2. $10.00 ($6.00 to members).
Evans, G. Blakemore, ed., Shakespearean Prompt-Books of the Seventeenth Century. Vol. V: Text of the Smock Alley Macbeth. $35.00 ($21.00 to members). Vol. VI: Text of the Smock Alley Othello $35.00 ($21.00 to members). Vol. VII: Text of the Smock Alley A Midsummer Night's Dream. $50.00 ($30.00 to members). Vol. VIII: King Lear, Henry VIII, The Merry Wives of Windsor, Twelfth Night, The Comedy of Errors, The Winter's Tale. $75.00 ($45.00 to members).
A Keepsake to Honor Fredson Bowers. $10.00 ($6.00 to members).
Ribble, Frederick G., and Ribble, Anne G., Fielding's Library: An Annotated Catalogue. $30.00 ($18.00 to members).

Tanselle, G. Thomas, The Life and Work of Fredson Bowers. Occasional Publication 1. $30.00 ($18.00 to members).
Vander Meulen, David L., and Tanselle, G. Thomas, eds., Samuel Johnson's Translation of Sallust: A Facsimile and Transcription of the Hyde Manuscript. Occasional Publication 3. $25.00 ($15.00 to members).
Distributed by the University Press of Virginia
The following publications of the Society are available from the University Press of Virginia, Box 3608, University Station, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903. Members identifying themselves as such receive a 20 per cent discount on these publications. Postage is additional.
Blehl, Vincent Ferrer, S.J., John Henry Newman, A Bibliographical Catalogue of His Writings. $25.00.
Boughn, Michael, H. D.: A Bibliography, 1905-1990. $39.50.
Dameron, J. Lasley, and Cauthen, Irby B., Jr., Edgar Allan Poe: A Bibliography of Criticism 1827-1967. $40.00
Fry, Donald. Beowulf and The Fight at Finnsburh: A Bibliography. $25.00.
Grimshaw, James A., Robert Penn Warren: A Descriptive Bibliography, 1922-1979. $40.00.
Hodnett, Edward, Aesop in England. $20.00.
Pound, Ezra, A Quinzaine for this Yule. $10.00.
Ross, Charles L., The Composition of The Rainbow and Women in Love. $25.00.
Roth, Barry, An Annotated Bibliography of Jane Austen Studies, 1973-83. $35.00.
Studies in Bibliography, Volumes 1-51. $40.00 each. (Volumes 1, 2, 6, 10 and 48 out of print).
Tanselle, G. Thomas, Textual Criticism and Scholarly Editing. $40.00.
Tucker, Edward, The Shaping of Longfellow's John Endicott. A Textual History, Including Two Early Versions. $26.50.
Vander Meulen, David L., Pope's Dunciad of 1728: A History and Facsimile. $40.00.
Wiesenfarth, Joseph, George Eliot: A Writer's Notebook, 1854-1879 and Uncollected Writings. $35.00.
West, James L. W., III, A Sister Carrie Portfolio. $25.00.
Wright, Stuart and West, James L. W., III, Reynolds Price: A Bibliography, 1949-1984. $25.00.
Wright, Stuart, Peter Taylor: A Descriptive Bibliography, 1934-87. $40.00.

This book was printed by letterpress from type cast on the Linotype by Heritage Printers, Inc. of Charlotte, North Carolina. The typeface is Baskerville, a design by John Baskerville (1706-1775), English printer and typefounder. Linotype Baskerville is a weight-for-weight and curve-for-curve copy of Baskerville's celebrated printing type. The pattern for the cutting was a complete font of (approximately) 14 point, cast from Baskerville's own matrices--exhumed at Paris, France, in 1929. The paper is 70-pound Glatfelter, an acid-free paper with a useful life of 300 years.
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