University of Virginia Library


1 (1793)  i-xii. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
1 (1793):  109. Review: "A Discourse, preached on Sunday, December 30, 1792, at the Parish Church of Kenton, &c. By the Rev. R. Polwhele." John Whitaker [?]. [Trad. and Recoll. 1: 153n] 
2 (1793):  iii-xvii. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
2 (1793):  1-6. Review: "The History, civil and commercial of the British Colonies in the West Indies. By Bryan Edwards, Esq. of the Island of Jamaica." William Vincent [?]. [Vincent in a letter of 3 February 1814 to John Nichols notes that he has reviewed Bryan Edwards's Jamaica (Illust. 3: 774), a statement that appears to refer to this review] 


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2 (1793):  43-51. Review: "An Hebrew and English Lexicon. . . . The Third Edition. . . . By John Parkhurst." Joseph White [?]. [GM 84-i (1814): 628] 
2 (1793):  146-152. Review: "Edwards's History of the West Indies [cont.]." William Vincent [?]. [See attribution for BC 2 (1793): 1-6] 
2 (1793):  301-309. Review: "Edwards's History of the West Indies [conc.]." William Vincent [?]. [See attribution for BC 2 (1793): 1-6]  
3 (1794):  iii-xxi. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
3 (1794):  48-61. Review: "[Dr. Charles Combe and Henry Homer, eds.,] Q. Horatii Flacci Opera, cum variis Lectionibus, notis Variorum, et Indice Locupletissimo. Tom. II." Samuel Parr. [Illust. 7: 609; Lit. Anec. 3: 163n; GM 95-i (1825): 369, 369n] 
3 (1794):  121-139. Review: "Q. Horatii Flacci Opera [cont.]." Samuel Parr. [Illust. 7: 609; Lit. Anec. 3: 163n; GM 95-i (1825): 369, 369n] 
3 (1794):  302-330. Review: "Q. Horatii Flacci Opera [cont.]." Samuel Parr. [Illust. 7: 609; Lit. Anec. 3: 163n; GM 95-i (1825): 369, 369n] 
3 (1794):  412-424. Review: "Q. Horatii Flacci Opera [conc.]." Samuel Parr. [Illust. 7: 609; Lit. Anec. 3: 163n; GM 95-i (1825): 369, 369n] 
3 (1794):  510-517. Review: "A critical Inquiry into the Life of Alexander the Great, by the Ancient Historians. From the French of the Baron de St. Croix: with Notes and Observations, by Sir Richard Clayton, Bart." William Vincent. [Illust. 3: 774] 
3 (1794):  620-629. Review: "Sir Richard Clayton's Translation of St. Croix's Inquiry into the Life of Alexander the Great [conc.]." William Vincent. [Illust. 3: 774] 
4 (1794):  iii-xxi. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
4 (1794):  413-416. Review: "Specimens of Hindoo Literature. . . . By N. E. Kindersley." Joseph White [?]. [GM 84-i (1814): 628] 
5 (1795):  i-xvi. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
5 (1795):  58-62. Review: "Q. Horatii Flacci quae supersunt, recensuit et notis instruxit, Gilbertus Wakefield. . . ." Samuel Parr [?]. [Similarities in both style and emphasis with Parr's review of Q. Horatii Flacci Opera (BC 3 [1794]: 48-61, 121-139, 302-330, and 412-424); inclusion in various installments of the review of Wakefield's Horace of references to Wakefield's Silva Critica (which Parr in BC 3 [1794]: 320 had announced his intention to discuss in the BC); Nares's comment of 10 April 1794 to Parr that "[w]e now begin to look forward to your remarks on Wakefield, which shall have a place as early as possible, and as distinguished, whenever it may suit you to furnish us with them" (Illust. 7: 609)] 
5 (1795):  148-156. Review: "Wakefield's Horace [cont.]." Samuel Parr [?]. [See 5 (1795): 58-62] 
5 (1795):  344-358. Review: "Wakefield's Horace [conc.]." Samuel Parr [?]. [See 5 (1795): 58-62]  
6 (1795):  i-xvi. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
6 (1795):  413-418. Review: "The Method of finding the Longitude. . . . By William Wales." John Hellins. [GM 98-i (1828): 181] 
7 (1796):  i-xx. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 


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8 (1796):  i-xx. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
8 (1796):  81-84. Review: "[Richard Polwhele's] The Influence of local Attachment with respect to Home." John Whitaker. [Biog. Sketches 3: 105, 108] 
8 (1796):  446-449. Review: "[C. F. Volney's] Simplification des langues Orientales, où Méthode nouvelle et facile d'apprendre les langues Arabe, Persane, et Turque." Joseph White [?]. [GM 84-i (1814): 628] 
8 (1796):  577-587. Review: "Specimens of Arabian Poetry, from the earliest Time to the Extinction of the Khaliphat. . . . By J. D. Carlyle." Joseph White. [GM 84-i (1814): 628] 
9 (1797):  i-xix. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
9 (1797):  241-246. Review: "Essays, by a Society of Gentlemen at Exeter." John Whitaker. ["The Rev. John Whitaker," Palatine Note-book 1 (2 May 1881): 80; Trad. and Recoll. 2: 463-464, 467] 
9 (1797):  284-295. Review: "Additional Facts, addressed to the serious Attention of the People of Great Britain, respecting the Expences of the War, and the State of the National Debt. By William Morgan, F.R.S. Third Edition." John Brand [?]. [Illust. 6: 532]  
9 (1797):  354-363. Review: "Essays, by a Society of Gentlemen at Exeter [cont.]." John Whitaker. ["The Rev. John Whitaker," Palatine Note-book 1 (2 May 1881): 80; Trad. and Recoll. 2: 463-464, 467] 
9 (1797):  535-547. Review: "Observations upon a Treatise entitled, A Description of the Plain of Troy, by Monsieur Le Chevalier. By Jacob Bryant." John Whitaker. ["The Rev. John Whitaker," Palatine Note-book 1 (2 May 1881): 80; Biog. Sketches 3: 100n-101n, 120] 
9 (1797):  591-603. Review: "Mr. Bryant's Observations on the Plain of Troy." John Whitaker. ["The Rev. John Whitaker," Palatine Note-book 1 (2 May 1881): 80; Biog. Sketches 3: 100n-101n, 120] 
9 (1797):  604-615. Review: "A Dissertation concerning the War of Troy and the Expedition of the Grecians, as described by Homer; shewing that no such Expedition was ever undertaken, and that no such City of Phrygia ever existed. By Jacob Bryant." John Whitaker. ["The Rev. John Whitaker," Palatine Note-book 1 (2 May 1881): 80; Biog. Sketches 3: 120. See also BC 9 (1797): 603, which indicates that the same person who wrote the review in BC 9 (1797): 591-603 wrote the review in BC 9 (1797): 604-615] 
9 (1797):  667-669. Review: "[Ouseley's] Oriental Collections, for January, February, and March, 1797." Joseph White [?]. [GM 84-i (1814): 628] 
9 (1797):  699. Note in "Acknowledgments to Correspondents" re "a long letter [received by the British Critic] from a writer in the 'Essays published by a Society of Gentlemen at Exeter.'" John Whitaker. ["The Rev. John Whitaker," Palatine Note-book 1 (2 May 1881): 80] 
10 (1797):  i-xxii. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
10 (1797):  221-233. Review: "An authentic Account of an Embassy from the King of Great-Britain to the Emperor of China. . . . By Sir George Staunton." William Vincent. [Illust. 3: 774] 


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10 (1797):  362-374. Review: "Authentic Account of the Embassy to China [conc.]." William Vincent. [Illust. 3: 774] 
11 (1798):  i-xvi. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
11 (1798):  13-17. Review: "The Sentiments of Philo Judaeus. . . . By Jacob Bryant." John Whitaker. ["The Rev. John Whitaker," Palatine Note-book 1 (2 May 1881): 80; Trad. and Recoll. 2: 486] 
11 (1798):  140-148. Review: "The Sentiments of Philo Judaeus. . . . By Jacob Bryant [cont.]." John Whitaker. ["The Rev. John Whitaker," Palatine Note-book 1 (2 May 1881): 80; Trad. and Recoll. 2: 486] 
11 (1798):  345-358. Review: "The History of Scotland. . . . By John Pinkerton." John Whitaker. ["The Rev. John Whitaker," Palatine Note-book 1 (2 May 1881): 80; Trad. and Recoll. 2: 485] 
11 (1798):  603-606. Review: "[Ouseley's] The Oriental Collections, for April, May, and June, 1797." Joseph White [?]. [GM 84-i (1814): 628] 
12 (1798):  i-xvi. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
12 (1798):  632-645. Review: "A Vindication of Homer, and of the ancient Poets and Historians who have recorded the Siege and Fall of Troy. In Answer to Two late Publications of Mr. Bryant. . . . By J. B. S. Morritt." William Vincent. [Illust. 3: 772-773] 
13 (1799):  i-xix. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
13 (1799):  97-108. Review: "Archaeologia, or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity." John Whitaker. ["The Rev. John Whitaker," Palatine Note-book 1 (2 May 1881): 80; Trad. and Recoll. 2: 499] 
13 (1799):  116-135. Review: "Morritt's Vindication of Homer [conc.]." William Vincent. [Illust. 3: 772-773] 
13 (1799):  275-284. Review: "Archaeologia, or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity." John Whitaker. ["The Rev. John Whitaker," Palatine Note-book 1 (2 May 1881): 80; Trad. and Recoll. 2: 499] 
13 (1799):  356-362. Review: "Archaeologia, or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity." John Whitaker. ["The Rev. John Whitaker," Palatine Note-book 1 (2 May 1881): 80; Trad. and Recoll. 2: 499] 
13 (1799):  410-419. Review: "The History of Devonshire. . . . By the Reverend Richard Polwhele." John Whitaker. [Trad. and Recoll. 2: 497] 
14 (1799):  i-xviii. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
14 (1799):  38-45. Review: "[Ouseley's] The Oriental Collections, for July, August, September, October, November, December, 1797." Joseph White [?]. [GM 84-i (1814): 628] 
14 (1799):  121-127. Review: "[Ouseley's] The Oriental Collections, for 1797 [conc.]." Joseph White [?]. [GM 84-i (1814): 628] 
14 (1799):  639-649. Review: "Iter Britanniarum; or, that Part of the Itinerary of Antoninus which relates to Britain; with a new Comment. By the Rev. Thomas Reynolds." John Whitaker [?]. [GM 100-i (1830): 373] 
15 (1800):  i-xxii. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
15 (1800):  21-31. Review: "Reynolds's Iter Britanniarum [conc.]." John Whitaker [?]. [GM 100-i (1830): 373] 
15 (1800):  69. Concluding paragraphs (p. 69) of review: "An Expostulation, addressed to the British Critic. By Jacob Bryant [pp. 55-69]." William Vincent. [Illust. 3: 772-773] 


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15 (1800):  260-263. Review: "Grecian Prospects: a Poem. . . . By Mr. Polwhele." John Whitaker. [Biog. Sketches 3: 143-144] 
15 (1800):  354-356. Review: "Epitome of the Ancient History of Persia, extracted and translated from the Jehan Ara, a Persian Manuscript. By William Ouseley. . . ." Joseph White [?]. [GM 84-i (1814): 628] 
16 (1800):  i-xxii. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
16 (1800):  345-361. Review: "The History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester. By John Nichols. . . . Volume III. Part I." Thomas Percy, Bishop of Dromore. [Illust. 7: 589n; 8: 88n] 
16 (1800):  418-424. Review: "Additional Remarks on the Topography of Troy, &c. in Answer to Mr. Bryant's last Publication. By J. B. S. Morritt [;] Remarks and Observations on the Plain of Troy, made during an Excursion in June, 1799. By William Francklin." William Vincent. [Illust. 3: 772-773] 
16 (1800):  530-537. Review: "Specimens and Parts; containing a History of the County of Kent. . . . By Samuel Henshall [;] The Saxon and English Languages reciprocally illustrative of each other. . . . By Samuel Henshall." John Whitaker. [Trad. and Recoll. 2: 500] 
17 (1801):  i-xix. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
17 (1801):  125-131. Review: "Lyrical Ballads, with other Poems: in Two Vols. By W. Wordsworth. Second Edition." John Stoddart. [Reiman 1: 131, citing Chester L. Shaver, ed., The Letters of William and Dorothy Wordsworth, vol. 1: The Early Years 1787-1805 (2d ed., rev.; Oxford, 1967), p. 320, n. 3] 
17 (1801):  324-325. Review: "A Hebrew Grammar, for the Use of the Students of the University of Dublin. By the Rev. Gerald Fitzgerald. . . ." Joseph White [?]. [GM 84-i (1814): 628] 
17 (1801):  453-460. Review: "[Gilbert Wakefield's] T. Lucretii Cari de Rerum Natura Libros Sex." Richard Porson. [DNB 20: 455] 
18 (1801):  i-xx. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
18 (1801):  286-295. Review: "Letters addressed to a young Man. . . . By Mrs. West." Thomas Percy, Bishop of Dromore. [Illust. 7: 592n] 
18 (1801):  359-365. Review: "Mrs. West's Letters to a Young Man [cont.]." Thomas Percy, Bishop of Dromore. [Illust. 7: 592n] 
18 (1801):  524-529. Review: "Letters addressed to a young Man [cont.]." Thomas Percy, Bishop of Dromore, and Robert Nares (who wrote the concluding sentence, p. 529). [Illust. 7: 592n; 593-594, 594n] 
19 (1802):  i-xv. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
19 (1802):  1-15. Review: "Critical Remarks on the Hebrew Scriptures: corresponding with a new Translation of the Bible. By the Rev. Alexander Geddes. . . . Vol. I. . . ." Joseph White [?]. [GM 84-i (1814): 628] 
19 (1802):  134-154. Review: "[Geddes's] Critical Remarks on the Hebrew Scriptures, &c. [cont.]." Joseph White [?]. [GM 84-i (1814): 628]  
19 (1802):  268-279. Review: "A Comparative View of the Public Finances, from the Beginning to the Close of the late Administration. By William Morgan." John Brand. [Illust. 6: 532] 
19 (1802):  283-293. Review: "[Geddes's] Critical Remarks on the Hebrew Scriptures, &c. [cont.]." Joseph White [?]. [GM 84-i (1814): 628] 


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19 (1802):  343-355. Review: "[Geddes's] Critical Remarks on the Hebrew Scriptures, &c. [cont.]." Joseph White [?]. [GM 84-i (1814): 628] 
19 (1802):  374-381. Review: "A Comparative View of the Public Finances, &c. [cont.]." John Brand. [Illust. 6: 532] 
19 (1802):  524-530. Review: "[Geddes's] Critical Remarks on the Hebrew Scriptures, &c. [cont.]." Joseph White [?]. [GM 84-i (1814): 628] 
19 (1802):  570-576. Review: "[Walter Scott's] Minstrelsy of the Scottish Borders. . . ." George Ellis. [Roper 33, 57, and 277 (n. 12) citing H. J. C. Grierson, ed., The Letters of Sir Walter Scott (12 vols.; London, 1932-37) 1: 185n]  
19 (1802):  580-588. Review: "A Comparative View of the Public Finances, &c. [conc.]." John Brand. [Illust. 6: 532] 
19 (1802):  623-631. Review: "[Geddes's] Critical Remarks on the Hebrew Scriptures, &c. [cont.]." Joseph White [?]. [GM 84-i (1814): 628]  
20 (1802):  i-xxi. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
20 (1802):  8-13. Review: "The Complaynt of Scotland, written in 1548; with a Preliminary Dissertation and Glossary. By John Leyden. . . ." George Ellis. [Roper 33, 57, and 277 (n. 12) citing H. J. C. Grierson, ed., The Letters of Sir Walter Scott (12 vols.; London, 1932-37) 1: 185n]  
20 (1802):  53-61. Review: "[Geddes's] Critical Remarks on the Hebrew Scriptures, &c. [cont.]." Joseph White [?]. [GM 84-i (1814): 628] 
20 (1802):  165-171. Review: "[Geddes's] Critical Remarks on the Hebrew Scriptures, &c. [conc.]." Joseph White [?]. [GM 84-i (1814): 628]  
20 (1802):  295-298. Review: "The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith." Robert Nares. [Illust. 7: 598, 601-602; 8: 671] 
20 (1802):  329-330. Review: "Remarks on Mr. Morgan's Comparative View of the Public Finances, from the Beginning to the Close of the late Administration." John Brand. [Illust. 6: 532] 
20 (1802):  641-645. Review: "A Specimen of the Conformity of the European Languages, particularly the English, with the Oriental Languages, especially the Persian. . . . By Stephen Weston. . . ." Joseph White. [GM 84-i (1814): 628] 
21 (1803):  i-xvi. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
21 (1803):  272-284. Review: "Elementary Treatises on the fundamental Principles of practical Mathematics. . . . By Samuel Lord Bishop of Rochester (now of St. Asaph)." John Hellins. [GM 98-i (1828): 181] 
21 (1803):  406-411. Review: "The Infidel Father. By . . . [Mrs. West]." Robert Nares. [Illust. 7: 601, 601n] 
22 (1803):  i-xvii. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
22 (1803):  545-549. Review: "The History of Ilium or Troy. . . . By the Author of 'Travels in Asia Minor and Greece' [Dr. Richard Chandler]." William Vincent. [Illust. 3: 772-773] 
23 (1804):  iii-xix. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
23 (1804):  143-156. Review: "Analytical Institutions, in Four Books: originally written in Italian, by Donna Maria Gaetana Agnesi. . . . Translated into English, by the late Rev. John Colson. . . . Now first printed . . . under the Inspection of the Rev. John Hellins." John Hellins. [GM 98-i (1828): 181] 


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23 (1804):  489-494. Review: "An Introduction to the Theory and Practice of plane and spherical Trigonometry. . . . By Thomas Keith." John Hellins. [GM 98-i (1828): 181] 
24 (1804):  iii-xx. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
24 (1804):  231-243. Review: "English Metrical Romances, selected and published by Joseph Ritson . . . ; [Ritson's] Bibliographica Poetica: a Catalogue of English Poets, of the twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth Centuries." Robert Nares. [Illust. 7: 601, 603-606] 
24 (1804):  653-660. Review: "Analytical Institutions, in Four Books, &c. [cont]." John Hellins. [GM 98-i (1828): 181] 
24 (1804):  665-679. Review: "Observations upon some Passages in Scripture. . . . By Jacob Bryant." William Vincent [?]. [Illust. 3: 772-773; internal evidence] 
25 (1805):  iii-xix. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
25 (1805):  46-58. Review: "[Bryant's] Observations upon some Passages in Scripture [conc.]." William Vincent [?]. [Illust. 3: 772-773] 
25 (1805):  98-99. Staff note: "In Addition to Art. II. of the British Critic, for September, 1804. On Ritson's Metrical Romances." Robert Nares [?] (p. 98) and Thomas Percy, Bishop of Dromore (p. 99). [Illust. 7: 606-607, 607n] 
25 (1805):  141-147. Review: "Analytical Institutions, in Four Books, &c. [cont.]." John Hellins. [GM 98-i (1828): 181] 
25 (1805):  349-361. Review: "The Topography of Troy. . . . By William Gell." William Vincent. [Illust. 3: 773] 
26 (1805):  iii-xx. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
26 (1805):  287-292. Review: "Tentamen Palaeographiae Assyrio-Persicae. . . . An Essay on the Ancient Writing of the Assyrio-Persians; or an Attempt to illustrate the Monuments of those Nations, who in the earliest Ages inhabited Middle Asia: especially Inscriptions in the Wedge-like (or Arrow-headed) Character. By M. Ant. Aug. Hen. Lichtenstein." Joseph White. [GM 84-i (1814): 628] 
27 (1806):  iii-xvi. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
27 (1806):  53-57. Review: "Three Tracts on the Syntax and Pronunciation of the Hebrew Tongue; with an Appendix, addressed to the Hebrew Nation. By Granville Sharp. . . ." Joseph White [?]. [GM 84-i (1814): 628] 
28 (1806):  iii-xix. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
28 (1806):  465-479. Review: "The Book of the Prophet Isaiah: in Hebrew and English. The Hebrew Text metrically arranged: the Translation altered from that of Bishop Lowth. . . . By Joseph Stock. . . ." Joseph White [?]. [GM 84-i (1814): 628] 
28 (1806):  608-619. Review: "The Book of the Prophet Isaiah, in Hebrew and English . . . [cont.]." Joseph White [?]. [GM 84-i (1814): 628] 
29 (1807):  iii-xv. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
29 (1807):  134-147. Review: "The Book of the Prophet Isaiah, in Hebrew and English . . . [conc.]." Joseph White [?]. [GM 84-i (1814): 628] 
29 (1807):  368-375. Review: "The Book of Job, metrically arranged according to the Masora, and newly translated into English, with Notes Critical and Explanatory. . . . By the Right Rev. Joseph Stock, DD. Bishop of Killalla. . . ." Joseph White [?]. [GM 84-i (1814): 628] 


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29 (1807):  496-508. Review: "The Book of Job . . . [conc.]." Joseph White [?]. [GM 84-i (1814): 628] 
30 (1807):  iii-xix. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
30 (1807):  15-23. Review: "Ancient Alphabets and Hieroglyphic Characters explained: With an Account of the Egyptian Priests, their Classes, Initiation, and Sacrifices. In the Arabic Language by Ahmad Bin Abubekr Bin Washih, and in English by Joseph Hammer. . . ." Joseph White. [GM 84-i (1814): 628] 
31 (1808):  iii-xix. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
31 (1808):  22-25. Review: "Fragments of Oriental Literature. . . . By Stephen Weston. . . ." Joseph White. [GM 84-i (1814): 628]  
32 (1808):  iii-xviii. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
33 (1809):  iii-xix. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
34 (1809):  iii-xxiii. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
34 (1809):  173-177. Review: "General View of the Agriculture of the County of Devon. . . . By Charles Vancouver." Richard Polwhele [?]. [Biog. Sketches 3: 176] 
34 (1809):  616-621. Review: "A Tour through Cornwall. . . . By the Rev. Richard Warner of Bath." Richard Polwhele. [Illust. 7: 610] 
35 (1810):  iii-xix. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
35 (1810):  1-15. Review: "The Life of St. Neot. . . . By the Rev. John Whitaker." Richard Polwhele. [Illust. 7: 610; Biog. Sketches 3: 176] 
35 (1810):  112-120. Review: "An Essay on the Identity and general Resurrection of the human Body. . . . By Samuel Drew." Richard Polwhele. [Illust. 7: 610] 
36 (1810):  iii-xx. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
36 (September 1810):  209-228. Review: "Ta-Tsing-Leu-Lee, being the fundamental Laws, and a Selection from the supplementary Statutes of the penal Code of China. . . . By Sir George Thomas Staunton." William Vincent [?]. [As Vincent reviewed Staunton's Authentic Account of an Embassy from the King of Great-Britain to the Emperor of China for BC 10 (1797): 221-233, 362-374, it is possible that he reviewed Staunton's Fundamental Laws of China as well] 
37 (1811):  iii-xx. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
38 (1811):  iii-xix. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
38 (1811):  484-497. Review: "Travels in various Countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa. By Edward Daniel Clarke, LL.D. Part the First[.] Russia, Tartary, and Turkey. Vol. I." William Vincent [?]. [Vincent reviewed Clarke's Part the Second in BC 40 (1812): 97-110; see below] 
38 (1811):  603-616. Review: "Clarke's Travels. [Part the First; conc.]." William Vincent [?]. [See BC 38 (1811): 484-497] 
38 (1811):  622-628. Review: "The Doctrine of Interest and Annuities analytically investigated and explained. . . . By Francis Baily." John Hellins. [GM 98-i (1828): 181] 
39 (1812):  iii-xvi. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
40 (1812):  iii-xx. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
40 (1812):  97-110. Review: "Travels in various Countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa. By Edward Daniel Clarke, L.L.D. Part the Second." William Vincent. [Illust. 3: 772-773] 


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40 (1812):  616-624. Review: "Clarke's Travels [conc.]." William Vincent. [Vincent wrote the first part of the review; see BC 40 (1812): 97-110] 
41 (1813):  iii-xx. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
42 (1813):  iii-xxiii. "Preface." Robert Nares. [GM 99-i (1829): 371] 
42 (1813):  343-359. Review: "The Life of John Knox. . . . By Thomas McCrie." George Gleig, Bishop of Brechin. [Gleig's letter (signed "G-- B--") in GM 84-i (1814): 545; Illust. 7: 622, 622n] 
42 (1813):  448-461. Review: "The Life of John Knox, &c. [cont.]." George Gleig, Bishop of Brechin. [Gleig's letter (signed "G-- B--") in GM 84-i (1814): 545; Illust. 7: 622, 622n] 
42 (1813):  502-512. Review: "The Doctrine of Life Annuities and Assurances. . . . By Francis Baily [cont.]." John Hellins. [GM 98-i (1828): 181] 
42 (1813):  554-581. Review: "The Life of John Knox, &c. [cont.]." George Gleig, Bishop of Brechin. [Gleig's letter (signed "G-- B--") in GM 84-i (1814): 545; Illust. 7: 622, 622n] 
42 (1813):  586-593. Review: "The Life and Administration of Cardinal Wolsey. By John Galt." Richard Polwhele. [Illust. 7: 618-619]