University of Virginia Library



There are undoubtedly further exemplars in the United States—NUC records maybe three: those at Yale (27 1/2 cm.) and the New York Public Library (4o) presumably represent this edition, though that at the Newberry (no format or measurement) could equally be from the 12o edition of the same year.


On my first visit the relevant section of the card catalogue was away being microfilmed and thus BX5145 escaped my notice; and I had failed to realise that it was already recorded on the Eighteenth Century Short Title Catalogue database. I should like to acknowledge the assistance of Mr. Charles Parry of the National Library of Wales during my visits to that library.


Philip Gaskell, John Baskerville; a bibliography (Cambridge: at the University Press, 1959), no. 48. It might be noted, too, that Sir Walter Scott's Life of Napoleon Buonaparte (1827) may contain 130 cancellantia, but this in nine volumes, comprising 2028 leaves—a rate of 6.5%; see William Ruff, 'Cancels in Sir Walter Scott's 'Life of Napoleon'", Edinburgh Bibliographical Society Transactions 3 (1948-55), 137-151, and B. J. McMullin, 'Notes on Cancellation in Scott's Life of Napoleon', Studies in Bibliography 45 (1992), 222-231.


DMH = A. S. Herbert, Historical Catalogue of Printed Editions of the English Bible 1525-1961; revised and expanded from the edition of T. H. Darlow and H. F. Moule, 1903 (London: British and Foreign Bible Society; New York: American Bible Society, 1968).


Thomas Curtis, The Existing Monopoly, an Inadequate Protection, of the Authorised Version of Scripture. Four Letters to the Right Hon. and Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of London; with Specimens of the Intentional, and Other Departures from the Authorised Standard. To which is added, a Postscript, containing the "Complaints" of a London Committee of Ministers on the Subject; the Reply of the Universities; and a Report on the Importance of the Alterations made (London: Effingham Wilson; Straker; L. J. Higham; and Starling, 1833).