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Studies in Bibliography is issued annually by the Society in addition to various bibliographical pamphlets and monographs.

Membership in the Society is solicited according to the following categories:

  • Subscribing Members ($35.00 per year)
  • Student Members ($17.50 per year)
  • Contributing Members ($125 or more per year)
  • Patrons ($250 or more per year)
  • Benefactors ($500 or more per year)

Contributing Members, Patrons, and Benefactors receive all publications of the Society and by their contributions assist in furthering the Society's work. The names of individual and institutional members in these three categories are listed annually in Studies in Bibliography.

Articles and notes are invited by the Editor. Preferably these should conform to the recommendations of the Modern Language Association of America. All copy, including quotations and notes, should be double-spaced. The Society will consider the publication of bibliographical monographs for separate issue.

All matters pertaining to business affairs, including applications for membership, should be sent to the Executive Secretary, Penelope F. Weiss, University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903.