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1849-68, AND ADDENDA, 1733-1838:
The following is the sixth installment in my series of articles designed to expand and correct James M. Kuist's The Nichols File of The Gentleman's Magazine: Attributions of Authorship and Other Documentation in Editorial Papers at the Folger Library (Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1982). As students of the Gentleman's Magazine and of its long-time editor, John Nichols, are aware, Kuist's Nichols File has provided researchers in the field of eighteenth- and early-nineteenth-century British press history with an indispensable reference consisting of a published list of nearly 13,000 attributions of authorship of hitherto anonymous letters, articles, reviews, and poems appearing in the Gentleman's Magazine from its beginning in 1731 through 1856, the year the Nichols family relinquished ownership of the magazine over whose fortunes it had presided for three generations. Kuist's Nichols File is, however, designedly limited in scope, as Kuist made the conscious decision to confine his attributions of authorship to the marginal annotations written by John Bowyer Nichols[1] and others of his family into the staff copy of the GM (now housed in the Folger Library) when they reconstructed their office files following a disastrous fire in 1808. Despite the best efforts of the annotators, a tremendous number of attributions went unrecorded, some because they eluded detection, some through haste or carelessness, and some simply because their authors' identities seemed so obvious at the time that no one bothered to write them down. Fortunately thousands of the gaps can be filled, thanks to lists of known pseudonyms and sets of initials provided in Kuist's own index and in studies of the early years of the Magazine,[2] information supplied in the GM's obituary columns and in contemporary memoirs, leads provided by Kuist's Catalogue II (with its listing of unpublished letters, manuscript articles, and other documents housed in the Nichols File), and persistent detective work involving the unscrambling of anagrams and the matching of authors with the towns and sometimes street addresses whence they wrote.

The present article undertakes to update Kuist's Nichols File by providing, first, 320 new or corrected attributions of authorship representing 121 contributors and covering the period from 1849 through May 1868, when the Gentleman's Magazine's new management changed its character so drastically as to alter it beyond all recognition. The article thus serves as a conclusion to my five companion-piece installments, "Attributions of Authorship in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1731-77: A Supplement to Kuist," Studies in Bibliography 44 (1991): 271-302; "Attributions of Authorship… , 1778-92… ," Studies in Bibliography 45 (1992): 158-187; "Attributions of Authorship… , 1793-1808… ," Studies in Bibliography 46 (1993): 320-349; "Attributions of Authorship… , 1809-26… ," Studies in Bibliography 47 (1994): 164-195; and "Attributions of Authorship… , 1827-48… ," Studies in Bibliography 49 (1996): 176-207[3]. In addition, as I have been able in seven years of study of the Gentleman's Magazine to expand and refine my methods of identifying anonymous or pseudonymous authors, I am including by way of addenda 271 supplementary attributions of authorship representing 85 contributors and spanning the period from 1733 through 1838. Those 271 attributions, made after the installments in which they would have appeared were already in print, I have hereby appended in order to make the record as complete as possible and therefore of maximum usefulness to researchers. Taken collectively my six-part series of articles has thus added nearly 4,000 new or corrected attributions of authorship in the Gentleman's Magazine to the approximately 13,000 items catalogued by Kuist in The Nichols File.
The mechanics in this article remain the same as those used in the five previous installments. All finds are cross-listed, with each item appearing in both the appropriate Chronological Listing and Synopsis by Contributor. The Chronological Listings, which utilize short titles, employ the following designations:
- L: letter to Sylvanus Urban
- A: article, note, or query (including "Minor Correspondence" items)
- R: review
- V: poetry
- O: obituary
- S: staff item of editorial content

BMGC | British Library [formerly British Museum]. General Catalogue of Printed Books. 263 vols. Photolithographic ed. to 1955. London: Trustees of the British Museum, 1959-66. |
Brett-James | Brett-James, Norman G. The Life of Peter Collinson, F.R.S., F.S.A. London: published for the author by Edgar G. Dunstan, [1926]. |
DNB | Dictionary of National Biography. 1908-1909 ed. |
GM | Gentleman's Magazine. |
Hart | Hart, Edward L., ed. Minor Lives: A Collection of Biographies by John Nichols. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1971. |
Illust. | Nichols, John. Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eighteenth Century. 8 vols. London, 1817-1858. |
Kuist | Kuist, James M. The Nichols File of The Gentleman's Magazine: Attributions of Authorship and Other Documentation in Editorial Papers at the Folger Library. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1982. |
Lit. Anec. | Nichols, John. Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century. 9 vols. London, 1812-15 |
Michel | Michel, Francisque. Bibliothèque Anglo-Saxonne. Paris, 1837. |
Pailler | Pailler, Albert. Edward Cave et le Gentleman's Magazine (1731-1754). 2 vols. Lille: Atelier Reproduction des Thèses, 1975. |
Russell | Russell, Norma. A Bibliography of William Cowper to 1837. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1963. |
Sherbo 1984 | Sherbo, Arthur. "Additions to the Nichols File of the Gentleman's Magazine. Studies in Bibliography 37 (1984): 228-233. |
Sherbo 1989 | Sherbo, Arthur. "Further Additions to the Nichols File of the Gentleman's Magazine." Studies in Bibliography 42 (1989): 249-254. |
Smith | Smith, Joseph. A Descriptive Catalogue of Friends' Books, or Books Written by Members of the Society of Friends, Commonly Called Quakers. 2 vols. and supplement. London, 1867-1893. |
The Gentleman's Magazine in its mid-nineteenth-century incarnation was quite a different animal from the periodical that had appeared under Edward Cave's direction a century and a quarter before. As noted in the preceding installment, the Magazine had already begun to display subtle differences in style and content after the inauguration of a new series in 1834. Those differences in the Magazine intensified in early 1850, when contributions signed with initials and pseudonyms virtually disappeared except for the Minor Correspondence section; and in the mid 1860's the pace of change became precipitous. The Nichols family had of course already sold the Magazine in 1856, and J. H. Parker (John Gough Nichols's successor as editor) gave up his duties in 1865. The latest publishers (Bradbury, Evans, and Co.) launched a second new series (commencing with Vol. 220 for January-June 1866) with the sanguine promise that the GM would maintain its strength in antiquarian matters, cover a more diverse array of subjects in book reviews, reserve considerably more space for contemporary literature, and do an even better job in recording births, marriages, obituaries, and appointments. Furthermore, the conductors assured their readers, "'Sylvanus Urban' also desires to lay open his columns much more extensively… to Original Correspondence,

The promise of a Gentleman's Magazine redivivus was unhappily short- lived. After a five- volume run, the second new series came to an end and with it any attempt to restore the Magazine to even a semblance of its old character. Vol. 225 (June-November 1868) ushered in a third new series, under the direction of a different editor (Joseph Hatton) and at the reduced price of 1s. in place of half a crown. Calling the GM "one of the institutions of the country" (225 [1868]: 1), the new management in its "Preface" to readers gamely tried to evoke the mystique of Samuel Johnson and Edward Cave and capitalize on the Magazine's venerable past, a past of which it was clearly in awe. True, the "Preface" acknowledged, the Gentleman's Magazine would be abandoning any further attempt to provide comprehensive coverage of "Politics, Science, Art," the parliamentary debates, literary criticism, or the activities of the learned societies, as "[i]t is no longer desirable, it is indeed scarcely possible, for a monthly magazine to comprise the features" to which the GM's old audience had been accustomed (2). Readers, however, could rest assured that, as always, the staff would accept unsolicited contributions and attempt to find a place for them in the GM's pages. "The new number… is another link in the long chain that reaches back to 'Edward Cave at St. John's Gate,'" Hatton asserted. "We give up no jot of the Urbanian Succesion…" (2). But to anyone familiar with the Magazine in its heyday the new management's attempt to affect the persona of Sylvanus Urban seems self-conscious, awkward, and uncomfortably anachronistic, as if the GM's mid-Victorian editor had unsuccessfully dressed himself in borrowed robes. In the course of the following two volumes (226-227) Hatton dropped all pretense of emulating the gracious old magazine in which eighteenth- and early-nineteenth-century readers had delighted, abruptly withdrawing the welcome he had extended to unsolicited letters and articles (those mainstays of the old Magazine) and jettisoning the obituaries for once and for all. Clearly with the commencement of the third new series in mid 1868 the Gentleman's Magazine became an entirely different entity, a thing that Edward Cave, Samuel Johnson, David Henry, John Hawkesworth, Richard Gough, John Nichols, John Bowyer Nichols, and their readers and contributors would not even have recognized. It is a sad conclusion for anyone who (like John Goodford in 1824[4]) would sign himself
- N.s. 31 (1849): 89-92. O: Rt. Rev. Dr. [Richard] Mant. E. Berens. [Kuist 220 cites Behrens' MS letter of 5 December 1848 enc. his corrected proof sheet for the obit.]
- N.s. 31 (1849): 96. O: Gen. Peter Heron. J. Nicholson [?]. [Kuist 253 cites
326Nicholson's MS letter of 26 December 1848 to John Gough Nichols "returning memoir of General.…"]
- N.s. 31 (1849): 99-100. O: Mrs. William Strong. W. Strong. [Kuist 266 cites William Strong's MS letter of 21 December 1848 "revising obituary notice (of his late parents).…"]
- N.s. 31 (1849): 154-155. L: "Crest of Howard." C. E. Long. [GM 211 (1861): 568]
- N.s. 31 (1849): 161-170. R: Diary and Correspondence of Samuel Pepys. H. R. St. John. [Kuist 265 cites St. John's MS letter of 31 October 1849 enc. his review of Pepys.]
- N.s. 31 (1849): 212-213. O: Rev. Thomas Price. W. J. Rees [?]. [Kuist 259 cites Rees's MS letter of 11 January 1849 enc. a memoir of Price.]
- N.s. 31 (1849): 249-259. A: "Crosthwaite Church." H. C. Manders. [Kuist 245 cites Manders' MS letter of 11 January 1849 enc. an article re Crosthwaite Church.]
- N.s. 31 (1849): 279-282. R: Bogue's Essay on the Divine Authority of the New Testament and Birk's Paley's Evidences. J. T. Mansel. [Kuist 247 cites Mansel's MS letters of 15 January and 5 February 1849 re receipt of his reviews of Bogue and Paley.]
- N.s. 31 (1849): 317. O: Vice-Adm. T. J. Maling. R. H. Allan [?]. [Kuist 217 cites Allan's MS letter of 8 February 1849 enc. memoirs of Maling and Col. W. Havelock.]
- N.s. 31 (1849): 318-319. O: Lt.-Col. W. Havelock. R. H. Allan [?]. [Kuist 217 cites Allan's MS letter of 8 February 1849 enc. memoirs of Havelock and T. J. Maling.]
- N.s. 31 (1849): 374-380. A: "Crosthwaite Church." H. C. Manders. [See citation for n.s. 31 (1849): 249-259 above.]
- N.s. 31 (1849): 388-392. R: Krasinski's Panslavism and Germanism. J. T. Mansel [?]. [Kuist 247 cites Mansel's MS letter of 12 February 1849 enc. a review of Krasinski.]
- N.s. 31 (1849): 395. R: The Monthly Volume, nos. 37-39 (inc. "Life of Napoleon Bonaparte"). J. T. Mansel. [Kuist 247 cites Mansel's MS letter of 20 March 1849 requesting an alteration in rev. of "Life of Napoleon Bonaparte."]
- N.s. 31 (1849): 424. O: Sir A. Johnston. ----- Johnston [?]. [Kuist 241 cites Johnston's MS letter of 29 March 1849 enc. obit. of his father.]
- N.s. 31 (1849): 484-489. A: Belgian festivals. J. Hutton. [Sig.: "J.H."; dated Bruges; Kuist 240, which cites Hutton's MS letter of 29 December 1848 (dated from Bruges) "about article he has sent on Belgium…"]
- N.s. 32 (1849): 31. L: "Autograph Letter of Queen Elizabeth." A. B. Rowan. [Sig.: "A.B.R."; Kuist 261, which cites Rowan's MS letter of 20 March 1849 enc. an article; internal evidence]
- N.s. 32 (1849): 46-47. L: "Franklin and Governor Hutchinson's Letters." J. R. Perkinson. [Dated from Oak House, Pendleton, whence Perkinson wrote, 10 May 1849, to enc. an article]
- N.s. 32 (1849): 94-96. O: T. W. Beaumont. J. Bell [?]. [Kuist 220 cites Bell's MS letter of 12 June 1849 re unpublished article on Beaumont.]
- N.s. 32 (1849): 137-143. A: "Calgarth Hall, Westmerland [sic]." H. C.
Manders. [Cont. of GM n.s. 32 (1849): 249-256, which is signed "H.C.M.";
327Manders lived in nearby Keswick, on the Cumbria-Westmorland border.]
- N.s. 32 (1849): 151-153. L: "College of the Vicars Choral at Lincoln." E. J. Wilson. [Sig.: "E.J.W."]
- N.s. 32 (1849): 249-256. A: "Calgarth Hall, Westmerland [sic; cont.]." H. C. Manders. [Sig.: "H.C.M."; internal evidence (v. above)]
- N.s. 32 (1849): 259-265. A: "John Law, and the Mississippi Scheme." W. F. Hutton. [Kuist 240 cites Hutton's MS letter of 6 October 1848 "offering article on 'John Law and the Mississippi Scheme'.…"]
- N.s. 32 (1849): 273-275. R: Tyler's Primitive Christian Worship and Worship of the Blessed Virgin Mary. J. T. Mansel. [Kuist 247 cites Mansel's MS letter of 14 August 1849 enc. corrected proof of Tyler review.]
- N.s. 32 (1849): 366-371. A: "John Law [cont.]." W. F. Hutton. [See citation for n.s. 32 (1849): 259-265 above.]
- N.s. 32 (1849): 434-435. O: J. Noble. G. Godwin [?]. [Kuist 234 cites Godwin's MS letter of 23 September 1849 "offering to write an obituary notice of John Noble.…"]
- N.s. 32 (1849): 441. O: Henrietta Jane Arnold. J. W. Arnold [?]. [Kuist 217 cites J. W. Arnold's MS letter of 22 September 1849 "requesting insertion of his mother's death notice.…"]
- N.s. 32 (1849): 483-491. R: Herbert's Cyclops Christianus [re Stonehenge]. E. Duke [?]. [Kuist 231 cites Duke's MS letter of 27 November 1849 re "his article on Stonehenge."]
- N.s. 32 (1849): 491-493. L: "Hankford Ancestry of Queen Elizabeth." B. W. Greenfield. [Sig.: "B.W.G."; Kuist 235, which cites two MS letters from Greenfield re proofs of this letter]
- N.s. 32 (1849): 533-537. O: Bishop of Norwich. A. Way [?]. [Kuist 273 cites Way's 19 October 1849 MS letter "offering 'GM' a memoir on his late relative the Bishop of Norwich.…"]
- N.s. 32 (1849): 542-543. O: Rev. Peter Hall. J. C. Hall [?]. [Kuist 236 cites Hall's MS letter of 15 October 1849 "enclosing death notice of his brother.…"]
- N.s. 32 (1849): 545. O: J. Hearne. J. Snow [?]. [Sig.: "J.S."; Kuist 264, which cites Snow's MS letter of 13 October 1849 enc. obit. of Hearne]
- N.s. 32 (1849): 585-591. A: Windermere Church. H. C. Manders. [Sig.: "H.C.M."; internal evidence]
- N.s. 32 (1849): 643-647. O: Bishop of Llandaff. E. Berens [?]. [Kuist 220 cites Berens' three MS letters of 7-24 November 1849 re a prospective memoir of the Bishop of Llandaff.]
- N.s. 32 (1849): 647. O: Adm. Sir E. W. C. R. Owen. H. Pidgeon [?]. [Kuist 256 cites Pidgeon's MS letter of 15 October 1849 "offering memoir of Admiral Owen.…"]
- N.s. 32 (1849): 656-658. O: Rev. W. Blunt. T. B. Murray. [Sig.: "T.B.M."; Kuist 252, which cites Murray's two MS letters of November 1849 re his memoir of Blunt]
- N.s. 33 (1850): 2. A: Coningsby family. A. B. Rowan. [Sig.: "A.B.R."; internal
- N.s. 33 (1850): 289-291. L: "Letters of Pope to Lady Mary Wortley Montagu." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
- N.s. 33 (1850): 346. A: Coningsby family. A. B. Rowan. [Sig.: "A.B.R."; internal evidence]
- N.s. 33 (1850): 465-468. L: "Proper Division of King Lear [sic] into Acts." J. Spedding. [Sig.: "J.S."; internal evidence]
- N.s. 33 (1850): 580-588. A: "Savitri, an Historical Poem from the Sanscrit." E. B. Cowell. [Sig.: "E.B.C."; internal evidence]
- N.s. 33 (1850): 597-599. L: "Proper Division of 'Much Ado about Nothing' into Acts." J. Spedding. [Sig.: "J.S."; internal evidence]
- N.s. 33 (1850): 646. A: "Soho Mint." G. Chetwynde [?]. [Kuist 226 cites Chetwynde's MS letter of 7 May 1850 "offering account of sale at Soho and the Mint.…"]
- N.s. 34 (1850): 2. A: Re Edmund Hampden's second wife. G. E. Adams Cokayne [?]. [Sig.: "G.E.A."]
- N.s. 34 (1850): 114. A: Vincent de Paul. J. Roche. [Sig.: "J.R."]
- N.s. 34 (1850): 234. A: Ovava tree. G. A. Selwyn, Bishop of New Zealand. [DNB 17: 1170]
- N.s. 34 (1850): 280-282. L: Chaucer's tomb. J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
- N.s. 34 (1850): 346. A: Rev. Thomas Fuller's descendants. A. B. Rowan. [Sig.: "A.B.R."]
- N.s. 34 (1850): 433-434. O: C. E. Law. T. Saunders [?]. [Kuist 263 cites Saunders' MS letter of 20 September 1850 enc. memoir of Law.]
- N.s. 34 (1850): 555-556. O: Rev. W. Davies. W. J. Rees [?]. [Kuist 259 cites Rees' five MS letters of September-November 1850 re memoir of Davies, one of them enc. a memoir of Davies.]
- N.s. 34 (1850): 570. A: Re corrections of memoir of Sir W. W. Dixie. R. V. Whitby. [Kuist 273 cites Whitby's MS letter of 3 October 1850 "correcting errors in a memoir of Sir Wollaston Dixie.…"]
- N.s. 35 (1851): 51-57. A: "Charges of Plagiarism against Milton." S. Hall. [Sig.: "S.H."]
- N.s. 35 (1851): 207-208. O: Rev. R. Garnett. Sir F. Madden [?]. [Kuist 245 cites Madden's MS letter of 22 January 1851 re "additions he has made to the notice of Mr. Garnett.…"]
- N.s. 35 (1851): 433-434. O: Sir W. O. Barlow. J. W. Knox [?]. [Kuist 243 cites Knox's MS letter of 7 March 1851 enc. obit. of Barlow.]
- N.s. 35 (1851): 517. S: "Chalcondyles and the English." E. A. Freeman. [Sig.: "E.A.F."; internal evidence]
- N.s. 35 (1851): 562. O: Rev. H. D. Morgan. C. P. Burney. [Kuist 199 cites Burney's MS letter of 22 April 1851 "returning proof of obituary article on the Rev. H. D.Morgan.…"]
- N.s. 35 (1851): 578. A: Re Ralph Agas. D. E. Davy. [Sig.: "D.A.Y."]
- N.s. 35 (1851): 663. O: Lady John Townshend. R. Ridsdale [?]. [Kuist 260 cites Ridsdale's MS letter of 19 May 1851 enc. obit. of Lady Townshend.]
- N.s. 35 (1851): 666-667. O: E. Ludlow, Serjeant-at-Law. A. R. Ludlow [?]. [Kuist 245 cites Ludlow's MS letter of 13 May 1851 "reporting that he had made alterations in the sketch of his father.…"]
- N.s. 36 (1851): 88-90. O: Sir Claudius Stephen Hunter, Bt. T. Saunders [?]. [Kuist
263 cites Saunders' MS letter of 26 May 1851 "enclosing obituary
329notice for Sir Claudius S. Hunter Burt" (a misprint for "Bart").]
- N.s. 36 (1851): 95. O: Rev. W. M. Kinsey. P. Bliss [?]. [Kuist 221 cites Bliss's MS letter of 22 June 1851 re Kinsey memoir.]
- N.s. 36 (1851): 106. A: Busts of Cromwell. W. Tooke, Yngr. [Sig.: "M.M.M."]
- N.s. 36 (1851): 125-130. L: Anglo-Saxon kings crowned at Kingston. S. Hall. [Sig.: "S.H."]
- N.s. 36 (1851): 157-158. A: "Seal with a Merchant's Mark." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
- N.s. 36 (1851): 158-160. L: "St. Peter's 'supposed' Chair." A. B. Rowan. [Sig.: "A.B.R."]
- N.s. 36 (1851): 197-200. O: W. Adams. G. E. Adams Cokayne. [Kuist 216 cites G. E. Adams Cokayne's MS letter of 24 June 1851 enc. W. Adams's obit., plus two additional MS letters supplying revisions of it.]
- N.s. 36 (1851): 290-291. L: Queries re eleventh century. E. A. Freeman. [Sig.: "E.A.F."; internal evidence]
- N.s. 36 (1851): 347-352. A: "Monk and the Restoration." J. P. Collier. [Information supplied by Janet Ing Freeman, London, in letter of 21 November 1995. My thanks to J. I. Freeman and Arthur Freeman for this information from their unpublished research on Collier.]
- N.s. 36 (1851): 389. L: "Bishop Burnet's attendance at the death-bed of Rochester." J. A. Repton. [Sig.: "J.A.R."]
- N.s. 36 (1851): 391. L: "Relic of Elizabeth of Bohemia." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
- N.s. 36 (1851): 392. L: "Letter of Bernard Barton" enc. J. B. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.B.N."]
- N.s. 36 (1851): 469-472. L: "Nell Gwyn." S. Hall. [Sig.: "S.H."]
- N.s. 36 (1851): 494-497. A: "The Duke of Albemarle and Charles II." J. P. Collier. [Information supplied by Janet Ing Freeman, London, in letter of 21 November 1995. My thanks to J. I. Freeman and Arthur Freeman for this information from their unpublished research on Collier.]
- N.s. 36 (1851): 517-520. L: "'The Nicholas of the Tower' not a Bristol Ship." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
- N.s. 36 (1851): 562. L: Re C. H. Wilson. J. R. Perkinson. [Sig.: "F.R.A."; dated from Oak House, Pendleton, whence Perkinson wrote in 1849 (v. Kuist 256)]
- N.s. 36 (1851): 623-624. L: "Meaning of the Word Whiffler." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
- N.s. 37 (1852): 114. A: John Murray of Sacomb. E. G. Ballard. [Sig.: "E.G.B."]
- N.s. 37 (1852): 267-268. L: "Early Use of Paper in England." T. E. Tomlins. [Sig.: "T.E.T."]
- N.s. 37 (1852): 369-370. L: "Domesday Book of King Edward." T. E. Tomlins. [Sig.: "T.E.T."]
- N.s. 37 (1852): 371-372. L: "Domesday Survey of Chingford, co. Essex." T. E. Tomlins. [Sig.: "T.E.T."]
- N.s. 37 (1852): 373. L: "Lines for a Box by the late Bartholomew Frere." C. E. Long. [Sig.: "C.E.L."]
- N.s. 37 (1852): 410-413. O: Basil Montagu. A. D. B. Montagu [?]. [Kuist
330251 cites A. D. B. Montagu's MS letter of 19 March 1852 enc. a memoir of B. Montagu.]
- N.s. 37 (1852): 419-420. O: Samuel Prout. J. Britton. [Illust. 8: xxxvi, n.]
- N.s. 37 (1852): 434. L: Bishop William Rae of Glasgow. H. W. G. Ray. [Sig.: "H.W.G.R."]
- N.s. 37 (1852): 486-487. L: "The term 'Bridge.'" J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
- N.s. 37 (1852): 487-489. L: "Mrs. Joan Whitrow." E. G. Ballard. [Sig.: "E.G.B."]
- N.s. 37 (1852): 538. L: "Marat's early life in England." J. R. Perkinson. [Sig.: "F.R.A."; dated from Oak House, Pendleton, whence Perkinson wrote in 1849 (v. Kuist 256)]
- N.s. 37 (1852): 569-570. L: "Status of the Jews." T. E. Tomlins. [Sig.: "T.E.T."]
- N.s. 37 (1852): 576-577. L: "The Temple Bridge." W. S. Walford. [Sig.: "W.S.W."]
- N.s. 37 (1852): 577-579. L: "Bridges in the Strand." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
- N.s. 37 (1852): 579. L: "Edgware Road the Roman Watling Street." T. E. Tomlins. [Sig.: "T.E.T."]
- N.s. 38 (1852): 57-58. L: "Investiture and Seisin." T. E. Tomlins. [Sig.: "T.E.T."]
- N.s. 38 (1852): 73-74. R: Hamilton's Sixteen Months in the Danish Isles. E. Taylor. [Kuist 266 cites Taylor's MS letter of June 1852 "asking for correction of a word in her review of 'The Danish Isles'… ."]
- N.s. 38 (1852): 137-139. A: "Royal Mines Company, 1720." C. E. Long. [Sig.: "C.E.L."]
- N.s. 38 (1852): 164-166. L: "Concealors, or Informers of Lands concealed from the Crown." T. E. Tomlins. [Sig.: "T.E.T."]
- N.s. 38 (1852): 274. L: "Corn Street, Bristol." T. E. Tomlins. [Sig.: "T.E.T."]
- N.s. 38 (1852): 371-374. L: "Bondage in England." T. E. Tomlins. [Sig.: "T.E.T."]
- N.s. 38 (1852): 375-377. L: "Iconic Vicissitudes." J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "J.T.M."]
- N.s. 38 (1852): 379-381. L: "Alchymists in England." T. E. Tomlins. [Sig.: "T.E.T."]
- N.s. 38 (1852): 489-490. L: "Concealed Lands, temp. William III." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
- N.s. 38 (1852): 531-532. O: Rev. W. Alderson. J. Mitford. [Illust. 8: 638]
- N.s. 38 (1852): 591-594. L: "Funeral Heraldry of Wellington's Obsequies." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
- N.s. 38 (1852): 594-599. L: "Lazar-House at Upper Holloway, and Whittington's Stone." T. E. Tomlins. [Sig.: "T.E.T."]
- N.s. 38 (1852): 604-605. L: "Derivation of the word Menial." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
- N.s. 39 (1853): 22-23. A: "Journey from London to Paris in the Year 1736 [by Sir Alexander Dick] [enc.]." A. B. Grosart. [Sig.: "A.B.G."]
- N.s. 39 (1853): 26-36. R: Stirling's Cloister Life of Charles the Fifth. S.
331Hall [?]. [Kuist 236 cites Hall's MS letter of 14 December 1852 enc. a review of Cloister Life.]
- N.s. 39 (1853): 49-50. L: "St. Mary Axe--St. Ursula." T. E. Tomlins. [Sig.: "T.E.T."]
- N.s. 39 (1853): 115-123. A: "Memorials of John Home." A. B. Grosart. [Sig.: "A.B.G."]
- N.s. 39 (1853): 167-169. L: "Robin Hood and Sherwood Forest." T. E. Tomlins. [Sig.: "T.E.T."]
- N.s. 39 (1853): 203-207. O: Rev. Samuel Lee. H. Pidgeon [?]. [Sig.: "H.P."; Kuist 256, which cites Pigeon's MS letter of 19 January 1853 enc. memoir of Lee]
- N.s. 39 (1853): 207-209. O: Samuel Merriman. S. W. J. Merriman [?]. [Kuist 249 cites T. W. J. Merriman's MS letters of 17 January and 16 February 1853 re obit. of S. Merriman.]
- N.s. 39 (1853): 258-262. A: "Memorials of John Home [cont.]." A. B. Grosart. [Sig.: "A.B.G."]
- N.s. 39 (1853): 267-269. L: "Ancient Records of Ireland." J. F. Ferguson. [GM n.s. 45 (1856): 652]
- N.s. 39 (1853): 313-314. O: Lt.-Gen. George Burrell. T. Gray. [Kuist 235 cites four MS letters from Gray re memoir of Burrell plus the MS partial memoir with proof sheet.]
- N.s. 39 (1853): 316-317. O: Rev. Peter Lovett Fraser. J. G. Nichols [?]. [Kuist 279 tentatively identifies J. G. Nichols as author of a MS text for "obituary notice of Rev. Peter Lovett Fraser (1852).…"]
- N.s. 39 (1853): 348-354. R: Mrs. Gray's History of Rome. Elizabeth, Lady Eastlake [?]. [Kuist 231 cites Lady Eastlake's MS letter of 10 January 1853 enc. "review of Mrs. H. Gray's latest book.…"]
- N.s. 39 (1853): 360-368. A: "Jacques van Artevelde." S. Hall [?]. [Kuist 236 cites two MS letters from Hall, 1852-53, re article on Jacques van Artevelde.]
- N.s. 39 (1853): 392. L: "Richard of Cirencester." G. Matcham. [Sig.: "G.M."]
- N.s. 39 (1853): 393-394. L: "Billingsgate and Whittington's Conduit." T. E. Tomlins. [Sig.: "T.E.T."]
- N.s. 39 (1853): 458. A: Hobkirk and the supposed churchyard of Rule. A. B. Grosart. [Sig.: "A.B.G."]
- N.s. 39 (1853): 481-488. A: "Heydon with One Hand." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
- N.s. 39 (1853): 507-509. L: "Tower Royal." T. E. Tomlins. [Sig.: "T.E.T."]
- N.s. 39 (1853): 512-513. L: "Showers and Springs of Blood." J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "J.T.M."]
- N.s. 39 (1853): 616-617. L: "Saint James's Park." T. E. Tomlins. [Sig.: "T.E.T."]
- N.s. 39 (1853): 617-620. L: "Queen Joan's Wardrobe." T. E. Tomlins. [Sig.: "T.E.T."]
- N.s. 39 (1853): 625-626. R: Fountains of British History. T. Wright [?]. [Kuist 275 cites Wright's MS letter of 21 May 1853 "enclosing 'a little notice of the Fountains of British History'…"]
- N.s. 40 (1853): 2. A: Ladders at Leadhills. A. B. Grosart. [Sig.: "A.B.G."]
- N.s. 40 (1853): 18-25. A: "Lady Novelists of Great Britain." E. Taylor.
332[Kuist 266 cites Taylor's 14 May 1853 MS "letter… asking about her manuscript on female novelists …"]
- N.s. 40 (1853): 51-53. L: "Culture of Beet-Root." J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "J.T.M."; Kuist 247, which cites Mansel's MS letter of 2 May 1853 "enclosing article on beet root sugar…"]
- N.s. 40 (1853): 54-55. L: "'Heydon with One Hand,' and Elizabethan Duels." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
- N.s. 40 (1853): 56-62. L: "Concealors, or Informers of Lands concealed from the Crown." T. E. Tomlins. [Sig.: "T.E.T."]
- N.s. 40 (1853): 127-131. A: "Original Letter of Major Patrick Ferguson." A. B. Grosart. [Sig.: "A.B.G."]
- N.s. 40 (1853): 140-146. R: Taylor's Life of Benjamin Robert Haydon. A. Haviland [?]. [Kuist 237 cites Haviland's MS letters of 6 July and 17 July 1853 re review of Taylor's Haydon.]
- N.s. 40 (1853): 248-254. R: Memoirs and Correspondence of Dr. Henry Bathurst, Lord Bishop of Norwich. E. Taylor [?]. [Kuist 266 cites Taylor's MS letter of 20 July 1853 "asking to review the 'Life of Bishop Bathurst'.…"]
- N.s. 40 (1853): 271-272. L: Superstitions re numbers. J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "J.T.M."]
- N.s. 40 (1853): 283. R: Kshitisavansávalicharitam: a Chronicle of the family of Rája Krishnachandra of Navadwipa, Bengal. E. B. Cowell [?]. [Kuist 228 cites Cowell's MS letter of 11 August 1853 "enclosing review of a Sanskrit historical work."
- N.s. 40 (1853): 284-285. R: Rham's Dictionary of the Farm. J. T. Mansel [?]. [Kuist 248 cites Mansel's MS letter of 1 August 1853 "informing… [J. G. Nichols] that he will review Rham's Dictionary.…"]
- N.s. 40 (1853): 364-371. A: "Memorials of the Author of 'The Seasons' and Riccaltoun of Hobkirk." A. B. Grosart. [Sig.: "A.B.G."]
- N.s. 40 (1853): 383-384. L: "Bishop Latimer's Letter." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
- N.s. 40 (1853): 384-385. L: "Family of Clapham at Stamford." W. Hopkinson [?]. [Sig.: "W.H."]
- N.s. 40 (1853): 443. V: "The Parish Girl." J. Mitford. [Sig.: "J.M."]
- N.s. 40 (1853): 480. L: "Shops in Westminster Hall." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
- N.s. 40 (1853): 532-533. O: J. D. Cuff. C. Richardson. [Sig.: "C.R."; Kuist 260, which cites Richardson's 1853 MS obit. of Cuff]
- N.s. 40 (1853): 546. A: Re error in Warburton's Remains. J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "J.T.M."]
- N.s. 40 (1853): 588-594. R: "Mitford's Mason and Gray." E. Taylor [?]. [Kuist 266 cites Taylor's MS letters of 14 October and 18 October 1853 "about an article on Mitford's 'Gray'.…"]
- N.s. 40 (1853): 597-599. L: "English Historical Portraits." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
- N.s. 40 (1853): 599-602. L: "Scotish [sic] Families in Sweden." J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "J.T.M."]
- N.s. 40 (1853): 610-612. R: Oliphant's Russian Shores of the Black Sea.
E. Taylor [?]. [Kuist 267 cites Taylor's MS letter of 15 November 1853 "asking to review a book
by Mr. Oliphant.…"]
- N.s. 40 (1853): 632-635. O: Sir W. Betham. J. F. Ferguson. [Kuist 232 cites three MS letters from Ferguson re Betham's memoir plus the MS memoir itself.]
- N.s. 40 (1853): 635-637. O: Sir William Bain. J. R. McCullock. [Kuist 228 cites MS letter of 22 November 1853 from Peter Cunningham "to… (J. G. Nichols) sending an account of Sir William Bain by Mr. McCullock.…"]
- N.s. 40 (1853): 644. O: Rev. G. Faussett. P. Bliss [?]. [Kuist 221 cites Bliss's MS letter of 24 September 1853 "about obituary for Dr. Faussett."]
- N.s. 40 (1853): 647-648. O: T. J. Wooller. E. G. Ballard [?]. [Kuist 218 cites Ballard's MS letter of 18 November 1853 enc. a memoir of Wooller.]
- N.s. 41 (1854): 97-100. O: James Trubshaw. J. Miller. [Kuist 249 cites three MS letters from Miller re memoir of Trubshaw, the last (3 January 1854) "acknowledging publication of memoir of Mr. Trubshaw.…"]
- N.s. 41 (1854): 101. O: Samuel Williams. J. Britton. [Kuist 222 cites Britton's 22 December 1853 "manuscript letter and proof sheet of obituary for Samuel Williams.…"]
- N.s. 41 (1854): 114. A: Locations described in Sorbiere's Journey to London, 1698. J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "J.T.M."]
- N.s. 41 (1854): 160-161. L: "Theological Papers of the Elder William Bowyer." J. B. Nichols. [Illust. 8: 440]
- N.s. 41 (1854): 209-210. O: William Maltsby. R. Thomson [?]. [Kuist 268 cites Thomson's MS letter of 9 January 1854 enc. obit. of Maltsby.]
- N.s. 41 (1854): 246-251. A: "Early Female Asceticism--Paula and Eustochium." F. J. Vipan. [Sig.: "F.J.V."; Kuist 272, which cites Vipan's undated MS letter "covering an article on 'Early Female Asceticism'…"]
- N.s. 41 (1854): 279. L: "Emendation of a Passage in Shakspere's Coriolanus." F. J. Vipan. [Sig.: "F.J.V."]
- N.s. 41 (1854): 490-491. L: "Fleet Hithe." T. E. Tomlins. [Sig.: "T.E.T."]
- N.s. 41 (1854): 601-603. L: "Original Letter and Anecdotes of Admiral Vernon." J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "J.T.M."]
- N.s. 41 (1854): 603. L: "Oversights of Schiller and Shakspere." F. J. Vipan. [Sig.: "F.J.V."]
- N.s. 41 (1854): 613-614. R: Chorley's Modern German Music. E. Taylor [?]. [Kuist 267 cites Taylor's MS letter of 5 May 1854 "about book reviewing of 'Modern German Music'. . . ."]
- N.s. 42 (1854): 2. L: Pronunciation of the word "shrew." F. J. Vipan. [Sig.: "F.J.V."]
- N.s. 42 (1854): 9-12. A: "Undesigned Imitations. Shakspere of Erasmus.…" F. J. Vipan. [Sig.: "F.V."; Vipan's article on the same subject in GM n.s. 42 (1854): 128, which begins, "In our Number for July we threw out a conjecture… (re) the Colloquies of Erasmus…"]
- N.s. 42 (1854): 98. A: Query re "who is the Frenchman, to whom Cowper refers in his 'Retirement'.…" J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "J.T.M."]
- N.s. 42 (1854): 120-128. A: "Early History of the Jews." C. R. Smith. [Kuist 264 cites Smith's MS letter of 27 May 1854 "offering an item on the early history of the Jews.…"]
- N.s. 42 (1854): 128-133. A: "Undesigned Imitations. The False Knights
334and the Unruly Brides of Erasmus and Shakspere." F. J. Vipan. [Sig.: "F.J.V."]
- N.s. 42 (1854): 210. A: Edward VI's tutors. J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
- N.s. 42 (1854): 226-230. A: "Early History of the Jews [cont.]." C. R. Smith. [See attribution for GM n.s. 42 (1854): 120-128 above.]
- N.s. 42 (1854): 230-234. A: "Novels of Alexandre Dumas." F. J. Vipan [?]. [Kuist 272 cites Vipan's MS letter (date incomplete) "covering an article relating to M. Dumas.…"]
- N.s. 42 (1854): 263-268. L: "John Lodge's MSS. and the Liber Munerum Hiberniae." J. F. Ferguson. [Sig.: "F."; Kuist 232, which cites Ferguson's MS letter of 21 August 1854 "with remarks on the 'Liber Hiberniae'. . ."]
- N.s. 42 (1854): 268-269. L: "Bas-relief of the Dance of Death at Dresden." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
- N.s. 42 (1854): 269-270. L: "The Harry the Fifth Club, or The Gang." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
- N.s. 42 (1854): 309-310. O: Caroline Bowles Southey. R. F. St. Barbe [?]. [Kuist 265 cites St. Barbe's MS letter of 7 August 1854 enc. obit. of Caroline Bowles Southey.]
- N.s. 42 (1854): 322. A: Dugdale's History of St. Paul's. J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
- N.s. 42 (1854): 363-364. L: "Romance of Robert the Devil." J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "J.T.M."]
- N.s. 42 (1854): 365. L: "King Charles's Escape to the Scots." T. E. Tomlins. [Sig.: "T.E.T."]
- N.s. 42 (1854): 373-374. R: "French Railway Literature." J. T. Mansel [?]. [Kuist 248 cites Mansel's MS letter of 20 August 1854 "sending review on French railway literature.…"]
- N.s. 42 (1854): 397-401. O: Thomas Crofton Croker. A. B. Rowan [?]. [Kuist 261 cites Rowan's MS letter of 18 September 1854 "regarding a memoir of Crofton Croker.…"]
- N.s. 42 (1854): 549-557. A: "Alexander the False Prophet." F. J. Vipan. [Contributor on p. 554 discusses Lucian and Alexander; Kuist 272 cites Vipan's MS letter (with partial date) "covering an article on Lucius (sic) Alexander.…"]
- N.s. 42 (1854): 586-588. L: "[Preservation of] Irish State Records." J. F. Ferguson. [Sig.: "F."; Kuist 232, which cites Ferguson's MS letter of 13 November 1854 "about the preservation of Irish records…"]
- N.s. 42 (1854): 593. L: "Model Chancery Petition." A. B. Rowan. [Sig.: "A.B.R."]
- N.s. 42 (1854): 632-634. O: Rev. R. F. St. Barbe. T. Miles. [Sig.: "T.M."; Kuist 249, which cites Miles's MS letter of 25 November 1854 enc. St. Barbe's obit.]
- N.s. 43 (1855): 47-48. L: "Chapel of Mary Magdalen and St. Armill at Tothill." T. E. Tomlins. [Sig.: "T.E.T."; Kuist 268, which cites Tomlins's MS letters of 9 January and 29 January 1855 re Tothill fair]
- N.s. 43 (1855): 48. L: "Emperors and Kings of the East." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
- N.s. 43 (1855): 54-55. R: Odessa and its Inhabitants. T. Wright [?]. [Kuist
335275 cites Wright's MS letter of 16 December 1854 "sending a review of 'Odessa'.…"]
- N.s. 43 (1855): 100-102. O: Rev. A. B. Evans. S. Evans. [Kuist 231 cites S. Evans's "manuscript and corrected proofs of memoir of the Rev. A. B. Evans… ," 14 December 1854.]
- N.s. 43 (1855): 104. O: Charles Madan. J. M. Gresley [?]. [Kuist 235 cites Gresley's MS letter of 22 December 1854 "enclosing a memoir of Charles Madan.…"]
- N.s. 43 (1855): 121-122. A: "Letter of a Chaplain in the American Army during the War of Independence." A. B. Grosart. [Sig.: "A.B.G."]
- N.s. 43 (1855): 156-160. L: "Office of Cuneator." T. E. Tomlins. [Sig.: "T.E.T."]
- N.s. 43 (1855): 160-162. L: "Hatton Garden." T. E. Tomlins. [Sig.: "T.E.T."]
- N.s. 43 (1855): 163-165. L: "Canon-Courts of Lyons." J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "J.T.M."]
- N.s. 43 (1855): 171-174. R: Autobiography of the Rev. W. Jay. J. T. Mansel. [Kuist 248 cites Mansel's MS letter of 15 January 1855 "sending remainder of 'Jay'.…"]
- N.s. 43 (1855): 198-202. O: Rev. Chancellor Raikes. F. R. Raines. [Kuist 258 cites Raines's "corrected proof sheets of memoir for Rev. Chancellor Raikes.…"]
- N.s. 43 (1855): 212-213. O: W. H. Bartlett. J. Britton. [Illust. 8: xxxvi, n]
- N.s. 43 (1855): 346-347. A: "Glimpses of the Olden Time in America. From the unpublished diary of Mrs. Quincy of Cambridge." A. B. Grosart. [Sig.: "A.B.G."]
- N.s. 43 (1855): 376. V: "Sonnet on the Obituary." C. V. Le Grice. [Sig.: "C.V.L.G."]
- N.s. 43 (1855): 385-386. L: "House Drainage." T. E. Tomlins. [Sig.: "T.E.T."]
- N.s. 43 (1855): 386-387. L: "Memorial Buffetings." J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "J.T.M."]
- N.s. 43 (1855): 387-389. L: "Touthill, or Totehill, Tothill Fields." T. E. Tomlins. [Sig.: "T.E.T."; Kuist 268 cites Tomlins's MS letters of 9 January and 29 January 1855 re Tothill fair.]
- N.s. 43 (1855): 450. A: Re Cromwelliana. J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "J.T.M."]
- N.s. 43 (1855): 456-458. A: "'Charter Oak' of Connecticut." A. B. Grosart. [Sig.: "A.B.G."]
- N.s. 43 (1855): 491-494. L: "Wardship of Valerian Weslye [sic]." J. F. Ferguson. [Sig.: "J.F.F."; Kuist 232 cites 1855 MS letter from Ferguson re "an article for 'GM' on Valerian Wesley's wardship.…"]
- N.s. 43 (1855): 496-497. L: "Lord Ormond's Butlerage of Ireland.…" T. E. Tomlins. [Sig.: "T.E.T."]
- N.s. 43 (1855): 561-562. A: "Lady Arabella Stuart." T. E. Tomlins. [Sig.: "T.E.T."]
- N.s. 43 (1855): 594. L: "Unpublished Letter of the Poet Moore" enc. J. F. Ferguson. [Sig.: "J.F.F."]
- N.s. 43 (1855): 596-597. L: "Proclamations against New Buildings." T. E. Tomlins.
[Sig.: "T.E.T."]
- N.s. 43 (1855): 598-600. L: "Wardship of Valerian Wesley." J. F. Ferguson. [Sig.: "J.F.F."; Kuist 232 cites Ferguson's MS letter of 23 May 1855 "covering the final part of his article on Valerian Wesley.…"]
- N.s. 43 (1855): 600. L: "Pheasantry in Saint James's Park." T. E. Tomlins. [Sig.: "T.E.T."]
- N.s. 44 (1855): 50-51. A: "Letter of Aaron Burr, the First President of Princeton College." A. B. Grosart. [Sig.: "A.B.G."; Kuist 235 cites Grosart's MS letter of 12 June 1855 "with additional information on Burr and Princeton.…"]
- N.s. 44 (1855): 54-55. L: "Royal Archery in Tothill Fields." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
- N.s. 44 (1855): 59-62. L: "On the Site of Anderida." Dr. ----- Smart [?]. [Kuist 264 cites Smart's MS letter of 7 June 1855 "enclosing a paper on 'Anderida'.…"]
- N.s. 44 (1855): 74-76. R: Orations of Demosthenes. J. T. Mansel. [Kuist 248 cites Mansel's MS letter of 22 June 1855 "returning proof of Demosthenes.…"]
- N.s. 44 (1855): 104. O: Rev. E. A. Douglas. T. Collins, Jun. [?]. [Kuist 226-227 cites Collins' MS letter of 22 June 1855 "asking for death notice inserted of… Douglas.…"]
- N.s. 44 (1855): 141-149. A: "Descendants of Mary Stuart." W. MacCall. [Kuist 245 cites MacCall's MS letter of 2 July 1855 enc. "an article on descendants of Mary Stewart.…"]
- N.s. 44 (1855): 157. L: "Death of Charles the Bold.--Descent of Hugh Capet." W. Tooke, Yngr. [Sig.: "M.M.M."]
- N.s. 44 (1855): 161-162. L: "Unpublished Statutes of Ireland." J. F. Ferguson. [Sig.: "J.F.F."; GM n.s. 45 (1856): 652]
- N.s. 44 (1855): 226. A: Re "the expression A Bubble Boy." J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "J.T.M."]
- N.s. 44 (1855): 255-261. R: Life of the Rev. Sidney Smith. W. H. Amyot [?]. [Kuist 217 cites Amyot's MS letter of 26 July 1855 "offering… his article, 'Memoirs of Sidney Smith'. . . ."]
- N.s. 44 (1855): 276-278. L: "Museum Catalogues." E. G. Ballard. [Sig.: "E.G.B."]
- N.s. 44 (1855): 356-363. A: "Peerage of Ireland." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
- N.s. 44 (1855): 381-384. L: "Growth of London." J. Burtt. [Sig.: "J.B."; Kuist 224, which cites Burtt's MS letter of 9 October 1855 re "corrections in his paper 'The Growth of London' edited for 'GM'. . ."]
- N.s. 44 (1855): 488-494. A: "Peerage of Ireland [cont.]." J. G. Nichols. [Cont. of GM n.s. 44 (1855): 356-363, which is signed "J.G.N.," J. G. Nichols's frequent signature]
- N.s. 44 (1855): 503-504. L: "Charms, Omens, and Cautionary Denouncements." W. Tooke, Yngr. [Sig.: "M.M.M."]
- N.s. 45 (1856): 2. A: Query re reference to Cambridge as "Lutetia." J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "J.T.M."]
- N.s. 45 (1856): 41-42. L: "Jacobite Ticket." R. Almack. [Sig.: "R.A."]
- N.s. 45 (1856): 148-149. L: "The Eagles' [sic] of Bristol." J. M. Gutch. [GM 211 (1861): 685]
- N.s. 45 (1856): 150-151. L: "Dulwich College Reform." C. Howes. [Sig.:
337"A Lover of Truth"; refers to his contribution of "December last" (GM n.s. 44 [1855]: 612-613, signed "A Lover of Truth"), which Kuist attrib. to Howes]
- N.s. 45 (1856): 152-153. L: "Family of Cornhill." G. R. Corner. [Sig.: "G.R.C."]
- N.s. 45 (1856): 309. O: Very Rev. Theophilus Blakely. C. H. Cooper [?]. [Kuist 227 cites Cooper's MS letter of 7 February 1856 "returning obituary of Dean Blakely.…"]
- N.s. 45 (1856): 356-362. R: Langdale's Memoirs of Mrs. Fitzherbert. J. Doran [?]. [Kuist 230 cites Doran's MS letter of 10 March 1856 "offering to review 'Memoirs of Mrs. Fitzherburt' (sic).…"]
- N.s. 45 (1856): 394-396. R: Liddell's History of Rome. J. T. Mansel. [Kuist 248 cites three MS letters of March 1856 from Mansel re a review of Liddell's Rome, the last two accompanying proofs.]
- N.s. 45 (1856): 443-448. A: "Kingdom of Oude." J. Hutton [?]. [Kuist 240 cites Hutton's MS letter of 11 April 1855 "returning proof of the 'Kingdom of Oude'.…"]
- N.s. 45 (1856): 486-488. L: "Holborn not Oldbourne." T. E. Tomlins. [Sig.: "T.E.T."]
- N.s. 45 (1856): 488. L: "'Sir' as a Clerical Prefix." F. J. Vipan. [Sig.: "F.J.V."]
- N.s. 45 (1856): 554. A: Note re Cumberland's army. J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "J.T.M."]
- N.s. 45 (1856): 606-607. L: "Inscribed Stone." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
- N.s. 45 (1856): 618-620. R: The Cyropaedia and the Hellenics of Xenophon. J. T. Mansel. [Kuist 248 cites Mansel's MS letter of 8 May 1856 "returning proof of 'Xenophon'.…"]
- 201 (1856): 179-185. A: "Memoir of Sir John Rawson." G. R. Corner. [Sig.: "G.R.C."]
- 201 (1856): 218-219. L: "Holborn of Old." J. Burtt. [Sig.: "J.B."; internal evidence]
- 201 (1856): 223. S: "Alterations in Lichfield Cathedral." J. Rawson [?]. [Sig.: "J.R."; dated Lichfield, whence Rawson wrote in 1850 (v. Kuist 258)]
- 201 (1856): 334-335. L: "Regalia of East Retford." E. G. Ballard. [Sig.: "E.G.B."]
- 201 (1856): 459-462. A: "Courtship of George Villiers, Second Duke of Buckingham." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
- 201 (1856): 466. L: Re a ballad put into evidence in Court of Star Chamber in reign of James I. J. Burtt. [Sig.: "J.B."; internal evidence]
- 201 (1856): 515-518. O: H. A. Barker. G. R. Corner. [GM 216 (1864): 530]
- 201 (1856): 588-590. L: "Baron Munchausen." F. Nichols [?]. [Sig.: "F.N."; dated Lincoln's Inn, whence F. Nichols wrote in 1853 (v. Kuist 252)]
- 201 (1856): 594. L: "Mary Queen of Scots." W. E. Flaherty. [Sig.: "W.E.F."]
- 201 (1856): 666. A: Manor of Kensington and will of E. H. Edwards. E. G. Ballard. [Sig.: "E.G.B."]
- 201 (1856): 666. A: "Puss and Mew." E. G. Ballard. [Sig.: "E.G.B."]
- 202 (1857): 2. A: "Jerusalem and Durham." W. E. Flaherty. [Sig.: "W.E.F."]
- 202 (1857): 2. A: "King of Jerusalem." W. E. Flaherty. [Sig.: "W.E.F."]
- 202 (1857): 75. L: "Picture by Hogarth." E. G. Ballard. [Sig.: "E.G.B."]
- 202 (1857): 196-199. L: "Beauchamp Tower." W. E. Flaherty. [Sig.: "W.E.F."]
- 202 (1857): 200-202. L: "Stuart and Douglas Families." H. L. Jones. [Sig.: "H.L.J."]
- 202 (1857): 378. L: "Dr. Gauden." E. G. Ballard. [Sig.: "E.G.B."]
- 202 (1857): 455. L: "Book of Common Prayer." E. G. Ballard. [Sig.: "E.G.B."]
- 202 (1857): 506. L: "Genealogy or Descent of MSS." E. G. Ballard. [Sig.: "E.G.B."]
- 202 (1857): 566-571. A: "Willmott's British Poets." F. J. Vipan [?]. [Kuist 272 cites Vipan's MS letter of 14 June 1856 "saying he hopes to complete an article on Mr. Willmott.…"]
- 202 (1857): 580-592. L: "Journal of Nehemiah Wallington." W. E. Flaherty. [Sig.: "W.E.F."]
- 202 (1857): 708. L: Macaulay's history. F.J. Vipan. [Sig.: "F.J.V."]
- 203 (1857): 106. L: "Thomas Brooks." W. Duane. [Sig.: "W.D."]
- 203 (1857): 316-317. L: "The Northmen in England." B. Williams. [Sig.: "The Translator of Dr. Leo's Little Work on Anglo-Saxon Names of Places"; BMGC]
- 204 (1858): 109-110. O: J. H. Hurdis. M. A. Lower [?]. [Sig.: "M.A.L."]
- 204 (1858): 346. L: "Derivation of Gawthorpe." E. G. Ballard. [Sig.: "E.G.B."]
- 204 (1858): 346. L: "Worksop Castle, Notts." E. G. Ballard. [Sig.: "E.G.B."]
- 205 (1858): 2. L: "Error in Luard's Edition of the Anglo-Norman Metrical Life of King Edward." T. Wright [?]. [Sig.: "T.W."; internal evidence]
- 205 (1858): 162-163. L: "Old Norman Language." J. J. Wilkins [?]. [Sig.: "J.J.W."]
- 205 (1858): 210. L: "Family of Strode of Co. Somerset." C. J. Richardson [?]. [Sig.: "C.J.R."]
- 205 (1858): 604-608. A: "A Day's Ramble in the C te d'Or." J. G. Waller [?]. [Sig.: "J.G.W."]
- 206 (1859): 151-156. A: "A Ramble to the Pont du Gard." J. G. Waller [?]. [Sig.: "J.G.W."]
- 206 (1859): 307. L: "Bartholomew Fair." E. G. Ballard. [Sig.: "E.G.B."]
- 206 (1859): 322-324. O: Rev. C. V. Le Grice. H. Penneck. [DNB11: 864]
- 206 (1859): 338. L: "School Histories for the Young." E. G. Ballard. [Sig.: "E.G.B."]
- 206 (1859): 446. L: "'British Journalism.'" E. G. Ballard. [Sig.: "E.G.B."]
- 207 (1859): 206. L: Company at Exeter Change. E. G. Ballard. [Sig.: "E.G.B."]
- 207 (1859): 206. L: "Worksop Castle." E. G. Ballard. [Sig.: "E.G.B."]
- 207 (1859): 502. L: "Date of Waltham Abbey Church." E. G. Ballard. [Sig.: "E.G.B."]
- 208 (1860): 162-165. A: "Gothic or Classic?" E. A. Freeman. [Sig.: "E.A.F."; internal evidence]
- 208 (1860): 259. S: Headnote to "Sumptuary Laws." Sir H. Ellis. [Sig.: "H.E."; internal evidence]
- 208 (1860): 279. L: "First Music Hall and Oratorio." E. G. Ballard. [Sig.: "E.G.B."]
- 208 (1860): 383. L: "Usefulness of Heraldry." E. G. Ballard. [Sig.: "E.G.B."; GM 208 (1860): 413n]
- 208 (1860): 426. L: "Street Nomenclature at Worcester." J. Noake [?]. [Sig.: "J.N."]
- 208 (1860): 538. L: "Dr. R. B. Todd." J. Graves. [Sig.: "J.G."]
- 209 (1860): 450. L: "Swedish Coinage." R. Sainthill. [Sig.: "R.S."; internal evidence]
- 209 (1860): 571-577. A: "Coat Armour Ascribed to Our Saviour." R. L. de Pearsall. [GM 210 (1861): 2]
- 210 (1861): 2. A: "St. Hugh of Lincoln." A. J. Dunkin. [Sig.: "Delfra Niknud," which is an anagram of "Alfred Dunkin"]
- 210 (1861): 677-678. L: "Preservation of Stone." H. L. Jones. [Sig.: "H.L.J."]
- 211 (1861): 139. L: "Copy of a memorial written in 1595 from the Bishop of St. David's to Lord Burghleigh, upon the then state of Milford Haven" enc. Sir H. Ellis. [Sig.: "H.E."; internal evidence]
- 211 (1861): 665. L: "Northborough and Glinton Churches." J. James. [Sig.: "The Curate of Glinton"; information supplied by C. Simpson, Glinton, Peterborough, in letter of 13 December 1993]
- 212 (1862): 64-67. L: "Manor of Cadhay." G. H. Dashwood. [Sig.: "G.H.D."]
- 212 (1862): 478-479. L: "Minimi." D. Royce. [Sig.: "D.R."]
- 213 (1862): 85. L: "The Name of Thackwell." E. J. Thackwell. [Sig.: "E.J.T."]
- 214 (1863): 138. S: Reply to query re meaning of the initials "S.R.Q.P." H. T. Ellacombe. [Sig.: "H.T.E."]
- 214 (1863): 138. L: "Clyst St. George." H. T. Ellacombe. [Sig.: "H.T.E."; refers to contributor's previous piece on Clyst St. George (GM 214 [1863]: 28-34), which GM identified (p. 28n) as by Ellacombe]
- 214 (1863): 412-425. A: "Abbey Churches at Caen [conc.]." J. H. Parker. [Conc. of GM 214 (1863): 283-301, which GM identifies as Parker's]
- 214 (1863): 494. L: "Archbishop Laud, the 'Beast.'" Sir H. Ellis. [Sig.: "H.E."; internal evidence]
- 214 (1863): 724. L: "Wadham College, Oxford." Sir H. Ellis. [Sig.: "H.E."; internal evidence]
- 215 (1863): 223-224. L: "Family of Cockayne." A. E. Cockayne. [Sig.: "A.E.C."; internal evidence]
- 216 (1864): 362. L: "Arms of Strongbow." J. C. Coleman. [Sig.: "J.C.C."; dated from Clare Vicarage; information supplied by the Rev. John Rankin, Clare, Suffolk, in letter of 20 September 1993]
- 217 (1864): 402. A: "Hinckley Meeting." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."; refers to the contributor's "paper on Ancient Hosiery" (which GM 217 [1864]: 338-340 identifies as by J. G. Nichols)]
- 219 (1865): 615-621. L: "State Papers Relating to the Family of Dolman." M. Dolman. [Sig.: "M.D."; internal evidence]
- 219 (1865): 761-770. A: "State Papers Relating to the Family of Dolman [cont.]." M. Dolman. [Cont. of GM 219 (1865): 615-621 (v. attribution above)]
- 220 (1866): 239-252. A: "John Flamsteed and the Greenwich Observatory." J. Carpenter. [Conc. (GM 220 [1866]: 549-558) is signed.]
- 220 (1866): 372-373. L: Rood-lofts. J. Piggot, Jun. [Sig.: "J.P."]
- 220 (1866): 378-386. A: "John Flamsteed and the Greenwich Observatory." J. Carpenter. [Conc. (GM 220 [1866]: 549-558) is signed.]
- 220 (1866): 785-797. A: "Lake-Dwellings in Switzerland." G. C. Swayne. [Conc. (GM 221 [1866]: 318-332) is signed.]
- 221 (1866): 498. L: "Titles 'Lady' and 'Dame.'" W. M. Brookes. [Dated from Accrington, whence Brookes wrote; internal evidence]
- 221 (1866): 778. L: "'The Stannaries.'" W. M. Brookes. [Sig.: "W.M.B."]
- 222 (1867): 93. L: "Chaytor and Dawson Families." R. Dawson-Duffield. [Sig.: "Richmondiensis"; dated from Sephton Rectory, Liverpool; information supplied by the Rev. Patrick Crean, Sefton, Merseyside, in letter of 8 April 1994]
- 222 (1867): 208-209. L: "Arms of the Protectorate." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
- 222 (1867): 209. L: "Church Restoration." R. T. Stothard. [Sig.: "The Itinerant Antiquary"]
- 222 (1867): 503-504. L: "Plate-Armour." R. T. Stothard. [Sig.: "R.T.S."; internal evidence]
- 222 (1867): 505. L: "Trumpet at Willoughton." W. M. Brookes. [See Brookes's signed letter in GM 224 (1868): 80 in which he identifies the above as his contribution.]
- 222 (1867): 789. L: "Flogging." J. H. Smith. [Sig.: "J.H.S."]
- 223 (1867): 79-80. L: "Inhabitants of Britain." J. H. Smith. [Sig.: "S.H.J."]
- 223 (1867): 504-505. L: "Abbé Edgeworth de Firmont." A. E. Cockayne [?]. [Sig.: "A.E.C."]
- 223 (1867): 784. L: "Flogging." J. H. Smith. [Sig.: "J.H.S."]
- 223 (1867): 786-787. L: "Branks, Ducking-stools, &c." J. Piggot, Jun. [?]. [Sig.: "J.P., Jun."]
- 224 (1868): 80-81. L: "Walnut Tree." J. Piggot, Jun. [?]. [Sig.: "J.P., Jun."]
- 224 (1868): 81. L: "English Spelling." A. E. Cockayne [?]. [Sig.: "A.E.C."]
- Adams, George Edward. See George Edward Adams Cokayne.
- Allan, Robert Henry. N.s. 31 (1849): 317 [?], 318-319 [?].
- Almack, Richard. N.s. 45 (1856): 41-42.
- Amyot, William Henry. N.s. 44 (1855): 255-261 [?].
- Arnold, Rev. James William (1795-1865). N.s. 32 (1849): 441 [?].
- Ballard, Edward George (1791-1860). N.s. 37 (1852): 114, 487-489; n.s. 40 (1853): 647-648 [?]; n.s. 44 (1855): 276-278; 201 (1856): 334-335, 666 (2); 202 (1857): 75, 378, 455, 506; 204 (1858): 346 (2); 206 (1859): 307, 338, 446; 207 (1859): 206 (2), 502; 208 (1860): 279, 383.
- Bell, John. N.s. 32 (1849): 94-96 [?].
- Berens, Edward. N.s. 31 (1849): 89-92; n.s. 32 (1849): 643-647 [?].
- Bliss, Rev. Philip (1787-1857). N.s. 36 (1851): 95 [?]; n.s. 40 (1853): 644 [?].
- Britton, John (1771-1857). N.s. 37 (1852): 419-420; n.s. 41 (1854): 101; n.s. 43 (1855): 212- 213.
- Brookes, W. M. 221 (1866): 498, 778; 222 (1867): 505.
- Burney, Charles Parr (b. ca. 1786). N.s. 35 (1851): 562.
- Burtt, Joseph (1818-1876). N.s. 44 (1855): 381-384; 201 (1856): 218-219, 466.
- Carpenter, J. 220 (1866): 239-252, 378-386.
- Chetwynde, George. N.s. 33 (1850): 646 [?].
- Cockayne, Andreas E. 215 (1863): 223-224; 223 (1867): 504-505 [?]; 224 (1868): 81 [?].
- Cokayne, George Edward Adams [formerly George Edward Adams] (b. ca. 1825). N.s. 34 (1850): 2 [?]; n.s. 36 (1851): 197-200.
- Coleman, Rev. John Charles (d. 1868). 216 (1864): 362.
- Collier, John Payne (1789-1883). N.s. 36 (1851): 347-352, 494-497.
- Collins, Thomas, Jun. N.s. 44 (1855): 104 [?].
- Cooper, Charles Henry (1808-1866). N.s. 45 (1856): 309 [?].
- Corner, George Richard (1801-1863). N.s. 45 (1856): 152-153; 201 (1856): 179-185, 515-518.
- Cowell, Edward Byles (1826-1903). N.s. 33 (1850): 580-588; n.s. 40 (1853): 283 [?].
- Dashwood, Rev. George Henry (1801-1869). 212 (1862): 64-67.
- Davy, David Elisha (1769-1851). N.s. 35 (1851): 578.
- Dawson-Duffield, Rev. Roger. 222 (1867): 93.
- de Pearsall, Robert Lucas (1795-1856). 209 (1860): 571-577 [a posthumous article].
- Dolman, Marmaduke Francis Cox (b. 1839). 219 (1865): 615-621, 761-770.
- Doran, John (1807-1878). N.s. 45 (1856): 356-362 [?].
- Duane, William John (1780-1865). 203 (1857): 106.
- Duke, Rev. Edward (1779-1852). N.s. 32 (1849): 483-491 [?].
- Dunkin, Alfred John (1812-1879). 210 (1861): 2.
- Eastlake, Elizabeth, Lady (1809-1893). N.s. 39 (1853): 348-354 [?].
- Ellacombe, Rev. Henry Thomas (1790-1885). 214 (1863): 138 (2).
- Ellis, Sir Henry (1777-1869). 208 (1860): 259; 211 (1861): 139; 214 (1863): 494, 724.
- Evans, Sebastian (1830-1909). N.s. 43 (1855): 100-102.
- Ferguson, James Frederic (1807-1855). N.s. 39 (1853): 267-269; n.s. 40 (1853): 632- 635; n.s. 42 (1854): 263-268, 586-588; n.s. 43 (1855): 491-494, 594, 598-600; n.s. 44 (1855): 161- 162.
- Flaherty, W. E. 201 (1856): 594; 202 (1857): 2 (2), 196-199, 580-592.
- Freeman, Edward Augustus (1823-1892). N.s. 35 (1851): 517; n.s. 36 (1851): 290- 291; 208 (1860): 162-165.
- Godwin, George (1815-1888). N.s. 32 (1849): 434-435 [?].
- Graves, James (1815-1886). 208 (1860): 538.
- Gray, Thomas. N.s. 39 (1853): 313-314.
- Greenfield, Benjamin W. (1811-1897). N.s. 32 (1849): 491-493.
- Gresley, Rev. John Morewood (1816-1866). N.s. 43 (1855): 104 [?].
- Grosart, Rev. Alexander Balloch (1827-1899). N.s. 39 (1853): 22-23, 115-123, 258- 262, 458; n.s. 40 (1853): 2, 127-131, 364-371; n.s. 43 (1855): 121-122, 346-347, 456-458; n.s. 44 (1855): 50-51.
- Gutch, John Mathew (1776-1861). N.s. 45 (1856): 148-149.
- Hall, J. C. N.s. 32 (1849): 542-543 [?].
- Hall, Spencer (1806-1875). N.s. 35 (1851): 51-57; n.s. 36 (1851): 125-130, 469-472; n.s. 39 (1853): 26-36 [?], 360-368 [?].
- Haviland, Alfred. N.s. 40 (1853): 140-146 [?].
- Hopkinson, William (1784-1865). N.s. 40 (1853): 384-385 [?].
- Howes, Rev. Charles (d. 1880). N.s. 45 (1856): 150-151.
- Hutton, James. N.s. 31 (1849): 484-489; n.s. 45 (1856): 443-448 [?].
- Hutton, W. F. N.s. 32 (1849): 259-265, 366-371.
- James, Rev. John (1783-1868). 211 (1861): 665.
- Johnston, -----. N.s. 31 (1849): 424 [?].
- Jones, Rev. Harry Longueville (1806-1870). 202 (1857): 200-202; 210 (1861): 677- 678.
- Knox, J. W. N.s. 35 (1851): 433-434 [?].
- Le Grice, Rev. Charles Valentine (1773-1858). N.s. 43 (1855): 376.
- Long, Charles Edward (1796-1861). N.s. 31 (1849): 154-155; n.s. 37 (1852): 373; n.s. 38 (1852): 137-139.
- Lower, Mark Anthony (1813-1876). 204 (1858): 109-110 [?].
- Ludlow, Rev. Arthur Rainey (b. ca. 1810). N.s. 35 (1851): 666-667 [?].
- MacCall, Rev. William (1812-1888). N.s. 44 (1855): 141-149.
- McCulloch, John Ramsay (1789-1864). N.s. 40 (1853): 635-637.
- Madden, Sir Frederic (1801-1873). N.s. 35 (1851): 207-208 [?].
- Manders, H. C. N.s. 31 (1849): 249-259, 374-380; n.s. 32 (1849): 137-143, 249-256, 585-591.
- Mansel, James Temple (ca. 1803-1880). N.s. 31 (1849): 279-282, 388-392 [?], 395; n.s. 32 (1849): 273-275; n.s. 38 (1852): 375-377; n.s. 39 (1853): 512-513; n.s. 40 (1853): 51- 53, 271-272, 284-285 [?], 546, 599-602; n.s. 41 (1854): 114, 601-603; n.s. 42 (1854): 98, 363- 364, 373-374; n.s. 43 (1855): 163-165, 171-174, 386-387, 450; n.s. 44 (1855): 74-76, 226; n.s. 45 (1856): 2, 394-396, 554, 618-620.
- Matcham, George (1789-1877). N.s. 39 (1853): 392.
- Merriman, Dr. Samuel William John (1814-1873). N.s. 39 (1853): 207-209 [?].
- Miles, Rev. Thomas (ca. 1812-1868). N.s. 42 (1854): 632-634.
- Miller, Rev. John (1787-1858). N.s. 41 (1854): 97-100.
- Mitford, Rev. John (1781-1859). N.s. 38 (1852): 531-532; n.s. 40 (1853): 443.
- Montagu, Anne D. B. N.s. 37 (1852): 410-413 [?].
- Murray, Rev. Thomas Boyles (1798-1860). N.s. 32 (1849): 656-658.
- Nichols, Francis (b. ca. 1827?). 201 (1856): 588-590 [?].
- Nichols, John Bowyer (1779-1863). N.s. 36 (1851): 392; n.s. 41 (1854): 160-161.
- Nichols, John Gough (1806-1873). N.s. 33 (1850): 289-291; n.s. 34 (1850): 280-282; n.s. 36 (1851): 157-158, 391, 517-520, 623-624; n.s. 37 (1852): 486-487, 577-579; n.s. 38 (1852): 489-490, 591-594, 604-605; n.s. 39 (1853): 316-317 [?], 481-488; n.s. 40 (1853): 54-55, 383-384, 480, 597-599; n.s. 42 (1854): 210, 268-269, 269-270, 322; n.s. 43 (1855): 48; n.s. 44 (1855): 54-55, 356-363, 488-494; n.s. 45 (1856): 606-607; 201 (1856): 459-462; 217 (1864): 402; 222 (1867): 208-209.
- Nicholson, James. N.s. 31 (1849): 96 [?].
- Noake, John (1816-1894). 208 (1860): 426 [?].
- Parker, John Henry (1806-1884). 214 (1863): 412-425.
- Penneck, Rev. Henry (1800-1862). 206 (1859): 322-324.
- Perkinson, J. R. N.s. 32 (1849): 46-47; n.s. 36 (1851): 562; n.s. 37 (1852): 538.
- Pidgeon, Henry. N.s. 32 (1849): 647 [?]; n.s. 39 (1853): 203-207 [?].
- Piggot, J., Jun. 220 (1866): 372-373; 223 (1867): 786-787 [?]; 224 (1868): 80-81 [?].
- Raines, Rev. Francis Robert (1805-1878). N.s. 43 (1855): 198-202.
- Rawson, Dr. James. 201 (1856): 223 [?].
- Ray, Henry William Gainsborough. N.s. 37 (1852): 434.
- Rees, William Jenkins (1772-1855). N.s. 31 (1849): 212-213 [?]; n.s. 34 (1850): 555- 556 [?].
- Repton, John Adey (1775-1860). N.s. 36 (1851): 389.
- Richardson, Charles (1775-1865). N.s. 40 (1853): 532-533.
- Richardson, Charles James (1806-1871). 205 (1858): 210 [?].
- Ridsdale, Rev. Robert (d. 1876). N.s. 35 (1851): 663 [?].
- Roche, James (1770-1853). N.s. 34 (1850): 114.
- Rowan, Rev. Arthur Blennerhassett (1800-1861). N.s. 32 (1849): 31; n.s. 33 (1850): 2, 346; n.s. 34 (1850): 346; n.s. 36 (1851): 158-160; n.s. 42 (1854): 397-401 [?], 593.
- Royce, Rev. David (b. ca. 1817). 212 (1862): 478-479.
- St. Barbe, Rev. Roger Frampton (1790-1854). N.s. 42 (1854): 309-310 [?].
- Sainthill, Richard. 209 (1860): 450.
- St. John, Horace Stebbing Roscoe (1832-1888). N.s. 31 (1849): 161-170.
- Saunders, Thomas (1814-1890). N.s. 34 (1850): 433-434 [?]; n.s. 36 (1851): 88-90 [?].
- Selwyn, George August, Bishop of New Zealand and Bishop of Lichfield (1809- 1878). N.s. 34 (1850): 234.
- Smart, Dr. -----. N.s. 44 (1855): 59-62 [?].
- Smith, Charles Roach (1807-1890). N.s. 42 (1854): 120-128, 226-230.
- Smith, James H. 222 (1867): 789; 223 (1867): 79-80, 784.
- Snow, Joseph. N.s. 32 (1849): 545 [?].
- Spedding, James (1808-1881). N.s. 33 (1850): 465-468, 597-599.
- Stothard, Robert T. 222 (1867): 209, 503-504.
- Strong, Rev. William. N.s. 31 (1849): 99-100.
- Swayne, George Carless (b. ca. 1818). 220 (1866): 785-797.
- Taylor, Emily (1795-1872). N.s. 38 (1852): 73-74; n.s. 40 (1853): 18-25, 248-254 [?], 588-594 [?], 610-612 [?]; n.s. 41 (1854): 613-614 [?].
- Thackwell, E. J. 213 (1862): 85.
- Thomson, Richard (1794-1865). N.s. 41 (1854): 209-210 [?].
- Tomlins, Thomas Edlyne (1804-1872). N.s. 37 (1852): 267-268, 369-370, 371-372, 569-570, 579; n.s. 38 (1852): 57-58, 164-166, 274, 371-374, 379-381, 594-599; n.s. 39 (1853): 49-50, 167-169, 393-394, 507-509, 616-617, 617-620; n.s. 40 (1853): 56-62; n.s. 41 (1854): 490- 491; n.s. 42 (1854): 365; n.s. 43 (1855): 47-48, 156-160, 160-162, 385-386, 387-389, 496-497, 561-562, 596-597, 600; n.s. 45 (1856): 486-488.
- Tooke, William, the Younger (1777-1863). N.s. 36 (1851): 106; n.s. 44 (1855): 157, 503-504.
- Vipan, Frederick John (1819-1894). N.s. 41 (1854): 246-251, 279, 603; n.s. 42 (1854): 2, 9-12, 128-133, 230-234 [?], 549-557; n.s. 45 (1856): 488; 202 (1857): 566-571 [?], 708.
- Walford, Weston S. N.s. 37 (1852): 576-577.
- Waller, J. G. 205 (1858): 604-608 [?]; 206 (1859): 151-156 [?].
- Way, Albert (1805-1874). N.s. 32 (1849): 533-537 [?].
- Whitby, Rev. Richard Vernon. N.s. 34 (1850): 570.
- Wilkins, J. J. 205 (1858): 162-163 [?].
- Williams, B. 203 (1857): 316-317.
- Wilson, Edward James. N.s. 32 (1849): 151-153.
- Wright, Thomas (1810-1877). N.s. 39 (1853): 625-626 [?]; n.s. 43 (1855): 54-55 [?]; 205 (1858): 2 [?].
- 3 (1733): 94. V: "Ode, on Occasion of Mr Handel's Great Te Deum." E. Cobden [?]. [Sig.: "Miso"; internal evidence]
- 5 (1735): 213. V: "Occasioned by the foregoing [Richard Savage's 'Extract from an Epistle']." E. Cobden [?]. [Sig.: "Miso"; internal evidence]
- 5 (1735): 255 [2nd 255]. V: "In answer to an epistle to Fidelia." T. Beach [?]. [Sig.: "Fido"]
- 5 (1735): 663-664. L: Reply to "A.B.," who had disputed "Yarico's Reasons why he takes Mr A.B. for a Papist" [q.v. GM 5 (1735): 536-537]. R. Yate. [Sig.: "Yarico"; GM 10 (1740): 233n]
- 6 (1736): 322-323. L: "To Mr A.P." praising his trans. of Psalm 68. R. Yate. [Sig.: "R.Y."; GM10 (1740): 233n]
- 6 (1736): 554. L: Calculations re an upcoming eclipse. G. Smith of York. [Sig.: "G.S."; further remarks by "G.S." on this subject (GM 7 [1737]: 121-122) are dated from York.]
- 7 (1737): 10-12. L: "Letter to the Author on Baptism." M. Akenside [?]. [Sig.: "Marcus"]
- 7 (1737): 26. A: Question re astronomy. T. Simpson. [Sig.: "T.S."; internal evidence]
- 7 (1737): 47-48. L: "Query to your learned Hebrew Correspondents." R. Yate. [Sig.: "R.Y."; GM 10 (1740): 233n]
- 7 (1737): 77. L: Answer to Fearnside re mathematical problem. T. Simpson. [Sig.: "T.S."; index to GM 7 (1737)]
- 7 (1737): 80-81. L: Answer to Euterpiphilus re mathematical problem. T. Simpson. [Sig.: "T.S."; index to GM 7 (1737)]
- 7 (1737): 121-122. L: Solar eclipse. G. Smith of York. [Sig.: "G.S."; dated York]
- 7 (1737): 157. L: "Occultation of Aldebaran by the Moon." G. Smith of York [?]. [Sig.: "G.S."; internal evidence]
- 7 (1737): 157-159. L: "Query concerning Abram's Age maintain'd." R. Yate. [Sig.: "R.Y.";
- internal evidence; GM 10 (1740): 233n]
- 7 (1737): 204. A: "A.B.'s Question [re a Biblical passage] answered." R. Yate. [Sig.: "R.Y."; GM 10 (1740): 233n]
- 7 (1737): 274. A: "Answer to Fearnside p. 230." T. Simpson. [Sig.: "T.S."; internal evidence]
- 7 (1737): 420-421. L: Abraham's age. R. Yate. [Sig.: "R.Y."; GM 10 (1740): 233n]
- 8 (1738): 64-65. A: "Reply concerning the Question, Is God older now." R.Yate. [Sig.: "R.Y."; GM 10 (1740): 233n]
- 8 (1738): 66-69. A: "Account of the Garden of Eden." R. Yate. [Sig.: "R.Y."; GM 10 (1740): 233n]
- 8 (1738): 118-120. L: "R.Y.'s Answer to his own Query concerning the fallen Angels." R. Yate. [Sig.: "R.Y."; GM 10 (1740): 233n]
- 8 (1738): 134. A: Answer to mathematical problem. T. Simpson. [Sig.: "S.T.";
internal evidence]
- 8 (1738): 175. A: "The true Reading Gen. xi. 32. restored." R. Yate. [Sig.: "R.Y."; GM 10 (1740): 233n]
- 8 (1738): 187. A: Solution to mathematical problem. T. Simpson. [Sig.: "S.T."; internal evidence]
- 8 (1738): 260-263. A: "God's Eternity." R. Yate. [Sig.: "R.Y."; GM 10 (1740): 233n]
- 8 (1738): 310. L: Satan. R. Yate. [Sig.: "R.Y."; GM 10 (1740): 233n]
- 8 (1738): 350-351. L: "9th Verse of the 27th Chapter of Matthew, clear'd." W. Coke [?]. [Sig.: "W. C--e," which Pailler 2: 569 identifies as the signature of William Coke, not William Chase]
- 9 (1739): 10-12. L: "Dipping the Proper Baptism." M. Akenside [?]. [Sig.: "Marcus"]
- 9 (1739): 177. L: "Remarks on Mr Kennet's Letter to Bishop Stillingfleet." R. Yate. [Sig.: "R.Y."; GM 10 (1740): 233n]
- 10 (1740): 130. L: Observations of the sun and moon conducted with a mirror. G. Smith of York [?]. [Sig.: "G.S."; internal evidence]
- 10 (1740): 171-172. L: "Roman Altar to Fortune." G. Smith of York [?]. [Sig.: "G.S."; internal evidence]
- 10 (1740): 298-299. L: "Plurality of Spectrums in the common Mirror." G. Smith of York [?]. [Sig.: "G.S."; internal evidence]
- 10 (1740): 515-516. L: "On Mr W---d's Medicines." J. Swan. [Sig.: "Amasius"]
- 11 (1741): 495. V: "To the Author of the Verses on the Shamrogge." S. Boyse. [Sig.: "[Y.]"]
- 12 (1742): 438-439. V: "In Praise of Coffee. From the French of M. Fuselier." E. Cobden [?]. [Sig.: "Miso"]
- 13 (1743): 660. V: "On the Death of the Duke of Argyle." W. Rider. [Sig.: "Philargyrus"]
- 14 (1744): 91. A: "Calculation of the Lunar Eclipse." H. Owen [?]. [Sig.: "H. O----- "]
- 14 (1744): 140. L: "Festival of St Matthias on the Brissextile, or Leap Year." T. Whiston. [Sig.: "T.W."; internal evidence]
- 14 (1744): 598-599. L: Dating of the festival of St. Matthias during leap year. T. Whiston. [Sig.: "T.W."; internal evidence]
- 14 (1744): 653. L: Dating of the festival of St. Matthias during leap year. T. Whiston. [Sig.: "T.W."; internal evidence]
- 15 (1745): 254-255. L: Aenigma from A. Gellius solved." W. Rider. [Sig.: "Phylargyrus"]
- 16 (1746): 549. V: "Paradisus Amissa. Lib. I. Authore M. B." M. Browne [?]. [Sig.: "M.B."]
- 17 (1747): 78. A: "Reply to A.B." E. Bate. [Sig.: "E.B."]
- 17 (1747): 264-265. L: "Burial Garlands." E. Steele. [Sig.: "E.S."]
- 17 (1747): 368. L: "Letter of a Persian Spy" enc. S. Boyse. [Sig.: "[Y.]"]
- 17 (1747): 393. V: "Translation of the Epigram from Ovid." J. Loveday, Eld. [Sig.: "Academicus"]
- 18 (1748): 179-180. L: "Antique Figures." G. Smith of Wigton. [Sig.: "G.S."; internal evidence]
- 18 (1748): 210. A: "Account of a Hail-storm." E. Bate. [Sig.: "E.B."]
- 18 (1748): 469. V: "Lives there a man, who this denies." W. Rider. [Sig.: "R--d--r"]
- 18 (1748): 563-564. L: "New Alteration of Mr Hervey's Ode." R. Yate [?]. [Sig.: "R.Y."]
- 19 (1749): 246-247. A: "Instructions to Ch-pm-n, B-m-n, and St-b-g, how to draw up an Answer to Middleton's Free Enquiry, &c." J. Jones. [Lit. Anec. 1: 586n]
- 19 (1749): 523. L: Calculations re a solar and a lunar eclipse. G. Witchell. [Sig.: "G.W."; internal evidence]
- 19 (1749): 551. A: "To Geo. Smith [re Latin inscription]." S. Pegge, Eld. [Sig.: "Paul Gemsege"]
- 20 (1750): 78. L: "Lights in the Air." S. Bolton. [Sig.: "S.B."]
- 20 (1750): 113. L: "Physics, Optics." B. Donn [Donne]. [Sig.: "D.B."; Donn signed the preceding item (GM 20 [1750]: 112-113) which concerns similar subjects.]
- 20 (1750): 153. L: "Moon's Eclipse." G. Witchell. [Sig.: "G.W."; internal evidence]
- 20 (1750): 153-154. L: Earth's centrifugal force; eclipse. G. Witchell. [Sig.: "G.W."; internal evidence]
- 20 (1750): 310. A: "Case of Conscience." T. Daniel. [Sig.: "T.D."]
- 20 (1750): 312. L: "Query on Poisons." S. Pegge, Eld. [Sig.: "Paul Gemsege"]
- 20 (1750): 327. V: "A Dialogue between a certain Gentleman of a certain College in a certain University, and another of a different College in the same University, occasion'd by a Pupil of the one having cut off a Dog's Ear belonging to the other." J. Loveday, Eld. [Sig.: "Academicus"]
- 20 (1750): 344. L: "Letter from Wigtoun [re a meteor]." G. Smith of Wigton. [Sig.: "G.S."]
- 20 (1750): 346-347. L: "Case of Conscience." M. Masters [?]. [Sig.: "Maria"]
- 20 (1750): 354-355. L: "Ocular Demonstration of I Euclid 47." T. Daniel. [Sig.: "T.D."]
- 20 (1750): 390-391. L: "Errors in Brent's Astronomy." G. Witchell. [Sig.: "G.W."; internal evidence]
- 20 (1750): 445. L: "Lunar Eclipse calculated." G. Witchell. [Sig.: "G.W."; internal evidence]
- 20 (1750): 451-452. A: "Job expected a Resurrection." E. Bate. [Sig.: "E.B."]
- 20 (1750): 541-542. L: "Bodies exist without the Mind." T. Daniel. [Sig.: "T.D."]
- 20 (1750): 550. A: "Reply to M. Gautier." T. Daniel. [Sig.: "T.D."]
- 20 (1750): 550-551. L: "Astronomical Equations." G. Witchell. [Sig.: "G.W."; internal evidence]
- 20 (1750): 584. A: "Answer to the Catoptric Paradox." T. Daniel. [Sig.: "T.D."]
- 21 (1751): 51-53. L: "Journey to the Black Lead Mines." G. Smith of Wigton. [Sig.: "G.S."; internal evidence]
- 21 (1751): 177. L: "Calculation of a Lunar Eclipse." G. Witchell. [Sig.: "G.W."; internal evidence]
- 21 (1751): 252-254. A: "Senses how subservient to the Mind." T. Daniel. [Sig.: "T.D."]
- 21 (1751): 357-358. A: "Idea of Extension, how acquired." T. Daniel. [Sig.: "T.D."]
- 21 (1751): 361. L: "Occult. of Jupiter." G. Witchell. [Sig.: "G.W."; internal
- 21 (1751): 421. L: Verses ("A Song [by the author]") enc. J. Robertson. [Sig.: J. R-b-rts-n"]
- 21 (1751): 454. L: "Pont du Gard." W. Rider [?]. [Sig.: "W. R---r"]
- 21 (1751): 550. A: Bishop Berkley's philosophy. T. Daniel. [Sig.: "T.D."]
- 21 (1751): 567. V: "Answer to Hebes's Rebus." W. Rider. [Sig.: "R---r"]
- 22 (1752): 174. L: "Remedy [for the hiccough]." E. Watkinson. [Sig.: "E.W."]
- 22 (1752): 174. L: "Sense of John ii. 6." E. Watkinson. [Sig.: "E.W."]
- 22 (1752): 202-204. L: "Contests between the French Clergy and Parliament." D. Henry [?]. [Cont. of GM 22 (1752): 250-252, which is signed "Y.D.," a sig. Henry used]
- 22 (1752): 250-252. A: "Contest between the French Clergy and Parliament." D. Henry [?]. [Sig.: "Y.D."]
- 22 (1752): 261-262. L: "Voltaire's Story of the Man with the Iron Mask illustrated." D. Henry [?]. [Sig.: "Y.D."]
- 22 (1752): 309. L: "Investigation of a [mathematical] Problem." B. Donn [Donne]. [Sig.: "B.D."]
- 22 (1752): 311. L: "Long Meg and her Daughters." G. Smith of Wigton. [Sig.: "G.S."]
- 22 (1752): 317-318. A: "Contest between the French Clergy and Parliament." D. Henry [?]. [Cont. of GM 22 (1752): 250-252, which is signed "Y.D.," a sig. Henry used]
- 22 (1752): 328. V: "The 137 [sic] Psalm Translated." S. Rogers. [Sig.: "S. R-g-rs"]
- 22 (1752): 372-373. A: "Further Remarks upon long Meg and her Daughters." G. Smith of Wigton. [Sig.: "G.S."]
- 22 (1752): 526-527. L: "Electrical Experiments in Coal-Mines." T. Daniel. [Sig.: "T.D."]
- 23 (1753): 137. A: "Eclipse of the Moon." G. Witchell. [Sig.: "G.W."; internal evidence]
- 24 (1754): 161. L: "Strange Instance of Sagacity in Numbers." T. Sparrow. [Sig.: "T.S."]
- 24 (1754): 464-465. L: "Dreadful Storm in Cumberland." G. Smith of Wigton. [Sig.: "G.S."]
- 25 (1755): 5-6. A: "Effect of the Lightening [sic]." G. Smith of Wigton. [Sig.: "G.S."]
- 25 (1755): 178-179. V: Verses in tribute. D. Garrick. [Sig.: "D. G-r-ck"]
- 26 (1756): 192. V: "On Mr Walpole's House at Twickenham." W. Pulteney, Earl of Bath. [Sig.: "The Earl of Bath"]
- 26 (1756): 247. V: "Artificial Kite." P. Bacon. [GM 53 (1783): 93]
- 26 (1756): 355-356. V: "Artificial Kite [conc.]." P. Bacon. [GM 53 (1783): 93]
- 27 (1757): 370. L: Bravery of Peter Touzin. B. Donn [Donne]. [Sig.: "B.D."]
- 28 (1758): 83. V: "Translation of the King of Prussia's Verses to Professor Gottsched." B. Sowden. [The trans. of the companion-piece poem "The Professor's Answer" that follows on the same page is signed "B. S---n" (Sowden's signature) and dated Rotterdam,whence he wrote.]
- 28 (1758): 83. V: "The Professor's Answer." B. Sowden. [Sig.: "B. S---n"]
- 28 (1758): 166. L: "Further Account of Elephants Bones." P. Collinson [?]. [Sig.: "P.C."; internal evidence]
- 28 (1758): 262. L: "Passage in Martial explained." E. Bochart. [Sig.: "E.B."]
- 28 (1758): 329. V: "To Peace." W. Cowper [?]. [Russell 135]
- 28 (1758): 422-424. L: "Answer to the Queries on Chaunting." W. Cowper. [Russell 137]
- 29 (1759): 131. V: "Verses by a Lady." M. Masters. [Sig.: "Maria"]
- 31 (1761): 32-33. A: "Character of the Rev. Dr. Hales." P. Collinson. [Smith 1: 443]
- 31 (1761): 135. V: "Virtue and Fame. To the Ct--ss of E--gr--t, By Lord L---n." George, 1st Baron Lyttelton. [Sig.: "Lord L---n"; GM 31 (1761): 183]
- 31 (1761): 183. V: "Addition extempore to the Verses on Lady E--gr--t." P. Yorke, 1st Earl of Hardwicke. [Sig.: "Earl of H---ke"; internal evidence in the following item]
- 31 (1761): 183. V: "Lord L---n's Letter to the Earl of H---ke; occasioned by the foregoing Verses." George, 1st Baron Lyttelton. [Sig.: "Lord L---n"; internal evidence in the preceding item]
- 32 (1762): 54. L: "Immense Tree." P. Collinson. [Brett-James 233]
- 32 (1762): 105-106. L: "The Precept Love your Enemies explained." E. Goodwin. [Sig.: "E. G--d--n"]
- 32 (1762): 515. L: "Verse in the Psalms." E. Goodwin. [Sig.: "E. G--d--n"]
- 33 (1763): 229. L: "Anecdotes of Foreign Literature" enc. P. Collinson [?]. [Sig.: "P.C."; internal evidence]
- 33 (1763): 489. L: "Damage done in Kent by a great Storm." E. Greensted [?]. [Sig.: "E.G."]
- 33 (1763): 535-536. L: "Doxology used by the ancient Fathers." M. Wright. [Sig.: "A Clergyman of the Church of England"; dated High-Easter, Essex; Derek Bircher, "Our Village's History [re High Easter, Chelmsford, Essex]," p. vi; information furnished by Rev. Graham F. Bartlam, Good Easter, Chelmsford, Essex, in letter of 27 November 1995]
- 33 (1763): 541-544. L: "Constitution of Maryland." R. Brooke[s]. [Sig.: "R.B."; contributor dated from Maryland, spelling his name "Brooke" in 1752 and "Brookes" in 1756.]
- 33 (1763): 544-547. L: "Remarkable Discovery of a private Murder." R. Gough [?]. [Sig.: "D.H."]
- 34 (1764): 157-161. L: "Natural History of Sheffield." E. Goodwin. [Sig.: "E.G."]
- 34 (1764): 329. L: "Condition of an ancient Tenure." E. Goodwin. [Sig.: "E.G."]
- 35 (1765): 262. L: "Passage from St Irenaeus." W. Tooke, Eld. [Sig.: "W. T--ke"]
- 35 (1765): 322. L: "Bill of Mortality for Sheffield." E. Goodwin. [Sig.: "E. G---n"]
- 36 (1766): 24-25. L: "New Species of Sparrows." J. Mills. [Sig.: "J.M."]
- 36 (1766): 188-189. V: "To Miss Whately on her Poems." B. Fowler. [Sig.: "B.F."]
- 36 (1766): 235. V: "To Clio, occasioned by her verses on Friendship." Lady
349M. W. Montagu. [GM 36 (1766): 202 lists author as "Lady Mary . . . Wortley M---gue."]
- 36 (1766): 408. L: "Remarkable great Ash Tree." P. Collinson. [Sig.: "P.C."]
- 37 (1767): 86. V: "Poet's Pleasures." B. Fowler. [Sig.: "B.F."]
- 37 (1767): 110 [misnumbered as 210]. L: "Recipe for making Wine." P. Collinson [?]. [Sig.: "P.C."; internal evidence]
- 37 (1767): 153-155. L: "Dr Price defended." J. Robertson. [Sig.: "Eusebius"]
- 37 (1767): 169. L: "Aggleston Stone Barrow." J. Hutchins. [Sig.: "J.H."]
- 37 (1767): 253-254. L: "On the Disregard of the Lord's Day." J. Mills. [Sig.: "J.M."]
- 37 (1767): 573-574. L: "Act for amending the Highways." M.Streeter. [Sig.: "M.S."]
- 38 (1768): 109-113. L: "Antiquities in Dorsetshire." J. Hutchins [?]. [Sig.: "J.H."]
- 38 (1768): 171. L: "Nullum Tempus farther illustrated." D. Henry [?]. [Sig.: "Y.D."]
- 38 (1768): 239. V: "Ode in Imitation of Barnes's Anacreon." J. Mills. [Sig.: "J.M."]
- 38 (1768): 464-465. L: "Mosheim's Character of Melanthon." E. Goodwin. [Sig.: "E.G."]
- 39 (1769): 132. L: "Controversy between Junius and Sir W. D. concluded." Sir W. Draper. [Sig.: "W.D."]
- 39 (1769): 177-180. R: Robertson's History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles the Vth. J. Hawkesworth. [Sig.: "X."]
- 39 (1769): 187-188. A: Reply to "An Account of the decisive Election [of John Wilkes] for Middlesex." D. Henry [?]. [Sig.: "D.Y."]
- 39 (1769): 233-234. L: "Salt-Petre Works in England." D. Henry [?]. [Sig.: "D.Y."; internal evidence]
- 39 (1769): 286-287. L: "Remark on Dr Smith's New System of Physic." W. White [?]. [Sig.: "W.W."]
- 39 (1769): 344-345. L: "Birth-place of Shakespeare." T. Beechill [?]. [Sig.: "T.B."]
- 41 (1771): 304-305. L: "Other Opinions relative to the Number of the Beast." R. Yate. [Sig.: "Yarico"; internal evidence]
- 41 (1771): 391. L: "Curious Epitaph." F. Pigott. [Sig.: "F.P."]
- 41 (1771): 418. V: "Mr. Anstey to David Garrick." C. Anstey. [Sig.: "Mr. Anstey"; footnote describing Anstey as "The facetious Author of The New Bath Guide"; BMGC]
- 41 (1771): 444-446. L: "The Esther and Assuerus of the Ancients determined." R. Yate. [Sig.: "Yarico"; internal evidence]
- 42 (1772): 110-112. L: "Reasons for the present Dearth." D. Henry. [Henry in a subsequent contribution (GM 42 [1772]: 222) refers to the previous "publication of my observations upon the cause of the present dearth in your useful Magazine. . . ."]
- 42 (1772): 222. L: "Cause of the present Dearth." D. Henry. [Sig.: "The Author of The Complete Farmer"; GM 62-i (1792): 579]
- 42 (1772): 502. L: "Part of a Letter of Dr. John Taylor's." J. Disney. [Sig.: "J.D."]
- 43 (1773): 454-455. V: "Poetical Chronology of the Kings of England." T. Mytton.
[GM 44 (1774): 136]
- 43 (1773): 511. V: "Poetical Chronology of the Kings of England [cont.]." T. Mytton. [GM 44 (1774): 136]
- 43 (1773): 571. V: "Poetical Chronology of the Kings of England [cont.]." T. Mytton. [GM 44 (1774): 136]
- 43 (1773): 613. V: "Poetical Chronology of the Kings of England [cont.]." T. Mytton. [GM 44 (1774): 136]
- 43 (1773): 655. V: "Poetical Chronology of the Kings of England [conc.]," T. Mytton. [GM 44 (1774): 136]
- 44 (1774): 379-380. V: "On viewing the Conclusion of the ancient Rhine." B. Sowden. [Sig.: "B.S."]
- 45 (1775): 634. L: "Curious Phenomenon." M. Estob. [Sig.: "M.E."]
- 46 (1776): 301-302. L: "Remarks upon Lancastriensis's Letter on Education." M. Estob. [Sig.: "M.E."]
- 46 (1776): 344. L: Re eclipse of the moon. J. Robinson. [Sig.: "J.R."; internal evidence]
- 47 (1777): 188. V: "Epigram. On Miss Hawtain, born without Hands." J.Six [?]. [Sig.: "J.S."]
- 51 (1781): 571-572. R: Lucas's Homer's Hymn to Ceres. S. Badcock. [GM 58-ii (1788): 692n]
- 52 (1782): 431-432. A: "Memoirs of Lord Wenlock." T. Mytton [?]. [Sig.: "T.M."]
- 53-ii (1783): 595-599. R: Works of the Right Reverend Thomas Newton. R.
Gough [?]. [Kuist 201 cites
351Gough's MS "notes, apparently towards review of Thomas Newton's 'Works,'" inserted into GM staff copy at 53-ii (1783): 596.]
- 53-ii (1783): 682-684. R: Works of the Right Reverend Thomas Newton [cont.]. R. Gough [?]. [See attribution for preceding item of which this is a continuation.]
- 54-ii (1784): 730-731. L: "Pedigree of De Ferrars." B. Longmate, Eld. [Correction for Kuist, who does not differentiate between Longmate, Eld., and Longmate, Yngr.]
- 54-ii (1784): 972. L: "Lady Conway." B. Longmate, Eld. [Correction for Kuist, who does not differentiate between Longmate, Eld., and Longmate, Yngr.]
- 54-ii (1784): 975. L: "Post Office." J. Fenn. [internal evidence; author notes that he wrote GM 54-ii (1784): 644-649, which Sherbo 84: 230 attrib. to Fenn. Note that Sherbo 84: 233 incorrectly attrib. GM 54-ii (1784): 975 to John Nichols.]
- 55-ii (1785): 847-848. L: "Family of Finney." B. Longmate, Eld. [Correction for Kuist, who does not differentiate between Longmate, Eld., and Longmate, Yngr.]
- 56-i (1786): 280. L: "Finney." B. Longmate, Eld. [Correction for Kuist, who does not differentiate between Longmate, Eld., and Longmate, Yngr.]
- 56-i (1786): 431. S: Re Dr. Swale of Huntington. S. Henley. [Sig.: "S.H."]
- 56-ii (1786): 872-877 [misnumbered as 869]. R: J. C. Lettsom's Memoirs of John Fothergill. R. Gough [?]. [Kuist 201 cites Gough's MS "notes toward review of Lettsom's 'Memoirs of John Fothergill,' inserted into GM staff copy at 56-ii (1786): 869.]
- 57-ii (1787): 637. O: Rev. Cawthorne Unwin. R. Gough [?]. [Kuist 201 cites Gough's MS "notes towards obituary notice of Rev. Cawthorne Unwin," inserted into GM staff copy at 57-ii (1787): 637.]
- 58-i (1788): 442. S: Engraving of the arms of the Deputy Great Chamberlain. J. Brown. [Sig.: "E."]
- 58-i (1788): 491-492. L: "Prick or pryk." S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796): 1083; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 58-ii (1788): 681-682. L: "Title of Orosius's Book." S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796): 1083; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 58-ii (1788): 731. S: Re the epithet of the nine of diamonds being "The Curse of Scotland" and its connection with Mary, Queen of Scots. S. Denne. [Sig.: "S.D."; internal evidence]
- 58-ii (1788): 852. L: "Earldom of Kincardine." B. Longmate, Eld. or Yngr. [Correction for Kuist, who assumes that Longmate, Eld., and Longmate, Yngr., were the same person]
- 58-ii (1788): 881. L: Re the word "flush." S. Pegge, Eld. [Sig.: "L.E."; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 58-ii (1788): 1103. S: Engraving of a bell. S. Denne. [Sig.: "W. & D."]
- 58-ii (1788): 1128-1129. O: Dr. James Brown. J. Brown. [Kuist 199 cites J. Brown's MS "letter . . . covering obituary article on his father, Dr. James Brown," inserted into GM staff copy at 58-ii (1788): 1129; internal evidence.]
- 58-ii (1788): 1154. L: Re Mill, Mills, Milles, and Miller. S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796): 1083; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 58-ii (1788): 1187. S: Earl of Corke. A. Crocker. [Sig.: "A.C. of Frome"]
- 59-i (1789): iii. S: Reply to Mr. Thicknesse. T. A. Salmon [?]. [Sig.: "T.A.S."]
- 59-i (1789): 404. L: "Parliamentary Language." S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796): 1083; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 59-ii (1789): 614. L: "Hair of the same Dog, whence?" S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796): 1083; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 59-ii (1789): 705. L: "Sea Coal, or Pit Coal." S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796): 1083; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 59-ii (1789): 706. L: "Critique on Virgil." S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796): 1083; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 59-ii (1789): 794-795. L: "Welsh Dictionary." S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796): 1083; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 59-ii (1789): 795. L: "Origin of Knives." S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796): 1083; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 59-ii (1789): 795. L: "Hint to Vice-Chancellors." S. Pegge, Eld. [Sig.: "L.E."; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 59-ii (1789): 935. S: Countess of Essex. S. Denne. [Sig.: "W. and D."]
- 59-ii (1789): 1048. A: "Descent of the Duke of Chandos, and the Earl of Huntingdon." B. Longmate, Eld. or Yngr. [Correction for Kuist, who assumes that Longmate, Eld., and Longmate, Yngr., were the same person]
- 60-i (1790): 8. L: "Hudibras." S. Pegge, Eld. [Sig.: "L.E."; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 60-i (1790): 256. S: Addenda to Chambers's Dictionary. J. Loveday, Yngr. [Sig.: "Scrutator"]
- 60-i (1790): 294. L: "General Glossary wanted." S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii
(1796): 1083; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 60-i (1790): 304. L: "Reply to Rhisiart O Duyded." S. Pegge, Eld. [GM66- ii (1796): 1083; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 60-i (1790): 377-378. O: George Prescot. R. Gough [?]. [Kuist 201 cites Gough's MS "notes with biographical information, apparently towards an obituary notice of Sir E. Prescott [sic]," inserted into GM staff copy at 60-i (1790): 379.]
- 60-ii (1790): 612-613. L: "Use of studying antient Coins." S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796): 1083; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 60-ii (1790): 696-697. L: Re the abbreviation "IHS." S. Pegge, Eld. [Sig.: "L.E."; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 60-ii (1790): 891. L: Abbreviating Names." S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796):1083; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 60-ii (1790): 1009-1010. L: "Coins explained." S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796): 1083; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 60-ii (1790): 1085. L: "Nayword explained." S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796): 1083; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 61-i (1791): 136. L: Re expression "talk of the Devil and bless you." S. Pegge, Eld. [Sig.: "L.E."; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 61-i (1791): 259. S: Green cloths on tables. J. Brown. [Sig.: "E."]
- 61-i (1791): 260-261. V: "Invocation to Sympathy." T. Lister. [Sig.: "T. L---d"; Sherbo 1989: 251 notes that Lister used the signature "T. L---d" but overlooks this poem among his Lister attributions.]
- 61-i (1791): 322. L: "St. Anthony." S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796): 1083; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 61-i (1791): 328-329. L: "Grammatical Disquisition." S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796): 1083; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 61-i (1791): 522. L: "Parliament Oak." S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796): 1084; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 61-i (1791): 525-526. L: "Bancroft's Epigrams and Epitaphs illustrated." S. Pegge, Eld. [Sig.: "L.E."; Sherbo 1984: 231 incorrectly attributes this to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 61-ii (1791): 692-693. L: Epitaph of Edward Burton. S. Pegge, Eld. [Sig.: "L.E."; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 61-ii (1791): 693. L: "Welsh Indians." S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796): 1084; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 61-ii (1791): 928. L: Re term "to gallop." S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796): 1084; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 61-ii (1791): 1021-1022. L: "Criticism on Horace." S. Pegge, Eld. [Sig.: "L.E."; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 61-ii (1791): 1156. S: Duke and Duchess of Northumberland. B. Longmate, Eld. or Yngr. [Correction for Kuist, who assumes that Longmate, Eld., and Longmate, Yngr., were the same person]
- 61-ii (1791): 1186. L: "Catholicks." J. Williamson [?]. [Sig.: "S.W."; internal evidence]
- 62-i (1792): 37. L: "Godstow Nunnery." S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796): 1084; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 62-i (1792): 121-122. A: "Earl of Leicester's Arms." B. Longmate, Eld. or Yngr.
[Correction for Kuist, who does not differentiate Longmate, Eld., and Longmate, Yngr.]
- 62-i (1792): 200. L: "Maps absolutely necessary to Books of Travels." S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796): 1084; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 62-i (1792): 257-258. R: Wintle's Daniel, an improved Version. J. Cooke [?]. [Kuist 199 cites Cooke's MS "letter . . . covering review of Wintle's trans. of Daniel," inserted into GM staff copy at 62-i (1792): 256.]
- 62-i (1792): 519. L: "Pen and Pin defined." S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796): 1084; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 62-i (1792): 519. L: "Evasions of the Marriage Act." S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796): 1084; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 62-i (1792): 578-579. O: David Henry. J. Nichols. [Hart 232]
- 62-ii (1792): 920. L: "House-cricket?" S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796): 1084; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 62-ii (1792): 1100. L: "Mr. Evans?" S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796): 1084; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 62-ii (1792): 1183. L: Thomas Ashburn. S. Pegge, Eld. [Sig.: "L.E."; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 62-ii (1792): 1195-1196. L: "Hints to Correspondents." S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796): 1084; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 63-i (1793): 531. L: "The Gamgarou?" S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796): 1084; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 63-ii (1793): 599. L: "Curste explained." S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796): 1084; correction for Kuist, who attrib.it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 63-ii (1793): 804-805. L: "Heraldry explained." B. Longmate, Yngr. [Correction for Kuist, who does not differentiate between Longmate, Eld., and Longmate, Yngr.]
- 63-ii (1793): 1106-1107. L: "Natural Son of Richard III." S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796): 1084; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 64-i (1794): 10-11. L: "Critique on Virgil." S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796): 1084; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it o S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 64-i (1794): 95. O: Viscount Mountstuart. R. Gough [?]. [Kuist 201 cites Gough's MS "notes, apparently towards obituary of Lord Mountstuart," inserted into GM staff copy at 64-i (1794): 95.]
- 64-i (1794): 220. L: "Canals." T. Osborne. [Sig.: "Timon de Britain"]
- 64-i (1794): 546-549. R: Whitaker's Course of Hannibal over the Alps. R. Gough [?]. [Kuist 201 cites Gough's MS "note, apparently toward review here of John Whitaker's 'Course of Hannibal,'" inserted into GM staff copy at 64-i (1794): 546.]
- 64-ii (1794): 891-892. L: "Curious Chirurgical Operation." B. Longmate, Yngr. [Correction for Kuist, who does not differentiate between Longmate, Eld., and Longmate, Yngr.]
- 65-i (1795): 208. L: "The Word Sempsete explained." S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796): 1084; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 65-i (1795): 459-460. L: "Mr. Gosling the British Timon's Anecdotes." T. Osborne. [Sig.: "T. O. de Britain"; internal evidence]
- 65-i (1795): 461. L: "Dean of Colerane." T. Osborne. [Sig.: "T. O. de Britain"]
- 65-ii (1795): 658. L: "Critique on Virgil." S. Pegge, Eld. [GM 66-ii (1796):
1084; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to S. Pegge, Yngr.]
- 65-ii (1795): 721. L: "Willsdon Church." B. Longmate, Yngr. [Correction for Kuist, who does not differentiate between Longmate, Eld., and Longmate, Yngr.]
- 65-ii (1795): 1065. L: Two churches at Paddington. B. Longmate, Yngr. [Correction for Kuist, who does not differentiate between Longmate, Eld., and Longmate, Yngr.]
- 66-i (1796): 478-479. L: "Langton's Deanry [sic].--Vindication of Voltaire incomplete." T. Osborne. [Sig.: "T. O. de Britain"]
- 66-ii (1796): 850-852. R: F. H. Egerton's Euripidis Hippolitus. R. Gough [?]. [Kuist 201 cites Gough's MS "note apparently towards review of book by F. H. Egerton," inserted into GM staff copy at 66-ii (1796): 851.]
- 67-i (1797): 529. O: T. Coventry. R. Gough [?]. [Kuist 201 cites Gough's MS "information on estate of Thomas Coventry, probably toward obituary account here," inserted into GM staff copy at 67-i (1797): 528-529.]
- 67-ii (1797): 661. L: "E. of Newbourgh." T. Osborne. [Sig.: "T. O. de Britain"]
- 68-ii (1798): 992. S: Mrs. Bouverie. R. Gough [?]. [Kuist 201 cites Gough's MS "obituary notes on Mrs. Bouverie, perhaps toward notice here," inserted into GM staff copy at 68-ii (1798): 993.]
- 69-ii (1799): 1027. L: "Isleworth Church." B. Longmate, Yngr. [Correction for Kuist, who does not differentiate between Longmate, Eld., and Lomgmate, Yngr.]
- 70-i (1800): 25. L: "Lilburn, Northamptonshire." B. Longmate, Yngr. [Correction for Kuist, who does not differentiate between Longmate, Eld., and Longmate, Yngr.]
- 70-i (1800): 178. O: George Steevens. J. Nichols. [The rest of the obituary (pp. 178- 180) consists of remarks by one "Etonensis."] [Hart 41]
- 70-ii (1800): 841-842. L: "Extracts from MSS. of the Vicar of Wakefield." T. Osborne. [Sig.: "T. O. de Britain"]
- 70-ii (1800): 945. L: "Mitcham Church." B. Longmate, Yngr. [Correction for Kuist, who does not differentiate between Longmate, Eld., and Longmate, Yngr.]
- 70-ii (1800): 1131. L: "Mordon." B. Longmate, Yngr. [Correction for Kuist, who does not differentiate between Longmate, Eld., and Longmate, Yngr.]
- 71-i (1801): 221. L: "Reproof to the Remarker on Architectural Innovation." T. R. Bromfield. [Sig.: "T.R.B."; dated from Naston [sic] Vicarage, Warwicks.; information supplied by Rev. Peter L. Jackson, Napton, Warwicks., in letter of 22 September 1992]
- 72-ii (1802): 1173. O: Thomas Cadell. J. Nichols. [Hart 265]
- 72-ii (1802): 1223. S: Thomas Cadell. J. Nichols. [Hart 265]
- 73-i (1803): 156-157. V: "In Praise of Snuff." J. M. Daintrey [?]. [Sig.: "J.D."]
- 74-ii (1804): 1174. O: W. H. Ewin. R. Gough [?]. [Kuist 202 cites Gough's MS "notes apparently related to obituary notice of W. H. Erwin" (misspelled), inserted into GM staff copy at 74-ii (1804): 1175.]
- 78-i (1808): 38. L: "Barn Floor." W. Richards. [Sig.: "Clericus"; dated from Little Cheverell, Wilts.; information supplied by Steven D. Hobbs, County Records Office, Trowbridge, Wilts., in letter of 20 October 1992]
- 80-ii (1810): 160. V: "Ode to the Poppy." H. O'Neil. [GM 103-ii (1833):
355130-132, which states that Henrietta O'Neil, not Charlotte Smith, was the author of the verses]
- 81-i (1811): 145-146. R: A Description of the Collection of antient Terracottas in the British Museum. S. Weston [?]. [Sig.: "S.W."]
- 83-i (1813): 200. L: "Bernard Lintott?" J. Nichols. [Hart 221]
- 89-i (1819): 232. L: "On removing Monuments [from church at Maidstone, Kent]." J. R. Planché. [Sig.: "P."; internal evidence; GM n.s. 30 (1848): 2]
- 92-i (1822): 302-303. L: "Pedigree of Holland, Carmino, &c." J. R. Planché. [Sig.: "P."; internal evidence]
- 92-i (1822): 603-604. L: "On removing Monuments [at Maidstone]." J. R. Planché. [Sig.: "P."; internal evidence; GM n.s. 30 (1848): 2]
- 92-ii (1822): 290. A: Pedigree of Ashby family. J. R. Planché. [Sig.: "P."; internal evidence]
- 93-ii (1823): 489. L: "Roman Camp at Islington." E. G. Ballard [?]. [Sig.: "E.G.B."]
- 93-ii (1823): 590. L: "Sculpture at Barnack." E. G. Ballard [?]. [Sig.: "E.G.B."]
- 94-i (1824): 37. L: "Manor of Charlton King's." J. R. Planché. [Sig.: "P."; internal evidence]
- 96-i (1826): 231-232. L: "William de Newburgh." J. R. Planché. [Sig.: "P."; internal evidence]
- 96-ii (1826): 506-507. L: "Influence of Climate on the Human Constitution." E. G. Ballard [?]. [Sig.: "E.G.B."]
- N.s. 2 (1834): 362. L: "Saxon Scholars of England." T. Wright. [Michel 153; my thanks to J. R. Hall, Department of English, University of Mississippi, for supplying this information]
- N.s. 2 (1834): 363-364. L: "Saxon Scholars and Literature of England." J. Bosworth. [Michel 153; correction for Kuist, who tentatively attributes this to George Steinman Steinman. My thanks to J. R. Hall, Department of English, University of Mississippi, for supplying this information]
- N.s. 10 (1838): 277-280. R: "Retrospective Review. The Phoenix Nest. 1593." J. P. Collier. [Information supplied by Janet Ing Freeman, London, in letter of 21 November 1995. My thanks to J. I. Freeman and Arthur Freeman for this information from their unpublished research on John Payne Collier.]
- Akenside, Dr. Mark (1721-1770). 7 (1737): 10-12 [?]; 9 (1739): 10-12 [?].
- Anstey, Christopher (1724-1805). 41 (1771): 418.
- Bacon, Rev. Phanuel (1700-1783). 26 (1756): 247, 355-356.
- Badcock, Rev. Samuel (1747-1788). 51 (1781): 571-572.
- Ballard, Edward George (1791-1860). 93-ii (1823): 489 [?], 590 [?]; 96-ii (1826): 506-507 [?].
- Bate, E. 17 (1747): 78; 18 (1748): 210; 20 (1750): 451-452.
- Beach, Thomas (d. 1737). 5 (1735): 255 [2nd 255] [?].
- Beechill, T. 39 (1769): 344-345 [?].
- Bochart, Edgar. 28 (1758): 262.
- Bolton, Rev. Stephen (1706-1773). 20 (1750): 78.
- Bosworth, Rev. Joseph (1789-1876). N.s. 2 (1834): 363-364.
- Boyse, Samuel (1708-1749). 11 (1741): 495; 17 (1747): 368.
- Bromfield, Rev. Thomas Ross (b. ca. 1768). 71-i (1801): 221.
- Brooke[s], R. 33 (1763): 541-544.
- Brown, James (1750-1839). 58-i (1788): 442; 58-ii (1788): 1128-1129; 61-i (1791): 259.
- Browne, Rev. Moses (1704-1787). 16 (1746): 549 [?].
- Cobden, Rev. Edward (1684-1764). 3 (1733): 94 [?]; 5 (1735): 213 [?]; 12 (1742): 438-439 [?].
- Coke, William. 8 (1738): 350-351 [?].
- Collier, John Payne (1789-1883). N.s. 10 (1838): 277-280.
- Collinson, Peter (1694-1768). 28 (1758): 166 [?]; 31 (1761): 32-33; 32 (1762): 54; 33 (1763): 229 [?]; 36 (1766): 408; 37 (1767): 110 [misnumbered as 210] [?].
- Cooke, Joseph. 62-i (1792): 257-258 [?].
- Cowper, William (1731-1800). 28 (1758): 329 [?], 422-424.
- Crocker, Abraham. 58-ii (1788): 1187.
- Daintrey, J. M. 73-i (1803): 156-157 [?].
- Daniel, T. 20 (1750): 310, 354-355, 541-542, 550, 584; 21 (1751): 252-254, 357- 358, 550; 22 (1752): 526-527.
- Denne, Rev. Samuel (1730-1799). 58-ii (1788): 731, 1103; 59-ii (1789): 935.
- Disney, Rev. John (1746-1816). 42 (1772): 502.
- Donn [Donne], Benjamin (1729-1798). 20 (1750): 113; 22 (1752): 309; 27 (1757): 370.
- Draper, Sir William (1721-1787). 39 (1769): 132.
- Estob, M. 45 (1775): 634; 46 (1776): 301-302.
- Fenn, Sir John (1739-1794). 54-ii (1784): 975.
- Fowler, B. 36 (1766): 188-189; 37 (1767): 86.
- Garrick, David (1717-1779). 25 (1755): 178-179.
- Goodwin, Rev. Edward (d. 1817?). 32 (1762): 105-106, 515; 34 (1764): 157-161, 329; 35 (1765): 322; 38 (1768): 464-465.
- Gough, Richard (1735-1809). 33 (1763): 544-547 [?]; 53-ii (1783): 595-599 [?], 682- 684 [?]; 56-ii (1786): 872-877 [misnumbered as 869] [?]; 57-ii (1787): 637 [?]; 60-i (1790): 377- 378 [?]; 64-i (1794): 95 [?], 546-549 [?]; 66-ii (1796): 850-852 [?]; 67-i (1797): 529 [?]; 68-ii (1798): 992 [?]; 74-ii (1804): 1174 [?].
- Greensted, Edward. 33 (1763): 489 [?].
- Hawkesworth, John (1720-1773). 39 (1769): 177-180.
- Henley, Rev. Samuel (1740-1815). 56-i (1786): 431.
- Henry, David (1710-1792). 22 (1752): 202-204 [?], 250-252 [?], 261-262 [?], 317- 318 [?]; 38 (1768): 171 [?]; 39 (1769): 187-188 [?], 233-234 [?]; 42 (1772): 110-112, 222.
- Hutchins, Rev. John (1698-1773). 37 (1767): 169; 38 (1768): 109-113 [?].
- Jones, Rev. John (1700-1770). 19 (1749): 246-247.
- Lister, Thomas. 61-i (1791): 260-261.
- Longmate, Barak, the Elder (1738-1793). 54-ii (1784): 730-731, 972; 55-ii (1785): 847-848; 56-i (1786): 280.
- Longmate, Barak, the Younger (1768-1836). 63-ii (1793): 804-805; 64-ii
357(1794): 891-892; 65-ii (1795): 721, 1065; 69-ii (1799): 1027; 70-i (1800): 25; 70-ii (1800): 945, 1131.
- Longmate, Barak, the Elder or the Younger. 58-ii (1788): 852; 59-ii (1789): 1048; 61-ii (1791): 1156; 62-i (1792): 121-122.
- Loveday, John, the Elder (1711-1789). 17 (1747): 393; 20 (1750): 327.
- Loveday, John, the Younger (1742-1809). 60-i (1790): 256.
- Lyttelton, George, 1st Baron (1709-1773). 31 (1761): 135, 183.
- Masters, Mary (d. 1771). 20 (1750): 346-347 [?]; 29 (1759): 131.
- Mills, Rev. Joseph (ca. 1733-1804). 36 (1766): 24-25; 37 (1767): 253-254; 38 (1768): 239.
- Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley (1689-1762). 36 (1766): 235.
- Mytton, Thomas. 43 (1773): 454-455, 511, 571, 613, 655; 52 (1782): 431-432 [?].
- Nichols, John (1745-1826). 62-i (1792): 578-579; 70-i (1800): 178; 72-ii (1802): 1173, 1223; 83-i (1813): 200.
- O'Neil, Henrietta. 80-ii (1810): 160.
- Osborne, Thomas. 64-i (1794): 220; 65-i (1795): 459-460, 461; 66-i (1796): 478- 479; 67-ii (1797): 661; 70-ii (1800): 841-842.
- Owen, Rev. Henry (1716-1795). 14 (1744): 91 [?].
- Pegge, Samuel, the Elder (1704-1796). 19 (1749): 551; 20 (1750): 312; 58-i (1788): 491-492; 58-ii (1788): 681-682, 881, 1154; 59-i (1789): 404; 59-ii (1789): 614, 705, 706, 794-795, 795 (2); 60-i (1790): 8, 294, 304; 60-ii (1790): 612-613, 696-697, 891, 1009-1010, 1085; 61-i (1791): 136, 322, 328-329, 522, 525-526; 61-ii (1791): 692-693, 693, 928, 1021- 1022; 62-i (1792): 37, 200, 519 (2); 62-ii (1792): 920, 1100, 1183, 1195-1196; 63-i (1793): 531; 63-ii (1793): 599, 1106-1107; 64-i (1794): 10-11; 65-i (1795): 208; 65-ii (1795): 658.
- Pigott, Francis. 41 (1771): 391.
- Planché, James Robinson (1796-1880). 89-i (1819): 232; 92-i (1822): 302-303, 603- 604; 92-ii (1822): 290; 94-i (1824): 37; 96-i (1826): 231-232.
- Pulteney, William, Earl of Bath (1684-1764). 26 (1756): 192.
- Richards, Rev.William (1760-1823). 78-i (1808): 38.
- Rider, Rev. William (1723-1785). 13 (1743): 660; 15 (1745): 254-255; 18 (1748): 469; 21 (1751): 454 [?], 567.
- Robertson, Rev. Joseph (1726-1802). 21 (1751): 421; 37 (1767): 153-155.
- Robinson, John. 46 (1776): 344.
- Rogers, Rev. Samuel (ca. 1731-1790). 22 (1752): 328.
- Salmon, Rev. Thomas Abraham ( ca. 1767-1822). 59-i (1789): iii [?].
- Simpson, Thomas (1710-1761). 7 (1737): 26, 77, 80-81, 274; 8 (1738): 134, 187.
- Six, Rev. James (1757-1786). 47 (1777): 188 [?].
- Smith, G., of Wigton. 18 (1748): 179-180; 20 (1750): 344; 21 (1751): 51-53; 22 (1752): 311, 372-373; 24 (1754): 464-465; 25 (1755): 5-6.
- Smith, George, of York. 6 (1736): 554; 7 (1737): 121-122, 157 [?]; 10 (1740): 130 [?], 171-172 [?], 298-299 [?].
- Sowden, B. 28 (1758): 83 (2); 44 (1774): 379-380.
- Sparrow, Thomas. 24 (1754): 161.
- Steele, Edward. 17 (1747): 264-265.
- Streeter, Mary. 37 (1767): 573-574.
- Swan, Dr. John. 10 (1740): 515-516.
- Tooke, Rev. William, the Elder (1744-1820). 35 (1765): 262.
- Watkinson, Rev. E. 22 (1752): 174 (2).
- Weston, Rev. Stephen (1747-1830). 81-i (1811): 145-146 [?].
- Whiston, Thomas. 14 (1744): 140, 598-599, 653.
- White, W. 39 (1769): 286-287 [?].
- Williamson, Rev. James (ca. 1736-1810). 61-ii (1791): 1186 [?].
- Witchell, G. 19 (1749): 523; 20 (1750): 153, 153-154, 390-391, 445, 550-551; 21 (1751): 177, 361; 23 (1753): 137.
- Wright, Rev. Moses. 33 (1763): 535-536.
- Wright, Thomas (1810-1877). N.s. 2 (1834): 362.
- Yate, Richard. 5 (1735): 663-664; 6 (1736): 322-323; 7 (1737): 47-48, 157-159, 204, 420-421; 8 (1738): 64-65, 66-69, 118-120, 175, 260-263, 310; 9 (1739): 177; 18 (1748): 563-564 [?]; 41 (1771): 304-305, 444-446.
- Yorke, Philip, 1st Earl of Hardwicke (1690-1764). 31 (1761): 183.
James M. Kuist, The Nichols File of The Gentleman's Magazine: Attributions of Authorship and Other Documentation in Editorial Papers at the Folger Library (Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1982), 6, 13-20.
See especially C. Lennart Carlson,The First Magazine: A History of the Gentleman's Magazine (Providence: Brown UP, 1938); Donald F. Bond, "The Gentleman's Magazine," Modern Philology 38 (1940): 85-100; and Albert Pailler, Edward Cave et le Gentleman's Magazine, 1731-1754 (2 vols.; Lille: Atelier Reproduction des Thèses, 1975).
Attributions of Authorship in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1731-1868: A Supplement to Kuist, consisting of an integrated list of the attributions of authorship appearing in the present article and the preceding five installments, has been published as an electronic text by the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia. It is searchable electronically at the Bibliographical Society's site on the World Wide Web (http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/bsuva/gm/).
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