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Author Index to Studies in Bibliography, Volumes 1-50
- Adams, Henry Hitch. "A Prompt Copy of Dryden's Tyrannic Love." 4 (1951-52), 170-174.
- Adams, Robert. "Editing Piers Plowman B: The Imperative of an Intermittently Critical Edition." 45 (1992), 31-68.
- Adams, Robert M. "Light on Joyce's Exiles? A New MS, a Curious Analogue, and Some Speculations." 17 (1964), 83-105.
- Aderman, Ralph M. "Contributors to the American Quarterly Review, 1827-1833." 14 (1961), 163-176.
- ----. "James Kirke Paulding's Contributions to American Magazines." 17 (1964), 141-151.
- ----. "Paulding's Anonymous Writings: New Attributions and Speculations." 46 (1993), 370-381.
- Aithal, S. Krishnamoorthy. "The Typewriters in the Making of The Waste Land." 33 (1980), 191-193.
- Alden, John. "Scotch Type in Eighteenth-Century America." 3 (1950-51), 270-274.
- ----. "Deception in Dublin: Problems in Seventeenth- Century Irish Printing." 6 (1954), 232-237.
- ----. "Deception Compounded: Further Problems in Seventeenth-Century Irish Printing." 11 (1958), 246-249.
- Alspach, Russell K. "Some Textual Problems in Yeats." 9 (1957), 51-67.
- Altick, Richard D. "English Publishing and the Mass Audience in 1852." 6 (1954), 3-24.
- ----. "From Aldine to Everyman: Cheap Reprint Series of the English Classics 1830-1906." 11 (1958), 3-24.
- ----. "Nineteenth-Century English Best-Sellers: A Further List." 22 (1969), 197-206.
- ----. "Nineteenth-Century English Best Sellers: A Third List." 39 (1986), 235-241.
- Amory, Hugh. "Virtual Readers: The Subscribers to Fielding's Miscellanies (1743)." 48 (1995), 94-112.
- Anderson, George L. "Mr. Abel Boyer Stops the
Press." 29 (1976), 292-295.
- Arinshtien, Leonid M. "Pope in Russian Translations of the Eighteenth Century." 24 (1971), 166-175.
- Armitage, C. M. "Identification of New York Public Library Manuscript `Suckling Collection' and of Huntington Manuscript 198." 19 (1966), 215-216.
- Ashe, Dora Jean. "The Text of Peele's Edward I." 7 (1955), 153-170.
- Astor, Stuart L. "The Laureate As Huckster: Nahum Tate and an Early Eighteenth Century Example of Publisher's Advertising." 21 (1968), 261-266.
- Atkins, A. R. "A Bibliographical Analysis of the Manuscript of D. H. Lawrence's The White Peacock." 44 (1991), 344-364.
- Atkins, Samuel D. See Kelly, Maurice, and Atkins, 17 (1964), 77-82.
- Atkinson, Ross. "An Application of Semiotics to the Definition of Bibliography." 33 (1980), 54-73.
- Ayres, Philip. "Burlington's Library at Chiswick." 45 (1992), 113-127.
- Baender, Paul. The Meaning of Copy-Text." 22 (1969), 311-318.
- Baine, Rodney M. "The Publication of Steele's Conscious Lovers." 2 (1949-50), 169-173.
- ----. "The First Anthologies of English Literary Criticism, Warton to Haslewood." 3 (1950-51), 262-265.
- ----. "The Evidence from Defoe's Title Pages." 25 (1972), 185-191.
- Baker, Donald C. "William Thynne's Printing of the Squire's Tale: Manuscripts and Printer's Copy." 39 (1986), 125-132.
- Baker, William. "Leigh Hunt, George Henry Lewes and Henry Hallam's Introduction to the Literature of Europe." 32 (1979), 252-273.
- ----. "The Manuscript of Wilkie Collins's No Name." 43 (1990), 197-208.
- Bald, R. C. "Editorial Problems A Preliminary Survey." 3 (1950-51), 3-17.
- ----. "Dr. Donne and the Booksellers." 18 (1965), 69-80.
- Barnes, Daniel R. "Washington Irving: An Unrecorded Periodical Publication." 20 (1967), 260-261.
- Barnes, James J. "John Miller: First Trans Atlantic Publisher's Agent." 29 (1976), 373-379.
- Baron, Helen V. "Sons and Lovers: The Surviving Manuscripts from Three Drafts Dated by Paper Analysis." 38 (1985), 289-328.
- ----. "The Surviving Galley Proofs of Lawrence's Sons and Lovers." 45 (1992), 231-251.
- Batdorf, Franklin P. "An Unrecorded Early Anthology of Crabbe." 3 (1950-51), 266-267.
- ----. "The Murray Reprints of George Crabbe: A Publisher's Record." 4 (1951-52), 192-199.
- Battersby, James L. "John Nichols on a Johnson Letter." 23 (1970), 179-183.
- Battestin, Martin C. "Fielding's Revisions of Joseph Andrews." 16 (1963), 81-117.
- ----. "A Rationale of Literary Annotation: The
Example of Fielding's Novels." 34 (1981), 1-22.
- ----. "Four New Fielding Attributions: His Earliest Satires of Walpole." 36 (1983), 69-109.
- ----. "Dating Fielding's Letters to Lady Mary Wortley Montagu." 42 (1989), 246-248.
- ----. "Fredson Thayer Bowers: A Checklist and Chronology." 46 (1993), 155-186.
- ----. "The Authorship of Smollett's Don Quixote." 50 (1997), 295-321.
- Battestin, Martin C., with R. R. Battestin. "A Fielding Discovery, with Some Remarks on the Canon." 33 (1980), 131-143.
- Battle, Guy A. "A Bibliographical Note from the Beaumont and Fletcher First Folio." 1 (1948-49), 187-188.
- Baumgartner, Paul R. "The Date of Cocke Lorelles Bote." 19 (1966), 175-181.
- Beare, Robert L. "Notes on the Text of T. S. Eliot: Variants from Russell Square." 9 (1957), 21-49.
- Beaurline, L. A. "An Editorial Experiment: Suckling's A Sessions of the Poets." 16 (1963), 43-60.
- Beaurline, L. A., and Thomas Clayton. "Notes on Early Editions of Fragmenta Aurea." 23 (1970), 165-170.
- Bennett, Josephine Waters. "Benson's Alleged Piracy of Shake-speares Sonnets and of Some of Jonson's Works." 21 (1968), 235-248.
- Bennett, Scott. "David Douglas and the British Publication of W. D. Howells' Works." 25 (1972), 107-124.
- ----. "John Murray's Family Library and the Cheapening of Books in Early Nineteenth Century Britain." 29 (1976), 139-166.
- Bentley, G. E., Jr. "Blake's Engravings and his Friendship with Flaxman." 12 (1958), 161-188.
- ----. "Thomas Taylor's Biography." 14 (1961), 234- 236.
- ----. "The Date of Blake's Pickering Manuscript or The Way of a Poet With Paper." 19 (1966), 232-243.
- ----. "William Blake's Techniques of Engraving and Printing." 34 (1981), 241-253.
- ----. "Copyright Documents in the George Robinson Archive: William Godwin and Others 1713-1820." 35 (1982), 67- 110.
- ----. "Richard Edwards, Publisher of Church-and-King Pamphlets and of William Blake." 41 (1988), 283-315.
- ----. "The `Edwardses of Halifax' as Booksellers by Catalogue 1749-1835." 45 (1992), 187-222.
- ----. "Images of the Word: Separately Published English Bible Illustrations 1539-1830." 47 (1994), 103-128.
- ----. "The Journeyman and the Genius: James Parker and His Partner William Blake with a List of Parker's Engravings." 49 (1996), 208-231.
- ----. "The Holy Pirates: Legal Enforcement in England of the Patent in the Authorized Version of the Bible ca. 1800." 50 (1997), 372-389.
- Berger, Sidney. "A Method for Compiling a
Concordance for a Middle English Text." 26 (1973), 219-228.
- Bergeron, David M. "Two Compositors in Heywood's London Ius Honorarium (1631)." 22 (1969), 223-226.
- Bevington, David. "The First Edition of John Lyly's Sappho and Phao (1584)." 42 (1989), 187- 199.
- Biswanger, Raymond A., Jr. "Thomas D'Urfey's Richmond Heiress (1693): A Bibliographical Study." 5 (1952-53), 169-178.
- Blagden, Cyprian. "Notes on the Ballad Market in the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century." 6 (1954), 161-180.
- ----. "The Missing Term Catalogue." 7 (1955), 185-190.
- ----. "The Accounts of the Wardens of the Stationers' Company." 9 (1957), 69-93.
- ----. "The Distribution of Almanacks in the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century." 11 (1958), 107-116.
- ----. "The `Company' of Printers." 13 (1960), 3-17.
- ----. "Thomas Carnan and the Almanack Monopoly." 14 (1961), 23-43.
- Bliss, Michael D. "John Warburton as Antiquary and Collector: Evidence from the Sale Catalogue of His Collection." 29 (1976), 296-306.
- ----. "Scribes, Compositors, and Annotators: The Nature of the Copy for the First Folio Text of Coriolanus." 50 (1997), 224-261.
- Bond, Donald F. "The Text of the Spectator." 5 (1952-53), 109-128.
- Bond, Marjorie N. See Bond, Richmond P., and Bond, 28 (1975), 17-40.
- Bond, Richmond P. "John Partridge and the Company of Stationers." 16 (1963), 61-80.
- Bond, Richmond P., and Marjorie N. "The Minute Books of the St. James's Chronicle." 28 (1975), 17-40.
- Bond, William H. "A Printer's Manuscript of 1508." 8 (1956), 147-156.
- Bonnell, Thomas F. "Patchwork and Piracy: John Bell's `Connected System of Biography' and the Use of Johnson's Prefaces." 48 (1995), 193-228.
- Bowden, Ann and William B. Todd. "Scott's Commentary on The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson." 48 (1995), 229-248.
- Bowers, Fredson. "Running-Title Evidence for Determining Half-Sheet Imposition." 1 (1948-49), 199-202.
- ----. "Bibliographical Evidence from the Printer's Measure." 2 (1949-50), 153-167.
- ----. "Some Relations of Bibliography to Editorial Problems." 3 (1950-51), 37-62.
- ----. See Clark, Lucy, and Bowers, 3 (1950-51), 295-302.
- ----. "The Variant Sheets in John Banks's Cyrus the Great, 1696." 4 (1951-52), 174- 182.
- ----. "The Pirated Quarto of Dryden's State of Innocence." 5 (1952-53), 166-169.
- ----. "Shakespeare's Text and the Bibliographical Method." 6 (1954), 71-91.
- ----. "Whitman's Manuscripts for the Original `Calamus' Poems." 6 (1954), 257-265.
- ----. "The Printing of
Hamlet, Q2." 7 (1955), 41-50. Addendum 8
(1956), 267-268.
- ----. "The Textual Relation of Q2 to Q1 Hamlet (I)." 8 (1956), 39-66. ----. "Addendum: The Printing of Hamlet Q2." 8 (1956), 267-269.
- ----. "Some Principles for Scholarly Editions of Nineteenth-Century American Authors." 17 (1964), 223-228.
- ----. "Today's Shakespeare Texts, and Tomorrow's." 19 (1966), 39-65.
- ----. "Crane's Red Badge of Courage and Other `Advance Copies.'" 22 (1969), 273-277.
- ----. "Was There a Lost 1593 Edition of Marlowe's Edward II?" 25 (1972), 143-148.
- ----. "The Early Editions of Marlowe's Ovid's Elegies." 25 (1972), 149-172.
- ----. "Marlowe's Doctor Faustus: The 1602 Additions." 26 (1973), 1-18.
- ----. "Beggars Bush: A Reconstructed Prompt-Book and Its Copy." 27 (1974), 113-136.
- ----. "Transcription of Manuscripts: The Record of Variants." 29 (1976), 212-264.
- ----. "Greg's `Rationale of Copy-Text' Revisited." 31 (1978), 90-161.
- ----. "Foul Papers, Compositor B, and the Speech- Prefixes of All's Well that Ends Well." 32 (1979), 60-81.
- ----. "Establishing Shakespeare's Text: Notes on Short Lines and the Problem of Verse Division." 33 (1980), 74- 130.
- ----. "Establishing Shakespeare's Text: Poins and Peto in I Henry IV." 34 (1981), 189-198.
- ----. "The Historical Collation in an Old-Spelling Shakespeare Edition: Another View." 35 (1982), 234-258.
- ----. "Regularization and Normalization in Modern Critical Texts." 42 (1989), 79-102.
- ----. "The Problem of Semi-Substantive Variants: An Example from the Shakespeare-Fletcher Henry VIII." 43 (1990), 80-95.
- Bowers, R. H. "Some Folger Academic Drama Manuscripts." 12 (1958), 117-130.
- Bowman, Mary Virginia. "The Hallam-Tennyson Poems (1830)." 1 (1948-49), 193-199.
- Brack, O M, Jr. "The Gentleman's Magazine, Concealed Printing, and the Texts of Samuel Johnson's Lives of Admiral Robert Blake and Sir Francis Drake." 40 (1987), 140-146.
- ----. "Samuel Johnson and the Preface to Abbé Prévost's Memoirs of a Man of Quality." 47 (1994), 155-164.
- ----. "Samuel Johnson and the Translations of Jean Pierre de Crousaz's Examen and Commentaire." 48 (1995), 60-84.
- Brack, O M, Jr., and Mary Early. "Samuel Johnson's Proposals for the Harleian Miscellany." 45 (1992), 127-130.
- Bracken, James K. "William Stansby's Early Career." 38 (1985), 214-216.
- Brennan, Joseph X. "The
Grammaticae Artis Institutio of Joannes
Susenbrotus: A Bibliographical Note." 14 (1961), 197-200.
- Brodsky, Louis Daniel. See Hamblin, Robert W., and Brodsky, 33 (1980), 254-263.
- ----. "Additional Manuscripts of Faulkner's `A Dead Dancer.'" 34 (1981), 267-270.
- ----. "The Autograph Manuscripts of Faulkner's `The Lilacs.'" 36 (1983), 240-252.
- ----. "The Textual Development of Faulkner's `Wash': An Examination of Manuscripts in the Brodsky Collection." 37 (1984), 248-281.
- ----. "A Textual History of Faulkner's `The Wishing-Tree' and `The Wishing Tree.'" 38 (1985), 330-374.
- ----. "The 1961 Andrés Bello Award: William Faulkner's Original Acceptance Speech." 39 (1986), 277-281.
- ----. "William Faulkner's `Impressions' of `Danzas Venezuela': The Original Manuscript." 40 (1987), 226-229.
- ----. "William Faulkner's 1962 Gold Medal Speech." 41 (1988), 315-321.
- Brooks, Harold F. "The Chief Substantive Editions of Oldham's Poems, 1679-1684: Printer, Compositors, and Publication." 27 (1974), 188-226.
- Brooks, Roger L. "Some Unaccomplished Projects of Matthew Arnold." 16 (1963), 213-216.
- Brosnahan, Leger. "A Lost Passage from Hemingway's `Macomber.'" 38 (1985), 328-330.
- Brown, Arthur. "Editorial Problems in Shakespeare: Semi-Popular Editions." 8 (1956), 15-26.
- ----. "The Rationale of Old-Spelling Editions of the Plays of Shakespeare and His Contemporaries: A Rejoinder." 13 (1960), 69-76.
- Brown, John Russell. "The Printing of John Webster's Plays (I)." 6 (1954), 117-140.
- ----. "The Compositors of Hamlet Q2 and The Merchant of Venice." 7 (1955), 17-40.
- ----. "The Printing of John Webster's Plays (II)." 8 (1956), 113-127.
- ----. "A Proof-Sheet from Nicholas Okes' Printing- Shop." 11 (1958), 228-231.
- ----. "The Rationale of Old-Spelling Editions of the Plays of Shakespeare and His Contemporaries." 13 (1960), 49-67.
- ----. "The Printing of John Webster's Plays (III): The Duchess of Malfi." 15 (1962), 57-69.
- Bruccoli, Matthew J. "A Collation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's This Side of Paradise." 9 (1957), 263-265.
- ----. "Textual Variants in Sinclair Lewis's Babbitt." 11 (1958), 263-268.
- ----. "Bibliographical Notes on F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Beautiful and Damned." 13 (1960), 258-261.
- ----. "Hidden Printings in Edith Wharton's The Children." 15 (1962), 269-273.
- ----. "A Further Note on the Printing of
The Great Gatsby." 16 (1963), 244.
- ----. "Material for a Centenary Edition of Tender is the Night." 17 (1964), 177-193.
- ----. "Notes on the Destruction of The Scarlet Letter Manuscript." 20 (1967), 257-259.
- Bruccoli, Matthew J., and Joseph Katz. "Scholarship and Mere Artifacts: The British and Empire Publications of Stephen Crane." 22 (1969), 277-287.
- Bruccoli, Matthew J., and Charles A. Rheault, Jr. "Imposition Figures and Plate Gangs in The Rescue." 14 (1961), 258-262.
- Bruton, John W. "The Text of Colley Cibber's The Double Gallant: Or, The Sick Lady's Cure." 30 (1977), 186-196.
- Buck, John Dawson Carl. "The Motives of Puffing: John Newbery's Advertisements 1742-1767." 30 (1977), 196-210.
- Bühler, Curt F. "The Headlines of William de Machlinia's Year-Book, 37 Henry VI." 1 (1948-49), 123-132.
- ----. "Observations on Two Caxton Variants." 3 (1950-51), 97-104.
- ----. "The Laying of a Ghost? Observations on the 1483 Ratdolt Edition of the Fasciculus Temporum." 4 (1951-52), 155-159.
- ----. "The Morgan Copy of Machlinia's Speculum Christiani." 5 (1952-53), 159-160.
- ----. "The First Edition of The Abbey of the Holy Ghost." 6 (1954), 101-106.
- ----. "The Printing of a Valerius Maximus Dated 1671." 7 (1955), 177-181.
- ----. "A Volume from the Library of Sebald Pirckheimer: Libri Impressi Cum Notis Manuscriptis, VIII." 8 (1956), 212-215.
- ----. "Watermarks and the Dates of Fifteenth-Century Books." 9 (1957), 217-224.
- ----. "The Second Edition of the Compagnia del Mantellaccio." 11 (1958), 225- 227.
- ----. "The Errata Lists in the First Aldine Editions of Caro's Rime and of the Due Orationi of St. Gregorius Nazianzenus." 15 (1962), 219-222.
- ----. "The Terence of Turin, 1483." 17 (1964), 195- 196.
- ----. "The First Edition of Ficino's De Christiana Religione: A Problem in Bibliographical Description." 18 (1965), 248-252.
- ----. "Dates in Incunabular Colophons." 22 (1969), 210-214.
- ----. "Chainlines Versus Imposition in Incunabula." 23 (1970), 141-145.
- ----. "Observations on the 1562 Editions of Cardinal Reginald Pole's De Concilio and Reformatio Angliae." 26 (1973), 232-234.
- Burkhardt, Frederick. "Editing the Correspondence of Charles Darwin." 41 (1988), 149-159.
- Burling, William J. "British Plays, 1697-1737: Premieres, Datings, Attributions, and Publication Information." 43 (1990), 164-182.
- Butler, Janet. "Charlotte Brontë Manuscripts: Two Sketches and Her Holograph Preface to The Professor." 40 (1987), 201-207.

- Cady, Edwin H. "Howells Bibliography: A `Find' and a Clarification." 12 (1958), 230-233.
- Cairncross, Andrew S. "Quarto Copy for Folio Henry V." 8 (1956), 67-93.
- Campbell, Hilbert H. See Modlin, Charles E., Campbell, and Kenichi Takada, 39 (1986), 266-268.
- Cantrell, Paul L., and George Walton Williams. "Roberts' Compositors in Titus Andronicus Q2." 8 (1956), 27-38.
- ----. "The Printing of the Second Quarto of Romeo and Juliet (1599)." 9 (1957), 107-128.
- Carlson, Norman E. "Wither and the Stationers." 19 (1966), 210-215.
- Carnie, Robert Hay. "Lord Hailes's Contributions to Contemporary Magazines." 9 (1957), 233-244.
- ----. "Scottish Printers and Booksellers 1668-1775: A Second Supplement (I)." 14 (1961), 81-96.
- ----. "Scottish Printers and Booksellers 1668-1775: A Second Supplement (II)." 15 (1962), 105-120.
- ----. "Samuel Edgerley: Printer in Calabar, 1846- 1857." 26 (1973), 265-270.
- Carnie, Robert Hay, and Ronald Paterson Doig. "Scottish Printers and Booksellers 1668-1775." 12 (1958), 131- 159.
- Carrière, Joseph M. "The Manuscript of Jefferson's Unpublished Errata List for Abbé Morellet's Translation of the Notes on Virginia." 1 (1948-49), 3-24.
- Casciato, Arthur D. "His Editor's Hand: Hiram Haydn's Changes in Stryon's Lie Down in Darkness." 33 (1980), 263-276.
- Cauchi, Simon. "The `Setting Foorth' of Harington's Ariosto." 36 (1983), 137-168.
- ----. "Harington's Orlando Furioso: A `Spare Leafe' and a Stop-Press Correction." 45 (1992), 68-70.
- Cauthen, Irby B., Jr. "The Twelfth Day of December: Twelfth Night, II.iii.91." 2 (1949-50), 182-185.
- ----. "Poe's Alone: Its Background, Source, and Manuscript." 3 (1950-51), 284-291.
- ----. "Compositor Determination in the First Folio King Lear." 5 (1952-53), 73-80.
- ----. "John Esten Cooke on Publishing, 1865." 8 (1956), 239-241.
- ----. "Gorboduc, Ferrex and Porrex: The First Two Quartos." 15 (1962), 231-233.
- Cavanaugh, Sister Jean Carmel, S.L. "The Library of Lady Southwell and Captain Sibthorpe." 20 (1967), 243-254.
- Chandler, David. "The Birth of `Philosophical Criticism': William Taylor's Initial Connection with the Monthly Review, 1792-93." 50 (1997), 359- 371.
- Charvat, William. "Melville and the Common Reader." 12 (1958), 41-57.
- Chewning, Harris. "The Text of the `Envoy to Alison.'" 5 (1952-53), 33-42.
- Clark, Leonard S. "A Handlist of the Writings in
Book Form (1902-1953) of Walter de la Mare." 6 (1954), 197-217.
Addendum 8 (1956), 269-270.
- ----. "Addendum: A Check-List of the Writings of Walter de la Mare." 8 (1956), 269-270.
- Clark, Lucy, and Fredson Bowers. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1949. Part II: Later Renaissance to the Present." 3 (1950-51), 295-302. Reprinted in 10 (1957) 4-11. Errata 10 (1957), vii.
- Clarke, Derek A. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1963. Part I: Incunabula and Early Renaissance." 18 (1965), 283-289.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1964. Part I: Incunabula and Early Renaissance." 19 (1966), 251-262.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1965. Part I: Incunabula and Early Renaissance." 20 (1967), 274-280.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1966. Part I: Incunabula and Early Renaissance." 21 (1968), 267-272.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1967. Part I: Incunabula and Early Renaissance." 22 (1969), 319-323.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1968. Part I: Incunabula and Early Renaissance." 23 (1970), 254-260.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1969. Part I: Incunabula and Early Renaissance." 24 (1971), 215-221.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1970. Part I: Incunabula and Early Renaissance." 25 (1972), 228-232.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1971. Part I: Incunabula and Early Renaissance." 26 (1973), 271-275.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1972. Part I: Incunabula and Early Renaissance." 27 (1974), 296-299.
- Clayton, Thomas. See Beaurline, L.A., and Clayton, 23 (1970), 165-170.
- Cleary, Thomas R. "The Case for Fielding's Authorship of An Address to the Electors of Great Britain (1740) Reopened." 28 (1975), 308-318.
- Colbourn, H. Trevor. "The Reading of Joseph Carrington Cabell: `A List of Books on Various Subjects Recommended to a Young Man...'" 13 (1960), 179-188.
- Coles, William A. "Magazine and Other Contributions by Mary Russell Mitford and Thomas Noon Talfourd." 12 (1958), 218-226.
- Colvert, James B. "Agent and Author: Ellen Glasgow's Letters to Paul Revere Reynolds." 14 (1961), 177-196.
- Conkwright, P. J. See Verner, Coolie, and Conkwright, 5 (1952-53), 201-203.
- Cooper, Bertram C., and Richard E. Hasker. "The Printer of Harvard's Humble Proposal (1659)." 4 (1951-52), 199-201.
- Cordasco, Francesco. "Adam Clarke's Bibliographical Dictionary, (1802-1806)." 4 (1951-52), 188-191.
- Coxe, Campbell R. "The Pre-Publication Printing of Tarkington's Penrod." 5 (1952-53), 153- 157.
- Craddock, Patricia B. "Gibbon's Revision of the Decline and Fall." 21 (1968), 191-204.
- Crane, Joan St. Clair. "Edna St. Vincent Millay's
Afterthoughts on the Translation of Baudelaire." 29 (1976), 382-
- ----. "Robert Frost's `Kitty Hawk.'" 30 (1977), 241-249.
- ----. "The Construction of Hart Crane's Last Poem, `The Broken Tower.'" 36 (1983), 232-240.
- Craven, Alan E. "Simmes' Compositor A and Five Shakespeare Quartos." 26 (1973), 37-60.
- ----. "The Reliability of Simmes's Compositor A." 32 (1979), 186-197.
- Crist, Timothy and Clinton Sisson. "Additions and Corrections to the Second Edition of Donald Wing's Short-Title Catalogue." 31 (1978), 266-271.
- Cruickshank, D. W. "The Printing of Calderon's Tercera Parte." 23 (1970), 230-251.
- Cureton, Kevin K. "Chaucer's Revision of Troilus and Criseyde." 42 (1989), 153-184.
- Curry, Kenneth. "Two New Works of Robert Southey." 5 (1952-53), 197-200.
- Daalder, Joost. "The Significance of the `Tho' Signs in Wyatt's Egerton Manuscript." 40 (1987), 86-100.
- Dalziel, Pamela. "Whose Mistress? Thomas Hardy's Theatrical Collaboration." 48 (1995), 248-259.
- ----. "Drawings and Withdrawings: The Vicissitudes of Thomas Hardy's Wessex Poems." 50 (1997), 390-400.
- Dandridge, Edmund P., Jr. "Proposals of Nine Printers for a New Edition of The Journals of the Continental Congress, 1785. 2 (1949-50), 189-196.
- Dane, Joseph A. "Copy-Text and Its Variants in Some Recent Chaucer Editions." 44 (1991), 164-183.
- Daniel, Carter A. "West's Revisions of Miss Lonelyhearts." 16 (1963), 232-243.
- Darby, Trudi Laura. See Dix, Robin, and Darby, 46 (1993), 263-270.
- Davis, Richard Beale. See Lievsay, John L., and Davis, 6 (1954), 141-160.
- ----. "In Re George Sandys' Ovid." 8 (1956), 226-230.
- ----. "Jefferson as Collector of Virginiana." 14 (1961), 117-144.
- Davison, Peter. "Science, Method, and the Textual Critic." 25 (1972), 1-28.
- Dawson, Giles E. "Three Shakespearian Piracies in the Eighteenth Century." 1 (1948-49), 47-58.
- ----. "Warburton, Hanmer, and the 1745 Edition of Shakespeare." 2 (1949-50), 35-48.
- ----. "Some Bibliographical Irregularities in the Shakespeare Fourth Folio." 4 (1951-52), 93-103.
- ----. "Guide-Lines in Small Formats (About 1600)." 14 (1961), 206-208.
- ----. "John Payne Collier's Great Forgery." 24 (1971), 1-26.
- Day, Aiden, and Patrick Scott. "Tennyson's Ode of the Death of the Duke of Wellington: Addenda to Shannon and Ricks." 35 (1982), 320-323.
- Day, Robert Adams. "Aphra Behn's First Biography." 22 (1969), 227-240.
- Dearing, Vinton A. "Dryden's Mac Flecknoe: The Case for Authorial Revision." 7 (1955), 85- 102.
- Delvecchio, Doreen. See Hammond, Antony, and Delvecchio, 41 (1988), 1-32.
- DeMaria, Robert, Jr. See Kolb, Gwin J., and
DeMaria, 48 (1995), 121-133.
- de Montluzin, Emily Lorraine. "Attributions of Authorship in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1731-77: A Supplement to Kuist." 44 (1991), 271-302.
- ----. "Attributions of Authorship in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1778-1792: A Supplement to Kuist." 45 (1992), 158-187.
- ----. "Attributions of Authorship in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1793-1808: A Supplement to Kuist." 46 (1993), 320-349.
- ----. "Attributions of Authorship in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1809-26: A Supplement to Kuist." 47 (1994), 164-195.
- ----. "Attributions of Authorship in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1827-48: A Supplement to Kuist." 49 (1996), 176-207.
- ----. "Attributions of Authorship in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1849-68, and Addenda, 1733-1838: A Supplement to Kuist." 50 (1997), 322-358.
- De Smedt, M. "W. Bang Kaup, W. W. Greg, R. B. McKerrow, and the Edition of English Dramatic Works (1902-1914)." 50 (1997), 213-223.
- Dickson, Sarah. "The Melancholy Cavalier: A Study in Seventeenth-Century Plagiarism." 5 (1952-53), 161-163.
- Dillard, R. H. W. "The Writer's Best Solace: Textual Revisions in Ellen Glasgow's The Past." 19 (1966), 245-250.
- Dilworth, Thomas. "David Jones's Glosses on The Anathemata." 33 (1980), 239-253.
- Dix, Robin and Trudi Laura Darby. "The Bibliographical Significance of the Turned Letter." 46 (1993), 263-270.
- Dodd, Valerie A. "A George Eliot Notebook." 34 (1981), 258-262.
- Donno, Elizabeth Story. "Abraham Fleming: A Learned Corrector in 1586-87." 42 (1989), 200-211.
- Donovan, Kevin J. "The Final Quires of the 1616 Jonson Workes: Headline Evidence." 40 (1987), 106-120.
- Dorenkamp, John H. "The Compositors of the Cambridge Platform." 23 (1970), 196-199.
- Doyle, A. I., and George B. Pace. "Further Texts of Chaucer's Minor Poems." 28 (1975), 41-61.
- Duggan, Hoyt N. "The Rôle of Formulas in the Dissemination of a Middle English Alliterative Romance." 29 (1976), 265-288.
- Duke, Maurice. "James Branch Cabell's Personal Library." 23 (1970), 207-216.
- Dunkin, Paul S. "The Dryden Troilus and Cressida Imprint: Another Theory." 2 (1949-50), 185-189.
- Dunston, A. J. "Venetian `Woodcut' Capitals." 30 (1977), 136-144.
- Dust, Alvin I. "The Derby MS Book of Cotton's Poems and `Contentation' Re-considered." 37 (1984), 170-180.
- Duthie, G. I. "The Text of Shakespeare's
Romeo and Juliet." 4 (1951-52), 3-29.
- Eade, J. C. "Astrological Analysis as an Editorial Tool: The Case of Fletcher's The Bloody Brother." 34 (1981), 198-204. Early, Mary. See Brack, O M, Jr., and Early, 45 (1992), 127-130.
- Eaves, T. C. Duncan, and Ben D. Kimpel. "Richardsoniana." 14 (1961), 232-234.
- ----. "Samuel Richardson's London Houses." 15 (1962), 135-148. ----. "Richardson's Revisions of Pamela." 20 (1967), 61-88.
- Eberle, Gerald J. "Sir John Davies' Nosce Teipsum, 1599: A Bibliographical Puzzle." 1 (1948-49), 133-148.
- ----. "The Composition and Printing of Middleton's A Mad World, My Masters." 3 (1950-51), 246-252.
- Eddy, Donald D. "The Printing of Fielding's Miscellanies (1743)." 15 (1962), 247-256.
- ----. "Richard Hurd's Editions of Horace and the Bowyer Ledgers." 48 (1995), 148-169.
- Eddy, D[onald] D., and J. D. Fleeman. "A Preliminary Handlist of Books to which Dr. Samuel Johnson Subscribed." 46 (1993), 187-220.
- Edwards, A. S. G. "New Texts of Marvell's Satires: II." 31 (1978), 221-226.
- ----. "The Unity and Authenticity of Anelida and Arcite: The Evidence of the Manuscripts." 41 (1988), 177-188.
- ----. "Pynson's and Thynne's Editions of Chaucer's House of Fame." 42 (1989), 185-186.
- Edwards, A. S. G., and J. Hedley. "John Stowe, The Craft of Lovers and T.C.C. R.3.19." 28 (1975), 265-268.
- Edwards, A. S. G., and R. M. Schuler. "New Texts of Marvell's Satires." 30 (1977), 180-185.
- Eggert, Paul. "Document or Process as the Site of Authority: Establishing Chronology of Revision in Competing Typescripts of Lawrence's The Boy in the Bush." 44 (1991), 364-376. Erratum 47 (1994), 272.
- ----. "Editing Paintings/Conserving Literature: The Nature of the `Work.'" 47 (1994), 65-78.
- England, A. B. "Further Additions to Bond's Register of Burlesque Poems." 27 (1974), 236-240.
- ----. "Further Additions to Bond's Register of Burlesque Poems." 28 (1975), 284-290.
- Erdman, David V. "Unrecorded Coleridge Variants." 11 (1958), 143-162.
- ----. "The Suppressed and Altered Passages in Blake's Jerusalem." 17 (1964), 1-54.
- ----. "Blake's Jerusalem: Plate 3 Fully Restored." 18 (1965), 281-282.
- Erdman, David V., Lucyle Werkmeister, and R. S. Woof. "Unrecorded Coleridge Variants: Additions and Corrections." 14 (1961), 236-245.
- Essick, Robert N. "Variation, Accident, and Intention in William Blake's The Book of Urizen." 39 (1986), 230-235.
- Evans, Frank B. "The Printing of Spenser's
Faerie Queene in 1596." 18 (1965), 49-67.
- Evans, G. Blakemore. "The Missing Third Edition of Wheble's Junius (1771)." 13 (1960), 235- 238.
- ----. "New Evidence on the Provenance of the Padua Prompt-Books of Shakespeare's Macbeth, Measure for Measure, and Winter's Tale." 20 (1967), 239-242.
- Fahy, Conor. "Some Observations on the 1532 Edition of Ludovico Ariosto's Orlando Furioso." 40 (1987), 72-85.
- ----. "More on the 1532 Edition of Ariosto's Orlando Furioso." 41 (1988), 225-232.
- Fairer, David. "The Writing and Printing of Joseph Warton's Essay on Pope." 30 (1977), 211- 219.
- ----. "J. D. Fleeman: A Memoir." 48 (1995), 1-24.
- ----. "The Publications of J. D. Fleeman." 48 (1995), 25-33.
- Fallon, Robert Thomas. "Miltonic Documents in the Public Record Office, London." 32 (1979), 82-100.
- Faulkner, Thomas C. "George Crabbe: Murray's 1834 Edition of the Life and Poems." 32 (1979), 246-252.
- Feather, John. "John Nourse and his Authors." 34 (1981), 205-226.
- ----. "John Clay of Daventry: The Business of an Eighteenth-Century Stationer." 37 (1984), 198-209.
- Fehrenbach, Robert J. "The Printing of James Shirley's The Polititian (1655)." 24 (1971), 144-148.
- Ferdinand, C. Y. "Richard Baldwin Junior, Bookseller." 42 (1989), 254-264.
- Fergus, Jan, and Ruth Portner. "Provincial Bookselling in Eighteenth-Century England: The Case of John Clay Reconsidered." 40 (1987), 147-163.
- Ferguson, W. Craig. "The Compositors of Henry IV, Part 2, Much Ado About Nothing, The Shoemakers' Holiday, and The First Part of the Contention." 13 (1960), 19-29.
- ----. "A Note on Printers' Measures." 15 (1962), 242-243.
- ----. "Thomas Creede's Pica Roman." 23 (1970), 148- 153.
- ----. "Compositor Identification in Romeo Q1 and Troilus." 42 (1989), 211-218.
- Field, P. J. C. "The Empire of Lucius Iberius." 49 (1996), 106-128.
- Finch, Jeremiah S. "Sir Thomas Browne: Early Biographical Notices, and the Disposition of his Library and Manuscripts." 2 (1949-50), 196-201. 7
- Finney, Brian H. "D. H. Lawrence's Progress to Maturity: From Holograph Manuscript to Final Publication of The Prussian Officer and Other Stories." 28 (1975), 321-332.
- Firth, John. "Harriet Weaver's Letters to James Joyce from 1915-1920." 20 (1967), 151-188.
- ----. "James Pinker to James Joyce, 1915-1920." 21 (1968), 205-224. Fleeman, J. D. See Eddy, D. D., and Fleeman, 46 (1993), 187-220.
- Fletcher, Bradford Y. "Printer's Copy for Stow's Chaucer." 31 (1978), 184-201.
- Flores, R. M. "The Setting and Printing of the
First Edition of Cervantes's Novelas
Ejemplares." 37 (1984), 281-306.
- ----. "A Tale of Two Printings: Don Quixote, Part II." 39 (1986), 281-296.
- ----. "More on the Compositors of the First Edition of Don Quixote, Part II." 43 (1990), 272-285.
- Foakes, R. A. "On the First Folio Text of Henry VIII." 11 (1958), 55-60.
- Fogel, Daniel Mark. "A Compositional History of the Biographia Literaria." 30 (1977), 219- 234.
- Fogel, Ephim G. "Electric Computers and Elizabethan Texts." 15 (1962), 15-31.
- Foxon, D. F. "`Oh! Sophonisba! Sophonisba! Oh!'." 12 (1958), 204-213.
- Francis, Sir Frank, K.C.B. "Foreword." 20 (1967), v-vi.
- Franklin, R. W. "The Emily Dickinson Fascicles." 36 (1983), 1-20.
- Franklin, Wayne. "John Norton the Printer: An Attribution (1622)." 27 (1974), 185-187.
- Fredell, Joel. "Decorated Initials in the Lincoln Thornton Manuscript." 47 (1994), 78-88.
- Fredeman, William E. "The Bibliographical Significance of a Publisher's Archive: The Macmillan Papers." 23 (1970), 183-191.
- Freehafer, John. "John Warburton's Lost Plays." 23 (1970), 154-164.
- French, Hannah D. "The Amazing Career of Andrew Barclay, Scottish Bookbinder, of Boston." 14 (1961), 145-162.
- ----. "`Bound in Boston by Henry B. Legg.'" 17 (1964), 135-139.
- Freudenberg, Anne. "Preface" and "Index to Bibliographical Scholarship 1949-1955 including Studies in Bibliography Volumes I through IX." 10 (1957), iii-iv, 131-192.
- Friedman, Arthur. "The First Edition of Essays by Mr. Goldsmith, 1765." 5 (1952-53), 190-193.
- ----. "The First Edition of Goldsmith's Bee, No. 1." 11 (1958), 255-259.
- ----. "The Problem of Indifferent Readings in the Eighteenth Century, with a Solution from The Deserted Village." 13 (1960), 143-147.
- ----. "Two Notes on Goldsmith." 13 (1960), 232-235. Fry, Norman. See New, Melvyn, and Fry, 29 (1976), 322-330.
- Gabler, Hans Walter. "Cupid's Revenge (Q1) and Its Compositors. Part I: Composition and Printing." 24 (1971), 69-90.
- ----. "John Beale's Compositors in A King and No King Q1 (1619)." 24 (1971), 138-143.
- ----. "Towards a Critical Text of James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man." 27 (1974), 1-53.
- Gaines, William H., Jr. "The Continental Congress Considers the Publication of a Bible, 1777." 3 (1950-51), 274- 281.
- Gants, David L., and Elizabeth K. Lynch. "Author Index to Studies in Bibliography, Volumes 1-50." 50 (1997), 171-212.
- Garbáty, Thomas J. "Wynkyn de Worde's `Sir
Thopas' and Other Tales." 31 (1978), 57-67.
- Garner, Stanton B. "A Harold Frederic First." 15 (1962), 268-269. Correction 17 (1964), 252; reprint omits correction.
- Gaskell, Philip. "Type Sizes in the Eighteenth Century." 5 (1952-53), 147-151. Addendum 6 (1954), 286; reprint p. 266.
- ----. "Addendum: Type Sizes in the Eighteenth Century." 6 (1954), 286, reprint p. 266.
- ----. "The Lay of the Case." 22 (1969), 125-142.
- Geary, Susan. "Mrs. Stowe's Income from the Serial Version of Uncle Tom's Cabin." 29 (1976), 380-382.
- Gerrard, B. N. "Rickaby Cancellation: A New Species of Post-Impression Correction." 46 (1993), 303-320.
- Gerritsen, Johan. "The Dramatic Piracies of 1661: A Comparative Analysis." 11 (1958), 117-131.
- ----. "Printing at Froben's: An Eye-Witness Account." 44 (1991), 144-163.
- Gettmann, Royal A. "Colburn-Bentley and the March of Intellect." 9 (1957), 197-213.
- Glasscoe, Marion. "Visions and Revisions: A Further Look at the Manuscripts of Julian of Norwich." 42 (1989), 103- 120.
- Glick, Wendell. "Thoreau Rejects an Emerson Text." 25 (1972), 213-216.
- Goldberg, Homer. "The Two 1692 Editions of Otway's Caius Marius." 3 (1950-51), 253-254.
- Gourlay, Alexander S. "What Was Blake's Chaucer?" 42 (1989), 272-283.
- Graham, Kenneth W. "Vathek in English and French." 28 (1975), 153-166.
- Green, David Bonnell. "The Publication of Leigh Hunt's Imagination and Fancy." 12 (1958), 227-230.
- ----. "Elizabeth Barrett and R. Shelton Mackenzie." 14 (1961), 245-250.
- Green, Ralph. "Early American Power Printing Presses." 4 (1951-52), 143-153.
- Green, Richard Firth. "An Epitaph for Richard, Duke of York." 41 (1988), 218-224.
- Greenberg, Robert A. "Swinburne's Heptalogia Improved." 22 (1969), 258-266.
- Greene, D. J. "The False Alarm and Taxation No Tyranny: Some Further Observations." 13 (1960), 223-231.
- Greetham, D. C. "Models for the Textual Transmission of Translation: The Case of John Trevisa." 37 (1984), 131-155.
- ----. "Normalisation of Accidentals in Middle English Texts: The Paradox of Thomas Hoccleve." 38 (1985), 121- 150.
- ----. "Textual and Literary Theory: Redrawing the Matrix." 42 (1989), 1-24.
- ----. "[Textual] Criticism and Deconstruction." 44 (1991), 1-30.
- Greg, W. W. "The Rationale of Copy-Text." 3 (1950- 51), 19-36.
- Gross, Seymour L. "Hawthorne's Income from
The Token." 8 (1956), 236-238.
- Gross, Seymour L., and Alfred J. Levy. "Some Remarks on the Extant Manuscripts of Hawthorne's Short Stories." 14 (1961), 254-257.
- Grundy, Isobel. "Verses Address'd to the Imitator of Horace: A Skirmish between Pope and Some Persons of Rank and Fortune." 30 (1977), 96-119.
- Guilds, John C., Jr. "Simms's First Magazine: The Album." 8 (1956), 169-183. Correction 9 (1957), 266; corrections incorporated into the text of the reprint.
- ----. "William Gilmore Simms and the Southern Literary Gazette." 21 (1968), 59- 92.
- ----. "The `Lost' Number of the Southern Literary Gazette." 22 (1969), 266- 273.
- Gullans, Charles B. "Ralegh and Ayton: The Disputed Authorship of `Wrong Not Sweete Empress of my Heart.'" 13 (1960), 191-198.
- Hagemann, E. R. "A Checklist of the Writings of John William De Forest (1826-1906)." 8 (1956), 185-194.
- Haig, Robert L. "The Circulation of Some London Newspapers 1806-1811: Two Documents." 7 (1955), 190-194.
- ----. "New Light on the King's Printing Office 1680- 1730." 8 (1956), 157-167.
- ----. "`The Unspeakable Curll': Prolegomena." 13 (1960), 220-223.
- Hallam, George W. "Some New Stephen Crane Items." 20 (1967), 263-266.
- Halsband, Robert. "Editing the Letters of Letter- Writers." 11 (1958), 25-37.
- Hamblin, Robert W. "Lucas Beauchamp, Ned Barnett, and William Faulkner's 1940 Will." 32 (1979), 281-283.
- Hamblin, Robert W., and Louis Daniel Brodsky. "Faulkner's `L'Apres-Midi D'Un Faune': The Evolution of a Poem." 33 (1980), 254-263.
- Hamel, Mary. "Scribal Self-Corrections in the Thornton Morte Arthure." 36 (1983), 119- 137.
- Hamilton, Marion H. "The Early Editions of Dryden's State of Innocence." 5 (1952-53), 163- 166.
- ----. "The Manuscripts of Dryden's The State of Innocence and the Relation of the Harvard MS to the First Quarto." 6 (1954), 237-246.
- Hammersmith, James P. "Frivolous Trifles and Weighty Tomes: Early Proof-reading at London, Oxford, and Cambridge." 38 (1985), 236-251.
- Hammond, Antony. "The White Devil in Nicholas Okes's Shop." 39 (1986), 135-176.
- Hammond, Antony, and Doreen Delvecchio. "The Melbourne Manuscript and John Webster: A Reproduction and Transcript." 41 (1988), 1-32.
- Hanna, Ralph, III. "The London Thornton Manuscript: A Corrected Collation." 37 (1984), 122-130.
- ----. "Booklets in Medieval Manuscripts: Further Considerations." 39 (1986), 100-111.
- ----. "The Growth of Robert Thornton's Books." 40 (1987), 51-61.
- ----. "The Production of Cambridge University
Library MS. Ff.i.6." 40 (1987), 62-70.
- ----. "The Origins and Production of Westminster School MS. 3." 41 (1988), 197-218.
- ----. "The Scribe of Huntington HM 114." 42 (1989), 120-133.
- ----. "Two Lollard Codices and Lollard Book- Production." 43 (1990), 49-62.
- ----. "With an O (Yorks.) or an I (Salop.)? The Middle English Lyrics of British Library Additional 45896." 48 (1995), 290-297.
- ----. "John Shirley and British Library, MS. Additional 16165." 49 (1996), 95-105.
- Harding, Walter. "A Sheaf of Whitman Letters." 5 (1952-53), 203-210.
- Hargreaves, G. D. "Signatures and Dashes in Novels Printed by T. C. Newby in the Eighteen-Forties." 34 (1981), 253- 258.
- Hargrove, Nancy D. "The Chronology of Sylvia Plath's Poems: 1956-1959." 45 (1992), 265-291.
- Harkness, Bruce. "The Precedence of the 1676 Editions of Milton's Literae Pseudo-Senatûs Anglicani." 7 (1955), 181-185.
- ----. "Bibliography and the Novelistic Fallacy." 12 (1958), 59-73.
- Harris, Jocelyn. "The Reviser Observed: The Last Volume of Sir Charles Grandison." 29 (1976), 1-31.
- Hart, Francis Russell. "Proofreading Lockhart's Scott: The Dynamics of Biographical Reticence." 14 (1961), 3-22.
- Hart, John A. "Pope as Scholar-Editor." 23 (1970), 45-59.
- Hasker, Richard E. See Cooper, Bertram C., and Hasker, 4 (1951-52), 199-201.
- ----. "The Copy for the First Folio Richard II." 5 (1952-53), 53-72.
- Hay, Louis. "Does `Text' Exist?" 41 (1988), 64-76.
- Hayden, John O. "The Dating of the `1794' Version of Wordsworth's An Evening Walk." 42 (1989), 265-271.
- Hayley, Rodney L. "The `Swingeing' of Cibber: The Suppression of the First Edition of The Refusal." 28 (1975), 290-297.
- Hazen, A. T. "Baskerville and James Whatman." 5 (1952-53), 187-189.
- ----. "The Booksellers' `Ring' at Strawberry Hill in 1842." 7 (1955), 194-198.
- Heaney, Howell J. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1950. Part II: Later Renaissance to the Present." 4 (1951-52), 223-235. Reprinted in 10 (1957), 18-30. Errata 10 (1957), vii.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1951. Part II: Later Renaissance to the Present." 5 (1952-53), 217-228. Reprinted in 10 (1957), 37-48. Errata 10 (1957), vii.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1952. Part II: Later Renaissance to the Present." 6 (1954), 272-286. Reprinted in 10 (1957), 55-69. Errata 10 (1957), vii.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1953. Part II: Later Renaissance to the Present." 7 (1955), 226-238. Reprinted in 10 (1957), 77-89. Errata 10 (1957), viii.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of
Bibliographical Scholarship for 1954. Part
188II: Later Renaissance to the Present." 8 (1956), 256-267. Reprinted in 10 (1957), 96-107. Errata 10 (1957), viii.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1955. Part II: Later Renaissance to the Present." 10 (1957), 118-130.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1956. Part II: Later Renaissance to the Present." 11 (1958), 278-290.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1957. Part II: Later Renaissance to the Present." 12 (1958), 242-254.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1958. Part II: Later Renaissance to the Present." 13 (1960), 271-283.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1959. Part II: Later Renaissance to the Present." 14 (1961), 271-285.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1960. Part II: Later Renaissance to the Present." 15 (1962), 289-305.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1961. Part II: Later Renaissance to the Present." 16 (1963), 257-270.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1962. Part II: Later Renaissance to the Present." 17 (1964), 238-252.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1963. Part II: Later Renaissance to the Present." 18 (1965), 290-306.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1964. Part II: Later Renaissance to the Present." 19 (1966), 262-275.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1965. Part II: Later Renaissance to the Present." 20 (1967), 280-291.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1966. Part II: Later Renaissance to the Present." 21 (1968), 272-284.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1967. Part II: Later Renaissance to the Present." 22 (1969), 323-334.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1968. Part II: Later Renaissance to the Present." 23 (1970), 260-273.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1969. Part II: Later Renaissance to the Present." 24 (1971), 221-234.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1970. Part II: Later Renaissance to the Present." 25 (1972), 233-246.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1971. Part II: Later Renaissance to the Present." 26 (1973), 275-290.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1972. Part II: Later Renaissance to the Present." 27 (1974), 299-319.
- Hedley, J. See Edwards, A. S. G., and Hedley, 28 (1975), 265-268.
- Hench, Atcheson L. "Printer's Copy for Tyrwhitt's Chaucer." 3 (1950-51), 265-266.
- Henning, Standish. "The Printers and the Beaumont and Fletcher Folio of 1647, Sections 4 and 8D-F." 22 (1969), 165-178.
- Hernlund, Patricia. "William Strahan's Ledgers:
Standard Charges for Printing, 1738-1785." 20 (1967), 89-111.
- ----. "William Strahan's Ledgers, II: Charges for Papers, 1738-1785." 22 (1969), 179-195.
- Herring, Phillip F. "Ulysses Notebook VIII.A.5 at Buffalo." 22 (1969), 287-310.
- Higdon, David Leon. "Graham Greene's Second Thoughts: The Text of The Heart of the Matter." 30 (1977), 249-256.
- ----. "A Textual History of Graham Greene's The Power and the Glory." 33 (1980), 222- 239.
- ----. "The Unrecognized Second Edition of Conrad's Under Western Eyes." 40 (1987), 220-225.
- Higdon, David Leon, and Robert F. Sheard. "Gilbert Sorrentino's Revisions of The Sky Changes." 43 (1990), 238-250.
- Hill, Archibald A. "Some Postulates for Distributional Study of Texts." 3 (1950-51), 63-95.
- Hill, W. Speed. "Casting Off Copy and the Composition of Hooker's Book V." 33 (1980), 144-161.
- Hinman, Charlton. "Mark III: New Light on the Proof-Reading for the First Folio of Shakespeare." 3 (1950-51), 145-153.
- ----. "The Proof-Reading of the First Folio Texts of Romeo and Juliet." 6 (1954), 61-70.
- ----. "The Prentice Hand in the Tragedies of the Shakespeare First Folio: Compositor E." 9 (1957), 3-20.
- Hirsch, Rudolf. "The Art of Selling Books: Notes on Three Aldus Catalogues, 1586-1592." 1 (1948-49), 83-101.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1949. Part I: Incunabula and Early Renaissance." 3 (1950-51), 293-295. Reprinted in 10 (1957), 2- 4. Errata 10 (1957), vii.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1950. Part I: Incunabula and Early Renaissance." 4 (1951-52), 217-223. Reprinted in 10 (1957), 12- 18. Errata 10 (1957), vii.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1951. Part I: Incunabula and Early Renaissance." 5 (1952-53), 211-216. Reprinted in 10 (1957), 31- 36. Errata 10 (1957), vii.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1952. Part I: Incunabula and Early Renaissance." 6 (1954), 266-272. Reprinted in 10 (1957), 49-55. Errata 10 (1957), vii.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1953. Part I: Incunabula and Early Renaissance." 7 (1955), 219-226. Reprinted in 10 (1957), 70-77. Errata 10 (1957), viii.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1954. Part I: Incunabula and Early Renaissance." 8 (1956), 250-256. Reprinted in 10 (1957), 90-96. Errata 10 (1957), viii.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1955. Part I: Incunabula and Early Renaissance." 10 (1957), 109-118.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical
Scholarship for 1956. Part I: Incunabula and Early
Renaissance." 11 (1958), 269-278.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1957. Part I: Incunabula and Early Renaissance." 12 (1958), 234-241.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1958. Part I: Incunabula and Early Renaissance." 13 (1960), 262-271.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1959. Part I: Incunabula and Early Renaissance." 14 (1961), 263-271.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1960. Part I: Incunabula and Early Renaissance." 15 (1962), 279-289.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1961. Part I: Incunabula and Early Renaissance." 16 (1963), 245-256.
- ----. "A Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1962. Part I: Incunabula and Early Renaissance." 17 (1964), 229-238.
- Hook, Frank S. "The Two Compositors in the First Quarto of Peele's Edward I." 7 (1955), 170-177.
- Horn, Robert D. "The Early Editions of Addison's Campaign." 3 (1950-51), 256-261.
- Hosley, Richard. "Quarto Copy for Q2 Romeo and Juliet." 9 (1957), 129-141.
- Hotson, Leslie. "The Library of Elizabeth's Embezzling Teller." 2 (1949-50), 49-61.
- Houghton, Esther Rhoads. "The British Critic and the Oxford Movement." 16 (1963), 119- 137.
- Howard-Hill, T. H. "The Oxford Old-Spelling Shakespeare Concordances." 22 (1969), 143-164.
- ----. "The Compositors of Shakespeare's Folio Comedies." 26 (1973), 61-106.
- ----. "Marginal Markings: The Censor and the Editing of Four English Promptbooks." 36 (1983), 168-177.
- Howarth, William L. "The Red Badge of Courage Manuscript: New Evidence for a Critical Edition." 18 (1965), 229-247.
- Hoy, Cyrus. "The Shares of Fletcher and His Collaborators in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon (I)." 8 (1956), 129-146.
- ----. "The Shares of Fletcher and His Collaborators in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon (II)." 9 (1957), 143-162.
- ----. "The Shares of Fletcher and His Collaborators in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon (III)." 11 (1958), 85-106.
- ----. "The Shares of Fletcher and His Collaborators in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon (IV)." 12 (1958), 91-116.
- ----. "The Shares of Fletcher and His Collaborators in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon (V)." 13 (1960), 77-108.
- ----. "The Shares of Fletcher and His Collaborators in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon (VI)." 14 (1961), 45-67.
- ----. "The Shares of Fletcher and His Collaborators in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon (VII)." 15 (1962), 71-90.
- Hrubý, Antonín. "A Quantitative Solution to the
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- Hudson, Richard B. "The Publishing of Meredith's Rhoda Fleming." 6 (1954), 254-257.
- Hurlebusch, Klaus. "Conceptualisations for Procedures of Authorship." 41 (1988), 100-135.
- Huttar, Charles A. "Wyatt and the Several Editions of The Court of Venus." 19 (1966), 181- 195.
- Ioppolo, Grace. "`The Final Revision of Bonduca': An Unpublished Essay by W. W. Greg." 43 (1990), 62-80.
- Irace, Kathleen. "Reconstruction and Adaptation in Q Henry V." 44 (1991), 228-253.
- Ives, Maura. "Descriptive Bibliography and the Victorian Periodical." 49 (1996), 61-94.
- Izsak, Emily K. "The Manuscript of The Sound and The Fury: The Revisions in the First Section." 20 (1967), 189-202.
- Jackson, David H. "Line Indentation in Stillinger's The Poems of John Keats." 36 (1983), 200-205.
- Jackson, MacD. P. "The Printer of the First Quarto of Astrophil and Stella (1591)." 31 (1978), 201-203.
- ----. "Compositorial Practices in Tourneur's The Atheist's Tragedy." 32 (1979), 210-215.
- ----. "Two Shakespeare Quartos: Richard III (1597) and I Henry IV (1598)." 35 (1982), 173-190.
- ----. "John Webster and Thomas Heywood in Appius and Virginia: A Bibliographical Approach to the Problem of Authorship." 38 (1985), 217-235.
- ----. "Rhyming in Pericles: More Evidence of Dual Authorship." 46 (1993), 239-249.
- ----. "Stage Directions and Speech Headings in Act 1 of Titus Andronicus Q (1594): Shakespeare or Peele?" 49 (1996), 134-148.
- Jenkins, Harold. "The Relation between the Second Quarto and the Folio Text of Hamlet." 7 (1955), 69-83.
- ----. "Playhouse Interpolations in the Folio Text of Hamlet." 13 (1960), 31-47. J
- Johnson, Gerald D. "The Printing of A Faire Quarrell, Q2." 29 (1976), 288-292.
- ----. "Nicholas Ling, Publisher 1580-1607." 38 (1985), 203-214.
- ----. "John Trundle and the Book-Trade 1603-1626." 39 (1986), 177-199.
- Johnson, Linck C. "`Native to New England': Thoreau, `Herald of Freedom,' and A Week." 36 (1983), 213-220.
- Johnson, Thomas H. "Establishing a Text: The Emily Dickinson Papers." 5 (1952-53), 21-32.
- Johnstone, H. Diack. "More on Dr. Hoadly's `Poems
Set to Music by Dr. Greene.'" 50 (1997), 262-271.
- Jones, H. W. "Literary Problems in Seventeenth- Century Scientific Manuscripts." 14 (1961), 69-80.
- Jones, John Bush. "Gilbert and His Ballads: Problems in the Bibliography and Attribution of Victorian Comic Journalism." 25 (1972), 217-225.
- Jones, Leonidas M. "Hazlitt, Reynolds, and the Edinburgh Review." 29 (1976), 342-346.
- ----. "The Dating of the Two Hyperions." 30 (1977), 120-135.
- Jones, Millard T. "Press-Variants and Proofreading in the First Quarto of Othello (1622)." 27 (1974), 177-184. Correction 28 (1975), 340.
- Joukovsky, Nicholas A. "Thomas Love Peacock's Manuscript `Poems' of 1804." 47 (1994), 196-211.
- Jowett, John. "Jonson's Authorization of Type in Sejanus and Other Early Quartos." 44 (1991), 254-265.
- Jowett, John, and Gary Taylor. "Sprinklings of Authority: The Folio Text of Richard II." 38 (1985), 151-200. ----. "The Three Texts of 2 Henry IV." 40 (1987), 31-50.
- Kable, William S. "The Influence of Justification on Spelling in Jaggard's Compositor B." 20 (1967), 235-239.
- ----. "Compositor B, The Pavier Quartos, and Copy Spellings." 21 (1968), 131-161.
- Katz, Joseph. See Bruccoli, Matthew J., and Katz, 22 (1969), 277-287.
- Keast, W. R. "The Preface to A Dictionary of the English Language: Johnson's Revision and the Establishment of the Text." 5 (1952-53), 129-146.
- Keiser, George R. "Lincoln Cathedral Library MS. 91: Life and Milieu of the Scribe." 32 (1979), 158-179.
- Keiser, George R. "More Light on the Life and Milieu of Robert Thornton." 36 (1983), 111-119.
- Keller, Dean H. "A Checklist of the Writings of Albion W. Tourgée (1838-1905)." 18 (1965), 269-279.
- Kelley, Maurice. "Milton and Machiavelli's Discorsi." 4 (1951-52), 123-127.
- Kelley, Maurice, and Samuel D. Atkins "Milton and the Harvard Pindar." 17 (1964), 77-82.
- Kennedy, Joyce Deveau. "Defoe's An Essay Upon Projects: The Order of Issues." 23 (1970), 170-175.
- Kenny, Shirley Strum. "Two Scenes by Addison in Steele's Tender Husband." 19 (1966), 217-226.
- ----. "Eighteenth-Century Editions of Steele's Conscious Lovers." 21 (1968), 253-261.
- ----. "A Broadside Prologue by Farquhar." 25 (1972), 179-185.
- ----. "Piracies of Two Plays by Farquhar." 28 (1975), 297-305.
- ----. "The Mystery of Farquhar's Stage-Coach Reconsidered." 32 (1979), 219- 236.
- Ketterer, David. "(De)Composing
Frankenstein: The Import of Altered
Character Names in the Last Draft." 49 (1996), 232-276.
- Kibler, James Everett, Jr. "The Album (1826): The Significance of the Recently Discovered Second Volume." 39 (1986), 62-78.
- ----. "Simms's First Published Fiction." 44 (1991), 376-380. ----. "The Unpublished Preface to W. G. Simms's Collected Poems." 49 (1996), 291-293.
- Kimpel, Ben D. See Eaves, T. C. Duncan, and Kimpel, 14 (1961), 232-234. ----. See Eaves. T. C. Duncan, and Kimpel, 15 (1962), 135-148. ----. See Eaves, T. C. Duncan, and Kimpel, 20 (1967), 61-88.
- King, T. J. "Shirley's Coronation and Love Will Find Out the Way: Erroneous Title-Pages." 18 (1965), 265- 269.
- Knowles, Richard. "The Printing of the Second Quarto (1619) of King Lear." 35 (1982), 191-206.
- ----. "Dates for Some Serially Published Shakespeares." 40 (1987), 187-201.
- Kolb, Gwin J. "John Newbery, Projector of the Universal Chronicle: A Study of the Advertisements." 11 (1958), 249-251.
- ----. "Dr. Johnson and the Public Ledger: A Small Addition to the Canon." 11 (1958), 252-255.
- ----. "Rasselas: Purchase Price, Proprietors, and Printings." 15 (1962), 256- 259.
- Kolb, Gwin J. and Robert DeMaria, Jr. "The Preliminaries to Dr. Johnson's Dictionary: Authorial Revisions and the Establishment of the Texts." 48 (1995), 121-133.
- Kraft, James. "An Unpublished Review by Henry James." 20 (1967), 267-273.
- Kramer, Dale. "Two `New' Texts of Thomas Hardy's The Woodlanders." 20 (1967), 135-150.
- Kuist, James M. "The Gentleman's Magazine in the Folger Library: The History and Significance of the Nichols Family Collection." 29 (1976), 307-322.
- ----. "A Collaboration in Learning: The Gentleman's Magazine and Its Ingenious Contributors." 44 (1991), 302-317.
- Kyles, Gillian G. M. "Stephen Crane and `Corporal O'Connor's Story.'" 27 (1974), 294-295.
- Kyriss, Ernst. "Bookbindings in the Libraries of Prague." 3 (1950-51), 105-130.
- ----. "Addendum to [E. Wead, `Early Binding Stamps of Religious Significance in Certain American Libraries']." 5 (1952-53), 210.
- ----. "Parisian Panel Stamps between 1480 and 1530." 7 (1955), 113-124.
- Lancashire, Anne. "Warburton's List and Edmond Malone: A Non-Existent Relationship." 27 (1974), 240-248.
- Lavin, J. A. "William Barley, Draper and Stationer." 22 (1969), 214-223.
- ----. "John Danter's Ornament Stock." 23 (1970), 21-44.
- ----. "The Printer of Hamlet Q3." 25 (1972), 173-176.
- Lawler, Donald L. "Oscar Wilde's First Manuscript
of The Picture of Dorian Gray." 25
(1972), 125-135.
- Leech, Clifford. "On Editing One's First Play." 23 (1970), 61-70.
- Leed, Jacob. "Some Reprintings of the Gentleman's Magazine." 17 (1964), 210-214.
- Lesko, Kathleen M. "A Rare Restoration Manuscript Prompt-Book: John Wilson's Belphegor, Corrected by the Author." 32 (1979), 215-219.
- Levy, Alfred J. See Gross, Seymour L., and Levy, 14 (1961), 254-257.
- Lievsay, John L. "William Barley, Elizabethan Printer and Bookseller." 8 (1956), 218-225.
- Lievsay, John L., and Richard B. Davis. "A Cavalier Library 1643." 6 (1954), 141-160.
- Lindstrand, Gordon. "Mechanized Textual Collation and Recent Designs." 24 (1971), 204-214.
- Linton, Marion. "National Library of Scotland and Edinburgh University Library Copies of Plays in Greg's Bibliography of the English Printed Drama." 15 (1962), 91-104.
- Love, Harold. "Preacher and Publisher: Oliver Heywood and Thomas Parkhurst." 31 (1978), 227-235.
- ----. "The Ranking of Variants in the Analysis of Moderately Contaminated Manuscript Traditions." 37 (1984), 39- 57.
- ----. "Scribal Texts and Literary Communities: The Rochester Circle and Osborn b. 105." 42 (1989), 219-235.
- ----. "A Restoration Lampoon in Transmission and Revision: Rochester's(?) `Signior Dildo.'" 46 (1993), 250-262. ----. "A New `A' Text of `Signior Dildo.'" 49 (1996), 169-175.
- Lowe, Robert Liddell. "Matthew Arnold and Percy William Bunting: Some New Letters 1884-1887." 7 (1955), 199-207.
- Lucas, Peter J. "A Fifteenth-Century Copyist at Work under Authorial Scrutiny: An Incident from John Capgrave's Scriptorium." 34 (1981), 66-95.
- Lucke, Jessie Ryon. "Some Correspondence with Thomas Jefferson Concerning the Public Printers." 1 (1948-49), 25-37.
- ----. "The Cancels in Lockman's Travels of the Jesuits, 1743." 2 (1949-50), 205-207.
- Lynch, Elizabeth K. See Gants, David L., and Lynch, 50 (1997), 171-212.
- Machan, Tim William. "Editorial Method and Medieval Translations: The Example of Chaucer's Boece." 41 (1988), 188-196.
- Main, C. F. "New Texts of John Donne." 9 (1957), 225-233.
- Manierre, William R., II. "A `Mather' of Dates." 16 (1963), 217-220.
- ----. "A Description of `Paterna': The Unpublished Autobiography of Cotton Mather." 18 (1965), 183-205.
- Mann, Peter. "Annotations by Coleridge in a Copy of The Friend (1818)." 26 (1973), 243-254.
- Markman, Alan. "A Computer Concordance to Middle
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- Marshall, William H. "The Text of T. S. Eliot's `Gerontion.'" 4 (1951-52), 213-217.
- Martin, C. G. "Coleridge's Lines to Thelwall: A Corrected Text and a First Version." 20 (1967), 254-257.
- Masengill, Jeanne Addison. "Variant Forms of Fielding's Coffee-House Politician." 5 (1952-53), 178-183.
- Maslen, Keith I. D. "`Press' Letters: Samuel Aris 1730-32." 23 (1970), 119-126.
- ----. "Printing Charges: Inference and Evidence." 24 (1971), 91-98.
- ----. "Dr. Hoadly's `Poems Set to Music by Dr. Greene.'" 48 (1995), 85-94.
- Massey, Linton. "Notes on the Unrevised Galleys of Faulkner's Sanctuary." 8 (1956), 195- 208.
- Maurer, Oscar. "`My Squeamish Public': Some Problems of Victorian Magazine Publishers and Editors." 12 (1958), 21-40.
- May, James E. "Hidden Editions in Satires I and II of Edward Young's The Universal Passion." 37 (1984), 181-187.
- ----. "The Authority of Accidental Variants in the Tonson Second Edition of Edward Young's Love of Fame." 37 (1984), 187-197.
- ----. "Determining Final Authorial Intention in Revised Satires: The Case of Edward Young." 38 (1985), 276-289.
- ----. "Young's Corrections to Dodington's Epistle to Bute: Evidence from the Yale Manuscript." 46 (1993), 270-282.
- May, Steven W. "William Hunnis and the 1577 Paradise of Dainty Devices." 28 (1975), 63- 80.
- McClellan, William. "The Transcription of the `Clerk's Tale' in MS HM140: Interpreting Textual Effects." 47 (1994), 89-103.
- McDermott, Anne. "Textual Transformations: The Memoirs of Martinus Scriblerus in Johnson's Dictionary." 48 (1995), 133- 148.
- McKenzie, D. F. "Compositor B's Role in The Merchant of Venice, Q2 (1619)." 12 (1958), 75-90.
- ----. "A List of Printers' Apprentices, 1605-1640." 13 (1960), 109-141.
- ----. "Printers of the Mind: Some Notes on Bibliographical Theories and Printing-House Practices." 22 (1969), 1-75.
- ----. "The Printer of the Third Volume of Jonson's Workes (1640)." 25 (1972), 177-178.
- ----. "Stretching a Point: Or, The Case of the Spaced-Out Comps." 37 (1984), 106-121.
- McKillop, Alan D. "Supplementary Notes on Samuel Richardson as a Printer." 12 (1958), 214-218.
- McLaverty, James. "Lawton Gilliver: Pope's Bookseller." 32 (1979), 101-124.
- ----. "The Mode of Existence of Literary Works of Art: The Case of the Dunciad Variorum." 37 (1984), 82-105.
- ----. "Pope in the Private and Public Spheres: Annotations in the Second Earl of Oxford's Volume of Folio Poems, 1731-1736." 48 (1995), 33-59.
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- ----. "Some Bibliographical Notes on Samuel Daniel's Civil Wars." 4 (1951-52), 31-39.
- ----. "Privilege to Print." 16 (1963), 201-203.
- McMillin, Scott. "The Plots of The Dead Man's Fortune and 2 Seven Deadly Sins: Inferences for Theatre Historians." 26 (1973), 235-243.
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- ----. "Indexing the Periodical Literature of Anglo- American Bibliography." 33 (1980), 1-17.
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- Meale, Carol M. "Wynkyn de Worde's Setting-Copy for Ipomydon." 35 (1982), 156-171.
- Megaw, Robert N. E. "The Two 1695 Editions of Wycherley's Country-Wife." 3 (1950-51), 252-253.
- Meriwether, James B. "The English Editions of James Gould Cozzens." 15 (1962), 207-217.
- Meyer, Ann R. "Shakespeare's Art and the Texts of King Lear." 47 (1994), 128-146.
- Miles, Peter. "The Piltdown Man and the Norman Conquest: Working Volumes and Printer's Copy for Charles Dawson's The History of Hastings Castle." 46 (1993), 357-370.
- Miller, C. William. "In the Savoy: A Study in Post- Restoration Imprints." 1 (1948-49), 39-46.
- ----. "A Bibliographical Study of Parthenissa by Roger Boyle Earl of Orrery." 2 (1949-50), 115-137.
- ----. "Thomas Newcomb: A Restoration Printer's Ornament Stock." 3 (1950-51), 155-170.
- ----. "A London Ornament Stock: 1598-1683." 7 (1955), 125-151.
- ----. "Benjamin Franklin's Philadelphia Type." 11 (1958), 179-206.
- ----. "Franklin's Poor Richard Almanacs: Their Printing and Publication." 14 (1961), 97- 115.
- Miller, Clarence H. "Some Unusual Printer's Copy Used for Early Sixteenth-Century Editions of Erasmus' Encomium Moriae." 25 (1972), 137-143.
- Miller, Edwin Haviland. "The Editions of Robert Greene's A Quip for an Upstart Courtier (1592)." 6 (1954), 107-116.
- ----. "Walt Whitman's Correspondence with Whitelaw Reid, Editor of the New York Tribune." 8 (1956), 242-249.
- ----. "New Year's Day Gift Books in the Sixteenth Century." 15 (1962), 233-241.
- Miller, F. DeWolfe. "Twenty-eight Additions to the
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- ----. "Identification of Contributors to the North American Review under Lowell." 6 (1954), 219-229.
- Miller, R. H. "Sir John Harington's A Supplie or Addicion to the Catalogue of Bishops, to the Yeare 1608: Composition and Text." 30 (1977), 145- 161.
- ----. "Sir John Harington's Irish Journals." 32 (1979), 179-186.
- ----. "Harington's Supplie or Addicion to the Catalogue of Bishops: An Additional Manuscript." 35 (1982), 171-172.
- ----. "Sir John Harington's Manuscripts in Italic." 40 (1987), 101-106.
- Miller, William E. "The Hospitall of Incurable Fooles." 16 (1963), 204-207.
- ----. "Printers and Stationers in the Parish of St. Giles Cripplegate 1561-1640." 19 (1966), 15-38.
- Modlin, Charles E., Hilbert H. Campbell, and Kenichi Takada.
- "Sherwood Anderson: Additions to the Bibliography." 39 (1986), 266-268.
- Monitto, G. V. "`Sallied Flesh' (Q1, Q2): Hamlet I.ii.129." 36 (1983), 177-178.
- Monteiro, George. "William Dean Howells and The Breadwinners." 15 (1962), 267-268.
- ----. "A Speech by W. D. Howells." 20 (1967), 262- 263.
- ----. "`Bartleby the Scrivener' and Melville's Contemporary Reputation." 24 (1971), 195-196.
- ----."Mather's Melville Book." 25 (1972), 226-227.
- Mortenson, Robert. "Yeats's Vision and `The Two Trees.'" 17 (1964), 220- 222.
- Mosser, Daniel W. "The Two Scribes of the Cardigan Manuscript and the `Evidence' of Scribal Supervision and Shop Production." 39 (1986), 112-125.
- Moyles, R. G. "The Text of Paradise Lost: A Stemma for the Early Editions." 33 (1980), 168-182.
- Mulhallen, Karen G. "`For Friendship's Sake': Some Additions to Blake's Sheets for Designs to a Series of Ballads (1802)." 29 (1976), 331-341.
- Mulholland, Paul. "The Roaring Girl: New Readings and Further Notes." 37 (1984), 159-170.
- Mulryne, J. R. "Printer's Copy for Part of Volume Seven of the W. B. Yeats Collected Works in Verse and Prose (1908)." 30 (1977), 235-240.
- Munby, A. N. L. "Elias Burling, A Call to Back-Sliding Israel, New York, 1694: An Unrecorded Tract Printed by William Bradford." 14 (1961), 251-253.
- Myerson, Joel. "An Annotated List of Contributions to the Boston Dial." 26 (1973), 133-166.
- Needham, Paul. "Allan H. Stevenson and the Bibliographical Uses of Paper." 47 (1994), 23-64.
- Neumann, Gerhard. "Script, Work and Published Form:
Franz Kafka's Incomplete Text." 41 (1988), 77-99.
- New, Melvyn, and Norman Fry. "Some Borrowings in Tristram Shandy: The Textual Problem." 29 (1976), 322-330.
- Nichol, Donald W. "From the Bishop of Gloucester to Lord Hailes: The Correspondence of William Warburton and David Dalrymple." 48 (1995), 169-192.
- Nims, John Frederick. "The Greatest English Lyric? A New Reading of Joe E. Skilmer's `Therese.'" 20 (1967), 1-14.
- Norfleet, Fillmore. "A St. Memin Plate, With Some Notes on Other St. Memin Portraits." 1 (1948-49), 185-187.
- Oates, J. C. T. "The Little Gest of Robin Hood: A Note on the Pynson and Lettersnijder Editions." 16 (1963), 3-8.
- O'Connor, John S. "Compositors D and F of the Shakespeare First Folio." 28 (1975), 81-117.
- O'Connor, John S. "A Qualitative Analysis of Compositors C and D in the Shakespeare First Folio." 30 (1977), 57-74.
- Oldani, Louis J. "Dreiser's `Genius' in the Making: Composition and Revision." 47 (1994), 230-252.
- Oliver, Leslie M. "Thomas Drue's Duchess of Suffolk: A Protestant Drama." 3 (1950-51), 241-246.
- Pace, George B. "The Text of Chaucer's Purse." 1 (1948-49), 103-121. ----. "Chaucer's Lak of Stedfastnesse." 4 (1951-52), 105-122.
- ----. "The Chaucerian Proverbs." 18 (1965), 41-48.
- ----. "Speght's Chaucer and MS. GG.4.27." 21 (1968), 225-235. See Doyle, A. I., and Pace, 28 (1975), 41-61.
- Paden, William D. "Tennyson's The Lover's Tale, R. H. Shepherd, and T. J. Wise." 18 (1965), 111-145. 1
- ----. "Tennyson's The New Timon, R. H. Shepherd, and Harry Buxton Forman." 34 (1981), 262-267.
- Pafort, Eloise. "Notes on the Wynkyn de Worde Editions of the Boke of St. Albans and its Separates." 5 (1952-53), 43-52.
- Palmer, Melvin. See Palmer, Nancy and Palmer, 27 (1974), 227-232.
- Palmer, Nancy and Melvin. "English Editions of French Contes de Fées Attributed to Mme D'Aulnoy." 27 (1974), 227-232.
- Parrish, S. M. "Problems in the Making of Computer Concordances." 15 (1962), 1-14.
- Payne, R. "Four Children's Books by A. A. Milne." 23 (1970), 127-139.
- Pearson, Norman Holmes. "Problems of Literary Executorship." 5 (1952-53), 3-20.
- Petter, C. G. "Pound's Personæ: From Manuscript to Print." 35 (1982), 111-132.
- Pfeiffer, William S. "Mary Cochran: Sherwood Anderson's Ten-Year Novel." 31 (1978), 248-257.
- Pfordresher, John. "A Bibliographic History of
Alfred Tennyson's Idylls of the King."
26 (1973), 193-218.
- Phelps, Wayne H. "Some Sixteenth-Century Stationers' Wills." 32 (1979), 48-59.
- Philbrick, Thomas L. "British Authorship of Ballads in the Isaiah Thomas Collection." 9 (1957), 255-258.
- Phillips, William L. "The First Printing of Sherwood Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio." 4 (1951-52), 211-213.
- Pierson, Robert Craig. "The Revisions of Richardson's Sir Charles Grandison." 21 (1968), 163-189.
- Pollin, Burton R. "Emerson's Annotations in the British Museum Copy of the Dial." 24 (1971), 187-195. Portner, Ruth. See Fergus, Jan, and Portner, 40 (1987), 147-163.
- Potter, Lee. H. "The Text of Scott's Edition of Swift." 22 (1969), 240-255.
- Povey, Kenneth. "Twenty-fours with Three Signatures." 9 (1957), 215-216.
- ----. "The Optical Identification of First Formes." 13 (1960), 189-190.
- Pritchard, Allan. "George Wither's Quarrel with the Stationers: An Anonymous Reply to The Schollers Purgatory." 16 (1963), 27-42.
- Probyn, Clive. "Swift's Verses on the Death of Dr. Swift: the Notes." 39 (1986), 47-61.
- ----. "`Travelling west-ward': The Lost Letter from Jonathan Swift to Charles Ford." 44 (1991), 265-270.
- Racin, John, Jr. "The Early Editions of Sir Walter Ralegh's The History of the World." 17 (1964), 199-209.
- Ramsey, Roy Vance. "The Hengwrt and Ellesmere Manuscripts of the Canterbury Tales: Different Scribes." 35 (1982), 133-154.
- ----. "F. N. Robinson's Editing of the Canterbury Tales." 42 (1989), 134-152.
- Rasmussen, Eric. "The Relevance of Cast-Off Copy in Determining the Nature of Omissions: Q2 Hamlet." 39 (1986), 133-135.
- ----. "Rehabilitating the A-Text of Marlowe's Doctor Faustus." 46 (1993), 221-238.
- Rea, Robert R. "Some Notes on Edward Gibbon's Mémoire Justificatif." 5 (1952-53), 194-197.
- Read, Dennis M. "Practicing the Necessity of Purification: Cromek, Roscoe, and Reliques of Burns." 35 (1982), 306-319.
- ----. "Cromek, Cunningham, and Remains of Nithsdale and Galloway Song: A Case of Literary Duplicity." 40 (1987), 175-187.
- Rees, Robert A., and Marjorie Griffin. "William Gilmore Simms and The Family Companion." 24 (1971), 109-129.
- ----. "Index and Author Guide to the Family Companion (1841-43)." 25 (1972), 205- 212.
- Reichardt, Paul F. "A Seventeenth-Century Acknowledgement of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight in an Early Catalogue of the Cottonian Library." 49 (1996), 129-133.
- Reid, S. W. "The Composition and Revision of
Coleridge's Essay on Aeschylus'
Prometheus." 24 (1971), 176-183.
- ----. "Justification and Spelling in Jaggard's Compositor B." 27 (1974), 91-111.
- ----. "Some Spellings of Compositor B in the Shakespeare First Folio." 29 (1976), 102-138.
- ----. "The Editing of Folio Romeo and Juliet." 35 (1982), 43-66.
- Rheault, Charles A., Jr. See Bruccoli, Matthew J., and Rheault, 14 (1961), 258-262.
- Rhodes, Dennis E. "The British Museum's Copy of a Rare Book from Brescia: A Problem in Dating." 6 (1954), 231-232.
- ----. "The First Book Printed at Bari." 7 (1955), 208-211.
- ----. "Variants in the 1479 Oxford Edition of Aristotle's Ethics." 8 (1956), 209-212.
- ----. "The First Book Printed at Bari: Additional Notes." 11 (1958), 227-228.
- ----. "On the Use of the Verb `Facere' in Early Colophons." 26 (1973), 230-232.
- ----. "Verdict on GW 2182 and 2183." 34 (1981), 187-189.
- Ribble, Frederick G. "William Robinson, Contributor to Fielding's Champion." 43 (1990), 182- 189.
- ----. "George Burrington, Sometime Governor of North Carolina: The `Janus' of Fielding's Champion." 50 (1997), 272-294.
- Richard, Claude. "Poe and `Young America.'" 21 (1968), 25-58.
- Richardson, John, Jr. "Correlated Type Sizes and Names for the Fifteenth through Twentieth Century." 43 (1990), 251-272.
- Ricks, Christopher. "A Note on Tennyson's Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington." 18 (1965), 282. See Shannon, Edgar F., Jr., and Ricks, 32 (1979), 125-157. See Shannon, Edgar F., Jr., and Ricks, 38 (1985), 1-44.
- Riddell, James A. "The Concluding Pages of the Jonson Folio of 1616." 47 (1994), 147-154.
- ----. "The Printing of the Plays in the Jonson Folio of 1616." 49 (1996), 149-168.
- ----. "Addendum: The Printing of the Plays in the Jonson Folio of 1616." 50 (1997), 408-409.
- Ringler, William A., Jr. "John Stow's Editions of Skelton's Workes and of Certaine Worthye Manuscript Poems." 8 (1956), 215-217.
- ----. "Lydgate's Serpent of Division, 1559, edited by John Stow." 14 (1961), 201-203.
- ----. "The 1640 and 1653 POEMS: BY FRANCIS BEAUMONT, GENT. and the Canon of Beaumont's Nondramatic Verse." 40 (1987), 120-140.
- Robbins, J. Albert. "Fees Paid to Authors by Certain American Periodicals, 1840-1850." 2 (1949-50), 95-104.
- ----. "Some Unrecorded Poems of James Kirke Paulding: An Annotated Check-List." 3 (1950-51), 229-240.
- ----. "A New Manuscript of Poe's `For Annie.'" 39
(1986), 261-265.
- Roberson, John R. "The Manuscript of Page's `Marse Chan.'" 9 (1957), 259-262.
- Roberts, Jeanne Addison. "`Wife' or `Wise' The Tempest l. 1786." 31 (1978), 203-208.
- Robson, John M. "Practice, Not Theory: Editing J. S. Mill's Newspaper Writings." 41 (1988), 160-176.
- Rogers, Pat. "John Oldmixon and An Impartial Enquiry (1715)." 24 (1971), 163-165.
- ----. "Samuel Richardson and Defoe's Tour (1738): The Evidence of Bibliography." 28 (1975), 305-307.
- Rogers, Shef. "How Many Ts Had Ezra Pound's Printer?" 49 (1996), 277-283.
- Rollins, Hyder E. "Notes on Keats's Letters." 9 (1957), 179-195.
- Roper, Alan. "How Much Did Farquhar's Beaux Spend in London?" 45 (1992), 105-112.
- Rosenbaum, S. P. "Emily Dickinson and the Machine." 18 (1965), 207-227.
- ----. "The Spoils of Poynton: Revisions and Editions." 19 (1966), 161-174.
- Ruderman, Judith G. "Tracking Lawrence's Fox: An Account of its Composition, Evolution, and Publication." 33 (1980), 206-221.
- Rudick, Michael. "The `Ralegh Group' in The Phoenix Nest." 24 (1971), 131-137.
- Sambrook, A. J. "Additions to Bond's Register of Burlesque Poems." 23 (1970), 176-179.
- Saslow, Edward L. "Shaftesbury Cursed: Dryden's Revision of the Achitophel Lines." 28 (1975), 276-283.
- Schäfer, Jürgen. "The Orthography of Proper Names in Modern-spelling Editions of Shakespeare." 23 (1970), 1-19.
- Scheibe, Siegfried. "Some Notes on Letter Editions: With Special Reference to German Writers." 41 (1988), 136-148.
- Scholes, Robert E. "Some Observations on the Text of Dubliners: "The Dead." 15 (1962), 191-205. ----. "Grant Richards to James Joyce." 16 (1963), 139-160.
- ----. "Further Observations on the Text of Dubliners." 17 (1964), 107-122.
- Schuler, R. M. See Edwards, A. S. G., and Schuler, 30 (1977), 180-185.
- Schwartz, Richard Alan. "A Textual History of Wallace Stevens' Three Travelers Watch a Sunrise." 39 (1986), 269-276.
- Scott, Patrick. See Day, Aiden, and Scott, 35 (1982), 320-323.
- Scouten, A. H. "The Earliest London Printings of `Verses on the Death of Doctor Swift.'" 15 (1962), 243-247.
- Sealts, Merton M., Jr. "Melville and The Shakers." 2 (1949-50), 105-114.
- Sedgwick, Ellery. "Henry James and the Atlantic Monthly: Editorial Perspectives on James' `Friction with the Market.'" 45 (1992), 311-332.
- Selig, Robert L. "An Unknown Gissing Story from the
Chicago Daily News." 36 (1983), 205-212.
- Sell, Roger D. "Three Separate Leaves from Robert Frost's Derry Years: A Note and Transcriptions." 36 (1983), 229- 232.
- Sexton, Mark S. "Lawrence, Garnett, and Sons and Lovers: An Exploration of Author- Editor Relationship." 43 (1990), 208-222.
- Shaheen, Naseeb. "Misconceptions About the Geneva Bible." 37 (1984), 156-158.
- ----. "Shakespeare and the Geneva Bible: Hamlet, I.iii.54." 38 (1985), 201-203.
- Shannon, Edgar F., Jr. "The History of A Poem: Tennyson's Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington." 13 (1960), 149-177.
- ----. "Foreward." 20 (1967), vi.
- ----. "The Publication of Tennyson's `Lucretius.'" 34 (1981), 146-186.
- Shannon, Edgar F., Jr., and Christopher Ricks. "A Further History of Tennyson's Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington: The Manuscript at Trinity College and the Galley Proof at Lincoln." 32 (1979), 125-157.
- ----. "`The Charge of the Light Brigade': The Creation of a Poem." 38 (1985), 1-44.
- Shapiro, I. A. "The First Edition of Greene's Quip for an Upstart Courtier." 14 (1961), 212-218.
- Shawcross, John T. "The Date of the Separate Edition of Milton's `Epitaphium Damonis.'" 18 (1965), 262-265.
- Sheard, Robert F. See Higdon, David Leon, and Sheard, 43 (1990), 238-250.
- Sherbo, Arthur. "George Steevens's 1785 Variorum Shakespeare." 32 (1979), 241-246.
- ----. "The Library of George Tollet, Neglected Shakespearean." 34 (1981), 227-238.
- ----. "William Cowper and the European Magazine." 34 (1981), 238-241.
- ----. "A Lost Manuscript of Chaucer's Legend of Good Women?" 35 (1982), 154- 155.
- ----. "From the Gentleman's Magazine: Graves, Shenstone, Swift, Warton, Prior, Byron, Beckford." 35 (1982), 285-305.
- ----. "Some Neglected Bits and Pieces from the European Magazine." 36 (1983), 191-200.
- ----. "Isaac Reed and the European Magazine." 37 (1984), 210-227.
- ----. "Additions to the Nichols File of the Gentleman's Magazine." 37 (1984), 228-233.
- ----. "Dryden as a Cambridge Editor." 38 (1985), 251-261.
- ----. "Dryden's Translation of Virgil's Eclogues and the Tradition." 38 (1985), 262- 276.
- ----. "Dryden and the Fourth Earl of Lauderdale." 39 (1986), 199-210.
- ----. "Gleanings from the Scots Magazine (1739-1800)." 39 (1986), 210-219.
- ----. "More from the Gentleman's
Magazine: Graves, Mainwaring, Wren, Sterne, Pope, Bubb
Dodington, Goldsmith, Hill, Herrick, Cowper, Chatterton." 40
(1987), 164-174.
- ----. "The Bibliographer, Book- Lore, and The Bookworm." 40 (1987), 207-219.
- ----. "`Hesiod' Cooke and the Subscription Game." 41 (1988), 267-270.
- ----. "From the Westminster Magazine: Swift, Goldsmith, Garrick, et al." 41 (1988), 270-283.
- ----. "Further Additions to the Nichols File of the Gentleman's Magazine." 42 (1989), 249- 254.
- ----. "From the Monthly Magazine, and British Register: Notes on Milton, Pope, Boyce, Johnson, Sterne, Hawkesworth, and Prior." 43 (1990), 190-197
- ----. "John Greenleaf Whittier in The Critic, 1881-1892." 43 (1990), 222-238.
- ----. "John Nichols's Notes in the Scholarly Commentary of Others." 44 (1991), 318- 322.
- ----. "A Mixed Bag from The Bookman of New York." 44 (1991), 332-344.
- ----. "Belated Justice to Hilaire Belloc, Versifier (1870-1953)." 45 (1992), 251-264.
- ----. "From The London Mercury ." 45 (1992), 292- 302.
- ----. "From The Bookman of London." 46 (1993), 349-357.
- ----. "Last Gleanings from The Critic: Clemens, Whitman, Hardy, Thackeray, and Others." 47 (1994), 212-221.
- ----. "Shaw's Forgotten Lecture (and Other Matters Shavian)." 47 (1994), 221-230.
- ----. "Padraic Colum in The Dublin Magazine." 49 (1996), 284-290.
- ----. "Eliotiana." 50 (1997), 401-407.
- Shesgreen, Sean. "The Editions, Imitations, and Influence of Marcellus Laroon's Cryes of the City of London." 35 (1982), 258-271.
- Shields, E. F. "The American Edition of Mrs. Dalloway." 27 (1974), 157-175.
- Shillingsburg, Peter L. "The Printing, Proof- reading, and Publishing of Thackeray's Vanity Fair." 34 (1981), 118-145.
- ----. "An Inquiry into the Social Status of Texts and Modes of Textual Criticism." 42 (1989), 55-79.
- ----. "Text as Matter, Concept, and Action." 44 (1991), 31-82.
- Silver, Rollo G. "Printer's Lobby: Model 1802." 3 (1950-51), 207-228.
- ----. "Belcher & Armstrong Set Up Shop: 1805." 4 (1951-52), 201-204.
- ----. "Abstracts from the Wills and Estates of Boston Printers, 1800-1825." 7 (1955), 212-218.
- ----. "Financing the Publication of Early New England Sermons." 11 (1958), 163-178.
- ----. "Prologue to Copyright in America: 1772." 11 (1958), 259-262.
- ----. "Government Printing in Massachusetts, 1751- 1801." 16 (1963), 161-200.
- ----. "Mathew Carey's Proofreaders." 17 (1964), 123-133.
- ----. "The Costs of Mathew Carey's Printing Equipment." 19 (1966), 85-122.
- ----. "Flash of the Comet: The Typographical Career
of Samuel N. Dickinson." 31 (1978), 68-89.
- Sisson, Clinton. See Crist, Timothy, and Sisson, 31 (1978), 266-271.
- Sisson, Clinton, and Jeri S. Smith. "Additions and Corrections to the Second Edition of Donald Wing's Short-Title Catalogue." 29 (1976), 386-388.
- ----. "Additions and Corrections to the Second Edition of Donald Wing's Short-Title Catalogue." 30 (1977), 276-280.
- Slater, Graeme. "Hume's Revisions of the History of England." 45 (1992), 130-157.
- Sledd, Hassell B. "The `1584' Publication of Henry Constable's Diana Augmented." 23 (1970), 146-148.
- Smith, Jeri S. See Sisson, Clinton, and Smith, 29 (1976), 386-388. See Sisson, Clinton, and Smith, 30 (1977), 276-280.
- Smith, John Hazel. "The Composition of the Quarto of Much Ado About Nothing." 16 (1963), 9-26.
- Snyder, Henry L. "Arthur Maynwaring, Richard Steele, and The Lives of Two Illustrious Generals." 24 (1971), 152-162.
- Sorrentino, Paul. "Stephen Crane's Manuscript of `This Majestic Lie.'" 36 (1983), 221-229.
- ----. "Stephen Crane's Sale of `An Episode of War' to the Youth's Companion." 37 (1984), 243-248.
- Spector, Stephen. "Symmetry in Watermark Sequences." 31 (1978), 162-178.
- Spencer, Christopher. "Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice in Sixty-Three Editions." 25 (1972), 89-106.
- Spencer, Lois. "The Printing of Sir George Croke's Reports." 11 (1958), 231-246.
- Starkey, Lawrence G. "The Printing by the Cambridge Press of A Platform of Church Discipline, 1649." 2 (1949-50), 79-93. Correction 4 (1951-52), 235; reprint p. 217/235.
- ----. "Benefactors of the Cambridge Press: A Reconsideration." 3 (1950-51), 267-270.
- Steck, James S. "Center Rules in Folio Printing: A New Kind of Bibliographical Evidence." 1 (1948-49), 188-191.
- ----. "Dryden's Indian Emperour: The Early Editions and their Relation to the Text." 2 (1949-50), 139-152.
- Steele, Bruce. "The Manuscript of D. H. Lawrence's Saga of Siegmund." 33 (1980), 193-205.
- Steele, Oliver L., Jr. "The Case of the Planters of Tobacco in Virginia, 1733: An Extraordinary Use of Standing Type." 5 (1952-53), 184-186.
- ----. "Half-Sheet Imposition of Eight-Leaf Quires in Formes of Thirty-two and Sixty-four Pages." 15 (1962), 274-278.
- ----. "Evidence of Plate Damage as Applied to the First Impressions of Ellen Glasgow's The Wheel of Life." 16 (1963), 223-231.
- ----. "Ellen Glasgow's Virginia: Preliminary Notes." 27 (1974), 265-289.
- Stern, Madeleine B. "Brissot De Warville and the Franco-American Press." 29 (1976), 362-372.
- Stevens, Joan. "`Woodcuts Dropped into the Text':
The Illustrations in The Old Curiosity
Shop and Barnaby Rudge." 20 (1967),
- ----. "Woozles in Brontëland: A Cautionary Tale." 24 (1971), 99-108.
- Stevenson, Allan H. "New Uses of Watermarks as Bibliographical Evidence." 1 (1948-49), 149-182.
- ----. "Watermarks Are Twins." 4 (1951-52), 57-91. Addendum 4 (1951-52), 235; reprint p. 91.
- ----. "Shakespearian Dated Watermarks." 4 (1951- 52), 159-164.
- ----. "Addendum: Watermarks Are Twins." 4 (1951- 52), 235; reprint p. 91.
- ----. "Chain-Indentations in Paper as Evidence." 6 (1954), 181-195.
- ----. "Tudor Roses from John Tate." 20 (1967), 15- 34.
- Stillinger, Jack. "A Note on the Printing of E. K.'s Glosses." 14 (1961), 203-205.
- ----. "Dwight's Triumph of Infidelity: Text and Interpretation." 15 (1962), 259-266.
- ----. "The Text of `The Eve of St. Agnes.'" 16 (1963), 207-212.
- ----. "The Text of Keats's `Ode on Indolence.'" 22 (1969), 255-258.
- Stocker, Arthur Frederick. "A Possible New Source for Servius Danielis on Aeneid III-V." 4 (1951-52), 129-141.
- ----. "The Servius of Cassel for Aeneid III-IV." 6 (1954), 93-100.
- Stoker, David. "Greek Tragedy With a Happy Ending: The Publication of Robert Potter's Translations of Aeschylus, Euripides, and Sophocles." 46 (1993), 282-302.
- Stovall, Floyd. "Dating Whitman's Early Notebooks." 24 (1971), 197-204.
- Stratford, Philip. "Second Thoughts on `Graham Greene's Second Thoughts': The Five Texts of The Heart of the Matter." 31 (1978), 263- 266.
- Sturman, Berta. "The Second Quarto of A King And No King, 1625." 4 (1951-52), 166- 170.
- ----. "A Date and a Printer for A Looking Glasse for London and England, Q4." 21 (1968), 248- 253.
- Sugg, Redding S., Jr. See White, Helen, and Sugg, 23 (1970), 217-229.
- Sullivan, Ernest W., II. "Authoritative Manuscript Corrections in Donne's Biathanatos." 28 (1975), 268-276.
- ----. "Marginal Rules as Evidence." 30 (1977), 171- 180.
- ----. "Manuscript Materials in the First Edition of Donne's Biathanatos." 31 (1978), 210- 221.
- Sullivan, Henry W. "Towards a New Chronology for the Dramatic Eclogues of Juan del Encina." 30 (1977), 257-275.
- Summers, Ellen. "Shaw and Henderson: Autobiographer Versus Biographer." 42 (1989), 284-293.
- Swaim, Elizabeth A. "Owen Wister's Roosevelt: A Case Study in Post-Production Censorship." 27 (1974), 290-293.
- Takada, Kenichi. See Modlin, Charles E., Hilbert H. Campbell, and Takada, 39 (1986), 266-268.
- Tanselle, G. Thomas. "An Unknown Early Appearance
of `The Raven.'" 16 (1963), 220-223.
- ----. "Unsigned and Initialed Contributions to The Freeman." 17 (1964), 153-175.
- ----. "The Historiography of American Literary Publishing." 18 (1965), 3-39.
- ----. "Press Figures in America: Some Preliminary Observations." 19 (1966), 123-160.
- ----. "A System of Color Identification for Bibliographical Description." 20 (1967), 203-234.
- ----. "The Descriptive Bibliography of American Authors." 21 (1968), 1-24.
- ----. "Copyright Records and the Bibliographer." 22 (1969), 77-124.
- ----. "The Bibliographical Description of Patterns." 23 (1970), 71-102.
- ----. "The Meaning of Copy-Text: A Further Note." 23 (1970), 191-196.
- ----. "The Bibliographical Description of Paper." 24 (1971), 27-67.
- ----. "Some Principles for Editorial Apparatus." 25 (1972), 41-88.
- ----. "The Periodical Literature of English and American Bibliography." 26 (1973), 167-191.
- ----. "Bibliography and Science." 27 (1974), 55-89.
- ----. "Greg's Theory of Copy-Text and the Editing of American Literature." 28 (1975), 167-229.
- ----. "The Editorial Problem of Final Authorial Intention." 29 (1976), 167-211.
- ----. "Descriptive Bibliography and Library Cataloguing." 30 (1977), 1-56.
- ----. "The Editing of Historical Documents." 31 (1978), 1-56.
- ----. "External Fact as an Editorial Problem." 32 (1979), 1-47.
- ----. "The Concept of Ideal Copy." 33 (1980), 18-53.
- ----. "Recent Editorial Discussion and the Central Questions of Editing." 34 (1981), 23-65.
- ----. "The Description of Non-Letterpress Material in Books." 35 (1982), 1-42.
- ----. "Classical, Biblical, and Medieval Textual Criticism and Modern Editing." 36 (1983), 21-68.
- ----. "The Arrangement of Descriptive Bibliographies." 37 (1984), 1-38.
- ----. "Title-Page Transcription and Signature Collation Reconsidered." 38 (1985), 45-81.
- ----. "Historicism and Critical Editing." 39 (1986), 1-46.
- ----. "A Sample Bibliographical Description with Commentary." 40 (1987), 1-30.
- ----. "Bibliographical History As a Field of Study." 41 (1988), 33-63.
- ----. "Reproductions and Scholarship." 42 (1989), 25-54.
- ----. "Textual Criticism and Deconstruction." 43 (1990), 1-33.
- ----. "Textual Criticism and Literary Sociology." 44 (1991), 83-143.
- ----. "A Description of Descriptive Bibliography." 45 (1992), 1-30.
- ----. "The Life and Work of Fredson Bowers." 46 (1993), 1-154.
- ----. "Editing without a Copy-Text." 47 (1994), 1- 22.
- ----. "Printing History and Other History." 48
(1995), 269-289.
- ----. "Textual Instability and Editorial Idealism." 49 (1996), 1-60.
- ----. "A History of Studies in Bibliography: The First Fifty Volumes." 50 (1997), 125-170.
- Tarr, Rodger L. "Thomas Carlyle's Libraries at Chelsea and Ecclefechan." 27 (1974), 249-265.
- "The Uncancelled Leaf of Shepherd's Memoirs of Carlyle." 29 (1976), 360-361.
- Taylor, Gary. "The Shrinking Compositor A of the Shakespeare First Folio." 34 (1981), 96-117. See Jowett, John, and Taylor, 38 (1985), 151-200. See Jowett, John, and Taylor, 40 (1987), 31-50.
- Teerink, H. "Addendum: `Verses on the Death of Doctor Swift' Again." 7 (1955), 238-239.
- ----. "Swift's Verses On The Death of Doctor Swift." 4 (1951-52), 183-188. Addendum 7 (1955), 238-239.
- Temperley, Nicholas. "Middleburg Psalms." 30 (1977), 162-170.
- Templeton, Wayne. "The Sons and Lovers Manuscript." 37 (1984), 234-243.
- Tener, Robert H. "Walter Bagehot: Some New Attributions." 29 (1976), 346-359.
- Thomas, Sidney. "The Printing of Greenes Groatsworth of Witte and Kind-Harts Dreame." 19 (1966), 196-197.
- Tierney, James E. "Museum Attributions in John Cooper's Unpublished Letters." 27 (1974), 232-235.
- ----. "Eighteenth-Century Authors and the Abuse of the Franking System." 48 (1995), 112-120.
- Tobin, Mary-Elisabeth Fowkes. "The Composition of Sherwood Anderson's Short Story `Not Sixteen.'" 42 (1989), 293- 300.
- Tobin, Terence. "A List of Plays and Entertainments by Scottish Dramatists 1660-1800." 23 (1970), 103-117.
- Todd, Dennis. "New Evidence for Dr. Arbuthnot's Authorship of `The Rabbit-Man-Midwife.'" 41 (1988), 247-267.
- Todd, William B. "The Early Editions and Issues of The Monk, with a Bibliography." 2 (1949- 50), 3-24.
- ----. "Observations on the Incidence and Interpretation of Press Figures." 3 (1950-51), 171-205.
- ----. "Bibliography and the Editorial Problem in the Eighteenth Century." 4 (1951-52), 41-55.
- ----. "The Issues and States of the Second Folio and Milton's Epitaph on Shakespeare." 5 (1952-53), 81-108.
- ----. "The `Private Issues' of The Deserted Village." 6 (1954), 25-44. Addendum 7 (1955), 239.
- ----. "The Printing of Johnson's Journey (1775)." 6 (1954), 247-254.
- ----. "Quadruple Imposition: An Account of Goldsmith's Traveller." 7 (1955), 103- 111.
- ----. "Addendum: The `Private Issues' of
The Deserted Village." 7 (1955), 239.
- ----. "Patterns in Press Figures: A Study of Lyttelton's Dialogues of the Dead." 8 (1956), 230-235.
- ----. "The Early Editions and Issues of Scott's Border Antiquities." 9 (1957), 244-251.
- ----. "The First Editions of The Good Natur'd Man and She Stoops to Conquer." 11 (1958), 133-142.
- ----. "Recurrent Printing." 12 (1958), 189-198.
- ----. "Early Editions of The Tatler." 15 (1962), 121-133.
- ----. "A Bibliographical Account of The Gentleman's Magazine, 1731-1754." 18 (1965), 81-109.
- ----. "Arithmetic Colophons in Nineteenth-Century Books." 19 (1966), 244-245.
- ----. See Bowden, Ann, and Todd, 48 (1995), 229-248.
- Tung, Mason. "Whitney's A Choice of Emblemes Revisited: A Comparative Study of the Manuscript and the Printed Versions." 29 (1976), 32-101.
- Turner, John R. "Title-Pages Produced by the Walter Scott Publishing Co Ltd". 44 (1991), 323-331.
- Turner, Robert K., Jr. "Coxe's A Description of Carolana (1722-1741)." 9 (1957), 252-255.
- ----. "The Composition of The Insatiate Countess, Q2." 12 (1958), 198-203.
- ----. "The Printing of Beaumont and Fletcher's The Maid's Tragedy Q1 (1619)." 13 (1960), 199-220.
- ----. "Notes on the Text of Thierry and Theodoret Q1." 14 (1961), 218- 231.
- ----. "Printing Methods and Textual Problems in A Midsummer Night's Dream Q1." 15 (1962), 33-55.
- ----. "The Printing of A King and No King." 18 (1965), 255-261.
- ----. "Reappearing Types as Bibliographical Evidence." 19 (1966), 198-209.
- ----. "The Printers and the Beaumont and Fletcher Folio of 1647: Section 2." 20 (1967), 35-59.
- ----. "The Printers and the Beaumont and Fletcher Folio of 1647: Section 1 (Thomas Warren's)." 27 (1974), 137-156.
- ----. "Revisions and Repetition-Brackets in Fletcher's A Wife for a Month." 36 (1983), 178-190.
- Tyson, Gerald P. "Joseph Johnson, an Eighteenth- Century Bookseller." 28 (1975), 1-16.
- Ullmann, S. O. A. "Dating through Calligraphy: The Example of `Dover Beach.'" 26 (1973), 19-36.
- VanArsdel, Rosemary T. "The Westminster Review: Change of Editorship, 1840." 25 (1972), 191-204.
- Van Marter, Shirley. "Richardson's Revisions of
Clarissa in the Second Edition." 26 (1973),
- ----. "Richardson's Revisions of Clarissa in the Third and Fourth Editions." 28 (1975), 119-152.
- Vander Meulen, David L. "The Printing of Pope's Dunciad, 1728." 35 (1982), 271-285.
- ----. "The Identification of Paper without Watermarks: The Example of Pope's Dunciad." 37 (1984), 58-81.
- ----. "A History of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia: The First Fifty Years." 50 (1997), 1-81.
- ----. "Publications of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, 1947-1997." 50 (1997), 82-124.
- Vander Motten, J. P. "Some Problems of Attribution in the Canon of Sir William Killigrew's Works." 33 (1980), 161- 168.
- Vandersee, Charles. "James's `Pandora': The Mixed Consequences of Revision." 21 (1968), 93-108.
- Verner, Coolie. "Some Observations on the Philadelphia 1794 Editions of Jefferson's Notes." 2 (1949-50), 201-204.
- ----. "The Several States of the Farrer Map of Virginia." 3 (1950-51), 281-284.
- Verner, Coolie, and P. J. Conkwright. "The Printing of Jefferson's Notes, 1793-94." 5 (1952- 53), 201-203.
- Voelker, Paul D. "The Uncertain Origins of Eugene O'Neill's `Bound East for Cardiff.'" 32 (1979), 273-281.
- Vriesema, P. C. A. "The STCN Fingerprint." 39 (1986), 93-100.
- Walker, Alice. "The Folio Text of 1 Henry IV." 6 (1954), 45-59.
- ----. "Compositor Determination and Other Problems in Shakespearian Texts." 7 (1955), 3-15.
- ----. "Collateral Substantive Texts (with special reference to Hamlet). 7 (1955), 51-67.
- ----. "Some Editorial Principles (with Special Reference to Henry V)." 8 (1956), 95- 111.
- ----. "Principles of Annotation: Some Suggestions for Editors of Shakespeare." 9 (1957), 95-105.
- Waller, Frederick O. "Three 1695 Editions of Jevon's Devil of a Wife." 3 (1950-51), 256.
- ----. "Printer's Copy for The Two Noble Kinsman." 11 (1958), 61-84.
- Watt, Ian. "Publishers and Sinners: The Augustan View." 12 (1958), 3-20.
- Wead, Eunice. "Early Binding Stamps of Religious Significance in Certain American Libraries: A Supplementary Report." 2 (1949-50), 63-77. Errata Secretary's News Sheet (Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia) 14 (July 1950), 1. Addendum 5 (1952-53), 210.
- Weiss, Adrian. "Font Analysis as a Bibliographical Method: The Elizabethan Play-Quarto Printers and Compositors." 43 (1990), 95-164.
- ----. "Bibliographical Methods for Identifying
Unknown Printers in Elizabethan/Jacobean Books." 44 (1991), 183-
- ----. "Shared Printing, Printer's Copy, and The Text(s) of Gascoigne's A Hundreth Sundrie Flowres." 45 (1992), 71-104.
- Weitzman, Michael. "The Analysis of Open Traditions." 38 (1985), 82-120.
- Welsh, Robert Ford. "The Printer of the 1594 Octavo of Marlowe's Edward II." 17 (1964), 197- 198.
- Wendorf, Richard. "Robert Dodsley as Editor." 31 (1978), 235-248.
- Werkmeister, Lucyle. See Erdman, David V., Werkmeister, and R. S. Woof, 14 (1961), 236-245.
- Werstine, Paul. "Cases and Compositors in the Shakespeare First Folio Comedies." 35 (1982), 206-234.
- ----. "`Foul Papers' and `Prompt-Books': Printer's Copy for Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors." 41 (1988), 232-246.
- Wertheim, Albert. "A New Light on the Dramatic Works of Thomas Killigrew." 24 (1971), 149-152.
- West, James L. W., III. "The Corrections Lists for F. Scott Fitzgerald's This Side of Paradise." 26 (1973), 254-264.
- ----. "Dreiser and the B. W. Dodge Sister Carrie." 35 (1982), 323-331.
- ----. "The Bibliographical Concept of Plating." 36 (1983), 252-266.
- ----. "The Chace Act and Anglo-American Literary Relations." 45 (1992), 303-311.
- Weston, John C., Jr. "The Text of Burns' `The Jolly Beggars.'" 13 (1960), 239-247.
- ----. "Predecessors to Burke's and Dodsley's Annual Register." 17 (1964), 215-220.
- White, Edward M. "Thackeray's Contributions to Fraser's Magazine." 19 (1966), 67-84.
- White, Helen, and Redding S. Sugg, Jr. "John Faulkner: An Annotated Check List of His Published Works and of His Papers." 23 (1970), 217-229.
- White, Ray Lewis. "Sherwood Anderson: Fugitive Pamphlets and Broadsides, 1918-1940." 31 (1978), 257-263.
- White, William. "Nathanael West: A Bibliography." 11 (1958), 207-224.
- ----. "Whitman's Leaves of Grass: Notes on the Pocketbook (1889) Edition." 18 (1965), 280-281.
- Wiley, Margaret Lee. "A Supplement to the Bibliography of `Shakespeare Idolatry.'" 4 (1951-52), 164-166.
- Williams, Franklin B., Jr. "An Initiation into Initials." 9 (1957), 163-178.
- ----. "Penny-Pinching Printers and Tampered Titles." 14 (1961), 209-211.
- ----. "Commendatory Verses: The Rise of the Art of Puffing." 19 (1966), 1-14.
- ----. "Photo-Facsimiles of STC Books: A Cautionary Check List." 21 (1968), 109-130.
- ----. "Photo-Facsimiles of STC Books: A Sequel." 23 (1970), 252-253.
- Williams, George Walton. "Textual Revision in Crashaw's `Vpon the Bleeding Crucifix.'" 1 (1948-49), 191-193.
- ----. "A Note on King Lear, III.ii.1-3."
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- ----. See Cantrell, Paul L., and Williams, 8 (1956), 27-38.
- ----. See Cantrell, Paul L., and Williams, 9 (1957), 107-128.
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