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Publications of the Bibliographical Society of the University of
Virginia, 1947-1997
David L. Vander Meulen
In at least one sense bibliography did not begin at home for the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, for the Society has never maintained a complete list of its own publications. The fullest record of what in fact has been the Society's chief activity in its first half-century can be found in the annual listings published in Studies in Bibliography, beginning with its initial volume. A number of other sources help to amplify that history. In 1979, stimulated by a gift of Society publications from William B. O'Neal, a former councilor of the Society, the Rare Book Department of the University of Virginia Library attempted to gather all such books and pamphlets and thereby establish a formal record of them; this collection is important as a focused attempt to provide a comprehensive account, but it falls short of completeness even for the first thirty years of the Society, and it was never developed for subsequent ones. For at least half of its life the Society has maintained a card file listing its productions, while the volumes the Society has accumulated in its office have over the years assumed the status of a reference collection and sometimes provide the sole evidence of an item's existence. The collections of individuals likewise prove to be important resources for piecing together the Society's work as a publisher; these in turn are indebted to booksellers particularly those in Charlottesville, who are foremost in recycling the accumulations of early Society members. Some documentary materials about the publications also exist: sporadic holdings of invoices and correspondence in Society files, references in the Secretary's News Sheet or in irregular runs of Society minutes, and the papers of the Society's chief founders. Linton Massey's records were conveyed to the Society on his demise; the Society materials that John Cook Wyllie and Fredson Bowers had in their possession at the time of their deaths passed with other papers to the Special Collections Department of the University Library (thus accounting for the presence of one of the Society's ledger books there instead of with the others in the Society office). It is appropriate that a record of a bibliographical

In the following list, two major series, the Secretary's News Sheet and Studies in Bibliography, are listed separately from the Society's other publications. Because the News Sheet is not widely known and has not been covered by indexes, I have noted those contents that have general bibliographical interest. The News Sheets that were devoted to a single topic were sometimes sold separately (and frequently appear in book dealers' catalogs without identification as part of the series); I have listed these both with the News Sheets, where the fuller information appears, and with the general publications. Especially during its first decade the Society made available to members various items which technically were not its own productions. Some of these bear such a close connection to the Society, however, that they merit inclusion; accordingly, they have been alphabetized with the other entries for the appropriate years (1947, 1949, 1952, and 1965), but they have been enclosed by braces. Unless otherwise indicated, the publications are hardbound, without dust jackets. Paperbound publications are described as in "covers" (that is, separate pieces of paper, usually thick) or in "wrappers" (a single piece of paper, occasionally thick, continuous around the spine). Beginning in 1966, when members were first offered a standard 20% discount on all Society publications available through the University Press of Virginia, only the price to non-members is ordinarily given. The list includes a few abbreviations of frequently recurring terms: for the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia (BSUVa) and the University itself (UVa), the Secretary's News Sheet (SNS), Studies in Bibliography (SB), Charlottesville (Ch), the University of Virginia Press (UVaP), and the University Press of Virginia (UPVa).
In its first fifty years the Society has produced 53 issues of its Secretary's News Sheet, 50 volumes of Studies in Bibliography (and reprints of 20 of them), and about 175 other publications. Though the amount of information available about the items varies, what is recoverable from archives and from the publications themselves makes clear the way in which the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia has contributed to intellectual life in the second half of the twentieth century and why during that time the name Virginia became an international codeword for bibliographical study.
- (March 1947). 2 pp.
Includes summary of Fredson Bowers's talk "Some Problems and Practices84in Bibliographical Descriptions of Modern Authors" on 26 February 1947. Attachments: Constitution (2 pp.); by-laws (1 p.); roster of members as of 15 March 1947 (2 pp.); sample bibliographical descriptions by Bowers (see 1947.1).
- (May 1947). 3 pp.
Includes summary of Charles D. Hurt's talk "The Monotype" on 18 April 1947. Attachments: "A List of Books Presented to the University through the Bibliographical Society" (1 p.); sample of monotype and linotype settings by Hurt (1 p.).
- (June 1947). 1 p.
Attachment: "A Note on Linotype Typographic Refinements" (4 pp.); "Why 79 First Folios?" by Charlton Hinman (see 1947.2).
- (October 1947). 2 pp.
Includes an emendation, by John C. Tarr, of the discussion of monotype in SNS 2.
- (December 1947). 2 pp.
- (January 1948). 1 p.
- (June 1948). 2 pp.
Includes announcement of the first volume of the Society's Papers. Attachment: "Table of Contents for the First Volume of the Papers . . ." (2 pp.).
- (September 1948). 1 p.
- (March 1949). 3 pp.
Includes an amendment to the Society's constitution. Attachment: President's Report for 1948 (2 pp.).
- (October 1949). 2 pp.
- (December 1949). 3 pp.
- (January 1950). 3 pp.
Includes "The First Presses in Each of the United States" (Rollo G. Silver).
- (February 1950). 2 pp.
Includes announcement of Thomas W. Streeter's gift of railroading books to the University Library. Attachments: President's and Treasurer's reports for 1949 (2 pp., 1 p.).
- (July 1950). 4 pp.
Includes errata for SB 2 (pp. 72, 74); addenda to "Verner's Checklist of the Separate Editions of Jefferson's Notes" (Lawrence Wroth, Frederick Goff, and other members; see 1950.5). Attachment: "Addenda & Corrigenda to Morrison's STC Index . . ." (1 p.; see 1950.3).
- (November 1950). 5 pp.
Includes addenda to "Verner's Checklist of Notes on the State of Virginia" (Thomas W. Streeter; see 1950.5); "Flatbush Publishing, 1809"; "American Press Numbers"; and "Coxe's Carolana."85
- (February 1951). 4 pp.
Includes addenda to "Verner's Checklist of the Separate Editions of Jefferson's Notes" (see 1950.5); "Evans Addenda" (see 1962.2); "Addenda to McKerrow Printers' & Publishers' Devices"; "Notes on STC Books"; "Notes on Wing."
- (March 1951). 4 pp.
Includes "Barney Chesnick Lays a Jefferson Ghost" (concerning Notes on Virginia; see 1950.5); "Notes on STC Books"; "[Donald] Wing Additions to Wing"; "[Walter] Goldwater Additions to Wing"; "Argentine Book Trade."
- (July 1951). 5 pp.
Includes "James Madison's Books on the Fine Arts" (William B. O'Neal); "Jefferson Notes: Holdings not Previously Recorded" (see 1950.5); "STC Additions" (Allen T. Hazen); "Wing Additions" (John Alden; name corrected in SNS 20 from "John Crow"). Attachment: Financial report for 1950-51 (1 p.)
- (September 1951). 3 pp.
Includes "Note on the Mikado" and "Additions to Evans" (see 1962.2).
- (March 1952). 4 pp.
Includes "A Note on the Binding of the First Edition of Huckleberry Finn" (Walter Harding); "American Wood Engravers" (Raymond Evans); "A Jain Manuscript of the 10th? Century" (S. R. Ranganathan); "English Rare Book Market 1951" (Leona Rostenberg and Madeleine B. Stern); and "Mikado Again" (Joseph R. Dunlap). Attachment: Financial report for 1951-52 (1 p.).
- (April 1952). 3 pp.
Includes "Press Figure Variants in Cook's Third Voyage, London, 1784."
- (June 1952). 5 pp.
Includes "Principia Census" (Henry P. Macomber) and "STC Addenda."
- (July 1952). 10 pp.
List of members (supplement follows in SNS 24).
- (October 1952). 7 pp.
Includes "Thomas Paine Collectors" (Col. Richard Gimbel); "Stendhalia in Grenoble" (John Roberson); "STC Addenda"; and additions and corrections to list of members in SNS 23.
- (November 1952). 3 pp.
Includes "Frank Norris Manuscripts"; "English Printed Dustjacket on an American Manufactured Book"; and "A Late Revision in Thoreau's `Walden'" (Walter Harding).
- (February 1953). 4 pp.
Includes "Headline as Footline" and "Wing Addenda."
- (July 1953). 4 pp.
Includes "Bristol Addendum [to Maryland Imprints]" (Roger Bristol; see 1953.1); "Corrections for Morrison [STC Index]" (Charles C. Mish); and "Evans Addenda & Corrigenda" (see 1962.2; "The following notes . . . were made in the process of preparing the preliminary cards for the86forthcoming Index to the Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America").
- (September 1953). 4 pp.
Includes "American Imprints Inventories"; "Evans Addenda & Corrigenda" (see 1962.2); and "Wing Addenda and Corrigenda."
- (October 1953). 4 pp.
Includes "A Twentieth Century `Stylus'" (Donald Tanasoca); "Wing Addenda & Corrigenda"; "Bristol Addenda [to Maryland Imprints] Continued" (Roger Bristol; see 1953.1); and "Books on Printers' Ornaments in the Library of the University of Virginia" (Lucy Clark).
- (February 1954). 8 pp.
Includes "Bodoni Census" (Robert Frederick Lane); "Wing Addenda" (Walter Goldwater); "Bristol Addenda [to Maryland Imprints] Continued" (Roger Bristol; see 1953.1); and "Tanasoca Footnote [to article in SNS 29]" (James Edward Tobin).
- (October 1954). 16 pp.
Includes "Check-List of Editions of William Wirt's The Letters of the British Spy" (B. Randolph Wellford) and "STC Addenda."
- (February 1955). 16 pp.
Includes "Non-Recorded Evans Items in the Peabody Institute Library" and "Other Evans Addenda" (Roger P. Bristol; see 1962.2), and "STC Addenda" (W. A. Jackson).
- (June 1955). 16 pp.
Includes "Wing Addenda"; illustrations of early dust jackets in the Taylor Collection of American Fiction in the University Library; and "A Rich Store of Southern Tall Tales" (Derek Colville).
- (October 1955). 16 pp.
Includes "James Joyce: Books and Pamphlets Relating to the Author and His Works" (James F. Spoerri; supplements follow in SNS 37, 42, 48, 51); "Southern Tall Tales [addendum to SNS 33]" (Lawrence S. Thompson); "Dust Jackets [corrigendum to SNS 33]"; "Wing Addenda" (Albert E. Lownes); and "Bristol Addenda [to Maryland Imprints] Continued" (Roger Bristol; see 1953.1). Cover drawing of Joyce by John Canaday, adopted from Augustus John.
- (September 1956). 8 pp.
- (June 1957). 8 pp.
Includes "Wing Addenda and Corrigenda" (George W. Williams and W. T. Brennan).
- (September 1957). 16 pp.
Includes: "James Joyce: Books and Pamphlets Relating to the Author and His Works" (James F. Spoerri; supplement to SNS 34); "Wing Addenda" [Walter Goldwater]; "Harper Records" (John Cook Wyllie); "Correction to News Sheet No. 36 [3.13]"; "Evans Corrigenda" (Roger Bristol; see 1962.2); and "Evans Addenda" (see 1962.2).
- (February 1958). [8] pp.
Includes "S.T.C. Addenda" (Irvin B. Horst) and "Evans Addenda" (Lawrence Thompson; see 1962.2).87
- (March 1958). Kerlan, Irvin. A Roger Duvoisin
Bibliography. 16 pp.
Blue-gray printed wrappers. "The wrap-around cover is a self-portrait of Roger Duvoisin drawn especially for this issue."
- (September 1958). Lester, John A., Jr. John Davidson: A Grub Street
Bibliography. 30 pp.
Blue-gray printed wrappers; front cover has portrait of Davidson "from a contemporary woodcut" and imprint "University of Virginia Press." $.50 to non-members.
- (February 1959). [8] pp.
- (August 1959). Spoerri, James F. James Joyce: Books and Pamphlets
Relating to the Author and His Works. [8] pp.
Supplement to SNS 34, 37. Cover portrait of Joyce from SNS 34, but now without wording.
- (September 1959). O'Neal, William B. A Checklist of Writings on
Thomas Jefferson as an Architect. 18 pp.
Blue-gray printed wrappers.
- (February 1960). 4 pp.
- (April 1960). Gross, Seymour L. Eudora Welty: A Bibliography of Criticism and Comment. 32 pp.
- (June 1960). De Bellis, Jack. An Andrew Nelson Lytle Check List. 15 pp.
- (March 1961). [8] pp.
- (June 1962). [8] pp.
Includes "James Joyce: Books and Pamphlets Relating to the Author and His Works" (James F. Spoerri; supplement to SNS 34, 37, 42); "An Addition to Secretary's News Sheet, No. 45, p. 1 [Welty checklist]" (George W. Williams).
- (June 1963). [4] pp.
- (July 1963). O'Neal, William B. Charles Smith: His Work in Book
Design: A Checklist. 13, [2] pp.
Blue-gray printed wrappers. "The frontispiece is a zinc line etching of a pen-and-ink sketch by Reginald Marsh. The composition (in Linotype and foundry Baskerville) and makeup were done at the University of Virginia Printing Office, as were the presswork and binding of a 200-copy edition on Strathmore Pastelle with Curtis Tweedweave cover, and a 1000-copy edition on Warren's 1854 with Ticonderoga Laid Text cover. The latter will appear as Secretary's News Sheet No. 50 of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia [and is identified as such inside the front cover]. A special edition of 25 copies was printed at The Cockescraw Press on Arches mould-made heavyweight text and Fabriano mould- made cover."
- (February 1964). 8 pp.
Includes "James Joyce: Books and Pamphlets Relating to the Author and His Works" (James F. Spoerri; supplement to SNS 34, 37, 42, 48).88
- (August 1966). Supplement to Charles Evans' American
Bibliography [Part 1]. 32 pp.
Items located in the process of checking fascicles of Roger P. Bristol's supplement to Evans (1962.2) by librarians and collectors. $.50 to non-members.
- (December 1967). Supplement to Charles Evans' American
Bibliography [Part 2]. [24] pp.
A continuation of the supplement in SNS 52; see 1962.2. $.50 to non- members.
Secretary's News Sheet
- (1948-49); as Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of
Virginia. Fredson Bowers, Editor. Ch: BSUVa, 1948. [2], 204, [3] pp.
Stiff paper wrappers. "One thousand copies of this volume have been printed in December 1948 at the William Byrd Press in Richmond, Virginia, under the supervision of Willis Shell, one of the Society's charter members. [¶] The text is set in Monotype Garamont, a face designed by Frederic W. Goudy for the Lanston Monotype Machine Company of Philadelphia in 1920. The type face was drawn from the 16th century designs of Claude Garamond, and named for the Latin form of the Frenchman's name. [¶] The type for the book was keyboarded by Captain Horace F. Webb and cast by Allen H. Kelly. The hand composition was by S. Frank Spencer, and C. Raymond Brown, the presswork by James W. and Raymond E. Knight. The paper is Strathmore Pastelle Text. The binding is by Meister & Smethie and the William Byrd Press." Membership $2.00; other copies $2.50 before publication, $3.50 afterwards. Reprint: As Studies in Bibliography: Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia. Ch: BSUVa and UPVa, October 1964. Plate facing 185 printed as 184; list of bookdealers' catalogues (original p. 205) omitted and subsequent pages moved up. 516 copies. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1949-50); as Studies in Bibliography: Papers of the Bibliographical
Society of the University of Virginia (sub-title continuing through vol. 24). Fredson
Bowers, Editor. Ch: BSUVa, 1949. [4], 213, [1] pp.
Stiff paper wrappers. "The second volume of the Bibliographical Society Papers, Studies In Bibliography was set in Monotype Garamont and printed on Strathmore Pastelle Text and Curtis Tweedweave Cover. [¶] Designing, composition and presswork were by the William Byrd Press, Inc. of Richmond, Virginia. The binding was done by L. H. Jenkins, Inc. of Richmond. [¶] One thousand copies were printed and bound." Membership $4.50; other copies $5.00. Reprint: Ch: BSUVa and UPVa, October 1964. List of bookdealers' catalogues (original pp. 210-211) omitted and subsequent pages moved up and repaginated. 541 copies. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1950-51). Fredson Bowers, Editor. Ch: BSUVa, 1950. [4], 306, [1] pp.
Stiff paper wrappers. Errata slip for Miller article tipped in before half-title. "The third volume of the Bibliographical Society Papers, Studies In Bibliography, was set in Monotype Garamont and printed on Strathmore Pastelle Text and Curtis Tweedweave Cover. [¶] Designing, composition, presswork, sewing and placing in wrappers, were by the William Byrd Press, Inc. of Richmond, Virginia. [¶] One thousand copies89were manufactured." The final two lines on the title-page verso were printed after the rest of the sheet. Membership $4.50; other copies $5.00. Reprint: Ch: BSUVa and UPVa, October 1964. Errata list inserted on p. 154; Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship (pp. 292-302) omitted. 568 copies. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1951-52). Fredson Bowers, Editor. Ch: BSUVa, 1951. [14], 237 pp.
"Volume Four of the Society's Papers, Studies in Bibliography, was produced at the University of Virginia Press under the supervision of Robert L. Morris. [¶] All machine and hand composition was done by Mark Rinker, foreman of the composing room. Presswork by William Travis. The half-tones are the work of the Pontiac Engraving and Electrotype Company of Chicago and of the Lynchburg Engraving Co. L. H. Jenkins, Inc. of Richmond did the binding. One thousand copies were manufactured." Membership $4.50; other copies $6.00. Reprint: Ch: BSUVa and UPVa, May 1966. Glassine dust jacket. Preliminary advertisements omitted; other preliminary matter and colophon printed on three pages following p. 237; Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship (pp. 217-235) omitted; portions of pp. 217 and 235 combined on new page "217/235"; Stevenson Addendum from p. 235 printed on p. 91. 523 copies. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1952-53). Fredson Bowers, Editor. Ch: BSUVa, 1952. [12], 230, [5] pp.
"Volume Five of the Society's Papers, STUDIES IN BIBLIOGRAPHY, was designed, composed and printed by the William Byrd Press, Inc., of Richmond, Virginia. [¶] The engravings were made by the Royal Engraving Company of Richmond, Virginia. The text stock is Strathmore Pastelle and the paper used on the covers is Tweedweave Text." Membership $4.50; additional copies $4.50; copies to non-members $6.00. Reprint: Ch: BSUVa and UPVa, October 1964. Preliminary advertisements and publications list, Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship (pp. 211-228), and business information (p. 231) omitted. 566 copies. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1954). Fredson Bowers, Editor. Ch: BSUVa, 1953. [4], 288, [5] pp.
"Volume Six of the Society's Papers, STUDIES IN BIBLIOGRAPHY, was designed, composed and printed by the William Byrd Press, Inc., of Richmond, Virginia. [¶] The text is set in Linotype, and Monotype Granjon, display in Monotype Garamont. Text stock is Strathmore Pastelle. The engravings were made by the Royal Engraving Company of Richmond, Virginia, and the books were bound by Charles H. Bohn Company, of N.Y." Membership $4.50; additional copies $4.50; copies to non-members $6.00. Reprint: Ch: BSUVa and UPVa, April 1965. Gaskell Addendum from p. 286 moved to p. 266; Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship (pp. 266-286) and business information (p. 289) omitted. 500 copies. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1955). Fredson Bowers, Editor. Ch: BSUVa, 1955. [4], 240, [4] pp.
"Volume Seven of the Society's Papers, STUDIES IN BIBLIOGRAPHY, was designed, composed and printed by the William Byrd Press, Inc., of Richmond, Virginia. The binding was done by Charles H. Bohn of New York City. [¶] The engravings were made by the Royal Engraving Company of Richmond, Virginia and offset inserts were produced by the University of Virginia Press of Charlottesville, Virginia. The type is Granjon and Garamont, the text stock is Strathmore Pastelle." Membership $4.50; additional copies $4.50; copies to non-members $6.00. Reprint: Ch: BSUVa and UPVa, April 1965. Check List of Bibliographical90Scholarship (pp. 219-238) and business information (p. 241) omitted. 511 copies. Electronic edition: see 1996.3, 1997.3.
- (1956). Fredson Bowers, Editor. Ch: BSUVa, 1956. [4], 275, [1] pp.
"Volume Eight of the Society's Papers, Studies in Bibliography, was designed, composed and printed by the William Byrd Press, Inc., of Richmond, Virginia. The binding was done by Charles H. Bohn of New York City. [¶] The engravings were made by the Royal Engraving Company of Richmond, Virginia. The type is Granjon and Garamont, the text stock is Strathmore Pastelle." Membership $4.50; additional copies $4.50; copies to non-members $6.00. Reprint: Ch: BSUVa and UPVa, April 1965. Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship (pp. 250-267) and business information (p. 273) omitted; Bowers Addendum from pp. 267-269 reformatted on pp. 267-268; errata listed on p. 266 of vol. 9 incorporated on pp. 170-183. 506 copies. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1957). Fredson Bowers, Editor. Ch: BSUVa, 1957. [6], 273, [1] pp.
"Volume Nine of the Society's Papers, Studies in Bibliography, was produced at the University of Virginia Press. Linotype, Baskerville 11, 10, and 8 point, leaded, was employed. Headings were set in 18 point Kennerley. The volume was bound by Charles H. Bohn of New York City. [¶] One thousand copies were manufactured on Strathmore Pastelle text stock." Membership $5.00; additional copies $5.00; copies to non-members $6.00. Reprint: Ch: BSUVa and UPVa, April 1965. Errata list on p. 266 removed, and its corrections incorporated in reprint vol. 8.; business information (p. 271) and list of available publications (pp. 272-273) omitted. 482 copies. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1957); Decennial Extra Volume; also issued as Rudolph Hirsch,
Howell J. Heaney, Fredson Bowers, and Lucy Clark, Selective Check Lists of
Bibliographical Scholarship, 1949-1955. Ch: BSUVa, 1957. viii, 192 pp.
Lists that originally appeared in Studies in Bibliography. "The check lists are divided into two sections. `Part I: Incunabula and Early Renaissance' has been compiled from the start by Rudolph Hirsch of the University of Pennsylvania. `Part II: Later Renaissance to the Present' has been edited by Howell J. Heaney of the Free Library of Philadelphia, with the single exception of the section for the 1949 check list which was the work of Mr. Bowers and Lucy Clark of the University of Virginia Library. [¶] The present volume contains photo offset reprints of the first six check lists, for the years 1949-1954, originally bound in Studies in Volumes III through VIII, and the first printing of the check list for 1955, which did not appear in Volume IX. . . . [¶] To make the seven check lists in this volume of more service to the user, an index was prepared [by Anne Freudenberg] at the instigation of the Secretary of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia. . . . [¶] The index also includes the notation of articles from Studies in Bibliography . . ., Volume I, which appeared prior to the contents of the first check list, and for articles from Volume IX" (Preface, by Anne Freudenberg). Blue boards. $7.50; free to members; additional copies to members, $5.00. Separate issue: As Selective Check Lists . . . 1949-1955 (with first paragraph of Preface revised). Some copies, apparently intended to complete sets of Studies after volume 10 had sold out, have a slip laid in that is printed in red and reads: "Volume X | The Selective Check Lists of Bibliographical Scholarship 1949-1955 was prepared as a 10th anniversary91volume and it differs somewhat in content and format from the other Studies. In spite of the oblique note on the copyright page ["This is a separate issue of sheets from Volume X of Studies in Bibliography."] this is the complete Volume X of the series and should be catalogued as such." Red boards. 756 copies. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1958). Fredson Bowers, Editor. Ch: BSUVa, 1958. [4], 297, [1] pp.
"Volume Eleven of the Society's Papers, Studies in Bibliography, was produced at the University of Virginia Press. Linotype, Baskerville 11, 10, and 8 point, leaded, was employed. Headings were set in 18 point Kennerley. The volume was bound by Charles H. Bohn of New York City. [¶] One thousand copies were manufactured on Strathmore Pastelle text stock." Membership $5.00; additional copies $5.00; copies to non-members $6.00. Reprint: Ch: BSUVa and UPVa, February 1966. Glassine dust jacket. Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship (pp. 269-290), business information (p. 293), and publications lists (pp. 296-297) omitted. 551 copies. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1959). Fredson Bowers, Editor. Ch: BSUVa, 1959. [4], 260 pp.
Membership $6.00; additional copies $6.00; copies to non-members $7.50. Reprint: Ch: BSUVa and UPVa, February 1966. Glassine dust jacket. Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship (pp. 234-254), business information (p. 257), and publications lists (p. 260) omitted. 570 copies. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1960). Fredson Bowers, Editor. Ch: BSUVa, 1960. [6], 290 pp.
Membership $6.00; additional copies $6.00; copies to non-members $10.00. Reprint: Ch: BSUVa and UPVa, February 1966. Glassine dust jacket. Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship (pp. 262-283), business information (p. 287), and publications lists (p. 290) omitted. 569 copies. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1961). Fredson Bowers, Editor. Ch: BSUVa, 1961. [4], 291 pp.
Membership $6.00; additional copies $6.00; copies to non-members $10.00. Reprint: Ch: BSUVa and UPVa, February 1966. Glassine dust jacket. Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship (pp. 263-284), business information (p. 288), and publications lists (p. 291) omitted. 538 copies. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1962). Fredson Bowers, Editor. Ch: BSUVa, 1962. [8], 311, [1] pp.
"Volume fifteen of the Society's Papers, Studies in Bibliography, was produced at the University of Virginia Press. Linotype Baskerville, 11, 10, 9, and 8 point, leaded, was employed. Headings were set in 18 point Baskerville No. 2. The volume was bound by Charles H. Bohn of New York City. Fourteen hundred copies were manufactured on 80 pound Standard Permalife Text." Membership $7.00; additional copies $7.00; copies to non- members $10.00. Reprint: Ch: BSUVa and UPVa, January 1970. Glassine dust jacket. Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship (pp. 279-305), Forthcoming Publications (p. 311), and Colophon (p. 312) omitted. 573 copies. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1963). Fredson Bowers, Editor. Ch: BSUVa, 1963. [4], 276 pp.
Membership $7.00; additional copies $7.00; copies to non-members $10.00. Reprint: Ch: BSUVa and UPVa, June 1972. Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship (pp. 245-270) and publications lists (p. 276) omitted. 500 copies. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.92
- (1964). Fredson Bowers, Editor; L. A. Beaurline, Assistant Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by
UPVa, 1964. [6], 258 pp.
Composition and presswork by UVa Printing Office. Membership $7.00; additional copies $7.00; copies to non-members $10.00. Reprint: Ch: BSUVa and UPVa, October 1969. Glassine dust jacket. Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship (pp. 229-252), Garner correction (p. 252), and Forthcoming Publications (p. 258) omitted. Presswork by Valley Offset, Deposit, N.Y. 554 copies. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1965). Fredson Bowers, Editor; L. A. Beaurline, Assistant Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by
UPVa, 1965. [6], 312, [1] pp.
"Volume eighteen of the Society's Papers, Studies in Bibliography, was produced at the University of Virginia Printing Office. Linotype Baskerville 11, 10, 9, and 8 point, leaded, was employed. Headings were set in 18 point Baskerville No. 2. The volume was bound by Charles H. Bohn of New York City. Fourteen hundred copies were manufactured on 80 pound Strathmore Pastelle Text." Membership $7.00; additional copies $7.00; copies to non- members $10.00. Reprint: Ch: BSUVa and UPVa, October 1969. Glassine dust jacket. Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship (pp. 283-306), Forthcoming Publications (p. 312), and Colophon (p. 313) omitted. Presswork by Valley Offset, Deposit, N.Y. 570 copies. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1966). Fredson Bowers, Editor; L. A. Beaurline, Associate Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by
UPVa, 1966. [6], 282 pp.
Membership $7.00; additional copies $8.00; copies to non-members $10.00. Reprint: Ch: BSUVa & UPVa, January 1968. Glassine dust jacket. Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship (pp. 251-275), business information (279-280), and publications list (281) omitted. Presswork by Valley Offset, Deposit, N.Y. 601 copies. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1967); Fredson Bowers, Editor; L. A. Beaurline, Associate Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by
UPVa, 1967. [6], 298 pp.
Binding by Kingsport Press, Kingsport, Tenn.; collotype plate facing p. 26 by L Van Leer & Co NV, Amsterdam. Membership $8.00; additional copies $8.00; copies to non-members $10.00. Reprint: Ch: BSUVa & UPVa, July 1968 ("with corrections"). Glassine dust jacket. Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship (pp. 274-291), business information (295), and publications list (298) omitted. Presswork by Valley Offset, Deposit, N.Y. 657 copies. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1968); Fredson Bowers, Editor; L. A. Beaurline, Associate Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by
UPVa, 1968. [6], 290 pp.
Composition and presswork by UVa Printing Office. 1500 copies. Membership $8.00; additional copies $8.00; copies to non-members $10.00. Reprint: Ch: BSUVa & UPVa, January 1970. Glassine dust jacket. Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship (pp. 267- 284) omitted. 536 copies. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1969). Fredson Bowers, Editor; L. A. Beaurline, Associate Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by
UPVa, 1969. [6], 341 pp.
Composition and presswork by UVa Printing Office; binding by Kingsport Press, Kingsport, Tenn. 2000 copies. Membership $10.00; additional copies $10.00; copies to non-members $15.00. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.93
- (1970). Fredson Bowers, Editor; L. A. Beaurline, Associate Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by
UPVa, 1970. [4], 280 pp.
Composition and presswork (using 80 pound Strathmore Pastelle Text) by UVa Printing Office; binding by Kingsport Press, Kingsport, Tenn. 2000 copies. Membership $10.00; additional copies $10.00; copies to non-members $15.00. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1971). Fredson Bowers, Editor; L. A. Beaurline, Associate Editor. Ch: For
BSUVa by UPVa, 1971. [4], 240 pp.
Composition and presswork by UVa Printing Office; plates by Meriden Gravure. Membership $10.00; additional copies $12.00; copies to non-members $15.00. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1972); as Studies in Bibliography (dropping the sub-title
present since vol. 2). Fredson Bowers, Editor; L. A. Beaurline, Associate Editor. Ch: For
BSUVa by UPVa, 1972. [4], 252 pp.
?2200 copies. Membership $10.00; additional copies $12.00; copies to non-members $15.00. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1973). Fredson Bowers, Editor; L. A. Beaurline, Associate Editor. Ch: For
BSUVa by UPVa, 1973. [4], 296 pp.
Composition and presswork by UVa Printing Office; binding by Complete Books, Philadelphia. ?2200 copies. Membership $10.00; additional copies $12.00; copies to non- members $15.00. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1974). Fredson Bowers, Editor; L. A. Beaurline, Associate Editor; Gillian
Kyles, Assistant to the Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1974. [4], 325 pp.
Composition and presswork by UVa Printing Office; binding by Complete Books, Philadelphia. 2059 copies. Membership $10.00; additional copies $12.00; copies to non- members $15.00. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1975). Fredson Bowers, Editor; Gillian Kyles and Clinton Sisson, Assistants to
the Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1975. [6], 339, [1] pp.
Composition and presswork by UVa Printing Office; binding by Complete Books, Philadelphia. 2054 copies. Membership $12.50; additional copies $14.00; copies to non- members $17.50. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1976). Fredson Bowers, Editor; Gillian Kyles and Clinton Sisson, Assistants to
the Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1976. [4], 395 pp.
Composition and presswork by UVa Printing Office. Membership $12.50; additional copies $14.00; copies to non-members $17.50. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1977). Fredson Bowers, Editor; Susan Hitchcock, Assistant to the Editor. Ch:
For BSUVa by UPVa, 1977. [4], 286 pp.
Composition and presswork by UVa Printing Office. Membership $15.00; additional copies $17.50; copies to non-members $20.00. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1978). Fredson Bowers, Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1978. [6], 273, [4]
94Composition and printing, on 70-pound Warren's Olde Style, by Heritage Printers, Charlotte, N.C. 2033 copies. Membership $15.00; additional copies $17.50; copies to non-members $20.00. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1979). Fredson Bowers, Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1979. [6], 285, [5]
Composition and printing, on 70-pound Warren's Olde Style, by Heritage Printers, Charlotte, N.C. 2028 copies. Membership $15.00; additional copies $17.50; copies to non-members $20.00. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1980). Fredson Bowers, Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1980. [6], 282 pp.
Composition and printing, on 70-pound Warren's Olde Style, by Heritage Printers, Charlotte, N.C. 1996 copies. Membership $15.00; additional copies $17.50; copies to non-members $20.00. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1981). Fredson Bowers, Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1981. [6], 276, [1]
Composition and printing, on 70-pound Warren's Olde Style, by Heritage Printers, Charlotte, N.C. 1999 copies. Membership $15.00; additional copies $16.00; copies to non-members $20.00. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1982). Fredson Bowers, Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1982. [6], 338, [1]
Composition and printing, on 70-pound Warren's Olde Style, by Heritage Printers, Charlotte, N.C. 2007 copies. Membership $15.00; additional copies $16.00; copies to non-members $20.00. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1983). Fredson Bowers, Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1983. [6], 272 pp.
Composition and printing, on 70-pound Warren's Olde Style, by Heritage Printers, Charlotte, N.C. 1999 copies. Membership $15.00; additional copies $16.00; copies to non-members $20.00. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1984). Fredson Bowers, Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1984. [6], 312 pp.
Composition and printing, on 70-pound Warren's Olde Style, by Heritage Printers, Charlotte, N.C. 1995 copies. Membership $15.00; additional copies $16.00; copies to non-members $20.00. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1985). Fredson Bowers, Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1985. [4], 380 pp.
Composition and printing, on 70-pound Warren's Olde Style, by Heritage Printers, Charlotte, N.C. 1495 copies. Membership $15.00; additional copies $16.00; copies to non-members $20.00. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1986). Fredson Bowers, Editor; David Vander Meulen, Assistant to the Editor.
Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1986. [6], 303 pp.
95Composition and printing, on 70-pound Warren's Olde Style, by Heritage Printers, Charlotte, N.C. 1297 copies. Membership $20.00; additional copies $16.00; copies to non-members $25.00. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1987). Fredson Bowers, Editor; David L. Vander Meulen, Assistant Editor. Ch:
For BSUVa by UPVa, 1987. [6], 236 pp.
Composition and printing, on 70-pound Warren's Olde Style, by Heritage Printers, Charlotte, N.C. 1306 copies. Membership $20.00; additional copies $16.00; copies to non-members $25.00. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1988). Fredson Bowers, Editor; David Vander Meulen, Assistant Editor. Ch:
For BSUVa by UPVa, 1988. [6], 329, [1] pp.
"This book was printed by letterpress from type cast on the Linotype by Heritage Printers, Inc. of Charlotte, North Carolina. The typeface is Baskerville, a design by John Baskerville (1706-1775), English printer and typefounder. Linotype Baskerville is a weight-for-weight and curve-for-curve copy of Baskerville's celebrated printing type. The pattern for the cutting was a complete font of (approximately) 14 point, cast from Baskerville's own matrices exhumed at Paris, France, in 1929. The paper is 70-pound Warren's Olde Style, an acid-free paper with a useful life of 300 years." 1380 copies. Membership $25.00; additional copies $24.00; copies to non-members $30.00. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1989). Fredson Bowers, Editor; David L. Vander Meulen, Assistant Editor. Ch:
For BSUVa by UPVa, 1989. [6], 306, [1] pp.
"This book was printed by letterpress from type cast on the Linotype by Heritage Printers, Inc. of Charlotte, North Carolina. The typeface is Baskerville, a design by John Baskerville (1706-1775), English printer and typefounder. Linotype Baskerville is a weight-for-weight and curve-for-curve copy of Baskerville's celebrated printing type. The pattern for the cutting was a complete font of (approximately) 14 point, cast from Baskerville's own matrices exhumed at Paris, France, in 1929. The paper is 70-pound Glatfelter, an acid-free paper with a useful life of 300 years." 1211 copies. Membership $25.00; additional copies $24.00; copies to non-members $30.00. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1990). Fredson Bowers, Editor; David L. Vander Meulen, Assistant Editor. Ch:
For BSUVa by UPVa, 1990. [6], 292 [1] pp.
Colophon as for vol. 42. 1203 copies. Membership $25.00; additional copies $24.00; copies to non-members $30.00. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1991). Fredson Bowers, Editor; David L. Vander Meulen, Associate Editor. Ch:
For BSUVa by UPVa, 1991. [6], 386, [1] pp.
Colophon as for vol. 42. 1216 copies. Membership $30.00; additional copies $28.00; copies to non-members $35.00. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1992). Fredson Bowers, Editor; David L. Vander Meulen, Associate Editor. Ch:
For BSUVa by UPVa, 1992. [8], 338 [1] pp.
Colophon as for vol. 42. 1235 copies. Membership $30.00; additional copies $28.00; copies to non-members $35.00. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.96
- (1993). David L. Vander Meulen, Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1993. [6],
388, [1] pp.
Colophon as for vol. 42. 1113 copies. Membership $30.00; additional copies $28.00; copies to non-members $35.00. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1994). David L. Vander Meulen, Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1994. [6],
272, [1] pp.
Colophon as for vol. 42. 1011 copies. Membership $30.00; additional copies $28.00; copies to non-members $35.00. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1995). David L. Vander Meulen, Editor; Elizabeth K. Lynch, Assistant to the
Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1995. viii, 305, [2] pp.
Colophon as for vol. 42. 991 copies. Membership $30.00; additional copies $28.00; copies to non-members $35.00. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1996). David L. Vander Meulen, Editor; Elizabeth K. Lynch, Assistant to the
Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1996. [6], 300, [1] pp.
Colophon as for vol. 42. 1058 copies. Membership $30.00; additional copies $28.00; copies to non-members $35.00. Electronic edition: see 1997.3.
- (1997). David L. Vander Meulen, Editor; Elizabeth K. Lynch, Assistant to the
Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1997. [6], 416, [1] pp.
Colophon as for vol. 42. 1000 copies. Membership $35.00; additional copies $32.00; copies to non-members $40.00.
Studies in Bibliography
- {Bowers, Fredson. Description of the Six Impressions of Washington
Irving's Woolfert's [sic] Roost. [Ch,
1947.] 6 pp.
No covering. "Mimeographed to illustrate a talk by Fredson Bowers before the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, February 26, 1947, on the description of modern books." Summarized in, and distributed to members with, SNS 1 (Mar. 1947).}
- Hinman, Charlton. "Why 79 First Folios?" [Ch: BSUVa, 1947.] 12 pp.
Mimeographed; no covering. "A Paper read before the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, June 6, 1947." Distributed to members with SNS 3 (June 1947).
Norfolk Copyright Entries, 1837, 1851-3, 1856-7, 1858-9,
1864, 1866-71. Registers of Copyrights and Copies of the Court Records for Copyrights of the
Federal District Court at Norfolk, Virginia, Generally Referred to as the Court of the Eastern
District of Virginia. Transcribed by Barbara Harris with some notes by John Wyllie. Ch:
Mimeographed for BSUVa, 1947. 48 pp.
Mimeographed; no covering. $1.00; free to members.
- Fischer, Earl K. Printing Ink. [Ch: BSUVa, 1948.] 14 pp., 2
97Mimeographed; no covering. "An address before the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, November 17, 1947."
- Miller, C. William. Henry Herringman. [Ch: BSUVa,
1948.] 13 pp.
Mimeographed; no covering. "A paper read before the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, February 13, 1948." Free to members.
- {Black, Robert. The Sadleir-Black Gothic Collection. Ch:
Published by the UVa Library, 1949. 15 pp. (incl. both sides of front cover).
Stiff paper covers. "An address before the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia [on May 12, 1949]." Includes Michael Sadleir's "own account of the formation of the collection." One of the "Mimeographed Papers Distributed by the Society in 1949" ( SB2).}
- Bowers, Fredson. A Supplement to the Woodward &
McManaway Check List of English Plays 1641-1700. Ch: BSUVa, 1949. 22 pp.
Mimeographed; stiff paper covers. $1.00; free to members on request.
- Miller, C. William. Henry Herringman Imprints: A
Preliminary Checklist. Ch: BSUVa, 1949. [2], 50 pp.
Mimeographed; no covering. Free to members (on request?).
- Wolf, Edwin, 2nd. The Textual Importance of Manuscript
Commonplace Books of 1620-1660. Ch: BSUVa, 1949. 24 pp.
Mimeographed; stiff paper covers. "An address before the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia January 14, 1949." Free to members (on request?).
- Wyllie, John Cook. Preliminary Finding List of Writings on
the Kentucky Book Trade. Ch: BSUVa, 1949. 7 pp.
Mimeographed; no covering. "Compiled under the auspices of the Committee on 19th Century Publishers [footnote: ". . . John Cook Wyllie (Chairman for Southeastern States)'] of the American Bibliographical Society." "Extra copies of this check list may be obtained for 25¢ in stamps from the Secretary of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia. . . ."
- Day, Cyrus L. Dates and Performances of Thomas D'Urfey's
Plays. Ch: BSUVa, 1950. 24 pp.
Mimeographed; stiff paper covers. $1.00; free to members on request.
- Fishwick, Marshall W. A Bibliography of the American
Hero. Ch: BSUVa, 1950. 16 pp.
Mimeographed; stiff paper covers. $.50; free to members on request.
- Morrison, Paul. Index of Printers, Publishers and Booksellers
in A. W. Pollard and G. R. Redgrave
A Short-Title Catalogue of
Books Printed in England, Scotland & Ireland and of English Books Printed Abroad 1475-
1640. Ch: BSUVa, 1950. [2], 82, [1] pp.
Stiff paper wrappers; a "near-print publication." 750 copies. A leaf "Addenda & Corrigenda To Morrison's STC Index, as reported up to98the date of publication" laid in; "Further Addenda and Corrigenda will be reported by the Secretary of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia in the Society's News Sheet [see SNS 27 (July 1953) and corrected reprint, 1961.4]."
- Stephens, Robert F. A Check List of Masters' Theses on
Edmund Spenser. Ch: BSUVa, 1950. 16 pp.
Mimeographed; stiff paper covers. $.50; free to members on request.
- Verner, Coolie. A Further Checklist of the Separate Editions
of Jefferson's
Notes on the State of Virginia. Ch: BSUVa,
1950. 26 pp. (incl. front cover).
Mimeographed; stiff paper covers. Issued with extra, loose copy of p. 3, "Contents and Hand List for Checking Editions of Jefferson's Notes [1950.5]," containing invitation to owners of the Notes "to return the duplicate sheet marked with additional locations to the Secretary of the Bibliographical Society." Responses in SNS 14 (July 1950), 15 (Nov. 1950), 16 (Feb. 1951), 17 (Mar. 1951), 18 (July 1951). $1.00; free to members on request.
- Wright, David McCord. The Economic Library of the
President of the Bank of the United States, 1819-1823. Ch: BSUVa, 1950. 15, [2] pp.
Mimeographed; stiff paper covers. "An address before the Bibiographical Society of the University of Virginia November 7, 1950." $.50; free to members (on request?).
- Barrett, C. Waller. Henry Adams. Ch: BSUVa, 1951. 17 pp.
Mimeographed; stiff paper covers, with tape spine. "An address before the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia May 3, 1951." Free to members on request.
- Catlin, Mrs. Randolph [Hannah Hastings White]. The
Derrydale Press: Notes from an Informal Talk before the Bibliographical Society of the
University of Virginia | December 13, 1950 | With a Checklist of the Derrydale Books Printed
after the Summer of 1937. Ch: BSUVa, 1951. 9 pp.
Mimeographed; stiff paper covers. $.50; free to members on request.
- Fishwick, Marshall W., and William M. Hollis. Preliminary
Checklist of Writings about R. E. Lee. Ch: BSUVa, 1951. 42 pp. (incl. front cover).
Mimeographed; stiff paper covers. $1.00; free to members on request.
- Stern, Madeleine B. William Williams: Pioneer Printer of
Utica, New York, 1787-1850. Ch: BSUVa, 1951. 22 pp.
Mimeographed; stiff paper covers. "Paper Read before the Oneida Historical Society of Utica, New York, February 12, 1951." $1.00; free to members on request.
- Byrd, Ruth Evelyn. Exhibition Catalogue: Books, Drawings, Prints
from the Botanical Collection of Mrs. Roy Arthur Hunt. Ch: BSUVa, 1952. 22 pp.
99Self paper wrappers. Introduction signed Rachel McMasters Miller Hunt, Pittsburgh, 1952. "Exhibited at the University of Virginia 25 April to 10 June by the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, 1952." "The printing of this catalogue has been made possible through the generosity of Mr. Linton R. Massey of Keswick. Cover design by Charles W. Smith. Designed and produced by the University of Virginia Press." Free to members on request.
- Harwell, Richard Barksdale. Cornerstones of Confederate
Collecting. Ch: BSUVa, 1952. 44 pp.
Mimeographed; stiff paper covers; a "near-print publication." "The books discussed in this paper were described in a talk by the author to the Caxton Club, Chicago, January 28, 1950. That discussion has been rewritten and extended (though none of the selections has been changed) for presentation here." For second edition see 1953.2. 500 copies. $2.50; free to members on request.
- Hooker, Helene Maxwell. The Editing of Recent Historical
Papers and Their Value for the Literary Student. Ch: Produced for the English Institute by
BSUVa, 1952. 14 pp.
Mimeographed; stiff paper covers; a "near-print publication." "A paper read before the English Institute in September 1951." Free to members on request.
- Mish, Charles C. English Prose Fiction 1600-1640. Ch:
BSUVa, 1952. v (incl. front cover), 34 pp.
Mimeographed; stiff paper covers; a "near-print publication." Part 1 of English Prose Fiction, 1600-1700: A Chronological Checklist. Corrigendum laid in: "The Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia regrets that, through an editorial oversight, the present checklist is not as accurately titled as it should have been. The 1600-1640 list is actually the first section of a chronological overview of the whole seventeenth century's fiction, and will be followed by two more sections, dealing respectively with the periods 1641-1600 [sic] and 1661-1700. A titlepage for the entire list will be provided with the last section." For later edition see 1967.7. 300 copies. $1.00; free to members on request.
- Mish, Charles C. English Prose Fiction 1641-1660. Ch:
BSUVa, 1952. iii (incl. front cover), 21 pp.
Mimeographed; stiff paper covers; a "near-print publication." Part 2 of English Prose Fiction, 1600-1700: A Chronological Checklist. 300 copies. $1.00; free to members on request.
- Mish, Charles C. English Prose Fiction 1660-1700. Ch:
BSUVa, 1952. v, 87 pp.
Mimeographed; stiff paper covers. Part 3 of English Prose Fiction, 1600- 1700: A Chronological Checklist. "This third (and last) section of the chronological checklist of English prose fiction in the seventeenth century follows the same plan of procedure as its predecessors. . . . A title-page to cover the entire checklist has been provided with this section." 300 copies. $1.00; free to members on request.
- Mott, Howard S. Collecting Southern Amateur Fiction of the
Nineteenth Century. Ch: BSUVa, 1952. 14 pp.
Mimeographed; stiff paper covers; a "near-print publication." "An address100before the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia November 7, 1951." $.50; free to members on request.
- Quenzel, Carrol H. Samuel Snowden, a Founding Father of
Printing in Alexandria. Ch: BSUVa 1952. 29 pp. (incl. front cover).
Mimeographed; stiff paper covers. $1.00; free to members on request.
- Spivey, Herman E. Assembling, Arranging, and Publicizing
Literary Manuscripts. Ch: Produced for the English Institute by BSUVa, 1952. 20 pp.
Mimeographed; stiff paper covers; a "near-print publication." "A paper read before the English Institute in September 1951." Free to members on request.
- {A Virginia Gentleman's Library as Proposed by Thomas
Jefferson to Robert Skipwith in 1771 and Now Assembled in the Brush-Everard House,
Williamsburg, Virginia. [Williamsburg, Va.]: Colonial Williamsburg, 1952. 15, [1] pp.
Self paper wrappers. Special issue with colophon on last page: "One hundred and fifty copies have been distributed as a keepsake to those attending the joint meeting of the Bibliographical Society of America and the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia on May 9-10, 1952." Free to members on request.}
- {[Wyllie, John Cook, ed.] Thomas Jefferson's Prayer
Book. [Meriden, Conn.: Meriden Gravure Company, 1952.] [20] pp.
Stiff paper wrappers. Preface signed "J.C.W." "This keepsake is issued by the Meriden Gravure Company for those attending the joint meeting of the Bibliographical Society of America, and the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, held in Charlottesville, Virginia, on May 9-10, 1952 | Design by P. J. Conkwright." Free to members on request.}
- Bristol, Roger Pattrell. Maryland Imprints 1801-1810. Ch:
UVaP Press for BSUVa, 1953. xxviii, 310 pp.
"Three hundred copies of this work have been lithoprinted by Edwards Brothers of Ann Arbor from copy prepared by the author. [¶] The Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia has acted as agent in financing the publication, but [hardcover] copies may be purchased only from the University of Virginia Press." Addenda by Bristol in SNS 27 (July 1953), 29 (Oct. 1953), 30 (February 1954), 34 (Oct. 1955). $7.50; $4.00 to members.
- Harwell, Richard Barksdale. Cornerstones of Confederate
Collecting. 2nd ed., revised. With facsimiles and an Introduction by Clifford Dowdey.
Ch: UVaP for BSUVa, 1953. iv, 35, [10] pp.
"Cornerstones of Confederate Collecting has been produced in an edition of five hundred copies at the University of Virginia Press. The machine and hand composition is by Mark Rinker and Walter Collins. The presswork is by J. A. McCrary. The body type is Baskerville, 12 on 13 for the text, with the quotations in 10 point and the notes in 8 point. The handset display type is Lydian. The illustrations are printed by offset from unretouched negatives by Conrad Poluito. The paper is seventy-pound Sulgrave wove." For first edition see 1952.2. $2.50.101
- Mitchell, Eleanor Drake. A Preliminary Checklist of
Tennessee Imprints, 1861-1866. Ch: BSUVa, 1953. [1], 98, [1] pp.
Mimeographed; stiff paper wrappers. 300 copies. $2.00; $1.00 to members.
- Pierson, Roscoe M. A Preliminary Checklist of Lexington,
Ky., Imprints, 1821-1850. Ch: BSUVa, 1953. 155 pp.
Mimeographed; stiff paper covers. 300 copies. $2.00; $1.00 to members.
- Aldrich, Ethelyn A. A Directory of the Book Trade in Greenfield,
Massachusetts, 1792-1899. Ch: BSUVa, 1954. [2], vi, 102, [2] pp.
Stapled gatherings; no covering. "Offset from the author's [typescript] copy by The University of Virginia Press under the supervision of Mark Rinker. Negatives and presswork by Conrad P. Poluito." Free to members on request.
- Graves, Joseph. Victor Hammer: Calligrapher, Punch-Cutter,
& Printer. Ch: BSUVa, 1954. 12 pp.
Self paper wrappers. "The following was read at the joint meeting of the Bibliographical Society of America and the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia in the McGregor Room of the Alderman Library, Charlottesville, on May 9, 1952. The Hammer Bibliography, 1930-1952 by Carolyn Reading, originally appended to the paper, has been published by the University of Kentucky Library." The title- page exists in two states: with the text 16 mm. from the top of the page (and 29 mm. from the bottom) and 30 mm. from the top (15 mm. from bottom). Free to members.
- Harding, Walter. A Centennial Check-List of the Editions of
Henry David Thoreau's
Walden. Ch: UVaP for BSUVa, 1954.
xxxii pp.
Plain brown dust jacket. "Two hundred and fifty copies of this checklist have been run on good paper and will be bound this fall [1953]. This will be sold by the University of Virginia Press at $2.50 per copy and will be available from them after January 1, 1954. Members of the Society are advised, however, that the bound edition on good paper is printed from the same type as the [free] advance sheets which they have received, and textually is no different" ( SNS 29).
- Mummendey, Richard. Language and Literature of the Anglo-
Saxon Nations as Presented in German Doctoral Dissertations 1885-1950: A Bibliography / Die
Sprache und Literatur der Angelsachsen in Spiegel der deutschen Universitätsschriften
1885-1950: Eine Bibliographie. (Bonner Beiträge zur Bibliotheks- und
Bücherkunde, ed. Richard Mummendey, no. 1.) Bonn: H. Bouvier u. Co., Publishers; Ch:
BSUVa, 1954. xvi, 200 pp.
Stiff paper wrappers. 300 copies. $12.50; $7.00 to members.
- Quenzel, Carrol H. Edgar Snowden, Sr.: Virginia Journalist &
Civic Leader. Ch: BSUVa, 1954. 59, [1] pp.
Stapled gatherings; no covering. "Offset from the author's [typescript] copy by The University Press under the supervision of Mark Rinker. Negatives by Conrad P. Poluito. Presswork by Poluito and Seward F. Stoneburner." The Special Collections Department of the UVa Library has a copy with half-title (a blank page in other copies) and title page102both reading "Edgar Snowden, Jr."; a note by John Cook Wyllie identifies this state as erroneous and this copy as one of three to have survived. Free to members on Request.
- Alden, John. Bibliographica Hibernica: Additions and Corrections to
Wing. Ch: BSUVa, 1955. 39, [1] pp.
Stapled gatherings; no covering. "Typed from author's copy by Sarah D. Spangler. Five hundred copies offset on an ATF Chief at the University of Virginia Press under the supervision of Charles E. Moran, Jr., by Conrad Poluito, for members of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia." Free to members on request.
- Knapp, Mary E. A Checklist of Verse by David Garrick.
Ch: UVaP for BSUVa, 1955. 69, [2] pp.
Slip "Errata &c." listing ten items laid in. "Advance [unbound] copies have been distributed without charge to the members of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia. In addition to these advance sheets, 250 copies have been printed and bound. These may be procured from the University of Virginia Press . . . at $5.00 per copy." 230 copies.
- Morrison, Paul G. Index of Printers, Publishers, and
Booksellers in Donald Wing's
Short-Title Catalogue of Books
Printed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and British America and of English Books Printed
in Other Countries 1641-1700. Ch: UVaP for BSUVa, 1955. 217, [2] pp.
Glassine dust jacket. "On the assumption that all buyers of the Wing Catalogue will not need the Index, two-thirds as many copies have been produced as were printed of the Wing Catalogue itself. Publication of the Index has proceeded with the knowledge and consent of the author, the sponsor, and the publisher of the original catalogue, who did not wish to undertake the Index. The work has been printed at the University of Virginia Press under the superintendence of Charles E. Moran, Jr. The type was set by Jerold M. Grizzle and Walter M. Collins; make-up was by Arthur B. Schmaling; forms were laid and locked up by Joseph B. Poindexter; presswork by William R. Travis; binding by Bohn of New York. The entire job was supervised by Mark Rinker." 920 copies. $20.00; $10.00 to members.
- O'Neal, William B. Jefferson's Fine Arts Library for the University for
Virginia with Additional Notes on Architectural Volumes Known to Have Been Owned by
Jefferson. Ch: UVaP, 1956. [2], 53 pp.
"Issued on behalf of the Alderman Library and the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, [advance copies of] this study . . . [have] been distributed without charge to patrons of the library and to members of the Society. Extra copies are available from the publisher at $1.00 each, paperbacked, or $2 each in hard covers."
- Todd, William B. A Prospect of Society by Oliver Goldsmith
Reconstructed from the Earliest Version of The Traveller by William B. Todd. Ch: UVaP,
1956. [6], 30, [3] pp.
"All rights reserved | 1956 | Bibliographical Society of the | University of Virginia". "One hundred and fifty copies have been printed, of which103one hundred are for sale at the University of Virginia Press." "This little book reproduces the edition of A Prospect of Society privately issued by the Water Lane Press in 1954 and the related article on the printing of the poem subsequently published in the 1955 volume of Studies in Bibliography." $5.00; $2.75 to members.
- Turnbull, Robert J. Bibliography of South Carolina 1563-
1950. With Explanatory Note by John Cook Wyllie and Foreword by Stuart W. Jackson.
Ch: UVaP, 1956. 5 vols. xii, [4], 504; [6], 504; [6], 504; [6], 504; [6], 552 pp.
Index published in 1960 as Vol. 6. Plain brown dust jackets. "All rights reserved | Bibliographical Society | University of Virginia | 1956". "The work is produced here as an uncorrected typist's copy posthumously made from an author's uncompleted handwritten manuscript. This explains both the present format and the reason for the limited and therefore costly edition. Variations in the intensity of the offset image are the direct result of copy photographed from typing that was not originally intended for photographic use." In a letter to the head of the University of South Carolina Press on 13 August 1973, the UPVa director Walker Cowen wrote, "I believe 250 sets were printed, but only about half that number bound. These were sold out very quickly, and, due to a confusion, the remaining sheets were destroyed before they could be put on the market." $85.00; $50 to members and advance subscribers.
- Bowyer, T. H. A Bibliographical Examination of the Earliest Editions
of the Letters of Junius. Ch: UVaP, 1957. xxxiv, 147 pp.
Hardcover; also stapled gatherings, no covering. "All rights reserved | 1957 | Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia | 250 copies printed at the University of Virginia Press". Hardcover $6.00; $3.60 to members.
- Harding, Walter. Thoreau's Library. Ch: UVaP, 1957.
[2], 102 pp.
"Copyright 1957 | The University of Virginia | Published jointly by the Thoreau Society and the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia. Unbound copies have been distributed to the members of the two societies and 100 bound copies are for sale at $3.50 each." The half- title in copies distributed to the Thoreau Society reads "Thoreau Society Booklet Number Eleven," while in BSUVa copies it is "Thoreau's Library."
- Hirsch, Rudolph, Howell J. Heaney, Fredson Bowers, and Lucy Clark.
Selective Check Lists of Bibliographical Scholarship, 1949-1955. Ch:
BSUVa, 1957. viii, 192 pp.
Separate issue, in red boards, of Vol. 10 ("Decennial Extra Volume"; blue boards) of Studies in Bibliography. $10.00; $6.00 to members.
James Branch Cabell: A Bibliography. Vol. 1:
James Branch Cabell: A Bibliography of His Writings, Biography and
Criticism, by Frances Joan Brewer. With a Foreword by James Branch Cabell. [2], 206 pp.
Vol. 2: James Branch Cabell: A Bibliography, Part II. Notes on the Cabell
Collections at the University of Virginia, by Matthew J. Bruccoli. 178 pp. Ch: UVaP,
"All Rights Reserved | Bibliographical Society of the | University of Virginia104| 1957". $17.50 per set; $10.00 per set to members; advance unbound copies of Vol. 2 free to members.
- Alden, John. The Muses Mourn: A Checklist of Verse Occasioned by
the Death of Charles II. Ch: BSUVa, 1958. 61, [1] pp.
Glassine dust jacket. $4.00; $2.25 to members.
- Alden, John. Wing Addenda and Corrigenda: Some Notes on
Materials in the British Museum. Ch: BSUVa, 1958. 19 pp.
Mimeographed; stiff paper covers, with tape spine. Free to members on request.
- Cox, Martha. Maxwell Anderson Bibliography. Ch:
USUVa, 1958. [8], 117, [2] pp.
Glassine dust jacket. $4.00; $2.25 to members.
- Flasche, Hans. Romance Languages and Literatures as
Presented in German Doctoral Dissertations 1885-1950: A Bibliography /
Die Sprachen und Literaturen der Romanen im Spiegel der deutschen
Universitätsschriften: Eine Bibliographie / Langues et
littératures romanes dans les publications universitaires allemandes 1885-1950: une
bibliographie. (Bonner Beiträge zur Bibliotheks- und Bücherkunde, ed.
Richard Mummendey, no. 3.) Bonn: H. Bouvier u. Co., Publishers; Ch: BSUVa, 1958. xxii,
299, [1] pp.
400 copies. $7.50; $5.00 to members.
- Kerlan, Irvin. A Roger Duvoisin Bibliography. SNS 39 (March 1958).
- Lester, John A., Jr. John Davidson: A Grub Street Bibliography. SNS 40 (September 1958).
- Fink, Frances Sharf. Heads Across the Sea: An Album of Eighteenth-
Century English Literary Portraits in America. Ch: BSUVa, distributed by UVaP, 1959.
[16], [44 pp. illus.], 251 pp.
Glassine dust jacket. 753 copies. $10.00; $6.00 to Members.
- Kane, Mary. A Bibliography of the Works of Fiske
Kimball, ed. Frederick Doveton Nichols. Ch: UVaP, 1959. [8], 67 pp.
Glassine dust jacket. "Published jointly by | The Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia | The American Association of Architectural Bibliographers | The Society of Architectural Historians." 468 copies. $3.50; $2.50 to members.
- Meyen, Fritz. The North European Nations as Presented in
German University Publications 1885-1957: A Bibliography / Die
nordeuropäischen Länder im Spiegel der deutschen Universitätsschriften
1885-1957: Eine Bibliographie. (Bonner Beiträge zur Bibliotheks- und
Bücherkunde, ed. Richard Mummendey, no. 4.) Bonn: H. Bouvier u. Co., Publishers; Ch:
BSUVa, 1959. xxi, [1], 124, [2] pp.
400 copies. $7.50; $5.00 to members.105
- O'Neal, William B. A Checklist of Writings on Thomas Jefferson as an Architect. SNS 43 (September 1959).
- Spoerri, James F. James Joyce: Books and Pamphlets Relating to the Author and His Works. SNS 42 (August 1959).
- De Bellis, Jack. An Andrew Nelson Lytle Check List. SNS 46 (June 1960).
- Evans, G. Blakemore, ed. Shakespearean Prompt-Books of the
Seventeenth Century. Vol. I, Part i: General Introduction; Introduction to the Padua
; Collations. Part ii:
Text of the Padua
Macbeth. Ch: BSUVa, 1960. [6], 39; [24]
Parts in stiff paper wrappers, together in portfolio within slipcase. "The Padua Macbeth prompt-book forms the first volume in a series of seventeenth- century Shakespearean prompt-books to be published under the auspices of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia. The prompt-book is reproduced in collotype facsimile (reduced in size by 10 per cent), accompanied by a critical Introduction and a complete collation and description of all cuts, changes, prompt-calls, property notes, etc. and a detailed comparison of these with later seventeenth- and eighteenth-century acting versions. A General Introduction to the whole series prefaces this first volume." "Part ii of the Padua Macbeth was printed by The Meriden Gravure Company under the supervision of E. Harold Hugo on Arches heavyweight laid ivory paper. The title page, its verso, the captions and the colophon were printed letterpress and the pages of the First Folio were reproduced by collotype." For subsequent volumes in the series see 1963.2, 1964.3, 1966.3, 1970.3, 1980.1, 1989.1, 1996.1; for electronic edition see 1997.2. $20.00; $13.00 to members.
- Gross, Seymour L. Eudora Welty: A Bibliography of Criticism and Comment. SNS 45 (April 1960).
- Kaufman, Paul. Borrowings from the Bristol Library 1773-
1784. Ch: BSUVa, 1960. [2], 138 pp.
Glassine dust jacket. $5.00; $4.00 to members.
- Turnbull, Robert J. Bibliography of South Carolina 1563-
1950. Vol. 6: Index, by Anne Freudenberg. Ch: UVaP, 1960. viii, [4], 147 pp.
Plain brown dust jacket. "This index undertakes two things. It serves as a complete guide to the authors and titles in the five volumes of Robert J. Turnbull's Bibliography of South Carolina [1956]. . . . In addition, a comprehensive subject index to Volume I was attempted." 279 copies. $7.50; free to members owning Vols. 1-5. Complete 6-volume set also offered to members and the public at the price of the 5-volume set.
- Verner, Coolie. A Carto-Bibliographical Study of
The English Pilot The Fourth Book
with Special
Reference to the Charts of Virginia. Ch: UVaP, [1960]. viii, 87, [1] pp.
Glassine dust jacket. "Copyright 1960 | Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia". $5.00; $4.00 to members.
- Bristol, Roger Pattrell. Index of Printers, Publishers, and Booksellers
106Indicated by Charles Evans in His American Bibliography. Ch: BSUVa, 1961. iv, 172 pp.Plain brown dust jacket. "Printed on Standard Permalife Text, 70 pound basis, at the University of Virginia Press, November 1961." $7.50; $5.00 to members.
- Castillo, Homero, and Raul Silva Castro. Bibliography of the
Chilean Novel / Historia Bibliográfica de la novela chilena.
Ch: BSUVa; Mexico City: Ediciones de Andrea, 1961. 214, [1] pp.
"Six hundred copies of this work have been produced, two hundred and twenty-five of which have been bound. . . . The co-publishers, Ediciones de Andrea of Mexico City, are the exclusive distributors of the paper bound copies. Printed in Mexico, 1961. [rule] Impreso en los Telleres `Impresora Dante' de la Ciudad de México." Paperbound form issued as #28 in the series "Coleccion Studium." Hardbound $6.00; $3.00 to members.
- McKenzie, D. F. Stationers' Company Apprentices 1605-
1640. Ch: BSUVa, 1961. [10], 178 [1] pp.
Plain brown dust jacket. "Seven hundred and fifty copies printed by the University of Virginia Press on Permalife paper." $8:00; $4.50 to members.
- Morrison, Paul G. Index of Printers, Publishers and
Booksellers in A. W. Pollard and G. R. Redgrave
A Short-Title
Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland & Ireland and of English Books Printed
Abroad 1475-1640. A Second Impression offset from the Secretary's
Copy, with a Few Corrections Written in by Hand. Ch: BSUVa, 1961. [2], 82 pp.
To the request in 1950.3 for corrections, a handwritten note now adds: "[Still welcome. 1961]". 920 copies. $6.00; $5.00 to members.
- Mummendey, Richard. Belles Lettres of the United States of
America in German Translations: A Bibliography / Die schöne
Literature der vereinigten Staaten von Amerika in deutschen Übersetzungen: Eine
Bibliographie. (Bonner Beiträge zur Bibliotheks- und Bücherkunde, ed.
Richard Mummendey, no. 5.) Bonn: H. Bouvier u. Co., Publishers; Ch: BSUVa, 1961. xi, [1],
199, [3] pp.
400 copies. $12.50; $8.25 to members.
- Bear, James A., Jr., and Mary Caperton Bear. A Checklist of Virginia
Almanacs, 1732-1850. Ch: BSUVa, 1962. [2], xliv, [209] pp.
Glassine dust jacket. "Printed by lithography at the University of Virginia Press from photocopy prepared by the authors. The paper is Warren's No. 66. The binding is by the Albrecht Company of Baltimore." $7.50; $5.00 to members.
- Bristol, Roger P. Evans'
: Supplement (Checking Edition). Ch: BSUVa, 1962-
Twenty-two photo-offset and stapled fascicles of 32 pages and a final one of 29 pages issued from 1962 through December 1964 to spur identification of additional items not in Evans. A leaf containing only p. 466107was issued separately to correct errors on the original in fascicle 15. Based in part on contributions in SNS 16 (Feb. 1951), 19 (Sept. 1951), 27 (July 1953), 28 (Sept. 1953), 32 (Feb. 1955), 37 (Sept. 1957), 38 (Feb. 1958); collected as 1965.1; responses in SNS 52 (Aug. 1966), 53 (Dec. 1967); formally published as 1970.2.
- Cevasco, George A. J. K. Huysmans in England and America:
A Bibliographical Study. [Ch]: BSUVa, [1962]. 30 pp.
Loose in stiff paper wrappers. Free to members.
- Henley, Elton F. A Check List of Masters' Theses in the
United States on William Wordsworth. [Ch]: BSUVa, [1962]. i, [1], 29, [12] pp.
Loose in stiff paper wrappers. Free to members.
- Marco, Guy A. The Earliest Music Printers of Continental
Europe: A Checklist of Facsimiles Illustrating Their Work. [Ch]: BSUVa, [1962]. 20 pp.
Loose in stiff paper wrappers. Free to members.
- Allen, Reginald. W. S. Gilbert: An Anniversary Survey and Exhibition
Checklist with Thirty-Five Illustrations. Ch: BSUVa, 1963. [8], 82, [2] pp.
Glassine dust jacket. Includes "W. S. Gilbert: An Anniversary Survey," reprinted from Theatre Notebook 15.4 (Summer 1961), and "The Grolier Club W. S. Gilbert Exhibition Checklist" (for 11 September-7 October 1961). "Manufactured in the United States of America | The Allen Company, Incorporated | Charlottesville, Virginia"; "Photographic copies by Ralph Claar, Pierpont Morgan Library, New York." 969 copies. $5.00; $4.00 to members.
- Evans, G. Blakemore, ed. Shakespearean Prompt-Books of the
Seventeenth Century. Vol. II, Part i: Introductions to the Padua
Measure for Measure, The Winter's Tale
Collations. Part ii: Text of the Padua
Measure for Measure, The Winter's Tale. Ch: BSUVa, 1963. [4], 29;
[31] pp.
Parts in stiff paper wrappers, together in portfolio within slipcase. "Part ii of the Padua Measure for Measure and The Winter's Tale was printed by The Meriden Gravure Company under the supervision of E. Harold Hugo and John F. Peckham on Arches heavyweight laid ivory paper. The title page, its verso, the captions and the colophon were printed letterpress and the pages of the First Folio were reproduced by collotype." For a description of the series see 1960.2; for electronic edition see 1997.2. $20.00; $13.00 to members.
- Lacy, William S., Jr., ed. Index to "The Commonwealth"
Volumes 1-20 (1934-1953). Foreword by J[ohn] C[ook] W[yllie] for V[irginia] L[ibrary]
A[ssociation]. Ch: BSUVa, 1963. [4], 33 pp.
Green stiff paper covers, with tape spine. Index to the magazine of the Virginia State Chamber of Commerce.
- O'Neal, William B. Charles Smith: His Work in Book Design: A Checklist. SNS 50 (July 1963).
- Bloomfield, B. C. W. H. Auden: A Bibliography. The Early Years
through 1955. Foreword by W. H. Auden. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1964. xix, [3], 171,
[2] pp.
"W. H. Auden: A Bibliography was composed and printed by The William Byrd Press, Richmond, Virginia, for the University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia. Types used are Linotype and Monotype Granjon with Monotype Garamont display. Paper is Permalife Text made by Standard Paper Maufacturing Company. Binding is by Moore and Company, Inc. The book was designed by John J. Walklet, Jr." For second edition see 1972.2. $10.00; $8.00 to members.
- Blotner, Joseph. William Faulkner's Library A
Catalogue. Ch: UPVa, Published in Cooperation with BSUVa, 1964. x, 142, [3] pp.
"William Faulkner's Library A Catalogue was composed and printed by The William Byrd Press, Inc., Richmond, Virginia. The types used are Linotype Caledonia and Ludlow Bodoni Black. The paper is Oxford Eggshell made by the Oxford Paper Company. Binding is by Moore & Co., Inc., Baltimore, Maryland. The book was designed by John J. Walklet, Jr." 1065 copies. $5.00; $4.00 to members.
- Evans, G. Blakemore, ed. Shakespearean Prompt-Books of the
Seventeenth Century. Vol. III, Part i: Introduction to the `Nursery'
The Comedy of Errors, Midsummer Night's Dream
Collations. Part ii: Text of the `Nursery'
The Comedy of Errors, Midsummer Night's Dream
(Sigs. N1v, N5v). Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1964. [4], 35; [19] pp.
Parts in stiff paper wrappers, together in portfolio within slipcase. "Part ii of the `Nursery' The Comedy of Errors and Midsummer Night's Dream was printed by The Meriden Gravure Company under the supervision of E. Harold Hugo and John F. Peckham on Arches heavyweight laid ivory paper. The title page, its verso, the captions and the colophon were printed letterpress and the pages of the First Folio were reproduced by collotype." For a description of the series see 1960.2; for electronic edition see 1997.2. 518 copies. $15.00.
- Kelly, William W. Ellen Glasgow: A Bibliography, ed.
Oliver L. Steele. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1964. xl, 330 pp.
Presswork by UVa Printing Office. 620 copies. $8.50; $6.80 to members.
- Bristol, Roger P. Evans'
: Supplement (Checking Edition). Ch: BSUVa,
[1965]. vii, 731, [2] pp.
A bound cumulation of twenty-three mimeographed fascicles issued from 1962 through December 1964 (entry 1962.2), with new "Introduction to the Bound Edition" signed December 15, 1965, and "Identification of Bibliographical Citations." "This volume . . . takes no account of the thousands of bits of correctional information now in hand. It is simply the Checking Edition, which is now issued in bound form for use until the final printed volume is issued, presumably several years hence [see 1970.2]." Page 466 stamped "CANCELLED | SEE NEXT LEAF" and a new page 466 bound in. $30.00; second copy $5.00.
- Silver, Rollo G. Typefounding in America, 1787-1825.
Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1965. xiii, [1], 139, [2] pp.
109Glassine dust jacket. "Typefounding in America, 1787-1825 by Rollo G. Silver was composed by Connecticut Printers, Inc., Hartford, Connecticut, printed by The Meriden Gravure Company, Meriden, Connecticut, and bound by Russell-Rutter Company, Inc., New York, New York. Illustrations are by The Meriden Gravure Company. The paper is Mohawk Superfine. The types are Monticello and Bulmer. Design is by Edward Foss." 2062 copies. $7.50; $6.00 to members.
- {Tanselle, G. Thomas. The Historiography of American
Literary Publishing. [Ch]: UPVa, [1965]. 39 pp.
Self paper wrappers. "Reprinted from Studies in Bibliography, XVIII (1965), 3-39." Four leaves reprinting the preliminaries of SB 18 and originally appearing between the cover and the beginning of the article were cancelled before publication. Distributed by UPVa, including to members of the Publishers' Lunch Club and of the Association of American University Presses. 200 copies.}
- Christophers, Richard A. George Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury,
1562-1633: A Bibliography. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1966. xxiv, 211, [1] pp.
878 copies. $6.00.
- Dameron, J. Lasley. Edgar Allan Poe: A Checklist of Criticism
1942-1960. Ch: BSUVa, 1966. 159 pp.
Stapled gatherings; no covering. $2.00; $1.60 to members.
- Evans, G. Blakemore, ed. Shakespearean Prompt-Books of the
Seventeenth Century. Vol. IV, Part i: Introduction to the Smock Alley
Collations. Part ii:
Text of the Smock Alley
Hamlet. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa,
1966. [4], 48; [32] pp.
Parts in stiff paper wrappers, together in portfolio within slipcase. For a description of the series see 1960.2; for electronic edition see 1997.2. 510 copies. $17.50.
- Franklin, Rosemary F. An Index to Henry James's Prefaces to
the New York Edition. Ch: BSUVa, 1966. [2], 29 pp.
Self paper wrappers. $1.00; $.80 to members.
- Heaney, Howell J., and Rudolf Hirsch, eds. Selective Check
Lists of Bibliographical Scholarship, Series B: 1956-1962. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa,
1966. [8], 247 pp.
Plain brown dust jacket. Presswork by UVa Printing Office; binding by The Albrecht Co., Baltimore. "The Selective Check Lists of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1956 through 1962 are reprinted here from Studies in Bibliography, Volumes XI-XVII, with the addition of an index of authors and subjects." 982 copies. $10.00.
- Kaser, David, ed. Books in America's Past: Essays Honoring
Rudolph H. Gjelsness. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1966. x, [4], 279, [1] pp.
Glassine dust jacket. "Books in America's Past | Essays Honoring Rudolph H. Gjelsness | was composed, printed, and bound by Kingsport Press, Inc., Kingsport, Tennessee. The types are Baskerville and Bulmer, and the paper is Warren's Olde Style. Design is by Edward G. Foss." $8.75.110
- Supplement to Charles Evans' American Bibliography [Part 1]. SNS 52 (August 1966).
- Aljure-Chalela, Simón. José Eusebio Caro:
Bibliografía. Ch: BSUVa, 1967. v, [1], 82 pp.
Self paper wrappers. A "Technical Report." $2.00.
- Harding, Walter. Emerson's Library. Ch: BSUVa, 1967.
xi, [1], 338 pp.
1297 copies. $10.00.
- Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Poems, ed. Richard E. Peck. [Ch:
BSUVa, 1967.] x, [2], 34, [1] pp.
"Poems was composed by The Composing Room, Inc., New York, New York, and was printed and bound by Kingsport Press, Inc., Kingsport, Tennessee in an edition of 750 copies. The type is Palatino, designed by Hermann Zapf. The end sheets are Tumba Ingres, supplied by Andrews/Nelson/Whitehead, and the cover paper is Curtis' Tweedweave. The text paper is Mohawk's Superfine. Designer: Edward G. Foss. General Editor: Walker Cowen." Selected for Southern Books Competition 1967. 747 copies. $7.50.
- Heilbronner, Walter L. Printing and the Book in Fifteenth-
Century England. Preface by Curt F. Bühler. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1967. xiv,
105 pp.
997 copies. $7.00.
- Henry, William H., Jr. A French Bibliography of W. Somerset
Maugham: A List of His Works Published in France, His Contributions to French Periodicals,
the Swiss, Belgian, and French Criticism of His Books, Plays, and Films. Ch: BSUVa,
1967. [2], vii, [1], 133 pp.
Stapled gatherings; no covering. $2.00.
- Jones, Gordon W. The Library of James Monroe (1758-1831),
5th President (1816-1824) of the United States. Fredericksburg, Va: James Monroe
Museum and Memorial Library; Ch: BSUVa, 1967. 65 pp.
Self paper wrappers; "The issuing in near-print of a manuscript designed ultimately for book form. . . ." 500 of the copies distributed by the James Monroe Memorial Foundation. $1.50.
- Mish, Charles C. English Prose Fiction, 1600-1700: A
Chronological Checklist. Ch: BSUVa, 1967. 110 pp.
"The present checklist, like its mimeographed predecessor of 1952 [1952.4, 5, 6], is basically a chronological rearrangement of the seventeenth-century material in Arundell Esdaile's List of English Tales and Prose Romances Printed Before 1740 (London, 1912)." ?1000 copies. $5.00.
- Silver, Rollo G. The American Printer 1787-1825. Ch:
For BSUVa by UPVa, 1967. xii, [2], 189, [1] pp.
"The American Printer, 1787-1825 was composed, printed, and bound by Kingsport Press, Inc., Kingsport, Tennessee. The plates were printed by The Meriden Gravure Co., Meriden, Connecticut. The type is Monticello, with Scotch Roman for the initials. The paper is Mohawk Superfine. Design is by Edward G. Foss." 2000 copies. $7.50.111
- Stagg, Louis Charles. An Index to the Figurative Language of
John Webster's Tragedies. Ch: BSUVa, 1967. iv, [2], 58 pp.
Self paper wrappers. A "Technical Report"; "the first of a series of seven studies of the figurative language of the tragedies of Shakespeare's seventeenth-century contemporaries." $1.50.
- Stagg, Louis Charles. Index to the Figurative Language of Ben
Jonson's Tragedies. Ch: BSUVa, 1967. [8], 47 pp.
Self paper wrappers. A "Technical Report"; "the second in a seven-part series on the tragedies of Shakespeare's seventeenth-century contemporaries." $1.50.
- Stagg, Louis Charles. An Index to the Figurative Language of
Thomas Heywood's Tragedies. Ch: BSUVa, 1967. [8], 54 pp.
Self paper wrappers. A "Technical Report"; "the third in a series of seven studies of the tragedies of Shakespeare's seventeenth-century contemporaries." $1.50.
- Supplement to Charles Evans' American Bibliography [Part 2]. SNS 53 (December 1967).
- Tutwiler, Carrington C., Jr. Ellen Glasgow's Library.
Ch: BSUVa, 1967. 31 pp.
Self-paper wrappers. $1.00.
- Williams, Franklin B., Jr. Photo-Facsimiles of STC
Books: A Cautionary Check List. Ch: BSUVa, 1967. [2], [22 ("109-130")]
Self paper wrappers. Reprinted from Studies in Bibliography 21 (1968), 109-130.
- Davis, Arthur Kyle, Jr. Matthew Arnold's Letters: A Descriptive
Checklist. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1968. xlv, [1], 429 pp.
1041 copies. $15.00.
- Ferguson, W. Craig. Valentine Simmes: Printer to Drayton,
Shakespeare, Chapman, Greene, Dekker, Middleton, Daniel, Jonson, Marlowe, Marston,
Heywood, and Other Elizabethans. Ch: BSUVa, 1968. [2], 113 pp.
- Massey, Linton R. "Man Working," 1919-1962: William
Faulkner. A Catalogue of the William Faulkner Collections at the University of Virginia.
Introduction by John Cook Wyllie. Ch: BSUVa, distributed by UPVa, 1968. x, [6], 250 pp.
Composition, presswork, and binding by Kingsport Press. 1554 copies. $25.
- Spalek, John M. Ernst Toller and His Critics: A
Bibliography. Ch: BSUVa, distributed by UPVa, 1968. xxii, 919 pp.
Glassine dust jacket. "The bibliography was prepared for photo-offset by Marcella Curtright of Gardena, California." Presswork and binding by Valley Offset, Deposit, N.Y. 571 copies. $15.00.112
- Tanselle, G. Thomas. The Descriptive Bibliography of
American Authors. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, [1968]. 24pp.
Stiff paper wrappers. "[R]eprinted from Studies in Bibliography Volume Twenty-One, 1968," pp. 1-24. 500 copies, for the U.S. Copyright Office. The order was in error for 1969.4, and apparently all copies except 25 sent to the author were destroyed.
- Walker, Ursula Genung. Notes on Theodore Roethke.
Ch: BSUVa, 1968. [6], 52, [1] pp.
Self paper wrappers. A "Technical Report." $1.50.
- Barrow, Robert M. Advertising Cuts from the
Virginia Gazette, 1754-1770. Ch: BSUVa,
1969. [2], 8, [6] pp.
Self paper wrappers. A "Technical Report." $.50.
- Crane, Stephen. The Notebook of Stephen Crane, ed.
Donald J. Greiner and Ellen B. Greiner. [Ch: BSUVa, 1969.] xxi, [1], 76 pp.
Composition, presswork, and binding by Kingsport Press, Kingsport, Tenn. "A John Cook Wyllie Memorial Publication." 750 copies. $7.50.
- Fry, Donald K. Beowulf
The Fight at Finnsburh: A Bibliography.
Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1969. xx, 222 pp.
Composition and presswork by Science Press, Ephrata, Pa. 1509 copies. $12.50.
- Tanselle, G. Thomas. Copyright Records and the
Bibliographer. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, [1969]. [48 ("77-124")] pp.
Stiff paper wrappers. "Reprinted from Studies in Bibliography, Volume Twenty-Two, 1969 [pp. 77-124]." 400 copies, for the U.S. Copyright Office.
- Tutwiler, Carrington C., Jr. A Catalogue of the Library of
Ellen Glasgow. Ch: BSUVa, 1969. [6], xvii, [1], 287 pp.
Stiff paper wrappers. A "Technical Report." 300 copies. $6.50.
- Arnold, A. James. Paul Valéry and His Critics: A
Bibliography. French-Language Criticism 1890-1927. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1970.
xxii, 617 pp.
571 copies. $15.00.
- Bristol, Roger P. Supplement to Charles Evans'
American Bibliography. Ch: For the Bibliographical Society of
America and BSUVa by UPVa, 1970. xix, [1], 636 pp.
The final version of 1965.1. Index published as 1971.1. 1946 copies. $35.00.
- Evans, G. Blakemore, ed. Shakespearean Prompt-Books of the
Seventeenth Century. Vol. V, Part i: Introduction to the Smock Alley
; Collations. Part ii:
Text of the Smock Alley
Macbeth. Ch: A Publication of
BSUVa | UPVa, 1970. [4], 36; [23] pp.
Parts in stiff paper wrappers, together in portfolio within slipcase. For a description of the series see 1960.2; for electronic edition see 1997.2. 554 copies. $25.00.113
- Stagg, Louis Charles. An Index to the Figurative Language of
George Chapman's Tragedies. Ch: BSUVa, 1970. [6], 143 pp.
Self paper wrappers. A "Technical Report"; "the fourth in a seven-part series on the tragedies of Shakespeare's seventeenth-century contemporaries." 250 copies. $1.50.
- Stagg, Louis Charles. An Index to the Figurative Language of
Cyril Tourneur's Tragedies. Ch: BSUVa, 1970. [6], 44 pp.
Self paper wrappers. A "Technical Report"; "the fifth in a seven-part series on the tragedies of Shakespeare's seventeenth-century contemporaries." $1.50.
- Stagg, Louis Charles. An Index to the Figurative Language of
Thomas Middleton's Tragedies. Ch: BSUVa, 1970. [6], 65 pp.
Self paper wrappers. A "Technical Report"; "the sixth in a seven-part series of studies on the tragedies of Shakespeare's seventeenth-century contemporaries." $1.50.
- Stagg, Louis Charles. An Index to the Figurative Language of
John Marston's Tragedies. Ch: BSUVa, 1970. [6], 86 pp.
Self paper wrappers. A "Technical Report"; "the seventh and last in a series of studies of the imagery in the tragedies of Shakespeare's seventeenth century contemporaries." $1.50.
- Bristol, Roger Pattrell. Index to Supplement to Charles Evans'
American Bibliography. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1971. [10], 191
"Save for possible addenda to the Supplement [1970.2] which might appear in some bibliographical journal, this volume completes the author's efforts on behalf of American printing before 1801." Composition and presswork by Science Press, Ephrata, Pa. 1492 copies. $15.00.
- Cauthen, Irby B., Jr., ed. Two Mementoes from the Poe-
Ingram Collection: An Anniversary Keepsake for Members of The Bibliographical Society of the
University of Virginia 1946-1971. Ch: BSUVa, 1971. [4] pp., 2 facsimiles, in folder.
Issued in celebration of the Society's twenty-fifth anniversary. Designed by Edward G. Foss at UPVa. "Two Mementoes from the Poe-Ingram Collection was composed by The Stinehour Press, Lunenburg, Vermont, who also did the letterpress printing. The two facsimiles were printed by The Meriden Gravure Company, Meriden, Connecticut. The paper for the commentary is Mohawk Superfine, and that used for the facsimiles is Bodleian White. The outside folder is Fabriano Cover. The types are Bembo for the text and Castellar for the initial letter. Of an edition of fifteen hundred, one thousand numbered copies have been reserved for the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia." Selected for the "Virginia Designers 1972" show at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. Free to members.
- Beasley, Jerry C. A Check List of Prose Fiction Published in England
1740-1749. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1972. xiv, [4], 213 pp.
500 copies. $7.50.114
- Bloomfield, B. C., and Edward Mendelson. W. H. Auden: A
Bibliography 1924-1969. 2nd ed. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1972. xvi, 420 pp.
"W. H. Auden: A Bibliography was composed, printed, and bound by Kingsport Press, Inc., Kingsport, Tennessee. The types are Janson and Garamond Bold and the paper is Warren's Olde Style. Design is by Edward G. Foss." For first edition see 1964.1. 2040 copies. $20.00.
- Herring, Phillip F., ed. Joyce's
Notesheets in the British Museum. Ch:
For BSUVa by UPVa, 1972. viii, [6], 545 pp.
Dust jacket. Composition and presswork by the Stinehour Press. 1504 copies. $37.50.
- Howard-Hill, T. H. Ralph Crane and Some Shakespeare First
Folio Comedies. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1972. xvi, [2], 190 pp.
495 copies. $7.50.
- Huss, Richard E. The Development of Printers' Mechanical
Typesetting Methods 1822-1925. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1973. [12], 307 pp.
"The Development of Printers' Mechanical Typesetting Methods, 1822- 1925 was composed, printed, and bound by Rose Printing Company, Inc., Tallahassee, Florida | The paper is Lockhaven Eggshell, No. 1033, and the type is Janson." 1045 copies. $17.50.
- Roth, Barry, and Joel Weinsheimer. An Annotated
Bibliography of Jane Austen Studies 1952-1972. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1973. ix, [5],
272 pp.
copies. $7.50.
- Dameron, J. Lasley, and Irby B. Cauthen, Jr. Edgar Allan Poe: A
Bibliography of Criticism 1827-1967. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1974. xvi, 386 pp.
Composition, presswork, and binding by Kingsport Press, Kingsport, Tenn. "A John Cook Wyllie Memorial Publication." 1629 copies. $20.00.
- Bowers, Fredson. Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing.
Foreword by Irby B. Cauthen, Jr. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1975. viii, 550 pp.
1088 copies. $30.00
- Fadiman, Regina K. Faulkner's
Light in August
: A Description and Interpretation of
the Revisions. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1975. x, [6], 231 pp.
Composition by Sandra Anderson, Buffalo, N.Y.; presswork by Valley Offset, Deposit, N.Y. 1000 copies. $12.50.
- Faulkner, William. The Marionettes. [Ch]: BSUVa and
UPVa, [1975].
Six unbound, unopened gatherings of 8 leaves in portfolio within slipcase. A facsimile "Published by the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia and the University Press of Virginia in memory of Linton R. Massey." "Type for The Marionettes was hand-set at the Alderman Press, University of Virginia Library, in Centaur and Arrighi.115The work was printed on Arches paper by the Garamond Press, Baltimore, Maryland, in June, 1975, in an edition limited to one hundred numbered copies and twenty-six copies, hors commerce, lettered A through Z." 130 copies. For trade edition see 1977.1. $100.00.
- Partridge, A. C. A Substantive Grammar of Shakespeare's
Nondramatic Texts. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1976. ix, [5], 232 pp.
715 copies. $22.50.
- Tarr, Rodger L. Thomas Carlyle: A Bibliography of English-
Language Criticism, 1824-1974. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1976. xi, [3], 295 pp.
534 copies. $15.00.
- Faulkner, William. The Marionettes. Introduction and Textual
Apparatus by Noel Polk. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1977. xxxii, 106 pp.
Dust jacket. Presswork (including jacket) by Payne Printery, Dallas, Pa. Binding by American Graphics, Philadelphia. "A Linton R. Massey Memorial Publication." Trade edition of 1975.3, with introduction and notes added. 1499 copies. $9.75.
- Herring, Phillip, ed. Joyce's Notes and Early Drafts for
: Selections from the Buffalo
Collection. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1977. xii, 275 pp.
Composition and presswork by Stinehour Press, Lunenburg, Vt.; binding by American Graphics, Philadelphia. 1022 copies. $42.00.
- Blehl, Vincent Ferrer. John Henry Newman: A Bibliographical
Catalogue of His Writings. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1978. xl, [2], 148 pp.
Composition by Sandra Anderson, Cos Cob, Conn.; presswork by Valley Offset, Deposit, N.Y. 752 copies. $17.00.
- Maynard, Joe, and Barry Miles. William S. Burroughs: A
Bibliography, 1953-73. Foreword by William S. Burroughs. Introduction by Allen
Ginsberg. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, [1978]. xxiii, [3], 242 pp.
Composition by Graphic Composition, Athens, Ga.; presswork and binding by Fairfield Graphics, Fairfield, Pa. "A Linton R. Massey Descriptive Bibliography." 1968 copies, 50 signed by Burroughs. $15.00; $50.00 signed.
- Spalek, John M., in collaboration with Adrienne Ash and Sandra H. Hawrylchak.
Guide to the Archival Materials of the German-Speaking Emigration to the
United States after 1933 / Verzeichnis der Quellen und Materialien der
deutschsprachigen Emigration in den U.S.A. seit 1933. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1978.
xxv, [3], 1133 pp.
"The photo-ready copy of the manuscript was prepared by Marcella Curtright of Carson, California." Composition and presswork by Kingsport Press, Kingsport, Tenn.; binding by Carolina Ruling and Binding, Charlotte, N.C. 712 copies. $27.50.
- Tanselle, G. Thomas. The Editing of Historical
Documents. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, [1978]. 56 pp.
116Stiff paper wrappers. "Reprinted from Studies in Bibliography 31 (1978)," 1-56. Presswork by Valley Offset, Deposit, N.Y, ?500 copies. $2.50.
- Hamblin, Robert W., and Louis Daniel Brodsky. Selections from the
William Faulkner Collection of Louis Daniel Brodsky: A Descriptive Catalogue. Ch: For
Southeast Missouri State University and BSUVa by UPVa, 1979. xx, 171 pp.
Dust jacket. Composition by York Graphic Services, York, Pa.; presswork and binding by Murray Printing, Westford, Mass. 1059 copies. $17.50.
- Hodnett, Edward. Aesop in England: The Transmission of
Motifs in Seventeenth-Century Illustrations of
Aesop's Fables.
Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1979. x, 163 pp.
Composition and presswork by Science Press, Ephrata, Pa.; binding by Arnold's Book Bindery, Reading, Pa. Selected for the Neographics `80 Gold Award and display at the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia. 773 copies. $20.00.
- Ross, Charles L. The Composition of
The Rainbow
Women in Love
: A History. Ch: For BSUVa
by UPVa, 1979. x, 168 pp.
Dust jacket, printed by Wayside Press, Charlottesville. Composition by Pub Press Sales, Baltimore, Md.; presswork by Murray Printing, Westford, Mass. 1049 copies. $13.50.
- Tanselle, G. Thomas. Selected Studies in Bibliography.
Foreword by Fredson Bowers [signed as "The Council of the Bibliographical Society of the
University of Virginia"]. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1979. [12], 506 pp.
Extra unpaginated leaf issued for insertion after p. 138. New composition by Heritage Printers, Charlotte, N.C.; presswork by Valley Offset, Deposit, N.Y. "The eleven most significant of these [articles by Tanselle in SB], of his own choice, have now been collected at the initiative of the Society and reproduced by offset as they were originally printed." 842 copies. $15.00.
- Evans, G. Blakemore, ed. Shakespearean Prompt-Books of the
Seventeenth Century. Vol. VI, Part i: Introduction to the Smock Alley
; Collations. Part ii:
Text of the Smock Alley
Othello. Ch: A Publication of
BSUVa | UPVa, 1980. [4], 36; [24] pp.
Two parts bound together. Presswork and binding by Science Press, Ephrata, Pa. For a description of the series see 1960.2; for electronic edition see 1997.2. 442 copies. $25.00.
- Guiliano, Edward. Lewis Carroll: An Annotated International
Bibliography 1960-1977. Ch: For BSUVa and the Lewis Carroll Society of North America
by UPVa, 1980. viii, [2], 253 pp.
Dust jacket. Composition by P & M Typesetting, Waterbury, Conn.; presswork (including jacket) and binding by Braun-Brumfield, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1507 copies; an additional 501 copies simultaneously printed for publication by Harvester Press in Brighton, England, 1981. $15.00.117
- Life, Page West. Sir Thomas Malory and the Morte Darthur: A
Survey of Scholarship and Annotated Bibliography. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1980. xiii,
[5], 297 pp.
Presswork by Vail-Ballou Press, Binghamton, N.Y. 824 copies. $13.50.
- MacMahon, Candace W. Elizabeth Bishop: A Bibliography
1927-1979. Foreword by Elizabeth Bishop. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1980. xviii, [2],
227 pp.
Dust jacket, with blurb from Library Journal. Composition by Charma Press, Emeryville, Calif.; presswork (including jacket) and binding by Vail-Ballou Press, Binghamton, N.Y. "A Linton R. Massey Descriptive Bibliography." 1060 copies. $20.00.
- Grimshaw, James A., Jr. Robert Penn Warren: A Descriptive
Bibliography, 1922-79. Foreword by Robert Penn Warren. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa,
1981. xxiii, [1], 494 pp.
Dust jacket. Presswork (including jacket) and binding by Vail-Ballou Press, Binghamton, N.Y. "A Linton R. Massey Descriptive Bibliography." 1773 copies. $30.00.
- Weisenfarth, Joseph, ed. George Eliot: A Writer's Notebook,
1854-1879, and Uncollected Writings. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1981. xli, [1], 301 pp.
Composition by Boro Typographers, New York, N.Y.; presswork and binding by Vail- Ballou Press, Binghamton, N.Y. 793 copies. Second printing 1984 by Thomson-Shore, Inc., Dexter, Mich. 264 copies. $25.00.
- Gallup, Donald. Ezra Pound: A Bibliography. Ch: For BSUVa
and St. Paul's Bibliographies by UPVa, 1983. xiv, 548 pp.
Dust jacket, with blurb by Hugh Kenner. No. 7 in the St. Paul's Bibliographies series. Composition by Graphic Composition, Athens, Ga. "The present work is a completely revised and updated edition of my A Bibliography of Ezra Pound (London: Rupert Hart-Davis, 1963)." 2234 copies. $30.00.
- Frost, Robert. Stories for Lesley, ed. Roger D. Sell. Illustrated
by Warren Chappell. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1984. 77 pp.
Dust jacket. Composition by Graphic Composition, Athens, Ga.; presswork (including jacket) and binding by Science Press, Ephrata, Pa. 1501 copies. $14.95.
- Pound, Ezra. A Quinzaine for This Yule. Ch: For
BSUVa by UPVa, 1984. 27, [2] pp.
Self paper wrappers. Composition by Graphic Communications, Charlottesville; reproductions by UVa Printing Services; presswork by Science Press, Ephrata, Pa.; handbinding by Mary Louise Ehrenpreis, Charlottesville. "This facsimile edition . . . [is] limited to 500 copies." 625 copies. $10.00.
- Roth, Barry. An Annotated Bibliography of Jane Austen Studies 1973-
83. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1985. xxi, [1], 359 pp.
Presswork and binding by Braun-Brumfield, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1035 copies. $15.00.
- Tucker, Edward L. The Shaping of Longfellow's
John Endicott. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1985. liii, [1], 192 pp.
Dust jacket. Presswork (including jacket) and binding by Hamilton Printing, Rensselaer, N.Y. "Center for Scholarly Editions | An Approved Edition | Modern Language Association of America." 500 copies. $20.00.
- West, James L. W., III. A Sister Carrie Portfolio. Ch:
For BSUVa by UPVa, 1985. vii, [1], 87 pp.
Dust jacket. Design by Angelica Design Group, N.Y., N.Y.; composition by Graphic Composition, Athens, Ga.; presswork (including jacket) and binding by Braun-Brumfield, Ann Arbor, Mich. 793 copies. $25.00.
- Johnson, Linck C. Thoreau's Complex Weave: The Writing of
A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers
with the Text of the First Draft. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1986. xxi, [1],
490 pp.
Dust jacket, with blurb by Joel Myerson. 1745 copies. $37.50.
- Wright, Stuart. Randall Jarrell: A Descriptive Bibliography,
1929-1983. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1986. xvi, 372 pp.
Dust jacket. Design by Diane Nelson, Charlottesville; composition by Graphic Composition, Athens, Ga;, presswork (including jacket), and binding by Vail-Ballou Press, Binghamton, N.Y. "A Linton R. Massey Descriptive Bibliography." 1027 copies. $35.00.
- Wright, Stuart, and James L. W. West III. Reynolds Price: A
Bibliography 1949-1984. Foreword by Reynolds Price. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1986.
xiv, [2], 122 pp.
Dust jacket, with blurb by George Core, Sewanee Review. Composition by Graphic Composition, Athens, Ga.; presswork and binding by Arcata Graphics Kingsport, Kingsport, Tenn. "A Linton R. Massey Descriptive Bibliography." 942 copies. $20.00.
- Tanselle, G. Thomas. Textual Criticism since Greg: A Chronicle,
1950-1985. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1987. ix, [3], 154 pp.
Paper wrappers, with blurbs by Fredson Bowers, Don L. Cook, and Elizabeth Hall Witherell. "The three essays in this volume are reprinted here directly from the pages of Studies in Bibliography, where they appeared in 1975 (28: 167-229), 1981 (34: 23-65), and 1986 (39: 1-46)." 1061 copies. $9.95.
- Wright, Stuart. Peter Taylor: A Descriptive Bibliography 1934-
87. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1988. xi, [1], 228.
Dust jacket, with blurb by George Garrett. Composition by Graphic Composition, Athens, Ga.; presswork by Thomson-Shore, Dexter, Mich. "A Linton R. Massey Descriptive Bibliography." 783 copies. $40.00.
- Evans, G. Blakemore, ed. Shakespearean Prompt-Books of the
Seventeenth Century. Vol. VII, Part i: Introduction to the Smock Alley
A Midsummer Night's Dream
; Collations.
Part ii: Text of the Smock Alley
A Midsummer
Night's Dream. Ch: A Publication of BSUVa | UPVa, 1989. [4], 53; [20] pp.
Two parts bound together. "The Smock Alley A Midsummer Night's Dream Prompt-Book was composed in Linotype Baskerville and Monotype Goudy Old Style by Heritage Printers, Charlotte, N.C. It was printed by Science Press, Ephrata, Pa. and bound by Hoster Bindery, Hatboro, Pa." Selected for the NEO 1990 award (Philadelphia). For a description of the series see 1960.2; for electronic edition see 1997.2. 435 copies. $50.00.
- Tanselle, G. Thomas. Textual Criticism and Scholarly Editing.
Ch & London: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1990. xiv, 353 pp.
"This volume brings together eight essays on textual criticism and scholarly editing . . . published between 1971 and 1983." New composition by Heritage Printers, Charlotte, N.C.; presswork and binding by Malloy Lithographing, Ann Arbor, Mich. 643 copies. Second printing 1993, 286 copies. $40.00.
- Vander Meulen, David L. Pope's
of 1728: A History and Facsimile.
Foreword by Lola L. Szladits. Ch & London: For BSUVa and The New York Public Library by
UPVa, 1991. xvii, [1], 174 pp.
"Typography, decorations, and binding design by Warren Chappell | Composition by Graphic Composition of Athens, Georgia | Printing by Malloy Lithographing, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan | Binding by John Dekker & Sons, Inc., Grand Rapids, Michigan." Selected for the 1992 Book, Jacket, and Journal Show of the Association of American University Presses. 754 copies. $40.00.
- Boughn, Michael. H.D.: A Bibliography 1905-1990. Ch &
London: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1993. ix, [1], 229 pp.
Dust jacket; "Jacket design by Anne Dutlinger." "A Linton R. Massey Descriptive Bibliography." 681 copies. $39.50.
- Eddy, Donald D., and J. D. Fleeman. A Preliminary Handlist
of Books to which Dr. Samuel Johnson Subscribed. Ch: BSUVa, 1993. [4], 34 pp.
Stiff paper wrappers. Occasional Publication No. 2. Reprinted from Studies in Bibliography 46 (1993), 186-220. "300 copies printed by Heritage Printers, Inc., Charlotte, North Carolina." 306 copies. $10.
- Tanselle, G. Thomas. The Life and Work of Fredson
Bowers. Foreword by David L. Vander Meulen. Checklist and Chronology by Martin C.
Battestin. Ch: BSUVa, 1993. viii, 210 pp.
Occasional Publication No. 1. Reprinted from Studies in Bibliography 46 (1993), 1-186, with Foreword and Index (by Tanselle) added. "400 copies printed by Heritage Printers, Inc., Charlotte, North Carolina, of which 200 are reserved for the family and friends of Fredson Bowers and120200 are for sale by The Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, Alderman Library, Charlottesville, VA 22903." 406 copies. $25.00.
- Vander Meulen, David L., and G. Thomas Tanselle, eds.
Samuel Johnson's Translation of Sallust: A Facsimile and Transcription of the
Hyde Manuscript. New York: The Johnsonians; Ch: BSUVa, 1993. vi, 40, [2] pp.
"This booklet is the forty-eighth annual keepsake of The Johnsonians and the third in a series of occasional publications issued by The Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia. It was distributed at the dinner of The Johnsonians commemorating Samuel Johnson's 284th birthday, held at the Grolier Club, New York City, on 17 September 1993, with G. Thomas Tanselle in the chair and David L. Vander Meulen speaking on `Johnson's Translation of Sallust.'" "750 copies printed at The Stinehour Press, Lunenburg, Vermont, of which 250 are reserved for The Johnsonians and 500 are for sale by The Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, Alderman Library, Charlottesville, VA 22903." 900 copies. $25.00.
- Evans, G. Blakemore, ed. Shakespearean Prompt-Books of the
Seventeenth Century. Vol. VIII:
King Lear, Henry VIII, The Merry
Wives of Windsor, Twelfth Night, The Comedy of Errors, The Winter's Tale. Ch: BSUVa,
1996. vi, 94, [1] pp.
Composition and presswork by Heritage Printers, Charlotte, N.C. The final volume of a series begun with 1960.2 (see description there); for electronic edition see 1997.2. 306 copies. $75.00; $45 to members.
- Ribble, Frederick G., and Anne G. Ribble. Fielding's Library:
An Annotated Catalogue. Ch: BSUVa, 1996. lxxxv, [1], 435 pp.
Presswork and binding by Integrated Book Technology, Troy, N.Y. 322 copies. $30.00; $18.00 to members.
Studies in Bibliography Cumulative Table of Contents.
Ch: BSUVa,
121distributed electronically by UVa Electronic Text Center, March 1996.
URL: http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/bsuva/sb/sbcontents/Searchable electronic index of authors and titles from SB 1-49, encoded in TEI-conformant SGML. Keyboarding by David L. Gants (vols. 1-44) and Elizabeth K. Lynch (vols. 45-50); scanning and proofing by David L. Gants and Jessamy Town. -
Studies in Bibliography Volume 7, ed. Fredson Bowers.
Ch: BSUVa, distributed electronically by UVa Electronic Text Center, March 1996.
URL: http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/bsuva/sb/sb07/Searchable electronic edition of SB 7, encoded in TEI-conformant SGML. Scanning and proofing by Jennifer Hanna, Jessamy Town, and Stephen Welch; encoding by David L. Gants. Volume subsequently incorporated into 1997.3. - de Montluzin, Emily Lorraine. Attributions of Authorship in the
Gentleman's Magazine, 1731-1868: A
Supplement to Kuist. Ch: BSUVa, distributed electronically by UVa Electronic Text
Center, January 1997.
URL: http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/bsuva/gm/Searchable electronic database, encoded in TEI-conformant SGML, of accounts published in SB 44 (1991), 45 (1992), 46 (1993), 47 (1994), 49 (1996), and 50 (1997). Encoding by David L. Gants and the UVa Electronic Text Center. -
Shakespearean Prompt-Books of the Seventeenth
Century, ed. G. Blakemore Evans. Ch: BSUVa, distributed electronically by UVa
Electronic Text Center, March 1997.
URL: http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/bsuva/promptbook/Searchable electronic page facsimiles, encoded in TEI-conformant SGML, of the eight prompt-books published by the Society (1960.2, 1963.2, 1964.3, 1966.3, 1970.3, 1980.1, 1989.1, 1996.1). Scanning and proofing by the UVa Electronic Text Center. -
Studies in Bibliography, ed. Fredson Bowers, L. A.
Beaurline, and David L. Vander Meulen. Ch: BSUVa, distributed electronically by UVa
Electronic Text Center, March 1997.
URL: http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/bsuva/sb/Searchable electronic edition of the first 49 volumes of SB, encoded in TEI-conformant SGML. Keyboarding by Remote Services, Portland, Oreg.; image scanning by Karen Wikander at the UVa Electronic Text Center. Incorporates 1996.4.
Separate Publications



- Abbot, George, 1966.1
- Adams, Henry, 1951.1
- Aesop, 1979.2
- Alden, John, SNS 18, 1955.1, 1958.1, 1958.2
- Aldrich, Ethelyn A., 1954.1
- Aljure-Chalela, Simón, 1967.1
- Allen, Reginald, 1963.1
- Anderson, Maxwell, 1958.3
- Anderson, Sandra, 1975.2, 1978.1
- Arnold, A. James, 1970.1
- Arnold, Matthew, 1968.1
- Ash, Adrienne, 1978.3
- Auden, W. H., 1964.1, 1972.2
- Austen, Jane, 1973.2, 1985.1
- Barrett, C. Waller, 1951.1
- Barrow, Robert M., 1969.1
- Baskerville, John, SB 41-42
- Battestin, Martin C., 1993.3
- Bear, James A., Jr., 1962.1
- Bear, Mary Caperton, 1962.1
- Beasley, Jerry C., 1972.1
- Beaurline, L. A., SB 17-27, 1997.3
- Bishop, Elizabeth, 1980.4
- Black, Robert, 1949.1
- Blehl, Vincent Ferrer, 1978.1
- Bloomfield, B. C., 1964.1, 1972.2
- Blotner, Joseph, 1964.2
- Bodoni, Giambattista, SNS 30
- Boughn, Michael, 1993.1
- Bowers, Fredson, Intro., SNS 1, SB 1-45, 1947.1, 1949.2, 1957.3, 1975.1, 1979.4, 1987.1, 1993.3, 1996.4, 1997.3
- Bowyer, T. H., 1957.1
- Brennan, W. T., SNS 36
- Brewer, Frances Joan, 1957.4
- Bristol, Roger Pattrell, SNS 27, SNS 29, SNS 30, SNS 32, SNS 34, SNS 37, SNS 52, 1953.1, 1961.1, 1962.2, 1965.1, 1970.2, 1971.1
- Brodsky, Louis Daniel, 1979.1
- Brown, C. Raymond, SB 1
- Bruccoli, Matthew, 1957.4
- Bühler, Curt F., 1967.4
- Burroughs, William S., 1978.2
- Byrd, Ruth Evelyn, 1952.1
- Cabell, James Branch, 1957.4
- Canaday, John, SNS 34
- Carlyle, Thomas, 1976.2
- Caro, José Eusebio, 1967.1
- Carroll, Lewis, 1980.2
- Castillo, Homero, 1961.2
- Castro, Raul Silva, 1961.2
- Catlin, Hannah Hastings White (Mrs. Randolph), 1951.2
- Cauthen, Irby B., Jr., 1971.2, 1974.1, 1975.1
- Cevasco, George A., 1962.3
- Chapman, George, 1968.2, 1970.4
- Chappell, Warren, 1984.1, 1991.1
- Charles II (king of England), 1958.1
- Chesnick, Barney, SNS 17
- Christophers, Richard A., 1966.1
- Claar, Ralph, 1963.1
- Clark, Lucy, SNS 29, SB 10, 1957.3
- Collins, Walter, 1953.2, 1955.3
- Colville, Derek, SNS 33
- Conkwright, P. J., 1952.11
- Cook, Don L., 1987.1
- Cook, James, SNS 21
- Core, George, 1986.3
- Cowen, Walker, 1967.3
- Cox, Martha, 1958.3
- Coxe, Daniel, SNS 15
- Crane, Ralph, 1972.4
- Crane, Stephen, 1969.2
- Curtright, Marcella, 1968.4, 1978.3
- D'Urfey, Thomas, 1950.1
- Dameron, J. Lasley, 1966.2, 1974.1
- Daniel, Samuel, 1968.2
- Davidson, John, SNS 40, 1958.6
- Davis, Arthur Kyle, Jr., 1968.1
- Day, Cyrus L., 1950.1
- De Bellis, Jack, SNS 46, 1960.1
- Dekker, Thomas, 1968.2
- de Montluzin, Emily Lorraine, 1997.1
- Dowdey, Clifford, 1953.2
- Drayton, Michael, 1968.2
- Dunlap, Joseph R., SNS 20
- Dutlinger, Anne, 1993.1
- Duvoisin, Roger, SNS 39, 1958.5
- Eddy, Donald D., 1993.2
- Ehrenpreis, Mary Louise, 1984.2
- Eliot, George, 1981.2
- Emerson, Ralph W., 1967.2
- Esdaile, Arundell, 1967.7
- Evans, Charles, SNS 16, SNS 19, SNS 27, SNS 28, SNS 32, SNS 37, SNS 38, SNS52, SNS 53, 1961.1, 1962.2, 1965.1, 1966.7, 1967.12, 1970.2, 1971.1
- Evans, G. Blakemore, 1960.2, 1963.2, 1964.3, 1966.3, 1970.3, 1980.1, 1989.1, 1996.1, 1997.2
- Evans, Raymond, SNS 20
- Fadiman, Regina K., 1975.2
- Faulkner, William, 1964.2, 1968.3, 1975.2, 1975.3, 1977.1, 1979.1
- Ferguson, W. Craig, 1968.2
- Fielding, Henry, 1996.2
- Fink, Frances Sharf, 1959.1
- Fischer, Earl K., 1948.1
- Fishwick, Marshall W., 1950.2, 1951.3
- Flasche, Hans, 1958.4
- Fleeman, J. D., 1993.2
- Foss, Edward G., 1965.2, 1966.6, 1967.3, 1967.8, 1971.2, 1972.2
- Franklin, Rosemary F., 1966.4
- Freudenberg, Anne, SB 10, 1960.5
- Frost, Robert, 1984.1
- Fry, Donald K., 1969.3
- Gallup, Donald, 1983.1
- Gants, David L., 1996.3, 1996.4, 1997.1
- Garamond, Claude, SB 1
- Garrett, George, 1988.1
- Garrick, David, 1955.2
- Gilbert, W. S., 1963.1
- Gimbel, Richard, SNS 24
- Ginsberg, Allen, 1978.2
- Gjelsness, Rudolph H., 1966.6
- Glasgow, Ellen, 1964.4, 1967.13, 1969.5
- Goff, Frederick, SNS 14
- Goldsmith, Oliver, 1956.2
- Goldwater, Walter, SNS 17, SNS 30, SNS 37
- Goudy, Frederic W., SB 1
- Graves, Joseph, 1954.2
- Greene, Robert, 1968.2
- Greg, W. W., 1987.1
- Greiner, Donald J., 1969.2
- Greiner, Ellen B., 1969.2
- Grimshaw, James A., Jr., 1981.1
- Grizzle, Jerold M., 1955.3
- Gross, Seymour L., SNS 45, 1960.3
- Guiliano, Edward, 1980.2
- H.D. (Hilda Doolittle), 1993.1
- Hamblin, Robert W., 1979.1
- Hammer, Victor, 1954.2
- Hanna, Jennifer, 1996.4
- Harding, Walter, SNS 20, SNS 25, 1954.3, 1957.2, 1967.2
- Harris, Barbara, 1947.3
- Harwell, Richard Barksdale, 1952.2, 1953.2
- Hawrylchak, Sandra H., 1978.3
- Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1967.3
- Hazen, Allen T., SNS 18
- Heaney, Howell J., SB 10, 1957.3, 1966.5
- Heilbronner, Walter L., 1967.4
- Henley, Elton F., 1962.4
- Henry, William H., Jr., 1967.5
- Herring, Phillip F., 1972.3, 1977.2
- Herringman, Henry, 1948.2, 1949.3
- Heywood, Thomas, 1967.11, 1968.2
- Hinman, Charlton, SNS 3, 1947.2
- Hirsch, Rudolph, SB 10, 1957.3, 1966.5
- Hitchcock, Susan, SB 30
- Hodnett, Edward, 1979.2
- Hollis, William M., 1951.3
- Hooker, Helene Maxwell, 1952.3
- Horst, Irvin B., SNS 38
- Howard-Hill, T. H., 1972.4
- Hugo, E. Harold, 1960.2, 1963.2, 1964.3
- Hunt, Rachel McMasters Miller (Mrs. Roy Arthur), 1952.1
- Hurt, Charles D., SNS 2
- Huss, Richard E., 1973.1
- Huysmans, J. K., 1962.3
- Irving, Washington, 1947.1
- Jackson, Stuart W., 1956.3
- Jackson, W. A., SNS 32
- James, Henry, 1966.4
- Jarrell, Randall, 1986.2
- Jefferson, Thomas, SNS 14, SNS 16, SNS 17, SNS 18, SNS 43, 1950.5, 1952.10, 1952.11, 1956.1, 1959.4
- John, Augustus, SNS 34
- Johnson, Linck C., 1986.1
- Johnson, Samuel, 1993.2, 1993.4
- Jones, Gordon W., 1967.6
- Jonson, Ben, 1967.10, 1968.2
- Joyce, James, SNS 34, SNS 37, SNS 42, SNS 48, SNS 51, 1959.5, 1972.3, 1977.2
- Junius, 1957.1
- Kane, Mary, 1959.2
- Kaser, David, 1966.6
- Kaufman, Paul, 1960.4
- Kelly, Allen H., SB 1
- Kelly, William W., 1964.4
- Kenner, Hugh, 1983.1
- Kerlan, Irvin, SNS 39, 1958.5
- Kimball, Fiske, 1959.2
- Knapp, Mary E., 1955.2
- Knight, James W., SB 1
- Knight, Raymond E., SB 1
- Kyles, Gillian, SB 27-29
- Lacy, William S., Jr., 1963.3
- Lane, Robert Frederick, SNS 30
- Lee, Robert E., 1951.3
- Lester, John A., Jr., SNS 40, 1958.6
- Life, Page West, 1980.3
- Longfellow, William, 1985.2
- Lownes, Albert E., SNS 34
- Lynch, Elizabeth K., SB 48-50, 1996.3
- Lytle, Andrew Nelson, SNS 46, 1960.1
- McCrary, J. A., 1953.2
- McKenzie, D. F., 1961.3
- McKerrow, R. B., SNS 16
- MacMahon, Candace W., 1980.4
- McManaway, James G., 1949.2
- Macomber, Henry P., SNS 22
- Madison, James, SNS 18
- Malory, Thomas, 1980.3
- Marco, Guy A., 1962.5
- Marlowe, Christopher, 1968.2
- Marsh, Reginald, SNS 50
- Marston, John, 1968.2, 1970.7
- Massey, Linton R., Intro., 1952.1, 1968.3, 1975.3, 1977.1, 1978.2, 1980.4, 1981.1, 1986.2, 1986.3, 1988.1, 1993.1
- Maugham, W. Somerset, 1967.5
- Maynard, Joe, 1978.2
- Mendelson, Edward, 1972.2
- Meyen, Fritz, 1959.3
- Middleton, Thomas, 1968.2, 1970.6
- Miles, Barry, 1978.2
- Miller, C. William, 1948.2, 1949.3
- Mish, Charles C., SNS 27, 1952.4, 1952.5, 1952.6, 1967.7
- Mitchell, Eleanor Drake, 1953.3
- Monroe, James, 1967.6
- Moran, Charles E., Jr., 1955.1, 1955.3
- Morris, Robert L., SB 4
- Morrison, Paul G., SNS 14, SNS 27, 1950.3, 1955.3, 1961.4
- Mott, Howard S., 1952.7
- Mummendey, Richard, 1954.4, 1958.4, 1959.3, 1961.5
- Myerson, Joel, 1986.1
- Nelson, Diane, 1986.2
- Newman, John Henry, 1978.1
- Nichols, Frederick Doveton, 1959.2
- Norris, Frank, SNS 25
- O'Neal, William B., Intro., SNS 18, SNS 43, SNS 50, 1956.1, 1959.4, 1963.4
- Paine, Thomas, SNS 24
- Partridge, A. C., 1976.1
- Peck, Richard E., 1967.3
- Peckham, John F., 1963.2, 1964.3
- Pierson, Roscoe M., 1953.4
- Poe, Edgar Allan, 1966.2, 1974.1
- Poindexter, Joseph B., 1955.3
- Polk, Noel, 1977.1
- Pollard, A. W., 1950.3 , 1961.4
- Poluito, Conrad, 1953.2, 1954.1, 1954.5, 1955.1
- Pope, Alexander, 1991.1
- Pound, Ezra, 1983.1, 1984.2
- Price, Reynolds, 1986.3
- Quenzel, Carrol H., 1952.8, 1954.5
- Ranganathan, S. R., SNS 20
- Reading, Carolyn, 1954.2
- Redgrave, G. R., 1950.3, 1961.4
- Ribble, Anne G., 1996.2
- Ribble, Frederick G., 1996.2
- Rinker, Mark, SB 4, 1953.2, 1954.1, 1954.5, 1955.3
- Roberson, John, SNS 24
- Roethke, Theodore, 1968.6
- Ross, Charles L., 1979.3
- Rostenberg, Leona, SNS 20
- Roth, Barry, 1973.2, 1985.1
- Sadleir, Michael, 1949.1
- Sallust, 1993.4
- Schmaling, Arthur B., 1955.3
- Sell, Roger D., 1984.1
- Shakespeare, William, 1960.2, 1963.2, 1964.3, 1966.3, 1968.2, 1970.3, 1972.4, 1976.1, 1980.1, 1989.1, 1996.1
- Silver, Rollo G., SNS 12, 1965.2, 1967.8
- Simmes, Valentine, 1968.2
- Sisson, Clinton, SB 28-29
- Skipwith, Robert, 1952.10
- Smith, Charles W., SNS 50, 1952.1, 1963.4
- Snowden, Edgar, Sr., 1954.5
- Snowden, Samuel, 1952.8
- Spalek, John M., 1968.4, 1978.3
- Spangler, Sarah D., 1955.1
- Spencer, S. Frank, SB 1
- Spenser, Edmund, 1950.4
- Spivey, Herman E., 1952.9
- Spoerri, James F., SNS 34, SNS 37, SNS 42, SNS 48, SNS 51, 1959.5
- Stagg, Louis Charles, 1967.9, 1967.10, 1967.11, 1970.4, 1970.5, 1970.6, 1970.7
- Steele, Oliver, 1964.4
- Stendhal, Mme. de (Philippe Berthier), SNS 24
- Stephens, Robert F., 1950.4
- Stern, Madeleine B., SNS 20, 1951.4
- Stoneburner, Seward F., 1954.5
- Streeter, Thomas W., SNS 13, SNS 15
- Szladits, Lola L., 1991.1
- Tanasoca, Donald, SNS 29, SNS 30
- Tanselle, G. Thomas, 1965.3, 1968.5, 1969.4, 1978.4, 1979.4, 1987.1, 1990.1, 1993.3, 1993.4
- Tarr, John C., SNS 4
- Tarr, Rodger L., 1976.2
- Taylor, Peter, 1988.1
- Thompson, Lawrence S., SNS 34, SNS 38
- Thoreau, Henry David, SNS 25, 1954.3, 1957.2, 1986.1
- Tobin, James Edward, SNS 30
- Todd, William B., 1956.2
- Toller, Ernst, 1968.4
- Tourneur, Cyril, 1970.5
- Town, Jessamy, 1996.3, 1996.4
- Travis, William R., SB 4, 1955.3
- Tucker, Edward L., 1985.2
- Turnbull, Robert J., 1956.3, 1960.5
- Tutwiler, Carrington C., Jr., 1967.13, 1969.5
- Valéry, Paul, 1970.1
- Vander Meulen, David L., SB 39-50, 1991.1, 1993.3, 1993.4, 1997.3
- Verner, Coolie, SNS 14, SNS 15, SNS 16, 1950.5, 1960.6
- Walker, Ursula Genung, 1968.6
- Walklet, John J., Jr., 1964.1, 1964.2
- Warren, Robert Penn, 1981.1
- Webb, Horace F., SB 1
- Webster, John, 1967.9
- Weinsheimer, Joel, 1973.2
- Weisenfarth, Joseph, 1981.2
- Welch, Stephen, 1996.4
- Wellford, B. Randolph, SNS 31
- Welty, Eudora, SNS 45, SNS 48, 1960.3
- West, James L. W., III, 1985.3, 1986.3
- Wikander, Karen, 1997.3
- Williams, Franklin B., Jr., 1967.14
- Williams, George W., SNS 36, SNS 48
- Williams, William, 1951.4
- Wing, Donald, SNS 16, SNS 17, SNS 18, SNS 26, SNS 28, SNS 29, SNS 30, SNS 33, SNS 34, SNS 36, SNS 37, 1955.1, 1955.3, 1958.2
- Wirt, William, SNS 31
- Witherell, Elizabeth Hall, 1987.1
- Wolf, Edwin, 1949.4
- Woodward, Gertrude L., 1949.2
- Wordsworth, William, 1962.4
- Wright, David McCord, 1950.6
- Wright, Stuart, 1986.2, 1986.3, 1988.1
- Wroth, Lawrence, SNS 14
- Wyllie, John Cook, Intro., SNS 37, 1947.3, 1949.5, 1952.11, 1954.5, 1956.3, 1963.3, 1968.3, 1969.2, 1974.1
- Zapf, Hermann, 1967.3
Index of Personal Names
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