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Attributions of Authorship in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1827 — 48: A Supplement to Kuist
Emily Lorraine de Montluzin

The following is the fifth installment in my series of articles designed to expand and, where necessary, to correct James M. Kuist's The Nichols File of The Gentleman's Magazine: Attributions of Authorship and Other Documentation in Editorial Papers at the Folger Library (Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1982). For researchers active in the field of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century British press history, especially those familiar with the Gentleman's Magazine and with John Nichols, the GM's long-time editor and presiding genius, Kuist's Nichols File needs little introduction. Based as it is on marginal annotations faithfully recorded by successive generations of the Nichols family in the staff copy of the Gentleman's Magazine, The Nichols File has provided scholars with nearly 13,000 attributions of authorship of hitherto anonymous letters, articles, reviews, and poems appearing in the Magazine from its beginning in 1731 through 1856, the year the Nichols family relinquished ownership of the enterprise.

Kuist's Nichols File does not purport, however, to provide a complete listing of the author of every contribution to the Gentleman's Magazine during the first 125 years of its history. As Kuist made the deliberate decision to include only those attributions of authorship specifically recorded in handwriting on the pages of the staff copy of the GM, The Nichols File is perforce limited in its scope and contains a multitude of omissions. Despite the care lavished on their massive task of annotation by John Nichols's son John Bowyer[1] and others in his family, vast numbers of attributions slipped through the net, some through haste or carelessness, some because their authorship defied all efforts at identification, others conversely because their authors' identities seemed at the time too obvious for anyone to bother writing down. Fortunately, thousands of the missing attributions of authorship can still be supplied through a variety of means: lists of known pseudonyms and sets of initials contained in Kuist's own index, information available in contemporary literary memoirs and the GM's columns of obituaries, the matching of authors with the towns and sometimes even street addresses


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whence they wrote, the unscrambling of anagrams, and a gold mine of hundreds of leads concerning the authorship of GM contributions provided in Kuist's Catalogue II, which lists manuscripts, documents, and unpublished letters housed in the Folger's Nichols File.

The present article undertakes to update Kuist's Nichols File by providing 523 new or corrected attributions of authorship representing 183 contributors and covering the period from 1827 through 1848. It thus serves as a continuation of my four companion-piece articles, "Attributions of Authorship in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1731 — 77: A Supplement to Kuist," Studies in Bibliography 44 (1991): 271 — 302; "Attributions of Authorship . . ., 1778 — 92 . . .," Studies in Bibliography 45 (1992): 158 — 187; "Attributions of Authorship . . ., 1793 — 1808 . . .," Studies in Bibliography 46 (1993): 320 — 349; and "Attributions of Authorship . . ., 1809 — 26 . . .," Studies in Bibliography 47 (1994): 164 — 195.

In some respects opportunities for supplying missing attributions of authorship are more limited in the time period covered by this article than in the years spanned by the previous four installments. With changing times and customs, fewer contributors indulged in the literary game of signing letters with reverse initials, classical pseudonyms, or artfully crafted anagrams. With altered editorial policies after John Nichols's death in 1826 and the commencement of new series in 1834 and 1856, less and less space was allotted to letters to the editor from the GM's far-flung readership. The thousands of letters to Sylvanus Urban, by turns whimsical or argumentative or recondite, that had been the mainstay of the Magazine in John Nichols's day dwindled in the decades after his death to a trickle, relegated increasingly to the Minor Correspondence page or to the filler rounding out each monthly number. Mr. Urban in his mid-nineteenth-century incarnation was clearly less interested in the topics and passions that had preoccupied his eighteenth-century readers: the interpretation of a troublesome passage in Juvenal;[2] details of a newly discovered Roman coin;[3] helpful methods for destroying black beetles in London kitchens;[4] the elucidation of the origins of the phrase "to run amuck";[5] the minute description of "a curious, and . . . non-descript . . . caterpillar . . . uncommonly large and beautiful," found in a potato field in Kent.[6] Under the direction of Bowyer Nichols and his editor, the Rev. John Mitford, longer articles and reviews, written by a staff of paid contributors, replaced the myriad short items and letters on a vast variety of subjects that had formerly crowded Mr. Urban's pages (Kuist 4). In addition, contributions tended more and more to be signed, as authors ceased to bother with maintaining the pretense of anonymity.

The decades of the 1830's, 1840's, and 1850's do, however, offer new opportunities


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for identification of contributors from an entirely different quarter — the thousands of manuscript articles and unprinted letters dating mainly from that period which form a separate part of the Nichols File at the Folger and which Kuist lists in his Catalogue II. With the help of information contained in Catalogue II it is possible to arrive at hundreds of additional attributions of authorship, though the use of Catalogue II requires caution. Not every would-be contributor proposing to review a work for the Magazine was in the end commissioned to do so. In addition, as Catalogue II demonstrates, in various instances several writers sent letters to Bowyer Nichols and his staff offering to review the same publication. In the present article all attributions of authorship based on offers from would-be contributors to supply book reviews, memoirs, and the like have been assigned a question mark unless the evidence makes it quite clear that the proffered material was actually accepted.

The mechanics in this article remain the same as those used in the four previous installments. All finds are cross-listed, with each item appearing in both the Chronological Listing and the Synopsis by Contributor. The Chronological Listing utilizes short titles throughout and employs the following designations:

  • L: letter to Sylvanus Urban
  • A: article, note, or query (including "Minor Correspondence" items)
  • R: review
  • V: poetry
  • O: obituary
  • S: staff item of editorial content
As usual the Chronological Listing provides in brackets the source of each attribution of authorship, the abbreviation "Sig." designating items assigned on the basis of known pseudonyms or initials, especially when internal evidence (for example, the incidence of place-names) corroborates the attributions. Full names of authors (plus birth and death dates when available) appear in the Synopsis by Contributor, the two William Robinsons being differentiated by the abbreviations "Eld." or "Yngr." Abbreviated titles in the Chronological Listing are as follows:
  • BMGC British Museum. General Catalogue of Printed Books. 263 vols. Photo-lithographic ed. to 1955. London: Trustees of the British Museum, 1959 — 66.
  • DNB Dictionary of National Biography. 1908 — 1909 ed.
  • Eng. Cat. English Catalogue of Books . . ., 1801 — 1836. Ed. Robert Alexander Peddie and Quintin Waddington. London: Publishers Circular, n.d.
  • GM Gentleman's Magazine.
  • Illust. Nichols, John. Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eighteenth Century. 8 vols. London, 1817 — 58.
  • Kuist Kuist, James M. The Nichols File of The Gentleman's Magazine: Attributions of Authorship and Other Documentation in Editorial Papers at the Folger Library. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1982.


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Additions to Kuist's Nichols File: Chronological Listing in the GM

  • 97 — i (1827): 27 — 28. L: Busvargus inventory, 1638. N. H. Nicolas. [Sig.: "Clionas"]
  • 97 — i (1827): 32. L: Keigwin poems. N. H. Nicolas. [Sig.: "Clionas"]
  • 97 — i (1827): 82 — 85. A: "Duke of York." W. Scott. [Sig.: "The Author of Waverley"]
  • 97 — i (1827): 117 — 119. L: "Modern Infidelity." A. Highmore. [Sig.: "A.H."]
  • 97 — i (1827): 162. V: "When Is It Time to Die!" C. M. Cadell. [Sig.: "The Author of 'Massenburgh'"; Eng. Cat. 372]
  • 97 — i (1827): 194. A: Playters baronetcy. J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
  • 97 — i (1827): 197 — 198. A: "Letter of a Midshipman." W. Robinson, Yngr. [GM 98 — i (1828): 277n] [Correction for Kuist, who attributes it to W. Robinson, Eld., who wrote the covering letter on p. 196]
  • 97 — i (1827): 207 — 208. L: "Chinese and European Dates." A. Highmore. [Sig.: "A.H."]
  • 97 — i (1827): 230 — 231. L: "Dean Monk, Professor Dobree, and Bp. Bloomfield." J. Lowthian. [Sig.: "Omicron"]
  • 97 — i (1827): 273 — 276. O: John Flaxman. Miss Flaxman [?]. [Kuist 200 cites Flaxman's undated MS letter enc. revision of John Flaxman's obit.]
  • 97 — i (1827): 290. A: Note re epitaph. E. J. Carlos. [Sig.: "E.I.C."]
  • 97 — i (1827): 369 — 371. O: Rev. John Evans, LL.D. J. Evans. [Kuist 200 cites Evans's MS letter of 24 March 1827 re "his memoir of his father. . . ."]
  • 97 — i (1827): 388 — 392. L: "English Universities." J. Lowthian. [Conc. (GM 97 — i [1827]: 504 — 506) is signed "Omicron," Lowthian's signature.]
  • 97 — i (1827): 398 — 399. L: Churchyard epitaphs. A. Highmore. [Sig.: "A.H."]
  • 97 — i (1827): 414-415. L: "Saxon Inscription." T. D. Fosbroke [?]. [Sig.: "S.Y.E."]
  • 97 — i (1827): 482. A: Note on the word "Sul." S. R. Meyrick. [Sig.: "S.R.M."]
  • 97 — i (1827): 494 — 496. L: "Cremation of Hindoo Widows." A. Highmore. [Sig.: "A.H."]
  • 97 — i (1827): 504 — 506. L: "English Universities [cont.]." J. Lowthian. [Sig.: "Omicron"]
  • 97 — i (1827): 592 — 594. L: "Passions in Men." A. Highmore. [Sig.: "A.H."]
  • 97 — i (1827): 631 — 632. V: "Stonehenge." J. H. Bradfield. [Sig.: "J.H.B."]
  • 97 — ii (1827): 4 — 8. L: "English Universities." J. Lowthian. [Sig.: "Omicron"]
  • 97 — ii (1827): 71 — 72. V: "Epilogue to the Eunuchus of Terence." -------- White. [Sig.: "S.N.E."]
  • 97 — ii (1827): 200. L: Woodgate family. S. P. Cox [?]. [Sig.: "S.P.C."; dated London, whence Cox wrote]
  • 97 — ii (1827): 204 — 206. L: "Obsolete Idioms." W. C. Dyer. [Sig.: "W.C.D."]
  • 97 — ii (1827): 296. L: "Col. Colepeper and the Strangford Family." P. C. S. Smythe, Viscount Strangford. [Sig.: "P.C.S.S."]
  • 97 — ii (1827): 320. L: "Royal Arms." H. C. Bowles. [Sig.: "M." (Gothic)]
  • 97 — ii (1827): 391. L: "Peers without Issue." P. C. S. Smythe, Viscount Strangford. [Sig.: "P.C.S.S."]
  • 97 — ii (1827): 466. O: John Plumptre. W. H. Brydges. [Kuist 466 cites Brydges's MS letter of 18 Nov. 1827 enc. obit. of John (incorrectly printed "Joan") Plumptre]

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  • 97 — ii (1827): 482. A: Note re baronies of Burghersh. D. E. Davy. [Sig.: "D.A.Y."]
  • 97 — ii (1827): 482. A. Note re "Tateshall pedigree." D. E. Davy. [Sig.: "D.A.Y."]
  • 97 — ii (1827): 564 — 565. O: Joseph Planta. R. Nares. [Illust. 7: 676]
  • 97 — ii (1827): 586 — 588. L: "Liturgy." J. Lowthian. [Sig.: "Omicron"]
  • 97 — ii (1827): 590 — 591. L: "Irish Baronetages." C. L. Tonson. [Sig.: "G.H.W."]
  • 97 — ii (1827): 592. L: "Roundels." E. Duke. [Sig. "E.D."; dated from "Lake House," whence Duke wrote.]
  • 97 — ii (1827): 593 — 594. L: "Stone Coffins." M. D. Duffield. [Sig.: "Richmondiensis"]
  • 97 — ii (1827): 594 — 596. L: "Defence of the English Universities." R. Nares [?]. [Illust. 7: 676, 676n]
  • 98 — i (1828): 17 — 18. L: "Antient Key." A. J. Kempe. [Sig.: "A.J.K."]
  • 98 — i (1828): 181. O: Rev. John Hellins. R. Nares. [Illust. 7: 669 — 670]
  • 98 — i (1828): 187. O: Rev. David Davies. T. Molineux [?]. [Kuist 205 cites Molineux's MS letter of 22 Feb. 1828 enc. part of an obit. for Davies]
  • 98 — i (1828): 214 — 215. A: "Letter of a Midshipman." W. Robinson, Yngr. [Robinson wrote the series of letters from a midshipman of which this is a part]
  • 98 — i (1828): 218. L: "Mace's New Testament?" S. Merriman. [GM n.s. 39 (1853): 208]
  • 98 — i (1828): 290. A: "Style of a Marquesse." J. R. Planché. [Sig.: "P."; internal evidence]
  • 98 — i (1828): 290. A: Dayrolles family. S. Merriman. [GM n.s. 39 (1853): 208]
  • 98 — i (1828): 391 — 392. L: "On Bell-ringing." E. Phillips. [Sig.: "E.P."]
  • 98 — i (1828): 393 — 394. A: "New Churches. — — No. XVII." E. J. Carlos. [Sig. "E.I.C."]
  • 98 — i (1828): 394 — 396. L: "Descendants of Japhet." A. Highmore. [Sig.: "A.H."]
  • 98 — i (1828): 396 — 398. L: "'Planetae sunt habitabiles.'" J. Lowthian. [Sig.: "Omicron"]
  • 98 — i (1828): 398 — 401. A: "Literary Pleasures. — — No. VIII." E. Phillips. [Sig.: "Alciphron"; Kuist lists Phillips as the author of this series]
  • 98 — i (1828): 401 — 402. L: "House of Sir Henry Vane." J. B. Nichols. [Sig.: "N.R.S."]
  • 98 — i (1828): 408 — 410. L: "Druidism." J. T. Mansel [?]. [Sig.: "Merlinus"; Kuist tentatively attrib. an article signed "Merlinus" (GM 98 — ii [1828]: 120 — 121) to Mansel]
  • 98 — i (1828): 494 — 495. L: "New University." A. Highmore. [Sig.: "A.H."]
  • 98 — i (1828): 496. L: "Nancy Dawson." J. Palmer [?]. [Sig.: "P.I."; dated from Gray's Inn. Palmer, signing "J.P.," dated several contributions from Gray's Inn; Kuist tentatively attrib. a contribution signed "P.I." (GM 76 — i [1806]: 217 — 218 to Palmer]
  • 98 — i (1828): 503 — 507. A: "Literary Pleasures [cont.]." E. Phillips. [Sig.: "Alciphron"; Kuist lists Phillips as the author of this series]
  • 98 — i (1828): 507 — 512. A: "Freethinking Christians." P. A. Nuttall. [Sig.: II.A.N."]

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  • 98 — i (1828): 546 — 548. V: "Epilogus in Adelphos." -------- White. [Sig.: "S.N.E."]
  • 98 — ii (1828): 24 — 25. L: "Monument to Captain Cook." E. Phillips. [Sig.: "E.P."]
  • 98 — ii (1828): 290. A: Query re the liveries of branches of the Royal Family. H. C. Bowles. [Sig.: "M." (Gothic)]
  • 98 — ii (1828): 309. L: "Bell Savage Inn." J. S. Hardy [?]. [Sig.: "J.S.H."; Kuist 276 tentatively attrib. to Hardy a MS "letter to Mr. Urban, signed 'J.S.H.,' . . . with note on the etymology of the Bell Savage Inn. . . ."]
  • 98 — ii (1828): 387 — 390. A: "Popery the Religion of Slavery." P. A. Nuttall. [Sig.: "II.A.N."]
  • 98 — ii (1828): 408. L: "Genealogies of Christ." J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "Cydweli"]
  • 98 — ii (1828): 559 — 566. O: Luke Hansard. A. Chalmers. [GM n.s. 3 (1835): 210n]
  • 98 — ii (1828): 601 — 602. L: "Gunpowder Plot." J. Poynder. [Sig.: "Christianus Protestans"; GM n.s. 3 (1835) 250 — 255, wherein "Christianus Protestans" (whom Kuist identifies as Poynder) notes that he contributed the account of the Gunpowder Plot in GM 98 — ii (1828): 601 — 602]
  • 99 — i (1829): 21 — 24. L: "Evangelical Bribery." T. D. Fosbroke. [Sig.: "A Member of Various Learned Societies, &c."]
  • 99 — i (1829): 112 — 113. L: "Expenses of Religious Missions." T. D. Fosbroke. [Sig.: "A Member of Various Learned Societies"]
  • 99 — i (1829): 162. V: "Lines addressed to Arthur Chichester." A. E. Bray. [Sig.: "The Author of 'The Protestant'"; Eng. Cat. 72]
  • 99 — i (1829): 194. A: Register of Parish of Yarm. J. S. Burn. [Sig.: "J.S.B."; internal evidence]
  • 99 — i (1829): 198 — 200. L: "Origin of our Ecclesiastical Establishments." J. Lowthian. [Sig.: "Omicron"]
  • 99 — i (1829): 217 — 218. L: "Dr. Young's Birth-Place." C. Walters [?]. [Sig.: "C.W."; dated from Bishop's Waltham, whence Walters had written in 1814 (v. Kuist 272)]
  • 99 — i (1829): 257. V: "The Tree of England's Liberty." A. E. Bray. [Sig.: "The Author of 'The Protestant'"; Eng. Cat. 72]
  • 99 — i (1829): 257. V: "King, Church, and Constitution." H. Brandreth. [Sig.: "H.B." ("the Author of 'Field Flowers'"); GM 97 — ii (1827): 631]
  • 99 — i (1829): 290. A: Note re arson at York Minster. W. H. Langton. [Sig.: "G.W.L."]
  • 99 — i (1829): 301 — 303. L: "An unknown Knight of the Garter." S. Grimaldi. [Sig.: "S.G."]
  • 99 — i (1829): 322 — 323. L: "Hyde Family." F. Kendall. [Sig.: "F.K."; dated from Riccall Vicarage; information supplied by Rev. P. Wood, Riccall Vicarage, York, in letter of 14 September 1992]
  • 99 — i (1829): 353. V: "Song" ["Come, quit the city for the grove"]. H. Brandreth. [Sig.: "H.B." ("the Author of 'Field Flowers'"); GM 97 — ii (1827): 631]
  • 99 — i (1829): 370 — 372. O: Archdeacon Nares. J. Jekyll. [Illus. 7: 578n]
  • 99 — i (1829): 386. A: French tracts. J. A. Repton. [Sig.: "J.A.R."]
  • 99 — i (1829): 393 — 394. L: "Catterick Bridge." M. D. Duffield. [Sig.: "Richmondiensis"]

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  • 99 — i (1829): 408. L: "The word 'Desight?'" S. Merriman. [GM n.s. 39 (1853): 208]
  • 99 — i (1829): 413. L: "Eminent Welshmen." J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "Cydweli"]
  • 99 — i (1829): 482. A: "Palace of the Archbishop of Canterbury." W. H. Langton. [Sig.: "G.W.L."]
  • 99 — i (1829): 631 — 635. V: "Epilogus in Andriam."------ White. [Sig.: "S.N.E."]
  • 99 — i (1829): 635. V: "Song" ["Oh! Love's like the bud of the morning rose"]. H. Brandreth. [Sig.: "H.B." ("the Author of 'The Garland,' &c."); Eng. Cat. 71]
  • 99 — ii (1829): 28 — 31. L: "A Walk to Beresford." J. Broughton. [Broughton signed the conc. of this article (GM 99 — ii [1829]: 110 — 112)]
  • 99 — ii (1829): 85 — 87. O: "Captain Kempe." A. K. Kempe. [Sig.: "A.J.K."]
  • 99 — ii (1829): 115 — 116. L: "Stained Glass in Ellesmere Church." H. Pidgeon. [Sig.: "H.P."]
  • 99 — ii (1829): 119 — 120. L: "Martello, or Mortella Towers." S. Grimaldi. [Sig.: "S.G."]
  • 99 — ii (1829): 165 — 166. V: "Impromptu" ["Say, is it curiosity, or what"]. R. Polwhele. [Addressed "To his little boy, Edward Polwhele"; Polwhele had a son named Edward (Rev. Edward Polwhele)]
  • 99 — ii (1829): 183 — 186. O: Rev. G. Gaskin. G. W. Marriott. [GM 103 — i (1833): 473]
  • 99 — ii (1829): 186. O: Christopher James Magnay. A. Chalmers. [GM n.s. 3 (1835): 210n]
  • 99 — ii (1829): 194. A: Viscount Clermont. J. G. Nichols [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
  • 99 — ii (1829): 256 — 259. A: "French Literature." W. S. Browning. [Sig.: "W.S.B."]
  • 99 — ii (1829): 280 — 282. O: Rev. George Gaskin. G. W. Marriott. [GM 103 — i (1833): 473]
  • 99 — ii (1829): 386. A: Peerages. J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
  • 99 — ii (1829): 400. L: "Epitaph on Bp. Heber." H. Pidgeon. [Sig.: "H.P."]
  • 99 — ii (1829): 447 — 448. A: "French Drama." W. S. Browning. [Sig.: "W.S.B."]
  • 99 — ii (1829): 456. V: Two "Sonnets on Rural Scenery." H. Brandreth. [Sig.: "H.B." ("the Author of 'The Garland,' &c."); Eng. Cat. 71]
  • 99 — ii (1829): 483 — 484. L: "Historical Errors in Sir Walter Scott's Novels." W. S. Browning. [Sig. "W.S.B."]
  • 99 — ii (1829): 499. L: "Dissenters [sic] Registers. — Bayeux Tapestry." S. Grimaldi. [Sig.: "S.G."]
  • 99 — ii (1829): 634. V: Two "Sonnets in Rural Scenery [cont.]." H. Brandreth. [Sig.: "H.B." ("the Author of the Garland [sic]"); Eng. Cat. 71]
  • 99 — ii (1829): 643 — 645. O: Rev. George Gaskin (conc.). G. W. Marriott. [GM 103 — i (1833): 473]
  • 100 — i (1830): 2. A: Marriage registers. J. S. Burn [Sig.: "J.S.B."; internal evidence]
  • 100 — i (1830): 29 — 30. L: "Midwife, Man-Midwife, Accoucheur." S. Merriman [GM n.s. 39 (1853): 209]
  • 100 — i (1830): 159 — 161. A: "French Drama." W. S. Browning. [Sig.: "W.S.B."]
  • 100 — i (1830): 182 — 183. O: Mrs. FitzGerald. S. H. Cassan. [GM n.s. 16 (1841): 551]

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  • 100 — i (1830): 215 — 216. L: "G. Spencer." Miss Shephard. [Sig.: "M.S."]
  • 100 — i (1830): 290. A: Note on Mrs. FitzGerald. C. L. Tonson. [Sig.: "G.H.W."; Kuist 208 cites Tonson's MS letter of 3 June 1830 "on information towards obituary article on Mrs. FitzGerald. . . ."]
  • 100 — i (1830): 355. V: "Lines" ["Oh, envy not the Poet's lot"]. H. Pidgeon. [Sig.: "H.P."]
  • 100 — i (1830): 412 — 415. L: "Modern Law Reform." W. Tooke. [Sig.: "M.M.M."; internal evidence]
  • 100 — i (1830): 514 — 516. L: "Old Gazettes." J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "Cydweli"]
  • 100 — i (1830): 540 — 542. A: "Royal Academy." E. J. Carlos. [Sig.: "E.I.C."]
  • 100 — i (1830): 568. O: Rev. Joseph Cassan. S. H. Cassan. [GM n.s. 16 (1841): 551]
  • 100 — i (1830): 583. L: "Mexborough Peerage." C. L. Tonson. [Sig.: "G.H.W."]
  • 100 — ii (1830): 17 — 18. L: "Roman Remains." T. Allen. [GM 103 — ii (1833): 87]
  • 100 — ii (1830): 25 — 26. L: "On Church Bells." N. Scatcherd. [Sig.: "N.S."]
  • 100 — ii (1830): 87. O: General Meyrick. S. H. Cassan. [GM n.s. 16 (1841): 551]
  • 100 — ii (1830): 98. A: Error in almanacs. W. H. Langton. [Sig.: "G.W.L."]
  • 100 — ii (1830): 194. A: Whaplode gravestone. E. J. Carlos. [Sig.: "E.I.C."]
  • 100 — ii (1830): 297 — 298. A: "New Churches. — No. XXVII." E. J. Carlos. [Sig.: "E.I.C."]
  • 100 — ii (1830): 357. V: "To Miss Fanny Kemble." W. Butler. [Sig.: "W.B."]
  • 100 — ii (1830): 387 — 390. L: "Correspondence of Volney and Baron de Grimm." J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "J.T.M."]
  • 100 — ii (1830): 403 — 404. L: "Family of Martin the Regicide." C. E. Long. [Sig.: "˄."]
  • 100 — ii (1830): 408. N: Query re 1800 assassination attempt against George III. W. H. Rosser [?]. [Sig.: "W.H.R."]
  • 100 — ii (1830): 415 — 416. L: "Errors in Berry's Kentish Genealogies." W. Mainwaring [?]. [Sig.: "W. M------g"]
  • 100 — ii (1830): 472 — 473. O: R. J. Lawrence. J. Lawrence. [GM n.s. 15 (1841): 206]
  • 100 — ii (1830): 502 — 504. L: "On Celtic Civilization." W. S. Browning. [Sig.: "W.S.B."]
  • 100 — ii (1830): 547. V: "Momentary Thoughts." H. Pidgeon. [Sig.: "H.P."]
  • 101 — i (1831): 16. L: "French Writers." J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "Cydweli"]
  • 101 — i (1831): 76. V: "The Giants of St. Dunstan's." J. G. Nichols [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
  • 101 — i (1831): 98. A: "Polignac pedigree." W. H. Langton [?]. [Sig.: "W.H.L."]
  • 101 — i (1831): 164. V: "Song" ["Let us wander, let us wander"]. H. Brandreth. [Sig.: "H.B."]
  • 101 — i (1831): 208. L: "Sir Thos. Hunt." A. Page. [Sig.: "A.P."]
  • 101 — i (1831): 224. L: "Signification of Káμηλoς." S. Merriman. [GM n.s. 39 (1853): 209; correction for Kuist, who tentatively attributes it to Merriman]
  • 101 — i (1831): 254. V: "Momentary Thoughts." H. Pidgeon. [Sig.: "H.P."]

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  • 101 — i (1831): 255. V: "The Witchcraft of Eyes." H. Brandreth. [GM 101 — i (1831): 665]
  • 101 — i (1831): 296. L: "Registers of London Chapels." J. S. Burn. [Sig.: "J.S.B."; internal evidence]
  • 101 — i (1831): 306 — 309. L: Derivation of "Bougier." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
  • 101 — i (1831): 324. L: "Modern Latin Poetry." W. Mainwaring. [Sig. "W. M--------nw--------g"]
  • 101 — i (1831): 352. V: "Momentary Thoughts, No. III." H. Pidgeon. [Sig.: "H.P."]
  • 101 — i (1831): 412 — 414. L: Letter writer's trans. of "M. de Marlés on the Kingdom of Bactria" enc. J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "Cydweli"]
  • 101 — i (1831): 417 — 418. L: Coket family. A. Page. [Sig.: "A.P."]
  • 101 — i (1831): 445 — 448. A: "Royal Academy." E. J. Carlos. [Cont. (GM 101 — i [1831]: 540 — 541) is signed "E.I.C.," Carlos's frequent signature]
  • 101 — i (1831): 540 — 541. A: "Royal Academy [cont.]." E. J. Carlos. [Sig.: "E.I.C."]
  • 101 — i (1831): 548. V: "Anniversary Address." P. A. Nuttall. [Sig.: "P.A.N."]
  • 101 — i (1831): 569 — 570. O: Charles Rivington. A. Chalmers. [Illust. 8: 505; GM n.s. 3 (1835): 210n]
  • 101 — i (1831): 631 — 632. A: "Adversaria." J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "Cydweli"]
  • 101 — ii (1831): 13 — 16. L: "Local Antiquities — Kellington." J. Lowthian. [Sig.: "Omicron"]
  • 101 — ii (1831): 137 — 138. L: "Antient Gravestones." E. J. Carlos. [Sig.: "E.I.C."]
  • 101 — ii (1831): 138 — 139. L: Canons of Dawes. J. Tate. [Sig.: "J.T."]
  • 101 — ii (1831): 194. A: Daru's Histoire de Bretagne. J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "Cydweli"]
  • 101 — ii (1831): 194. A: Query re "Dilgerunt or Dillegrout." W. H. Langton [?]. [Sig.: "W.H.L."]
  • 101 — ii (1831): 195 — 199. A: "New Peerages." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
  • 101 — ii (1831): 256 — 257. A: "Adversaria." J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "Cydweli"]
  • 101 — ii (1831): 322. V: "Statue of Cyril Jackson." C. Hoyle. [Sig.: "C.H."]
  • 101 — ii (1831): 323. V: "Statue of Newton." C. Hoyle. [Sig.: "C.H."]
  • 101 — ii (1831): 349 — 351. A: "French Drama." W. S. Browning. [Sig.: "W.S.B."]
  • 101 — ii (1831): 351 — 352. A: "Adversaria." J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "Cydweli"]
  • 101 — ii (1831): 405 — 407. L: "Sir Henry Calthorpe." A. Page. [Sig.: "A.P."]
  • 101 — ii (1831): 411. L: "Lines for a missale," trans. by J.F.M.D., enc. D. Parkes (cover letter) and J. F. M. Dovaston [?] (trans.). [Sig.: "Δ.II." (Parkes) and "J.F.M.D." (Dovaston)]
  • 101 — ii (1831): 415 — 417. L: "Beroeans and Thessalonicans." W. H. Black. [Sig.: "ME˄AΣ"]
  • 101 — ii (1831): 420 — 421. V: Trans. of Jacob Bryant's "Cara Miauline." C. Hoyle [?]. [Sig.: "C.H."]
  • 101 — ii (1831): 453. A: "Adversaria." J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "Cydweli"]
  • 101 — ii (1831): 486 — 487. L: "Presumed Magicians." J. Lowthian. [Sig.: "Omicron"]
  • 101 — ii (1831): 499 — 500. L: "Malmesbury." B. C. Taylor. [Sig.: "B.C.T."]
  • 101 — ii (1831): 500 — 502. L: "Buttevant Abbey." R. Sainthill [?]. [Sig.: "R.S."]

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  • 101 — ii (1831): 515 — 520. L: "Present State of Stonehenge." G. G. Vincent [?]. [Sig.: "G.G.V."; internal evidence]
  • 101 — ii (1831): 553. V: "Paganini." C. Hoyle. [Sig.: "C.H."]
  • 101 — ii (1831): 553. V: "Momentary Thoughts, No. IV." H. Pidgeon. [Sig.: "H.P."]
  • 101 — ii (1831): 598. L: "Anecdote of Northcote." T. Adams [?]. [Sig.: "Alpha"]
  • 102 — i (1832): 10 — 12. L: "Dr. Tho. Morgan." S. Merriman. [GM n.s. 39 (1853): 209]
  • 102 — i (1832): 17 — 23. A: "Hume, Gibbon, and Robertson." C. E. Long [?]. [Sig.: "Lambda"]
  • 102 — i (1832): 67 — 68. A: "Adversaria." J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "Cydweli"]
  • 102 — i (1832): 70. V: "Momentary Thoughts, No. V." H. Pidgeon. [Sig.: "H.P."]
  • 102 — i (1832): 70 — 71. V: "Chi dorme coi cani, si leva colle pulci." C. Hoyle. [Sig.: "C.H."]
  • 102 — i (1832): 71. V: "Pian Piano." C. Hoyle. [Sig.: "C.H."]
  • 102 — i (1832): 71. V: "Wharf and Aire." C. Hoyle. [Sig.: "C.H."]
  • 102 — i (1832): 109. L: "Table of Commandments." Miss Shephard [?]. [Sig.: "M.S."]
  • 102 — i (1832): 109 — 110. L: "Calthorpe Family." A. Page. [Sig.: "A.P."]
  • 102 — i (1832): 121 — 126. A: "Hume, Gibbon, and Robertson [cont.]." C. E. Long [?]. [Sig.: "Lambda"]
  • 102 — i (1832): 163. V: "Wealth and Freedom." C. Hoyle [?]. [Sig.: "C.H."]
  • 102 — i (1832): 163. V: "True Love." C. Hoyle [?]. [Sig.: "C.H."]
  • 102 — i (1832): 163. V: "Aurum Potabile." C. Hoyle [?]. [Sig.: "C.H."]
  • 102 — i (1832): 194. A: Note re peerages. C. L. Tonson. [Sig.: "G.H.W."]
  • 102 — i (1832): 206 — 208. L: "Lords Fleming, of Slane." S. M'Skimin. [Sig.: "S.M'S."]
  • 102 — i (1832): 217 — 222. A: "Hume, Gibbon, and Robertson [cont.]." C. E. Long [?]. [Sig.: "Lambda"]
  • 102 — i (1832): 290. S: Note re poem, "The Power of Innocence." S. Merriman. [GM n.s. 39 (1853): 209]
  • 102 — i (1832): 313 — 317. A: "Hume, Gibbon, and Robertson [conc.]." C. E. Long [?]. [Conc. of GM 102 — i (1832): 217 — 222, which is signed "Lambda"; Long used "˄" and "λ" for his signature in various contributions during the 1830's and 1840's]
  • 102 — i (1832): 411. L: "License to cure the Evil." J. Blatch. [Sig.: "J.B."; dated from Basingstoke Rectory; information supplied by Canon Clifford Wright, St. Michael's Rectory, Basingstoke, Hants., in letter of 25 September 1992]
  • 102 — i (1832): 452. V: Four sonnets on "the Antiquities of Wiltshire." C. Hoyle. [Sig.: "C.H."; internal evidence]
  • 102 — i (1832): 482. A: Note re hats. J. A. Repton. [Sig.: "J.A.R."]
  • 102 — i (1832): 482. A: Effigy of Bishop Shepey at Rochester. E. J. Carlos. [Sig.: "E.I.C."]
  • 102 — i (1832): 508 — 510. L: "On the Analogia Linguae Graecae. No. V." J. Tate. [Part of a multi-part series, the other installments of which were signed by Tate]
  • 102 — i (1832): 548. V: "Edward and Leolin." C. Hoyle. [Part of a MS poem,


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    "Aneurin in Cambria," another excerpt from which (GM 102 — i [1832]: 631 — 632) is signed "C.H." and dated Overton, whence Hoyle wrote; v. below]
  • 102 — i (1832): 594 — 599. L: "Archery." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
  • 102 — i (1832): 631 — 632. V: "Legend of the Harper." C. Hoyle. [Sig.: "C.H."]
  • 102 — i (1832): 632. V: "Sweet are the hours of youth and love." C. Hoyle. [Sig.: "C.H."; internal evidence]
  • 102 — ii (1832): 67. V: "Advice." C. Hoyle. [Sig.: "C.H."; internal evidence]
  • 102 — ii (1832): 67. V: "Doubt, from the tree of knowledge sprung." C. Hoyle. [Sig.: "C.H."; internal evidence]
  • 102 — ii (1832): 67. V: "The winter's night is long and cold." C. Hoyle. [Sig.: "C.H."; internal evidence]
  • 102 — ii (1832): 165. V: "As in a body ill at ease." C. Hoyle. [Sig.: "C.H."]
  • 102 — ii (1832): 194. A: Dayrolles family. W. H. Langton. [Sig.: "G.W.L."]
  • 102 — ii (1832): 194. A: Maj.-Gen. Charles Stuart. -------- Palmer. [Kuist 254 cites Palmer's MS text of "memoir for 'Minor [Correspondence]' on the late Charles Stuart" (dated 17 Aug. 1832)]
  • 102 — ii (1832): 194. A: Misc. remarks and corrections. W. H. Langton. [Sig.: "G.W.L."]
  • 102 — ii (1832): 228 — 229. L: "Etymology of the word Aroint." S. Merriman. [GM n.s. 39 (1853): 209]
  • 102 — ii (1832): 257 — 258. A: "Lady Chapel, Southwark." E. J. Carlos. [Sig.: "E.I.C."]
  • 102 — ii (1832): 258 — 259. V: "Sailors." C. Hoyle. [Sig.: "C.H."]
  • 102 — ii (1832): 394. A: Query re peerages. C. L. Tonson. [Sig.: "G.H.W."]
  • 102 — ii (1832): 480. O: Rev. John Farrent. W. H. Black. [Sig.: "W.H.B."]
  • 102 — ii (1832): 499 — 500. L: "Wardrobe Account of 14th Edward II." J. Gordon. [Sig.: "J.G."; Kuist 234 cites Gordon's MS text consisting of an "edited letter to Mr. Urban, signed 'J.G.,' 'Daily Wardrobe Account of the 14th Yr. of King Edward the Second,'" dated Dec. 1832]
  • 102 — ii (1832): 504. L: "Bishops of Down and Connor." S. M'Skimin. [GM note acknowledges that the same correspondent contributed GM 102 — i (1832): 404 — 405, which Kuist attrib. to S. M'Skimin]
  • 102 — ii (1832): 563. V: "A Winter's Hymn." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
  • 102 — ii (1832): 574 — 578. O: Anna Maria Porter. T. Harral. [Kuist 237 cites Harral's MS letters of 22 Sept. 1832, 12 Nov. 1832, and 9 Dec. 1832 re a memoir of Porter, plus the proof text of a memoir dated Dec. 1832]
  • 103 — i (1833): 2. A: Note re "the old Court hand." A. J. Kempe. [Sig.: "A.J.K."]
  • 103 — i (1833): 104. L: "Ancient Inscription at Drawdykes." J. Hodgson. [Sig.: "V.W."; Kuist 202 cites Hodgson's MS text of a "letter . . . on an ancient inscription, signed 'V.W.,'" dated 23 Oct. 1832 and inserted here in staff copy]
  • 103 — i (1833): 117 — 119. A: "The Censor. — No. XXII." J. T. Mansel. [Kuist lists Mansel as the author of this multi-part series.]
  • 103 — i (1833): 205 — 206. L: "Royntree, or Rowantree." S. Merriman. [GM n.s. 39 (1853): 209]
  • 103 — i (1833): 206 — 207. L: "Improved public Feeling as to ancient Buildings." J. Y. Akerman. [Sig.: "J.Y.A."]
  • 103 — i (1833): 359. V: "To an Old Pier Glass." Miss Seward [?]. Sig.: "M.S."]

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  • 103 — i (1833): 359. V: "Needs must I grant, accomplished Bard." C. Hoyle. [Sig.: "C.H."]
  • 103 — i (1833): 386. A: Note re "the word Foy." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
  • 103 — i (1833): 386. A: Comments re GM. C. L. Tonson. [Sig.: "G.H.W."]
  • 103 — i (1833): 454 — 455. V: "Llynsafaddan." C. Hoyle. [Sig.: "C.H."]
  • 103 — i (1833): 550. V: "Thoughts in Sorrow." C. Hoyle. [Sig.: "C.H."]
  • 103 — i (1833): 577. A: "New Churches. — No. XXXV." E. J. Carlos. [GM n.s. 35 (1851): 442 — 443]
  • 103 — ii (1833): 2. A: Picture of Cromwell. W. S. Browning. [Sig.: "W.S.B."]
  • 103 — ii (1833): 124 — 125. L: "Nicolas's 'Chronology of History.'" J. Gordon. [Sig.: "J.G."]
  • 103 — ii (1833): 128 — 129. L: "Annesley Family; Extinct Peerages of Ireland." C. L. Tonson. [Sig.: "T.L.C."; Kuist incorrectly paginates this as 8 — 29]
  • 103 — ii (1833): 194. A: "Roman Catholic prelates." C. L. Tonson. [Sig.: "T.L.C."]
  • 103 — ii (1833): 261 — 262. V: "Llewelys." C. Hoyle. [Sig.: "C.H."; internal evidence]
  • 103 — ii (1833): 262. V: Trans. of Sir Egerton Brydges's "Sonnet on Echo and Silence." F. Wrangton [?]. [Sig.: "F.W."]
  • 103 — ii (1833): 280 — 281. O: Rev. Samuel Jones. H. Pidgeon. [Sig.: "H.P."; internal evidence]
  • 103 — ii (1833): 368 — 369. O: Sir Harry James Goodricke. J. Usher [?]. [Kuist 271 cites Usher's MS text of a memoir of Sir Harry Goodrich [sic] dated 4 Sept. 1833 and Usher's MS letter of 25 Sept. 1833 re the same memoir]
  • 103 — ii (1833): 469 — 471. O: Richard Hall Gower. J. G. Patem. [Kuist 255 cites Patem's MS letter of 4 Oct. 1833 re a memoir of Gower and Patem's MS letter of 12 Nov. 1833 enc. the same. Note that Gower's brief death notice in GM 103 — ii (1833): 382 states that "some further particulars of . . . [Gower] are promised by a correspondent."]
  • 103 — ii (1833): 481 — 484. L: "Memorials of Sir Thomas More." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
  • 103 — ii (1833): 503 — 504. L: "Aldeby, Norfolk." A. Page. [Sig.: "A.P."]
  • 103 — ii (1833): 532. V: "To be reported rich as Croesus." C. Hoyle. [Sig.: "C.H."; internal evidence]
  • 103 — ii (1833): 532. V: "The Wold." C. Hoyle [?]. [Sig.: "C.H."; immediately follows above item]
  • N.s. 1 (1834): 118. O: Thomas Peete Wimberley. C. M. Wimberley. [Kuist 274 cites C. M. Wimberley's MS letter of 20 Dec. 1833 enc. an obit. for T. P. Wimberley; internal evidence corroborates C. M. Wimberley's authorship]
  • N.s. 1 (1834): 346. A: Horace Walpole's letters. W. H. Langton. [Sig.: "G.W.L."]
  • N.s. 2 (1834): 82. L: Stothard's works. A. J. Kempe. [Sig.: "A.J.K."]
  • N.s. 3 (1835): 15 — 19. A: "Diary of a Lover of Literature [cont.]." T. Green. [GM n.s. 1 (1834): 5 — 7; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to John Mitford, who edited the "Diary"]
  • N.s. 3 (1835): 127 — 133. A: "Diary of a Lover of Literature [cont.]." T. Green. [GM n.s. 1 (1834): 5 — 7; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to John Mitford, who edited the "Diary"]
  • N.s. 3 (1835): 145 — 147. L: "Archery at Harrow." F. Olding. [Sig.: "F.O."]

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  • N.s. 3 (1835): 167 — 168. L: "Anglo-Saxon Controversy." R. M. White. [Sig.: "T.W."]
  • N.s. 3 (1835): 350 — 356. A: "Diary of a Lover of Literature [cont.]." T. Green. [GM n.s. 1 (1834): 5 — 7; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to John Mitford, who edited the "Diary"]
  • N.s. 3 (1835): 570 — 574. A: "Diary of a Lover of Literature [cont.]." T. Green. [GM n.s. 1 (1834): 5 — 7; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to John Mitford, who edited the "Diary"]
  • N.s. 4 (1835): 40. L: "Second Commandment altered by Roman Catholics." I. D'Israeli. [Sig.: "The Author of Curiosities of Literature"; BMGC]
  • N.s. 4 (1835): 235 — 238. A: "Diary of a Lover of Literature [cont.]." T. Green. [GM n.s. 1 (1834): 5 — 7]
  • N.s. 4 (1835): 432 — 433. O: John Wastie. J. G. Nichols [?]. [Kuist 279 cites a MS text, tentatively attrib. to J. G. Nichols, of an obit. for Wastie (1835)]
  • N.s. 4 (1835): 458 — 462. A: "Diary of a Lover of Literature [cont.]." T. Green. [GM n.s. 1 (1834): 5 — 7]
  • N.s. 5 (1836): 10 — 13. A: "Diary of a Lover of Literature [cont.]." T. Green. [GM n.s. 1 (1834): 5 — 7; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to John Mitford, who edited the "Diary"]
  • N.s. 5 (1836): 338. A: Royal roads of England. J. Hodgson [?]. [Sig.: "J.F.R."]
  • N.s. 5 (1836): 378 — 384. A: "Catalogue of the Doucean Museum [cont.]." S. R. Meyrick. [Illust. 8: 663]
  • N.s. 5 (1836): 450. A: "Norman Chiefs." E. Taylor. [Sig.: "T.P.B."]
  • N.s. 5 (1836): 459 — 463. A: "Diary of a Lover of Literature [cont.]." T. Green. [GM n.s. 1 (1834): 5 — 7]
  • N.s. 6 (1836): 123 — 127. A: "Diary of a Lover of Literature [cont.]." T. Green. [GM n.s. 1 (1834): 5 — 7; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to John Mitford, who edited the "Diary"]
  • N.s. 6 (1836): 158 — 160. A: "Catalogue of the Doucean Museum [cont.]." S. R. Meyrick. [Illust. 8: 663]
  • N.s. 6 (1836): 367 — 369. L: "Voyage of Robert Bargrave to Turkey." E. S. Curling. [Curling signed the cont. of this in GM n.s. 6 (1836): 604 — 608]
  • N.s. 6 (1836): 378 — 384. A: "Catalogue of the Doucean Museum [cont.]." S. R. Meyrick. [Illust. 8: 663]
  • N.s. 6 (1836): 492 — 494. A: "Catalogue of the Doucean Museum [cont.]." S. R. Meyrick. [Illust. 8: 663]
  • N.s. 6 (1836): 572 — 578. A: "Diary of a Lover of Literature [cont.]." T. Green. [GM n.s. 1 (1834): 5 — 7; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to John Mitford, who edited the "Diary"]
  • N.s. 7 (1837): 158. L: "Letter of Lord Nelson." S. P. Cox. [Sig.: "S.P.C."]
  • N.s. 7 (1837): 205 — 207. O: Rev. Spencer Madan, D.D. S. Madan. [GM n.s. 37 (1852): 98]
  • N.s. 7 (1837): 242. L: "Pedigree of the Poet Goldsmith." S. P. Cox. [Sig.: "S.P.C."]
  • N.s. 7 (1837): 260 — 261. L: "Mendham Priory." G. A. Carthew. [Sig.: "G.A.C."]
  • N.s. 7 (1837): 353 — 358. A: "Diary of a Lover of Literature [cont.]." T.


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    Green. [GM n.s. 1 (1834): 5 — 7; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to John Mitford, who edited the "Diary"]
  • N.s. 7 (1837): 426. O: William, Duke of Bavaria. J. G. Nichols [?]. [Kuist 279 cites a MS text, tentatively attrib. to J. G. Nichols, for an obit. for the Duke of Bavaria (1835)]
  • N.s. 7 (1837): 426 — 427. O: Earl of Rosslyn. J. G. Nichols [?]. [Kuist 279 cites a MS text, tentatively attrib. to J. G. Nichols, for an obit. for the Earl of Rosslyn]
  • N.s. 7 (1837): 427 — 428. O: Lord Scarsdale. J. G. Nichols [?]. [Kuist 279 cites a MS text, tentatively attrib. to J. G. Nichols, for obit. for Scarsdale (1836)]
  • N.s. 7 (1837): 428. O: Sir William M'Mahon. J. G. Nichols [?]. [Kuist 279 cites a MS text, tentatively attrib. to J. G. Nichols, for an obit. for M'Mahon (1836)]
  • N.s. 7 (1837): 428 — 429. O: Sir Robert Burnett. J. G. Nichols [?]. [Kuist 279 cites a MS text, tentatively attrib. to J. G. Nichols, for an obit. for Burnett (1836)]
  • N.s. 7 (1837): 429. O: Sir F. R. E. Dalberg-Acton. J. G. Nichols [?]. [Kuist 279 cites a MS text, tentatively attrib. to J. G. Nichols, for an obit. for Dalberg-Acton (1836)]
  • N.s. 7 (1837): 429. O: Sir Charles Halkett. J. G. Nichols [?]. [Kuist 279 cites a MS text, tentatively attrib. to J. G. Nichols, for an obit. for Halkett (1836)]
  • N.s. 7 (1837): 429. O: Sir James W. W. Wolff. J. G. Nichols [?]. [Kuist 279 cites a MS text, tentatively attrib. to J. G. Nichols, for an obit. for Wolff (1836)]
  • N.s. 7 (1837): 429 — 430. O: William Dickinson. J. G. Nichols [?]. [Kuist 279 cites a MS text, tentatively attrib. to J. G. Nichols, for an obit. for Dickinson (1836)]
  • N.s. 7 (1837): 430. O: Davies Davenport. J. G. Nichols [?]. [Kuist 279 cites a MS text, tentatively attrib. to J. G. Nichols, for an obit. for Davenport (1836)]
  • N.s. 7 (1837): 430. O: William Fulke Greville. J. G. Nichols [?]. [Kuist 279 cites a MS text, tentatively attrib. to J. G. Nichols, for an obit. for Greville (1836)]
  • N.s. 7 (1837): 430. O: Thomas Leeke. J. G. Nichols [?]. [Kuist 279 cites a MS text, tentatively attrib. to J. G. Nichols, for an obit. for Leeke (1836)]
  • N.s. 7 (1837): 431 — 432. O: General Mina. J. G. Nichols [?]. [Kuist 279 cites a MS text, tentatively attrib. to J. G. Nichols, for an obit. for Mina (1836)]
  • N.s. 7 (1837): 432. O: Col. P. Doherty. J. G. Nichols [?]. [Kuist 279 cites a MS text, tentatively attrib. to J. G. Nichols, for an obit. for Doherty (1836)]
  • N.s. 7 (1837): 432. O: Col. Clifford. J. G. Nichols [?]. [Kuist 279 cites a MS text, tentatively attrib. to J. G. Nichols, for an obit. for Clifford (1836)]
  • N.s. 7 (1837): 432 — 433. O: Capt. Harris. J. G. Nichols [?]. [Kuist 279 cites a MS text, tentatively attrib. to J. G. Nichols, for an obit. for Harris (1835)]

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  • N.s. 7 (1837): 433 — 434. O: Rev. William Farish. J. G. Nichols [?]. [Kuist 279 cites a MS text, tentatively attrib. to J. G. Nichols, for an obit. for Farish (1837)]
  • N.s. 7 (1837): 434. O: Hugh Ley. S. Merriman. [GM n.s. 39 (1853): 209]
  • N.s. 7 (1837): 435 — 436. O: Joseph Sabine. J. G. Nichols [?]. [Kuist 279 cites a MS text, tentatively attrib. to J. G. Nichols, for an obit. for Sabine]
  • N.s. 7 (1837): 478 — 479. L: "Surnames." J. Adcock. [Sig.: "J.A.C.K."]
  • N.s. 7 (1837): 494 — 496. L: "St. Dunstan's, Canterbury." J. B. Bunce. [Sig.: "V.S.D."; dated from St. Dunstan's, Canterbury; information supplied by Jean C. Race, Oldroyd House, 55 London Road, Canterbury, Kent, in letter of 23 September 1992]
  • N.s. 7 (1837): 562. A: Death of Charles II. J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
  • N.s. 7 (1837): 583. L: "Roof of Westminster Hall. — John Barclay's Works." J. Roche. [Sig.: "J.R."]
  • N.s. 8 (1837): 3 — 11. R: Robert Benson's Memoirs of Arthur Collier. J. Mitford [?]. [Kuist 277 cites an incomplete MS text, tentatively attrib. to Mitford, of a review of Benson's Collier (1837)]
  • N.s. 8 (1837): 11 — 14. A: "Diary of a Lover of Literature [cont.]." T. Green. [GM n.s. 1 (1834): 5 — 7]
  • N.s. 8 (1837): L: "Goldsmith's Intercourse with Voltaire." J. Roche. [Sig.: "J.R."]
  • N.s. 8 (1837): 21 — 22. L: "William le Mareschal." D. E. Davy. [Sig.: "D.A.Y."]
  • N.s. 8 (1837): 83 — 84. O: Lord Lyttelton. J. G. Nichols [?]. [Kuist 279 cites a MS text, tentatively attrib. to J. G. Nichols, for an obit. for Lyttleton]
  • N.s. 8 (1837): 90 — 91. O: Charles Bowles. J. G. Nichols [?]. [Kuist 279 cites a MS text, tentatively attrib. to J. G. Nichols, for an obit. for Bowles (1837)]
  • N.s. 8 (1837): 160. V: "To Margaret." W. L. Bowles. [Sig.: "W.L.B."]
  • N.s. 8 (1837): 218. A: Eugene Aram. C. V. Le Grice. [Sig.: "Cergiel"]
  • N.s. 8 (1837): 218. A: Passage re Ireland in Tacitus's Agricola. C. W. Loscombe [?]. [Sig.: "C.W.L."]
  • N.s. 8 (1837): 231 — 235. A: "Diary of a Lover of Literature [cont.]." T. Green. [GM n.s. 1 (1834): 5 — 7]
  • N.s. 8 (1837): 238 — 239. L: "Arms of the Bishops of Winchester at Esher." L. B. Larking. [Sig.: "L.B.L."]
  • N.s. 8 (1837): 239. L: "Ancient Seal." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
  • N.s. 8 (1837): 254 — 256. L: "Proxility of the Venetians." J. Roche. [Sig.: "J.R."]
  • N.s. 8 (1837): 257. L: Anon. acc't of "The Library at Mafra" enc. W. H. Black [?]. [Sig.: "W.H.B."]
  • N.s. 8 (1837): 313. O: Lt.-Gen. Hon. William FitzRoy. J. G. Nichols [?]. [Kuist 279 cites a MS text, tentatively attrib. to J. G. Nichols, for an obit. for Fitzroy (1836)]
  • N.s. 8 (1837): 330. A: Note re the Psalms. C. W. Loscombe [?]. [Sig.: "C.W.L."]
  • N.s. 8 (1837): 341 — 346. A: "Notes to Boswell's Life of Johnson [cont.]." J. Mitford. [Kuist attrib. the cont. (GM n.s. 9 [1838]: 348 — 354) of this to Mitford]

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  • N.s. 8 (1837): 346 — 349. L: "Gifford's Tour in Greece." J. Mitford. [Sig.: "J.M."]
  • N.s. 8 (1837): 352 — 353. A: "Roman Numerals." P. A. Nuttall. [Sig.: "P.A.N."]
  • N.s. 8 (1837): 370 — 372. V: "The Owl." J. Mitford. [Sig.: "J.M."]
  • N.s. 8 (1837): 372. V: "Song. Suggested by One in Macneil's Poems." J. Mitford. [Sig.: "J.M."]
  • N.s. 8 (1837): 373 — 374. A: "Retrospective Review." J. Mitford. [Sig.: "J.M."]
  • N.s. 8 (1837): 388 — 389. R: Loudon's Arboretum Britannicum. J. Mitford. [Sig.: "J.M."]
  • N.s. 8 (1837): 442. A: "Surnames terminating with Cock." J. Adcock. [Sig.: "J.A.C.K."]
  • N.s. 8 (1837): 455 — 458. A: "Diary of a Lover of Literature [cont.]." T. Green. [GM n.s. 1 (1834): 5 — 7]
  • N.s. 8 (1837): 488 — 489. A: "Letter of Oliver Cromwell." G. Morris. [Sig.: "G.M."]
  • N.s. 8 (1837): 489 — 490. L: "Letter of John Evelyn" enc. C. W. Loscombe [?]. [Sig.: "C.W.L."]
  • N.s. 8 (1837): 563 — 569. A: "Notes to Boswell's Life of Johnson [cont.]." J. Mitford. [Kuist attrib. the cont. (GM n.s. 9 [1838]: 348 — 354) of this to Mitford]
  • N.s. 8 (1837): 572. L: "Encaustic Tiles." B. C. Taylor. [Sig.: "B.C.T."; internal evidence]
  • N.s. 8 (1837): 633 — 634. L: Roman coins. G. C. Gorman [Sig.: "G.C.G."]
  • N.s. 9 (1838): 464 — 469. A: "Diary of a Lover of Literature [cont.]." T. Green. [GM n.s. 1 (1834): 5 — 7]
  • N.s. 10 (1838): 672. S: Add. to obit. for J. Norris. S. Merriman. [GM n.s. 39 (1853): 209]
  • N.s. 11 (1839): 50 — 51. L: "MSS of Chaucer in the Bodleian Library." H. Hill, Jr. [Sig.: "H.H."; this item referred to in another letter (GM n.s: 11 [1839]: 500 — 502) signed "H.H." and dated from Greta Hall, Keswick, the home of Robert Southey, Hill's father-in-law. Hill worked briefly in the Bodleian. (See Kenneth Curry, ed., New Letters of Robert Southey [New York: Columbia UP, 1965] 2: 463 [n. 2], 491.)]
  • N.s. 11 (1839): 450. A: Inscription on a seal. J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
  • N.s. 11 (1839): 500 — 502. L: "Poem by Philip Earl of Arundel." H. Hill, Jr. [Sig.: "H.H."; internal evidence; v. entry for GM n.s. 11 (1839): 50 — 51]
  • N.s. 12 (1839): 455 — 459. A: "Diary of a Lover of Literature [cont.]." T. Green. [GM n.s. 1 (1834): 5 — 7; correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to John Mitford, who edited the "Diary"]
  • N.s. 13 (1840): 267 — 270. L: "License of the Duke of York's Company of Players." A. J. Kempe. [Sig.: "A.J.K."]
  • N.s. 13 (1840): 598 — 599. L: "Ancient Geography." J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "J.T.M."; Kuist incorrectly paginates this as 498 — 499]
  • N.s. 14 (1840): 38 — 42. L: Scott's Guy Mannering. G. J. French [?]. [DNB 7: 691]
  • N.s. 14 (1840): 260 — 263. L: "Authorship of the Turkish Spy." B. Corney. [Corney signed cont. (GM n.s. 14 [1840]: 465 — 469)]

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  • N.s. 14 (1840): 325. O: Francis Aglionby. M Aglionby [?]. [Kuist 217 cites M. Aglionby's MS letter of 26 Aug. 1840 enc. an obit. for F. Aglionby]
  • N.s. 14 (1840): 602. A: "Seal of Countess of Gloucester." J. G. Nichols. [Sig. "J.G.N."]
  • N.s. 14 (1840): 608 — 610. A: "Catalogue of French Ambassadors [cont.]." J. Holmes. [Cont. of GM n.s. 14 (1840): 483 — 487, which Holmes signed]
  • N.s. 14 (1840): 644. A: "Roman Antiquities of Winchester." W. B. Bradfield. [Sig.: "W.B.B."; internal evidence]
  • N.s. 15 (1841): 98. O: J. Gardiner. W. B. Forbes [?]. [Kuist 200 cites Forbes's MS letter of 15 Dec. 1840 enc. an obit. for Gardiner]
  • N.s. 15 (1841): 153. A: "St. Bartholomew's." E. J. Carlos. [Sig.: "E.I.C."]
  • N.s. 15 (1841): 257 — 258. L: "Seventh Iter of Antoninus." J. Puttock [?]. [Sig.: "J.P."]
  • N.s. 15 (1841); 318 — 319. O: G. H. D. Pennant. J. H. Bransby. [Kuist 222 cites Bransby's [misprinted as Bransbury's] MS letter of 23 Jan. 1841 re "a mistake he wants corrected in his article on Mr. Pennant. . . ."]
  • N.s. 15 (1841): 326. O: Rev. T. T. Lee. R. Lee [?]. [Kuist 244 cites R. Lee's MS letter of Jan. 1841 "enclosing item on obituary of Rev. Timothy Tripp Lee. . . ."]
  • N.s. 15 (1841): 548. O: Rev. J. Beresford. J. S. Hardy [?]. [Kuist 237 cites four Hardy MS letters of April 1841 re a memoir of Beresford]
  • N.s. 16 (1841): 499 — 500. L: "Lord Mayor's Feast." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
  • N.s. 17 (1842): 248. L: "The Sopers, or Soke-house." G. A. Carthew. [Sig.: "A Gleaner"]
  • N.s. 17 (1842): 259. L: Excerpts from Sir Francis Chantry's writings enc. R. Ridsdale. [Sig.: "R.R."]
  • N.s. 17 (1842): 332. O: Lawrence Wright. J. Nicholson [?]. [Kuist 253 cites Nicholson's MS letter of 11 Feb. 1842 enc. a memoir of Wright]
  • N.s. 17 (1842): 346. A: "Turkish Letters." J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "Cydweli"]
  • N.s. 17 (1842): 439. O: Henry Bower. J. E. Jackson [?]. [Kuist 240 cites Jackson's MS letter of 17 Mar. 1842 enc. a memoir of Bowen]
  • N.s. 17 (1842): 458. A: Query re foreign publications on life of Prince Charles Edward. W. H. Clarke. [Sig.: "W.H.C."; internal evidence]
  • N.s. 17 (1842): 477 — 485. A: "On Collars of the Royal Livery. No. IV." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
  • N.s. 17 (1842): 496. L: "Royal Arms in Churches." H. T. Ellacombe [?]. [Sig.: "H.T.E."]
  • N.s. 17 (1842): 536. A: "Wolvesey Palace, Winchester." W. B. Bradfield. [Sig.: "W.B.B."; internal evidence]
  • N.s. 17 (1842): 555 — 556. O: Lt.-Col. J. Harvey. K. Harvey. [Kuist 237 cites K. Harvey's MS letter of 5 Apr. 1842 enc. an obit. for J. Harvey and his MS letter of 8 Apr. 1842 enc. revisions of same]
  • N.s. 17 (1842): 570. A: Torture in France. J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "Cydweli"]
  • N.s. 17 (1842): 654 — 655. A: "Temple Church." E. J. Carlos. [Sig.: "E.I.C."]
  • N.s. 18 (1842): 92 — 93. O: Earl Ludlow. J. Martin [?]. [Kuist 248 cites Martin's MS letter of 10 May 1842 "requesting that item on the late Earl of Ludlow be inserted. . . ."]
  • N.s. 18 (1842): 146 — 147. A: "Wenlock Priory." T. F. Dukes. [Sig.: "T.F.D.";


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    Kuist 231 cites Dukes's MS letter of 17 June 1842 "with additions to his article on Wenlock Priory. . . ."]
  • N.s. 18 (1842): 208 — 209. O: Capt. Woodriff. B. Corney [?]. [Kuist 227 cites Corney's MS letter of 23 July 1842 "requesting an addition to memoir on Woodriff. . . ."]
  • N.s. 18 (1842): 412 — 413. A: "Attleborough Church." T. Walker [?]. [Kuist 272 cites Walker's MS letter of 29 Aug. 1842 enc. an acc't of Attleborough Church]
  • N.s. 18 (1842): 546 — 548. O: D. De L. Brock. T. Baker. [Kuist 218 cites Baker's MS letter of 8 Oct. 1842 enc. a memoir of Brock and Baker's MS letter of 12 Oct. 1842 enc. "the corrected version of the memoir of . . . Brock. . . ."]
  • N.s. 18 (1842): 562. A: "Heraldic Badges." H. Gwyn [?]. [Sig.: "H.G."; internal evidence]
  • N.s. 18 (1842): 678. O: Rev. G. Innes. H. T. Cooke. [Kuist 227 cites Cooke's MS letters of July — Nov. 1842 re a memoir of Innes, inc. a MS letter of 8 Sept. 1842 enc. a memoir of Innes]
  • N.s. 18 (1842): 678. A: Rev. R. B. Podmore. J. P. Wilmot [?]. [Kuist 274 cites Wilmot's MS letter of 24 Sept. 1842 enc. a memoir of Podmore]
  • N.s. 19 (1843): 202 — 204. O: Rev. T. Harwood. C. Harwood [?]. [Kuist 237 cites C. Harwood's MS letter of 12 Jan. 1843 enc. an obit. for his father]
  • N.s. 19 (1843): 326. O: Rev. M. Evans. W. J. Rees [?]. [Kuist 259 cites Rees's MS letter of 14 Jan. 1843 enc. an obit. for M. Evans]
  • N.s. 19 (1843): 426 — 427. O: Vice-Adm. Sir R. H. Hussey. J. Nicholson [?]. [Kuist 253 cites Nicholson's MS letter of 19 Nov. 1842 "adding notes to memoir of Admiral Hussey. . . ."]
  • N.s. 19 (1843): 627. A: "Middlesex Hospital Medical School [prize distribution]." W. Tooke [?]. [Kuist 269 cites Tooke's MS note of 9 May 1843 enc. "an account of the Middlesex Hospital prize distribution. . . ."]
  • N.s. 19 (1843): 655 — 657. O: R. Arkwright. T. Poyser. [GM 209 (1860): 319]
  • N.s. 19 (1843): 657. O: Ralph Thicknesse. J. Nicholson [?]. [Kuist 253 cites Nicholson's MS letter of 20 May 1843 "returning revised notice of the late Mr. [Thechwise]," apparently an error for "Thicknesse"]
  • N.s. 19 (1843): 659 — 660. O: Rev. James Ward, D.D. J. Ward [?]. [Kuist 272 cites John Ward's MS letter of 28 April 1843 enc. an obit. for John Ward]
  • N.s. 20 (1843): 93. O: Sir G. O. Page Turner. J. Dunkin. [Kuist 231 cites Dunkin's MS letter of 18 June 1843 enc. "corrected proofs of item on Sir Gregory" and Dunkin's MS letter of 22 June 1843 re family of Page Turner]
  • N.s. 20 (1843): 99. O: Robert Fox. G. M. Fox [?]. [Kuist 233 cites G. M. Fox's letter of 28 June 1843 enc. an obit. for R. Fox]
  • N.s. 20 (1843): 360. L: "Priory House, Peckham." E. O'Dalton [?]. [Kuist 254 cites O'Dalton's MS letter of 14 Sept. 1843 enc. an acc't of his brother's home at Peckham]
  • N.s. 20 (1843): 444. O: J. Dallinger. R. Ridsdale [?]. [Kuist 260 cites Ridsdale's MS letter of 8 Sept. 1843 enc. an obit. for Dallinger]
  • N.s. 20 (1843): 473 — 477. L: "Marian persecution." J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "Cydweli"]

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  • N.s. 20 (1843): 490. L: "Church Architecture." W. Elstob. [Sig.: "Saxon"]
  • N.s. 20 (1843): 639 — 640. L: "City Excavations." E. B. Price. [Sig.: "E.B.P."; author refers to his contrib. in GM n.s. 20 (1843): 416 — 417, which Kuist attrib. to Price]
  • N.s. 20 (1843): 649 — 650. O: Right Rev. J. Bowstead, the Bishop of Lichfield. J. Nicholson [?]. [Kuist 280 cites MS text, possibly by Nicholson, consisting of an edited memoir of Bowstead (1843)]
  • N.s. 20 (1843): 653 — 654. O: Lt.-Gen. Sir A. Campbell. J. Nicholson [?]. [Kuist 253 cites Nicholson's MS letter of 1843 "supplying more details for Sir Archibald Campbell's death notice. . . ."]
  • N.s. 21 (1844): 28 — 30. L: "Pedigree of Barwick." W. D. Bruce. [Sig.: "W.D.B."]
  • N.s. 21 (1844): 96 — 97. O: C. G. Harley. F. Worship [?]. [Kuist 275 cites Worship's MS letter of 14 Dec. 1843 enc. an obit. for Harley]
  • N.s. 21 (1844): 101 — 102. O: T. Hollis. E. J. Carlos. [Sig.: "E.I.C."]
  • N.s. 21 (1844): 114. A: Samuel Johnson on Pilgrim's Progress. J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "Cydweli"]
  • N.s. 21 (1844): 134. L: "Bray Church, Berkshire." G. C. Gorham [?]. [Sig.: "G.C.G."]
  • N.s. 21 (1844): 137 — 141. L: "List of Contributions to the Quarterly Review." T. Poyser. [Sig.: "T.P."]
  • N.s. 21 (1844): 170 — 171. R: Dickens's A Christmas Carol. W. B. L. Hawkins [?]. [Kuist 238 cites Hawkins's MS letter of 6 Jan. 1844 enc. a review of A Christmas Carol]
  • N.s. 21 (1844): 204. O: G. W. Wood. J. Nicholson. [Kuist 253 cites Nicholson's letter of 13 Jan. 1844 "returning sketch of . . . Mr. Wood. . . ."]
  • N.s. 21 (1844): 249 — 253. A: "State and Prospects of Art." T. T. Carruthers. [Kuist 225 cites Carruthers's MS letter of 19 Feb. 1844 re his article, "The Rule and Prospects of Art"]
  • N.s. 21 (1844): 369 — 372. L: "'Samian Ware.'" W. Chaffers, Jr. [Sig.: "W.C."; Kuist 225 cites Chaffers's MS letter of 5 Mar. 1844 re Samian ware and Chaffers's MS letter of 2 Apr. 1844 "requesting copies of article on Samian ware. . . ."]
  • N.s. 21 (1844): 380 — 381. L: "Tankard commemorating Sir Edmund B. Godfrey." W. D. Bruce. [Sig.: "W.D.B."]
  • N.s. 21 (1844): 381 — 383. L: "On the rules for finding Easter." J. Rawson. [Sig.: "J.R."; Kuist 258 cites Rawson's undated MS letter "regarding the publication of 'Observations on [Easter]'" and Rawson's undated MS letter re the dating of Passover]
  • N.s. 21 (1844): 384. L: Extracts re periwigs and Wren's library. J. A. Repton. [Sig.: "J.A.R."]
  • N.s. 21 (1844): 385 — 388. R: Correspondence of Robert Bowes]. J. Bruce [?]. [Kuist 223 cites Bruce's MS letters of 24 — 25 Mar. 1844 re his review of Bowes's work]
  • N.s. 21 (1844): 434 — 435. O: M. Fryer. W. Armstrong [?]. [Kuist 217 cites Armstrong's MS letter of 8 Mar. 1844 requesting that Fryer's obit. be inserted]
  • N.s. 21 (1844): 437. O: J. Wright. D. Turner [?]. [Kuist 270 cites Turner's MS letter of 19 Mar. 1844 re article on Wright]

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  • N.s. 21 (1844): 541 — 542. O: J. Harman. E. Harman [?]. [Kuist 237 cites E. Harman's MS letter of 23 Apr. 1844 re an obit. for J. Harman]
  • N.s. 21 (1844): 543 — 546. O: S. Martin. D. Turner [?]. [Kuist 270 cites Turner's MS letter of 19 Mar. 1844 re article on Martin]
  • N.s. 21 (1844): 562. A: "Colonel Carlos." E. J. Carlos. [Sig.: "E.J.C."]
  • N.s. 21 (1844): 574 — 577. L: "The Mustard-Tree of Scripture." J. Mitford. [Sig.: "J.M."]
  • N.s. 21 (1844): 577 — 580. L: "List of Contributors to the Quarterly Review." T. Poyser. [Sig.: "T.P."]
  • N.s. 21 (1844): 593 — 596. L: Newall family. T. W. King [?]. [Sig.: "R.D."; dated from College of Arms, where King was Rouge Dragon; Kuist 243 cites King's letter of 8 Apr. 1844 enc. an unspecified contribution for GM]
  • N.s. 22 (1844): 2. A: Cheyney family. E. B. Price. [Sig.: "E.B.P."]
  • N.s. 22 (1844): 2. A: Tooke family. W. Tooke. [GM 215 (1863): 659]
  • N.s. 22 (1844): 2. A: J. Thornhill. J. A. Repton. [Sig.: "J.A.R."]
  • N.s. 22 (1844): 18. A: "Stafford Castle." J. White. [Sig.: "J.W."; Kuist 273 cites White's MS letter of 1 Apr. 1844 enc. "an article on Stafford Castle. . . ."]
  • N.s. 22 (1844): 38 — 40. L: "Metonic Cycle." J. Rawson. [Sig.: "J.R."; internal evidence (v. entry for GM n.s. 21 [1844]: 381 — 383 above)]
  • N.s. 22 (1844): 40 — 41. L: 17th-cent. poem ("A Cavalier's Farewell to his Mistress") enc. W. Hopkinson [?]. [Sig.: "W.H."]
  • N.s. 22 (1844): 62. R: Disraeli's Coningsby. W. B. L. Hawkins [?]. [Kuist 238 cites Hawkins's MS letter of 15 June 1844 enc. a review of Coningsby]
  • N.s. 22 (1844): 96 — 97. O: J. H. Merivale. C. Merivale [?]. [Kuist 249 cites C. Merivale's letter of 12 June 1844 requesting that obit. for J. H. Merivale be inserted]
  • N.s. 22 (1844): 172 — 176. R: J. I. Lockhart's trans. of The Memoirs of the Conquistadore Bernal Diaz del Castillo. A. J. Kempe [?]. [Kuist 243 cites Kempe's MS letter of 2 July 1844 enc. a review of Lockhart's trans]
  • N.s. 22 (1844): 203. O: Earl of Kintore. P. Hall [?]. [Kuist 236 cites Hall's MS letter of 17 Aug. 1844 re revisions of the Earl of Kintore's memoir]
  • N.s. 22 (1844): 247. L: "On Women 'taking their rights' before Childbirth." S. Merriman. [GM n.s. 39 (1853): 209]
  • N.s. 22 (1844): 267 — 270. A: "The Date of the Crucifixion Tested by a Consideration of the Metonic Cycle." J. Rawson. [Sig.: "J.R."; v. entry for GM n.s. 22 (1844): 38 — 40]
  • N.s. 22 (1844): 325. O: H. V. Bayley, Archdeacon of Stow. R. F. St. Barbe [?]. [Kuist 265 cites St. Barbe's "manuscript of a memoir . . . of the late Archdeacon Bayley," dated 5 Aug. 1844]
  • N.s. 22 (1844): 380 — 381. L: "Sculptured Shrine." R. Davies [?]. [Sig.: "R.D."]
  • N.s. 22 (1844): 439. O: E.-S. Graham. Mr. Graham [?]. [Kuist 234 cites Graham's MS letter of 13 Sept. 1844 "requesting proofs of his mother's obituary. . . ."]
  • N.s. 22 (1844): 450. A: Note re "chapel at Coombes in Sussex." W. Elstob. [Sig.: "Saxon"]

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  • N.s. 22 (1844): 497 — 501. R: Diaries and Correspondence of James Harris, first Earl of Malmesbury. J. Bruce [?]. [Kuist 223 cites Bruce's MS letter of 9 Sept. 1844 "saying he will review Lord Malmesbury's papers. . . ."]
  • N.s. 22 (1844): 562. A: Correction for "Parry's communication on Church Bells." E. B. Price. [Sig.: "E.B.P."]
  • N.s. 22 (1844): 612 — 616. R: Dunkin's History and Antiquities of Dartford. A. J. Kempe. [Kuist 243 cites Kempe's MS letter of Aug. 1844 proposing to review Dunkin's work and Kempe's MS letter of 9 Nov. 1844 enc. the review]
  • N.s. 22 (1844): 631 — 632. L: "St. Edmund's Chapel." E. J. Carlos. [Sig.: "E.I.C."]
  • N.s. 22 (1844): 649 — 650. O: C. E. Branfill. J. Cheeseman [?]. [Kuist 226 cites Cheeseman's 3 MS letters re an obit. for Branfill, inc. Cheeseman's MS letter of 16 Nov. 1844 enc. an additional copy of the obit]
  • N.s. 23 (1845): 200 — 201. O: Sir Gore Ouseley. J. Roche [?]. [Kuist 261 cites Roche's MS letter of 21 Dec. 1844 enc. an obit. for Ouseley]
  • N.s. 23 (1845): 458. A: Note on "proper names with Ff (doubled)." W. D. Bruce. [Sig.: "W.D.B"]
  • N.s. 23 (1845): 487 — 488. A: "Peerages granted to the Protector Somerset." J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
  • N.s. 23 (1845): 497 — 500. L: "Writers in the Edinburgh Review." H. Bell. [Unsigned; dated from Ruddington Vicarage, Notts.; information supplied by Margaret Lawson. Ruddington Local History and Amenity Society, Churchside, Vicarage Lane, Ruddington, Notts., in letter of 30 Sept. 1992]
  • N.s. 23 (1845): 557 — 558. O: J. Savage. A. Savage [?]. [Kuist 263 cites A. Savage's MS letter of 12 Apr. 1845 enc. an obit. for J. Savage]
  • N.s. 23 (1845): 570. A: Correction for GM's memoir of the Earl of Mornington. J. Y. Akerman. [Sig.: "J.Y.A."]
  • N.s. 23 (1845): 599 — 602. L: "Writers in the Quarterly Review." T. Poyser. [Sig.: "T.P."]
  • N.s. 24 (1845): 2. A: Ashmole's Diary. J. F. Morgan [?]. [Sig.: "J.F.M."]
  • N.s. 24 (1845): 42 — 43. L: "Pavement Tiles." J. Ward. [Sig.: "J.W."]
  • N.s. 24 (1845): 145 — 147. L: "Daniel Turner." S. Merriman. [GM n.s. 39 (1853): 209]
  • N.s. 24 (1845): 371 — 372. L: "The Province of the Meanwaras." J. F. Morgan. [Sig.: "J.F.M."; internal evidence]
  • N.s. 24 (1845): 470 — 472. L: "Works of Dr. William Falconer." T. Falconer. [Kuist 232 cites T. Falconer's MS letter of 12 Aug. 1845 "enclosing a list of works by the late Dr. Falconer. . . ."]
  • N.s. 24 (1845): 476 — 479. L: "Mr. Long's 'Royal Descents.'" W. D. Bruce. [Sig.: "W.D.B."]
  • N.s. 24 (1845): 540 — 541. O: W. Upcott. D. Turner [?]. [Kuist 270 cites Turner's MS letter of 20 Oct. 1845 re an obit. for Upcott]
  • N.s. 24 (1845): 585 — 589. L: "Writers in the Edinburgh Review." H. Bell. [Sig.: "Clericus"; dated from Ruddington Vicarage, Notts.; information supplied by Margaret Lawson, Ruddington Local History and Amenity Society, Churchside, Vicarage Lane, Ruddington, Notts., in letter of 30 Sept. 1992]

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  • N.s. 25 (1846): 68 — 69. A: "The Westminster School Play." A. J. Kempe. [Sig.: "A.J.K."]
  • N.s. 25 (1846): 360. L: "Origin of the word Defer." J. F. Morgan [?]. [Sig.: "J.F.M."]
  • N.s. 25 (1846): 435. O: T. G. Waller. R. Wrench [?]. [Kuist 275 cites Wrench's MS letter of 20 Mar. 1846 enc. an obit. for Waller (misspelled as Wallen)]
  • N.s. 25 (1846): 437 — 438. O: Rev. T. Williams. -------- and E. Strickland. [Sig.: "W.B." and "E.S."; Kuist 266 cites Strickland's MS letter of 26 Feb. 1846 enc. an obit. for Williams]
  • N.s. 25 (1846): 472n. S: Note on etymology of Andover. W. T. P. Shortt. [Sig.: "W.T.P.S."]
  • N.s. 25 (1846): 481 — 482. L: Re author of The Lounger's Common Place Book. S. Merriman. [GM n.s. 39 (1853): 209]
  • N.s. 25 (1846): 488 — 489. L: "First Viscount Montagu." G. A. Carthew. [Sig.: "G.A.C."]
  • N.s. 25 (1846): 502 — 507. R: H. Soames's ed. of Mosheim's Institutes of Ecclesiastical History. J. T. Mansel [?]. [Kuist 246 cites Mansel's MS letter of 5 Apr. 1846 reviewing Mosheim]
  • N.s. 25 (1846): 511 — 512. R: Address of the Committee of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. W. Tooke. [GM 215 (1863): 657]
  • N.s. 25 (1846): 591. A: "Chapel of Llanvair Vawr." J. M. Traherne. [Sig.: "J.M.T."]
  • N.s. 25 (1846): 598 — 600. A: "Retrospective Review." J. Mitford. [Sig.: "J.M."]
  • N.s. 25 (1846): 609 — 614. R: E. Jesse's Anecdotes of Dogs. J. Mitford. [Sig.: "J.M."]
  • N.s. 25 (1846): 614 — 615. R: Michelet's Life of Luther. J. T. Mansel [?]. [Kuist 246 cites Mansel's MS letter of 9 May 1846 "enclosing part of a review of Michelet's 'Life of Luther' . . . ."]
  • N.s. 25 (1846): 627 — 628. A: "'The Britton Testimonial, 1845.'" J. Mitford. [Sig.: "J.M."]
  • N.s. 26 (1846): 45 — 48. R: A Garland for the New Royal Exchange. J. Mitford. [Sig.: "J.M."]
  • N.s. 26 (1846): 137 — 144. R: J. O. Halliwell's ed. of Letters of the Kings of England. J. Bruce. [Kuist 223 cites Bruce's MS letter of 23 June 1846 enc. review of Halliwell; authorship corroborated by internal evidence]
  • N.s. 26 (1846): 226. A: "A bronze Celt." W. T. P. Shortt. [Sig.: "W.T.P.S."]
  • N.s. 26 (1846): 273 — 277. R: J. Berrington's Literary History of the Middle Ages. J. T. Mansel [?]. [Kuist 246 cites Mansel's MS letter of 6 July 1846 asking "to send article on literature of the Middle Ages. . . ."]
  • N.s. 26 (1846): 290 — 293. A: "Architectural Drawings." E. J. Carlos. [Sig.: "E.I.C."]
  • N.s. 26 (1846): 380 — 383. L: "Outward Confessionals." E. J. Carlos. [Sig.: "E.I.C."]
  • N.s. 26 (1846): 433 — 434. O: C. E. Tonna. L. H. J. Tonna [?]. [Kuist 268 cites L. H. J. Tonna's MS letter of 16 Sept. 1846 enc. an obit. for C. E. Tonna]
  • N.s. 26 (1846): 490 — 491. A: "Ancient Altar-Screen." T. Martin [?]. [Kuist


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    249 cites Martin's MS letters of June-Oct. 1846 apparently re the altar screen]
  • N.s. 26 (1846): 497 — 499. R: Southey's Life of Wesley. J. T. Mansel [?]. [Kuist 247 cites Mansel's MS letter of 5 Sept. 1846 enc. a review of Wesley]
  • N.s. 26 (1846): 503 — 505. R: L. Dwnn's Heraldic Visitation of Wales. T. W. King. [Kuist 243 cites King's MS letter of 7 Dec. 1846 "requesting copies of his article, A Review of Lewis (Dunn's [sic]) Pedigree. . . ."]
  • N.s. 26 (1846): 517 — 518. A: "The Station Armina." W. T. P. Shortt. [Sig.: "W.T.P.S."]
  • N.s. 26 (1846): 546 — 548. O: A. J. Kempe. A. E. Bray. [Kuist 222 cites A. E. Bray's MS letters of 29 Sept. 1845 and 6 Oct. 1846 re her memoir of Kempe]
  • N.s. 26 (1846): 562. A: "New Cross at Glastonbury." W. Robinson. [Sig.: "W.R."; updates GM n.s. 26 (1846): 360, which Kuist attrib. to Robinson]
  • N.s. 26 (1846): 594 — 599. A: "Homeric Influence in the East." E. B. Cowell. [Sig.: "E.B.C."; internal evidence]
  • N.s. 26 (1846): 615 — 621. R: Michelet's Priests, Women, and Families. J. T. Mansel [?]. [Kuist 247 cites Mansel's MS letter of 16 Nov. 1846 requesting revision of an article re Michelet]
  • N.s. 26 (1846): 647 — 650. O: Lt.-Col. Marcus Barr. M. Barr [?]. [Kuist 219 cites Martin Barr's MS letter of 17 Nov. 1846 enc. an obit. for a relative]
  • N.s. 27 (1847): 2. A: Mansel family. J. T. Mansel. [Sig.: "J.T.M."]
  • N.s. 27 (1847): 43 — 45. L: "Norman Tower." E. J. Carlos. [Sig.: "E.I.C."]
  • N.s. 27 (1847): 46 — 48. A: "Retrospective Review." J. Mitford. [Sig.: "J.M."]
  • N.s. 27 (1847): 64. R: Guizot's History of Civilization, Vol. III. J. T. Mansel. [Kuist 247 cites Mansel's MS letter of Dec. 1846 "returning proof of Guizot. . . ."]
  • N.s. 27 (1847): 64. R: Mignet's History of the French Revolution. J. T. Mansel. [Kuist 247 cites Mansel's MS letter of Dec. 1846 "returning proof of . . . Miguel (misspelling of Mignet). . . ."]
  • N.s. 27 (1847): 81. O: Lord Fairfax. T. S. Hyde [?]. [Kuist 240 cites Hyde's MS letter of 16 Nov. 1846 re obit. for Fairfax]
  • N.s. 27 (1847): 87. O: Rev. J. Clowes. J. Nicholson [?]. [Kuist 253 cites Nicholson's MS letter of 10 Dec. 1846 "sending additions to Mr. Clover's memoir. . . ." "Clover" apparently is a misspelling of "Clowes."]
  • N.s. 27 (1847): 483. L: "Consecration of Bishops." E. G. Ballard [?]. [Sig.: "E.G.B."]
  • N.s. 27 (1847): 604 — 606. L: "Consecration of Bishops." E. G. Ballard [?]. [Sig.: "E.G.B."]
  • N.s. 28 (1847): 25 — 29. A: "Persian Legend in Athenaeus." E. B. Cowell. [Sig.: "E.B.C."; internal evidence]
  • N.s. 28 (1847): 34 — 37. L: "Writers in the Quarterly Review." T. Poyser. [Sig.: "T.P."]
  • N.s. 28 (1847): 44 — 47. R: Niebuhr's History of Rome and Schmitz's History of Rome. J. T. Mansel. [Kuist 247 cites Mansel's MS letter of 20 Sept. 1847 "reporting revise of Niebuhr sent. . . ."]
  • N.s. 28 (1847): 148 — 150. A: "Visit to Theobalds Place in 1592." W. B. Rye. [Sig.: "W.B.R."; Kuist 261 cites Rye's MS letter of 13 Aug. 1847 asking


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    for "a copy of the 'GM' issue with his paper on Theobald's (sic) Place. . . ."]
  • N.s. 28 (1847): 215 — 216. O: F. Lingard. W. S. Gibson [?]. [Kuist 234 cites Gibson's MS letter of 22 July 1847 enc. an obit. for Lingard]
  • N.s. 28 (1847): 226. A: Gravestone in Wiltau church. W. Bromet. [Sig.: "Plantagenet"]
  • N.s. 28 (1847): 227 — 247. R: Macaulay's Lays of Ancient Rome. J. T. Mansel [?]. [Kuist 247 cites Mansel's MS letter of 1 Sept. 1847 re a review of Macaulay]
  • N.s. 28 (1847): 369 — 374. A: "The Saga of Hamlet." A. R. Montalba. [Kuist 251 cites Montalba's MS letter of 8 Oct. 1847 "acknowledging payment for Hamlet article. . . ."]
  • N.s. 28 (1847): 385 — 392. R: Niebuhr's and Schmitz's Roman History. J. T. Mansel. [See entry for GM n.s. 28 (1847): 44 — 47 above]
  • N.s. 28 (1847): 398 — 400. R: J. P. Smith's Four Discourses. J. T. Mansel [?]. [Kuist 247 cites Mansel's MS letter of 6 Sept. 1847 "enclosing [a] review of Dr. Pye Smith's work. . . ."]
  • N.s. 28 (1847): 493 — 497. R: Quinet's Ultramontanism. J. T. Mansel. [Kuist 247 cites Mansel's MS letter enc. the rest of an article on Quinet]
  • N.s. 28 (1847): 546 — 547. O: G. D. John. H. Penneck [?]. [Kuist 256 cites Penneck's MS letter of 13 Oct. 1847 enc. an obit. for John]
  • N.s. 28 (1847): 606 — 608. R: Müller's History of the Literature of Ancient Greece. J. T. Mansel [?]. [Kuist 247 cites Mansel's MS letter of 27 Oct. 1847 enc. an article on Müller's History]
  • N.s. 29 (1848): 2. A: Sancroft family. D. E. Davy. [Sig.: "D.A.Y."]
  • N.s. 29 (1848): 25 — 32. A: "Heptameron of Margaret de Valois." E. B. Cowell. [Sig.: "E.B.C."; internal evidence]
  • N.s. 29 (1848): 45 — 46. L: "Ancient Fire-Place." F. Burton. [Sig.: "F.B."; Kuist 199 cites Burton's MS letter of 6 Dec. 1847 re "his article on the Deanery fire-place. . . ."]
  • N.s. 29 (1848): 49 — 52. R: Napier's Florentine History. J. T. Mansel [?]. [Kuist 247 cites Mansel's MS letter of 22 Nov. 1847 enc. a review of Napier]
  • N.s. 29 (1848): 52 — 56. R: Hare's The Mission of the Comforter. J. T. Mansel [?]. [Kuist 247 cites Mansel's MS letter of 1 Nov. 1847 enc. a review of Hare]
  • N.s. 29 (1848): 84. O: Rev. Sir W. N. Gresley. J. M. Gresley. [Kuist 235 cites J. M. Gresley's MS letter of 18 Sept. 1847 "offering an obituary notice of his brother" and his MS letter of 22 Dec. 1847 "enclosing a memoir of his brother. . . ."]
  • N.s. 29 (1848): 94 — 95. O: A. Hardwick. S. W. J. Merriman [?]. [Kuist 249 cites Merriman's MS letter of 26 Dec. 1847 re a memoir of Hardwick]
  • N.s. 29 (1848): 245 — 247. A: "Monument of Bishop Ferrar." T. F. D. Croker [?]. [Kuist 228 cites Croker's MS "letter (of 8 Feb. 1848) to the Nichols firm acknowledging their intention to publish description of Ferrar's monument," his MS letter of 22 Feb. 1848 "saying he cannot rewrite account," and his letter of 25 Feb. 1848 re proof sheets for Ferrar article. Possible correction for Kuist, who attrib. it to J. G. Nichols.]
  • N.s. 29 (1848): 259. L: "Flitch of Bacon." J. Nicholson. [Sig.: "J.N."]
  • N.s. 29 (1848): 273 — 276. R: George, Duke of Manchester, The Times of


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    Daniel. J. T. Mansel [?]. [Kuist 247 cites Mansel's MS letter of 1 Feb. 1848 enc. a review of Times of Daniel]
  • N.s. 29 (1848): 311 — 313. O: Rev. G. Clark. H. M. Clark [?]. [Kuist 226 cites H. M. Clark's MS letter of 29 Jan. 1848 re an obit. for G. Clark and H. M. Clark's MS letter of 21 Feb. 1848 enc. an unspecified article]
  • N.s. 29 (1848): 338. A: Surname of "Wiswould." S. Wiswould. [Sig.: "S.W.S.P."; Kuist 274 cites Wiswould's MS letter of Feb. 1848 "enclosing an article on his surname. . . ."]
  • N.s. 29 (1848): 338. A: Legend of a person who died of emotion upon hearing "a singularly fine peal of bells." H. T. Ellacombe. [Sig.: "H.T.E."]
  • N.s. 29 (1848): 361 — 367. A: "Hour with Athenaeus." E. B. Cowell. [Sig.: "E.B.C."; internal evidence]
  • N.s. 29 (1848): 400 — 401. R: Mrs. Hamilton Gray's History of Rome. J. T. Mansel [?]. [Kuist 247 cites Mansel's MS letter of 1 Sept. 1847 re a review of Mrs. Gray's History of Rome]
  • N.s. 29 (1848): 437 — 438. O: Gen. F. Maitland. F. T. Maitland [?]. [Kuist 245 cites F. T. Maitland's MS letter of 27 Mar. 1848 "requesting addition to the memoir of his father. . . ."]
  • N.s. 29 (1848): 448. O: Rev. H. Uhthoff. D. E. Davy [?]. [Kuist 230 cites Davy's MS letter of 28 Feb. 1848 enc. an obit for Rev. Henry Whithoff (a misspelling of Uhthoff]
  • N.s. 29 (1848): 448. O: Rev. E. Jermyn. D. E. Davy [?]. [Kuist 230 cites Davy's MS letter of 28 Feb. 1848 enc. an obit. for Jermyn]
  • N.s. 29 (1848): 481 — 487. A: "Sir Kenelme Digby." C. K. Patmore [?]. [Kuist 255 cites Patmore's MS letter of 22 Feb. 1848 re submitting an article on Digby]
  • N.s. 29 (1848): 505 — 510. R: Niebuhr's Lectures on the History of Rome. J. T. Mansel [?]. [Mansel perhaps wrote two earlier reviews of B. G. Niebuhr. See GM n.s. 28 (1847): 44 — 47 and GM n.s. 28 (1847): 385 — 392 above.]
  • N.s. 29 (1848): 570. A: Lord Delamere. E. G. Ballard [?]. [Sig.: "E.G.B."]
  • N.s. 29 (1848): 605 — 611. A: "Sir Kenelme Digby. — II." C. K. Patmore [?]. [Kuist 255 cites Patmore's MS letter of 22 Feb. 1848 re "writing an article on Sir K. Digby. . . ."]
  • N.s. 30 (1848): 2. A: Maidstone Church. J. R. Planché. [Sig.: "P."; internal evidence]
  • N.s. 30 (1848): 39 — 46. A: "The Mesnavi of Jelaleddin Rumi." E. B. Cowell. [Conc. (GM n.s. 30 [1848]: 148 — 152) is signed "E.B.C.," Cowell's signature; Kuist 228 cites Cowell's MS letter of 18 May 1848 enc. his article on Rumi]
  • N.s. 30 (1848): 49 — 54. R: Machiavelli's History of Florence and The Prince. J. T. Mansel [?]. [Kuist 247 cites Mansel's MS letter of June 1848 "requesting proof of Machiavel. . . ."]
  • N.s. 30 (1848): 99 — 101. O: Rev. T. Streatfeild. G. S. Steinman. [Kuist 265 cites Steinman's MS letter of 28 June 1848 "regarding changes in proofs of Mr. Sheatfeild's (sic) biography. . . ."]
  • N.s. 30 (1848): 134 — 136. L: Lichfield seal. J. Rawson [?]. [Sig.: "J.R."]
  • N.s. 30 (1848): 148 — 152. A: "The Mesnavi of Jelaleddin Rumi." E. B. Cowell. [Sig.: "E.B.C."; v. entry for GM n.s. 30 (1848): 39 — 46 above]
  • N.s. 30 (1848): 243 — 248. A: "Xenophon of Ephesus." E. B. Cowell. [Sig.:


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    "E.B.C."; Kuist 228 cites Cowell's MS letter of 4 Aug. 1848 enc. "article on a Greek work. . . ."]
  • N.s. 30 (1848): 273 — 276. R: T. Preston's The Book of Ecclesiastes. J. T. Mansel [?]. [Kuist 247 cites Mansel's MS letter of 4 Aug. 1848 enc. review of Preston]
  • N.s. 30 (1848): 276. R: W. Osburn's The Antiquities of Egypt. J. T. Mansel [?]. [Kuist 247 cites Mansel's MS letter of 9 Aug. 1848 enc. a review of Osburn]
  • N.s. 30 (1848): 280 — 281. R: Donaldson's The Antigone of Sophocles. E. B. Cowell. [Kuist 228 cites Cowell's MS letter of 15 Aug. 1848 enc. a review of Donaldson]
  • N.s. 30 (1848): 338. A: Religious festivals. J. G. Nichols. [Sig.: "J.G.N."]
  • N.s. 30 (1848): 390 — 393. R: Tyler's Image-Worship of the Church of Rome. J. T. Mansel [?]. [Kuist 247 cites Mansel's MS letter of 10 Sept. 1848 "returning rewrite of Tyler. . . ."]
  • N.s. 30 (1848): 466 — 468. L: "Social Position of Governesses." H. Gould. [Kuist 234 cites Gould's undated letter "requesting two hundred offprints of her article on the 'Social Position of Governesses'. . . ."]
  • N.s. 30 (1848): 469 — 471. L: "The Great Oak in Hoxne Wood." S. Tymms. [Sig.: "T."; Kuist 270 — 271 cites Tymms's MS letter of 10 June 1848 enc. proofs for a contribution re the oak and his MS letter of 14 Oct. 1848 with additional information]
  • N.s. 30 (1848): 585 — 589. A: "Chevy Chase." R. Shaw [?]. [Kuist 263 cites Shaw's MS letter of 23 Oct. 1848 "enclosing a paper on Chevy Chase. . . ." Note that the GM article here cited is signed "F.F."]
  • N.s. 30 (1848): 608. L: "The Family of Lord Chancellor Booth." B. W. Greenfield. [Sig.: "B.W.G."]

Additions to Kuist's Nichols File: Synopsis by Contributor

  • Adams, T. 101 — ii (1831): 598 [?].
  • Adcock, Rev. James (d. 1863). N.s. 7 (1837): 478 — 479; n.s. 8 (1837): 442.
  • Aglionby, M. N.s. 14 (1840): 325 [?].
  • Akerman, John Yonge (1806 — 1873). 103 — i (1833): 206 — 207; n.s. 23 (1845): 570.
  • Allen, Thomas (1803 — 1833). 100 — ii (1830): 17 — 18.
  • Armstrong, William (1778 — 1857). N.s. 21 (1844): 434 — 435 [?].
  • Baker, Thomas. N.s. 18 (1842): 546 — 548.
  • Ballard, Edward George (1791 — 1860). N.s. 27 (1847): 483 [?], 604 — 606 [?]; n.s. 29 (1848): 570 [?].
  • Barr, Martin. N.s. 26 (1846): 647 — 650 [?].
  • Bell, Rev. Henry. N.s. 23 (1845): 497 — 500; n.s. 24 (1845): 585 — 589.
  • Black, William Henry (1808 — 1872). 101 — ii (1831): 415 — 417; 102 — ii (1832): 480; n.s. 8 (1837): 257 [?].
  • Blatch, Rev. James (1774 — 1864). 102 — i (1832): 411.
  • Bowles, Henry Carrington (ca. 1763 — 1830). 97 — ii (1827): 320; 98 — ii (1828): 290.
  • Bowles, Rev. William Lisle (1762 — 1850). N.s. 8 (1837): 160.
  • Bradfield, J. H. 97 — i (1827): 631 — 632.

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    Page 202
  • Bradfield, W. B. N.s. 14 (1840): 644; n.s. 17 (1842): 536.
  • Brandreth, Henry (1797 — 1840). 99 — i (1829): 257, 353, 635; 99 — ii (1829): 456, 634; 101 — i (1831): 164, 255.
  • Bransby, Rev. James Hews (1783 — 1847). N.s. 15 (1841): 318 — 319.
  • Bray, Anna Eliza (1790 — 1883). 99 — i (1829): 162, 257; n.s. 26 (1846): 546 — 548.
  • Bromet, Dr. William (d. 1850). N.s. 28 (1847): 226.
  • Broughton, James. 99 — ii (1829): 28 — 31.
  • Browning, William Shergold (d. 1874). 99 — ii (1829): 256 — 259, 447 — 448, 483 — 484; 100 — i (1830): 159 — 161; 100 — ii (1830): 502 — 504; 101 — ii (1831): 349 — 351; 103 — ii (1833): 2.
  • Bruce, John (1802 — 1869). N.s. 21 (1844): 385 — 388 [?]; n.s. 22 (1844): 497 — 501 [?]; n.s. 26 (1846): 137 — 144.
  • Bruce, William Downing. N.s. 21 (1844): 28 — 30, 380 — 381; n.s. 23 (1845): 458; n.s. 24 (1845): 476 — 479.
  • Brydges, W. H. 97 — ii (1827): 466.
  • Bunce, Rev. John Bowes (d. 1850). N.s. 7 (1837): 494 — 496.
  • Burn, John Southerden (1799? — 1870). 99 — i (1829): 194; 100 — i (1830): 2; 101 — i (1831): 296.
  • Burton, Frederick. N.s. 29 (1848): 45 — 46.
  • Butler, Rev. Weeden (1773 — 1831). 100 — ii (1830): 357.
  • Cadell, Cecelia Mary. 97 — i (1827): 162.
  • Carlos, Edward John (1798 — 1851). 97 — i (1827): 290; 98 — i (1828): 393 — 394; 100 — i (1830): 540 — 542; 100 — ii (1830): 194, 297 — 298; 101 — i (1831): 445 — 448, 540 — 541; 101 — ii (1831): 137 — 138; 102 — i (1832): 482; 102 — ii (1832): 257 — 258; 103 — i (1833): 577; n.s. 15 (1841): 153; n.s. 17 (1842): 654 — 655; n.s. 21 (1844): 101 — 102, 562; n.s. 22 (1844): 631 — 632; n.s. 26 (1846): 290 — 293, 380 — 383; n.s. 27 (1847): 43 — 45.
  • Carruthers, Thomas T. N.s. 21 (1844): 249 — 253.
  • Carthew, George Alfred (1807 — 1882). N.s. 7 (1837): 260 — 261; n.s. 17 (1842): 248; n.s. 25 (1846): 488 — 489.
  • Cassan, Rev. Stephen Hyde (1789 — 1841). 100 — i (1830): 182 — 183, 568; 100 — ii (1830): 87.
  • Chaffers, William, Jr. (1811 — 1892). N.s. 21 (1844): 369 — 372.
  • Chalmers, Alexander (1759 — 1834). 98 — ii (1828): 559 — 566; 99 — ii (1829): 186; 101 — i (1831): 569 — 570.
  • Cheeseman, John. N.s. (1844): 649 — 650 [?].
  • Clark, H. M. N.s. 29 (1848): 311 — 313 [?].
  • Clarke, W. H. N.s. 17 (1842): 458.
  • Cooke, H. T. N.s. 18 (1842): 678.
  • Corney, Bolton (1784 — 1870). N.s. 14 (1840): 262 — 263; n.s. 18 (1842): 208 — 209 [?].
  • Cowell, Edward Byles (1826 — 1903). N.s. 26 (1846): 594 — 599; n.s. 28 (1847): 25 — 29; n.s. 29 (1848): 25 — 32, 361 — 367; n.s. 30 (1848): 39 — 46, 148 — 152, 243 — 248, 280 — 281.
  • Cox, S. P. 97 — ii (1827): 200 [?]; n.s. 7 (1837): 158, 242.
  • Croker, T. F. Dillon. N.s. 29 (1848): 245 — 247 [?].
  • Curling, Edward Spencer. N.s. 6 (1836): 367 — 369.
  • Davies, Robert (1793 — 1875). N.s. 22 (1844): 380 — 381.
  • Davy, David Elisha (1769 — 1851). 97 — ii (1827): 482 (2); n.s. 8 (1837): 21 — 22; n.s. 29 (1848): 2, 448 [?] (2).

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    Page 203
  • D'Israeli, Isaac (1766 — 1848). N.s. 4 (1835): 40.
  • Dovaston, John Freeman Milward (1782 — 1854). 101 — ii (1831): 411 [?].
  • Duffield, Rev. Matthew Dawson (1792 — 1866). 97 — ii (1827): 593 — 594; 99 — i (1829): 393 — 394.
  • Duke, Rev. Edward (1779 — 1852). 97 — ii (1827): 592.
  • Dukes, Thomas Farmer (1771 — 1850). N.s. 18 (1842): 146 — 147.
  • Dunkin, John (1782 — 1846). N.s. 20 (1843): 93.
  • Dyer, William Charles (1741 — 1828). 97 — ii (1827): 204 — 206.
  • Ellacombe [Ellicombe], Rev. Henry Thomas (1790 — 1885). N.s. 17 (1842): 496 [?]; n.s. 29 (1848): 338.
  • Elstob, Rev. William (1775 — 1845). N.s. 20 (1843): 490; n.s. 22 (1844): 450.
  • Evans, Rev. John. 97 — i (1827): 369 — 371.
  • Falconer, Thomas (1805 — 1882). N.s. 24 (1845): 470 — 472.
  • Flaxman, Miss ------. 97 — i (1827): 273 — 276 [?].
  • Forbes, W. B. N.s. 15 (1841): 98 [?].
  • Fosbroke, Rev. Thomas Dudley (1770 — 1842). 97 — i (1827): 414 — 415 [?]; 99 — i (1829): 21 — 24, 112 — 113.
  • Fox, George M. N.s. 20 (1843): 99 [?].
  • French, Gilbert James (1804 — 1866). N.s. 14 (1840): 38 — 42 [?].
  • Gibson, William Sidney (1814 — 1871). N.s. 28 (1847): 215 — 216 [?].
  • Gordon, J. 102 — ii (1832): 499 — 500; 103 — ii (1833): 124 — 125.
  • Gorham, Rev. George Cornelius (1787 — 1857). N.s. 8 (1837): 633 — 634; n.s. 21 (1844): 134 [?].
  • Gould, Hussey. N.s. 30 (1848): 466 — 468.
  • Graham, ------. N.s. 22 (1844): 439 [?].
  • Green, Thomas (1769 — 1825). N.s. 3 (1835): 15 — 19, 127 — 133, 350 — 356, 570 — 574; n.s. 4 (1835): 235 — 238, 458 — 462; n.s. 5 (1836): 10 — 13, 459 — 463; n.s. 6 (1836): 123 — 127, 572 — 578; n.s. 7 (1837): 353 — 358; n.s. 8 (1837): 11 — 14, 231 — 235, 455 — 458; n.s. 9 (1838): 464 — 469; n.s. 12 (1839): 455 — 459.
  • Greenfield, Benjamin W. (1811 — 1897). N.s. 30 (1848): 608.
  • Gresley, Rev. John Morewood (1816 — 1866). N.s. 29 (1848): 84.
  • Grimaldi, Stacey (1790 — 1863). 99 — i (1829): 301 — 303; 99 — ii (1829): 119 — 120, 499.
  • Gwyn, Henry. N.s. 18 (1842): 562 [?].
  • Hall, Rev. Peter (1802 — 1849). N.s. 22 (1844): 203 [?].
  • Hardy, John Stockdale (1793 — 1849). 98 — ii (1828): 309 [?]; n.s. 15 (1841): 548 [?].
  • Harman, Edward. N.s. 21 (1844): 541 — 542 [?].
  • Harral, T. 102 — ii (1832): 574 — 578.
  • Harvey, Kerriston. N.s. 17 (1842): 555 — 556.
  • Harwood, Charles. N.s. 19 (1843): 202 — 204 [?].
  • Hawkins, Rev. William Bentinck Lethem (b. ca. 1803). N.s. 21 (1844): 170 — 171 [?]; n.s. 22 (1844): 62 [?].
  • Highmore, Anthony (1758 — 1829). 97 — i (1827): 117 — 119, 207 — 208, 398 — 399, 494 — 496, 592 — 594; 98 — i (1828): 394 — 396, 494 — 495.
  • Hill, Herbert, Jr. (1810 — 1892). N.s. 11 (1839): 50 — 51, 500 — 502.
  • Hodgson, Rev. John (1779 — 1845). 103 — i (1833): 104; n.s. 5 (1836): 338 [?].
  • Holmes, John (1800 — 1854). N.s. 14 (1840): 608 — 610.
  • Hopkinson, William (1784 — 1865). N.s. 22 (1844): 40 — 41 [?].
  • Hoyle, Rev. Charles (ca. 1773 — 1848). 101 — ii (1831): 322, 323, 420 — 421 [?],


    Page 204
    553; 102 — i (1832): 70 — 71, 71 (2), 163 [?] (3), 452, 548, 631 — 632, 632; 102 — ii (1832): 67 (3), 165, 258 — 259; 103 — i (1833): 359, 454 — 455, 550; 103 — ii (1833): 261 — 262, 532, 532 [?].
  • Hyde, Thomas Spencer. N.s. 27 (1847): 81 [?].
  • Jackson, Rev. John Edward (1805 — 1891). N.s. 17 (1842): 439 [?].
  • Jekyll, Joseph (ca. 1752 — 1837). 99 — i (1829): 370 — 372.
  • Kempe, Alfred John (1785? — 1846). 98 — i (1828): 17 — 18; 99 — ii (1829): 85 — 87; 103 — i (1833): 2; n.s. 2 (1834): 82; n.s. 13 (1840): 267 — 270; n.s. 22 (1844): 172 — 176 [?], 612 — 616; n.s. 25 (1846): 68 — 69.
  • Kendall, Rev. Frederick (ca. 1791 — 1836). 99 — i (1829): 322 — 323.
  • King, Thomas William. N.s. 21 (1844): 593 — 596 [?]; n.s. 26 (1846): 503 — 505.
  • Langton, Rev. Wenman Henry (ca. 1764 — 1836). 99 — i (1829): 290, 482; 100 — ii (1830): 98; 101 — i (1831): 98 [?]; 101 — ii (1831): 194 [?]; 102 — ii (1832): 194 (2); n.s. 1 (1834): 346.
  • Larking, Rev. Lambert Blackwell (1797 — 1868). N.s. 8 (1837): 238 — 239.
  • Lawrence, James (1773 — 1840). 100 — ii (1830): 472 — 473.
  • Lee, R. N.s. 15 (1841): 326 [?].
  • Le Grice, Rev. Charles Valentine (1773 — 1858). N.s. 8 (1837): 218.
  • Long, Charles Edward (1796 — 1861). 100 — ii (1830): 403 — 404; 102 — i (1832): 17 — 23 [?], 121 — 126 [?], 217 — 222 [?], 313 — 317 [?].
  • Loscombe, Clifton Wintringham (b. 1784). N.s. 8 (1837): 218 [?], 330 [?], 489 — 490 [?].
  • Lowthian, Rev. John (1772 — 1840). 97 — i (1827): 230 — 231, 388 — 392, 504 — 506; 97 — ii (1827): 4 — 8, 586 — 588; 98 — i (1828): 396 — 398; 99 — i (1829): 198 — 200; 101 — ii (1831): 13 — 16, 486 — 487.
  • M'Skimin, S. 102 — i (1832): 206 — 208; 102 — ii (1832): 504.
  • Madan, Rev. Spencer (1791 — 1851). N.s. 7 (1837): 205 — 207.
  • Mainwaring, William. 100 — ii (1830): 415 — 416 [?]; 101 — i (1831): 324.
  • Maitland, Frederick Thomas. N.s. 29 (1848): 437 — 438 [?].
  • Mansel, James Temple (ca. 1803 — 1880). 98 — i (1828): 408 — 410 [?]; 98 — ii (1828): 408; 99 — i (1829): 413; 100 — i (1830): 514 — 516; 100 — ii (1830): 387 — 390; 101 — i (1831): 16, 412 — 414, 631 — 632; 101 — ii (1831): 194, 256 — 257, 351 — 352, 453; 102 — i (1832): 67 — 68; 103 — i (1833): 117 — 119; n.s. 13 (1840): 598 — 599; n.s. 17 (1842): 346, 570; n.s. 20 (1843): 473 — 477; n.s. 21 (1844): 144; n.s. 25 (1846): 502 — 507 [?], 614 — 615 [?]; n.s. 26 (1846): 273 — 277 [?], 497 — 499 [?], 615 — 621 [?]; n.s. 27 (1847): 2, 64 (2); n.s. 28 (1847): 44 — 47, 227 — 247 [?], 385 — 392, 398 — 400 [?], 493 — 497, 606 — 608 [?]; n.s. 29 (1848): 49 — 52 [?], 52 — 56 [?], 273 — 276 [?], 400 — 401 [?], 505 — 510 [?]; n.s. 30 (1848): 49 — 54 [?], 273 — 276 [?], 276 [?], 390 — 393 [?].
  • Marriott, George Wharton (ca. 1778 — 1833). 99 — ii (1829): 183 — 186, 280 — 282, 643 — 645.
  • Martin, John (1791 — 1855). N.s. 18 (1842): 92 — 93 [?].
  • Martin, Thomas. N.s. 26 (1846): 490 — 491 [?].
  • Merivale, Rev. Charles (1808 — 1893). N.s. 22 (1844): 96 — 97 [?].
  • Merriman, Dr. Samuel (1771 — 1852). 98 — i (1828): 218, 290; 99 — i (1829): 408; 100 — i (1830): 29 — 30; 101 — i (1831): 224; 102 — i (1832): 10 — 12, 290; 102 — ii (1832): 228 — 229; 103 — i (1833): 205 — 206; n.s. 7 (1837): 434; n.s. 10 (1838): 672; n.s. 22 (1844): 247; n.s. 24 (1845): 145 — 147; n.s. 25 (1846): 481 — 482.
  • Merriman, Dr. Samuel William John (1814 — 1873). N.s. 29 (1848): 94 — 95 [?].

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  • Meyrick, Sir Samuel Rush (1783 — 1848). 97 — i (1827): 482; n.s. 5 (1836): 378 — 384; n.s. 6 (1836): 158 — 160, 378 — 384, 492 — 494.
  • Mitford, Rev. John (1781 — 1859). N.s. 8 (1837): 3 — 11 [?], 341 — 346, 346 — 349, 370 — 372, 372, 373 — 374, 388 — 389, 563 — 569; n.s. 21 (1844): 574 — 577; n.s. 25 (1846): 598 — 600, 609 — 614, 627 — 628; n.s. 26 (1846): 45 — 48; n.s. 27 (1847): 46 — 48.
  • Molineux, Thomas (1759 — 1850). 98 — i (1828): 187 [?].
  • Montalba, A. R. N.s. 28 (1847): 369 — 374.
  • Morgan, James Francis (ca. 1820 — 1867). N.s. 24 (1845): 2 [?], 371 — 372; n.s. 25 (1846): 360 [?].
  • Morris, George. N.s. 8 (1837): 488 — 489.
  • Nares, Rev. Robert (1753 — 1829). 97 — ii (1827): 564 — 565, 594 — 596 [?]; 98 — i (1828): 181.
  • Nichols, John Bowyer (1779 — 1863). 98 — i (1828): 401 — 402.
  • Nichols, John Gough (1806 — 1873). 97 — i (1827): 194; 99 — ii (1829): 194, 386; 101 — i (1831): 76, 306 — 309; 101 — ii (1831): 195 — 199; 102 — i (1832): 594 — 599; 102 — ii (1832): 563; 103 — i (1833): 386; 103 — ii (1833): 481 — 484; n.s. 4 (1835): 432 — 433 [?]; n.s. 7 (1837): 426 [?], 426 — 427 [?], 427 — 428 [?], 428 [?], 428 — 429 [?], 429 [?] (3); 429 — 430 [?], 430 [?] (3), 431 — 432 [?], 432 [?] (2), 432 — 433 [?], 433 — 434 [?], 435 — 436 [?], 562; n.s. 8 (1837): 83 — 84 [?], 90 — 91 [?], 239, 313 [?]; n.s. 11 (1839): 450; n.s. 14 (1840): 602; n.s. 16 (1841): 499 — 500; n.s. 17 (1842): 477 — 485; n.s. 23 (1845): 487 — 488; n.s. 30 (1848): 338.
  • Nicholson, James. N.s. 17 (1842): 332 [?]; n.s. 19 (1843): 426 — 427 [?], 657 [?]; n.s. 20 (1843): 649 — 650 [?], 653 — 654 [?]; n.s. 21 (1844): 204; n.s. 27 (1847): 87 [?]; n.s. 29 (1848): 259.
  • Nicolas, Sir Nicholas Harris (1799 — 1848). 97 — i (1827): 27 — 28, 32.
  • Nuttall, Dr. Peter Austin. 98 — i (1828): 507 — 512; 98 — ii (1828): 387 — 390; 101 — i (1831): 548; n.s. 8 (1837): 352 — 353.
  • O'Dalton, Edward. N.s. 20 (1843): 360 [?].
  • Olding, F. N.s. 3 (1835): 145 — 147.
  • Page, Augustine (1783 — 1853). 101 — i (1831): 208, 417 — 418; 101 — ii (1831): 405 — 407; 102 — i (1832): 109 — 110; 103 — ii (1833): 503 — 504.
  • Palmer, John. 98 — i (1828): 496 [?].
  • Palmer, ------. 102 — ii (1832): 194.
  • Parkes, David (1763 — 1833). 101 — ii (1831): 411.
  • Patem, James G. 103 — ii (1833): 469 — 471.
  • Patmore, Coventry Kersey Dighton (1823 — 1896). N.s. 29 (1848): 481 — 487 [?], 605 — 611 [?].
  • Penneck, Rev. Henry (1800 — 1862). N.s. 28 (1847): 546 — 547 [?].
  • Phillips, Edward, Jr. (1754 — 1831). 98 — i (1828): 391 — 392, 398 — 401, 503 — 507; 98 — ii (1828): 24 — 25.
  • Pidgeon, Henry. 99 — ii (1829): 115 — 116, 400; 100 — i (1830): 355; 100 — ii (1830): 547; 101 — i (1831): 254, 352; 101 — ii (1831): 553; 102 — i (1832): 70; 103 — ii (1833): 280 — 281.
  • Planché, James Robinson (1796 — 1880). 98 — i (1828): 290; n.s. 30 (1848): 2.
  • Polwhele, Rev. Richard (1760 — 1838). 99 — ii (1829): 165 — 166.
  • Poynder, John (1779 — 1849). 98 — ii (1828): 601 — 602.
  • Poyser, Thomas (ca. 1790 — 1860). N.s. 19 (1843): 655 — 657; n.s. 21 (1844): 137 — 141, 577 — 580; n.s. 23 (1845): 599 — 602; n.s. 28 (1847): 34 — 37.

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  • Price, Edward Bedford (1808 — 1852). N.s. 20 (1843): 639 — 640; n.s. 21 (1844): 2; n.s. (1844): 562.
  • Puttock, James. N.s. 15 (1841): 257 — 258 [?].
  • Rawson, James. N.s. 21 (1844): 381 — 383; n.s. 22 (1844): 38 — 40, 267 — 270; n.s. 30 (1848): 134 — 136 [?].
  • Rees, William Jenkins (1772 — 1855). N.s. 19 (1843): 326 [?].
  • Repton, John Adey (1775 — 1860). 99 — i (1829): 386; 102 — i (1832): 482; n.s. 21 (1844): 384; n.s. 22 (1844): 2.
  • Ridsdale, Rev. Robert (d. 1876). N.s. 17 (1842): 259; n.s. 20 (1843): 444 [?].
  • Robinson, William, the Elder (1777 — 1848). N.s. 26 (1846): 562.
  • Robinson, William, the Younger (1804 — 1827). 97 — i (1827): 197 — 198; 98 — i (1828): 214 — 215.
  • Roche, James (1770 — 1853). N.s. 7 (1837): 583; n.s. 8 (1837): 14 — 18, 254 — 256; n.s. 23 (1845): 200 — 201 [?].
  • Rosser, William Henry (1792 — 1848). 100 — ii (1830): 408 [?].
  • Rye, W. B. N.s. 28 (1847): 148 — 150.
  • St. Barbe, Rev. Roger Frampton (1790 — 1854). N.s. 22 (1844): 325 [?].
  • Sainthill, Richard. 101 — ii (1831): 500 — 502 [?].
  • Savage, Ann. N.s. 23 (1845): 557 — 558 [?].
  • Scatcherd, Norrison Cavendish (1780 — 1853). 100 — ii (1830): 25 — 26.
  • Scott, Sir Walter (1771 — 1832). 97 — i (1827): 82 — 85.
  • Shaw, Robert. N.s. 30 (1848): 585 — 589 [?].
  • Shephard, Miss M. H. 100 — i (1830): 215 — 216; 102 — i (1832): 109 [?]; 103 — i (1833): 359 [?].
  • Shortt, William Tayler Peter (b. ca. 1801). N.s. 25 (1846): 472n; n.s. 26 (1846): 226, 517 — 518.
  • Steinman, George Steinman. N.s. 30 (1848): 99 — 101.
  • Strangford, Percy Clinton Sydney Smythe, 6th Viscount, and 1st Baron Penshurst (1780 — 1855). 97 — ii (1827): 296, 391.
  • Strickland, E. N.s. 25 (1846): 437 — 438.
  • Tate, Rev. James (1771 — 1843). 101 — ii (1831): 138 — 139; 102 — i (1832): 508 — 510.
  • Taylor, B. C. 101 — ii (1831): 499 — 500; n.s. 8 (1837): 572.
  • Taylor, Edgar (1793 — 1839). N.s. 5 (1836): 450.
  • Tonna, Lewis Hippolytus Joseph (1812 — 1857). N.s. 26 (1846): 433 — 434 [?].
  • Tonson, Charles Ludlow (d. ca. 1850). 97 — ii (1827): 590 — 591; 100 — i (1830): 290, 583; 102 — i (1832): 194; 102 — ii (1832): 394; 103 — i (1833): 386; 103 — ii (1833): 128 — 129, 194.
  • Tooke, William (1777 — 1863). 100 — i (1830): 412 — 415; n.s. 19 (1843): 627 [?]; n.s. 22 (1844): 2; n.s. 25 (1846): 511 — 512.
  • Traherne, Rev. John Montgomery (1788 — 1860). N.s. 25 (1846): 591.
  • Turner, Dawson (1775 — 1858). N.s. 21 (1844): 437 [?], 543 — 546 [?]; n.s. 24 (1845): 540 — 541 [?].
  • Tymms, Samuel (d. 1871). N.s. 30 (1848): 469 — 471.
  • Usher, James. 103 — ii (1833): 368 — 369 [?].
  • Vincent, G. G. 101 — ii (1831): 515 — 520 [?].
  • Walker, Thomas. N.s. 18 (1842): 412 — 413 [?].
  • Walters, Charles (b. ca. 1785). 99 — i (1829): 217 — 218 [?].
  • Ward, Rev. John (1795 — 1861). N.s. 19 (1843): 659 — 660 [?]; n.s. 24 (1845): 42 — 43.

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  • White, Joseph. N.s. 22 (1844): 18.
  • White, Rev. Robert Meadows (1798 — 1865). N.s. 3 (1835): 167 — 168.
  • White, ------, of Ealing. 97 — ii (1827): 71 — 72; 98 — i (1828): 546 — 548; 99 — i (1829): 631 — 635.
  • Wilmot, J. P. N.s. 18 (1842): 678 [?].
  • Wimberley, Rev. Conrad Makings (ca. 1809 — 1876). N.s. 1 (1834): 118.
  • Wiswould, S. N.s. 29 (1848): 338.
  • Worship, Francis. N.s. 21 (1844): 96 — 97 [?].
  • Wrangton, F. 103 — ii (1833): 262 [?].
  • Wrench, Robert. N.s. 25 (1846): 435 [?].



James M. Kuist, The Nichols File of The Gentleman's Magazine: Attributions of Authorship and Other Documentation in Editorial Papers at the Folger Library (Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1982) 6, 13 — 20.


[Richard Gough], "Passage in Juvenal," GM 42 (1772): 255 — 256.


[Samuel Pegge the Elder], "Coin of Vespasian," GM 37 (1767): 498.


[Samuel Ayscough], "Black Beetles," GM 61-i (1791): 398.


[Samuel Pegge the Elder] "To run a muck," GM 38 (1768): 283 — 284.


[John Duncombe], "Non-descript Reptile," GM 48 (1778): 408.