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Page 180

Letter 10
5 April 1766
NLS: MS 25295, ff. 138-139

Grosvenor Square Apr. 5 1766
Good Sir

I have the honour of yours of the 29^ past. You give a very good reason for dropping your design on Bp Williams. I shall send you (by the care of Mr A. Millar) a copy of that excellent & entertaining Treatise of Bp Harsnet called A Declaration of Egregious Popish impostures,[32] for your amusemt for I am sure you will read it with pleasure. It is almost slipt out of the memory & knowlege of the World. If any body amongst you thinks it worth reprinting it be open at their service. Hales I find is both too serious & too profound for this dissipated & trifling age. I shall wait with impatience for what you promise. And now Sir give me leave to congratulate with you, or rather with North Britain on your honouring the Bench of the Lords of Session. I hope I am not mistaken or that my sincere congratulations are premature. But A. Millar told me that you was the person meant in the Article of the public papers mentioning that promotion.[33]

I am Worthy Sir
Your most obedient & faithfull humble Servant
W. Gloucester
P.S. I shall beg your acceptance of the new Edition of my Book of the Alliance.[34]