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Letter 8
24 June 1765
NLS: MS 25295, ff. 134-135

Prior Park June 24^ 1765
Dear Sir

I wrote to the Master of St John's in Cambridge, to the Master of Pembroke in Oxford and to Dr Birch in London.[29] I have inclosed their three


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answers, two of which are final & satisfactory; and the third I am sure will perform his promise effectually. When I get his transcripts, they shall be sent to you; in the mean time I would not keep you in suspence, how far I had obeyed your Commands.

I own this tract of the A.Bp. of York's[30] was always a favorite of mine; [deletion] for the wit, the good sense, and the Learning of it.—Ld Clarendon in his 4th B. of Hist. Reb. mentions it in this manner—he published a Book ag t the using those Ceremonies, in which there was much good learning, and too little gravity for a Bishop.[31] By too little gravity, his Lordship means, too much wit. But if one considers ye nature of that trifling subject, at that time of solemn importance one shall be ready to confess that the Bp treated it as it deserved, and in a way [deletion] likely to reduce it to its just value; which was a thing then most to be wished.

I am Sir with great esteem
your very faithfull & obedient
humble Servant
W. Gloucester [f.135 blank]