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  • Mr Edwards of Great St Helens, Bishopsgate, London, conducted occasional one-day auctions at Tom's Coffee-House, Cornhill, at least from 1798 through 1800. The catalogues are trifling affairs, four to seven pages long with about a hundred lots of paintings, jewelry, books, wine, olives, &c., described with wonderful vagueness. No Christian name of the auctioneer is ever vouchsafed in the catalogues and advertisements I have seen. There is no reason to suppose that this Mr Edwards is related to the Edwards family of Halifax; his sales are listed here merely to distinguish them from those of the relevant Edwardses.
  • 1798 July 12
  • Pictures from the Seat in Surrey of a Person of Distinction.

  • 222

    Page 222
  • 1799 July 18
  • Pictures of John Farrow, of Upper Brooke-Street, Deceased.
  • 1799 October 11
  • Paintings, Bronzes, &c., of a Gentleman Going to India, removed from his Dwelling-House at Richmond Green.
  • 1799 October 17
  • Books and Mathematical and Musical Instruments of the same Gentleman.
  • 1800 January 17
  • Paintings, Wine [and Olives] of William Finch, sold by Mess. Edwards & Wilson, On the Premises, Little Saint Helens, Bishopsgate.
  • 1800 April 18
  • Paintings from a Dwelling-House, near Grosvenor-Square.
  • 1800 April 25
  • Books and Musical and Mathematical Instruments from the same House.
  • 1800 June 27
  • Library, Pictures, Musical Instruments, Plate, Jewels, &c., of a Merchant, Removed from Gower Street.
  • 1800 October 4
  • Paintings from the Dwelling-House, near Grosvenor Square.
  • 1800 October 10
  • Library, Musical Instruments, Air Pump, Jewels, &c., from the same House.