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  • Thomas Edwards Catalogue of Books (1812)
  • TITLES: Thomas Edwards Catalogue of Books (Halifax: Thomas Edwards, April 1812).
  • COPY SEEN: None.
  • NOTE: With the Hanson Papers in Bodley is a letter of 6 April 1812 from Thomas Edwards in Halifax to John B. Nichols in London enclosing "a Catalogue of Books I offer for Sale, the Catalogue of Prints Drawings & Pictures will be out the next Week. . . . Sale does not begin till May—if you can with propriety insert it with literary information in body of Mag.e next Month I shall be obliged . . . it will be advertiz'd in Literary Gazette & various London News Papers &c &c". However, I have found neither these catalogues nor references to them in the April, May, and June issues of the Gentleman's Magazine which John Bowyer Nichols edited.
  • Thomas Edwards Catalogue of Prints (1812)
  • TITLE: Thomas Edwards Catalogue of Prints, Drawings, and Pictures (Halifax: Thomas Edwards, May 1812)
  • COPY SEEN: None.
  • NOTE: See above.
  • Thomas Edwards Catalogue of Law, Jurisprudence, and Medicine (1815)
  • COPY SEEN: Bodley.
  • NOTE: Law works are No. 1-516 (pp. 1-14); medicine, without separate titlepage, are No. 1-918 (pp. 1-20).
  • Thomas Edwards Catalogue of Books Part I (1815)
  • TITLE-PAGE: PART I. | [rule] | A | CATALOGUE | OF A VERY VALUABLE AND SELECT | Collection of Books, | IN MOST LANGUAGES, | AND EVERY BRANCH OF LITERATURE; | Containing many Unique and Splendid Articles, collected from various | Parts of Europe, generally in good Condition, | and many in elegant Bindings. | . . . | [black letter] Now on Sale (for Ready Money only) | The Prices printed in the Catalogue and marked in the first Leaf of every Book | At THO.s EDWARDS's, Bookseller, | HALIFAX. | PRICE 3s. | M.DCCC.XV [1815]. | [rule] | ⁂ The Second Part of this Catalogue will very shortly be published, containing all | the rarest Articles from the Cabinet of an eminent Collector in early French Poetry, Mys-|teres, Books of Emblems, early printed Books, MSS. in Vellum, &c.
  • COPIES SEEN: Bodley (2) and Halifax Public Library; there is also a copy in Cambridge.

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  • Thomas Edwards Catalogue of Books Part II (1816)
  • TITLE-PAGE: PART II. | [rule] BEING THE | Appendix and Supplement | TO | THOMAS EDWARDS's | [black letter] Catalogue, | HALIFAX; | Containing all the rarest Articles from the Cabinet of an | eminent Collector; | CONSISTING OF | EARLY FRENCH POETRY, | MYSTERES, BOOKS OF EMBLEMS, EARLY PRINTED BOOKS, | MISSALS ON VELLUM WITH MINIATURES, | AND OTHER FINE ARTICLES; | TOGETHER WITH | The Mathematics, Arts and Sciences | LAW AND MEDICAL BOOKS: | [black letter] Now on Sale (for Ready Money only) | The Prices printed in the Catalogue and marked in the first Leaf of every Book | M.DCCC.XVI [1816]. | [rule] | PRINTED BY P. K. HOLDEN, HALL-END, HALIFAX. | [rule] | Price Two Shillings.
  • COPIES SEEN: Bodley (2); there is also a copy in Cambridge.
  • NOTE: The works are continuously numbered and paginated from Part I. At the end is a leaf listing works "lately published by Thomas Edwards of Halifax" and "January, 1816, in the Press, and speedily will be published" by him.
  • Saunders Catalogue [of Thomas Edwards] (1818)
  • TITLE-PAGE: A | CATALOGUE | OF A VERY EXTENSIVE AND VALUABLE | MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION | OF | BOOKS | FROM THE NORTH OF ENGLAND; | COMPREHENDING | . . . | Forming as a whole, one of the most rich and splendid Collections | ever submitted to the Public, being in the finest Condition, and | nearly all bound, with unusual Taste and Splendour, in Etruscan | and variegated Calf, Vellum, Russia, Morocco, &c. &c. | WHICH | WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, | BY | MR. SAUNDERS, | At his Great Room, (Poets' Gallery) No. 39, Fleet Street, | On Monday March 30, 1818, | AND FIFTEEN FOLLOWING DAYS, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED) | At Half-past Twelve o'clock precisely. | To be viewed four Days preceding and Mornings of Sale; and | Catalogues had (Price Three Shillings each.) | [double rule] | Bensley and Sons, Bolt Court, Fleet Street, London.
  • COPY SEEN: Harvard.
  • NOTE: The origin of the collection from "THE NORTH OF ENGLAND" and the bindings of "unusual Taste and Splendour", many in Etruscan calf, point to Thomas Edwards, who is identified in manuscript ("Edwards of Halifax") on the title-page of the copy sent to the booksellers "Messrs Arch" (now in Harvard). The 2,232 lots include numerous Edwards publications.
  • Thomas Edwards's Catalogue (1821)
  • TITLE: EDWARDS'S CATALOGUE. | [rule] | Superb Books of Prints, Atlasses, Books printed on Vellum | with Miniatures, and other Superlatively fine Articles. | R. Sagden, Printer, Hall-End, Halifax [for Thomas Edwards] | at No. 2. Old Market, Halifax, 1821. N.B. In the only copy traced, the titlepage is missing; the title above is constructed from the heading on p. 1 (which may apply only to the first section), the printer's colophon on p. 120, and the inscription by the owner Professor Walter M. Edwards, on the flyleaf.
  • COLLATION: Octavo: [?a]2 [A]4 B-P4 A-D4
  • CONTENTS: [?half-title]; [title-page]; catalogue, divided into Folio Books of Prints &c., Folio, Quarto, Octavo, Duodecimo Et Infra, Magazines and Odd Volumes (pp. [1]-119]); advertisements for Whitaker's Craven (1811) and Whalley [1818] "Lately published by Thomas Edwards of Halifax", plus colophon (p. [120]; Drawings (pp. [1]-4) and Prints (pp. 6-31).
  • PLATE: None.
  • COPY SEEN: Bodley. N.B. The work is quite uncommon, and a thirty-year search discovered only this defective copy.
  • NOTES: There are 2,013 lots of books, 117 of drawings, and 784 of prints. The books are mostly fairly recent, forty-seven of them published by the Edwardses, though No. 75 is the Second Shakespeare Folio at £12.12.0. One hundred and thirty-five


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    lots are "sumptuously", "splendidly", "superbly", "richly", or merely "elegantly" bound. Thirty-four are in the Edwards's Etruscan calf (most of them "elegant"), and twenty-four have Edwards fore-edge paintings mostly with Etruscan calf bindings, five on James Edwards publications, and fourteen of the fore-edges have the subjects identified, but there is no reference to Edwards painted vellum bindings, though seven lots are bound in vellum. The most notable lot (No. 3) is William Blake's "unequalled" and "masterly designs" in illustration of Young's Night Thoughts, which "occupied nearly two years" of his time; they are "sumptuously bound in red morocco" and were offered at £300 but found no buyer either at that price or at the £50 for which they were offered in 1826 and 1828.
  • Thomas Winstanley Catalogue of Books of Thomas Edwards (1826)
  • TITLE-PAGE: | CATALOGUE | OF THE VERY | VALUABLE, EXTENSIVE AND GENUINE | Collection of Books, | (SELECTED FROM THE STOCK IN TRADE) | OF | Mr. THOMAS EDWARDS, Bookseller, of Halifax, | (WHO IS RETIRING FROM BUSINESS) | COMPRISING | THE BEST WORKS IN DIVINITY, POETRY, AND THE | BELLES LETTRES; | THE BEST EDITIONS OF THE MOST ESTEEMED WORKS IN | HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, ANTIQUITIES, VOYAGES | AND TRAVELS, | Enriched with very choice and early Impressions of the Plates; many costly and | highly beautiful Works (English and Foreign) in | NATURAL HISTORY AND BOTANY, | Accurately and Beautifully Coloured from Nature: | ENCYCLOPAEDIAS; | Superb Copies of the Galleries, and other Works Illustrative of Art, | recently published in this Country, many of them early Subscription | Copies, and selected with great attention to the Embellishments; also, | several splendid works richly illustrated with Plates; some fine | BOOKS OF PRINTS | AND A FEW ILLUMINATED MISSALS, | (Both printed and Manuscript) of great interest and Beauty, | WHICH WILL BE | SOLD BY AUCTION, | By Messrs. THOMAS WINSTANLEY & Co. | AT THE EXCHANGE ROOMS, MANCHESTER, | On Monday the 1st of May next, AND [9] FOLLOWING DAYS (SATURDAY AND SUNDAY EXCEPTED.) | . . . | [rule] | HALIFAX: | PRINTED BY N. WHITLEY, | FOR THOMAS EDWARDS, BOOKSELLER. | [rule] | MDCCCXXVI [1826].
  • COPIES SEEN: Bodley, Glasgow, Harvard, Michigan.
  • NOTE: According to a note in the Glasgow University Library copy, the catalogue was made by W. Ford of Manchester; the auction was a failure; and the remainder of the books was placed on private sale. The 1,465 lots include many publications of James, Richard, and Thomas Edwards.
  • Winstanley & Co. Catalogue of Prints of Thomas Edwards (1826)
  • TITLE-PAGE: CATALOGUE | OF THE | SELECT AND VALUABLE COLLECTION | OF | ENGRAVINGS, DRAWINGS, PICTURES, PAINTED | GLASS, CARVINGS IN IVORY, | AND OTHER CURIOSITIES, THE GENUINE PROPERTY OF | Mr. THOMAS EDWARDS, Bookseller, Halifax, | [WHO IS RETIRING FROM BUSINESS.] | [rule] | THE ENGRAVINGS | COMPRISE MANY OF THE CHOICEST WORKS, (A CONSIDERABLE PORTION | OF THEM PROOFS,) OF | BARTOLOZZI, RYLAND, VIVARES, WOOLLET, BYRNE, | HOLLOWAY, | AND OTHERS OF THE MODERN ENGLISH SCHOOL, AMONGST WHICH WE MAY ENUMERATE,- | The Death of Lord Chatham, after Copley, by Bartollozzi, fine proof; | THE DEATH OF WOLFE, BY WOOLLET, AFTER WEST, | Before the words "Right Honourable," were prefixed to the Name of Lord Grosvenor; and | THE CARTOONS OF RAFFAELLE, BY HOLLOWAY; | Both the Etchings and finished Impressions. | [rule] | THE DRAWINGS | Are principally modern, but many of them extremely fine, by Riddall, Smith, (Italian) West, | and others; but more especially, a Set of Six large Italian Drawings after the ANTIQUE, most | exquisitely coloured, "equal to Miniature Paintings," by Cam. Buti of Rome, who expressly | executed them for Mr. Beckford, of Fonthill,


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    and was paid Two Hundred Guineas for them: they contain, also, several in Natural History and Botany, by the celebrated Miss Stone, | Harris, Bolton, of Halifax, Lewin, &c. very finely executed. | THE PAINTINGS ARE FEW, BUT GOOD AND MISCELLANEOUS: | WHICH WILL BE SOLD | By Messrs. Thomas WINSTANLEY & Co. | AT THE EXCHANGE ROOMS, MANCHESTER, | On Monday, the 15th, and Tuesday, the 16th of May, 1826, | At 11 o'clock each Day precisely. | [rule] | The whole may be viewed on Friday the 12th, and Saturday, the 13th of | May 1826. | [rule] | Catalogues may now be had, price one shilling each, of Messrs. WINSTANLEY AND | SONS, Auctioneers, Pater-noster-Row, London; Messrs. THO. WINSTANLEY & SON, | Liverpool; Messrs. THO. WINSTANLEY & Co. St. Anne's Street, Manchester; | Messrs. A. CONSTABLE & Co. Edinburgh; Mr. THO. EDWARDS, Halifax; and of | the principal Booksellers in the Neighbouring Towns. | [rule] | HALIFAX; PRINTED BY N. WHITLEY. | [rule] | MDCCCXXVI [1826].
  • COPIES SEEN: Bodley (3), Glasgow University Library, Manchester Public Library.
  • Stewart, Wheatley, & Adlard Catalogue of Books of Thomas Edwards (1828)
  • TITLE-PAGE: A | CATALOGUE | OF THE | SPLENDID AND VALUABLE COLLECTION | OF | BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, and MISSALS, | THE PROPERTY OF | THOMAS EDWARDS, Esq. | (Late of Halifax, Yorkshire.) | COMPRISING | One of the most magnificent Assemblages of Missals, Illuminated Manuscripts, | and Illustrated Books, ever offered for public Sale; among them may be noticed, | . . . | . . . Together with | the best Works in English and Classical Literature of all Classes, many on Large | Paper. The greater Part are bound in Morocco, Russia and Etruscan | bindings by Lewis, Hering, and other eminent Binders in their style | WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, | BY MESSRS. | [double rule] | [black letter] Stewart, Wheatley, & Adlard, | [double rule] | AT THEIR GREAT ROOM, 191, PICCADILLY, | On THURSDAY, MAY 15th, 1828, and eight following days, (Sunday excepted,) | At Twelve o'Clock.
  • COPIES SEEN: Bodley (3, one on lavender paper with prices and buyers, evidently Thomas Edwards's own copy), British Library (with prices and buyers), and Victoria & Albert Museum.
  • NOTE: The total realized was £4,640.6.6. On the last page is a notice of Stewart, Wheatley & Adlard's "IMMEDIATE SALE . . . [of] THE FINE COLLECTION OF PICTURES, DRAWINGS, AND CHOICE ENGRAVINGS, THE PROPERTY OF THOMAS EDWARDS, Esq.", but I have no further information about the sale.
  • Southgate & Son Catalogue of John Bowden and Thomas Edwards (1835)
  • TITLE: Southgate & Son sold the libraries of the late John Bowden and of Thomas Edwards on 9-16 March 1835.
  • NOTE: The lots are not distinguished as to owner.