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II. Lawrence's Correspondence

Lawrence usually used special small sheets of paper for his letters, especially for those to Louie Burrows and Blanche Jennings. Sometimes he used exercise book paper, but the sheet size was very different from the standard size used in "Nethermere". The following list of paper types only includes those which appear similar to


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Types A to F.[25] I have also examined the paper of all other extant letters from this period which are written on exercise book paper, but none are of the types used in "Nethermere".

  • 1) Second page of letter dated 30.6.09. Dimensions: 203 mm x 163 mm. Lines: 20, an average of 8.5 mm apart. Top margin 26 mm, bottom margin 15 mm. No watermark. Possibly Type D paper.
  • 2) Double sheet used for letter dated 20.11.09. Dimensions: 203 mm x 164 mm. Lines: 21, an average of 8.5 mm apart. The lines are noticeably pale. Top margin is 20-21 mm at the front, 19-20 mm at the back. Bottom margin is 13-12 mm at the front, 14-13 mm at the back. Watermarked "Boot's Cash Stationers". Possibly Type B paper. The same paper was used for the poem "Absence" sent to Grace Crawford on 21.11.09.
  • 3) Two single pages used for letter dated 23.1.10. Dimensions: 202 mm x 160 mm. Lines: 20, an average of 8.5 mm apart. Top margin 21.5 mm, bottom margin 10 mm. No watermark. Possibly Type C paper.
  • 4) Second page of letter dated 9.3.10. Dimensions: 204 mm x 164 mm. Lines: 21, an average of 8.5 mm apart. Top margin 18 mm, bottom margin 14.5 mm. Watermarked "Boot's Cash Stationers". Possibly Type F paper.
  • 5) All of letter dated 28.1.10. Dimensions: 200 mm x 160 mm. Lines: 20, an average of 8.5 mm apart. Top margin 22 mm, bottom margin 9 mm. No watermark. Possibly Type C paper.

Lawrence used a new type of paper for his letter to Florence Wood on 28 January 1910, and used this and one other type for most of his letters through the rest of 1910. The first paper type is watermarked with an oval design showing a lion holding a spear, surmounted by a crown and with the Letters 'F M L' underneath; the second type is watermarked "T. H. SAUNDERS".