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A fresh look at the two versions of Henry V, in part aided by a computer analysis, contributes substantial new evidence to the view that Q Henry V originated as both a deliberate abridgment and a memorial reconstruction by actors who had taken part in the play. But my study reverses the commonly held view of the order of these two processes, for the players must have based their reconstruction on performances linked to the Folio version, not an intermediate and possibly authorized abridgment. The obvious signs of deliberate abridgment, then, were incorporated in the reporter/adapters' reconstruction, not derived from a (possibly authorized) theatrical abridgment that might have preceded the Quarto.

The implications are especially significant for editors, theater historians, and directors. As Gary Taylor pointed out in "Corruption and Authority in the Bad Quarto" (1979), the fluctuating correlation between Q and F helps identify the most likely reporters; it also allows an editor to evaluate which variants are likely to have authority in Q, for variants in closely parallel segments of Q may represent Shakespeare's intentions. If Q was reconstructed directly from a script linked to the Folio, these sections take on greater authority than if Q were based on an intermediate abridgment, making them even more useful to editors. Staging details in the Quarto, of particular interest to theater historians and directors, may preserve elements of the Globe staging rather than that of an abridgment, increasing the value of the Quarto.


Page 249
The cuts and other alterations in Q—probably the first deliberate abridgment of Henry V, designed, perhaps, as a promptbook for use in performances outside London—could also be of considerable interest to directors who themselves may need to prune the text for a particular theatrical purpose.

But at the same time, the authority of the alterations in Q decreases if the Quarto was reconstructed and abridged by actor/adapters. Gary Taylor, believing that Q may preserve a theatrical abridgment used by Shakespeare's company, argued that it contained a number of features that might have been approved by Shakespeare himself, including the substitution of Bourbon for the Dauphin in the Agincourt scenes, the replacement of Westmorland by Warwick, even the addition of Pistol's "Coup'la gorge" at the end of 4.6.[30] He incorporated each of these features of the Quarto (and others) in his two recent Oxford editions of Henry V. If, instead of Shakespeare, reporter/ adapters were alone responsible for these and other alterations in Q, their authority clearly diminishes. Although these changes are intriguing and significant since they characterize a version of Henry V printed in England in Shakespeare's time, they may be inappropriate in the text of an edition of Henry V that seeks to communicate Shakespeare's intentions.


Page 250


Table A: Henry V Folio Spoken Lines in Various Correlation Categories

FX (F Only)  FA (All)  FM (Most)  FS (Some)  FP (Paraphrase)  F Total 
All characters  1593  560  693  380  27  3253 
Henry  474  198  239  118  11  1040 
Fluellen  67  27  105  71  275 
Canterbury  114  53  48  223 
Chorus  223  223 
Pistol  35  53  45  15  150 
Constable  78  13  22  11  124 
Exeter  12  73  34  127 
Dauphin  74  11  24  117 
Charles  67  11  13  95 
Williams  22  23  18  72 
Boy  38  12  10  69 
Burgundy  64  68 
Gower  23  27  14  67 
Katherine  29  16  60 
Montjoy  24  10  11  52 
Orleans  32  11  49 
Nym  10  21  46 
Quickly  15  13  41 
Ely  26  33 
Bardolph  14  30 
Alice  13  27 
Isabel  23  24 
MacMorris  19  19 
Westmorland  19 
Grandpre  18  18 
Bates  10  17 
Fr. Ambassador  17 
Cambridge  15 
French Soldier  15 
Scrope  13 
Grey  12 
Jamy  11  11 
Fr. Messenger 
Eng. Herald 
Second Fr. Amb. 


Page 251

Table B: Henry V Quarto Spoken Lines in Various Correlation Categories

QX (Q Only)  QA (All)  QM (Most)  QS (Some)  QP (Paraphrase)  Q Total 
All characters  55  624  735  183  32  1629 
Henry  14  215  266  44  11  550 
Fluellen  39  109  36  197 
Canterbury  55  48  106 
Pistol  64  42  116 
Constable  19  26  56 
Exeter  70  35  108 
Dauphin  10  22 
Charles  12  32 
Williams  11  23  10  46 
Boy  11  15  30 
Gower  29  15  45 
Katherine  11  32 
Montjoy  10  12  25 
Orleans  15 
Nym  12  20  40 
Quickly  12  15  35 
Bardolph  20 
Alice  16 
Bates  12 
Fr. Ambassador  14 
French Soldier 
Scrope  10  13 
Bourbon  16  29 
Fr. Messenger 
Gloucester  11 
Eng. Herald 
Second Fr. Amb. 


Page 252

Table C: Henry V Folio Witnessed Lines in Various Correlation Categories

FX (F Only)  FA (All)  FM (Most)  FS (Some)  FP (Paraphrase)  F Total 
All characters  1593  560  693  380  27  3253 
Henry  266  155  185  101  714 
Fluellen  99  111  104  45  360 
Canterbury  58  48  61  16  186 
Pistol  63  58  85  46  259 
Constable  193  60  59  25  339 
Exeter  463  252  311  124  1158 
Dauphin  160  49  45  27  283 
Charles  185  50  49  31  317 
Williams  79  30  59  56  228 
Boy  40  20  31  26  119 
Burgundy  83  17  14  123 
Gower  139  111  177  92  523 
Katherine  100  13  26  36  177 
Montjoy  14  45  39  14  112 
Orleans  141  17  33  200 
Nym  35  31  51  34  154 
Quickly  20  21  31  11  86 
Ely  145  98  106  23  375 
Bardolph  36  38  67  26  170 
Alice  147  17  18  191 
Isabel  124  17  18  167 
MacMorris  45  45 
Westmorland  177  200  197  52  629 
Bates  54  21  35  119 
Fr. Ambassador  21  22  49 
Cambridge  55  48  45  155 
French Soldier  22  25  25  11  84 
Scrope  63  44  42  157 
Grey  57  51  42  158 
Jamy  53  53 
Bedford  433  222  220  69  949 
Bourbon  41  20  44  39  146 
Britanny  100  45  40  24  211 
Rambures  167  26  37  10  240 
Salisbury  18  30  22  75 
Erpingham  58  42  40  18  158 
Fr. Messenger  79  83 
Gloucester  435  253  309  130  1136 
Court  64  22  38  134 
Eng. Nerald  30  35  36  23  124 
Warwick  274  153  214  97  745 
Beaumont  66  68 
Berri  62  41  31  17  152 
Clarence  309  183  222  96  819 
Second Fr. Amb.  25  29  66 
Lord  373  147  182  92  800 


Page 253

Table D: Henry V Quarto Witnessed Lines in Various Correlation Categories

QX (Q Only)  QA (All)  QM (Most)  QS (Some)  QP (Paraphrase)  Q Total 
All characters  55  624  735  183  32  1629 
Henry  22  178  190  40  438 
Fluellen  119  114  14  250 
Canterbury  46  63  117 
Pistol  60  91  29  193 
Constable  59  56  16  137 
Exeter  19  265  326  47  665 
Dauphin  39  40  91 
Charles  56  54  14  131 
Williams  34  81  16  142 
Boy  24  33  14  74 
Burgundy  12  15  46 
Gower  124  185  40  361 
Katherine  15  30  59  32  141 
Montjoy  48  36  89 
Orleans  68  61  20  155 
Nym  41  50  17  111 
Quickly  21  35  63 
Ely  100  111  222 
Bardolph  50  61  17  131 
Alice  18  31  57  28  138 
Isabel  10  12  16  10  50 
Bates  12  28  13  61 
Fr. Ambassador  18  24  45 
Cambridge  50  43  95 
French Soldier  26  25  59 
Scrope  46  41  89 
Grey  55  41  97 
Bedford  13  18 
Bourbon  58  53  14  133 
Salisbury  45  42  96 
Fr. Messenger 
Gloucester  21  205  200  35  467 
Court  12  33  15  72 
Eng. Herald  15  24  45 
York  44  42  97 
Warwick  16  106  156  32  316 
Berri  43  34  90 
Clarence  20  271  317  45  662 
Second Fr. Amb.  21  32  59 
Gebon  29  31  15  78 
Lord  16  195  219  36  474