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p. 323 Antony Hammond ] Anthony Hammond

Notes on Contributors
Antony Hammond, Professor of English at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, is co-editor of a new edition of John Webster shortly to be published by the Cambridge University Press.
Doreen Delvecchio completed her Ph.D. at McMaster University in 1987 and is now a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Toronto. She is also a Research Associate of the Cambridge Edition of Webster.
G. Thomas Tanselle, Vice President of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, teaches bibliography and editing in the Columbia University English Department and is co-editor of the Northwestern-Newberry Edition of The Writings of Herman Melville. He is currently president of the Bibliographical Society of America and of the Grolier Club.
Louis Hay presides over the “Conseil des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société” and directs the “Institut des Textes et Manuscrits Modernes” at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in Paris. As a specialist in the manuscripts of 19th- and 20th-century writers, he is concerned with the interconnection of textual and literary criticism according tot he discipline known as critique génetique.
Gerhard Neumann was Professor of German Literature at the universities of Bonn, Erlangen, and Freiburg/Breisgau before his recent appointment to the chair at the University of Munich. He has published extensively on German literature of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries and is a member of the international team of editors of the critical Kafka edition.
Klaus Hurlebusch is co-editor of the historical-critical edition of the works and letters of Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock (Berlin and New York, 1974-) at the University Library of Hamburg. His research and publications focus on 18th-century German literature, German expressionism, and editorial theory and practice.
Siegfried Scheibe, Academy of Sciences of GDR, Central Institute of History of Literature, Berlin (GDR), is leader of the Group "Textology." He has edited works of Johann Wolfgang Goethe (Epen, Dichtung und Wahrheit), philosophical works and letters of Georg Forster, and works of Christian Fürchtgott Gellert (Fabeln und Erzählungen, Schriften zur Theorie und Geschichte der Fabel), and is editor of Briefwechsel Wielands. He has published papers on theoretical and practical problems of editing.
Frederick Burkhardt is President-Emeritus of the American Council of

John M. Robson is a University Professor and member of the Department of English at the University of Toronto, where he has taught since 1958. General and Textual Editor of the Collected Works of J. S. Mill (25 vols. to date), he is Honorary Editor of the Royal Society of Canada and a member of many editorial advisory committees. He has published extensively on 19th-century authors and themes.
A. S. G. Edwards is Professor of English at the University of Victoria, British Columbia, General Editor of the Index of Middle English Prose, and Vice President of the Renaissance Text Society. He is currently completing an edition of the English Poems of Thomas More (for the Yale Edition) and co-editing Chaucer's House of Fame (for the Variorum).
Ralph Hanna III, Professor of English at the University of California, Riverside, has edited a number of Middle English and Anglo-Latin works; he remains interested in the relationship of book production and literary history.
Tim William Machan is Associate Professor of English at Marquette University. He is the author of Techniques of Translation: Chaucer's 'Boece' and a co-editor, with A. J. Minnis, of the Boece for the Variorum Chaucer.
Richard F. Green studied at the Centre for Medieval Studies at the University of Toronto. He has taught at several Canadian universities and is currently Associate Professor in the English Department at the University of Western Ontario. He has published Poets and Princepleasers: Literature and the English Court in the Late Middle Ages (1980), and a number of articles in such journals as The Library, Speculum, The British Library Journal, and The English Historical Review.
Paul Werstine, Associate Professor of English, King's College and the Graduate School of the University of Western Ontario, is working on the New Variorum edition of Romeo and Juliet.
Arthur Sherbo, Emeritus Professor of English at Michigan State University, is making a special study of eighteenth-century periodicals.
Dennis Todd teaches English at Georgetown University. He has written articles on Swift, Pope, and Hogarth, and is currently completing a book-length study of the Mary Toft incident.
Conor Fahy is Emeritus Professor of Italian, Birkbeck College, University of London. He has written extensively on textual bibliography and the editing of Italian texts, mainly 16th century; a selection of these studies has recently been published in Italy.
G. E. Bentley, Jr., of the University of Toronto, has published books on William Blake, John Flaxman, and George Cumberland, and is completing works on the illustrated-book publishers J. F. Du Rovery, The Edwardses of Halifax, Thomas Macklin, and Robert Bowyer.
Louis Daniel Brodsky's poetry has appeared in a number of periodicals.

Al Defazio
David R. Evans
Brian S. Parsons
Paul Reiferson
Honorable Mention
Catesby B. Jones
Bonnie LaVerne Rutherford

President, Irby B. Cauthen, Jr., Wilson Hall, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
First Vice President, Kendon L. Stubbs, University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
Secretary-Treasurer, RAY W. FRANTZ, JR., University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
Editor, FREDSON BOWERS, Route 14, Box 7, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
Executive Secretary, Penelope F. Weiss, University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
Hon. Secretary-Treasurer for the British Isles, MRS. DOUGLAS WYLLIE, Westbrae, 39 Libo Ave., Uplawmoor, G78 4AL Glasgow, Scotland
Julius Barclay (1988)
David L. Vander Meulen(1991)
I.B. CAUTHEN, JR. (1990)
VACANT (1993)
Studies in Bibliography is issued annually by the Society, in addition to various bibliographical pamphlets and monographs.
Membership in the Society is solicited according to the following categories:
Subscribing Members at $25.00 a year receive Studies in Bibliography and other bibliographical material issued without charge by the Society. Institutions as well as private persons are accepted in this class of membership.
Contributing Members at $75 a year receive all publications, and by their contributions assist in furthering the work of the Society. Institutions are accepted.
Articles and notes are invited by the editor. Preferably these should conform to the recommendations of the Modern Language Association of America Style Sheet. The Society will consider the publication of bibliographical monographs for separate issue.
All matters pertaining to business affairs, including applications for membership, should be sent to the Executive Secretary, Penelope F. Weiss, University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903.

- Bodleian Library Oxford, England
- The British Library, London, England
- University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California
- UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, Cambridge, England
- Irby B. Cauthen, Jr., Charlottesville, Virginia
- Roger Creet, Berkeley, California
- JACK DALTON, New York City
- University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware
- Rolf E. Du Rietz, Upsala, Sweden
- EMORY UNIVERSITY, Emory University, Georgia
- UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII, Honolulu, Hawaii
- INDIANA UNIVERSITY, Bloomington, Indiana
- WALLACE KIRSOP, Victoria, Australia
- MELVIN M. MCCOSH, Excelsior, Minnesota
- Paul Mellon, Upperville, Virginia
- Harrison T. Meserole, Bryan, Texas
- Davis W. Moore, Denevr, Colorado
- Howard S. Mott, Sheffield, Massachusetts
- Calvin P. Otto, Charlottesville, Virginia
- RICE UNIVERSITY, Houston, Texas
- OTTO SCHAEFER, Schweinfurt, Germany
- Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois
- University of Sussex Library, Brighton, England
- G. Thomas Tanselle, New York City
- ROBERT A. TIBBETTS, Columbus, Ohio
- William M. Tucker, Palo Alto, California
- Calhoun Winton, College Park, Maryland
- Stuart Wright, Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Distributed by the University Press of Virginia
Former publications of the Society not listed here are out of print. Those wishing a complete list of them should see the annual lists in successive volumes of Studies. Members will receive a 20 per cent discount on all publications. Orders should be addressed to the University Press of Virginia, Box 3608, University Station, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903, U. S. A.
Blehl, Vincent Ferrer, S. J., John Henry Newman, A Bibliographical Catalogue of His Writings. $20.00.
Bloomfield, B.C., and Mendelson, Edward, W. H. Auden, A Bibliography, 1924-1969. $30.00.
Bowers, Fredsom, Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing. $35.00.
Bristol, Roger P., Supplement to Evans' American Bibliography. $50.00.
Dameron, J. Lasley, and Cauthen, Irby B., Jr., Edgar Allan Poe: A Bibliography of Criticism 1827- 1967. $30.00.
Evans, G. Blakemore, editor, SHAKESPEAREAN PROMPT-BOOKS OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. Volume III: Parts i and ii (The Comedy of Errors; A Midsummer Night's Dream). $25.00. Vol. V: Text of the Smock Alley Macbeth. $25.00. Vol. VI: Text of the Smock Alley Othello. $25.00.
Frost, Robert, Stories for Leslie, edited by Roger D. Sell, illustrated by Warren Chappell. $16.95.
Fry, Donald, Beowulf AND The Fight at Finnsburh: A BIBLIOGRAPHY. $20.00.
Gallup, Donald, Ezra Pound: A Bibliography. (Published in conjunction with St. Paul's Bibliographies.) $50.00.
Grimshaw, James A., Robert Penn Warren: A Descriptive Bibliography, 1922-1979. $35.00.
Guiliano, Edward, Lewis Carroll: An Annotated International Bibliography, 1960-1977. $15.00.
Herring, Phillip F., editor, Joyce's Notes and Early Drafts for Ulysses: Selections from the Buffalo Collection. $42.50.
Herring, Phillip F., editor, Joyce's Ulysses Notesheets in the British Museum. $42.50.
Hirsch, Rudolf, and Heaney, Howell, SELECTIVE CHECK LISTS OF BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SCHOLARSHIP, 1949-1955. $25.00. (Vol. X of Studies.) ($20.00 to members.)
Hirsch, Rudolf, and Heaney, Howell, SELECTIVE CHECK LISTS OF BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SCHOLARSHIP, SERIES B, 1956-1962. $20.00.
Hodnett, Edward, Aesop in England. $20.00.
Johnson, Linck C. Thoreau's Complex Weave. The Writing of A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers with the Text of the First Draft. $37.50.
Life, Page West, Sir Thomas Malory and the Morte Darthur: A Survey of Scholarship and Annotated Bibliography. $17.50.

MacMahon, Candace W., Elizabeth Bishop, A Bibliography, 1927-1979. $20.00.
Partridge, A. C., A Substantive Grammar of Shakespeare's Nondramatic Texts. $22.50.
Polk, Noel. William Faulkner, The Marionettes. Trade edition, $13.95.
Pound, Ezra, A Quinzaine for This Yule. $10.00.
Ross, Charles L., The Composition of The Rainbow and Women in Love. $16.95.
Roth, Barry, An Annotated Bibliography of Jane Austen Studies, 1973-83. $15.00.
STUDIES IN BIBLIOGRAPHY, Volumes 1-40. $20.00 each to members; $25.00 to nonmembers.
Tanselle, G. Thomas, The Editing of Historical Documents. $4.95.
Tanselle, G. Thomas, Selected Studies in Bibliography. $25.00.
Tanselle, G. Thomas, Textual Criticism Sicne Greg: A Chronicle 1950-1985. Price to be announced.
Tarr, Roger, Thomas Carlyle, A Bibliography of English-Language Criticism, 1824-1974. $20.00.
Tucker, Edward. The Shaping of Longfellow's John Endicott. A Textual History, Including Two Early Versions. $20.00.
Weisenfarth, Joseph, George Eliot: A Writer's Notebook, 1854-1879 and Uncollected Writings. $30.00.
West, James L. W., III. A Sister Carrie Portfolio. $25.00.
Wright, Stuart, Randall Jarrell: A Descriptive Bibliography, 1929-1983. $35.00.
Wright, Stuart and West, James L. W. III, Reynolds Price: A Bibliography, 1949-1984. $20.00.

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