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Appendix I: Brief manuscript descriptions

I offer here descriptions of those manuscripts which have figured prominently in the argument above: all those which I have shown are directly related to Westminster School 3, together with a pair of relevant texts, one of considerable importance (Rawlinson A 389), a second perhaps more closely related than I have been able to ascertain (Royal 17A.xxvi). The descriptions are deliberately summary and directed to contents, scribes, and textual arrangement; I have gone to some pains to indicate the presence of fascicular production. In discussing foliation, I ignore fly-leaves devoid of textual material. All contents are English unless noted. I endeavor to be brief; thus I identify texts also in Westminster 3 simply as "W item x," give only accepted modern titles, and use references to one of the standard bibliographical tools cited in n. 2 above, with preference for IPMEP. I have generally not included references to descriptions in published library catalogues unless they are particularly outstanding or the only available printed account. Beyond the courtesies noted above, I am particularly indebted to the librarians who have enabled me to look at these texts, those at Cambridge Univ. Library, the Bodleian Library, the British Library, Bibliothèque Ste. Geneviève, and the Henry E. Huntington Library (the last especially for permission to print HM 502 as base in Appendix II).

Cambridge Sidney Sussex Col. 74 s. xiv/xv

Vellum. ii + 181 ff. (numbered to 207 with losses, including 1 and 2 paper front flies, 2 at least with a piece of the medieval leaf), 250 X 170 mm. (writing area varies, c. 180 X 120 mm.). For the most part (see Booklet V below), in anglicana, perhaps a variety of very similar hands. 33-39 lines per page. Medieval foliation (often erratic), regular signatures in the first halves of quires, catchwords.

  • Booklet I = ff. 3-142
  • 1. ff. 3-142v the Wycliffite sermon cycle (IPMEP 304).


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    Collation: uncertain; per Hudson, p. 70: 18(-1, -2, -8) 26(-1) 312(-1, -2, -9, -10, -11, -12) 46?(-1, -3, -5) 512(-3, -9) 612(-1, -2, -11, -12) 78(-5, -7) 810(-2, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8) 910 + 1(+1, -1) 10-1210 138 148(-7) 158 166 (signed a-q).Booklet II = ff. 143-166
  • 2. ff. 143-166v þe þater noster of Richard Hermit (W item 1). Collation: 112 214 (signed r-s). 146 and 163 repeated in foliation.
  • Booklet III = ff. 167-179
  • 3. ff. 168-179 Wimbledon's sermon "Redde racionem" (IPMEP 560). Ff. 167rv and 179v blank (as the next, a fascicle with blank opening cover). Collation: 114 (signed t; 168 = t ij); 177 repeated in foliation.
  • Booklet IV = ff. 180-192
  • 4. ff. 181-189v the "orthodox" commentary on the Decalogue, here edited into sermon form (cf. W item 3). F. 180rv blank.
  • 5. ff. 189v-191v the Wycliffite commentary on the Ave Maria (W item 2).
  • 6. ff. 191v-192v the opening of a sermon (in a later hand). Collation: 114 (-14) (signed v; 181 = v ij).
  • Booklet V = ff. 194-207
  • 7. ff. 194-207v the series of seven sermons described Hudson, Wycliffite Sermons I:115-22. In two hands not found elsewhere, ff. 194-204v textura, 204v-207v anglicana. Collation: 18 26 (signed x-y); f. 207 has been used as a pastedown.
  • Descriptions: Aarts, Pater Noster, pp. xv-xvi; Hudson, Wycliffite Sermons, pp. 70-72; Ione Kemp Knight, Wimbledon's Sermon (1967), pp. 15-16.

Bodleian Library, Bodley 938 s. xv1

Vellum. 280 ff. (numbered to 278, 3 and 47 repeated), 177 X 123 mm. (writing area 137 X 77+ mm.). In anglicana. 26 lines per page. Collation: 1-358. Regular signatures in the first halves of quires; catchwords (none on f. 23v). The manuscript has three sets of partially overlapping signatures: (1) quires 4-35 (ff. 24-278) are signed +, 2-32 on the first leaf; (2) quires 1-3, 26-35 (ff. 1-23, 199-278) are signed a-n; (3) quires 12, 14-16, 18-25 are signed f, h-k, m-t (implying a-t = ff. 47 bis-198).

Items 1-7 (ff. 1-23) probably comprise a booklet, although the concluding text is incomplete. However, this division is not fully descriptive of production. Rather, the manuscript reflects two separate plans which are indicated by the signatures. Originally, there were two booklets (set 2 of signatures above). In the process of adding a third booklet (ff. 24-), the editor seems to have discovered Pore Caitif: originally he copied only a single one of the tracts from this work (item 9, ff. 39v-) as part of an ongoing and somewhat miscellaneous production. (For a different view, based on works intruded into Pore Caitif in other mss., see Mary Teresa Brady, Traditio, 10 [1954]:533-536.) But eventually, the decision was made to include the full text (item 16, ff. 117v-), and this change of plan is reflected in set 3 of the signatures (which begin at the second quire containing this extracted piece). Some other tailoring, now invisible, may have gone on: a full and consecutive series of signatures (set 1) was imposed on the whole but ignoring the first booklet (still separate?). Other work to effect a smooth join may have involved suppression of a quire which stood in the place of the current 26 and recopying of the current 27.

  • 1. ff. 1-10 a tract of basic instruction (the Pecham program); it may include a variety of short pieces known separately elsewhere, e.g. Jolliffe F.21, G.4e.
  • 2. f. 10rv "Four things been needful" (Jolliffe I.9).
  • 3. ff. 10v-13 A Short Rule of Life (W item 12).
  • 4. ff. 13-16 "Some proverbs of Solomon," biblical excerpts.
  • 5. ff. 16-17v a brief tract on the Decalogue.
  • 6. ff. 17v-23 further biblical excerpts, ending with lengthy citation of Levit. 26.
  • 7. ff. 24-35v the Wycliffite commentary on the Pater Noster (IPMEP 604).
  • 8. ff. 35v-39v the Wycliffite commentary on the Ave (W item 2).
  • 9. ff. 39v-50 the initial tract, on the creed, of Pore Caitif (Jolliffe B).

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  • 10. ff. 50-56 "Three things destroy this world" (IPMEP 170).
  • 11. ff. 56-58 The sixteen conditions of charity (Jolliffe G.4e).
  • 12. ff. 58-59v a tract on charity (Jolliffe G.25).
  • 13. ff. 60-62 a tract on the ten plagues of Egypt (cf. IPMEP 207).
  • 14. ff. 62-73v A Treatise of Wedded Men (W item 11).
  • 15. ff. 73v-117 the Wycliffite tract on the seven deadly sins (IPMEP 596).
  • 16. ff. 117v-209 the remainder of Pore Caitif.
  • 17. ff. 209-236v Rolle's Form of Living (cf. W item 18).
  • 18. ff 236v-243v Visitacio Infirmorum (W item 6).
  • 19. ff. 243v-246 on the five inward wits (Jolliffe D.1).
  • 20. ff. 246v-248 on the outer wits, seven deadly sins, and remedies (perhaps continuous with the preceding).
  • 21. ff. 248-262 a tract on tribulation (Jolliffe J.13).
  • 22. ff. 262-265 The Rule of the Life of Our Lady (W item 8).
  • 23. ff. 265v-267v a tract on virtuous widowhood.
  • 24. ff. 267v-270v a sacrament tract.
  • 25. ff. 270v-278v a commentary on the Athanasian creed; following the explicit is a four-line quotation from 2 Tim. 3.
  • Of the five items shared with Westminster 3 (3, 8, 14, 18, 22), only one appears in the Pore Caitif section of the ms.
  • The same scribe also contributed to the "common profit book," Cambridge Univ. Library (part II, ff. 43-99v).
  • Descriptions: Summary Catalogue, II, i:578-579.

British Library, Arundel 286 s. xv in.

Vellum. 192 ff. (numbered to 191, 184 repeated), 205 X 130 mm. (writing area for the relevant scribe 140/145 X 80-85 mm.). In textura with some anglicana forms, three hands (the scribe of interest, scribe 2, wrote ff. 20-81v, 100-91). 25-29 lines per page. No signatures, catchwords within booklets.

  • Booklet I = ff. 1-19
  • 1. ff. 1-15v a treatise on the passion.
  • 2. ff. 15v-19v an excerpt from St. Briget's Revelation (Jolliffe D.10, cf. IPMEP 312). Collation: 1-28 33?; scribe 1.
  • Booklet II = ff. 20-99
  • 3. ff. 20-81v Milicia Christi (IPMEP 390.5).
  • 4. ff. 82-92 translation of Bonaventura, Epistola continens 24 memorabilia.
  • 5. ff. 92-99v translation of Anselm, Meditatio xiii. Collation: 1-312 410 5-612 78 82?; scribe 2 copied ff. 20-81v, ending on the last line of quire 6, leaf 4; scribe 3 copied the remainder.
  • Booklet III = ff. 100-148
  • 6. ff. 100-115 The Book of Tribulation (IPMEP 143).
  • 7. ff. 115-129 þe Lyfe of Soule (IPMEP 243).
  • 8. ff. 129-134 excerpts (the meditations) from a translation of The Mirror of Holy Church (cf. W item 16, here a different version).
  • 9. ff. 134v-148 Treatise of Maidenhood (W item 13). F. 148v blank. Collation: 1-312 412+1 (+13); scribe 2.
  • Booklet IV = ff. 149-160
  • 10. ff. 149-160 an exposition of the hymn "Ave maris stella." F. 160v originally blank, now with an illustration of s. xvi. Collation: 112; scribe 2.
  • Booklet V = ff. 161-178
  • 11. ff. 161-178 Benjamin (W item 4). F. 178v blank. Collation: 112 26?; scribe 2.
  • Booklet VI = ff. 179-191
  • 12. ff. 179-191 the "orthodox" commentary on the Decalogue (W item 3). F. 191v blank.


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    Collation: 112 22?; scribe 2.
  • Descriptions: Hodgson, EETS 231, p. xii; Moon, Lyfe, pp. xi-xv; Barratt, Book, pp. 9-10; Michael Evans, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 45 (1982): 30-31n.

Bodleian Library, Laud Misc. 210 s. xiv/xv.

Vellum. 186 ff. (numbered to 187, an unnumbered leaf after 19, rear flies are 186, 187), 205 X 130 mm. (writing area variable, c. 150 X 95 mm.). In anglicana, six scribes (of primary interest are scribes 3 and 4, who copied ff. 94-168). 31-33 lines per page. Regular signatures in first halves of quires through f. 87 and in quire 18; catchwords. Booklet I = ff. 1-19 bis

  • 1. ff. 1-19v Rolle, Form of Living (cf. W item 18). F. 19 bis blank, the recto ruled. Collation: 1-210 (signed a-b); scribe 1.
  • Booklet II = ff. 20-179
  • 2. ff. 20-93v The Book to a Mother (IPMEP 767).
  • 3. ff. 94-95 text on love (W item 10).
  • 4. ff. 95-97v a text expounding Ps. 18:15, a fragment breaking off at a quire end, with the next quire [i?] lost.
  • 5. ff. 98-99 Visitacio Infirmorum (W item 6, a fragment from the end).
  • 6. ff. 99-114 The Twelve Profits of Tribulation (IPMEP 141).
  • 7. ff. 114-132v þe Lyfe of Soule (IPMEP 243).
  • 8. ff. 132v-133 a letter of the virgin to St. Ignatius.
  • 9. ff. 133-134v the twelve acts of righteousness pertaining to a king.
  • 10. ff. 134v-136 the sixteen conditions of charity (Jolliffe G.4e).
  • 11. ff. 136-146v The Charter of the Abbey of the Holy Ghost (IPMEP 590), a fragment breaking off at a quire end with the next two (?) quires [p-q?] lost.
  • 12. f. 147rv the "orthodox" commentary on the Decalogue (W item 3, a fragment from the end).
  • 13. ff. 147v-157 another commentary on the Decalogue.
  • 14. ff. 157-165 a form of confession (Jolliffe C.20).
  • 15. ff. 165v-168 a tract on the apostles' creed.
  • 16. ff. 168-174v "Matters of holy writ."
  • 17. ff. 174v-179 a tract on temptation (Jolliffe K.9). Collation: 110 28 3-710 (signed ø, b-g) 810 [lost quire] 9-1110 1210 (-a leaf in first half) 1310 [two lost quires] 14-1510 1610 (signed t) 174(-1). Item 2 by scribe 2 (bastard anglicana), items 3-4 by scribe 3, items 5-15 by scribe 4, items 16 and 17 by scribe 5.
  • Booklet III = ff. 180-185
  • 18. ff. 180-185v The Abbey of the Holy Ghost (IPMEP 39). Collation: 16; scribe 6.
  • Descriptions: Moon, pp. v-ix, primarily from the Bodleian "Quarto Catalogue" (rep. 1973), II:181-183.

British Library, Royal 17A.xxvi s. xv¼

Vellum. 146 ff. (fly numbered 1, an unnumbered leaf after 106), 162 X 114 mm. (writing area to f. 106, 115 X 75 mm.; thereafter, 115 X 70 mm.). To f. 106 in textura; thereafter (a separate ms.) anglicana; conceivably ff. 37-106 are a different hand from what precedes. To f. 106, 23 and 24 lines per page; thereafter, 29 lines per page. Ff. 4-106 are signed in the first half of quires (leaf numbers only, no quire signatures); catchwords.

  • Booklet I = ff. 2-3
  • 1. ff. 2-3 a "nine points" text (Jolliffe I.12c; cf. IPMEP 410). F. 3v blank. Collation: 12 (a bifolium).
  • Booklet II = ff. 4-106 bis
  • 2. ff. 4-22 the "orthodox" commentary on the decalogue (W item 3).

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  • 3. ff. 22-26v the Wycliffite tract on the seven deadly sins (IPMEP 596), breaking off incomplete.
  • 4. ff. 26v-27 part of ch. 1 of the Wycliffite tract on the bodily works of mercy (IPMEP 331).
  • 5. f. 27rv part of ch. 1 of the Wycliffite tract on the spiritual works of mercy (IPMEP 331).
  • 6. ff. 27v-28v a Wycliffite tract on the theological virtues (IPMEP 595).
  • 7. ff. 28v-29 various instructional lists.
  • 8. ff. 29-30 "Four things that neden to man" (Jolliffe I.9).
  • 9. ff. 30-37 Visitacio Infirmorum (W item 6).
  • 10. ff. 37-106 the glossed Apocalypse (IPMEP 584). F. 106v and a following unnumbered leaf (f. 106 bis) are blank. Collation: 1-138.
  • Booklet III = ff. 107-46 (a separate manuscript)
  • 11. ff. 107-43 the Wycliffite gospel of John, early version (IPMEP 119). Ff. 143v-46v are blank, 143v-44 ruled and all leaves pricked. Collation: 1-58.
  • Descriptions: George F. Warner and Julius P. Gibson, Catalogue of Western Manuscripts in the Old Royal and King's Collection (1921), II:220. F. 144v has a contents list of s. xv/xvi which indicates the two manuscripts were already joined at that time.

Bodleian Library, Laud Misc. 656 s. xiv ex.

Vellum. 133 ff. (numbered to 131, leaves before 1 and after 115 unnumbered), 206 X 145 mm. (writing area 180-172 X c. 120 mm. for prose items). In anglicana, one hand for item 1, a second for the remainder. 34-44 lines per page. No signatures, catchwords.

  • Booklet I = an unnumbered blank + ff. 1-116
  • 1. ff. 1v-19 the alliterative Siege of Jerusalem (IMEV 1583). The unnumbered leaf and f. 1 blank.
  • 2. ff. 19v-114 Piers Plowman C (IMEV 1459). Ff. 114v-116 blank. Collation: 114 2-812 9-1010.
  • Booklet II = ff. 117-131
  • 3. ff. 117-118 tract on the creed beginning with Abraham as a type of faith.
  • 4. ff. 118-124v a decalogue tract (W item 15).
  • 5. ff. 124v-125v sententia, primarily from the wisdom books. The remainder of the codex is blank except for pentrials. Collation: 18 28(-8).
  • Descriptions: Gisela Guddat-Figge, Catalogue of Manuscripts Containing Middle English Romances (1976), pp. 287-288.

Bodleian Library, Bodley 416 s. xv1

Vellum. 150 ff., 283 X 196 mm. (writing area 208 X 135+ mm.). In textura. 20 and 21 lines per page. Collation: [two quires lost] 1-138 146 15-198. (Quire 14 looks originally intended as the end of a fascicle, but later extended after a change in plan.) Most signatures cut away, but fragments in the first halves of quires 10, 13, 15-18 (signed xij, xv, xvij-xx), catchwords.

  • 1. ff. 1-105 The Book to a Mother (IPMEP 767).
  • 2. ff. 105-09v IMEV 776; three brief prose sentences (Chrysostom on doomsday, Augustine on the behavior of women, Gregory); IMEV 3851, 4047, 4129.
  • 3. ff. 109v-44 The Mirror of Holy Church (W item 16).
  • 4. ff. 144-50 St. Jerome's Psalter (Wells Rev. IV:15). F. 150v is blank and a former pastedown.
  • Descriptions: Summary Catalogue, II, i:304.

Paris, Bibliothèque Ste. Geneviève 3390 s. xv in.

Vellum. 110 ff., 150 X 94 mm. (writing area 97 X 70 mm.). In textura. 20 lines per


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page. Collation: 1-138 148 (-7, -8). No signatures (probably cut away, apparent fragments on a very few leaves), catchwords (sometimes cut away; none on ff. 32v, 40v).

  • 1. ff. 1-23v the "orthodox" commentary on the Decalogue (W item 3).
  • 2. ff. 24-27 the Wycliffite commentary on the creed (IPMEP 403).
  • 3. ff. 27-30 the Wycliffite commentary on the Pater Noster (IPMEP 810).
  • 4. ff. 30-37 an explanation of the theological virtues (cf. IPMEP 595).
  • 5. ff. 37v-57v John Gaytryge's sermon (IPMEP 70, 71).
  • 6. ff. 58-95v Rolle's Form of Living (W item 18).
  • 7. ff. 95v-108v Rolle's Ego Dormio (W item 19). Ff. 109-10 blank but ruled; they now contain a variety of notes.
  • Descriptions: William P. Cumming, PMLA, 42 (1927):862-864.

Bodleian Library Rawlinson A 389 s. xv in.

Vellum. 106 ff. (numbered to 105, an unnumbered leaf after 32), 253 X 180+ mm. (writing area varies 206-190 X 135-120 mm.). In anglicana, perhaps two scribes (if so, one wrote quires 5-9, the other most of the remainder); a different hand may occur on ff. 9-11v. 32-38 lines per page (most usually 36 and 37 lines). For the most part, unsigned (ff. 33 and 35 have partial signatures for quire a); catchwords.

  • Booklet I = ff. 1-12
  • 1. ff. 1-11v Rolle's Emendatio Vite (Latin). F. 12rv blank. Collation: 18 24.
  • Booklet II = ff. 13-20
  • 2. ff. 13ra-20vb Maidstone's penitential psalms (IMEV 3755), in double column. Collation: 18.
  • Booklet III = ff. 21-31
  • 3. ff. 21-31v five Latin texts, one in verse. Collation: 112(-12, cancelled and a stub).
  • Booklet IV = ff. 32-76
  • 4. ff. 32-72v Rolle's Incendium Amoris (Latin). The remainder of f. 72v and ff. 73-76v originally blank, now with Latin notes. Collation: 112 210 3-412.
  • Booklet V = ff. 77-84
  • 5 ff. 77-81 Rolle's Ego Dormio (cf. W item 19).
  • 6. ff. 81-84v Rolle's Commandment (IPMEP 660) Collation: 112(-5 [no text loss], -10, -11, -12, all stubs).
  • Booklet VI = ff. 85-105
  • 7. ff. 85-96v Rolle's Form of Living (W item 18).
  • 8. ff. 96v-99 Rolle's Ego Dormio (W item 19).
  • 9. ff. 99ra-104va IMEV 244, in double column.
  • 10. ff. 104va-105rb IMEV 1781, in double column. F. 105v blank. Collation: 1-28 36(-6).
  • Descriptions: the Bodleian "Quarto Catalogue" (1862), V:386-89.