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Editorial Method and Medieval
Translations: The Example of Chaucer's Boece
Tim William Machan
In a recent article in Studies in Bibliography, D. C. Greetham demonstrated how a medieval translation can be stemmatically reconstructed by consultation of the translation's source.[1] Greetham's argument is a persuasive one, and it is doubly important for it advances editorial theorizing about a type of text which, judging from the number of surviving examples and manuscripts, was enormously popular in the Middle Ages but which has not attracted the attention of most modern textual critics. Indeed, the tradition of editorial discussion of medieval English texts has in large part been a reflection of the so-called canon of English literature: certain works, authors and genres have been central to editorial theorizing, while many other works and genres have been all but ignored. Moreover, for the canon of editorial discussion, as for the canon of English literature, literary preference, not textual significance, has typically determined which texts merit inclusion. But whatever the aesthetic value of romances and narrative poems, to which most textual critics have addressed themselves, if the unique character of the medieval conception of a text is to be determined, the hundreds of translations, commentaries, and religious and scientific treatises need also to be considered. Editorial discussion of the textual complexity of these works

In the "Retraction" to the Canterbury Tales Chaucer labels "Boece de Consolacione" a "translacion," and the fact that the Boece is a "translacion" has informed both textual and critical judgment. Since Boethius wrote the Consolatio in Latin, it was reasoned, Latin—specifically the text preserved in ninth-century manuscripts—was what Chaucer translated. From this perspective, H. F. Stewart's assessment that the "inaccuracy and infelicity" of the Boece "is not that of an inexperienced Latin scholar, but rather of one who is no Latin scholar at all"[2] is not surprising. While an attitude like Stewart's may have been a factor in Skeat's editorial procedure,[3] their contemporary Mark Liddell, in his edition for the Globe Chaucer, acknowledged that Chaucer used Jean de Meung's French translation as well as the Latin original.[4] The textual situation of Chaucer's sources is still more complex, however, for it is recognized today that Chaucer's sources included the "Vulgate" Consolatio (a distinct redaction that developed in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries), a French manuscript which contained many idiosyncratic readings found in Besançon MS 434, the commentary of Nicholas Trevet, and perhaps the gloss tradition associated with Remigius of Auxerre.[5]
With these identified sources it might seem that editing the Boece would be patently easy: simply compare the Boece readings with their sources and choose the best reading. The troublesome words here, however, are in fact "sources" and "best," but it is with the first word that I am immediately concerned. While we have identified Chaucer's source texts, we have not identified Chaucer's source manuscripts, and the distinction between text and manuscript is of paramount importance when assessing medieval translations. Cambridge University Library MS Ii.3.21 has long been known to have a Vulgate Consolatio which contains a number of unique readings reflected in the Boece. But many other readings indicate that this manuscript is not identical to the one Chaucer used. At 1p4.114, for instance, most Boece manuscripts read "decrets and . . . Iugements"; the corresponding Vulgate reading in C. U. L. MS Ii.3.21 is "iudiciis," while the French reading is "juigemens."[6] The older Latin Consolatio, however, reads "decretis," and this reading must underlie Chaucer's "decrets." Similarly, Besançon MS 434 cannot be identical, or even very similar to, Chaucer's French manuscript, for at times, when Chaucer is clearly following the French, its readings are so confused as to be unintelligible. Moreover, the French manuscripts have been classified in two distinct branches, and though Chaucer's French source almost always follows the α branch of the French tradition—and Besançon MS 434 is an α branch manuscript—there are a handful of occasions when

My point here is that the certainty and objectivity of the one-to-one correspondence implied by "source" may sometimes be only apparent. Quite obviously the Boece had sources, and equally obviously we have a fairly good idea of what those sources were. But a "fairly good idea" is not the same as "exact knowledge." Chaucer's Latin text evidently had an unattested combination of Vulgate and traditional readings, while his French text presumably contained an unrecorded mixture of a, and perhaps b, readings. If we do not know the exact Latin and French manuscripts which Chaucer used, then there must be a degree of doubt about the source of every individual reading in the Boece, even if the Latin of C. U. L. MS Ii.3.21, for instance, would seem unequivocally to be the source of a given reading. And this degree of doubt is magnified by Chaucer's method of composition.
In composing the Boece, as I noted above, Chaucer used the Vulgate Consolatio, Jean de Meung's translation, Nicholas Trevet's commentary, and a few Remigian glosses. If one sits down with the manuscripts of these works—and for this purpose any of several manuscripts will do—and compares them to Robinson's or Skeat's editions of the Boece, one discovers that the Boece is a close translation in the sense that almost every phrase in the Boece is a translation from one of the four sources. But two additional points need to be made here. First, though Chaucer referred to his composition as a "translacion of Boece de Consolacione," his actual method involved much more than what Boethius wrote. In fact, Chaucer was translating from what might be called the Consolation tradition which accrued to Boethius's original text. To the Middle Ages, the Consolation was a work of moral philosophy, and then as now any intelligent and knowledgeable individual had a personal stake in moral philosophy. It is unremarkable, if not inevitable, that medieval readers grew less interested in the form of the Consolatio than in its content and that the content of "Boece de Consolacione" came to include a variety of reworkings of and commentaries and glosses on Boethius's thought.
The second point which needs to be made about Chaucer's use of his sources is that though the Boece is a close translation, it is a close translation of a "source" which exists only by implication. That is, Chaucer himself, as he was translating, in effect created his source by selectively combining portions of the tradition he called "Boece de Consolacione" in order to represent the content of Boethius as he understood it. While Chaucer's procedure has general trends, his movement from source to source is not inevitably predictable. In many cases, thus, along with the uncertainty of what Chaucer's sources read must go the uncertainty of which source text he was translating.[7]
Chaucer himself can add little certainty to the textual complexity of the Boece and its sources, for he does not state why or for whom he composed the translation. Moreover, there is good reason to believe that the Boece is

In Englissh and in writyng of oure tonge,
So prey I God that non myswrite the,
Ne the mysmetre for defaute of tonge. (5.1793-96)[8]
Whatever Chaucer's expectations, the Boece authorities—ten manuscripts and two early printed editions which evidently derive from no longer extant manuscripts—embody a remarkable amount of scribal alteration. Assuming for the moment that the editor knows what Chaucer wrote, one is able to say that from the time it left Chaucer's pen the Boece was subject to complex transmission. In C. U. L. MSS Ii.1.38 and Ii.3.21, the two manuscripts which most consistently preserve what Chaucer probably wrote, as well as in several others which occasionally join them in readings, there is unexpectedly a cluster of Kentish dialectal forms in the middle of Book Two.[10] The language of these manuscripts is elsewhere East Midlands, and since it is improbable that Chaucer suddenly used Kentish forms in a non-poetic context, the implication would seem to be either that the archetype experienced a sudden and temporary change of scribes or that it was initially transmitted in a fragmentary fashion. In either case, one has reason to believe that Chaucer's text had undergone some scribal alteration before the earliest manuscripts.
Within these manuscripts, in any event, scribal alteration is clear. In some cases, isolating the scribe's contributions from Chaucer's can be quite simple. For example, a body of lexical glosses accrued to and was transmitted with the text of the Boece, and occasionally in the later manuscripts these glosses constitute doublets with the words they originally glossed.[11] The scribal readings are similarly easy to identify in Bodleian Bodley MS 797. The scribe of this manuscript consistently modernized syntax and lexicon—"forsaken" for "forleten" (1p6.65), for instance—and the more archaic forms found in other manuscripts are certainly Chaucer's.
But while it is often relatively easy to identify the basic lexicon of the Boece, it is sometimes quite difficult to identify by means of the source the authorial particle words in a group of variants, in part, perhaps, because

It is also nearly impossible to predict how many negatives Chaucer used in a verb phrase. At 2p4.2, for example, all authorities save one read "ne I may," which matches the Latin "nec . . . possum." C. U. L. MS Ii.3.21 reads "ne I ne may," which matches the French "ne je ne puis." But at 3p1.11-12 three authorities, including C. U. L. MS Ii.3.21, read "I am nat agrisen of hem"; two authorities, including C. U. L. MS Ii.1.38, read ". . . ne am . . ."; and four authorities read ". . . nam nat. . . ." All three of these readings would match Latin "non perhorresco" and French "je ne les redoubte . . . nient." These variations obviate any conclusions about whether Chaucer's negative constructions derive from the Latin, the French, or his own idiolect. Similar difficulties surround both pleonastic "that" after the conjunction "whan" and articles before many nouns. For instance, at 2m1.1 all authorities save one read "Whan"; the reading of C. U. L. MS Ii.3.21, which Skeat overlooks, is "Whan that." The Latin here is "cum" and the French "Quant." At 2p2.10, however, all authorities save two read "Whan that"; B. L. MS Add 16165 and Bodleian Bodley MS 797 read "Whan." The Latin and French are again, respectively, "Cum" and "Quant." The uncertainty about the use of articles is illustrated at 2m5.23, where C. U. L. MS Ii.3.21 and National Library of Wales MS Peniarth 393 read "of mountaigne"; the remaining authorities read "of the mountaigne." The Latin has no directly corresponding phrase, while the French reads "de la montaigne." At 2m8.16 all authorities save two read "knitteth sacrement"; B. L. MS Add 16165 and

While in poetic texts, which have been the focus of editorial theorizing for medieval literature, editorial decisions in these matters can rely, sometimes controversially, on metrical criteria, we do not yet know enough about Chaucer's prose stylistics to say what forms he as a prose writer and translator preferred. Yet the structures just discussed are basic to the unity and character of any piece of prose. Doublets are also basic to the character of the Boece, and these present difficulties as well, for in many cases some of the manuscripts have only half the doublet. When both the single word and the doublet are contextually appropriate, Chaucer's reading is certainly not manifest, since even if we knew Chaucer's exact source, we do not know how he translated it. At 2p7.30-31, for example, C. U. L. MS Ii.3.21 and the authorities closely related to it read "thinken ye to manifesten your renoun"; C. U. L. MS Ii.1.38 and the authorities closely related to it read ". . . manifesten or publisschen. . . ." Either reading is appropriate for Latin "de peruulganda fama . . . cogitatis" and French "penéz vouz de vostre renommee monteplaier." Similarly, at 3m3.1 the first group of manuscripts reads "a river," while the second group reads "a river or a goter"; the corresponding French and Latin are, respectively, "un gort" and "gurgite." Here one might argue that "goter" is due to a perceived connection—the words are in fact etymologically unrelated—between it and French "gort." But, again, if one relies on the sources alone, one cannot know whether in this passage the perceived connection was made by Chaucer or a scribe who had access to the French text. Indeed, since some scribes clearly did have access to Latin and French texts, the variants often present several acceptable translations of both the Latin and the French with no a priori way of distinguishing among them.
Earlier I suggested that the logical way to edit the Boece would seem to be to compare it to its sources and choose the best reading. I then objected to the word "source"; now I would like to object to the word "best." "Best" in what way? The objective of an editor of the Boece is not to prepare an edition of an accurate translation of Chaucer's sources. Nor is it to prepare an edition of an artistically successful translation, for as I noted above, in the Boece, unlike in his poetry, Chaucer's primary concern was not literary artistry. The objective of the Boece editor is to recover Chaucer's particular version of "Boece de Consolacione," and this version is sometimes inaccurate and infelicitous. Many of the Boece scribes, as I implied earlier, were knowledgeable and intelligent. Like Chaucer, they were interested in the conglomeration "Boece de Consolacione"—the Consolation tradition—and they could produce readings which are aesthetically or semantically superior to Chaucer's. But the editor of the Boece, or of any similar work, cannot lose sight of the fact that the desired text is not always the same as the most pleasing one.[13]
Faced with uncertain sources and occasionally unadjudicatable readings,

The textual situation of the Boece requires, then, a best-text method, and the two best texts, as was noted above, are C. U. L. MS Ii.1.38 and C. U. L. MS Ii.3.21; indeed, one or the other of these two manuscripts has served as the base manuscript for every modern critical edition of the Boece. In a sense, the former manuscript is clearly superior, for its text is often the more readable because its readings are often the easier. For example, in the reading at 2p7.30-31 (cited above), C. U. L. MS Ii.1.38 in effect glosses "manifesten," which modern dictionaries indicate was a rare word in Chaucer's day, with the more familiar "publisschen." Similarly, at 4p4.19 C. U. L. MS Ii.1.38 reads "power" for the unusual and rare verbal noun "mowinge," found in C. U. L. MS Ii.3.21 and all the other authorities. A thorough comparison of the textual qualities of the two Cambridge manuscripts is not possible here, but it can be said that it is the very textual refinement of C. U. L. MS Ii.1.38 which, given the way medieval readers tried continually to adapt and improve the Consolation in general and the Boece in particular, suggests that the text of C. U. L. MS Ii.1.38 embodies scribal editorialization of what Chaucer wrote. C. U. L. MS Ii.3.21 is the more authoritative manuscript, then, but it is

By way of a conclusion I would like to stress two general observations which emerge from a discussion of the textual complexity of the Boece. The first observation is that the textual identity of a work of medieval literature is dependent both on what the author intended and on how the original audience approached the work. The Boece manuscripts are what they are because Chaucer's concern in the translation was primarily with meaning and language, not with literary artistry, and because for both Chaucer and his readers the Consolation was a living text which invited reader involvement. It is this textual identity which finally must determine the method an editor employs. The second observation which emerges from a discussion of the Boece is that a coherent picture of medieval textual attitudes can develop only from consideration of the many types of literature which existed in and were peculiar to the Middle Ages. If textual discussion is motivated by literary preference, many of the works which characterize the Middle Ages will remain only textual oddities. Indeed, the aesthetic quality of individual works is in fact irrelevant in the construction of significant textual generalizations about medieval literature. We need to explore and explain translations, commentaries and treatises as well as poems of love.
"Models for the Textual Transmission of Translation: The Case of John Trevisa," Studies in Bibliography 37 (1984): 131-155. An early version of the present paper was read at the Fifth International New Chaucer Society Congress in Philadelphia in March, 1986.
For instance, Skeat regarded "as improbable and unnecessary, a suggestion sometimes made, that Chaucer may have consulted some French version in the hope of obtaining assistance from it." See The Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, 2nd ed. (1900), vol. 2, p. xiv.
Liddell first demonstrated Chaucer's debt to the French in "Chaucer's Translation of Boece's 'Boke of Comfort,'" Academy, no. 1220 (Sept. 21, 1895), p. 227. At the time Liddell

For a summary of the critical work on Chaucer's Latin and French texts, see Traugott Lawler, "Chaucer," in Middle English, ed. A. S. G. Edwards (1984), pp. 300-301. On Chaucer's use of Trevet's commentary and the Remigian glosses, see A. J. Minnis, "Aspects of the Medieval French and English Traditions of Boethius' De consolatione philosophiae", in Boethius: His Life, Thought, and Influence, ed. M. T. Gibson (1981), pp. 312-361; and "'Glossing is a glorious thing'; Chaucer at Work on the Boece", in The Medieval Boethius: Studies in the Vernacular Translations of 'De Consolatione Philosophiae,' ed. A. J. Minnis (Boydell and Brewer, forthcoming). For a complete discussion of all of Chaucer's sources, see "The Sources of the Boece," in The Boece. A Variorum Edition of the Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Vol. 6, The Prose Treatises, eds. Tim William Machan and A. J. Minnis (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, forthcoming).
All quotations from and line references to the Boece are from Skeat's edition. The Latin text I cite is Ludovicus Bieler, Philosophiae Consolatio, Corpus Christianorum Series Latina XCIV (Turnholtus: Typographi Brepols, 1957). The French text is V. L. Dedeck-Héry, "Boethius' De Consolatione by Jean de Meun," Mediaeval Studies 14 (1952): 165-275.
For more discussion of these points, see Machan, Techniques of Translation: Chaucer's 'Boece' (1985), pp. 125-131; and "Textual Affiliations," in The Boece.
The text cited is F. N. Robinson, The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, 2nd ed. (1957). On Chaucer's sense of himself as an author and authorship in general in the Middle Ages, see A. J. Minnis, Medieval Theory of Authorship (1984).
The Kentish forms, which Skeat and Robinson regularize, begin in Meter Two and continue through Prose Six. These forms include z for initial s ("zelde," 2p3.59) and, in C. U. L. MS Ii.3.21 and related manuscripts, the collapse of the mid and high front vowels to a sound represented by the graph e ("leveth," 2p4.19, for "lyveth"). That these readings in fact go back to the archetype is further indicated by the corrupt forms in some of the surviving manuscripts. For example, for "zelde" at 2p3.59 two manuscripts read "yelde," a reading due to the similarity of z and 3. See further "Textual Affiliations" in The Boece.
To some extent, this inconsistency may derive from Chaucer's apparent desire to experiment with language in the Boece; see Techniques of Translation, pp. 114-117 and 126-127. In a typical problem involving the particle words, all the variants are acceptable Middle English, with some of them matching the Latin and others matching the French. Anne Hudson has noted a similar variant diversity among the particle words in the Wycliffite sermons. See English Wycliffite Sermons (1983), vol. 1, p. 149.
Cf. Hudson's discussion of the Wycliffite scribes' improvement of their text through consultation of the Vulgate (pp. 159-161). Noting that "great importance was attached within the tradition to the ipissima verba of scripture," she maintains that it "seems reasonable to assume that when one variant provides an accurate and literal rendering, whilst another offers a more rough and ready version, the former is to be preferred" (pp. 159-160).
For full discussion of these points see "Textual Affiliations" and "The Present Edition" in The Boece. For discussions of how modern editorial methods can misrepresent how a medieval work existed, see David F. Hult, "Lancelot's Two Steps: A Problem in Textual Criticism," Speculum 61 (1986): 836-858; and Machan, "Scribal Role, Authorial Intention, and Chaucer's Boece," (forthcoming, Chaucer Review).
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