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D4. "Standard Edition." Whether to describe a collected set at a single location, or to take up each volume separately at the point where it would have been described if it had not been connected with a set, is a question that should be decided individually for each bibliography. More important is the recognition that the individual volumes of sets must be entered at two places, once with a primary entry and once with a cross-reference. Because some economy, and perhaps clarity as well, results from treating an entire set at one place, I have chosen here simply to make a reference to the place—in section V, devoted to collected sets—where the Constable edition is described. The same treatment is accorded two subeditions (i.e., printings bearing another publisher's imprint or series designation) of the entire set (D4c, D4d). But the two subeditions of Redburn alone (D4a, D4b) are best treated here. On the arrangement and numbering of entries for subeditions, see Tanselle 1984, esp. pp. 9-20, 37. (Some might argue—and they would have a point—that the original printing, with the Constable imprint, should be numbered "D4a," allowing "D4" to refer unambiguously to the entire edition, encompassing all its subeditions. On the other side is the awkwardness of making the originating publisher's printings appear to be a subedition. Neither solution is entirely happy, and both of them can be defended.)

Redburn constitutes Vol. 5 of the Constable "Standard Edition" of 1922-24. For an account of this edition and its subeditions, see V1. The Constable setting of Redburn has been reprinted not only in the two reprintings


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of the entire set (D4c, D4d) but separately from the collected set as No. 36 in the series "Constable's Miscellany" (D4a) and in an American subedition of it published by Richard R. Smith (D4b).