If one of the purposes of bibliographical description is to provide an
account of the physical makeup of books, a basic element in it must be an
indication of the way in which the printed sheets were folded and in which
the series of sheets (and partial sheets) constituting a book were gathered
together. It is hard to see how any element in a description is more central
than this report of the succession of gatherings, for it is the basic statement
of the structure of a book. The nineteenth-century incunabulists came to
recognize this point; but those persons who began in the 1880s to produce
checklists of modern authors thought of their work simply as providing
guides for the identification of first printings, and they saw no need to
details not known to vary and therefore presumably not necessary for
identification.[34] Some bibliographers
modern books quickly outgrew this superficial approach. Thomas J. Wise,
for example, was noting
signatures in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century books by 1901;[35] and in the 1920s Strickland Gibson
recommended signature collations as a standard part of descriptions of
post-1800 books, except for the most curtailed entries.[36] But traces of the old view have
lingered on
and are still with us. There are some bibliographers, sophisticated in other
respects, who believe that certain details, notably signature collations, can
dispensed with for most modern books. In taking such a position, they are
surely not claiming that modern books are simpler and more regular than
early books, for their experience must have shown them otherwise; the
explanation must be that, in some respects at least, they are harking back
the outmoded notion of a bibliography as a list of points for identification.
They cannot have given adequate thought to the nature of descriptive
bibliography as historical
scholarship. Whether or not one has discovered a variation in a gathering
that identifies a separate impression, one must recognize that a record of
gatherings may enable someone else to discover such variation and in any
case provides a historical description of how in fact a given book was
constructed. Naturally there are times when the scope of a work—as
in the
case of some short-title catalogues—prevents the inclusion of
collations; but in those cases other elements of a description are eliminated
as well. The scale on which a bibliography is constructed obviously
determines how much can be incorporated into the entries; but the period
dealt with does not in itself determine the scale. There can be no question
that a report or collation of gatherings is essential to bibliographical
description on all levels except the most severely abbreviated.
Once the importance of accounting for the structure of the gathered
sheets is understood, the next step is deciding how best to write that
account. A statement in words is one possibility: Michael Sadleir, for
example, in his Trollope bibliography (1928) used the form "A-N in
sixteens." But when the situation to be described is more complex and
irregular, the statement in words is likely to become correspondingly more
cumbersome. The urge to devise a concise and formulaic way to report the
matter is therefore an old one. Henry Bradshaw, for instance, in a letter of
March 1864 to J. W. Holtrop, says that he has "long had the habit of using
fraction to represent the number of leaves and form of a quire"—thus
representing a quarto book of five gatherings in eights as "abcde8/4" (the
fraction showing that each gathering is made up of two sheets).[37] By the end of the century a
somewhat different
basic formula —the one we still use—had become
standard. (One finds it in the early volumes of the Bibliographical Society's
Transactions, as in W. A. Copinger's "Incunabula Virgiliana"
in the
second volume, for 1893-94, pp. 123-226.) In this system a series of
gatherings is noted inclusively, without specifying each one individually,
the number of leaves in each of those gatherings appears as a superscript
figure (e.g., "A-E8");[38]
the format (the number of leaves per sheet), which was the denominator of
Bradshaw's fraction, is noted separately (either as a word, sometimes
abbreviated, or as a number with a suffix or superscript "o," as in "quarto,"
"4to," and "4°").
[39] It was this
that Pollard, McKerrow, and Greg gave prominence to over the ensuing
[40] adding a few useful
conventions in the process, notably two Greek letters: thus McKerrow
suggested π (for "preliminary") to designate an unsigned preliminary
gathering preceding a gathering signed or inferred as "A"; and Greg added
χ (for "extra") to designate an unsigned gathering in the body of a book
for which no letter (or number) of the regular sequence is available to be
inferred. The simplicity of the system and the ease of remembering it
the day.
That the system is indeed simple should be emphasized, for
it is all too often regarded by those unfamiliar with it as complex and
esoteric. The presence of two Greek letters, superscript figures, and plus
minus signs (for insertions and deletions) has led some people to think it is
mathematical; and the fact that Bowers devotes more than fifty pages of the
Principles (esp. pp. 196-254) to it has reinforced the view
that it is a
mystery requiring laborious study to comprehend. Bowers gives
space to the collation formula because his aim
is to try to anticipate the various questions that might arise in practice as
uses it and to provide a standard point of reference where every detail is
elaborated; but his own convenient appendix, "A Digest of the Formulary"
(pp. 457-462), shows how uncomplicated the basic conventions are.
[41] The value of a formulaic statement
signature collation is undeniable, for it makes an intricate or irregular book
structure more readily apparent and easier to follow than an account in
words would.
[42] The fundamental
rules of
the system codified by Bowers—represented by a formula like
2 A-C
8 χ
8(D7 + χ1) 2χ
2"—emerged from the main line of development
in descriptive
bibliography. Some of those rules (such as indicating the number of leaves
a gathering with a superscript figure) have now been in use in the
English-speaking world for a century or so, and all (including
the assignment of π and χ to unsigned and uninferred gatherings)
have had a life of more than half a century. With these essential
so well established and with Bowers's thorough exposition of them
it would be unwise at this point to tamper with them. They are simple,
and widely recognized; we should accept them as the basic grammar of the
language of descriptive bibliography and proceed from there.
To accept these basic elements, however, is not to suggest that
extensions of the system should not be open to debate and further
refinement. There is always the temptation to continue expanding a system
of shorthand notation so that it covers ever more situations, and one cannot
complain so long as the additional notation is compatible with the old, is
kept as simple as possible, and fulfills a clear need. But one must always
weigh the benefits of the new notation against the disadvantages of
increasing the store of symbols and operations that must be learned. At
point what is gained may not counterbalance the loss in accessibility that
results. The process of adding to the formulary after Bowers's codification
it has not been very fruitful, though some notable bibliographers have tried
their hand at it—especially two bibliographers
of botanical literature, Allan Stevenson in his introduction ("A
Bibliographical Method for the Description of Botanical Books") to the
second volume (1961) of the
Catalogue of Botanical Books in the
Collection of Rachel McMasters Miller Hunt, and Willem D.
in his introduction to
Early Bryological Literature (1968).
And Greg
and Bowers themselves made some suggestions, particularly in regard to
additions and deletions, that need to be reconsidered. Whatever symbols and
devices one is finally persuaded to use in one's own practice, the process
evaluating proposed conventions can, as I hope to show, serve to clarify the
basic rationale of the collational formula.
Insertions and deletions. Perhaps the principal element in the standard
formulary that requires some rethinking is the method for indicating
and deleted leaves. This element is of course a significant one, for such
irregularities in the structure of books occur with great frequency. The
from word to symbol for treating this matter lagged behind that for noting
the regular conjugate leaves. Bradshaw used the form "g (3 wanting)" to
show that the third leaf of the gathering signed "g" had been canceled; and
McKerrow some sixty years later was still employing the same system,
though the basic formula and the method of referring to a single leaf had
shifted—in the Introduction he cites
"A-G6 (G5 and G6
wanting)" as "the usual description" (p. 157).[44] It remained for Greg to substitute
plus and
minus signs for words in this system,[45] as
well as to make a start on the problem of how to refer
to insertions (since some are unsigned and others have anomalous signatures
of their own). Bowers built his discussion on Greg's suggestions but
provided much more detailed guidance for handling the great variety of
situations that could occur. His analysis (pp. 235-251) is the most fully
developed statement we have on insertions and deletions, and any further
thinking on the matter must begin with it.
The basic system is simple, and in its provision for cancellation it
poses few problems. A minus sign preceding a reference to one or more
leaves denotes cancellation, with periods used to join references to
leaves and commas joining references to disjunct leaves:
A-B4 C4(—C3)
D4(—D2.3) E4
When a canceled leaf or leaves are replaced by leaves of identical
conjugacy that are either unsigned or signed conventionally, a plus-minus sign can be
A-B4 C4(±C3)
D4(±D2.3) E4(±E3,4)
If the conjugacy of the substitution is different, the deletion and substitution
must of course be treated separately:
D4(—D1.4 + D1,4)
E4(—E3,4 + E3.4)
This much is straightforward.
[47] The
trouble largely enters in connection with insertions that are not replacements
for canceled leaves. But it is adumbrated even in these simple instances of
cancellation and substitution if the substitution is anomalously signed. In the
standard formulary (see Bowers, p. 248), the actual signature of the
substitution is used in such cases, and it is placed in single quotation marks
it might otherwise prove confusing:
B4(—B2 + b2)
C4(—C3 + '3') D4(—D3
+ '* D2')
E4(—E2 + 2E2)
In this example the replacements in B and E need no quotation marks
because they clearly represent actual signing, whereas those in C and D are
quoted to call attention to the fact that the cited signatures are not
[48] The potential for
ambiguity is
present here in the fact that the references following the plus signs in this
formula are actual signatures, whether they are enclosed in quotation marks
or not, whereas those after the plus (and plus-minus) signs in the earlier
examples above (as well as those after the minus signs in all examples) are
only positional indicators, not necessarily actual signatures.
[49] Before pursuing this point, we
should see the
full dimensions of the problem by examining the notation for
Even the simplest unsigned insertions can be handled two ways in the
standard system:[50]
C4(C3 + 1) C4(C3 +
Of course the regular leaf preceding the insertion must always be named
in order to show the position of the inserted leaf.
[51] In these two ways of indicating
that gathering
C contains five leaves, the use of "1" implies that (with the location of the
insertion established) only the barest reference to the existence of one added
leaf need be made, whereas the "χ1" treats the leaf as it would be
if it fell between gatherings and no signature of the regular series were
available to be assigned to it.
[52] More
complicated situations provide further alternatives, as illustrated by these
two equivalent formulas derived from examples of Bowers (on pp. 239-240,
A-B4 C4(C3 + 'C4',χ1)
D4(D2 + χ1,2) E4(E3 +
e3.1) F4(F1 + * F1.2)
A-B4 C4(C3 + 'C4' + 1)
D4(D2 + 2) E4(E3 + e3.4)
F4(F1 + * F2)
In C, a second plus sign is needed if the second inserted disjunct leaf is to
referred to as "1" rather than "χ1"; in D, the two unsigned disjunct
leaves can be noted simply as "2";
in E,
it is permissible to infer as "e4" the unsigned second leaf of the inserted
since the lower-case signature, established by the signed first leaf ("e3"),
eliminates any confusion with E4; in F, the conjugacy of the inserted leaves
can be indicated by a superscript "2", rather than by a period between the
leaf references, since the first leaf of the fold is signed as a first leaf in a
That this standard formulary is analogous in some respects to a
language, providing alternative ways of making the same statement, is not
necessarily a defect. One can only agree with Bowers when he says,
"Although a rigid system for marking inserted leaves can be devised, the
most sensible practice is to permit a certain latitude according to the
circumstances and the special problem involved, always with the emphasis
on securing clarity and simplicity. However, certain basic principles should
hold" (p. 237). One would certainly not wish to have a system so rigid that
could not be stretched to fit unusual situations; such rigidity is obviously
self-defeating. On the other hand, a symbolic or formulaic statement must
unambiguous if it is to accomplish its purpose, and definite conventions
be followed. The difficulty is in drawing the line between productive and
unproductive kinds of variation. For example, the fact that both "(C3 +
'C4',χ1)" and "(C3 + 'C4' + 1)"
mean the same thing does not in itself produce any ambiguity, so long as
knows the rules and is consistent in one's own practice.[55] But since the two denote precisely
the same
situation, one may wonder whether the existence of these alternative forms
offers any positive advantage to offset the slightly increased complexity of
the system that undeniably results. In the case of the equivalence of "(E3
e3.1)" and "(E3 + e3.4)", there is further doubt because of the greater
complexity of the rules necessary to eliminate the potential ambiguity. The
difficulty here springs from the fact that numbers attached to signatures
(such as "E3" or "e3.4") generally make some reference to the position of
the leaves so designated, whereas the "1" in "e3.1", though attached to the
"e" in the notation, draws its meaning from a separate usage, that of
unattached numbers to indicate the total of inserted disjunct leaves (such as
the "1" in C and the
"2" in D in the last formula above). Of course, one can explain that the "1"
"e3.1" simply means one unsigned leaf, rather than that the second leaf was
signed "e1"—as a reader might otherwise think, since "1" is not the
number the bibliographer would be expected to infer if no signature were
present. And one can further explain the reason for this seemingly
use of "1": if the first leaf of the inserted fold had been signed "E3" rather
than "e3", one could not infer "E4" for the unsigned second leaf without
producing confusion with the regular E4, and some other reference is
needed. Whether "1" solves the problem most efficiently is a real question,
since it involves a switch in usage that must be explained. As Bowers says,
clarity and simplicity should be aimed for at all times; and one cannot help
but wonder whether the standard treatment of insertions has not added an
unwarranted complexity and a potential ambiguity into an admirably simple
basic system.
This doubt is reinforced by a consideration of the use of single
marks in the formula. Their function seems easily enough stated: they are
used, in Bowers's words, "to enclose the signature of an insert
(a) to
indicate that the signature is anomalous in the gathering; (b)
distinguish a signed insert from a following unsigned insert with inferred
signature" (p. 459). Nevertheless, I think it is fair to say that determining
practice when to use them is the most problematical aspect of writing a
collational formula for many bibliographers and that interpreting the
of quotation marks is often the most puzzling part of reading a formula.
Some of the potential difficulties can be observed in these examples drawn
from two formulas in Bowers's digest of the formulary (pp. 459-460):
D4(D4 + D5) E4(E4 + * E5.6)
G4(G4 + 'G5',G6)
K4(K3 + 'K4') Q4(Q1 + *
Q2) R4(R3 + 'R3'.'R4')
+ s2)
The inserts in D, K, and R are all signed, even though the one in D is not
quotation marks. In K and R, the quotation marks are necessary to
distinguish these anomalously signed leaves from the regular K4, R3, and
R4. In D, no quotation marks are needed to indicate signing, because if the
leaf were not signed, it would presumably be noted as "χ1" or "1". But
there might still be a doubt in a reader's mind, since no quotation marks are
present and since "D5", not conflicting with any other leaf in the gathering,
would be inferrable.
[56] The principle
inferring when no
conflict results is shown in E and G, where the sixth leaf in each case is
unsigned; the treatment of G leaves no ambiguity, but that of E might again
raise doubts about whether the final leaf is signed.
[57] In commenting on Q and S,
Bowers explains
that after Q1 comes "a fold with the first leaf signed * Q1" and after S1 "a
fold with the first leaf signed s1 and the second s2". The fact that one
tell from the formula whether or not the second leaves of the folds are
shows that these folds are being treated like the regular gatherings: in the
main sequence of signatures with their superscript figures, the signing of
individual leaves is not made apparent in the formula itself (but only in the
statement of signing that follows). Yet for other kinds of insertions, and
for some folds (as in R), the attempt is made to specify the signing of every
The system is nonetheless workable as it stands, and I do not mean
suggest otherwise; I raise these points only in the hope that it can be made
still simpler and clearer. What underlies these various complexities is the
attempt to register within the collation formula the signatures of insertions
and substitutions. That attempt introduces into the formula an approach that
conflicts with one used elsewhere in the formula. The basic purpose of the
formula, as ordinarily written, is to show the structure of a book and only
incidentally to provide information about signing.[59] If the gatherings are signed, the
course is to use those signatures in the formula; but there is a limit to the
amount of detail about signing that can be incorporated into the formula
without making it unwieldy. Most bibliographers, following the standard
system, do no more in treating the regular gatherings in the formula than
show which gatherings actually have
signatures, reserving for an appended statement on signing a record of
precisely which leaves are signed. Thus when one writes
A—B8 [C]4
D—E8 or A—B8
one is saying no more than that the third gathering has no printed signature
on any of its leaves
[60] and that each
of the
other gatherings has the designated signature on at least one of its leaves
(not necessarily the first). When it is necessary to refer to one of the
leaves of a gathering, the reference is positional only and carries no
implication about signing: "B
8(—B5)" says only
that the fifth leaf has
been canceled (if no copies are known, its signature, if any, is obviously
unknown), and "B
8(B5 + 1)" says only that the insertion
follows the fifth
leaf (which might in fact be unsigned or even missigned).
[61] For inserted leaves, on the other
hand, the
actual signature (or lack of signing) of each of them is normally indicated
the notation.
[62] The result is that
following plus signs usually represent a different system from those
preceding plus signs.
This situation may invite misunderstanding; at the least it is awkward,
reducing the elegance that one expects a formulaic statement to have. The
issue is not whether certain information should be reported or concealed,
just how and where it should be reported. If the details of the signing of
regular leaves are held for an appended record, should those of inserted
leaves be similarly held? That bibliographers have not generally given this
question an affirmative answer is a reflection of the extent to which they
think of the formula as a register of signatures.[63]

If a gathering signed "B" contains an inserted leaf signed "b" or an inserted
fold signed "†", those are in fact additional signatures, which a register
signatures would have to include. On the other hand, such insertions are
subordinate to the gatherings of which they have become a part, and their
signatures thus have a different standing from the signatures of the primary
gatherings: they do not have a place in the main sequence of signatures
except as they are attached to one of those main signatures. In order to
the structure of a book, of course, one must record insertions whether or
they are signed; choosing "χ" for an unsigned inserted leaf or fold,
however, seems in some ways inappropriate, because it is treating an
insertion in a gathering as if it were an independent gathering. Some such
symbol as "χ" is obviously needed for an unsigned and uninferrable
gathering, but for an unsigned insertion within a gathering no signature is
required, since the
leaf or leaves involved take their identity from the gathering itself; therefore
assigning to such insertions a symbol that normally serves as a substitute for
an actual signature implies a status for the insertions that they do not
[64] Furthermore, when an
has an appropriate letter signature but is numbered anomalously—as
an inserted leaf between E2 and E3 is signed "E3"—quoting the
anomalous signature in the formula is treating the inserted leaf differently
from other leaves: the signature is not new (and thus does not call for
mention even if one regards the formula as a register), and anomalous
signing of regular leaves is not reported in the formula. Since the insertions
have to be referred to in some fashion, however, one may ask why they
should not be referred to by the signatures they actually bear, when they do
bear them. Perhaps they should; but, if so, some other adjustments to the
formulary ought to be made, so
that a uniform approach would underlie all parenthetical elements in a
formula. Not to distinguish in the formula (as now sometimes happens)
between an inferred and a quoted signature reference betrays an indecision
to the function of the formula.
These considerations suggest two directions for revision of the
to be employed within parentheses. One is to use actual signatures
possible and always to differentiate references to actual from those to
inferred signatures. Such an approach could take one of two forms: either
placing all actual signature references in quotation marks (all signature
references not quoted would be inferred) or placing all inferred signature
references in brackets (all signature references not bracketed would be
4(A3 + '3 *')
B4('B2' + 'b2'.b3) C4(C3 +
4([A3] + 3 *)
B4(B2 + b2.[b3]) C4([C3] +
Both these forms
[66] are unambiguous,
they are also rather awkward (the first less so than the second).
[67] The gain in clarity is important,
but the price
paid for it makes neither of these solutions a happy one. Furthermore, this
approach, even though it achieves consistency within the parentheses by
specifying the signing of regular as well as of inserted leaves, fails to
eliminate the split between parenthetical notation (which entails specifying
the signing of individual leaves) and notation outside parentheses (which
does not attempt to indicate how leaves are signed).
The other direction one could go, and I think a more promising one,
not to attempt at all to report actual signatures of leaves within
parentheses.[69] The information
would then be purely structural, the details of signing to be reported
4(A3 + 1)
B4(B2 + 1.2) C4(C3 + 1,2)
This is indeed a simple system, and it could be made still simpler by
eliminating the signature letters within parentheses:
4(3 + 1) B4(2 +
1.2) C4(3 + 1,2)
χ4(—3) D4(±4)
Whichever of these forms one uses (the second may seem too stripped-down
to some people, though the repetition of the letter is unnecessary),
[70] this approach still follows the
pattern of the
standard system for showing
[71] the established formulary
not resulted in any ambiguity in the reporting of structure but only of the
signing of leaves, and here the latter function is simply taken away from the
formula. One would have to turn to the separate statement of signing to
learn, for example, that in the book represented by this formula the
A is unsigned, the fold in B has the first leaf signed "b",
the second
of the inserted leaves in C is signed "c5", and the substitution in D is
"* D4". The length of the statement of signing would be increased, but the
formula would be shortened and simplified. And each would be clearer and
more efficient by focusing consistently on a single function. No one would
be likely to have any indecision about how to write or how to read the
formula or the accompanying statement of signing. This ease of
both bibliographer and reader—would reflect the logic of the
Reference notation. Any examination of the collational formula must
give some attention to signature reference notation, for such notation is tied
to, and takes its form from, the formula;[72]
a revision in the system adopted in the formula may produce a change in
style of the reference notation. The function of signature reference notation
is of course to provide a way of referring to a particular leaf or page in
of the structure of the book; since references of this kind are widely
employed in bibliographical discussion, the conventions governing their use
are a matter of some importance. Most of the considerations involved in
thinking about the formulaic notation of inserted leaves, as outlined above,
are relevant here; the parenthetical parts of a formula, after all, make use
reference notation, since they refer to specific leaves. The standard system,
set forth thoroughly by Bowers (pp. 255-268), begins
with the printer's convention of identifying a leaf by attaching a leaf
to the signature of the gathering: the second leaf of gathering B, for
example, becomes "B2". A superscript "r" or "v" can then be appended if
reference is being made to the recto or verso page rather than the whole
[73] This notation is taken to be
positional only and does not indicate whether the leaf is actually signed (or
missigned): "A4" means the fourth regular leaf of A even if that fourth leaf
unsigned or signed "A3". In assigning leaf numbers one must remember
only the leaves of the regular folded quires of a gathering (or substitutions
for them) are counted: the last regular leaf in A
4 is A4,
even if two
further leaves have been inserted in A, giving it a total of six leaves.
Obviously one cannot simply number the leaves of a gathering in a single
consecutive sequence, ignoring deletions and insertions, for the reference
notation would not then
accurately reflect the place of the leaf in the structure of the book nor
it be consistent with the usage of the formula. There can be little quarrel
these basic rules.
The treatment of inserted leaves, however, poses the same problems
have already noted in connection with the formulary. There is an additional
consideration as well, for reference notation may be used at some distance
from the formula (even in a separate discussion) and must provide for
conveniently locating the cited leaf without constant recourse to the
In summarizing the standard approach, Bowers (p. 260) sets forth four ways
of referring to an inserted leaf, illustrated by an insertion that would appear
in a formula as "C4(C2 + * C2)":
C(* C2) C(C2 + * C2) C2 + * C2 C2 + 1(* C2)
The first of these does not make explicit the location of the leaf in the
gathering and would necessitate reference to the formula for that
information; the other three are therefore more appropriate for general use,
especially if the formula is not at hand. Of course, since they are based on
formula that mixes positional notation with actual signatures, that mixture
present in these references. Leaving that matter aside, we are still likely to
find their form rather cumbersome. Perhaps they could be simplified by
observing two points: (1) since reference is being made to a leaf, not a
gathering, and since a regular leaf of the gathering
must be specified to locate the insertion, it is superfluous to state the
signature of the gathering separately from the notation of the locating leaf,
in "C(C2 + * C2)" above, where the first C is merely repetitious; (2) the
of a plus sign that does not fall within parentheses (as in the last two
examples above) awkwardly makes the notation look like a reference to two
entities (an awkwardness that is compounded when a superscript "r" or "v"
is appended to the second part of the reference). Applying these
observations to this example gives us "C2(+* C2)" or, more simply, "C2(*
C2)". Regardless of what system one decides to follow in the formula, these
two principles should be considered in constructing references based on
If one does decide to adopt the formulary system proposed above
notation that consistently focuses on position, not signing), references to
leaves and pages are correspondingly simple. References to the inserted
leaves (and their pages) in the following formula would take the form
illustrated below it:
4(A3 + 1)
B4(B2 + 1.2) C4(C3 + 1,2)
A3(1) B2(1) B2(2) C3(1) C3(2) D4(±)
A3(1)v etc.
In the references, the figures in parentheses denote the first and second
leaves following the leaves named just before the parentheses, and the
plus-minus sign indicates that the leaf in question is a replacement for the
one originally occupying that position. The identity of reference to the
insertions in B and C shows that matters of conjugacy are not covered in
references, their purpose being only to specify location in relation to the
basic structure of gatherings.
[75] This
use of
"2" to mean a second leaf in fact follows the standard system of reference;
Bowers points out (p. 260), the location of such a leaf should be stated as
the second leaf
after the preceding regular leaf (the position of which is obvious) rather
as the first leaf after the preceding inserted leaf (the position of which might
not be evident without recourse to the formula).
[76] References of the form suggested
here are
quite simple, requiring only single numbers in parentheses, and fully
consistent with the formula, focusing on positions of leaves and not their
Statement of signing. Some statement, outside the formula itself, is
required in the standard system for specifying the signing of the regular
leaves (or at least peculiarities in such signing),[77] since only the signing of the
inserted leaves is
indicated in the formula in that system. In the revised system proposed as
possibility above, a statement of signing takes on the role of dealing with
signing of all leaves, regular ones and inserted ones alike.[78] In either case the statement can be
concisely using signature reference notation (for the standard treatment, see
Bowers, pp. 269-271). One established convention of reference notation that
is particularly useful in the statement of signing is the dollar sign, which (as
form of "s," for "signature," not likely to occur as an actual signature) is
used to stand for every—or, in some contexts, any—signature
McKerrow suggested in the
Introduction, pp. 157-158).
Thus "$3" signifies the third leaf of every (or any) gathering. In the
statement of signing, however, at least for pre-nineteenth-century books,
signed" is used to mean that the first three leaves of every gathering are
signed, requiring the inference that the leaves in each gathering preceding
designated one are also signed. It seems to me that an explicit statement
would be preferable, particularly since so little extra space is required:
signed" is scarcely more cumbersome, and it involves no special
other than knowing that the dollar sign is a generic signature.
[79] Although the standard statement
uses plus and
minus signs to show exceptions to the basic pattern of leaves signed with
correct signature and leaf number—as in "$3(—C2; +H4)
generally employs words for other irregularities, such as "K2 misprinted as
'K3'". Interpretive words like "misprinted," however, seem supererogatory:
enough to state how each leaf is in fact signed, and I think an equals mark
could be used for the purpose ("K2=K3").
Combining these two modifications of the standard statement of
with the approach to reference notation suggested above results in the kind
of statement illustrated below. Because a statement of signing needs to be
seen in the context of the formula to which it refers, I take this opportunity
to summarize my argument by setting down a formula and statement of
signing constructed according to the standard system alongside those
constructed according to the system I have outlined here:
Standard system
π2(π1 + †1) A-B4
C4(C3 + 'C4', χ1)
D4(—D2 + 2) E4(E3 +
F4(F1 + * F2; —F3)
χ4(—χ2 + '3')
G4(—G3,4 + G3.4) H4(±H4)
Signatures. $3(—B2,D1,F2,G2,3; + B4,H4)
signed; C2
misprinted 'C3'; D3 misprinted 'D'
Proposed system
π2(π1 + 1)
A-B4C4(C3 + 1,2)
D4(±D2 + 1)
E4(E3 + 1.2)
F4(F1 + 1.2; —F3)
χ4(±χ2) G4(—G3,4
G3.4) H4(±H4)
Signatures. $1-3(—B2,D1,2,F2,G2,3; + B4,H4);
C2=C3, C3(1)=C4, D3=D, E3(1)=e3, F1(1)=* F,
In the second system, the single semicolon separates the account of the
conventional signing of regular leaves (or substitutions for them) from the
account of the irregular signing of such leaves and the signing of inserted
leaves. Any leaves not mentioned in the statement of signing are
[81] Whether the statement
appear with the formula or as a separate paragraph later in the description
(an option discussed by Bowers, p. 271) is not particularly important,
although the statement would seem to fulfill its role most conveniently when
it is adjacent to the formula.
[82] What
important is that the functions of the formula and the statement be clearly
differentiated, so that one can know without any hesitation what is located
each place. The proposed system may at times be less economical of
[83] but it eliminates any
Anyone who suggests alterations in a widely accepted convention
be mindful of the dangers of introducing confusion rather than clarification,
and changes should not be proposed lightly. I have attempted here to remain
within the standard system as much as possible and not to mention potential
changes when I thought the benefits of the change would not compensate
the efforts involved in altering a functioning system. The changes I do
suggest are, I believe, conducive to ease of use because they emerge from
simple and consistent distinction of function between a formula that
delineates how a book is constructed and a statement that records the
location of printer's signatures in a
book. Indeed, no one who understands the established system would have
any difficulty, even without receiving an explanation, in reading a formula
and a statement of signing that employs the proposed plan. But whether this
plan is accepted is less significant than understanding the reasoning that
brought it about and the necessity for continuing to think critically about
what we do.
It takes many words to write about these matters, but the length of the
discussions should not obscure the real simplicity of the collational formula,
as it has developed over the past century. The aim of the formula, after all,
to facilitate communication between bibliographer and reader, not to place
greater distance between them. There is nothing difficult or esoteric about
collational formulas or their accompanying statements of signing; anyone
who approaches them with an open mind and a basic knowledge of how
books are constructed will understand them immediately. Nevertheless, one
should not hesitate to attach explanations in words whenever one believes
them necessary for clarity. The same point applies to the rules for
quasi-facsimile transcription: guidelines serve their function only if they are
employed thoughtfully, not mechanically. I hope that my comments in these
two areas can serve in some degree to help clarify the essential purposes of
quotations and collational formulas in bibliographical accounts. Intelligent
use of conventions can follow only from a true understanding of the reasons
for their existence.