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The three documents on which this article is based will be recorded in a subsequent volume of Faulkner: A Comprehensive Guide to the Brodsky Collection by Louis Daniel Brodsky and Robert W. Hamblin (Jackson: The University Press of Mississippi). I wish to extend my ongoing appreciation to Jill Faulkner Summers for consenting to let me make available to scholarship all items in my Faulkner collection through publication of the Comprehensive Guide and, by extension, intervening scholarly publications that call attention to the multi-volume Guide. Also, I would like to make special acknowledgement to Professor James W. Silver, who, in 1981, entrusted to me these and many other extraordinary mementos given him by William Faulkner throughout their extended friendship. In addition, I wish to express my devoted gratitude to Professor Robert W. Hamblin, who scrutinized the introduction to this article and provided several expert suggestions for clarification and amplification. Finally, to Fredson Bowers, I am profoundly indebted for his editorial concern for the presentation of this material.


All further references to the 8-page "Revised Complete Holograph" shall be denoted in the text by the parenthesized term: (RCH).


All further references to the 12-page "Holograph Working Draft" shall be denoted in the text by the parenthesized term: (HWD).


toward] towards


didn't] did not


Which] (no ¶) This


in] on


into] in


told] said to


themselves] himself


forgot] forgotten


the] a


wagon] wagon might be


where carpet, runner, was] omit


(no space) So] (i-line space) So


with . . . almost] an expression on his gaunt face almost


he] and


absolutely] absolute


mystery] mystry


for a time] omit


his] Sutpen's


he] Wash himself


are] omit


ever] never


lantern] lantern light


tell . . . not] omit


and unerringly] omit


until] till


exploded] exploding