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Edmund Waller

"The following letter is printed from the original in the hand-writing of the celebrated EDMUND WALLER, and is now first published. Agreeably to the directions of the possessor of it, we have preserved the original spelling, and all the peculiarities belonging to it. It is without date, but appears to have been written before the Restoration." (17.9-10). The letter was printed in 1948 by Paul H. Hardacre from the Huntington Library autograph manuscript (HM 22.641) in the Huntington Library Quarterly (11. 431-433), an extract having earlier appeared in a Maggs Brothers Catalogue. The EM printing is not mentioned. Some differences in spelling exist between the versions in the EM and the HLQ, and in one instance (HLQ, p. 433, ll. 8-9) where the later version has "to to [sic]" the earlier has "so to," which makes acceptable sense. An editorial footnote in the EM mistakenly identifies the publisher of Hobbes's works as William Crooke, rather than Andrew Crooke, but in the next two footnotes there is matter additional to the corresponding footnotes in the HLQ. Hardacre elected to spell out contractions and reduce capital letters; purists may wish to see the untampered-with text.