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Anomalous Types

Of anomalous appearances of distinctive types in the pages of quire G, Hinman wrote: "The distribution of most of the pages of quire F having been irregular, it is impossible to say which quire-F types, if any, appear anomalously in quire G. None of the types that are found in any two quire-G pages appears anomalously in the later of those pages" (II, 387). Re-examination of Hinman's type-recurrence evidence (exclusive of the first three formes of quire F distributed during work on quire F) reveals just one anomalous appearance of a distinctive type from quire F in quire G. Distinctive type p39 (see Table II, l. 17) is common to both F5va63 (distributed into Bt) and G6b53 (set by Cr). This single anomalous appearance of a distinctive type, of course, has no significance for the argument that Compositors C and F used different cases to set their portions of quire G, nor is one anomalous type sufficient evidence to question the use of separate cases by Compositors B and C.