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Copyright Documents in the George Robinson
Archive: William
Godwin and Others 1713-1820
G. E. Bentley, Jr.
In Manchester Public Library is an archive of several hundred documents dated 1713 to 1820 relating to payment for literary property by George Robinson and a few other booksellers which seems to be scarcely known to scholars of literary and publishing history. Since copyright documents are somewhat uncommon outside the few publishing firms surviving from the 18th Century such as Longman and John Murray; since George Robinson was a major publisher, called by one contemporary The King of Booksellers; and since some of the documents concern works of importance such as William Godwin's Political Justice, it is worth while summarizing the archive in the great table below, after first setting it in context.
George Robinson (1737 - 6 June 1801) was an enterprising and generous book-seller of whose "integrity too much cannot be said";[1] these

Something of Robinson's character is given by William West: "George Robinson, Sen., might be considered the Prince, nay, the King of Booksellers. . . . The elder Robinson, was perhaps, the most enterprising, intelligent and communicative bookseller with authors of his day, and among those who partook of his hospitality, were the celebrated Arthur Murphy, . . . John Louis Delolme, . . . Dr. Glover, Dr. Gregory, Dr. Wallis, Mr. Holcroft, Alexander Chalmers and others; and in his more select parties . . . Mrs. Inchbald, Mrs. Radcliffe, &c., &c., visited at his town house in Pater Noster Row, where the wits and critics of the day assembled; he possessed a vast share of ready wit and repartee himself, and [his publications] . . . brought him in contact with the first men of the age. He was a most social companion and . . . was said to be a six bottle man, sometimes knocking up . . . some of his Irish and Scotch

Nothing could be more gratifying than meeting Robinson and his son and brothers with their parties at their villa at Streatham, about six miles from London. Here I have often seen Holcroft, Godwin, Chalmers and others. . . . John Louis Delolme was a visitor here, when his eccentricities would admit; he was naturally of a gloomy disposition, and disappointments from higher quarters in his expectations from the Constitution and other able political writings encreased his irritability".[3] All these books and authors figure in the copyright documents in Manchester.
The documents in the Robinson Archive include those of a number of booksellers besides the Robinsons, however. George Robinson was a large-scale dealer in copyrights which he bought from other booksellers and sold in his turn, and the copyright dates here range from 1713, for a work published by Bernard Lintot, the publisher of Pope, to 1820, for a work published by Joseph Johnson's successor Rowland Hunter. The Archive is probably a characteristic cross-section of copyright documents for over a century, especially for 1770-1803.
As would be true for any successful bookselling firm, the Robinson copyrights concern mostly bread-and-butter works of proven vendibility, compendia of household or professional usefulness which are of comparatively little interest to posterity. These include such best-sellers as John Abercrombie's Every Man His Own Gardener, which went through dozens of editions from 1767 to 1867, Every Man His Own Lawyer, Every Man His Own Broker, editions of the Bible, cookery books, The Pocket Conveyancer, numerous books on law, school texts on arithmetic and spelling and the classics, a sixtieth share in Shakespeare's plays, dictionaries of English, French, Italian, medicine, law, and chemistry, The Physician's Vade-Mecum, and The Seaman's New Vademecum.
Besides these publishing staples, there are a good many works of greater interest. There are novels by Henry Brooke and William Godwin and William Thomson, plays by Thomas Holcroft and Elizabeth Inchbald and Beaumarchais, Charles Burney's History of Music. Voltaire's Works, translations by Smollett and Inchbald and Holcroft, periodicals such as The Journal of Natural Philosophy, The Ladies' Magazine, The Town and Country Magazine, The London Magazine, The Critical Review,[4] The New Annual Register, The Telegraph newspaper,

The archive is, however, only a small fragment of what once existed for the Robinson firm. These documents refer to about two hundred works published by the Robinsons from about 1764 to 1815, but A Catalogue of New Books, and New Editions of Books, Printed for G.G. and J. Robinson . . . in the Year 1792 lists about one hundred fifty works published (or in print) in that year alone, and A Catalogue of Books Printed for G. & J. Robinson . . . March, 1804, though it omits periodicals and many ephemeral works, lists about seven hundred titles for that year. I do not know what became of the rest of the Robinson archive. This fragment was acquired by a 19th Century bibliophile named Thomas Greenwood and passed from him to Manchester Central Library in 1935. It is quoted here by permission of The City of Manchester Cultural Services Committee.
The documents tell us how much was paid for a work and when. It is striking how many of these papers concern improvements of works already in print—payment for indices or translations or corrections or abridgements. Most of these were of course paid for as commissions by the bookseller or, in one case, by a theatre-manager. Even more interesting are the works which are copyrighted in the name of a person not previously associated with the book. Often this is because the work was anonymous or pseudonymous, and this archive identifies many of the authors and translators who might otherwise be unknown. It also indicates occasionally who had acquired the copyright of a work before it passed to the Robinsons. The status of copyright in the 18th Century was uncertain and changing, with great disputes between the London Trade, which claimed perpetual copyright in the works they controlled, and interlopers such as John Bell in London or the Scottish booksellers, who claimed that copyright protection was for only a statutory number of years, after which the work passed into the public domain. A number of lawsuits left the issue obscure until, in 1774 in the case of Donaldson vs Becket, the legal concept of perpetual copyright in literary works was apparently abolished.[5] Booksellers often banded together in congeries towards the end of the 18th Century, partly to finance expensive publications such as Johnson's Poets or encyclopaedias, and partly to control the publication of lucrative works such as Shakespeare's Plays, of which George Kearsly acquired a sixtieth share in 1768.[6] Whatever the law

In the Manchester Archive, the manuscripts are in roughly alphabetical order of vendor. In the Table below, I have made the alphabetical order uniform and supplied cross-references for translators, editors, anonymous works, and the like.
There are of course hundreds of hands represented in the archive—almost all the documents are entirely in manuscript, though a few are on printed forms—and some of them are not easy to read. Doubtless a few of the works in the Table which are not identified proved elusive because I have mistranscribed the name of the author or the book.
There are many difficulties in the way of identifying these works. The vendor of the copyright may not be the author of the book, as in the cases of the booksellers W. Ballard, John Bell, John Coote, Robert Faulder, Bernard Lintot, John Murray, Joseph Pote, James Robson, David Steele, Jacob Tonson, and Barnes Tovey. The author may be identified so vaguely ("Revd Mr Jones") as to make identification tedious if not impossible. The service performed by the vendor may be so minor, in translating the work, say, or abridging it (Charles Allen), or making an index (Abercrombie, Beatson, Nicholson), or reading proof (Abercrombie, Hutton, Devaulx—"two Proofs of each Sheet"), or correcting the punctuation (F. Jones), or revising the book (Abercrombie, Bell, Boote, Cunningham, Dorrington . . .), or editing it (Salmon), that it was not thought worth recording on the titlepage the name of the performer. The name of the author, while often quite clear in these records, may not be recorded in the book or elsewhere at all, and it is only in these documents that we learn who some of the authors are. The most extreme casualness is manifested by Alexander Thomson, who gave George Robinson liberty to publish The Physician's Vade-Mecum "under what Name he thinks proper". But notice that sometimes it is not clear whether the vendor is the author or a bookseller who has acquired the copyright or a relative of the author. The documents record who was paid for what, but they do not always indicate why the receiver deserved payment for that work.
Sometimes the title is remarkably laconic, as in W. W. Ellis's Authentic Narrative of a Voyage Performed by Captain Cook and Captain Clerke, called merely Narrative in these documents, or the "Stretch Bible" sold by Jno Coote. When the initial words of a title are silently omitted, as in Pyle's [Ninety-Six] Sermons or Jesse's [Dissertation on the Learning and] Inspiration of the Apostles, the task of identification becomes more difficult, and sometimes titles are altered, as when Culley's

Of the ephemeral or unidentified works here, perhaps the most striking are the novels. Clearly many more novels once existed than are recorded in Watt's Bibliotheca Britannica, Block's Catalogue of the English Novel 1740-1850, the catalogue of The British Library, or The National Union Catalogue, but it is disconcerting to observe how high the proportion is.
Many of the works recorded here were published anonymously, and these records permit positive identification of their authors or translators, some perhaps for the first time.[8] These include
- John P. BURROWS, France and England, A Novel (1787)
- Charles DODD, The Curse of Sentiment, A Novel (1787)
- Anna EDEN, The Confidential Letters of Albert, A Novel (1790)
- Thomas HOLCROFT, Try Again: A Farce (1790)
- Anna Maria JOHNSON, Retribution, A Novel (1788)
- Lewis LYONS, translator of d'Epinay's Conversations of Emily (1787)
- Leonard MACNALLY, Tristram Shandy, A Farce (1783)
- William OPPENHEIM, translator of Anon., Cisalpine Republic (1798)
- Barbara PILON, Marian, A Novel (1812)
- Andrew REID, translator of Macquer's Chemistry (1758)
- George Lethieuller SCHOEN, New Spain, An Opera (1790)
- Alexander THOMSON, Memoirs of a Pythagorean (1785)
- Anna THOMSON, The Labyrinth of Life, A Novel (1791)[9]
- William THOMSON, Fatal Follies, A Novel (1788)
- Elizabeth Sophia TOMLINS, Memoirs of a Baroness, A Novel (1792)
- Joseph TRAPP, Travels Before the Flood (1796)
- Anne URTICK, Ela, A Novel (1787)

One must of course be cautious in assuming that the vendor of the work is the author, for sometimes the vendor is merely a relative who had inherited the work (see Cornelius Elliot and Ann Rogers) or even a bookseller. The most prolific user of pseudonyms in this list seems to be William Thomson, who apparently wrote the works attributed to Mrs Thomson, to An English Gentleman, and to Harriet Pigott.
Some of the provisions of the copyright agreements are remarkably restrictive. A few agreements are for one edition only (e.g., Hooper, Jones). William Marshall not only contracted for a page-for-page reprint of his Rural Economy of Norfolk but named the printer and the member of the congery of book-sellers who was "to have the Management" of the concern, and Nicholson specified the paper to be used in his book. A few named the number of pages (e.g., Arnot) or sheets (Glover, Russell) of which the printed work was to consist, and others gave the cost of the copyright in terms of the number of sheets printed (Boote at £2.10.0, Cunningham at 10s.6d., Payne at £2.2.0, Russell at £4.40). William Nicholson agreed to provide the printer with three sheets per week, with penalties for tardiness. It was not uncommon to stipulate that the publisher should print no more than a specified number of copies, a thousand in the cases of Boote, Brooke, Brown, Forbes, Hooper, Marshall, and Moore, one thousand five hundred for Beatson, Marshall, and Payne, and two thousand for Clarke. The provision was necessary to protect authors selling one edition at a time from rapacious booksellers who might otherwise print enormous numbers of copies or even keep the type of the work standing, printing from it repeatedly, without extra payment to the author.[10] Is it an indication of George Robinson's scrupulousness or of his author's suspiciousness, that the Robinson contracts so frequently include such clauses to protect the authors?
The range of prices is very large, from £5 for William Heckford's Historical Anecdotes of All the Kings and Queens of England (1787) to £2,200 for William Belsham's Memoirs of . . . the House of Brunswick, 2nd Edition (1796) and Memoirs of . . . George the Third, 2nd Edition (1795). In many cases, the author was to share the profits (e.g., Frederick, Hooper, Hutton, Marshall, Murray). Occasionally the author was partly paid in copies of the work,[11] from a gentlemanly six to Marshall, twelve

The rates of payment for certain kinds of work are interesting. Translation was comparatively well-paid presumably largely on the basis of the amount translated—most translations were probably paid, as Pickar was, by the sheet.
Greivey | £210 | |
Thomson | £160 | |
Cullen | £157.10. 0 | |
Marshall | £ 89. 1. 0 | plus |
Reid | £ 70 | |
Thomson | £ 63 | plus perhaps £5.5.0 more |
Brown | £ 50 | |
Holcroft | £ 49.10. 0 | |
Will | £ 40 | plus? |
Poulin | £ 37.16. 0 | |
Inchbald | £ 30 | |
Hooper | £ 28.17. 6? | |
Digby, Hooper | £ 28 | |
Farquharson | £ 21 | plus? |
Pickar | £ 16. 4. 0 | at 18s. per sheet |
Heron | £ 15.15. 0 | |
Trapp | £ 12.12. 0 | plus? |
Street | £ 8. 8. 0 | plus? |
Lyons, Walker | £ 5. 5. 0 | plus? |
A V E R A G E | £ 54. 1. 7 | plus[12] |
Many of these writers were probably professional translators or at least booksellers' hacks, but at least two of them were successful dramatists (Holcroft and Inchbald) who were clearly being paid as much for stage sense as for translating, and one translator was the author himself (Dr Brown).
The range of prices for plays was a good deal narrower than that for translations, but the average was about the same, for several of the plays were quite successful:

Inchbald, Pilon | £105 | |
Inchbald, Lee, Reynolds | £100 | |
Cobb | £ 63 | |
MacNally | £ 50 | |
Inchbald, Schoen | £ 42 | |
Pilon | £ 35 | |
Inchbald, Portal | £ 30 | |
MacNally | £ 10.10.0 | |
Gibson | £ 5. 5.0 | plus |
A V E R A G E | £ 58. 8.2 |
Even narrower in range and humbler in financial pretensions were the novels:
White | £57.15. 0 | |
Moore | £52.10. 0 | plus £52.10.0 for a 2nd Edition |
Pearson, Thomson | £52.10. 0 | plus? |
Thomson | £40 | |
Rowson | £30 | |
Dalrymple, Davies, Dodd, Godwin, Johnson | £21 | |
Burrows | £18.18. 0 | plus |
Boldero | £15.15. 0 | |
Tomlins | £11.11. 0 | |
Pile | £11 | plus? |
Eden | £10.10. 0 | |
Urtick | £ 5. 5. 0 | plus £5. 5. 0 more if successful |
A V E R A G E | £27.19. 0 |
The average cash payment for novels is artificially low, for a really successful author such as Henry Brooke, the inventor of The Fool of Quality (1766 ff) kept to himself seven-eighths of the profits (and expenses) of his novel Juliet Grenville (1773). On the other hand, George Robinson almost certainly paid novelists a good deal more generously than many other booksellers did. In her Minerva Press 1790-1820 (1939), 72-73, Dorothy Blakey assembles a good deal of evidence about what was paid for novels at this time. In April 1757 The Critical Review asserted that the Noble brothers "never paid to any author for his labour a sum equal to the wages of a journeyman taylor", and Lackington in his Memoirs (1791) said he had been told of booksellers "who frequently offer as low as half a guinea per volume for novels in manuscript; it is a shocking price to be sure, but it should be remembered that . . . many novels have been offered to booksellers, indeed, many have actually been

A few of the contracts are distinctly odd in legal terms. For example, Timothy Cunningham revokes the agreement he had previously made with John Coote for his book, and one wonders whether all contracts could be as casually and unilaterally altered as this. Clearly for many of these documents, the force was moral rather than legal, and in many if not most cases there probably was no legally binding contract at all beyond these casual documents. Some form of the phrase "I promise to execute an Assignment on demand" frequently recurs, implying to me that the author would sign a legal contract if necessary. The legal costs of such an official assignment were high—£4.5.0 for William Marshall's Memorandum of 1803—and apparently in most cases the promise to make such an assignment was taken to be an adequate substitute. The relationship of author with bookseller, or at least with George Robinson, was ordinarily pretty easy-going, and it is only with very large works, such as Shakespeare's plays or the Biographia Britannica or Voltaire's Works, or with potentially popular works, such as Brooke's Julia or Godwin's Political Justice or Belsham's Memoirs of . . . the House of Brunswick and the Bible that formal, elaborate legal documents were drawn up. For some of these, the scale was very large indeed. Though the largest edition-size mentioned here is two thousand copies, there were 12,776 copies of Voltaire which changed hands (apparently seven sixteenths of those still in print) and 180,000 numbers of Rider's Bible. Clearly here is the bread and butter of the bookseller's trade.
A very few of the documents have nothing to do with payment, as when Charles Du Bellamy disclaimed any share in The Cheerfull Companion. The only document which, because of its nature, will not fit conveniently in the Table below reports on the progress of the Biographia Britannica, the Second Edition of which was revised chiefly by Andrew Kippis (Vol. I-V [F] in 1778-93):

At a Meeting of the Committee, of the Biographia Britannica March 26, 1794;
Present Dr Kippis, Mr Longman, Mr Robinson and Mr Nichols.
Agreed to begin Vol.6; Dr Kippis promises to supply some Copy for this purpose directly; and to proceed as before for a month or two; and in May will be able to proceed with some Dispatch. That the Number to be printed be 1250; Mr Nichols to be the Printer; Mr Chapman to supply the Paper
- And: Kippis
- J Nichols
- Thos. Longman
- Chas. Rivington [N.B. Rivington is not named above]
- Geo: Robinson
The plan was frustrated by the death of Dr Kippis at the age of seventy on 8 October 1795, eighteen months after the agreement, and only the first half of Volume VI was published, in 1795.
Probably the most important group of documents in this Archive is those relating to William Godwin, who worked for George Robinson steadily in 1783-1793 as a man of letters or bookseller's hack. In his journal, Godwin wrote of the year he was twenty-seven: "This was probably the busiest period of my life; in the latter end of 1783 I wrote in ten days a novel entitled Damon and Delia, for which Hookham gave me five guineas, and a novel in three weeks called 'Italian Letters' purchased by Robinson [5 January 1784] for twenty guineas . . .".[13] Italian Letters was long lost to sight until Professor Burton Pollin discovered a copy which he published in 1965. The price in the Robinson Archives confirms the sum in Godwin's journal.
In 1781 George Robinson had founded The New Annual Register, to rival the Tory Annual Register, which Edmund Burke had established in 1759. For a time the Historical Part of The New Annual Register was conducted by Dr Gilbert Stuart, but, as Godwin wrote, after Stuart "had thrown up his task", Godwin finished "the historical part of the New Annual Register" [July 1784], and thereafter he "was installed in due form writer of the historical part of the New Annual Register at the stipend of 60 guineas".[14] I take it that the stipend was £126 a year, or perhaps ten guineas a month, for from 4 March to 23 December 1785 (nine and one-half months) Godwin was paid ninety guineas for his work on The New Annual Register. (Note that in 1791 and 1794 Gregory

Godwin must have done a good deal of hack work which cannot now be identified. One such undertaking which may now be identified fairly confidently from the Robinson Archive is The English Peerage, which the Robinsons published in 1790; Godwin received £10.10.0 on account for it on 10 January 1786, and he recorded in his MS Journal for 28 June [1789] "Finish the Peerage".[15]
At the same time that he was writing for Robinson's New Annual Register, Godwin was also contributing to Robinson's Political Herald and Review, which had been founded in August 1785 by Fox and Sheridan as a Whig journal. Godwin described himself in late 1786 "as the editor of the Political Herald",[16] and he wrote that "all the letters with the signature Mucius were contributed by me". The Robinson Archive records one payment of ten guineas to Godwin for this work on 24 November 1785. Robinson carried on the work for political rather than commercial motives, and Godwin reported that "Mr. Robinson, the bookseller, has, I think, acted in the business with honour & propriety. . . . the publication is a losing bargain to him, & he professes not to entertain the remotest wish of gaining by it".[16] But after three volumes, Robinson let it die in 1786. Godwin was evidently impressed by Robinson's generosity in carrying it on so long.
In the next year, Robinson published Godwin's History of the Internal Affairs of the United Provinces, for which he paid him forty guineas on 25 August 1787. The work work was advertised for publication on 1 September 1787 as an octavo at 4s. in boards.[17] Though it was reviewed favourably,[17] it apparently sold slowly, and Godwin wrote generously to Robinson in the Spring of 1788: Because of "the ill success of that volume . . . I am willing to relinquish him any part or the whole if you please of the sum which I received of you on that account."[17] Such generosity must have impressed Robinson profoundly.
For some years, George Robinson was Godwin's chief source of support.

These articles of agreement, made in London on the fifth day of February in the year 1793, between William Godwin of Charlton Street in the parish of St Pancras Middlesex Gentleman, of the one part; & George Robinson of Pater Noster Row bookseller, on the behalf of himself & partners, on the other part: witness,
That the said William Godwin for & in consideration of the sum of seven hundred guineas to him in hand paid or to be paid, & the farther sum of three hundred guineas as is hereafter more fully expressed, hath sold & assigned over to the said George Robinson the whole copy right of a certain book, of which he the said William Godwin is the author, entitled An Enquiry concerning Political Justice & its Influence on General Virtue & Happiness & now about to be published in two volumes quarto, containing one hundred & twenty sheets or thereabouts:
And the said George Robinson for himself & partners & for his & their respective executors, administrators & assigns, doth hereby accept & purchase the said work, & doth promise to pay on demand to him the said William

And moreover that he or they shall & will immediately after the sale of three thousand copies of the said work in quarto; or otherwise immediately after the sale of four thousand copies of the said work in quarto & octavo added together, according as either event shall first happen, pay unto the said William Godwin, his executors, administrators or assigns, the farther sum of three hundred guineas herein beforementioned:
And lastly, in order that such sale, or disposal of copies of the said work may be satisfactorily ascertained, he the said George Robinson for himself & partners, & for his & their respective executors, administrators & assigns, doth hereby covenent & agree that he or they shall deliver or convey at any time hereafter, to him the said William Godwin, his executors, administrators, or assigns, sufficient extracts for that purpose from his or their accounts of sales, signed by him or them, whenever they shall be requested by the said William Godwin, or his executors, administrators or assigns, so to do.
In witness whereof the said parties have hereunto put their hands & seals, the day & year first above written
Signed, sealed & delivered
being first duly stamped,
in presence of
John H. Coman
George Hamilton
Will. Godwin
Geo Robinson
for Self & Co
Feb 5. 1793
Recd. of Mr. Geo Robinson the sum of
seven hundred guineas in
pursuance of the above articles.
W Godwin
A separate receipt reads:
Mr. Godwin Cr ___ 735..—..—___
Dr ___ 651..—..— ___
[Balance owing Mr Godwin:] 84..—..—
Settled by a note on demand of that date
Geo. Robinson
W Godwin
for Self & Co
Presumably the £651 which Godwin had already received had been advanced to him at various times while he was writing the work, and the chief expectation he had from the work was the £84 owing from this contract plus the possibility of £315 more, which evidently was forthcoming. But Robinson paid him forty guineas more on 24 December 1794 for corrections and additions to the Second Edition and another

Indeed, its dearness was apparently what protected Political Justice from prosecution as a seditious work. Mary Godwin Shelley wrote: "I have frequently heard my father say that Political Justice escaped from prosecution from the reason that it appeared in a form too expensive for general acquisition. Pitt observed, when the question was debated in the Privy Council, that 'a three guinea book could never do much harm among those who had not three shillings to spare'."[20] Shelley wrote on 7 January 1812 with somewhat greater hyperbole than usual: "if government at one time could have destroyed any man, Godwin would have ceased to be".[21] In 1793, the year of publication of Political Justice, the Robinsons were fined £250 for selling Tom Paine's Rights of Man for shillings rather than guineas.
The last record of Godwin's own work for Robinson in these Archives is the most mysterious and tantalizing. On 5 March 1796 Robinson paid Godwin twenty guineas for what is identified in an undated receipt for the same sum as "a book to be written on the Revolution in France". Professor Jack Marken tells me that Godwin's manuscript diary indicates that from 20 January to 3 April 1796 he was writing an unnamed work, perhaps this one. I have no record that Godwin ever produced such a work, and it is possible that Robinson or Godwin, like William Blake, Joseph Johnson, William Wordsworth, and others, decided that they could not publish on the subject both truly and safely and that the project was therefore abandoned. On the other hand, since the Robinsons preserved Godwin's receipt, rather than returning it to him when he paid them back the money (if he did), it seems likely that they still regarded it as payment for goods expected and, presumably, eventually received. Perhaps Godwin did write "a book . . . on the Revolution in France" which has yet to be identified, perhaps published under a different author or title. If it does survive, it would be well worth knowing, both in itself and for the influence it may have had upon his friends, disciples, and admirers, such as Coleridge, Shelley, Blake, and Wordsworth. Godwin's mature reflections on the revolution in France, made at the height of his powers and his influence, would be very interesting indeed.
When Godwin remarried in 1801, his wife took up the yoke as a bookseller's hack. About 1805, Godwin wrote that "She did her best for some years to assist our establishment by translations",[22] but her work

The Robinson Archive contains other evidence of the influence of Godwin, beyond payments for his books and those of his wife. The relationship between Godwin and Robinson was so long and so important for each, that it would be surprising if there were not authors whom Godwin introduced to Robinson and books which he specially fostered. One of these protegés of Godwin was a cheerful and somewhat egregious young man named John Arnot, who walked from Edinburgh to London, met Godwin with enthusiasm, and fell in love with his housekeeper. Godwin responded generously to the young man's energy and admiration. He encouraged him in his vagrant impulses, and the young man set off in 1798 to travel from Russia through Poland and Germany to Vienna—on foot. Arnot was to make notes on his wanderings "for a book of travels to be published on his return. Godwin warmly approved of this plan, and aided Arnot to carry it into execution". Kegan Paul quotes a number of Arnot's wayward and fascinating letters to Godwin, which, as he comments, "are extremely good", and Godwin responded with money and affection. Arnot intended to write "a great book of travel, which should supercede all existing books on the subjects treated, and come as a very revelation to his countrymen", and in fact "From Hamburg his journals were despatched to [?Godwin in] England, with the intention that they should be simultaneously published in English, French, and German". However, Godwin somewhat rashly showed the manuscript to Arnot's brother about 1799, who protested strongly that "the ingenuity and knowledge which he may have evinced is prostituted in the support of sentiments which are visionary, and subsersive of all social order, and yet (thank God), totally irreducible to practice". He

The work did come close to publication, however, for on 23 July 1803 George & John Robinson agreed to pay to John Arnot, of York Buildings, Middlesex, gentleman, two hundred twenty-five guineas for his Travels thro' Russia and Poland to Vienna and Dresden in the Year 1798, and a Plan of the Route, which was "to form a quarto volume of at least 400 pages", to be put to press in the next week, finished 1 December, and published on 15 December 1803. It seems exceedingly likely that Godwin had encouraged them to take this step. As far as I can discover, the work was never published either under the author's name or with a title anything like this one, and one may surmise that some impediment was raised by Arnot's family, by the literary quality of the manuscript—or perhaps by its "visionary, and subversive" character. At any rate, we may surely see in this contract an example of Godwin's friendship for both Arnot and George [Jr] & John Robinson.
The Robinson Archive throws a good deal of light upon William Godwin and a host of others. We may rejoice as much at the new views of old friends, such as Godwin's Political Justice and Charles Burney's History of Music, as we do at the raising of previously scarcely suspected ghosts, such as Arnot's Travels or Pilon's Ward of Chaucery. We are very fortunate that such tantalizing riches are preserved for us in Manchester Public Library.
According to the elder Thomas Cadell ([William West]; "Notice of the Robinsons," Aldine Magazine ([1839], 135). "Before the year 1780, he had the largest wholesale trade that was ever carried on by an individual. . . . the bookselling firm of G. G. and J. Robinson . . . [were for] many years the greatest trading booksellers and publishers known in this country" (C. H. Timperley, Encyclopaedia of Literary and Typographical Anecdote, 2nd Edition [1842], 808, 852). I have incorporated in the Table below a few similar Robinson documents in Yale for Holcroft, Jephson, Malone, and Mortimer. The only similar 18th Century collections known to me, besides those for surviving firms and for Cadell and Davies, are those by William Upcott in the British Library: (1) Original Assignments of Manuscripts between Authors and Publishers, principally for Dramatic Works, 1703-1810, mostly concerned with Lowndes (Add. MSS 38,728); (2) Original Assignments . . . principally for Mathematical & Elementary Works, 1707-1818, largely concerned with Nourse (Add. MSS 38,729); and (3) Original Assignments of Copy-rights of Books and other Literary Agreements between various Publishers, 1712-1822 (Add. MSS 38,730), recording chiefly what shares in copies Lowndes bought and sold at Coffee House sales. For example, at The Globe on 17 Dec 1772 George Robinson & Moses Staples sold to Thomas Lowndes a quarter of Maitland's London (£153) and a ninety-sixth of [Defoe's] Tour through Britain (£1.11.6) (f. 168); at Mrs Shuckburgh's sale on 28 July 1768 Robinson & Roberts bought from Thomas Lowndes one seventy-second share of Gordon's Geographical Grammar for 10s.6d. (f. 169); and at The Globe on 30 Dec 1777 Thomas Lowndes bought from George Robinson one forty-eighth share of Clarke's Introduction [to Heraldry] for £2.17.6, one sixteenth of Ogilby's Roads for £7.17.6, and one twenty-fourth of Selecta Profani for £3.10.0 (f. 169). For details of Nourse and British Library Add. MSS 38,729, see J.P. Feather, "John Nourse and his Authors", Studies in Bibliography, 34 (1981), 205-226. N.B. There was another firm of booksellers named G. & G. Robinson, in Liverpool, which retired from business and sold its extensive stock at Sotheby's, 6-11 March 1857.
Most of the facts about booksellers here derive from Ian Maxted's invaluable London Book Trades 1775-1800: A Preliminary Checklist of Members (1977).
Robinson's name does not appear on the titlepage of The Critical Review, but advertisements with the issues of January and July 1790 give G. G. and J. Robinson as publishers, as well as A. Hamilton whose name does appear on the titlepage.
See William J. Howard, "Literature in the Law Courts, 1770-1800," pp. 79-91 of Editing Eighteenth-Century Texts: Papers given at the Editorial Conference, University of Toronto, October 1967, ed. D. I. B. Smith (1968).
See Terry Belanger, "Tonson, Wellington and the Shakespeare Copyrights," pp. 195-209 of Studies in the Book Trade in Honour of Graham Pollard (1975).
Perhaps a few of these unidentified works were published in George Robinson's journals such as The Critical Review, The New Annual Register, and The Political Herald.
In one or two cases, these documents permit us to identify the name on the titlepage as a pseudonym.
The work is "by me", Anna Thomson (according to the receipt of 18 Jan 1791), not by Harriet Piggot, who is credited with it in the National Union Catalogue.
In his Modern Times (1785), III, 39, Dr John Trusler says: "If you give a bookseller a work to get printed and conclude upon an edition of five hundred; they [sic] will order seven hundred and fifty, or perhaps more, to be printed, call all above five hundred their own, sell all their own first, and account with you for the remainder." (Quoted in D. M. Blakey, The Minerva Press 1790-1820 [1939], pp. 77-78.)
Dr Hugh Farmer wrote on 24 Jan 1774 about his Demoniacs that he was to have "25 copies for my Friends"; "I will not allow a higher price than five shillings to be fixed upon the Work, without an additional consideration" (John Nichols, Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eighteenth Century, IV [1822], 826).
The real average-per-book was doubtless higher, for some of these fees are incomplete, and some are for only part of a volume.
C. Kegan Paul, William Godwin: His Friends and Contemporaries (1876), I, 20-21. Robinson published Italian Letters on 10 July 1784 (Jack W. Marken, "The Canon and Chronology of William Godwin's Early Works", Modern Language Notes, 69 [1954], 176-180). I am grateful for advice about Godwin to Professors Gary Kelly, Robin Alston, F. E. L. Priestley, Jack W. Marken, and Burton W. Pollin.
Jack W. Marken, "William Godwin's Writings for the New Annual Register", Modern Language Notes, 68 (1953), 477-479.
Marken (1953). There is no reference to The New English Peerage in the extensive bibliography of Godwin's own writings in Burton W. Pollin, Education and Enlightenment in the Works of William Godwin (1962) or in his Godwin Criticism: A Synoptic Bibliography (1967). Notice that Harriet Lee wrote a work called The New Peerage (1787).
Jack W. Marken, "William Godwin and the Political Herald and Review", Bulletin of the New York Public Library, 65 (1961), 523-524. Godwin's contributions are reprinted in his Uncollected Writings (1785-1822), ed. J. W. Marken & B. R. Pollin (1968).
Jack W. Marken, "William Godwin's History of the United Provinces", Philological Quarterly, 45 (1966), 379-386.
Kegan Paul, I, 80-81, merely echoed by Ford K. Brown, The Life of William Godwin (1926), p. 43, George Woodcock, William Godwin: A Biographical Study (1946), p. 39, and others.
Table of Robinson Copyrights
Some of the documents are Memoranda of Agreement concerning copyright, but most are receipts for literary work, sometimes specifying "for the copy" or "copyright" or "for the literary property" and occasionally adding "in full" or "for ever". All parties normally signed the Memoranda, but of course it is only the recipient who signs the receipt.
The agreements &c are usually with "George Robinson", "Mr Robinson", "George Robinson & Comp", or Messrs Robinson", and these vague denominations are to be assumed unless initials under the sum identify another bookseller or unless a footnote gives more information. The casualness of the writers is indicated by the fact that William Heckford refers on 29 January 1787 to Messrs Robinson & Co and on 30 January 1787 to Mr Robinson. In these documents, George Robinson did business in his own name at all times (1767, 1772-1801, [George Robinson, Jr:] 1804, 1812); he worked also in partnership with Roberts (1767-70, 1773), with his son George and his brother John (1786-87, 1792, 1794-97, 1800, 1802), and with his brother John (1795, 1801-1803). All these relationships may be expressed in the name Messrs [George] Robinson [& Compy] (1771, 1786-1805, 1815).

- A On Account
- C "For the Copy" or "Copy right", &c
- TC Thomas Cadell (1742-1802)—1771
- W & C [Francis] Wingrave (fl. 1789-1823) and [John] Collingwood—1817-20
- D Demand Note, usually in the form "Pay to [ ] on demand"
- Ed. Edited by
- RH Rowland Hunter, successor to Joseph Johnson—1820
- JJ Joseph Johnson (1739-1809)—1771, 1788
- K Kearsly—1772
- GK George Kearsly (fl. 1758-90)—1760, 1767-68, 1772
- RK Robert Kearsly—1771
- GR George Robinson
- GJR George & John Robinson—1795, 1801-1803
- GGJR George the Elder, George the Younger, & John Robinson—1786-87, 1792, 1794-97, 1800, 1802
- GGJJR George [Sr], George [Jr], John & James Robinson
- JR Joseph Richardson—1757-58, 1760
- R & R Robinson & Roberts—1767-70, 1773
- Tr. Translator
- JT Jacob Tonson (?1656-1736)—1715
- FW Francis Wingrave—1803
1) VENDOR: The name of the payee, normally the copyright holder, usually the author or translator (Tr.) but sometimes merely the publisher (Book-seller) who had previously acquired it. Also cross-references.
2) WORK: The title of the work as it is identified in the document, supplemented [in square brackets] with information from the British Museum [Library] Catalogue, The National Union Catalog, Robert Watt's Bibliotheca Britannica (1824), and, where relevant, the French Bibliothèque Nationale catalogue, Andrew Block, The English Novel 1740-1850: A Catalogue (1961), The Dictionary of National Biography, and The London Stage. If the title is NOT supplemented, I have not been able to trace it. The work was published in London unless another city is given. Where no work is specified, the document is silent as to what is being paid for. If a sum, e.g. "[8vo, £2.2.0]", appears after the date of the publication, that is its price in boards (sometimes in a later edition) given in A Catalogue of Books Printed for G. & J. Robinson (March, 1804).
3) DATE: The date which appears on the document itself.
4) PAYMENT: The sum specified in the document, normally expressed in guineas. The payment is usually either "on Account" (A) or for the copyright (C) or a Demand Note (D).
- ABERCROMBIE, John, of Middlesex, Gardener: The Complete Wall-tree Pruner, or Every Man his Own Wall-tree Pruner. 29 Dec 1781. £8.8.0 (C)
- ABERCROMBIE, John: The Complete Wall-tree Pruner [(1783)]. 19 Jan 1782. £12.12.0 (C)
- ABERCROMBIE, John: The Complete Wall-tree Pruner, 11th Edition, additional lists of Perenniels, Biennials, and the Whole Catalogue of House Plants. 6 Nov 1786. £6.6.0
- ABERCROMBIE, John: Every Man his Own Gardener [1]. 31 March 1781. £31.10.0 (C)
- ABERCROMBIE, John: Every Man his Own Gardener, 9th Edition, Index [(1782)][2]. 11 June 1782. £5.5.0
- ABERCROMBIE, John: Every Man his Own Gardener, 11th Edition, corrections and improvement [(1787)]. 3 Feb 1786. £10.10.0
- AMERCROMBIE, John: Every Man his Own Gardener, Supplement [(1787)]. 30 June 1786. £21.0.0 (C)
- ABERCROMBIE, John: The Universal Gardener and Botanist [(1778)]. 20 Dec 1777. £315.0.0 (C)
- Agnesi, D. M. G. See Hellins
- Albert, Confidential Letters of: See Eden
- Allan, Alexander: See Elliot
- ALLEN, Charles: Abridgement of Oliver Goldsmith, The History of Greece [Dr. Goldsmith's History of Greece, Abridged [Anon.] For the Use of Schools [(1787)] [12mo, 3s.6d.]. 26 April 1787. £35.14.0[3]
- ANDREWS, John: A Comparative View of the French and English Nations in their Manners, Politics and Literature [(1785)] [8vo,5s.][4]. 18 Oct 1782 £21.0.0 (C)
- Annual Magazine: See Kippis
- ARNOT, John, of York Buildings, Middlesex, Gentleman: Travels thro' Russia and Poland to Vienna and Dresden in the Year 1798, and a Plan of the Route, quarto[5]. 23 July 1803. £236.5.0 (C) GJR
- Baldwin, R.: See Hutton[72]
- BALLARD, W.: [(fl. 1726-96), bookseller]: Rogissard[?] [?de Rogissard] Grammar [?New French Grammar] [12mo, 3s.6d.]. 18 Dec 1793. £40.0.0 (½C)
- Barthélemy, J. J.: See Greivey
- BARTLETT, Edward: Colloquia Anatomica. 11 Oct 1776. £10.10.0 (C)
- Beatriffe, R.: See Pyle[104]
- BEATSON, Robert, of Kirkaldy, Fife, North Britain: A Political Index to the Histories of Great Britain and Ireland or A Complete Register of the Hereditary Honours Public Offices and Persons in Office [From the Earliest Periods to the Present Time, 2nd Edition, 2 vols. (1788)][6]. 7 June 1787. £250.0.0
- Beaumarchais, P.A.C. de: See Harris
- BECKET, Andrew: A Concordance to ye plays Shakespeare [A Concordance to Shakespeare (1787)]. 27 Oct 1787. £50.0.0
- Behmen (Boehme), Jacob: See Law
- Bell & Bradfute: See Elliot[37]
- BELL, James: [John Bell] Pantheon [or Historical Dictionary of the Gods, 2 vols. (1791)][7]. 26 Jan 1792. £18.18.0 W & C
- BELL, John [(1745-1831), bookseller]: [William] Symons's Practical Gager, additions, Alterations, and Corrections [(1821)][8]. 10 April 1819. £12.10.0 (C) W & C
- Bellamy, Charles du: See Du Bellamy, Charles
- BELSHAM, Revd Thomas: 9 May 1795. £100.0.0
- BELSHAM, Thomas, of Essex House, Westminster: A New Version of the Epistles of the Apostle Paul [The Epistles of Paul the Apostle Translated] with an Exposition and Notes [(1822)][9]. 1 Dec 1820. £150.0.0 (C) RH
- BELSHAM, William: The Memoirs of the Kings of Great Britain of the House of Brunswick, 2 vols. [2nd Edition (1796)] and The Memoirs of the Reign of George the Third [2nd Edition], with considerable additions and improvements, 4 vols., 8vo [(1795)] [8vo, £2.10.0][10]. 14 Dec 1795. £2,200.0.0 (C) GGJR
- Bible: See Jno Coote
- Bielfeld, Baron J. F. von: See Hooper
- Boehme (Behmen), Jacob: See Law
- Boileau, Abbé: See De Lolme
- BOLDERO[?], F[?]: The Victim of a Curse, A Novel. 18 Oct 1787. £15.15.0 (C)
- BOOTE, Richard, of Chancery Lane, Gentleman: An Historical Treatise of an Action or Suit at Law &c [2 vols. (W. Johnson & G K, 1766)][11]. 31 July 1760. £2.10.0 per sheet GK
- Botarelli: See F. Jones
- Bourlin, A. J.: See Harris
- Boyer, Abel: See N. Salmon
- BRIGGS, Richard: A Cookery Book [The English Art of Cookery (1788)]. 21 Oct 1788. £52.10.0 (C)
- BROMLEY, Mrs [Elizabeth Nugent]: The Cave of Cosenza [A Romance of the Eighteenth Century. Altered from the Italian, 2 vols. (GJR, 1803)] [12mo., 12s.][12]. 29 Nov 1803 to 4 April 1804.
- BROMLEY, E. G. [?i.e., E. N.]: [The Cave of Cosenza (1803)]. 3 April 1804. £30.10.0 (A)
- BROMLEY, Robert [Anthony]: A Discourse on the Consideration of our Latter End [(Printed for the Author, 1771)][13]. 26 April 1771. £10.10.0 RK
- BROOKE, Henry: Juliet [Grenville], or The History of the Human Heart [3 vols. (1774)][14]. 13 Aug 1773. (⅛C)
- BROWN, Dr John (Tr.): The Elements of Medicine of John Brown [(JJ, 1795)][15]. 20 Feb 1788. £50.0.0 JJ
- Burgh, James: See J. Serjeant
- Burke, Mrs: See Anne Urtick
- BURNEY, [Dr] Charles: 30 April 1801. £265.18.10 (A)
- BURNEY, [Dr] Charles: [A General] History of Music [4 vols. (1776-89)] [4to, £6. 6.0]. 10 May 1803. £162.1.10 (A)
- BURROWS, John F.: [Edward C(astleton) Gifford, Esq. (?a pseudonym)] France and England [or Scenes in Each, Compiled from Early Papers], A Novel [2 vols. (1815)]. 22 April 1815. £18.0.0
- Cadell, Thomas: See W. Marshall[85]
- Capell, Edward: See Robson[110]
- CARR, Richard: [An Easy and] Compendious Introduction to Arithmetick and Algebra [(1761)][16]. 13 Feb 1772. £21.0.0 (C)
- Carrieres, Des: See Des Carrieres
- Catton, Charles: The English Peerage (1790). See William Godwin, The New English Peerage [52].
- Chearfull Companion: See Du Bellamy
- Chenier, Louis Saveur de: See Holcroft
- CHURCHILL, Thomas [O.]: Frederick Trenck, The Life of Baron Frederick Trenck, tr. Thomas Holcroft, Vol. IV (1793). 26 Feb 1793. £34.13.0 (C)
- Clairon, Hippolite: See Farquharson
- CLARKE, Cutht: The True Theory and Practice of Husbandry [(Printed for the author and Sold by GR, 1777)][17]. 4 Dec 1777. £31.10.0 (⅛C)
- Clavigero, F. S.: See Cullen
- Clerke, Captain: See Ellis
- COBB, James: A House to Be Sold [A Musical Piece in Two Acts. As Performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury-Lane. The Music Composed and Selected by Michael Kelly. (1st and 2nd Editions) (Adapted from Alexandre Duval's Maison à Vendre) (1803)] [2s.]. 6 Jan 1803. £63.0.0 (C)
- Coke, Sir Edward: See Hamilton
- COKE, William [(fl. 1764-1819), Leith bookseller]: Original Essays for the improvement of Young Speakers. 12 Nov 1787. £20.0.0
- COLLINS, Benjamin: Voltaire, Works, tr. Dr. [Tobias] Smollett and others, 12mo [37 vols. (1761-70, &c.)]. 27 July 1770. £52.10.0 (1/16C)
- Colson, John (Tr.): See Hellins
- Confidential Letters of Albert: See Eden
- Cook, Captain: See Ellis
- Coote, John: See Cunningham[26]
- COOTE, Jno [(fl. 1756-1808), bookseller]: [E. Jones] Oxford Spelling Book [or, The Complete English Tutor (B. Law & GR, 1770)][18]. 6 Dec 1770. £46.18.0 (½C) R&R
- COOTE, Jno: Voltaire, Works [as above][19]. 30 May 1770. £410.9.3 (7/16C)
- COOTE, Jno: [A Gentleman of Lincoln's Inn]
Pocket Conveyancer [or Attorney's
87Useful Companion: Containing Variety of the Most Approved Precedents, 2 vols., 2nd Edition (W. Owen, &c., 1773); see also Dorington and Raynes]. 24 June 1772. £3.3.0 (¼C) K
- COOTE, Jno: [John] Town[h]send's Cookery [i.e., The Universal Cook; or Lady's Complete Assistant (S. Bladon, 1773)][20]. 5 Nov 1772. £42.14.0 (C)
- COOTE, Jno: [Percival] Proctor [et al]'s [Modern] Dictionary of Arts and Sciences [or Complete System of Literature, 4 vols. (The Author, 1774)] and Watson's Geographical Dictionary [21]. 14 April 1775. £21.0.0 (C)
- COOTE, Jno: Rider's Bible [The Christian's Family Bible, With Comments and Annotations . . . by the Reverend W. Rider, 3 vols. (The Author, 1763-67)] and Stretch Bible[22]. 23 July 1767. £1000.0.0
- COOTE, John: [Marie de] Sévigné, Letters [from the Marchioness de Sévigné to her Daughter the Countess de Grignon, tr. Anon., 2nd Edition, 10 vols. (Vol. I-VIII, J. Coote, Vol. IX-X, R & R 1763-68)][23]. 26 Aug 1767. £100.0.0 (¾C) R&R
- Courier, Newspaper: See Williamson
- Creech, Thomas: See Devaulx
- Critical Review: See R. W. Dickson
- CRUTTWELL, Clemt: 1 Aug 1792. £40.0.0 (A)
- CULLEN, Charles (Tr.): [F. S.] Clavigero's Storia Antica del Messico [as The History of Mexico, 2 vols. (GGJR, 1787)] [4to, £2.2.0][24]. July 1785. £157.10.0 (C)
- CULLEN, William: See Elliot
- CULLEY, George: Treatise [or Observations] on Livestock [2nd Edition, Altered and Enlarged (GGJR, 1794)] [8vo,4s.6d.][25]. 22 Nov 1794. £100.0.0 (C)
- CUNNINGHAM, T[imothy]: [New and Complete] Law Dictionary, 2 vols., folio [3rd Edition (1782-83)][26]. 20 Sept 1780. £ .10.6 (⅞C) per sheet
- Cunningham, Timothy: See W. Johnston
- Curse of Sentiment: See Dodd
- CURTIS, William: Flora Londonensis [or Plates and Descriptions of Such Flowers as Grow Wild in the Environs of London, 72 fascicles (1775-98)][27]. 5 June to 28 Oct 1786. £2.4.3
- CURTIS, William: Flora Londonensis [28]. 11 Jan to 25 Oct 1788 £1.11.9
- DALRYMPLE, Frances Eleanor: The Benevolent Quixote, A Novel [4 vols. (1791)] [12mo, 12s.]. 23 Dec 1790. £21.0.0 (C)
- DARDIES, William, Esq.: Original Letters of the Much Celebrated Alexander Pope, deceased, Collected from Cabinets of the Most Noble the Marquis of Buckingham, Mr Fermor of the County of Oxford, and Mr Blount of Maple Durham now in the Custody, Power, or Possession of the said William Dardies[29]. 10 April 1804. £600.0.0 (C)
- DAVIES, Edward: Eliza Powell [or Trials of Sensibility], A Novel, 2 vols. [(GGJR, 1795)] [7s.]. 10 Jan 1795. £21.0.0 (C)
- Davies, William: See W. Marshall[85]
- Davis, Lockyer: See Hooper[68]
- DE LOLME, J[ean] L[ouis]: The [History of the] Flagellants [Being a Paraphrase and Commentary on the Historia Flagellantium of Abbé Boileau, 2nd Edition (GR, 1783)]. 21 Feb 1784. £28.7.0 (A)
- DE LOLME, J. L.: Flagellants or Memorials of Human Superstition [Being a Paraphrase and Commentary on the Historia Flagellantium of the Abbé Boileau, 2nd Edition (GR, 1784), 3rd Edition (1785)][30]. 24 June 1785. £11.11.0 (A) making £20.0.0
- DE LOLME, John Lewis, Gentleman: A Treatise upon the English Constitution, corrected and improved [i.e., The Constitution of England, 3rd Edition (GR & J. Murray, 1781)] [8vo, 8s.]. 25 Oct 1781. £31.10.0 (C)
- de Neuhoff, Frederick: See Frederick
- De Pauw, Cornelius: See Des Carrieres
- Debrett, John: See W. Marshall[84]
- DES CARRIERES [A.J.]: [The Catechism of the Church of England with the] Epistles and Gospels in English & French [French and English (1791)][31]. 26 April 1788. £5.5.0
- DES CARRIERES [A.J. or Jean Thomas Herissant; Des Carrieres & Co, booksellers (1788)]: Charles XII, correcting proofs [?i.e., Voltaire, The History of Charles XII, King of Sweden tr. Andrew Henderson, or Frederick II, Reflections on the Military Talents of Charles XII, King of Sweden (1790)] and [Cornelius de Pauw or] Depauw's Recherches [Philosophiques] sur les Grecs [tr. J. Thomson as Philosophical Dissertations on the Greeks, 2 vols., (R. Faulder, 1793), &c.] correcting proofs. 10 Jan 1789. £6.6.0
- DEVAULX, Moses: [Thomas] Creech's The Odes, [Satyrs, and Epistles of] Horace, 12mo, corrections [(1715)][32]. 28 March 1715. 54 Guilders
- Dialogues in a Library: See Alexander Thomson
- Dickson, James[33]: 14 April 1796. £8.19.6
- DICKSON, R[?]W.: Mr Elkington's Draining [John Johnstone, An Account of the . . . Mode of] Draining [Land, According to the System Practised by Mr J (oseph) Elkington, 2nd Edition (1801)][34]. 29 Aug 1803. £3.10.6
- DICKSON, R[?]W.: Critical Review [published by GR]. 9 April 1799. £25.14.6 (A)
- DIGBY, John (Tr.): [Abraham de Wicquefort], Duty of Ambassadors [i.e., The Ambassador and his Functions (1716)]. 31 Dec 1713 to 3 Jan 1714/15. £28.0.0. Bernard Lintot
- DODD, Charles: [Anon.] The Curse of Sentiment [(GGJR, 1787)], A Novel [12mo, 5s.]. 17 April 1786. £21.0.0 (C)
- DORRINGTON, C. S. (Rev.): [A Gentleman of Lincoln's Inn], The Pocket Conveyancer [2nd Edition (1773)], revisions[35]. 12 Oct 1772. £5.5.0
- DU BELLAMY, Charles C.: [Anon.] The Chearfull Companion [or Complete Modern Songster] A Collection of Songs &c [(J. Thomson, ?1761)][36]. 4 June 1768.
- Ducray-Duminil, F. G.: See Trapp
- Dumaniant: See Harris
- Duval, Alexandre: See Cobb
- EDEN, Anna: [Anon., The Confidential] Letters of Albert [From his First Attachment to Charlotte to her Death; From the Sorrows of Werter (R, 1790)], A Novel [12mo, 3s.]. 3 Aug 1789. £10.10.0 (C)
- Elkington, Joseph: See R. W. Dickson
- ELLIOT, Cornelius, Captain Robert Sands & Alexander Allan: Dr William Cullen [1710-90], A Treatise of the Materia Medica, 2 vols., quarto [(Edinburgh: Charles Elliot, 1789)] [£2.2.0][37]. 31 Jan 1792. (C)
- ELLIS, W[illiam] W.: [An Authentic Narrative of a] Voyage [Performed by Captain Cook and Captain Clerke] &c [2 vols., (1782)][38]. 15 Dec 1781. £52.12.0 (C)
- Emerson: See Hutton[73]
- ENFIELD, William: The Preacher's Directory [(1771)][39]. 30 July 1771. £25.0.0 (C) JJ
- ENFIELD, William: Sermons for the Use of Families [3rd Edition (JJ, 1771) or 4th Edition (1772)] and Prayers for the use of Families [(1771)][40]. 31 July 1771. £25. 0.0 (C) JJ
- Epinay, E. F. P.: See Lyons
- FALC de la Line, N. D.: Treatise on the Venereal Disease [(1772)]. 8 Oct 1773. £15.15.0 (1/6C)
- FARMER, Hugh: Essay on the Demoniacs [of the New Testament (1775)]. 28 Dec 1774. £50.0.0 (C)
- FARQUHARSON, George (Tr.): [Claire Josèphe Hippolite Legris de La Tude (1723-1803), called] Mlle Clairon, Memoirs of Madame Clairon [the Celebrated French Actress, tr. (Anon.), 2 vols. (GGJR, 1800)] [8vo,8s.]. 18 Jan 1800. £21.0.0 (C) GGJR
- FAULDER, Robert [(fl. 1779-1811), bookseller]: [Publius] Cornelius Tacitus, Works, tr. Arthur Murphy [A New Edition, 4 vols. (GGJR, 1793)][41]. 2 April 1796. £1,050.0.0 GGJR
- Female Werter: See Street
- FENN, Jno: 6 Feb 1787. £100.0.0 (A)[42]
- FENN, Jno: Original Letters, 2nd Edition [?i.e., volume][43]. 9 May 1787. £300.0.0
- FENNING, William: [Tobias] Smollett, [tr., Alain René Le Sage] Gill Blass [sic] [4 vols., 6th Edition (T. Longman, 1792)][44]. 26 Nov 1792. £6.6.0 (1/16C)
- Flora Londonensis: See Curtis
- FORBES, Francis: Miscellaneous Dissertations on Rural Subjects [(GR, 1775)][45]. 25 June 1774. £31.10.0 (C)
- FREDERICK [de Neuhoff] Son of Theodore Late King of Corsica: A Description of Corsica [with an Account of its Union to the Crown of Great Britain] and a Life of Paoli [(GGJR, 1795)] [8vo, 4s.][46]. 12 Jan 1795. £25.0.0 (½C)
- Frederick II: See Des Carrieres and Holcroft
- Freher, D. A.: See William Law
- Geographical . . . Account of the Cisalpine Republic: See Oppenheim
- GIBSON, Fras: Streanshall Abbey, A Play [2nd Edition (Whitby, 1800)]. 10 Aug 1801. £5.5.0 (A)
- Gibson, John: See Hill[66]
- Gifford, E. Castleton: See Burrows
- GIFFORD, John 9 [torn] 1790. £21.0.0[47]
- GLOVER, Will: Fred: An Account of Denmark [48]. 12 Feb 1772. £16.16.0 (C) GK
- GODWIN, William for Mrs Godwin (Tr.): [(Johann Christian von Struve)] Travels in the Crimea [A History of the Embassy from Petersburg to Constantinople in the Year 1793 (Tr. Anon) (GJR, 1802)] [8vo,7s.6d.][49]. 5 June 1802. £15.15.0
- GODWIN, W[illiam]: History of the Internal Affairs of the United Provinces [(1787)][50]. 25 Aug 1787. £42.0.0 (C)
- GODWIN, W.: Italian Letters [or The History of Count Julian (1784)][51]. 5 Jan 1784. £21.0.0
- GODWIN, W.: The New Annual Register. 4 March 1785. £21.0.0 (A) The New Annual Register (1784). 4 April 1785. £10.10.0 (A) The New Annual Register. 9 June 1785. £10.10.0 (A) The New Annual Register. 15 July 1785. £10.10.0 (A) The New Annual Register. 15 Aug 1785. £10.10.0 (A) The New Annual Register (1785). 23 Dec 1785. £31.10.0 (A)
- GODWIN, W.: The New English Peerage [52]. 10 Jan 1786. £10.10.0 (A)
- GODWIN, W.: On the Revolution in France [53]. 5 March 1796. £21.0.0 (A)
- GODWIN, W.: [Mucius, "To the Right Honourable Edmund Burke",] The Political Herald [and Review, I, v (Dec 1785), 321-329]. 24 Nov 1785. £10.10.0 (A)
- GODWIN, W.: Political Justice [2 vols., (GJR, 1793)]. 5 Feb 1793. £735.0.0 (C)
- GODWIN, W.: Political Justice [2nd Edition, 2 vols.] corrections and additions [(GJR, 1796)] [8vo, 14s; 4to, £1.16.0][54]. 24 Dec 1794. £42.0.0; 11 Jan 1796. £42.0.0
- Goethe: See Eden and Street
- Goldsmith, Oliver: See Charles Allen
- GREGORY, Eliza (for Dr Gregory): 22 Sept 1795. £21.0.0
- GREGORY, G[eorge]: [n.d.] £100.0.0
- GREGORY, G.: The New Annual Register (1791), the historical part [8vo,8s.6d.per volume][55]. 1 Dec 1792. £120.0.0 (C)
- GREGORY, G.: The New Annual Register, Impartial History to the end of 1793[56]. 9 Feb 1796. £70.0.0 (A)
- GREGORY, G.: "on acct. of Mr. Hamilton". 19 Dec 1798. £25.19.9 (D)
- GREGORY, G.: 26 Oct 1799. £100.0.0 (A)
- GREGORY, G.: 27 Dec 1799. £100.0.0 (A)
- GREGORY, G. The New Annual Register. 8 Jan 1802. £25.0.0 (D)[57]
- GREIVEY[?], Geo (Tr.): [Jean Jacques Barthélemy] The Travels of Anacharsis [the Younger in Greece during the Middle of the Fourth Century before the Christian Aera, Tr. (Anon.) from the French], 7 vols. [and an Eighth in Quarto, containing Maps, Plans (GGJR, 1791)], with an Introduction to the Atlas [5 vols.,8vo,£1.5.0][58]. 24 April 1789. £52.10.0
- HAMILTON, Arch[ibald (fl. 1736-93), printer]: Cooke [i.e., Sir Edward Coke (1552-1634)] upon [Sir Thomas] Littleton [(d.1481), ?The First Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England . . . 13th Edition, The Whole (i.e., from f. 190) Revised and Corrected by F. Hargrave (1775-88)][59]. 29 July 1774. GK & GR
- HARDING, Sylvester: [Robert] Jephson, Roman Portraits [A Poem in Heroic Verse (GGJR, 1794), with 20 portraits] [4to, £1.7.0] for 18 engravings[60]. 23 July 1794. £59.17.0
- HARGRAVE, Fras: Collection of Arguments on Various Cases in Chancery &c "now printing by him for them" [?i.e., Juridical Arguments and Collections, 2 vols. (GGJR, 1797, 1799)] [8vo, 15s.]. 1 Oct 1794. £50.0.0 (A) GGJR
- HARGRAVE, Francis: Juridical Arguments and Collections [2 vols. (GGJR, 1797, 1799)][61]. 4 Feb 1797. £60.0.0 (C)
- HARGRAVE, Francis: Juridical Arguments, Vol. II [(1799)][62]. 9 Jan 1799. £80.0.0; 12 Jan 1799. £60.0.0
- Hargrave, Francis: See Hamilton
- HARRIS, T[homas, (d. 1820), manager of Covent Garden]: [Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais (1732-99), The] Follies of a Day [or, The Marriage of Figaro. A Comedy, as it is now Performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. Tr. Thomas Holcroft (GGJJR, 1787)]. 4 Jan 1788. £49.10.0.
- [Antoine Jean Bourlin (1752-1828), called Dumaniant] Midnight Hour [A Comedy in Three Acts. Tr. (Elizabeth) Inchbald (GGJR, 1787); 2nd Edition (1788)] [1s.]. £30.0.0.
- [Elizabeth Inchbald] Such Things Are [A Play in Five Acts (GGJR, 1788); 2nd Edition (GGJR, 1788)] [1s.6d.]. £100.0.0 [total] £179.10.0[63]
- HECKFORD, William: [Characters of] Historical Anecdotes of All the Kings and Queens of England from William the Conqueror to the Present Time (GGJJR, 1787)] [12mo, 3s.]. 29 Jan 1787. £5.5.0 (C,D)
- Heetfort and Clara: See Poulin
- HEHLEY[?], S.[64]: 26 July 1802. £20.0.0
- HELLINS, The Revd J.: [Donna Maria Gaetana] Agnesi, Analytical Institution [Tr. John Colson, 2 vols. (1801)][65]. 29 May 1805. £36.14.0 (½ profits) FW
- HELLINS, J[ohn, (Ed.)]: Agnesi 29 May 1805. £25.10.8 (½ profits) FW
- HERON[?], Robert (Tr.): [Tomas de Iriarte y Oropesa (1750-91), Don Thomas d'] Yriarte, History of Spain [?a translation of Abregé de l'Histoire d'Espagne, tr. Ch. Brunet (Paris, 1803)] [12mo, 4s.]. 10 Jan 1804. £15.15.0 (C)
- HILL, Thomas, gardener: Treatise on Fruit Trees [66]. 25 May 1758. £50.0.0 (C) JR
- HILL, Thomas: Treatise on Fruit Trees, 3rd Edition, additions. 15 April 1768. £10.10.0 (C) R&R
- HOLCROFT, Thomas: [Frederick Trenck] Memoirs of Baron Trenck [The Life of Baron Frederic Trenck, tr. Thomas Holcroft, 3 vols. (1789)] [12mo,13s.6d.], [Louis Saveur de Chenier] The Present State of [the Empire of] Morocco [tr. Thomas Holcroft, 2 vols. (GGJR, 1788)] [8vo,10s], [J.C.] Lavater, Essays [on Physiognomy, 3 vols., tr. Thomas Holcroft, (GGJJR, 1789)] [8vo, £6.6.0], [Honoré Gabriel Riquetti, Count Mirabeau] Secret Correspondence [i.e., Secret History of the Court of Berlin, . . . In a Series of Letters, tr. (Thomas Holcroft), 2 vols. (1789)] [8vo, 12s.], [The Posthumous] Works of [Frederick II] King of Prussia [tr. Thomas Holcroft, 13 vols. (GGJJR, 1789-1790)], and [Anon.] Try Again [A Farce in Two Acts (1790)] [1s.6d.]. 19 Oct 1790. £2,050 (C)
- Holcroft, Thomas: See Harris, Inchbald[74]
- HOOPER, William (Tr.): Baron [Jacob Friedrich von] Bielfeld, Letters, Vol. III-IV, 12mo [4 vols. (J. Robson, Richardson & Urquhart, 1768-70)][67]. 28 July 1769. £10.10.0 (C) R&R
- HOOPER, William (Tr.): Bielfeld, Letters, Vol. III-IV. 5 Jan 1770. £10.10.0
- HOOPER, William, M.D.: Rational Recreations [in which the Principles of Numbers and Natural Philosophy are . . . Elucidated, 4 vols. (1774)][68]. 18 Nov 1773. £100.0.0
- Hooper, William, M.D. (Tr.): [Louis Sébastien Mercier] L'An Deux Mille Quatre Cent Quarante [Memoirs of the Year Two Thousand Five Hundred (GR, 1772)][69]. 19 March 1772. £28.17.6
- Horace: See Devaulx
- HOULSTON, W.: [Anon.] Pharmacopoeia Chirugica [or Formula for the Use of Surgeons, 2nd Edition (GGJR, 1794)] [12mo,4s.]. 12 April 1794. £50.0.0 (C)
- HOULSTON, W.: [Anon.] Pharma. Chirugica, 3rd Edition, additions and corrections [(R, 1795)]. 26 March 1795. £15.0.0
- HUNTER, William, Of the, Custom House: The Tidesman's and Preventive Officer's Pocket Book [(1765)], The Out-Port Collector's and Comptroller's Guide [(For the Author, 1764)], and The Merchant's Clerk or The Business at the Custom House Made Easy [(For the Author, 1766)]. 25 April 1767. £88.4.0 (C) R&R
- Hurley, Absalom: See J. Coote[22]
- [HUTTON, Charles]: [The School Master's Guide: or A Complete System of Practical] Arith[metic and Book-Keeping, 3rd Edition (Newcastle upon Tyne: Printed by Saint, Sold by J. Wilkie in London, 1771)], [?The Diarian Miscellany (GR & R. Baldwin, 1775)], Math Miscel [i.e., Miscellanea Mathematica (GR & R. Baldwin, 1775)], [A Treatise on] Mensuration [(Newcastle upon Tyne: Printed by T. Saint, for the Author.,&c., 1770)] [8vo.18s.][70]. 20 May 1775 to 9 Feb 1776. £568.5.0
- HUTTON, Charles, Professor Mathematics: A Book on Logarithms [Mathematical Tables, Containing Common Hyperbolic and Logistic Logarithms (1785)] [8vo, £1.1.0][71]. 5 June 1776. £105.0.0 (C)
- HUTTON, C.: Compendious Measurer [12mo, 4s.]. 10 Nov 1786. £73.10.0 (C) Key to [Hutton's] Arithmetic [(GGJJR & R. Baldwin, 1786)] [12mo, 3s.6d.]. £31. 10.0 (C)
- [A Complete Treatise on Practical] Arithmetic, 7th Edition, Corrections [12mo, 2s.6d.]. £10.10.0 (C) [total] £115.10.0
- HUTTON, Charles: The Lady's Diary for 1805, Supplement. 14 Dec 1804. £17. 12.9
- HUTTON, Charles: The Lady's Diary for 1805, Supplement. 1 June 1805. £4.18.0 (balance)
- HUTTON, Charles: [A Treatise on] Mensuration, 2nd Edition [(GGJJR; R. Baldwin, G. & T. Wilkie, 1788)][72]. 19 April 1788. £94.10.0 (C)
- HUTTON, Chas: Course of Mathematics [2 vols. (GGJR, 1799, 1800)] [8vo,£1.1.0][73]. 25 April [n.y.]. £496.7.6 (½C)
- Inchbald, Elizabeth: See Harris
- INCHBALD, Elizabeth: Appearance is Against Them, A Farce [(GGJJR, 1785)] [1s.][74]. 17 Sept 1785. £30.0.0 (C)
- INCHBALD, Elizabeth: I'll Tell You What, A Comedy [(GGJJR, 1785); 2nd Edition (1786)] [1s.6d.]. 24 July 1786. £105.0.0 (C)
- INCHBALD, Elizabeth: The Married Man, A Comedy [(GGJJR, 1789)] [1s.6d.]. 21 Sept 1789. £42.0.0 (C)
- Innys, John and William: See Rogers
- Iriarte y Oropesa, T. de: See Heron
- J * *: See William Jesse
- Jacob, Giles: See John Rayner
- Jeffery, Edward: See Dardies[29]
- Jenkins, Caleb: See Mac-Nally[81]
- Jenyns, Rev Soame: See William Jesse
- Jephson, Robert: See Sylvester Harding
- JESSE, William, of Bewdley, Worcestershire: Seven Lectures [J * * (William Jesse), Lectures Supposed to Have Been Delivered by [Soame Jenyns] the Author of A View of the Internal Evidence of the Christian Religion, to a Select Company of Friends (1787)]. 1 May 1787. £10.10.0 (C)
- [JESSE, William]: [A Dissertation on the Learning, and] Inspiration of the Apostles ([1798)][75]. 24 Aug 1801. £4.1.0
- JOHNSON, Anna Maria: [Anon.] Retribution [A Novel. By the Author of The Gamesters, &c., 3 vols. (GGJJR, 1788)] [12mo,9s.]. 10 Oct 1787. £21.0.0 (C)
- Johnson, Dr Samuel: See Malone and Robson[110]
- JOHNSTON, W.: [Timothy Cunningham] A Collection [or Report] of Cases [Argued and Adjudged in the [Court of the] King's Bench, in the [Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Years of George the Second, during] the Time of Lord [or the Right Honourable the Earl] Hardwicke [Was Lord Chief Justice of that Court, Part I (1766)], "now printing" [see also Vesey]. 19 April 1767. £52.10.0 (¼C) GK
- Johnstone, John: See R. W. Dickson
- JONES, Rev. Mr. M. [William (1726-1800)]: A Letter to a Young Student [i.e., to a Young Gentleman at Oxford Intended for Holy Orders (R&R, 1769)], and Full Answer to the Essay on the Spirit & Remarks on the Confessional [(1770)][76]. 1 May 1770. £28.7.0 R&R
- JONES, Revd Mr. [William]: Lectures on the [Figurative Language of the Scriptures; and the] Interpretation of [it, from the] Scripture [itself . . . (1787)][77]. 8 Jan 1789. £31.10.0
- Jones, E.: See J. Coote
- JONES[?], F.: Port Royal Grammar [i.e., A New Method of Learning with Greater Facility The Greek Tongue] tr. [from the French of the Messieurs of the Port Royal by Thomas] Nugent, revisions and corrections (W&C, 1817)]. 18 Oct 1817. £5.5.0 W&C
- JONES[?], F.: The Greek Primitives [i.e., The Primitives of the Greek Tongue] tr. [from the French of Messieurs de Port Royal] Dr [Thomas] Nugent, revisions and corrections [(W&C, 1818)]. 5 June 1818. £3.3.0 W&C
- JONES[?], F.: Botarelli's[?] English, French, and Italian Dictionary [?C. Polidori, A New Pocket Dictionary of the French, Italian, and English Languages, 3 vols. (1814)], revisions and corrections to the punctuation of the English part. 20 Jan 1820. £2.2.0 W&C
- Jones, John: See Stock
- Kelly, Michael: See Cobb
- Kent, Nathaniel: See Joseph Pote
- KIPPIS, And[rew]: History of Knowledge in The Annual Magazine [i.e., The New Annual Register] (1791)[78]. £15.15.0
- Lavater, J. C.: See Holcroft
- Law, B.: See Hooper[68]
- LAW, William: Jacob Behmen, Works [79]. 25 May 1802. £130.0.0
- Le Sage, A. R.: See Fenning
- LEE, Harriet: 1 Dec 1802. £100.0.0
- LEE, Harriet: The New Peerage, A Comedy [(1787); 2nd Edition (1787)] [1s.6d.]. 30 Nov 1787. £100.0.0 (C)
- Letters from Scandinavia: See William Thomson
- LIDDELL, Robert: The Seaman's New Vademecum, 2nd Edition [Containing a Practical Essay on Naval Book-Keeping (1794)] [8vo,12s.][80]. 21 Oct 1794. £42.0.0
- Littleton, Sir Thomas: See Hamilton
- Lolme, D. L. de: See De Lolme, J. L.
- Lucian: See Joseph Pote
- LYONS, Lewis (Tr.): [Louise Florence Pétronille de la
d'Epinay] Conversations
93of Emily [Tr. Anon. 2 vols. (J. Marshall & Co., 1787)]. 19 Feb 1783. £5.5.0
- MacBean, Alexander: See J. Coote[21]
- Maclaurin, Colin: See Hutton[73]
- MAC-NALLY, Leond.[81] 8 Sept 1780. £5.17.8
- MACNALLY, Leonard: [Anon.] Tristram Shandy, A Farce [A Sentimental Shandean Bagatelle (S. Bladon, 1783)]. 21 Oct 1783. £10.10.0 (C)
- MACNALLY, Leonard: Fashionable Levities, A Comedy [(GGJJR, 1785); 2nd Edition (1785)]. 10 April 1785. £50.0.0 (C)
- Macquer, P. J.: See Andrew Reid
- MALONE, Edmond (Ed.): The Plays of William Shakspeare [With Notes by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens, 4th edition,] 15 vols., 4to [(1793)][82]. 30 Nov 1791. £200.0.0
- Malone, Edmond: See Sylvester Harding[60]
- Marian: See Pile
- MARSHALL, Jas (Tr.): [Jean Louis Giraud] Soulavie, [Historical and Political] Memoirs [of the Reign of Lewis XVI, tr. (Anon.)], 6 vols., octavo [(GJR, 1802)] [8vo, £2.8.0.][83]. 25 Jan 1802. £89.1.0 (A) GJR
- MARSHALL, William: The Rural Economy of Norfolk, 2nd Edition [(1795)][84]. 19 April 1794.
- MARSHALL, William: Planting and Rural Ornament [85]. 1 April 1803.
- MEADER, James: The Modern Gardener, or Universal Kalendar [Revised, Corrected, and Improved (1771)]. 7 Oct 1771. £50.0.0 (C) R&R
- MEADER, J.: Planter's Guide [or Pleasure Gardener's Companion (1779)] [4s.]. 15 April 1779. £21.0.0 (C)
- Melmoth, Courtney: See J. Murray
- Memoirs of a Baroness: See Tomlins
- Memoirs of a Pythagorean: See Alexander Thomson
- Mercier, L. S.: See Hooper
- Mirabeau, Count: See Holcroft
- MOORE, George, surveyor and builder: Theodosius di Zulvin, the Monk of Madrid, A Spanish Tale [4 vols. (GJR, 1802)][86]. 6 July 1802. £52.10.0 (C) GJR
- MOORE, John Hamilton: The Seaman's [Complete Daily] Assistant [Being an Easy and Correct Method of Keeping a Journal at Sea (1782); 3rd Edition (1785)]. 14 April 1783. £80.0.0 (½C)
- MORGAN, R.: Letters on Mythology [(1807)]. 22 April 1808. £42.0.0 (C)
- Motherby, George: See Wallis
- MORTIMER, Thos: Every Man His Own Broker [10th Edition (GGJJR, 1784)], additions, corrections, and editorship. 5 Oct 1784. £21.0.0 (C)
- MORTIMER, Thos: Every Man His Own Broker, 11th Edition [(GGJJR, 1791)]. 10 Sept 1790. £21.0.0 (C)
- Mozart, W. A.: See Harris
- Murphy, Arthur: See Faulder
- MURRAY, Rev Mr James, of Newcastle: The History of the Churches in England and Scotland from the Reformation to this Present Time, 4 [i.e., 3] vols., octavo [(Newcastle upon Tyne, 1771-72)][87]. 15 Aug 1772. £105.0.0 (C)
- MURRAY, J. [?John (fl. 1745-93), bookseller]: Courtney Melmoth [i.e., Samuel Jackson Pratt], a treatise on The Sublime and Beautiful of Scripture [(1777)][88]. 28 Jan 1777. £15.12.6 (½C)
- Nelson, S.: See J. Coote[22]
- New Spain: See Schoen
- Neuhoff, Frederick: See Frederick
- New Annual Register: See Godwin, Gregory, Kippis
- NICHOLSON, William: Philosophical Journal [i.e., Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts][89]. 8 March 1798. £286.13.0 (C)
- NICHOLSON, William of Soho Square, writer: The Journal of Natural Philosophy, No. 1-33[90]. 28 Dec 1799.
- NICHOLSON, William: Journal of Natural Philosophy, No. 1-33 (30 copies). 8 March 1800. £50.0.0
- NICHOLSON, William: Journal of Natural Philosophy (1802)[91]. 19 Oct 1801. £500.0.0 GJR
- NICHOLSON, William: Chemical Dictionary[92]. 21 Jan 1790. £420.0.0 (C)
- NICHOLSON, William: Dictionary of Chemistry [2 vols. (GGJR, 1795)], corrections and Improvements [4to, £2.10.0]. 7 Sept 1797. £250.0.0
- NICHOLSON, William: The Chemical Dictionary, and First Principles of Chemistry [93]. 15 Oct 1801.
- NICHOLSON, William: First Principles of Chemistry [2nd Edition (GGJJR, 1792)][94]. 14 Jan 1792. £21.0.0
- NICHOLSON, William: The First Principles of Chemistry, 3rd Edition, corrections and additions [(GGJR, 1796)]. 26 Nov 1795. £12.12.0
- Nicol, George: See William Marshall[84] [85]
- Nourse, John: See Reid[108]
- Nugent, Thomas: See F. Jones
- OLDFIELD, T[homas] H[inton] B[urley]: History of [the Original Constitution of] Parliaments [(GGJR, 1797)] [8vo, 7s.6d.]. 1 June 1797. £100.0.0 (C)
- OPPENHEIM, Wm (Tr.): [Anon., Geographical and Statistical] Account of the Cisalpine Republic [and Maritime Austria, tr. from the German (GGJR, 1798)] [8vo, 7s.6d.][95]. 13 July 1798. £42.0.0
- Oxford Spelling Book: See J. Coote
- PALAIRET, F. (Tr.): The New Atlas [96]. 15 Oct 1767. £146.10.0
- Paston Letters: See Fenn
- Paul, St.: See Thomas Belsham
- Pauw, Cornelius de: See Des Carrieres
- PAYNE, John, Gentleman: Geographical Extracts forming a General View of Earth and Nature, octavo [GGJR, 1796] [8vo, 8s.][97]. 17 Aug 1795. £31.10.0 (C) GGJR
- PEARSON, Sarah: The Medallion [A Novel, 3 vols. (1794)] [12mo, 9s.][98]. 3 Jan 1794. £26.5.0 (C)
- PERKS, William: The Youth's General Introduction to Geography [2nd Edition (1792, 1793)], including Copper Plates. 5 July 1797. £40.0.0 (C)
- PICKAR, Mary (Tr.): Soulavie, Memoirs [99]. 4 May 1802. £16.4.0 GJR
- Piggott, Harriet: See Anna Thomson and William Thomson
- Pharmacopoeia Chirugica: See Houlston
- PILE, Mme[?] Barbara: [Anon.] Marina [i.e., Marian] A Novel [3 vols. (Longman, 1812)]. 12 May 1812. £11.0.0
- PILON, Fredk.: He Wou'd be a Soldier, A Comedy [(1786)][100]. 23 Nov 1786. £84. 0.0 (C) GJR
- PILON, Fredk.: Ward of Chancery, A Comedy, or My First Piece[101]. 16 Aug 1787. £35.0.0 (C)
- PLOWDEN, Fra[ncis]: [A Short] History [of the British Empire, during] the Last Twenty Months [viz., . . . May 1792 to the Close of . . . 1793 (1794)] [8vo, 5s.], and Friendly and Constitutional Address to the People of Great Britain [(1794)]. "1794". £100.0.0 (O)
- PLOWDEN, Fra: Short History of the British Empire for [during] the Year 1794 [(1795)] [8vo,5s.]. 23 Feb 1795. £105.0.0 (C)
- Pocket Conveyancer: See J. Coote, Dorrington, Raynes
- Polidori, C.: See F. Jones
- Political Herald: See Godwin
- Pope, Alexander: See Dardies and Robson[110]
- Port Royal: See William Jones
- PORTAL, Ab[raham]: The Indiscreet Lover, A Comedy [(GK, 1768)]. 20 May 1768. £30.0.0 (C)
- POTE, Jos: [William] Willymott, Shorter Examples [to Lily's Grammar-Rules, for Children's Latin Exercises (W. Innys & JR, C. Bathurst; Eton: J. Pote, 1756)], Appendix entitled English Proprieties. 1 Sept 1760. £1.15.0 (⅓C)
- POTE, Jos[eph, (1703?-87), bookseller]: [Nathaniel] Kent's [Excerpta (in Greek and Latin) quaedem ex] Lucian[i Samosatensis Operibus Per N. Kent, 5th Edition (J. & F. Rivington, &c., 1771)][102]. 15 Sept 1770. £2.10.0 (½C) R&R
- POULIN, John (Tr.): [Anon.] Heetfort and Clara [Tr. (Anon) from the German, 3 vols. (R, 1790] [12mo, 9s.][103]. 30 May 1789. £18.18.0 (½C)
- Pratt, Samuel Jackson: See J. Murray
- Proctor, Percival: See J. Coote
- PYLE, Philip: [Thomas Pyle, Ninety-Six] Sermons [on Plain and Practical Subjects . . . Published by his Son Philip Pyle. 3rd Edition, Carefully Revised . . . by the Editor, 3 vols. (GR & R. Beatniffe, 1785, 1783 [sic])], Vol. III[104]. 30 Dec 1785. £32.0.0 (C)
- RADCLIFFE, William, and Ann his wife: Ann [(and William)] Radcliffe, A Journey [Made in the Summer of 1794,] through Holland and the Western Frontier of Germany [. . . (GGJR, 1795)] [4to, £1.1.0][105]. 23 Feb 1795 £500.0.0 (C)
- Ray, Thomas: See Elliot[37]
- Raymond, Robert Lord: See Tovey
- Rayne: See Dorrington[35]
- RAYNER, John: [Giles Jacob] Every Man His Own Lawyer [or, A Summary of the Laws of England, 10th Edition, Corrected and Improved, with Many Additions (J. F. & C. Rivington, 1788)]. 9 Feb 1787. £6.6.0
- RAYNER, John of the Inner Temple: The History of the Life and Character of William [Murray, 1st] Earl of Mansfield, Lord Chief Justice of England [106]. 7 April 1787. £21.0.0 GGJJR
- RAYNES, John, the Younger: [A Gentleman of Lincoln's Inn] The Pocket Conveyancer, 2 vols., 12mo [2nd Edition (W. Owen, 1773)], revised[107]. 22 April 1772. £10.10.0 GK
- REID, An[rew] (Tr.): [Pierre Joseph] Macquer, [Elements of the Theory and Practice of] Chymistry [Tr. (Anon.) from the French (A. Millar & J. Nourse, 1758)][108]. 27 May 1758. £35.0.0 (½C)
- Retribution: See Anna Maria Johnson
- REYNOLDS, Fredk: The Will, A Comedy [(GGJR, 1797)] [2s.]. 26 April 1797. £100.0.0 (C) GGJR
- RICHARDSON, Jo: [(Robert Richardson)] The Attorney's Practice in the Court of Common Pleas &c [2nd Edition (1746); 3rd Edition (D. Browne, 1758)][109]. 26 June 1752. £4.4.0 (1/16C)
- Rider, W.: See J. Coote
- Riquetti, Honoré Gabriel: See Holcroft
- ROBSON, J[ames, (1733-1806), bookseller]: Shakspeare, Works [110]. 15 Jan 1768. £30.10.0 (1/60C) GK
- Robson, James: See Hooper[68]
- ROGERS, Anne: Dr [John] Rogers, Twelve Sermons, [4th Edition (W. Innys & JR, 1754)][111]. 20 April 1757. £15.15.0 JR
- Rogissard: See W. Ballard
- Rowe, Nicholas: See Robson[110]
- ROWSON, Susanna [Haswell]: The Inquisitor [or, Invisible Rambler], 3 vols. [(GGJJR, 1788)] [7s.6d.]. 4 March 1783. £30.0.0
- RUSSELL, William, of Gray's Inn: The History of Ancient Europe [2 vols. (GGJJR, 1793)][112]. 17 Nov 1787. £72.0.0
- RUSSELL, W[illiam]: History of Modern Europe in a Series of Letters [4 vols. (1779-84)], Part 2[113]. 19 March 1784. £10.10.0 (C)
- RUSSELL, William: The History of Modern Europe [A New Edition], corrected and enlarged [5 vols. (GGJJR, 1786)] [8vo, £2.0.0]. 13 Dec 1786. £150.0.0
- RUSSELL, W[illiam]: The History of Modern Europe [A New Edition, 4 vols. (R, 1779-84)], Part I, corrections. 2 April 1783. £10.10.0
- RUSSELL, W[illiam]: An Account of a History of the late War [?part of The History of Modern Europe. . . . A New Edition, 4 vols. (R, 1779-84)]. 22 May 1783. £10.10.0
- Saint, T.: See Hutton[70]
- SALMON, N. (Ed.): [Abel] Boyer's [Royal (French and English)] Dictionary [Abridged . . . 22nd Edition, Carefully Corrected and Improved . . . by N. Salmon (JJ, Ginger, &c., 1802)], 8vo. [12s.]. 23 Oct 1800. £10.0.0
- Sands, Captain Robert: See Elliot
- SCALÉ, Barnard: Ms Drawings for the Arms of the Peers of England, Ireland, and Scotland "and I hereby promise to add all the Arms of the Peers that are wanting". 26 Nov 1782. £157.10.0 (C)
- Scawen, John: See G. L. Schoen[114]
- SCHOEN, G[eorge] L[ethieuller][114]: [Anon.][114] New Spain, or Love in Mexico, An Opera [in Three Acts], Now Performing at the Haymarket Theatre [as Performed at the Theatre-Royal in the Hay-Market. First Acted on Friday July 16, 1790 (GGJJR, 1790)]. 18 Aug 1790. £42.0.0 (C)
- Serjeant, Henry: See Joseph Smith[116]
- Sévigné, Maria de: See John Coote
- Shakespeare, William: See Becket, Malone, and Robson
- SHORT, [Miss or Mrs] C.: Dramas [for the Use of Young Ladies (Birmingham: Printed . . . for GGJJR, J. Robson; Edinburgh: J. Balfour & C. Elliot, 1792)][115]. 26 May 1798. £6.3.0
- SMITH, Charlotte [?for Desmond, A Novel, 3 vols. (1792); 2nd Edition (GGJJR, 1792)] [12mo, 9s.]. 7 Nov 1791. £60.0.0 (A,D); 3 Feb 1792. £30.0.0 (A,D); 16 March 1792. £30.0.0 (A.,D); 2 April 1792. £10.0.0 (A,D); 12 April 1792. £5.5.0 (A,D)
- SMITH, Joseph: Youth's Faithful Monitor, or The Young Man's Best Companion [?James Burgh (1714-75), Youth's Friendly Monitor (1754); 2nd Edition (1756)][116]. 26 Aug 1768 £5.5.0 (¼C)
- Smollett, Tobias: See Collins and Fenning
- SMYTH, Wm: Jasper Wilson, [A] Letter [Commercial and Political, Addressed] to Mr [the Right Honble William] Pitt [(GGJR, 1793); 2nd Edition (1793); 3rd Edition (1793)]. 10 Jan 1791. £50.0.0 (C)
- Soulavie, J. L.G.: See J. Marshall and Pickar
- STEEL, David [(fl. 1756-1820), bookseller]: Woolyer, Young Man's Best Companion [116]. 14 Nov 1769. £10.10.0 (¼C) GJR
- Steevens, George: See Malone
- Sterne, Laurence: See MacNally
- STOCK, Thomas: my Greek Grammar [?John Jones, Grammar of the Greek Tongue (1805)]. 16 June 1803. £10.1.0 (A) GJR
- STREET, Thomas George (Tr.): [Anon.] The Female werter, A French Novel [2 vols. (1792)] [12mo, 5s.]. 11 Oct 1791. £8.8.0
- Struve, J. C. von: See Mrs Godwin
- Suetonius: See Alexander Thomson
- Sydenham, Thomas: See Wallis
- Symons, William: See John Bell
- Tacitus: See Faulder
- Theobald, Lewis: See Robson[110]
- THICKNESS [Mrs] Ann: "for book deliver'd". 14 Oct 1801. £4.0.0 (A)
- Thomson, Mrs: See Anna Thomson and William Thomson
- THOMSON, Alexr [(fl. 1767-1801)]: [(Alexander Thomas)] Dialogues in a Library [(GGJR, 1797)] [12mo,5s.6d.]. 3 Jan 1797. £26.5.0 (C)
- THOMSON, Alexr: [Anon.] Memoirs of Pythagorean [in which are Delineated the Manners, Customs, Genius, and Polity, of Ancient Nations, 3 vols. (R, 1785)]. 18 March 1785. £26.5.0 (C)
- THOMSON, [Dr] Alexr: [Joseph Townsend] The Physicians Vade-Mecum [(GR, 1781)][117]. 22 Jan 1781. £12.12.0 (C)
- THOMSON, Alex (Tr.): [Caius] Suetonius [Tranquillus, The Lives of the First Twelve Caesars], with annotations and A Review of Gov[ernmen]t and Literature [of the Different Periods (GGJR, 1796)] [8vo, 8s.][118]. 8 Aug 1795. £21.0.0 (A); 5 Sept 1795. £10.10.0 (A); 13 Oct 1795. £10.10.0 (A); 18 Dec 1795. £63.0.0 (C)
- Thomson, Alexander (Tr.): See J. Marshall[83]
- THOMSON, Anna: [Mrs Thomson (Harriet Piggott)] The Labyrinths of Life, A Novel] 4 vols. (GGJJR, 1791) [12mo, 12s.]. 17 Sept 1790. £20.0.0 (A); 18 Jan 1791. £10.0.0 (A); 18 March 1791. £10.0.0 (C)
- THOMSON, William: [Mrs. Thomson (i.e., Harriet Piggott (1766-1839)] Fatal Follies, or The History of the Countess of Stanmore, A Novel [4 vols. (GGJJR, 1788)] [12mo, 12s.]. 8 Nov 1787. £52.10.0
- THOMSON, William [(1746-1817)]: [Robert Watson], The History of [the Reign of] Philip III, King of Spain [(1783)][119]. 14 June 1783. £10.0.0 (C)
- THOMSON, William: The History of the Reign of Philip III [King] of Spain, 2nd Edition [2 vols. (1786)] [8vo, 14s.][120]. 19 Aug 1786. £26.5.0 (C)
- THOMSON, William: [(William Thomson)] Letters from Scandinavia on the Past and Present State of the Northern Nations of Europe [2 vols. (GGJR, 1796)][121]. 9 Sept 1795. £100.0.0 (C)
- THOMSON, William: [An English Gentleman (William Thomson)] A Tour in Scotland & England [England and Scotland, in 1785 (GGJJR, 1788)]. 1 May 1787. £31.10.0 (A)
- THOMSON, Dr William[122]: 8 May 1794. £6.6.0 (A)
- TOMLINS, Eliz[abeth] S[ophia]: Baroness D'Alantun, A Novel [i.e., Anon., Memoirs of a Baroness], 2 vols. [(R, 1792)] [12mo, 5s.]. 15 June 1793. £11.11.0 (C)
- Tonson, Jacob: See Devaulx[32] and Robson[110]
- Tour in England and Scotland: See William Thomson
- TOVEY, Barnes [(fl. 1765-1806), bookseller]: [Robert] Lord Raymond, Reports [of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas . . . [1694-1732], 3rd Edition, ed. George Wilson], 2 vols., folio [(1775)]. 17 March 1775. £28.7.0 (1/9C)
- Townsend, Joseph: See A. Thomson
- Townshend, John: See J. Coote
- TRAPP, J. [Tr.]: [Francois Guillaume Ducray-Duminil], Alexis, or The Cottage, A Novel, 4 vols.[123]. 18 Feb 1791. £12.12.0
- TRAPP, Jos: [Anon.] Travels before the Flood [An Interesting Oriental Record of Men and Manners in the Antidiluvian World, Interpreted in Fourteen Evening Conversations Between the Caliph of Bagdad & his Court, Tr. from the Arabic (A Novel), 2 vols. (GGJR, 1796)] [12mo, 7s.]. 28 March 1796. £15.15.0 (C)
- Travels in the Crimea: See Mrs Godwin
- Trenck, Frederick: See Churchill and Holcroft
- Tristram Shandy: See MacNally
- Try Again: See Holcroft
- Tschink, Cajeton: See Will
- TURNER, [Rev] Richard [Jun (1753-88)] Universal History [Ancient and Modern], In a Series of Letters [to a Youth at School (GGJJR, 1787)]. 14 Sept 1787. £30.0.0 (C)
- URTICK[?], Anne: [Mrs Burke] Ella [Ela] or The Delusions of the Heart, A Novel [A Tale (GGJJR, 1787)][124]. [n.d.] £5.5.0
- VESEY, Francis [Sr.], Barrister: [Reports of] Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery in the Time of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke from the Year 1746/7 to 1755, With Tables and Notes and References [(1771); see also Johnston]. 10 June 1771. £300.0.0 (C) TC
- Voltaire: See Collins, J. Coote, Des Carrieres
- von Struve, J. C.: See Mrs Godwin
- VYSE, Chas: The Tutor's Guide [Being a Complete System of Arithmetic, 5th Edition (R, 1784)], revisions and additions, and Key [to the Tutor's Guide, 2nd Edition (1775); 4th Edition (GGJJR, 1785)], with Revisions and Additions. 28 Dec 1783. £105.0.0 (C)
- VYSE, Chas: The Tutor's Guide [8th Edition (GGJR, corrections and additions, The Key to ditto [The Tutor's Guide, 5th Edition (1791); 6th Edition (R, 1795)], with Corrections and Additions, and The [New London] Spelling Book [11th Edition (GGJR, 1793)], now printing, corrections and additions [12mo, 1s.3d.]. 20 Feb 1793. £21.0.0 (C)
- VYSE, Chas: The Tutor's Guide [11th Edition] [(GJR, 1801)] [12mo, 4s.6d.], Key to the Tutor's Guide [8th Edition, 1802)] [12mo, 4s.6d.], Abridgement of The Tutor's Guide, Ladies Accountant [Accomptant and Best Accomplisher (R&R, 1771)] [12mo, 2s.6d.], New London Spelling and Geographical Grammar] 11th Edition (1793); New Edition (1805)][125]. 25 Nov 1802. £10.10.0 (A) GJR
- VYSE, Charles: Nine weeks' annuity to this day. 13 Oct 1803. £9.9.0 One week's annuity, due 11th. 13 Oct 1804. £1.1.0 One week's annuity, due the 10th. 20 Oct 1804. £1.1.0 One week's annuity. 27 Oct 1804. £1.1.0 One week's annuity. 1 Nov 1804. £1.1.0 One week's annuity. 10 Nov 1804. £1.1.0 One week's annuity. 17 Nov 1804. £1.1.0 One week's annuity. 4 May 1805. £1.1.0 One week's annuity. 1 June 1805. £1.1.0
- WALKER, Alexd (Tr.): [Soulavie][83]. [1802][99]. £5.5.0 (A)
- Walker, David: See Dr William Thomson[122]
- Walker, John: See Dardies[29]
- Walker, Zach: See Gregory[57]
- WALLIS, Geo [(1740-1802)] (Ed.): The Works of [Thomas] Sydenham [(GGJR, 1788)][126]. 21 Oct 1788. £21.0.0 (C)
- WALLIS, Geo: [George Motherby, A New] Medical Dictionary, corrected and revised [by G. Wallis, 3rd Edition (JJ, 1791)] [folio, £3.3.0]. 19 March 1790. £105.0.0
- WALSH, Edw[ard (1756-1832)]: [A] Narrative of the Expedition to Holland, 2nd Edition [4to, £1.1.0][127]. 12 Oct 1801. £21.0.0 (C) GJR
- Watson: See Jn° Coote
- Watson, Robert: See William Thomson
- WHITE, James: John of Gaunt, A Romance, 3 vols. [(R, 1790)] [12mo, 9s.]. 27 Oct 1789. £57.15.0 (A)
- WHITE, J[oseph]: 9 March 1785. £25.0.0 (C)
- WHITE, Joseph: Bampton Lecture Sermons [i.e., Sermons Preached before the University of Oxford, in 1784, at the Lecture Founded by the Rev. J. Bampton, 2nd Edition, To which is now added, A Sermon . . . (1785)] [8vo, 8s.]. 11 July 1785. £220.0.0 (C)
- WHITEHEAD, Thos: [Original] Anecdotes of the [Late Duke of Kingston, and Miss Chudleigh alias Mrs Harvey, alias Countess of Bristol, alias] Duchess of Kingston [(1792)][128]. 20 Jan 1792. £10.10.0
- Wilkie, G. & T. See Hutton[72]
- Wicquefort, Abraham de: See Digby
- WILL, P[eter] (Tr.): [Cajeton Tschink] The Victim of Magical Delusion, A Novel, Tr. from the German, 3 vols. [(GGJR, 1795)] [12 mo, 10s.]. 25 May 1795. £40.0.0
- WILLIAMS, Helen: [Helen Maria Williams] Letters Containing a Sketch of the Politics of France from the 31st of May 1793 till the 28th July 1794, &c., 2 vols. [(1795)] [6s.][129]. 6 July 1795. £5.0.0 (C)
- WILLIAMSON, John: The Courier, Newspaper, published daily except Sundays, at N°. 151 Fleet Street[130]. 11 Aug 1794. £400.0.0 (1/6C)
- Willymott, William: See Jos Pote
- Wilson, George: See Tovey
- Wilson, Jasper: See Smyth
- WILSON, William: [A] Treatise on [the Forcing of] Early Fruits [and the Management of Hot Walls (1777)]. 15 Jan 1777. £26.5.0
- WINDEBORN, Rd[?] Aug: 5 Jan 1791. £200.0.0 (A)
- Withering, Dr: See Curtis[28]
- WITHERING, Dr Wm: [?for A Botanical Arrangement of British Plants, 2nd Edition, 3 vols. (Birmingham, 1787, 1792); 3rd Edition (1793)] [4vols., 8vo, £2.2.0]. 29 Aug 1788. £7.7.0 (D,A); 31 March 179[0?]. £609.2.9 (A)[131]; 9 June 1797. £70.0.0 (D); 22 March 1799. £265.0.0 (D,A)
- Witherspoon, Dr: See James Dickson[33]
- Woolyer: See David Steel
- Young Man's Best Companion: See Joseph Smith and David Steel
- Youth's Faithful Monitor: See Joseph Smith
- Yriarte, Don Thomas d': See Heron

Table Notes

Abercrombie, Gardener (1781): The document specifies that "I have lately Corrected, improved and made several Additions to" the work and that Abercrombie will revise the proofs, for which "George Robinson hath lately agreed with me for the absolute purchase of my share and interest". The edition referred to is probably the 8th; the 7th was in 1776 and the 9th in 1782.
Abercrombie, Gardener (1782): A receipt "for making The Index . . . and for other particulars relative to the book and as a compensation for my loss of time occasiond by the delays of the Printers".
Andrews: A receipt "in full for the Copy wright of a work written by me and first published in the year 1770 [then] intitled Account of the Character and Manners of the French with occasional observations and now altogether improved and corrected and intitled Comparative View . . .".
Arnot: "Memorandum of an Agreement" for "the entire copyright", "the work to form a quarto volume of at least 400 pages of the same type and page as the Travels of Joseph Acerbi thro' Sweden and Norway [1802] to be put to the press on the first day of August 1803, and to be compleated and finished by the first day of December following . . . the day of publication not to be extended beyond the 15th day of the before mentioned December," and payment to be connected to the day of publication.
Beatson: An Indenture made "upon this express condition . . . that the numbers to be printed of the second or next Edition of the said Book (one having already been published) and every future Edition or Impression of the said Book or Compilation shall not exceed one thousand five hundred Copies" and the author shall receive £100 for the third [Longman, 1806] and subsequent editions, which he shall keep up-to-date and index; the author is to have twenty-two free copies of each edition. With the Indenture is a receipt dated 7 June 1787 for £250.
John Bell: A receipt "for the Copy Right of the additions, alterations & corrections of the new edition of Symons's Practical Gager, and for revising the same at press, and I hereby promise a further assignment if required . . .".
Belsham, Apostle Paul: Memorandum of Agreement for the whole copyright "for ever", accompanied by a receipt for £150.
Belsham, Memoirs: A printed form indicating that Messrs Robinson are "firmly bound" to William Belsham. There is also a note of 9 June 1795 from W. Belsham about the proposed republication of "memrs of Br—k" [Brunswick] (1796), "of wh. there are a consid.ble no. of Copies yet unsold", and also of a quarto edition of Memoirs of George III to which he would make additions. There is also a receipt of 11 Nov 1796 for £1,100 signed by William Belsham "for the purchase of ye Copy-right of the several works cited in the Bond as above". (There is also a MS "Bond", dated 14 Dec 1795 on the cover, with substantially the same information as in the printed form.)
Boote: Articles of an agreement (acknowledging receipt of £40) for printing 1,000 copies "and no more, for the first Edition". For future editions, Kearsly will pay 10s.6d. per sheet, plus £2.10.0 per sheet (as before) for "additions".
Bromley, Latter End: A memorandum of agreement that Robert Kearsly "bought from me 200 copies of my Book . . . but the Copy Right of the said Book still remains[?] in me", though Bromley is willing to sell it for £10.10.0. With the memorandum is a receipt of the same day for the £10.10.0.
Brooke: Memorandum, signed also by Henry's attorney Thomas D. Brooke, for 1,000 copies, three volumes, 12mo, to be sold at 9s. per set in boards, seven-eighths of the profits to be paid to Henry Brooke at the rate of £24 per hundred copies in sheets; the same arrangements wil apply for future impressions.
Brown: Memorandum of Agreement with Joseph Johnson of St Paul's Church Yard (signed also by Thomas Fulhame) that Dr Brown will translate into English his Elementa Medicina and "allow the said J. Johnson the liberty of printing for sale one thousand copies for the Sum of Fifty pounds which said J. Johnson engages to pay him upon the said translation being finished & put into his hands".
Carr: Receipt for £14.14.0 "which with Six Guineas recd before is in full for the Copy right of a Book wrote by me . . . for which I promise an Assignment on Demand".
Clarke: Receipt "in full for One Eighth part of the Copy right [of the present Edition of 2000 books (i.e., copies)] of a book published by me," plus £5.5.0 for an eighth share of each new edition of 2,000 copies, for which George Robinson is to pay an eighth of the costs.
Coote, Oxford Spelling Book: A receipt "in full for their Half Paper Print &c of the Oxford Spelling Book, one Half of the Copy Right". I have traced the work only in R. C. Alston, A Bibliography of the English Language from the Invention of Printing to the Year 1800 Volume Four: Spelling Books (1967), #717 and pl. LXXV.
Coote, Voltaire: "Messrs Robinson and Roberts bought of J. Coote seven Sixteenths of the above 12776 Volumes of Voltaire [deliver'd to Messrs Robinson and Roberts], together with seven Sixteenths of the Copy-Right of the said Work which amounts to £419. 4. 3
- Deduct for 100 deld short and
- 167 damaged—seven sixteenths 8.15.0
- _________
- £410. 9-3
Coote, Townshend: Receipt "for Paper and Copy Right of Towns[h]end's Cookery, viz. £36.8.0 for 52 R[oya]l Demy and £6.6.0 for the Copy right".
Coote, Proctor: Receipt "in full for all my right, title, interest and property . . . together with the Plates, he [George Robinson] being to idemnify me from any Loss on account of the said Works". The second work is probably Alexander MacBean (d. 1784), A Dictionary of Ancient Geography (GR, 1773) [8vo, 7s.6d.], with a Preface by Samuel Johnson; I do not know Watson's connection with the work.
Coote, Bible: "To all the Numbers of Rider's Bible amounting to about } 180,000 as particularly specified on Pages 1 & 2 of a Book entitled Number } Accounts, also all the other Numbers used under the Name of Stretch Bible } 100 ” 0 ” 0 together with the Copper Plates and Copy right of the said Rider's and Stretch } Bible an Assignment of which I hereby promise to execute on demand" } with a receipt of 23 July 1767 for £1,000 from Mr Hamilton "by Notes of Hand". Perhaps the "Stretch Bible" is related to The Universal Bible . . . illustrated with Notes and Comments . . . by S. Nelson, 2nd Edition, Revised by the Rev. Absalom Hurley (S. Crowder & Son & J. Coote, 1761).
J. Coote, Sévigné, Letters: Receipt "in full for 320 Setts Sevigne's Letters and three fourths of the Copy Right."
Cullen: Letter to George Robinson: "I have received by the hands of your Brother £50 in part of the 150 guineas for which I engage to translate Clavigero's Storia Antiqua del Messico to be ready for Publication by Christmas next . . .". A receipt of 12 July 1786 for £57.10.0 "and a hundred pounds before . . . [is] in full of all demands for translating an Italian work as pr agreement".
Cunningham: Memorandum in which Cunningham agrees to revise, improve, and correct the sheets of a new edition, published in numbers of three sheets each, "in consideration which I do revoke & Annull my former agreement made with Mr John Coote", Cunningham retaining his "one Eight Share".
Curtis, 1786: Note of payment from Dr Withering by J. Goving[?] for colouring 50 Foxgloves, £1.5.0; "Writing Royal [paper?] for 50 Do.", 3s.; "Taking off 50 impressions of Do.", 1s.3d.; No. 53, 54, 55 of Flora Londonensis, 15s..
Curtis, 1788: Note of payment from Dr Withering for 36 Foxgloves, papers, &c., £1.1.9; No. 59 and 60 of Flora Londonensis, 10s.; on the same slip is a receipt of 25 Oct 1788 for "the Contents" signed "for Wm Curtis Lau Powell".
Dardies: Memorandum of Agreement with John Walker [(fl. 1776-1825)] (of [20] Paternoster Row [bookseller, brother-in-law of George Walker]) and Edward Jeffery [(fl. 1793-1804)] ([bookseller] of [11] Pall Mall) specifying that the collection shall include "twenty four Portraits drawn or to be drawn by Mr Gardener from the Original Pictures in the stile and manner of two Drawings produced of Lord Cobham and Sir William Wyndham"; the other 24 portraits are to be delivered within four months. At the bottom is a receipt of the same date for £300. Perhaps what was sold was not a book but the manuscripts of Pope's letters themselves.
De Lolme (1785): A separate receipt for £60 to J. Nichols 14 April 1785 for printing and paper for the book, and another is for 19s.4d. to Robert Sharp 26 January 1785 for boarding sixty copies. An undated statement concerns "500 Flagellants" and £35 cash to De Lolme.
Devaulx: A record that "Mr. Jacob Tonson oweth to Moses Devaulx . . . [54 Guilders] For ye correcting Creech's Horace in 12o. printed by Jan Beer[?], having read two Proofs of each Sheet, 13 Sheets at 2 Guild. per Sht. . . [and for] correcting Horace in Latin, printed with ye English in 12°. having read also two Proofs of each Sheet, transcribed ye arguments before ye Satyres & Epistles &c. 28 Sheets, at 1 Guild per Sheet . . . at Amsterdam".
Dickson, James: A receipt from Dr Witherspoon "by the Hands of Messrs Robinson"; perhaps it is for Jacobus Dickson (1738-1832), Fasciculus Plantarum Cryptogamicorum Britanniae (G. Nicol, 1785-1801).
Dickson, R. W. (1803): A receipt for "Transcribing Mr. Elkington's Draining 170 pages makes 21 sheets 2 pages[,] omitted the first 13 as useless", paid by Dr Dickson. I do not know why Dickson was transcribing the work. The 3rd Edition was published by Richard Phillips in 1808.
Dorrington: Receipt for £2.2.0 "which with three guineas before received is in full for Revising the Pocket conveyancer . . . for the use of Mr. Rayne". See also John Coote.
Du Bellamy: "Memm. I hereby decline holding any share or property demand or claim of any kind in the Chearfull Companion a Collection of Songs &c published by Mr Kearsly". There were other editions in 1775 and [?1780].
Elliot: An agreement between Cornelius Elliot, Clerk to the Signet, Captain Robert Sands, and Alexander Allen, merchant of Edinburgh, being "a Quorum of the trustees & Executors appointed by the deceased Chas Elliot Bookseller in Edinburgh . . . [who] conveyed to us his whole Copy rights, property & right of publishing Books Do hereby Sell Assign & make over To & in favour of George Robinson & Compy and Thomas Ray Booksellers in London and Bell & Bradfute Booksellers in Edinburgh in the proportions following viz. To the said George Robinson & Compy Three Eights parts To the said Thomas Ray, three Eight parts and to the sd. Bell & Bradfute the remaining two Eight parts . . . The property or Copy right of the work within mentioned composed by the within designed [sic] Dr William Cullen. . .". No sum is given. The document is written on the outside of the agreement of 6 Jan 1790 that Charles Elliot (Edinburgh bookseller) and Colin Macfarquhar (Edinburgh printer) shall pay Cullen £1,500 and two copies for his Materia Medica.
Ellis: Receipt for £2.2.0 "which, with Fifty two pounds ten shillings received at different times before, is in full of all demands for the copy right of my Voyage with twelve Plates, and ten others [sic]".
Enfield, Preacher's Directory: A receipt "in full for the copyright of a work compiled & published by me under the title of The Preacher's Directory, an assignment whereof I do hereby promise to execute upon demand, on condition of receiving the further sum of Fifteen pounds in case of the said work being ever reprinted thereafter. . .".
Enfield, Sermons &c: A receipt "which with fifty printed copies of the first volume & three hundred printed copies of the second volume I do hereby acknowledge to be in full for the copy right of a work composed & published by me under the title of Sermons for the use of Families, in two volumes And also of another work published by me under the title of Prayers for the use of Families (of which I do hereby acknowledge to have received three hundred copies . . ." for which he promises to make an assignment on demand. A second edition of Prayers for the Use of Families was published by JJ in 1777.
Faulder: A printed form of agreement that the Robinsons purchased from Faulder 700 copies (£1,050 paid this day), "the Copy right of which work belongs to Arthur Murphy Esquire. . . . And Whereas at the time of entering into the contract for such purchase It was agreed that the said . . .[Robinsons should be bound] in the penalty above expressed [£2,000] by way of Security against the Printing and Publishing of any new Edition of the said Work within the term of five years to be computed from the day of the date of the above written obligation . . .".
Fenn 6 Feb 1787: This receipt is accompanied by a note for £100 at two months date "on account". Sir John Fenn edited Original Letters [The Paston Letters], 5 vols. (GGJJR, 1787-1823) [4to, £1.16.0]. In a collection of Robinson's correspondence with Fenn, 1787-89, about Original Letters Vol. III—IV (British Library Add. MSS 27,454) are discussions of the terms of publication, indicating that Vol. I-II, at least, were printed in 500 copies on a profit sharing basis (f. 14).
Fenn, Original Letters: A receipt for £100, plus a note at three months for £100, plus another at six months "in full for the second edition [?volume] of Original Letters consisting of 500 Copies". The next edition of The Paston Letters seems to have been in 1840-41.
Fenning: It is annotated "6.6.0 Copy [&] 23.8.9 Paper &c [-] N.B. same time recd Twenty three Pds- Eight Shillings & 19d- For Papers Print, &c-£29.14.9".
Forbes: "Mr Francis Forbes in Warwick Street near Golden Square has this day sold George Robinson . . . a Book . . . on the following terms Vizd the said Geo Robinson to pay Mr Forbes Thirty Guineas for printing one Thousand Copies & when he prints a Second Edition Twenty Guineas more . . .". A separate receipt of the same day is for £15.15.0 "in part of the within mentd agreement". N.B. The National Union Catalogue, CLXXVII (1971), calls Forbes only the "supposed author".
Frederick: "Frederick . . . proposes to Geo Robinson to print the same, for their joint benefit in the following Manner. . . . GR is [to] advance Frederick Twenty five pounds, & when the sale of said Work has reimbursed GR the expenses of Paper, printg & advertising & the 25£ so advanced, & also a profit of 25£ to the said GR then all profits from the first or any future Editions to be divided equally share & share alike . . .".
Gifford: On the same leaf is another note by Gifford of 23 Aug 1790 for the other £21. As it is among the letter S, perhaps the author's name began with S.
Glover: An agreement that Glover is to furnish "sufficient copy for eight or nine Sheets of a pamphlet containing an account of Denmark" at £2.2.0 per sheet "And if the said Kearsly sells fifteen hundred Copies of the above work Glover is to receive a Douceur of Ten Guineas more . . . the copy right being afterwards Kearsly's property".
Godwin, Crimea: "being the remainder of the sum due to Mrs. Godwin for a translation . . .". The work had been published in German (1801) and French (1802).
Godwin, History: It was published 1 Sept 1787, and about Spring 1788 Godwin wrote to Robinson: because of "the ill success of that volume . . . I am willing to relinquish him any part or the whole if you please of the sum which I received of you on that account" (J.W. Marken, "William Godwin's History of the United Provinces", Philological Quarterly, 45 [1966], 381).
Godwin, Italian Letters: A receipt "for a MS. intitled Italian Letters". The recently-discovered, apparently unique surviving copy was edited by B. R. Pollin (1965).
Godwin, The New English Peerage, for which Godwin was paid (?in advance) in 1786, is probably the same as "the Peerage" which Godwin said in his MS Journal he finished on 28 June [1789] (Marken [1953]), and the latter is almost certainly The English Peerage; or, A View of the Ancient and Present State of the English Nobility . . ., 3 vols. (GGJJR, 1790). (Vol. III consists of engraved coats of arms drawn by Charles Catton [1728-98], under whose name The National Union Catalogue lists the work.)
Godwin, Revolution in France: The receipt is merely "on account of a work on the French Revolution", but an undated note by Godwin directs payment of £20 "to my order on account of a book to be written on the Revolution in France".
Godwin, Political Justice: The second receipt specifies that together the two payments are "in full for the alterations [called corrections in the earlier receipt] & additions in the second edition of Political Justice".
Gregory, New annual Register (1796): A note says the £70 "settles our Acct."; at the bottom is a scrawled note: "NB— one hundred & twenty Guineas due to Dr. G— for 1794 GR".
Gregory, New Annual Register (1802): A demand note for Zach Walker Esq.; a note from G. Gregory of 8 Jan [1802] says he has drawn on his correspondent "on account of the N.A." "in favour of our French correspondent".
Greivey: A receipt "in part of two hundred Guineas the sum agreed upon for which I am to compleate a Translation . . .".
Hamilton: An agreement among Arch Hamilton, Geo Kearsly, and Geo Robinson "that they shall all be equally concerned in new Edition of Cooke upon Littleton, to be revised by and under the inspection of Francis Hargrave", each to have one third of the expense, profit, or loss.
Harding: A note from Edmond Malone asking George Robinson to pay Sylvester Harding, "which place to account of that work" (Yale).
Hargrave (1797): A receipt for £60, plus his acceptance for £70 more, which with £30 and £50 at different times paid make £210 "being the full consideration agreed to be paid to me by him for the copy right of a quarto volume now printing at his expence & intended to be published with the title . . .".
Harris: A receipt "being in full of several publications". With it is an account: Follies of a Day
Printing—7 Sheets and 1/4 by Cox including 1..12..6 Authors alterations | 18..11..6 |
Paper ----- 43 Rms & ½ &c.mmat; 17s / [illeg] ----- | 36..19..6 |
Advertising ----- | 10..12..6 |
25 Copies to the Theatre [;] 20 to Holcroft[;] 9 to Stats. Hall & entry | 2..14..6 |
Stitching 2500—&c.mmat; 1s/3d & 100 [i.e., 1s.3d. per hundred] | 1..11..3 |
Publishing 4 per Cent on the amount sold | 5..-..0 |
---------- | |
[should be £76.9.3] | 75..9.. 3 |
[Profit:] | 49..10..9 |
---------- | |
2500 Sold at 1s amount to | £125..0.. 0 |
----------- |
Hellins, Agnesi (1805): Received cash and books, "being half the profits of the sale . . . to the end of the year 1804".
Hill (1758): Receipt for his Treatise with its copper plates "for ever". This may be related to [John Gibson], The Fruit Gardener; Containing the Method of Raising Stocks, for Multiplying Fruit Trees (J. Nourse, 1768).
Hooper, Bielfeld (1769): Memorandum of Agreement: Hooper is now translating the remaining part of Baron Bielfeld's Letters not yet printed. Robinson & Roberts are to share the profits, costs, or loss, to spend £8 on advertising, and the work is to be published in October.
Hooper, Rational Recreations: A receipt for £25 from Geo Robinson "being his one fourth share of One hundred pounds which he, together with Messrs Lockyer Davis [(1718-91), bookseller], Baden Law [?Bedwall Law (fl. 1745-98), bookseller] & James Robson have agreed to pay me, in consideration of my permitting them to print One thousand copies". A memorandum of 12 Oct 1773 specifies that the work is in 4 vols., 8vo, 60 plates, that no more than 1,000 copies are to be printed, and thereafter "when the said booksellers refuse to sell the said W. Hooper twelve of the said copies in one parcel, at the customary price", the copyright shall revert to Hooper.
Hooper, Mercier: "one thousand copies of the said translation shall be printed at ye joint expense and risk of the said G. Robinson and W. Hooper"; a receipt of 5 June 1772 for £28.17.6 is "according to the above agreement".
Hutton (1775): A debtor-creditor account in which neither debtor nor creditor is identified. Presumably this is an extract from Robinson's books for profit-sharing purposes.
1775 | Debtor | 1775 | Creditor | ||
May 20 | Copy Right of Books | £100 | May 20 | By note due 1 month | £40 |
June | 720 Copies Arith[metic] at 1s | £ 36 | |||
Aug | 128 Sets of Diary | July 20 | Bill to Cap Smith | £50 | |
Maths Diary Poetry & Math Miscel delivered by Gray the Binder in 6 vols. at 2/6 per vol. | Dec 11 | Note to Saint [the printer] | £50 | ||
£ 96 | |||||
Aug 15 | 270 sets Diary Math | "By Deduction | |||
in 3 vols. at 2/6 | £101.5.0 | pr agreement" | £105 | ||
Aug 23 | 240 Diary Poetry in | 1776 | |||
2 vols [at 2/6] | £ 60 | Feb | Bill to Saint | £50 | |
Aug 30 | 240 Math Miscel [at 2/6] | £ 30 | Feb 9 | "Notes at different Dates" | £273.5 |
------ |
Oct 25 | 115 Diary Maths in 3 vols. [at 2/6] | £ 43.2.6 | ||||
140 Diary Poetry in 2 vols. [at 2/6] | £ 35 | |||||
151 Math Miscel [at 2/6] | £ 18.17.6 | |||||
120 Mensurns. at 8s. | £ 48 | |||||
[Total debit: | £568.5.0] | Total credit:] | £568.5 |
Hutton, Logarithms: Professor Hutton is "to write for and deliver to the said G. Robinson a Book on Logarithms of about 25 or 30 Sheets of Paper, to be completed about Midsummer 1777" for £105 (including correcting the proof sheets). A receipt of 28 Jan 1785 for £26.5.0 "together with 75 guineas received before is in full for a book of Logarithms as pr Agreement". A similar separate document for £105 headed "A Project for a New Book of Logarithms" is docketted "Signed June 5. 1776. & fulfilled Jany. 28, 1785".
Hutton, Mensuration (1788): One third was paid by Robinson, one third by Raldwin, and one third by Wilkie. A separate obscure account of Feb 1788 with it indicates that it consisted of 45 sheets and includes deleted sums for Hutton's [Ladies'] Diary Supplement, for his [Principles of] Bridges [(1772 ff.)], and [Elements of] Conic Sections [(1787)].
Hutton, Course: The receipt is "for the expence of printing the first Edit [£341.11.9] . . . including the half share of Copy right" (£123.7.6) [plus interest]; the bracketted figures are supplied in the docket.
A separate account indicates the indebtedness of The Estate of the late Sir Charles Nourse to Doctor Chas Hutton | |
1788 March — For Revising the 3d. Edit. of [William] Emerson's [Elements of] Trigonometry [3rd Edition (C. Nourse, 1788)] | £ 5.5.0 |
Septr. | |
Revising the 5th Ed. [Colin] Maclaurin's | |
[Treatise of] Algebra [(1788)] | £ 5.5.0 |
------- | |
£10.0.0 |
Jones, Letter: Receipt of William Stevens "for the Rev. Mr Jones" "for the Right of Printing one Edition" of each work. The Confessional was by Francis Blackburne.
Jones, Lectures: Receipt of William Stevens "for the first Edition", paid in £26.10.0 cash and 30 copies (value £5).
Kippis: The account includes "Interest upon a Note for 20£ due Nov. 25, 1791" (£11), a total of £79. 5.0. It is annotated:
- R's bill for books 79: 5: -
- 8:15:-
- ------
- 70:10:-
Law: Receipt "for the Copies & Plates (if to be found) of Jacob Behmens Works, now in their possession". William Law (1686-1761), theologian, was a disciple of Jacob Boehme, and, after Law's death, his disciples published The Works of Jacob Behmen With Figures [by D. A. Freher] illustrating his Principles, Left by the Reverend Law, M.A., 4 vols. (1764-81); Vol. III-IV (1772, 1781) were published by GR. Perhaps the William Law of this 1802 document is a descendant of the theologian's brother George, whose share in Boehme's works the Robinsons were buying.
Liddell: A receipt for "my Share of the profits". The 1st edition was in 1787, the 5th in 1794.
Malone: Memorandum of Agreement that "Edmond Malone shall revise, correct and superintend the printing of A new edition of Shakspeare" and Robinson shall pay £200 "to such person or persons [as] the said Edmond Malone shall in writing appoint, for his or their aid and care in assisting him to revise the sheets of the said work as they pass through the press"; the only payment mentioned for Malone himself is thirty sets plus plates "if any plates shall be engraved for the said work", Malone being left free to publish editions of Shakespeare in any format except quarto (Yale).
J. Marshall, Soulavie: The receipt is docketted Miss Picard (q.v.) 18 sheets at 18s. per sheet (£16.4.0), Mr [Alexander] Walker (q.v.) (£5.5.0), Dr [?Alexander] Thomson (£160), "this receipt" (£89.1.0), "Deduct for Bonaparte as by receipt" (£50): "6 vols of Soulavie at 35 gs" (£220.10.0).
Marshall, Norfolk: A Memorandum of Agreement between William Marshall (of Pickering, Yorkshire) and Messrs. George, & John Robinson, George Nicol [(1741-1829), bookseller], John Debrett [(fl. 1781-1822), bookseller] to print and publish 1,000 copies "page for page with the present or first Edition of the said work, (the Copy right of which is the sole Property of the said William Marshall) . . . William Marshall still retaining the Copy right of the said work . . .". After deducting the costs, including £20 for advertising, half the profits will go to Marshall. It is also agreed that "Mr George Robinson senr: is to have the Management, and that Thomas Wright [(fl. 1758-97)] . . . shall be the Printer of the Edition".
W. Marshall, Ornament: A memorandum of Agreement between William Marshall and John & George Robinson, George Nicol, William Nicol, Thomas Cadell, & William Davies about publishing a new edition in not more than 1,500 copies, Marshall to retain the copyright. Marshall will be paid with six copies and with £15 for every shilling of sellingprice. Marshall's Planting and Rural Ornament, 2nd Edition (G. Nicol, GGJR, and J. Debrett, 1796) [8vo, 16s] was a new version of Planting and Ornamental Gardening (1785). A separate receipt of 8 Aug 1803 is for £4.5.0 paid to Edward S. Foss (the witness of the 1 April 1803 document), evidently for drawing up the Memorandum of Agreement, &c., and a separate account justifies Foss's bill.
George Moore: A Memorandum of Agreement: There are to be not more than 1,000 copies (of which Moore is to be given twelve); the Robinsons shall give Moore notice of their intention to publish a second edition, and on its publication they shall pay £52.10.0 more "which shall complete the purchase of the work".
Murray, History: A Memorandum of Agreement, which continues:
Murray, Melmoth: A receipt "in full for one half of the Literary property or Copy right of a work now printing . . . the whole property of which the said author has assigned over to me".
Nicholson, Journal (1798): Receipt "for the Copy of the first volume . . . published on our joint Account". A separate demand-note of Nicholson on Messrs Robinson for £10.10.0 dated 12 March 1799 is "for Engravings for the Philos Journal".
Nicholson, Journal (1799): Memorandum that Nicholson and George Robinson "have this day examined and approved and settled all the Accounts claims and demands whatsoever which either of them respectively have with or upon the other as follows namely First the said William Nicholson hath sold & delivered all the printed Copies of the Journal of Natural Philosophy unto the said George Robinson as far as the thirty third Number inclusive except fifty complete Setts which the said George Robinson engages to deliver to the said William Nicholson or order on demand[.] Secondly the said George Robinson is allowed to reprint one thousand Copies of the Numbers of the said Journal from the eighth to the thirteenth number inclusive to complete the first Volume without making any allowance out of such reprinted Copies or otherwise respecting the same on account of the half share which the said William Nicholson possesses and is intitled to in the Copy right and engraved plates of the said first Volume. Thirdly the said William Nicholson is released and discharged from all Claims and Demands whatsoever on the part of the said George Robinson and his partners in trade for or by reason of any charges paid or owing by him on them for paper printing engraving and so forth for the said Journal or for any Books or other goods sold and delivered unto the said William Nicholson or for any other cause matter or thing whatsoever[.] Fourthly . . . [GR will pay Nicholson] a certain note of hand of the said William Nicholson for two hundred pounds and to return the said Note when discharged unto the said William Nicholson without requiring any payment of the Contents thereof[.] Fifthly . . . [Nicholson acknowledges that GR hath this day paid him £150] in part of payment for the printed Copies aforementioned And sixthly that he hath accepted one Bill of Exchange drawn by the said William Nicholson and payable twelve months after this date for the Sum of One hundred & twenty pounds eighteen shillings which last mentioned Sum together with the other Claims and Sums hereinbefore agreed to be released & paid or mentioned to have been paid in and are accepted by the said William Nicholson as a full and perfect compensation for all the Copies hereinmentioned to have been sold by him unto the said George Robinson and also in discharge of all and every Sum or Sums of Money which may be due & owing from the said George Robinson unto the said William Nicholson for sales of the first thirty three Numbers of the said Journal or any other Account whatsoever And lastly it is agreed that the said George Robinson shall charge no Commission for selling any of the subsequent Numbers of the said Journal for the said William Nicholson but shall account & pay for the same at the usual Rate of nine pounds twelve shillings for every hundred numbers . . .".
Nicholson, Journal (1801): An agreement appointing GJR "sole publishers of my Journal . . . with the Allowance of a Commission of five per Cent on the Sales", the accounts to be settled every six months, Robinsons to supply the paper and pay "the small Expences of stitching &c . . . but I will myself pay for printing and Engraving without their being at all responsible"; the Robinsons have accepted Nicholson's bills for £100, £200, and £200 (payable at various dates), and Nicholson will not draw any profits until these sums and others for bills by Nicholson shall have been paid. A covering letter specified what paper Bewly & Gardiner should send.
Nicholson, Dictionary (1790): A receipt for £90 which, with £330 previously received, "is in full for the Copy right".
Nicholson, First Principles (1801): Nicholson promises "that the Printer shall be enabled by a proper Supply of Copy for the chemical Dictionary to proceed at the rate of three Sheets per week . . . and also that the first Principles of Chemistry shall be ready for press by the 10th. of January next, under the penalty of two Guineas for every sheet of the Dictionary delayed, and fifty pounds in case the First Principles should not be ready as before mentioned".
Nicholson, First Principles (1792): A receipt "for superintending & improving the New Edition", viz., for "revising and examining the work throughout and superintending the Printing" (£12.12.0), for "New Index & Contents" (£3.13.6), and "New Discoveries &c. added" (£4.14.6).
Oppenheim: A marginal note indicates when and what sums were paid, including "Corrections" (£2.10.6). A previous receipt for £10.10.0 of 28 April 1798 "for a translation" is presumably for the same work.
Palairet: This is a curious document recording that Mr Palairet was to be paid £105 "for his trouble of the new Atlas" and £31.10.0 "for Translation & Corrections", "half to be paid when half the work is done and the rest of the Sum when finished"; there is no indication of with whom Mr Palairet was agreeing. On the verso is an account for "Engraving 23 plates for Maps at 4 Guineas" (£96.12.0), "23 Copper Plates at 12s each" (£13.16.0), "33 Reams of Paper at 15s" (£24.15.0), "Printing of 33 Reams at 3/6 per hund[red]" (£28.9.0), plus "Drawings if any to be made to be paid for Separate" (£6.8.0), a total of £170. It may be related to his Atlas Mèthodique (London: Nourse & Vaillant, 1775), A Concise Description of the English and French Possessions in North America, for the Better Explaining of the Map Published with that Title (London: Nourse, &c., 1755), or A Map of North America (1765).
Payne: A Memorandum specifying that the book is to consist of thirty sheets "by estimation as agreeable to the Sheet exhibited as a specimen"; Robinsons are to have the whole rights to 1,500 copies, for which £31.10.0 and 100 copies are to be given to Payne; one half the copyright is to belong to the Robinsons "through all future editions which shall be printed upon a further payment being made for the same at the rate of two Guineas for every printed Sheet of which the sd book shall consist". A receipt of 21 Aug 1795 for £31.10.0 is in accordance with this memorandum, and another receipt of 7 Feb 1796 for £5.5.0 is "on Acct of Geo1. Extracts", and another of 26 Feb 1796 for £15.15.0 is for the same purpose.
Pearson: The receipt is annotated: "NB I am to give Miss Pearson Twenty five Guineas more when I have cleared fifty Guineas by the Work / GR". The total was evidently quickly reached, for another receipt from GGJR of 6 May 1794 is for a total of £52.10.0.
Pilon, Soldier: A receipt "in full for the Copy right . . . . But in Case of the Sale exceeding three thousand Copies twenty Guineas more are to be paid to me". Apparently the sale did exceed 3,000 copies with a 3rd Edition (1787), for a £21 demand-note of Fred. Pilon (1750-88) from Boulogne of 12 Jan 1787 is for "Value received" from GR, and another receipt of 19 Jan 1787 is also for £21.
Poulin: A receipt "in part payment for an English Translation . . . which I have agreed to sell them for thirty six Guineas and in case of their printing a Second Edition they are to pay me Twenty Guineas more". A separate receipt of 11 June 1789 for £18.18.0 makes the sum for the translation "in full".
Pyle: A receipt for £12.12.0 from GR & R. Beatriffe, which, with £21 received before, makes £32.12.0 paid "in full of Demands and Requests".
Radcliffe: The MS, to be published within three months, is said to be "written by the said William Radcliffe and Ann his wife", though the titlepage, the National Union Catalog, and The Dictionary of National Biography credit only Ann. The document is docketted irrelevantly "Mysteries of Udolpho assignment from Ann Radcliff delivered to me May 29, 1821 from Longman Hurst & Co". Robinson had paid £525 for the work, a previously unprecedented sum for a novel, according to [William West], Aldine Magazine, I (1839), 133.
Rayner, History: Articles of Agreement: The Robinsons will bear the costs, provide Rayner with "Books and paper", and advance him £21 now (below is a receipt therefore of the same day) which Rayner will repay if the publication is delayed longer than twelve months; half the profits are to go to Rayner. The first biography of the 1st Earl of Mansfield was apparently John Halliday's Life of William, Late Earl of Mansfield (1799).
Raynes: Memorandum of Agreement "for and on behalf of the several Proprietors of The Pocket Convenancer"; Raynes is to revise it, "particularly by inserting the Duchess of Ma[r]lbro's Will" and to have "a Present of two Setts". Below the date is a receipt for £5.5.0.
Robson: A receipt "for half a thirtieth Share which I bought at the Queens Arms in St. Pauls Church Yard on the 18th. of August last at the Sale of the late Jacob Tonson Esqr. [d. 1736]— Allso three pounds Six shillings & eight pence, being one Sixtieth of two hundred pounds advanced to Mr. [Edward] Capel[l (1713-81)] for a New Edition [1768] and for which I promise to give an Assignment on demand . . .". Beneath the signature is: "Shakespeare's Works by Rowe, Pope, Theobald, Johnson &c with the proportionable right of printing [any del] many of his Plays separately vide appendix to the Catalogue No. 4.—Mess.rs Tonsons Shares produces [sic]— In 2500 of the 9 Vols 18o. 1646 Setts & by the preface & life 31 Setts— In 1500 Theobal[d']s 8 Vols 12o. 980 4/6, and by the preface & life 29— In 750 Johnsons 8 Vols 8vo.-490 2/6, and by the life 14 & 1/9; but subject to deliver to the Proprietors Heppenstalls share thirty Books free of paper & print in every Edition that shall be printed of Shakespear, be the impression large or small."
Rogers: Receipt from "John Innys Esqr. by the Hands of Jo: Richardson . . . being for an impression of Dr. Rogers 12 Sermons printed by my late Brother Mr Wm Innys to whom I am Executor".
Russell, Ancient Europe: A receipt "as part payment of Copy=money". A separate Memorandum of 24 Jan 1787 says that Russell "proposes to write a book entitled a Concise View of the History of Ancient Europe, with an Account of the principal Revolutions in Asia and Africa, from the Foundation of the Grecian States to the Subversion of the Roman Empire, to be comprehended in one hundred and ten sheets octavo the same size as the last Edition of his History of Modern Europe, which he offers to sell . . . at the rate of four Guineas a sheet, which offer the said G.R. accepts of—And they mutually agree to enter into a legal writing to the same effect, if either of the parties should think it necessary." Letters from Russell to Robinson of 21 April, 25 Nov 1788, 4 May, 5 Dec 1789, 20 Sept 1790, 2 Jan 1793 (Yale) are about the terms for publication of the Ancient and the Modern History.
Russell, Modern Europe (1784): A receipt which, with £168 before received, "is in full of the copy=money".
Schoen: The British Library catalogue, The National Union Catalog, and The London Stage, Part 5 (1968), 1268 say that John Scawen is the "supposed author" of New Spain.
Joseph Smith: A receipt "in full for the fourth part Share of Youth's Faithful monitor . . . assign'd me by Mr Serjeant". A separate receipt is for £5.5.0 paid by Joseph Smith 24 Aug 1768 to Henry Serjeant for a quarter share of The Youth's Faithful Monitor or The Young Man's Best Companion. The entry for Steel (q.v.) suggests the work is by Woolyer.
Thomson, Physicians Vade-Mecum: A receipt "in full for the Copy & Copy-Right of a Book . . . which he is at Liberty to publish with what Additions, and under what Name he things proper". GR published The Physicians Vade Mecum in 1791 under the name of Joseph Townsend (1739-1816).
Thomson, Suetonius: The 18 Dec 1795 receipt says Thomson is "expecting that Mr Robinson will pay me five Guineas more in Two months after the work is published provided the Sale is good".
Thomson, Philip III (1783): A receipt for £10 which, with £60 received before, is "in full for all Demands I have on him [not identified] on account of the Share I have in the Composition & Correction". The 3rd Edition (GGJJR, 1793) in 2 vols. specifies that "The first four books [are] by R. Watson. . . . The two last by W. Thomson".
Thomson, Scandinavia: A receipt "in part payment of Two hundred & ten pounds agreed on as Copy money for Letters from Scandinavia . . . or a MSS. to the purport of that Title".
Thomson, Dr William (1794): A receipt by David Walker from Mr Robinson "on account of Dr. William Thomson".
Urtick: A receipt, annotated: "N B I am to have five guineas more when the profits from the sale of the above amount to that sum".
Vyse (1802): A receipt "in full of all demands up to the above date". "In the sale of Mr. Robinson's stock, the copyright alone of Vyse's Spelling, price one shilling, sold for 2,500l., besides an annuity of fifty guineas per annum, to poor old Vyse" ([William West], Aldine Magazine, 1 [1839], 134).
Wallis: A receipt for £21, "which with sixty received before is in full for the New Edition of Sydenham's Works prepared for the press by me".
Walsh: The British Library catalogue and the National Union Catalog list only one edition (GGJR, 1800).
Williams: A receipt for £5, "which with One Hundred Pounds paid before, is in full for the Copy right of my Daughters two volumes of Letters". A cheque in the modern printed form is with it from Helen Maria Williams in Paris 14 Oct 1802 for £100 paid by GJR.
Williamson: A memorandum for "Four full and equal twenty-fourth parts and shares . . . numbered 9, 10, 11 and 12 respectively". At the bottom is a receipt the same day for £400. An agreement of 2 Jan 1793 commits GR to buy these shares "when the average weekly profit shall amount to ten pounds a week for three months", Robinson being "exempted from all responsibility . . . for payment of the Stamp Duties—on failure of which this agreement may, if he requires it, be considered as void". Jas Parry was witness.
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