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(Luther D. Livingston), Bibliography of the First Editions in Book Form of the Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1901).


J. C. Thomson, Bibliography of the Writings of Alfred, Lord Tennyson (Wimbledon, 1905).




Cornhill, CLIII (1936), 534-557.


Abbreviation for Hallam Tennyson, Alfred Lord Tennyson, A Memoir (1897). Abbreviation Mat. refers to the first draft of this book, privately printed in four volumes as Materials for a Life of A. T. Collected for My Children.


James Knowles, "Aspects of Tennyson II (A Personal Reminiscence)," The Nineteenth Century, 33 (January 1893), 168.


Charles Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson (1949), p. 146.


Hallam, Lord Tennyson, ed. Idylls of the King (1908), p. 436.


Kathleen Tillotson, "Tennyson's Serial Poem," Mid-Victorian Studies (1965), p. 82.


(John Sterling), "Poems by Alfred Tennyson," The Quarterly Review, LXX, CXL (September, 1842), 401.


Charles Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, p. 297.


Charles Tennyson, ed. The Idylls of the King and The Princess (1956), p. 17.


Charles Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, p. 299.


American Book Prices Current, (1925-1926), p. 894.


Auctioned February 17, 1913 from the library of Matthew C. Borden for $3200.00. American Book Prices Current, (1912-1913), p. 860.


Charles Tennyson, Six Tennyson Essays (1954), p. 154, says they are contemporaneous.


From a MS note written in Enid and Nimuë. Tennyson gave the volume to Palgrave, who in turn donated it to the British Museum Library.


Charles Tennyson, Six Tennyson Essays, p. 158.


Thomas J. Wise, A Bibliography of the Writings of Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1908), I, 153. Future references are in the text, abbreviated Wise.


Hallam, Lord Tennyson, Tennyson and His Friends (1911), p. 208.


Charles Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, p. 335.


Christopher Ricks, ed. The Poems of Tennyson (1969), p. 1465.


See Fannie E. Ratchford, An Exhibition of Manuscripts . . . Alfred, Lord Tennyson (Austin, 1942), p. 10.


Ibid., p. 14.


American Book Prices Current, (1928-1929), p. 763.


Charles Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, p. 394.


Book Prices Current, XLII, (1927-1928), p. 944.


Fannie E. Ratchford, Certain Nineteenth Century Forgers (Austin, 1946), p. 46.


Charles Tennyson says a full year in his Alfred Tennyson, p. 397.


Joan E. Hartman, "The Manuscripts of Gareth and Lynette," Harvard Library Bulletin, 12, no. 2 (Spring, 1959), 241.


Mat., III, 177. There is debate on the title. Wise insists on saying Imperial Library Edition (Wise, II, 30). Edgar F. Shannon disagrees in "The Proofs of Gareth and Lynette in the Widener Collection," The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 41, 4 (1947), 323. Wise often worked from publisher's lists and in a list for Henry S. King bound into the British Museum Library copy of Henry Elsdale's Studies of the Idylls of the King (press mark 11824 bb 12) the word Imperial does appear. I omit it in the text following the practice of the biographers.


See his Six Tennyson Essays, passim.


Charles Tennyson, The Idylls, p. 19.


Charles Tennyson, Six Tennyson Essays, p. 170.