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A. English and General

  • AITKEN, W. R., Eric Linklater, Bibliotheck , 5:190-97.[3608]
  • BAIN, IAIN, Thomas Bewick, Engraver, of Newcastle, 1753-1828: A Checklist of His Corespondence and Other Papers, Private Library , 3:57-77, 124-40.[3609]
  • BALDANZA, FRANK, The Murdock Manuscripts at the University of Iowa: An Addendum, Modern Fiction Studies , 16:201-202.(Supplements C3286.)[3610]
  • BARBER, GILES, French Letterpress Printing. A List of French Printing Manuals and Other Texts in French Bearing on the Technique of Letterpress Printing, 1567-1900 , Oxford Bibliographical Soc., 1969. ix, 39 p.(Occasional Publications No. 5.)[3611]
  • BOLL, T. E. M., May Sinclair: A Check List, BNYPL , 74:454-67.[3612]
  • CAMERON, W. J., and CARROLL, DIANA, Short Title Catalogue of Books Printed in the British Isles, the British Colonies, and the United States of America, and of English Books Printed Elsewhere, 1701-1800, Held in the Libraries of the Australian Capital Territory , Canberra, National Library of Australia, 1966. 2 vols.(Supplemented by work by Ivan Page listed here.)[3613]
  • CARR, Sister LUCILE, A Catalogue of the VanderPoel Dickens Collection at the University of Texas , 2d ed. enlarged Austin, The University of Texas, 1968. xi, 274 p.(Tower Bibliographical Series No. 1, Second Edition of B2347.)[3614]
  • CARTER, JOHN, Further Addenda and Corrigenda to “A Hand-List of the Printed Works of William Johnson, Afterwards Cory,” Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 5:150-51.(Supplements A91 and C2666.)[3615]
  • CHAPMAN, R. W., Jane Austen: A Critical Bibliography , 2d ed., Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1970. viii, 62 p.[3616]
  • CHRISTENSEN, B. McG, J. R. R. Tolkien: A Bibliography, Bulletin of Bibl. , 27:61-67.[3617]
  • CORDASCO, FRANCESCO, Additions to the Junius Bibliography, Bulletin of Bibl. , 26 (1969):41.[3618]
  • DACK, E. B., A Bio-Bibliography of Charles DuBos, 1882-1939 , Master's thesis. Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3619]
  • DAVIS, R. M., Some Unidentified Works of Evelyn Waugh, Evelyn Waugh Newsletter , 4:3:6-7.[3620]
  • DEVEREUX, E. J., A Checklist of English Translations of Erasmus to 1700 , Oxford Bibl. Soc., 1968. viii, 40 p. (Occasional Publications No. 3.) Supplementary notes in rev. by David Crane, N & Q, n.s., 17:228.[3621]
  • DILLIGAN, R. J., and BENDER, T. K., A Concordance to the English Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins , Madison, Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1970. xx, 321 p.[3622]
  • DOYLE, P. A., BOGAARDS, WINNIFRED, and DAVIS, R. M., Works of Waugh, 1940-66: A Supplementary Bibliography, Part I, Evelyn Waugh Newsletter , 4:3:7-10.(Supplements B724 and C879.)[3623]
  • FABER DU FAUR, KURT von, German Baroque Literature. A Catalogue of the Collection in the Yale University Library , Yale Univ. Press, 1958-1969. 2 vols.[3624]
  • FARR, D. P., Evelyn Waugh: A Supplemental Bibliography, Bulletin of Bibl. , 26 (1969):67-68, 87.(Supplements B724; see also C879.)[3625]
  • FEDERMAN, RAYMOND, and FLETCHER, JOHN, Samuel Beckett, His Works and His Critics: An Essay in Bibliography , Berkeley, Univ. of California Press, 1970. xiii, 383 p.[3626]
  • FOSTER, HAROLD, Edward Young in Translation, I, Book Collector , 19:481-500.(Some Uncollected Authors XLV.)[3627]
  • GALLUP, D. C., T. S. Eliot: A Bibliography , rev. and extended ed., New York, Harcourt, Brace & World, 1969. 414 p.(American ed. of A1508.)[3628]

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  • GARCIA, RELOY, and KARABATSOS, JAMES, A Concordance to the Poetry of D. H. Lawrence , Lincoln, Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1970. xvi, 523 p.[3629]
  • GENET, MALCOLM, Charles Dickens, 1812-1870 , Austin, Humanities Research Center, Univ. of Texas, 1970. 48 p.(Catalogue of an exhibition.)[3630]
  • GILCHER, EDWIN, A Bibliography of George Moore , Dekalb, Northern Illinois Univ. Press, 1970. xiv, 274 p.[3631]
  • GOFF, PHYLLIS, William Blake. Catalogue of the Preston Blake Library. Presented by Kerrison Preston in 1967 , London, Westminster City Libraries, 1969. x, 117 p.[3632]
  • GOLDSMITH, V. F., A Short-Title Catalogue of French Books, 1601-1700, in the Library of the British Museum , Folkstone and London, Dawsons of Pall Mall, 1969 and following.[3633]
  • GUNTER, BRADLEY, The Merrill Checklist of T. S. Eliot , Columbus, Ohio, Merrill, 1970. iv, 43 p.[3634]
  • H. G. WELLS SOCIETY, H. G. Wells: A Comprehensive Bibliography , 2d ed. rev., London, The Society, 1968. vi, 69 p.(First edition published by the Society in 1966.)[3635]
  • HARPER, J. R., Early Painters and Engravers in Canada , Univ. of Toronto Press, 1970. xv, 376 p.[3636]
  • HARTLEY, LODWICK, A Checklist of American Editions of Lawrence Sterne to 1800, Bulletin of Bibl. , 27:53.[3637]
  • HARTLEY, LODWICK, The Works of John Hall-Stevenson: A Check List, PBSA , 64:464-66.[3638]
  • HARVARD UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY. DEPARTMENT OF PRINTING AND GRAPHIC ARTS, The Turn of the Century, 1885-1910. Art Nouveau-Jugendstil Books , Cambridge, The Department, 1970. 124 p.[3639]
  • HEIDENREICH, HELMUT, The Libraries of Daniel Defoe and Phillips Farewell , Berlin, Helmut Heidenreich, 1970. 209 p.(An editing of Olive Payne's auction catalogue of 15 November 1731.)[3640]
  • HICKMOTT, A. C., This Ivory Pale. The Shakespearean Collection of Allerton C. Hickmott , Hartford, Privately Printed, 1970. 55 p.[3641]
  • HILL, W. S., Richard Hooker: A Descriptive Bibliography of the Early Editions, 1593-1724 , Cleveland The Press of Case Western Reserve Univ., 1970. xiv, 140 p.[3642]
  • HORNE, B. S., The Compleat Angler, 1653-1967 , Pittsburgh Bibliophiles, 1970. xx, 350 p.[3643]
  • HUMPHRIES, CHARLES, and SMITH, W. C., Music Publishing in the British Isles, from the Beginning until the Middle of the Nineteenth Century; a Dictionary of Engravers, Printers, Publishers, and Music Sellers , 2d ed., with supplement, New York, Barnes & Noble, 1970. vii, 392 p.[3644]
  • INDIANA UNIVERSITY, The Indiana Wordsworth Collection , Blooming ton, The Lilly Library, 1970. 36 p.[3645]
  • JASEN, D. A., A Bibliography and Reader's Guide to the First Editions of P. G. Wodehouse , Hamden, Conn., Archon, 1970. 290 p.[3646]
  • KRAUS, H. P., Sir Francis Drake: A Pictorial Biography , Amsterdam, N. Israel, 1970. viii, 236 p.[3647]
  • LANDWEHR, JOHN, Emblem Books in the Low Countries, 1554-1949 , Utrecht, Haentjens, Dekker & Gumbert, 1970. xlvii, 150, 17 p.[3648]
  • LANE, C. W., Waugh's Book Reviews for Night and Day , Evelyn Waugh Newsletter , 4:1:1-3.[3649]
  • LAPOINTE, Father RAOUL, Histoire de l'imprimerie au Sauguenay , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3650]
  • LINDSTRAND, GORDON, Fairley's Checklist of Robert Fergusson: Corrections and a Problem in Analytical Bibliography, Studies in Scottish Literature , 7:159-68.[3651]
  • LYLES, A. M., and DOBSON, JOHN, The John C. Hodges Collection of William Congreve in the University of Tennessee Library: a Bibliographical Catalogue , Knoxville, Univ. of Tennessee Libraries, 1970. xiv, 136 p.(Occasional Publications No. 1.)[3652]
  • McKINNON, W. T., Louis MacNeice: a Bibliography, Bulletin of Bibl. , 27:51-52, 48, 79-84.[3653]

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  • MACLES, L-N, Manuel de bibliographie , 2d rev. ed. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1970. 366 p.[3654]
  • MAUD, RALPH, and GLOVER, ALBERT, Dylan Thomas in Print: a Bibliographical History , Univ. of Pittsburgh Press, 1970. xi, 261 p.[3655]
  • MITCHELL, CHARLOTTE, Bio-Bibliography of Brendan Behan, 1923-1964 , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1068.[3656]
  • MORGAN, PAUL, Warwickshire Printers' Notices, 1799-1866 , Oxford, Printed for the Dugdale Society at the University Press. 1970. xl, 83, 13 p.[3657]
  • MORTON, L. T., A Medical Bibliography (Garrison and Morton). An Annotated Check-List of Texts Illustrating the History of Medicine , rev. 3d ed., London, Deutsch, 1970. 872 p.[3658]
  • O'NEEL, MICHAEL, A Wyatt Bibliography, Bulletin of Bibl. , 27:76-79.(To be continued.)[3659]
  • PAGE, IVAN, Short Title Catalogue of Books Printed in the British Isles, the British Colonies, and the United States of America, and of English Books Printed Elsewhere, 1701-1800, Held in Libraries of the Australian Capital Territory , Vol. 3, Supplement, Canberra, National Library of Australia, 1970. viii, 105 p.(Supplements catalogue by Cameron and Carroll listed here.)[3660]
  • PALMER, D. S., A Harold Pinter Checklist, Twentieth Century Literature , 16:287-96.[3661]
  • PARKER, JOHN, and URNESS, CAROL, The James Ford Bell Library: A List of Additions, 1965-1969 , Minneapolis, Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1970. 103 p.[3662]
  • READ, E. A., A Checklist of Books, Catalogues, and Periodical Articles Relating to the Cathedral Libraries of England , Oxford Bibl. Soc., 1970. viii, 59 p.(Occasional Publications No. 6.)[3663]
  • REID, ANTHONY, A Check-List of the Book Illustrations of John Buckland Wright, together with a Personal Memoir , Pinner, Private Libraries Assn., 1968. 94 p., 16 pp. of plates, front.(with 18 pp. of plates in the text).[3664]
  • REID, ANTHONY, Ralph Chubb, the Unknown. Part I: His Life. Part II: His Work, Private Library , 3:141-56, 193-213.[3665]
  • RUJA, HARRY, Bertrand Russell: A Classified Bibliography, 1929-1967, Bulletin of Bibl. , 25(1968):182-90, 192; 26 (1969):29-32.[3666]
  • RYSKAMP, CHARLES, William Blake, Engraver: A Descriptive Catalogue of an Exhibition . . . With an Introductory Essay by Geoffrey Keynes , Princeton Univ. Library, 1969. x, 61 p.[3667]
  • SCHRODER, JOHN, Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts by Rupert Brooke, Edward Marsh and Christopher Hassall , Cambridge, Rampant Lions Press, 1970. 134 p.(The compiler's collections.)[3668]
  • SELLERY, J'NAN, Elizabeth Bowen: A Check List, BNYPL , 74:219-74.[3669]
  • SMITH, W. C., Handel, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Early Editions , 2d ed. with supplement, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1970. xxiii, 378 p.[3670]
  • STREETER, H. W., The Eighteenth Century English Novel in French Translation: A Bibliographical Study , New York, Blom, 1970. viii, 256 p.[3671]
  • SZLADITS, L. L. Charles Dickens, 1812-1870: An Anthology Chosen and Annotated . . . from Materials in the Berg Collection . . . in Commemoration of the Centennial of Dickens' Death , New York, Arno Press and New York Public Library, 1970. 165 p.[3672]
  • TOBIN, T. A., A List of Anonymous Pieces Presented at the Theatre Royal, Edinburgh, 1767-1800, Studies in Scottish Literature , 7:29-34.[3673]
  • VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM, South Kensington, Charles Dickens. An Exhibition , London, The Museum, 1970. 14. 121 p, 60 pp. of plates.[3674]
  • WATSON, GEORGE, New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1969 ff. Vol. 3, 1800-1900, all published to date.[3675]
  • WIENER, J. H., A Descriptive Finding List of Unstamped British Periodicals, 1830-1836 , London, Bibl. Soc., 1970. xiii, 74 p.[3676]

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  • YOUNG, D. F., James Leslie Mitchell / Lewis Grassic Gibbon: A Chronoligical Checklist. Additions I, Bibliotheck , 5:169-73.(Supplements B252.)[3677]
  • ZALL, P. M., English Prose Jestbooks in the Huntington Library: A Chronoligical Checklist (1535?-1799), Shakespearean Research and Opportunities , 4:(1968/69):78-91.[3678]