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B. United States

  • BAIRD, J. A., Jr., California's Pictorial Letter Sheets, 1849-1869 , San Francisco, David Magee Book Shop, 1967. 171 p.[2262]
  • BARBER, EDWIN, and PAGE, VIRGINIA, A Description of Old Harper and Brothers Publishing Records Recently Come to Light, Bull. of Bibl. , 25:1-6, 29-34, 39-40.[2263]
  • BLANCK, JACOB, BAL Addenda, Ralph Waldo Emerson — Entry No. 5272, PBSA , 61:124-26.[2264]
  • BLANCK, JACOB, BAL Addemdum, Joel Chandler Harris — Entry No. 7115, PBSA , 61:266.[2265]
  • BRANCH, E. M., Bibliography of James T. Farrell: A Supplement, Amer. Book Collector , 17:9:9-19.(Supplements B1821.)[2266]
  • BRISTOL, R. P., [Supplements to Charles Evans' American Bibliography], Secretary's News Sheet , Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., No. 52 (August 1966), 32 p., No. 53 (December, 1967), [24] p.(Supplement C254A.)[2267]
  • BROADFOOT, WINSTON, Checklist of Confederate Imprints in the Duke University Library, Library Notes [Duke Univ. Libr.], No. 40 (1966):1-85.[2268]
  • BUCHAN, VIVIAN, Sara Teasdale (1884-1933), Bull. of Bibl. , 25:94-97.[2269]
  • BUSH, A. L., Literary Landmarks of Princeton, PULC , 72:1-90.[2270]
  • CARY, RICHARD, A Bibliography of Richard Matthews Hallet, Colby Libr. Quart. , 7:453-63.[2271]
  • CARY, RICHARD, A Bibliography of Robert P. Tristram Coffin, Colby Libr. Quart. , 7:355-82.(Concludes C1849.)[2272]
  • DAMERON, J. L., Edgar Allan Poe: A Checklist of Criticism, 1942-1960 , Charlottesville, Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1966. 159 p.[2273]
  • de BRUYN, BERNARD, Not in Semmes. I. J. C. Myers — Sketches on a Tour . . . 1849, Maryland Historical Mag. , 61(1966):369-70, corrections, 62:210, 355.(Supplements Raphael Semmes' Baltimore as Seen by Visitors, 1783-1860, Baltimore, Maryland Historical Soc., 1953.)[2274]
  • de BRUYN, BERNARD, Not in Semmes II. J. Valentin Hecke — Reise durch die Vereinigten Staaten . . . 2 vols., 1820-1821, Maryland Historical Mag. , 62:207-209.[2275]
  • de BRUYN, BERNARD, Not in Semmes III. Adlard Welby — A Visit to North America . . . 1821, Maryland Historical Mag. , 62:352-54.[2276]
  • DICKINSON, D. C., A Bio-bibliography of Langston Hughes, 1902-1967 , Hamden, Conn., Archon, 1967. xiii, 267 p.[2277]

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  • FREIS, SUSAN, Emily Dickinson: A Check List of Criticism, 1930-1966, PBSA , 61:359-85.[2278]
  • HANNEMAN, ANDRE, Ernest Hemingway: A Comprehensive Bibliography , Princeton Univ. Press, 1967. xi, 568 p.[2279]
  • HARWELL, RICHARD, Confederate Imprints in the University of Georgia Libraries , Athens, Univ. of Georgia Press, 1964. xi, 49 p.(Univ. of Georgia Librs., Misc. Publns., 5.)[2280]
  • HAYASHI, TETSUMARO, Arthur Miller, the Dimension of His Art: A Checklist of His Published Works, Serif , 4:2:26-32.[2281]
  • HAYASHI, TETSUMARO, John Steinbeck: A Concise Bibliography, 1930-1965 , Metuchen, N. J., Scarecrow Press, 1967. xxi, 164 p.[2282]
  • HENDRICK, GEORGE, American Literary Manuscripts in Continental Libraries, Bull. of Bibl. , 25:49-58.[2283]
  • HOWARD, E. G., The Constitution of a Baltimore Negro Benevolent Society [1834], Maryland Historical Mag. , 62:351-52.[2284]
  • HOWARD, E. G., An Unrecorded Baltimore Imprint, Maryland Historical Mag. , 62:209-210.(Spiritual Songs, Baltimore, 1811.)[2285]
  • HOWARD, E. G., An Unrecorded Baltimore Imprint from Philadelphia, PBSA , 61:121-23.(Charlotte Smith's The Romance of Real Life, Baltimore, Cambell, Conrad & Co., 1799.)[2286]
  • JONES, G. W., The Library of James Monroe (1758-1831), 5th President (1816-1824) of the United States , Charlottesville, Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1967. 65 p.[2287]
  • KATZ, JOSEPH, and BRUCCOLI, M. J., Toward a Descriptive Bibliography of Stephen Crane: “Spanish American War Songs,” PBSA , 61:267-69.[2288]
  • LEON, STEPHANIE, and D'ANGELO, SUSAN, Dorothy Thompson: An Inventory of Her Papers in Syracuse University Library , Manuscript Collections, Syracuse Univ. Library, 1966. 143 p.(Manuscript Inventory Series, 9.)[2289]
  • LOHF, K. A., The Literary Manuscripts of Hart Crane , Columbus, Ohio State Univ. Press, 1967. xx, 152 p.(Calendars of American Literary Manuscripts, 1.)[2290]
  • MONTEIRO, GEORGE, Additions to the Bibliography of Julian Hawthorne, Bull. of Bibl. , 25:64.(Supplements C1388.)[2291]
  • O'CONNOR, R. B., BAL Addenda M. E. W. Freeman — Entry No. 6380, PBSA , 61:127.[2292]
  • PALUKA, FRANK, Iowa Authors: A Bio-bibliography of Sixty Native Writers . Iowa City, Friends of the Univ. of Iowa Librs., 1967. xi, 243 p.[2293]
  • PEROTTI, V. A., Important Firsts in Missouri Imprints, 1808-1858 . Revised, and with Additions by R. F. Perotti. Edited with an Introduction by T. N. Luther, Kansas City, Missouri, R. F. Perotti, 1967. 8 leaves, 51 p. 21 pl.[2294]
  • REINHART, V. S., John Dos Passos, 1950-1966: Bibliography, Twentieth Century Lit. , 13:167-78.[2295]
  • SEABURG, ALAN, John Holmes: A Bibliography, BNYPL , 71:306-35.[2296]
  • TANSELLE, G. T., An Unrecorded Chicago Ante-Fire Imprint: Whipple's “Ethzelda,” PBSA , 61:123-24.[2297]
  • TUTWILER, C. C., Jr., Ellen Glasgow's Library , Charlottesville, Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1967. 31 p.[2298]
  • VOSS, T. H., William Cullen Bryant: An Annotated Checklist of the Exhibit Held in the Mullen Library of the Catholic University of America , Washington, 1967. 18 p.[2299]
  • WELCH, d'A. A., A Bibliography of American Children's Books Printed Prior to 1821, P-R and S-Z, Proc. , Amer. Antiquarian Soc., 77:44-190, 281-535.[2300]