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A. English and General

  • ADAMS, J. C., Shakespeare's Revisions in Titus Andronicus, SQ , 15:177-90.(Also in separate publication of Vol. 15, No. 2 as Shakespeare 400, New York, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1964, ed. by James G. McManaway.)[987]
  • ADAMS, R. M., The Manuscript of James Joyce's Play [Exiles], Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 39:30-41.[988]
  • ALSTON, R. C., Some Printing Terms from Philip Luckombe, N & Q , n.s., 11:68-9.[989]
  • ARNOLD, ARMIN, D. H., Lawrence's First Critical Essays: Two Anonymous Reviews Identified, PMLA , 79:185-88.[990]
  • ARNOLD, R. P. C., Orange Street and Brickhole Lane , London, Hart-Davis, 1963. 190 p.(A history of Constable & Co.)[991]

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  • BALD, R. C., Dr. Donne and the Booksellers, SB , 18:69-80.[992]
  • BARISH, EVELYN, A New Clough Manuscript [of “Solvitur Acris Hiems”], R.E.S. , n.s., 15:168-74.[993]
  • BARNARD, JOHN, Did Congreve Write A Satyr Against Love, BNYPL , 68:308-22.(Barnard thinks not.)[994]
  • BARNES, J. J., Free Trade in Books: A Study of the London Book Trade since 1800 , Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1964. xiv, 198 p.[995]
  • BATELY, J. M., Dryden's Revisions in the Essay of Dramatic Poesy: The Preposition at the End of the Sentence and the Expression of the Relative, R.E.S. , n.s., 15:268-82.[996]
  • BEDDINGHAM, PHILIP, Concerning Booklabels , London, Private Libraries Assn., 1963. 16 p.[997]
  • BEER, GILLIAM, Some Compositors' Misreadings of “The Tragic Comedians” [of George Meredith], N & Q , n.s., 11:229-31.[998]
  • BENTLEY, G. E., Jr., Notes on the Early Editions of Flaxman's Classical Designs, BNYPL , 68:277-307, 361-80.[999]
  • BENZING, JOSEF, Die Buchdrucker des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts im deutschen Sprachgebiet Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1963. xi, 528 p.(Beiträge zum Buch- und Bibliothekswesen, 12.)[1000]
  • BERNARD, F. V., New Evidence on the Pamphilus Letters [pointing to Samuel Johnson as author], MP , 62:42-4.[1001]
  • BIBLIOGRAPHICAL Notes & Queries, Book Collector , 13:64-72, 206-15, 346-60, 497-503, including: C. B. L. Barr, An Unrecorded Pamphlet by Archdeacon Wrangham [The Life and Character of John Lord Viscount Lonsdale], pp. 64-5, 206; W. L. Godshalk, A [Philip] Sidney Autograph, p. 65; D. H. Woodward, An 18th-Century List of Books with Prices, pp. 65-6; P. F. Hinton, Richard Savage's Various Poems, 1761, pp. 66-7; W. B. Todd, Wise, Wrenn, and Tennyson's Enoch Arden, pp. 67-8; T. d'A. Smith, John Addington Symonds: The “peccant” Pamphlet, pp. 68-70, and note from Elkin Mathews Ltd., pp. 206-7; B. J. Kirkpatrick, Additions to the Bibliography of Virginia Woolf, p. 70; P. F. Hinton, Samuel Rogers's Poems, 1812, pp. 70-71; C. C. Nickerson, Gibbon's Copy of Steele's Dramatick Works, p. 207; M. J. Faigel, Two States of a Bodoni Type Specimen, pp. 207-10; G. T. Tanselle, The Case of the Missing Apostrophes [in Dwight's Triumph of Infidelity, 1788], p. 210; E. M. Oldham, Lord Byron and Mr. [Joseph] Coolidge of Boston, p. 211-13; R .B. Freeman, Issues of the Fifth Thousand of On the Origin of Species, pp. 213-4; John Carter, Thomas J. Wise's Descriptive Formula, pp. 214-5; C. B. L. Barr, More Books from Ben Johnson's Library, pp. 346-8; D. J. Gilson, Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte's Publications, pp. 348-50; R. B. Freeman, Issues of the Fifth Edition of On the Origin of Species, p. 350; P. F. Hinton, A Ghost Laid [“The Ghost in the Bank of England” not by Eden Phillpotts, pp. 350-1; T. d'A. Smith, The Second Edition of Dylan Thomas's 18 Poems, pp. 351-2; Malcolm Pinhorn, Ernest Bramah's Dates, p. 352; Peter Eaton, Churchilliana, pp. 352-3, and reply by Frederick Woods, p. 497; Jeff Clements, Samuel Rogers's Poems, 1812, p. 353; Inez Williams, A “Table” in Heylyn's Observations, p. 354; R. J. F. Carnon, The Infant Minstrel, 1816, pp. 354-5; Michael Trevanion, Thomas J. Wise's Descriptive Formula, pp. 355-6; Norman Colbeck, Variant Bindings on Moxon Authors, pp. 356-7; Simon Nowell-Smith, Swinburne's The Queen-Mother [and] Rosamond, 1860, pp. 357-9; D. A. Randall, The First American Edition of 1914 and Other Poems [by Rupert Brooke], p. 359; Peter Caraciolo, Some Unrecorded Variants in the First Edition of Dryden's All for Love, 1678, pp. 498-500; P. F. Hinton, A Forgotten Indiscretion [variant illustrations by Pickersgill in Milton's Comus (Routledge, 1858)], p. 500; William White, Emendations in Housman, pp. 500-501; Nicoles Barker, So Gosse Was in It After All? [Edmund Gosse and Thomas J. Wise], pp. 501-3; J. A. Birkbeck, The History of Little Goody Two-Shoes, p. 503; Geoffrey Keynes, The First American Edition of 1914 and Other Poems, p. 503.[1002]

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  • BISHOP, O. B., Publications of the Government of the Province of Canada, 1841-67 , Doctoral Dissertation, Univ. of Michigan, 1962.[1003]
  • BOAS, L. S., Shelly: Three Unpublished Lines, N & Q , n.s., 11:178.[1004]
  • BODDY, M. P., The 1692 Fourth Book of Virgil, R.E.S. , n.s., 15:364-80[1005]
  • BOWERS, FREDSON, Bibliography and Textual Criticism , Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1964. xii, 207 p.(The Lyell Lectures, Oxford, Trinity Term, 1959.)[1006]
  • BOWERS, FREDSON, The Text of Johnson, PQ , 61:298-309.(Review of the 2d vol. of the Yale ed. of Johnson's works.)[1007]
  • BOWERS, FREDSON, “Textual Criticism,” in Mod. Lang. Assn. of Amer., The Aims and Methods of Scholarship in Modern Languages and Literature , New York, MLA, 1963. ix, 69 p.[1008]
  • BOWLES, R. F., Printing Ink Manual , Cambridge, W. Heffer & Sons, 1963. viii, 746 p.(Especially Chapter 1, Early History; Ch. 4, Paper, and Ch. 21, Print Recognition and Printing Defects.)[1009]
  • BRANDA, E. S., Textual Changes in Women in Love , Texas Studies in Lit. and Lang. , 6:306-21.[1010]
  • BROOKS, R. L., Matthew Arnold and Ticknor & Fields, AL , 35:514-9.[1011]
  • BROOKS, R. L., The Story Manuscript of Matthew Arnold's “New Rome,” PBSA , 58:295-7.[1012]
  • BROWN, ARTHUR, The Printing of Books, Shakespeare Survey , 17:205-13.[1013]
  • BROWN, T. J., George Bernard Shaw, 1856-1950 (English Literary Autographs, L), Book Collector , 13:195.[1014]
  • BROWN, T. J., Thomas Linacre, 1460?-1524 (English Scientific Autographs I), Book Collector , 13:341.[1015]
  • BROWN, T. J., Robert Boyle, 1627-1691 (English Scientific Autographs, II), Book Collector , 13:487.[1016]
  • BROWN, T. J., William Butler Yeats, 1865-1939 (English Literary Autographs, XLIX), Book Collector , 13:53.[1017]
  • BRUN, Max, Contribution à l'étude des différents tirages de l'édition originale de Madame Bovary, publiés de 1857 à 1862, Le Livre et l'Estampe , No. 39-40:223-69.[1018]
  • CARTER, JOHN, The Battle of Life: Round Three, Antiquarian Bookman , 33:20 (May 18, 1964):2203-5; 33:21 (May 25):2319.[1019]
  • CAVE, RODERICK, The Keepsake Press of Roy Lewis and Daughters [Hammersmith], Amer. Book Collector , 14:7:11-4.[1020]
  • CAVE RODERICK, and CHAMBERS, DAVID, Private Press Books, 1963 , Pinner (Middlesex, Private Libraries Assn., 1964. [6], iii, 65, [7] p.[1021]
  • CHAPPLE, J. A. V., Manuscript Texts of Poems by the Earl of Dorset and William Congreve, N & Q , n.s., 11:97-100.[1022]
  • COCHRANE, J. A., Dr. Johnson's Printer: The Life of William Strahan , Harvard Univ. Press, 1964. xiii, 225 p.[1023]
  • CORBETT, MARGERY, and NORTON, MICHAEL, Engraving in England in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. A Descriptive Catalogue with Introductions. Part III: The Reign of Charles I. Compiled from the Notes of the Late A. M. Hind, Cambridge, University Press, 1964. xv, 397 p. 214 pl.[1024]
  • CSAKY, S. D., The History of Printing in Hungary, 1600-1711 , Thesis, Univ. of North Carolina, 1964.[1025]
  • CUNARD, NANCY, The Hours Press, Retrospect, Catalogue, Commentary, Book Collector , 13:488-96.[1026]
  • DAWSON, G. E., Four Centuries of Shakespeare Publication , Lawrence, Univ. of Kansan Libraries, 1964. 24 p.(11th Annual Public Lecture on Books and Bibliography.)[1027]
  • DEARDEN, J. S., John Ruskin's Bookplates, Book Collector , 13:335-9.[1028]
  • DICKIE, FRANCIS, Original Eskimo Juvenile [Leah Illang's Little Arctic Tern and Big Polar Bear], Amer. Book Collector , 14:6:7-8.[1029]
  • DICKINSON, M. G., Early Exeter Printers and Booksellers, 1669-1741, Devon and Cornwall Notes & Queries , 29(1963):167-71.[1030]

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  • EDMINSON, M., The Development of Dickens' Novels as Occasioned by Serial Publication , Doctoral Dissertation, Durham Univ., 1963.[1031]
  • ERDMAN, D. V., Blake's Jerusalem: Plate 3 Fully Restored, SB , 18:281-2.(See C354 at pp. 13-15.)[1032]
  • EVANS, F. B., The Printing of Spenser's Faerie Queene in 1596, SB , 18:49-67.[1033]
  • EVANS, G. B., Shakespearean Prompt-Books of the Seventeenth Century. Vol. III: Part i, Introductions to the “Nursery” The Comedy of Errors, Midsummer Night's Dream, Collations (35 p.); and Vol. III, Part ii, Text of the “Nursery” The Comedy of Errors, Midsummer Night's Dream (facsimile, 16 p.), Charlottesville Bibl. Soc. of the Univ. of Va., 1964.[1034]
  • FLEEMAN, J. D., Johnson's “Journey” (1775), and Its Cancels, PBSA, 58:232-8.[1035]
  • FLEEMAN, J. D., William Somervile's “The Chace,” 1735, PBSA , 58:1-7.[1036]
  • FOXON, D. F., Monthly Catalogues of Books Published [in London, 1714-1732], Library , 5th ser., 18:223-8.[1037]
  • GABEL, J. B., The Original Version of Chapman's Tragedy of Byron , JEGP , 63:433-40.[1038]
  • GABEL, J. B., Some Notable Errors in Parrott's Edition of Chapman's Byron Plays, PBSA , 58:465-8.[1039]
  • GODSHALK, W. L., Sidney's Revision of the Arcadia, Books III-V, PQ , 43:171-84.[1040]
  • HANFORD, J. H., Open Sesame: Notes on the Arabian Nights in English, PULC , 26:48-56.[1041]
  • HARLAN, R. D., Sales of and Profits on Some Early Editions of Sir William Blackstone's “Commentaries,” PBSA , 58:156-63.[1042]
  • HAYMAN, DAVID, A List of Corrections for the Scribbledehobble [notebook edited by Thomas E. Connolly in 1961], James Joyce Quart. , 1:2:23-9.[1043]
  • HEHIR, B. O., “Lost,” “Authorized,” and “Pirated” Editions of John Denham's Coopers Hill , PMLA , 79:242-53.[1044]
  • HERGENHAN, L. T., Meredith's Use of Revision: A Consideration of the Revisions of “Richard Feverel” and “Evan Harrington,” Mod. Lang. Rev. , 59:539-44.[1045]
  • HINES, T. C., The Collectanea as a Bibliographical Tool , Doctoral Dissertation, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1961.[1046]
  • HISCOCK, W. G., The Lost Christ Church “Alice,” TLS , May 7, 1964, p. 402.[1047]
  • HRUBÝ, ANTONÍN, A Quantitative Solution of the Ambiguity of Three Texts, SB , 18:147-82.[1048]
  • JERMAN, B. R., The Production of Disraeli's Trilogy, PBSA , 58:239-51.[1049]
  • KAFKER, F. A., The Effect of Censorship on Diderot's Encyclopedia, Libr. Chron. [Univ. of Pa.], 30:38-49.[1050]
  • KAUFMAN, PAUL, A “Revolutionary” Edition of the Areopagitica [1791], Amer. N & Q , 2:116-8.[1051]
  • KEITH, A., Aberdeen University Press , Aberdeen Univ. Press, 1963. 72 p.[1052]
  • KEYNES, G. L., A Study of the Illuminated Books of William Blake , New York, Orion, 1964. 89 p.[1053]
  • KING, A. H., Four Hundred Years of Music Printing , Trustees of the British Museum, 1964. 32 p. 20 pl.[1054]
  • KING, T. J., Shirley's Coronation and Love Will Find Out the Way: Erroneous Title-Pages, SB , 18:265-9.[1055]
  • KOEMAN, CORNELIS, The Theatrum Universae Galliae, 1631. An Atlas of France by Joannes Janssonius, Imago Mundi , 17:62-72.[1056]
  • KRUEGER, ROBERT, The Publication of John Donne's Sermons, R.E.S. , n.s., 15:151-60.[1057]
  • LOHRLI, ANNE, Household Words and Its “Office Book,” PULC , 26:27-48.[1058]
  • LOUGH, J., The Encyclopédie: Two Unsolved Problems, French Studies , 17 (1963):121-35.[1059]
  • MACKANESS, GEORGE, A Dissertation on Almanacks [with special reference to Australian almanacs], Amer. Book Collector , 14:6:14-8.[1060]

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  • MAGEE, DAVID, On Collecting P. G. Wodehouse, Quart. News Letter , Book Club of California, 29:29-35.[1061]
  • MARKS, C. L., Thomas Traherne's Commonplace Book, PBSA , 58:458-65.[1062]
  • MARTIN, G. W., How the History of Essex [by Morant, 1763] Came to Be Published, Essex Countryside , April, 1963, pp. 244-5.[1063]
  • MAXWELL, J. C., The Revision of “Roderick Random,” English Studies , 45:239(Defends Dr. Leavis's position as against that of Gordon N. Ray. Cf. Durham Univ. Journ., n.s., 23(1961-62):79-80.)[1064]
  • MITCHELL, S. O., and SEARS, LOREN, An Information Retrieval System for Modern Language Studies, PBSA , 58:270-8.[1065]
  • NIXON, H. M., A Binding Attributed to John de Planche, c. 1572 (English Bookbindings, L), Book Collector , 13:340.[1066]
  • NIXON, H. M., A Harleian Binding by Thomas Elliot, 1721 (English Bookbindings, XLIX), Book Collector , 13:194.[1067]
  • NIXON, H. M., A London Binding by John Mackinlay, c.1810 (English Bookbindings, LI), Book Collector , 13:486.[1068]
  • OSBORN, J. M., A New Traherne Manuscript, TLS , Oct. 8, 1964, p. 928.[1069]
  • PADEN, W. D., Tennyson's The Lover's Tale, R. H. Shepherd, and T. J. Wise, SB , 18:111-45.[1070]
  • PARISER, M. P., H. Buxton Forman and T. J. Wise, TLS , July 23, 1964, p. 649.[1071]
  • PARTRIDGE, A. C., Orthography in Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. A Study of Colloquial Contractions, Elision, Prosody and Punctuation , Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1964. 200 p.[1072]
  • PLANTIN, CHRISTOPHE, see Part I, No. 774.
  • PLOCH, R. A., Abbé Nicolas de Montfaucon de Villars' “The Count de Gabalis,” 1714, PBSA , 58:279-81.[1073]
  • POLLARD, M., John Chambers, Irish Book , 3:1:(1964).[1074]
  • PORTAL, F. S., Portals: The Church, the State, and the People, Leading to 250 Years of Papermaking , Oxford, Univ. Press, 1962. xii, 98, 32 p.[1075]
  • PRITCHARD, ALLAN, An Unpublished Poem by George Wither, PQ , 61:120-1.[1076]
  • RAY, G. N., Bibliographical Resources for the Study of Nineteenth-Century English Fiction , Los Angeles, Univ. of California at Los Angeles, School of Libr. Service, 1964. 31 p.(Fourth Zeitlin and VerBrugge Lecture.)[1077]
  • RICKS, CHRISTOPHER, A Note on Tennyson's Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington , SB , 18:282.(Cf. B2042 at p. 171.)[1078]
  • RICKS, CHRISTOPHER, Tennyson's “Hail, Briton!” and “Tithon”: Some Corrections, R.E.S. , n.s., 15:53-5.[1079]
  • ROBERTS, E. V., Henry Fielding and Richard Leveridge: Authorship of “The Roast Beef of Old Engand,” HLQ , 27:175-81.(Parts by each.)[1080]
  • ROBERTS, WILLIAM, The Rogers Edition of Sir Robert Aytoun, PBSA , 58:32-4.[1081]
  • SCHAUER, G. K., Deutsche Buchkunst 1890 bis 1960 , Hamburg, Maximilian-Gesellschaft, 1963. 2 vols. 304, 390 p. 490 illus.[1082]
  • SCHMIDT-KÜNSMÜLLER, F. A., T. J. Cobden-Sanderson als Buchbinder , Stuttgart, Max Hettler Verlag, 1964. 38 p.[1083]
  • SCOTT, PETER, Letter to the Editor [in reply to references as to the permanence of microfilm in Edwin Wolf 2nd's “Thoughts on Books and Libraries,” C511], PBSA , 58:189-92.[1084]
  • SHAWCROSS, J. T., The Date of the Separate Edition of Milton's “Ephitaphium Damonis,” SB , 18:262-5.[1085]
  • SHUGRUE, MICHAEL, Applebee's Original Weekly Journal: An Index to Eighteenth-Century Taste, Newberry Libr. Bull. , 6:108-21.[1086]
  • SMIDT, KRISTIAN, The Quarto and the Folio Lear: Another Look at the Theories of Textual Deviation, English Studies , 45:149-62.[1087]
  • SMITH, A. H., John Nichols, Printer and Publisher, Library , 5th ser., 18:169-90.[1088]

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  • SMITH, J. H., The Cancel in the Quarto of 2 Henry IV Revisited, SQ , 15:173-8.[1089]
  • SMITH, PAUL, Restless Casuistry: Shelley's Composition of The Cenci , Keats-Shelley Jour. , 13:77-85.[1090]
  • SONNINO, PAUL, The Dating and Authorship of Louis XIV's Mémoires , French Historical Studies , 3:303-37.[1091]
  • SOUTHAM, B. C., Jane Austen's Literary Manuscripts , Oxford, 1964. xii, [1], 153 p.[1092]
  • SPARROW, JOHN, George Herbert and John Donne among the Moravians [in A Collection of Hymns, London, 1754], BNYPL , 68:625-53.[1093]
  • SUITS, C. B., Who Wrote The History of Francis Wills , PQ , 43:216-22.(Possibly Arthur Murphy; certainly not Oliver Goldsmith.)[1094]
  • THOMPSON, L. S., Printing in Colonial Spanish America , Hamden, Conn., Shoe String Press, 1964. 108 p.[1095]
  • TIKHOMIROV, M., How It Began: Printing in Russia, Quart. News Letter , Book Club of California, 30:10-3.[1096]
  • TODD, W. B., A Bibliographical Account of The Gentleman's Magazine, 1731-1754, SB , 18:81-109.[1097]
  • TURNER, R. K., Jr., The Printing of A King and No King , Q1, SB , 18:255-61.[1098]
  • WALLIS, P. J., An Early Best-Seller: Francis Walkingame's The Tutor's Assistant , Mathematical Gaz. , 47:199-208.[1099]
  • WALTER, MARIE, Concerning the Affair Wälsungenblut, Book Collector , 13:463-72.[1100]
  • WEAVER, WARREN, Alice in Many Tongues: the Translations of Alice in Wonderland, Madison, Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1964. viii, 147 p.[1101]
  • WEGNER, D. F., The Pattern of Publishing in London, 1566-1601, Thesis, Univ. of Chicago, 1962.[1102]
  • WILLIAMS, G. W., The Printer and the Date of Romeo and Juliet Q 4, SB , 18:253-4.[1103]
  • WILSON, WILLIAM, “Future” and “Fortune” in “A Night at an Inn” [by Lord Dunsany], PBSA , 58:477-8.[1104]
  • WOLFE, R. J., Postscript: On the Duplicating of Engravings, with Reference to Flaxman's Classical Designs, BNYPL , 68:381-3.(Supplements No. 999 here.)[1105]
  • WOODS, C .B., The Folio of Fielding's The Miser , HLQ , 28:59-61.[1106]
  • WOODWARD, D. H., Notes on the Canon of John Cleveland's Poetry, BNYPL , 68:517-24.[1107]
  • WYLLIE, J. C., The Bibliographer and the Collecting of Historical Materials, PBSA , 58:148-53.[1108]
  • YAMADA, AKIHIRO, Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's The Gentleman Usher (1606) Printed by Valentine Simmes, Shakespeare Studies , Shakespeare Soc. of Japan, 2(1963):82-113.[1109]
  • YAMADA, AKIHIRO, Press Variants and Emendations in Monsieur D'Olive (1606), Jour. , Faculty of Liberal Arts & Science, Shinshu Univ., No. 13, Dec. 1963, pp. 47-70.[1110]
  • YAMADA, AKIHIRO, The Printing of Sheet B in the W. A. Clark Library Copy of Monsieur D'Olive (1606), Jour. , Faculty of Liberal Arts & Science, Shinshu Univ., No. 13, Dec. 1963, pp. 43-7.[1111]
  • YOKLAVICH, JOHN, Not by Crashaw, but Cornwallis, MLR , 59:517-8.(Elegies to Henshaw, Carre, and Rouse included provisionally in L. C. Martin's edition of Crashaw's Poems.)[1112]